path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/rubik/rubikrotationPL.tex
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-%% rubikrotationPL.tex (v3.0)
-%% Sept 25, 2015
-%% document the perl program
-%% use pdf only to get the landscape version
-%% remember to manually adjust long lines in the writestate sub
-%% need to widen the page for the code
-%% use pdflatex only (to use landscape)
- \usepackage{pdflscape} %% landscape environment
- \usepackage[verbose]{microtype} %% pdftex nicer margin alignment
- \usepackage{cmap} %% make the pdf searchable
- %% use hyperref
- \usepackage[pdfencoding=auto]{hyperref}
- \hypersetup{%%% pdftex,
- bookmarksopen=true,
- bookmarksnumbered=true,
- bookmarkstype=toc,
- bookmarksopenlevel=2, %% (book=0, chap=1, article=2)
- %---------------------
- pdftitle={Documentation of},
- pdfauthor={RWD Nickalls and A Syropoulos},
- pdfsubject={Rubik, rubikrotation},
- pdfkeywords={TeX, Rubik, Rubikrotation},
- }
- \ifpdf\pdfbookmark[0]{Title}{Title}\else\fi%
- %% \strut\vspace{\baselineskip}%
- Documentation of \texttt{}\\ version~3.0}
-\author{Nickalls RWD (\textsf{})\\
- and\\ Syropoulos A (\textsf{})}
-\date{Last revised: 25 September 2015\\ \smallskip this file: \texttt{rubikrotationPL.tex}}
-This Perl program, is part of the \LaTeX\ \textsf{rubikrotation} package.
-The two packages Rubikcube and Rubikrotation form the `Rubik bundle'
-(available from \url{}).
-This program reads (as input) a formatted `data' file (typically the file \texttt{rubikstate.dat} when used with
-the rubikcube package). The data-file defines the
-current state of the cube (using the keywords up, down, left, right, front, back),
-and includes special keywords (checkstate, rotation, random) which trigger the relevant
- subroutines to process the input data accordingly. Finally, the program writes the final state to
-a text-file (typically the file \texttt{rubikstateNEW.dat} when used with the Rubikcube package),
- and writes any error messages to the file \texttt{rubikstateERRORS.dat}.
-Version 3 onwards uses the input and output filenames specified by the CALLing command-line,
-the usage being as follows:
-rubikrotation -i <input file> [-o <out file>]
-If no output filename is specified, then the default filename \texttt{rubikOUT.txt} is used.
-When used in conjunction with the Rubikcube package, then \texttt{rubikcube.sty} calls the program and sets
-the input filename as \texttt{rubikstate.dat} and the output filename as \texttt{rubikstateNEW.dat}.
-\section{The code}
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use Carp;
-use Fatal;
-use warnings;
-our $version = "3.0 (25 Sept 2015)";
-## VERSION 3.0
-## Copyright 25 September, 2015,
-## RWD Nickalls (}
-## A Syropoulos (
-## changes in v3.0:
-## 1) accepts command-line arguments for input (mandatory) and output (optional) filenames
-## default output filename is: rubikOUT.txt
-## 2) included the symbols [ and ] to denote a rotation-name label (ie as well as *)
-## 3) fixed some of the variable definitions (as highlighted by <use strict> pragma)
-## changes in v2.3:
-## 1) accepts a single commandline argument (datafilename)
-## 2) uses the standard modules Carp and Fatal (give extra line info on error)
-## changes in v2.2:
-## 1) changed licence --> LatexPP
-## 2) included random n errors in ERROR messages (lines 492--495)
-## 3) included version number in error message
-## This file is part of the LaTeX rubikrotation package, and
-## requires rubikcube.sty and rubikrotation.sty
-## is a Perl-5 program and free software:
-## This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
-## of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
-## archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
-## version 1 of the License, or any later version.
-## is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## This program is part of the rubikrotation package, and is complementary to
-## the LaTeX rubikcube package. It processes Rubik rotation sequences on-the-fly.
-## The program reads a datafile (rubikstate.dat) output by the rubikcube package
-## and writes the new state to the file rubikstateNEW.dat, which is then input
-## by the TeX file. Further documentation accompanies the rubikrotation package.
-## Note that all possible state changing rotations of a 3x3x3 cube are
-## either combinations of, or the inverse of, just 9 different rotations,
-## three associated with each XYZ axis.
-## This main module opens three files, and
-## sets up an array for collecting all errors (%error), and sets an error flag to "",
-## reads in the rubik state data file =rubikstate.dat (output by TeXfile),
-## and calls subs to write the TeX_OUT_FILE,
-## and finally closes all files.
-## Each line of the input file consists of a comma separated list of arguments.
-## The first argument in each line of the file rubikstate.dat is the rubikkeyword.
-## Program is documented in the rubikrotation.pdf (see section ``Overview'')
-our $source_file="";
-our $out_file="rubikOUT.txt"; #default
-our $argc=@ARGV;
-our $commandLineArgs = join(" ", @ARGV);
-our $showargs="\tcommandline args = $commandLineArgs\n";
-our $usage="\tUsage: rubikrotation [-h|--help|-v|--version] -i <input file> [-o <out file>]\n";
-our $rubikversion="\tVersion: this is rubikrotation version $version\n";
-## check for correct number of commandline arguments and allocate filenames
-if ($argc == 0||$argc > 4 ){ # croak if 0 or more than 4 arguments
- croak $rubikversion,$showargs,
- "\tWrong no of arguments\n",
- $usage;
- }
- else {
- while($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
- shift;
- if (/^-h$/ || /^--help$/ ) {
- die $rubikversion,$usage,
- "\twhere,\n" .
- "\t[-h|--help]\tgives this help listing\n" .
- "\t[-v|--version]\tgives version\n" .
- "\t[-i] \tcreates specified input file\n",
- "\t[-o] \tcreates specified output file\n",
- "\tFor documentation see: rubikrotation.pdf,\n",
- "\trubikrotationPL.pdf and rubikcube.pdf.\n\n";
- }
- elsif (/^-v$/ || /^--version$/ ) {die $rubikversion;}
- elsif (/^-i$/) {
- if (!@ARGV){
- croak $showargs,
- "\tNo input file specified!\n",
- $usage;
- }
- else {
- $source_file = $ARGV[0],
- shift;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-o$/) {
- if (!@ARGV) {
- croak $showargs,
- "\tNo output file specified!\n",
- $usage;
- }
- else {
- $out_file = $ARGV[0],
- shift;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-\w+/) {
- croak $showargs,
- "\t$_: Illegal command line switch!\n",
- $usage;
- }
- else {
- croak $showargs,
- "\tmissing filenames or ? missing -i or -o switch!\n",
- $usage;
- }
- } # end of while
-}; # end of else
-print "This is rubikrotation version $version\n";
- open(IN_FILE, "<$source_file") ||croak "\tCan't open source file: $source_file\n";
- open(TeX_OUT_FILE, ">$out_file")||croak "\tCan't open output file: $out_file\n";
- ## create error file (for append)
- open (ERROR_OUT_FILE, ">>rubikstateERRORS.dat")||croak "ERROR: can't open file rubikstateERRORS.dat\n";
- ## use dots for Perl messages (I have used dashes for LaTeX messages in the .sty)
- ## gprint sub prints its argument (message) to both the screen and to the TeX_OUT_FILE
- gprint ("...PERL process..................................");
- gprint ("...program = v$version");
-## setup global error parameters, so we can write all the errors to a file as an array
-my %error = (); # setup an array for error messages (was %)
-my $erroralert = ""; # error flag
-my $errornumber = 0; #set number of errors to zero
- gprint ("...reading the current rubik state (from File: $source_file)");
-my $dataline = "";
-my $rubikkeyword = "";
-my $rotationcommand = "";
-my @data;
- LINE: while (<IN_FILE>){
- next LINE if /^#/; #skip comments
- next LINE if /^%/; #skip comments
- next LINE if /^$/; #skip blank lines
- $dataline = $_; # grab the whole line as a string
- chomp $dataline; # remove the line-ending characters
- #$n++; # count the number of lines
- @data=split (/,/, $dataline); # create an array called data
- ## we have 10 fields (0--9)
- ## check for rubikkeyword= up,down,left,right,front,back,checkstate,rotation:
- gprint ("...$dataline");
- $rubikkeyword=$data[0];
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'up') {
- $Ult[0]=$data[1], $Umt[0]=$data[2],$Urt[0]=$data[3],
- $Ulm[0]=$data[4], $Umm[0]=$data[5],$Urm[0]=$data[6],
- $Ulb[0]=$data[7], $Umb[0]=$data[8],$Urb[0]=$data[9]
- }
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'down') {
- $Dlt[0]=$data[1], $Dmt[0]=$data[2],$Drt[0]=$data[3],
- $Dlm[0]=$data[4], $Dmm[0]=$data[5],$Drm[0]=$data[6],
- $Dlb[0]=$data[7], $Dmb[0]=$data[8],$Drb[0]=$data[9]
- }
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'left') {
- $Llt[0]=$data[1], $Lmt[0]=$data[2],$Lrt[0]=$data[3],
- $Llm[0]=$data[4], $Lmm[0]=$data[5],$Lrm[0]=$data[6],
- $Llb[0]=$data[7], $Lmb[0]=$data[8],$Lrb[0]=$data[9]
- }
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'right') {
- $Rlt[0]=$data[1], $Rmt[0]=$data[2],$Rrt[0]=$data[3],
- $Rlm[0]=$data[4], $Rmm[0]=$data[5],$Rrm[0]=$data[6],
- $Rlb[0]=$data[7], $Rmb[0]=$data[8],$Rrb[0]=$data[9]
- }
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'front') {
- $Flt[0]=$data[1], $Fmt[0]=$data[2],$Frt[0]=$data[3],
- $Flm[0]=$data[4], $Fmm[0]=$data[5],$Frm[0]=$data[6],
- $Flb[0]=$data[7], $Fmb[0]=$data[8],$Frb[0]=$data[9]
- }
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'back') {
- $Blt[0]=$data[1], $Bmt[0]=$data[2],$Brt[0]=$data[3],
- $Blm[0]=$data[4], $Bmm[0]=$data[5],$Brm[0]=$data[6],
- $Blb[0]=$data[7], $Bmb[0]=$data[8],$Brb[0]=$data[9]
- }
-## if the rubikkeyword is `checkstate' we just check the
-## state and write the output data to a file.
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'checkstate') {
- gprint ("...");
- $rotationcommand=$dataline; ## used in output message
- gprint ("...command=$rotationcommand");
- checkstate();
- };
-## if the rubikkeyword is `rotation' we first check to see if the second argument=random.
-## if so, then we check that the third argument is an integer, if so --> random sub
-## else --> exit line and get next line.
-## finally we write the output data to a file.
- if ($rubikkeyword eq 'rotation')
- {
- gprint ("...");
- $rotationcommand=$dataline; ## used in output message
- gprint ("...command=$rotationcommand");
- ##-----random-----------------
- ## if second argument = random,
- ## THEN we also need to check if third argument is an integer;
- ## if so -->random sub.
- ## if the 3rd argument is NOT an integer then reject line & get next input line
- if ($data[1] eq 'random')
- {
- if ($data[2] =~/\D/) {
- errormessage("[$data[2]] not an integer");
- ## we reject the whole line and look at next line in the file
- next
- }
- else{
- ## data[2] must be an integer (n), so we just do n random rotations
- random($data[2])
- };
- }
- else {
- # the line must be an ordinary rotation sequence line, so send the sequence
- # to the rotation sub, BUT, need to first remove the
- # rubikkeyword `rotation' from the begining of line (array)
- # as we need to send ONLY the sequence string to the rotation sub.
- ## remove keyword rotation
- shift (@data);
- ## process @data string by the rotation sub
- rotation(@data);
- }
- }
-## place additional keywords here
- }; ## end of while
- ## we have finished reading in all the lines from the source file,
- ## and doing all the rotations etc, so we now just write the new cube state
- ## to the output file = TeX_OUT_FILE (so LaTeX can read it)
- writestate();
- close; ##close all files
- exit;
-##==============end of main==========================
-sub errormessage{
-## writes the argument as a standard error message to out file
- my $errormess = $_[0];
- $erroralert = "YES"; ## set error alert flag (for use in out message)
- $error[$errornumber] = "** ERROR: $errormess";
- $errornumber++; ## increment number
-## prints argument (comments) to screen and also to TeX_OUT_FILE.
-## The typeout commands will find its way into the log file when read by latex
-## Important to include trailing % for messages written to the TeX_OUT_FILE
-## to stop extra <spaces> being seen by TeX.
-sub gprint{
- my $gmess=$_[0];
- print "$gmess\n";
- print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\typeout{$gmess}\%\n");
- };
-sub checkstate{
-### simple check to see if wrong no of colours being used etc
-### uses the cubie colours as used by rubikcube package= ROYGBWX
- gprint ("...checking state of cube");
- my @cubies=($Ult[0],$Umt[0],$Urt[0], $Ulm[0],$Umm[0],$Urm[0], $Ulb[0],$Umb[0],$Urb[0],
- $Dlt[0],$Dmt[0],$Drt[0], $Dlm[0],$Dmm[0],$Drm[0], $Dlb[0],$Dmb[0],$Drb[0],
- $Llt[0],$Lmt[0],$Lrt[0], $Llm[0],$Lmm[0],$Lrm[0], $Llb[0],$Lmb[0],$Lrb[0],
- $Rlt[0],$Rmt[0],$Rrt[0], $Rlm[0],$Rmm[0],$Rrm[0], $Rlb[0],$Rmb[0],$Rrb[0],
- $Flt[0],$Fmt[0],$Frt[0], $Flm[0],$Fmm[0],$Frm[0], $Flb[0],$Fmb[0],$Frb[0],
- $Blt[0],$Bmt[0],$Brt[0], $Blm[0],$Bmm[0],$Brm[0], $Blb[0],$Bmb[0],$Brb[0]);
-my $R=0,my $O=0,my $Y=0,my $G=0,my $B=0,my $W=0,my $X=0;
-my $cubiecolour = "";
-foreach $cubiecolour (@cubies)
- {
- if ($cubiecolour eq R) {$R = $R+1}
- elsif ($cubiecolour eq O) {$O = $O+1}
- elsif ($cubiecolour eq Y) {$Y = $Y+1}
- elsif ($cubiecolour eq G) {$G = $G+1}
- elsif ($cubiecolour eq B) {$B = $B+1}
- elsif ($cubiecolour eq W) {$W = $W+1}
- elsif ($cubiecolour eq X) {$X = $X+1}
- else {print " cubiecolour counting ERROR \n";}
- };
-my $cubiesum=0;
-$cubiesum = $R+$O+$Y+$G+$B+$W+$X;
-gprint ("...cubiesum = $cubiesum (Red=$R, Or=$O, Ye=$Y, Gr=$G, Bl=$B, Wh=$W, X=$X)");
-if ($cubiesum != 54) { errormessage("cubiesum not = 54")};
-if ($R >9){ errormessage("No of Red cubies > 9 (=$R)")};
-if ($O >9){ errormessage("No of Orange cubies > 9 (=$O)")};
-if ($Y >9){ errormessage("No of Yellow cubies > 9 (=$Y)")};
-if ($G >9){ errormessage("No of Green cubies > 9 (=$G)")};
-if ($B >9){ errormessage("No of Blue cubies > 9 (=$B)")};
-if ($W >9){ errormessage("No of White cubies > 9 (=$W)")};
-# no of arguments passed to the sub = $#_ (black book p 156)
-sub rotation {
-## here we process the array @data (from main) consisting of all
-## the rotation commands associated with
-## a single RubikRotation command.
- my $m; #multiple associated with the char, eg D2 etc
- my $n = ($#_ +1); ##total no of arguments passed
- my $originalchar="";
- my $j;
- my $numberofchars; ## length of a string
- my $nfrontchars;
- my $char = "";
- gprint ("...arguments passed to `rotation' sub = @_ (n= $n)");
- foreach $char (@_) {
- $char =~s/^\s+//, $char=~s/\s+$//; ## clean leading and trailing white space
- ## grab a copy of the original char for use if m Mod4=0
- $originalchar=$char;
- ## if argument has a leading * or [ or ] then it is a label (not a rotation)
- ## so jump to next one
- if (substr ($char,0,1) =~ /[ * \[ \] ]/ ){
- gprint ("...$char is a label OK");
- next;
- };
- ## Need to detect any trailing integer associated with a command (eg rotation multiple, eg:U3, L2 etc)
- ## NOTES: since we are using mod4, we are only interested in trailing digit
- ## if trailing character is a digit, then
- ## split char string into front chars (= $char) + trailing digit (= $m)
- $m = 1; # initialise m
- ## if terminal char is a digit (d) then let d --> m and let frontstring --> char
- ## (Black book p 130 & 136)
- ## if the frontstring contains any digits then it will be rejected in the filter below anyway.
- if ( substr ($char,-1) =~ /(\d)/)
- {
- $m = $1; ## grab the trailing digit (only traps a single digit)
- $numberofchars = 0; #initialise it
- $numberofchars = length $originalchar;
- $nfrontchars = $numberofchars-1;
- ## reassign the string except the terminal digit
- $char = substr($char,0,$nfrontchars);
- ## use MOD 4 since we are dealing with Rubik rotations
- $m = $m % 4;
- ## (if MOD 4 = 0 then nothing will happen as j starts at 1)
- ## but should generate an errormessage
- if ( $m == 0 ){
- gprint ("...rotation $originalchar equiv 0 (NOT IMPLEMENTED)");
- errormessage ("[$originalchar] in RubikRotation (4 MOD 4 = 0)");
- next;
- };
- };
- ## if single trailing digit present, then we implement the rotation command m times.
- ## if more than one trailing digit
- ## then the error is trapped at the end (as frontstring will not be recognised
- ## ie will not be in the following list, and hence will be trapped as an error, eg R3)
- ##
- if ($char eq "R") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation R OK"); &rrR}}
- elsif ($char eq "Rp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation Rp OK (= rrR3)"); &rrRp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Rw") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation Rw OK (= rrR + rrSr)"); &rrRw}}
- elsif ($char eq "Rwp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation Rwp OK (= rrRp + rrSrp)"); &rrRwp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Rs") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation Rs OK (= rrR + rrLp)"); &rrRs}}
- elsif ($char eq "Rsp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation Rsp OK (= rrRp + rrL)"); &rrRsp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Ra") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation Ra OK (= rrR + rrL)"); &rrRa}}
- elsif ($char eq "Rap") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) { gprint ("...rotation Rap OK (= rrRp + rrLp)"); &rrRap}}
- ####
- elsif ($char eq "L") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation L OK (= rrLp3)"); &rrL}}
- elsif ($char eq "Lp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Lp OK"); &rrLp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Lw") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Lw OK (= rrLp3 + rrSrp)"); &rrLw}}
- elsif ($char eq "Lwp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Lwp OK (= rrLp + rrSr)"); &rrLwp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Ls") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Ls OK (= rrL + rrRp)"); &rrLs}}
- elsif ($char eq "Lsp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Lsp OK (= rrLp + rrR)"); &rrLsp}}
- elsif ($char eq "La") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation La OK (= rrL + rrR)"); &rrLa}}
- elsif ($char eq "Lap") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Lap OK (= rrLp + rrRp)"); &rrLap}}
- ####
- elsif ($char eq "U") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation U OK"); &rrU}}
- elsif ($char eq "Up") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Up OK (= rrU3)"); &rrUp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Uw") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Uw OK (= rrU + rrSu)"); &rrUw}}
- elsif ($char eq "Uwp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Uwp OK (= rrUp + rrSup)"); &rrUwp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Us") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Us OK (= rrU + rrDp)"); &rrUs}}
- elsif ($char eq "Usp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Usp OK (= rrUp + rrD)"); &rrUsp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Ua") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Ua OK (= rrU + rrD)"); &rrUa}}
- elsif ($char eq "Uap") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Uap OK (= rrUp + rrDp)"); &rrUap}}
- ####
- elsif ($char eq "D") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation D OK (= rrDp3)"); &rrD}}
- elsif ($char eq "Dp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Dp OK "); &rrDp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Dw") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Dw OK (= rrDp3 + rrSup)"); &rrDw}}
- elsif ($char eq "Dwp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Dwp OK (= rrDp + rrSu)"); &rrDwp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Ds") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Ds OK (= rrD + rrUp)"); &rrDs}}
- elsif ($char eq "Dsp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Dsp OK (= rrDp + rrU)"); &rrDsp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Da") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Da OK (= rrD + rrU)"); &rrDa}}
- elsif ($char eq "Dap") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Dap OK (= rrDp + rrUp)"); &rrDap}}
- ####
- elsif ($char eq "F") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation F OK"); &rrF}}
- elsif ($char eq "Fp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Fp OK (= rrF3)"); &rrFp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Fw") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Fw OK (= rrF + rrSf)"); &rrFw}}
- elsif ($char eq "Fwp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Fwp OK (= rrFp + rrSfp)"); &rrFwp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Fs") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Fs OK (= rrF + rrBp)"); &rrFs}}
- elsif ($char eq "Fsp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Fsp OK (= rrFp + rrB)"); &rrFsp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Fa") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Fa OK (= rrF + rrB)"); &rrFa}}
- elsif ($char eq "Fap") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Fap OK (= rrFp + rrBp)"); &rrFap}}
- ####
- elsif ($char eq "B") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation B OK (= rrFp3)"); &rrB}}
- elsif ($char eq "Bp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Bp OK"); &rrBp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Bw") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Bw OK (= rrFp3 + rrSfp)"); &rrBw}}
- elsif ($char eq "Bwp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Bwp OK (= rrFp + rrSf)"); &rrBwp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Bs") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Bs OK (= rrB + rrFp)"); &rrBs}}
- elsif ($char eq "Bsp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Bsp OK (= rrBp + rrF)"); &rrBsp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Ba") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Ba OK (= rrB + rrF)"); &rrBa}}
- elsif ($char eq "Bap") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Bap OK (= rrBp + rrFp)"); &rrBap}}
- ####
- elsif ($char eq "Su") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Su OK "); &rrSu}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sup") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sup OK (= rrSu3)"); &rrSup}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sd") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sd OK (= rrSup)"); &rrSd}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sdp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sdp OK (= rrSu)"); &rrSdp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sl") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sl OK (= rrSrp)"); &rrSl}}
- elsif ($char eq "Slp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Slp OK (= rrSr)"); &rrSlp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sr") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sr OK"); &rrSr}}
- elsif ($char eq "Srp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Srp OK (= rrSr3)"); &rrSrp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sf") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sf OK"); &rrSf}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sfp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sfp OK (= rrSf3)"); &rrSfp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sb") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sb OK (= rrSfp)"); &rrSb}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sbp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sbp OK (= rrSf)"); &rrSbp}}
- ## XYZ stuff
- ## need to include lowercase x,y,x, and also u,d,l,r,f,b equivalents
- elsif ($char eq "X" or $char eq "x" or $char eq "r")
- {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation $char OK (= rrR + rrSr + rrLp)"); &rrR;&rrSr;&rrLp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Xp" or $char eq "xp" or $char eq "l")
- {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation $char OK (= rrRp + rrSrp + rrL)");&rrRp;&rrSrp;&rrL}}
- elsif ($char eq "Y" or $char eq "y" or $char eq "u")
- {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation $char OK (= rrU + rrSu + rrDp)"); &rrU;&rrSu;&rrDp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Yp" or $char eq "yp" or $char eq "d")
- {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation $char OK (= rrUp + rrSup + rrD)");&rrUp;&rrSup;&rrD}}
- elsif ($char eq "Z" or $char eq "z" or $char eq "f")
- {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation $char OK (= rrF + rrSf + rrBp)"); &rrF;&rrSf;&rrBp}}
- elsif ($char eq "Zp" or $char eq "zp" or $char eq "b")
- {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation $char OK (= rrFp + rrSfp + rrB)");&rrFp;&rrSfp;&rrB}}
- ## extras
- elsif ($char eq "M") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation M OK (= Sl) "); &rrSl}}
- elsif ($char eq "Mp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Mp OK (= Sr) "); &rrSr}}
- elsif ($char eq "E") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation E OK (= Sd) "); &rrSd}}
- elsif ($char eq "Ep") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Ep OK (= Su) "); &rrSu}}
- elsif ($char eq "S") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation S OK (= Sf) "); &rrSf}}
- elsif ($char eq "Sp") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++) {gprint ("...rotation Sp OK (= Sb) "); &rrSb}}
- ####
- ## check for missing rotation
- elsif ($char eq "") {for($j=1;$j<=$m;$j++)
- {gprint ("...rotation ,$char, ERROR ? typo or missing rotation"),
- errormessage("[,$char,] in RubikRotation: ? typo or missing rotation")}}
- ####
- ## rotation must be undefined
- else {
- gprint ("...rotation $originalchar NOT KNOWN");
- errormessage("[$originalchar] in RubikRotation\{\}");
- };
- }; # end of foreach
- }; # end of sub
-## aNOTE we have defined (as rotation SUBs at the end) just 9 primary rotation transforms,
-## rrR, rrSr, rrLp
-## rrU, rrSu, rrDp
-## rrF, rrSf, rrBp
-## and since all the remaining ones are simply combinations of these 9
-## we now define all the other rotation subs in terms of these 9 primary moves.
-## do NOT use multiples here: write each rotation separately
-## -------------
-## derivative subs from R and Sr and Lp
-sub rrRp{&rrR;&rrR;&rrR}; # (=rrR3)
-sub rrRw{&rrR; &rrSr}; # (= rrR + rrSr)
-sub rrRwp{&rrR;&rrR;&rrR; &rrSr;&rrSr;&rrSr}; # (= rrRp + rrSrp)
-sub rrRs{&rrR;&rrLp};
-sub rrRsp{&rrRp;&rrL};
-sub rrRa{&rrR;&rrL};
-sub rrRap{&rrRp;&rrLp};
-sub rrL{&rrLp;&rrLp;&rrLp}; # (= rrLp3)
-sub rrLw{&rrLp;&rrLp;&rrLp;&rrSrp}; # (=rrLp3 + rrSrp)
-sub rrLwp{&rrLp;&rrSr};
-sub rrLs{&rrL;&rrRp};
-sub rrLsp{&rrLp;&rrR};
-sub rrLa{&rrL;&rrR};
-sub rrLap{&rrLp;&rrRp};
-## derivative subs from U
-sub rrUp{&rrU;&rrU;&rrU}; # (=rrU3)
-sub rrUw{&rrU;&rrSu}; #
-sub rrUwp{&rrUp;&rrSup};
-sub rrUs{&rrU;&rrDp};
-sub rrUsp{&rrUp;&rrD};
-sub rrUa{&rrU;&rrD};
-sub rrUap{&rrUp;&rrDp};
-sub rrD{&rrDp;&rrDp;&rrDp}; # (= rrDp3)
-sub rrDw{&rrDp;&rrDp;&rrDp;&rrSup}; # (=rrDp3 + rrSup)
-sub rrDwp{&rrDp;&rrSu};
-sub rrDs{&rrD;&rrUp};
-sub rrDsp{&rrDp;&rrU};
-sub rrDa{&rrD;&rrU};
-sub rrDap{&rrDp;&rrUp};
-## derivative subs from F
-sub rrFw{&rrF; &rrSf}; # (= rrF + rrSf)
-sub rrFp{ &rrF;&rrF;&rrF}; # (=rrF3)
-sub rrFwp{&rrF;&rrF;&rrF; &rrSf;&rrSf;&rrSf}; # (= rrF3 + rrSf3)
-sub rrFs{&rrF;&rrBp};
-sub rrFsp{&rrFp;&rrB};
-sub rrFa{&rrF;&rrB};
-sub rrFap{&rrFp;&rrBp};
-sub rrB{&rrBp;&rrBp;&rrBp}; # (= rrBp3)
-sub rrBw{&rrBp;&rrBp;&rrBp; &rrSfp}; # (=rrBp3 + rrSfp)
-sub rrBwp{&rrBp;&rrSf};
-sub rrBs{&rrB;&rrFp};
-sub rrBsp{&rrBp;&rrF};
-sub rrBa{&rrB;&rrF};
-sub rrBap{&rrBp;&rrFp};
-## bring all the S versions together
-sub rrSup{&rrSu;&rrSu;&rrSu}; # (=rrSu3)
-sub rrSd{&rrSup}; # (=rrSup)
-sub rrSdp{&rrSu}; # (=rrSu)
-sub rrSl{&rrSrp}; # (=rrSrp)
-sub rrSlp{&rrSr}; # (=rrSr)
-sub rrSrp{&rrSr;&rrSr;&rrSr}; # (=rrSr3)
-sub rrSfp{&rrSf;&rrSf;&rrSf}; # (=rrSf3)
-sub rrSb{&rrSfp}; # (=rrSfp)
-sub rrSbp{&rrSf}; # (=rrSf)
-# no of arguments passed to the sub = $#_ (black book p 156)
-# parameters passed = $_[0]
-sub random{
-## scramble randomly using n rotations
-## example command = RubikRotation{random,74}
-## if no n given (second argument = ""), then use default n=50
-## if second argument is some string (not integer) then --> ERROR
-## asign numbers to the minimal set of rotations to be used using a hash array list
-## (perl 5 book page 68)
-## ? maybe we should only use the 18 rotations mentioned in Rokicki 2013 paper?
-## but here I have included all the S ones too.
-my @rrlist= ("U", "Up", "Su", "Sup",
- "D", "Dp", "Sd", "Sdp",
- "L", "Lp", "Sl", "Slp",
- "R", "Rp", "Sr", "Srp",
- "F", "Fp", "Sf", "Sfp",
- "B", "Bp", "Sb", "Sbp");
-my $rrlistnumber=$#rrlist;
-print " rrlistnumber = $rrlistnumber\n";
-# these are numbered 0--$rrlistnumber,
-## let default no of random rotations for scrambling = 50
-my $defaultn = 50;
-my $maxn = 200;
-## grab the integer passed from the random() command in main
-my $s = $_[0];
-if ($s >= $maxn) {$s = $maxn;
- gprint ("...WARNING: maximum n = 200");
- errormessage ("random: max n =200 (n=200 was used)")}
- elsif ($s == 0) {$s = $defaultn;
- gprint ("...WARNING: integer = 0 or not given: using default value 50");
- errormessage ("random: n invalid (n=50 was used)")};
-my @rr; ## array to hold all the random rotations
-print " randomising the available rotations\n";
-## set the seed for the randomisation (BlackBook p 235)
-## now select s numbers at random (with replacement) from range 0--listnumber+1
-## Since we are using int(rand x), and using nos from 0--lastindex number,
-## then max rand vaue = (lastindexnumber -1).99999, the integer of which
-## = (lastindexnumber -1). Therefore we need to use the range 0--(lastindexnumber+1)
-## in order to randomise all posibilities on our list.
-my $j;
-for ($j = 1; $j <=$s; $j=$j+1)
- {
- my $p= int(rand ($rrlistnumber +1));
- print "Rotation = $p, $rrlist[$p] \n";
- ## push rotation code $rrlist[$p] on to END of array @rr
- push (@rr, $rrlist[$p]);
- };
- ## we assume the user is starting from a solved cube (ie use the state given by user)
- gprint ("...scrambling Rubik cube using $s random rotations");
- ## now send the array off to the rotation sub
- rotation(@rr);
-sub writestate{
-## this just writes the final state to the TeX_OUT_FILE (= rubikstateNEW.dat) will be read by latex.
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\%\% output datafile=$out_file\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\%\% PERL prog=rubikrotation version $version\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\typeout{...writing new Rubik state to file $out_file}\%\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\RubikFaceUp\{$Ult[0]\}\{$Umt[0]\}\{$Urt[0]\}\{$Ulm[0]\}\{$Umm[0]\}\{$Urm[0]\}\{$Ulb[0]\}
- \{$Umb[0]\}\{$Urb[0]\}\%\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\RubikFaceDown\{$Dlt[0]\}\{$Dmt[0]\}\{$Drt[0]\}\{$Dlm[0]\}\{$Dmm[0]\}\{$Drm[0]\}\{$Dlb[0]\}
- \{$Dmb[0]\}\{$Drb[0]\}\%\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\RubikFaceLeft\{$Llt[0]\}\{$Lmt[0]\}\{$Lrt[0]\}\{$Llm[0]\}\{$Lmm[0]\}\{$Lrm[0]\}\{$Llb[0]\}
- \{$Lmb[0]\}\{$Lrb[0]\}\%\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\RubikFaceRight\{$Rlt[0]\}\{$Rmt[0]\}\{$Rrt[0]\}\{$Rlm[0]\}\{$Rmm[0]\}\{$Rrm[0]\}\{$Rlb[0]\}
- \{$Rmb[0]\}\{$Rrb[0]\}\%\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\RubikFaceFront\{$Flt[0]\}\{$Fmt[0]\}\{$Frt[0]\}\{$Flm[0]\}\{$Fmm[0]\}\{$Frm[0]\}\{$Flb[0]\}
- \{$Fmb[0]\}\{$Frb[0]\}\%\n");
-print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\RubikFaceBack\{$Blt[0]\}\{$Bmt[0]\}\{$Brt[0]\}\{$Blm[0]\}\{$Bmm[0]\}\{$Brm[0]\}\{$Blb[0]\}
- \{$Bmb[0]\}\{$Brb[0]\}\%\n");
-## now include any error messages generated
-## (these are all in an array waiting to be printed out)
-if ($erroralert eq "YES")
- {
- ## write errors to a separate file (just for errors---we append the errrors to end of file)
- ## the error file (rubikstateERRORS.dat) was created by the TeX file
- my $ne; #number of errors
- $ne=$#error; ## number of errors= largest index num since we started at zero
- ### do not attach error to a <checkstate> command
- if ($rotationcommand eq "checkstate") {}
- else {
- print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\typeout{** ERROR: command=$rotationcommand}\%\n");
- print (ERROR_OUT_FILE "** ERROR: $rotationcommand\n");
- };
- ## last index number or array = $#arrayname (Black book p 62)
- my $k;
- for ($k=0; $k<=$ne; $k=$k+1) {
- print (TeX_OUT_FILE "\\typeout{$error[$k]}\%\n");
- print (ERROR_OUT_FILE "$error[$k]\n");
- };
- };
-print " Perl output file written OK\n";
-## The following 9 (90 degree) rotation transformations are used
-## to generate all the rotations used in the `rotation sub'
-## each of these is a permutation for both colours and numbers
-## of the cubie facelets.
-## The following 9 subroutines are named as follows:
-## (about X-axis) rrR, rrSr, rrLp
-## (about Y-axis) rrU, rrSu, rrDp
-## (about Z-axis) rrF, rrSf, rrBp
-## see the rubikcube package documentation for full details regarding
-## rotation notation and commands.
-## each sub (below) starts by making an array[0] for the cubie colour
-## and an array[1] for the cubie number.
-## Each of the face rotations (rrR, rrLp, rrU, rrDp, rrF, rrBp) is involved with
-## two pairs of connected but different permutations/transformations as follows:
-## (a) one pair for the 12 Side cubies (arrays = @Xs0 (for Side colours), @Xs1 (for Side numbers)), and
-## (b) one pair for the 9 Face cubies (arrays = @Xf0 (for Face colours), @Xf1 (for Face numbers)).
-## Each of the center slice rotations (rrSr, rrSu, rrSf) is involved with just one pair of
-## permutations for the 12 Side cubies (arrays = @Xs0 (for Side colours), @Xs1 (for Side numbers)).
-## We document only the side and face of the first sub (rrR) in detail, since the other subs are of similar form.
- sub rrR{
-## the R (slice + face) transform
-## R = RIGHT, s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
-## make the clockwise rotation permutation
-## In this permutation the Front-right-bottom (Frb) (side)facelet rotates to
-## the new position of Up-right-bottom (Urb) (side)facelet.
-## 12 side cubie facelets in arrays @Rs0 (colours) and @Rs1 (numbers)
-## these are the initial positions
- $Urb[0],$Urm[0],$Urt[0],
- $Blt[0],$Blm[0],$Blb[0],
- $Drb[0],$Drm[0],$Drt[0]);
- $Urb[1],$Urm[1],$Urt[1],
- $Blt[1],$Blm[1],$Blb[1],
- $Drb[1],$Drm[1],$Drt[1]);
-## now we reallocate the initial array elements to the new
-## post (90 degree clockwise) rotation position.
-## Cube is viewed from FRONT.
-## Positions of side facelets of Right slice are numbered 0-11 in clockwise direction,
-## (as seen from Right face) starting with Up-right-bottom facelet.
-## First line example:
-## variable $Urb[0] (Upface-right-bottom colour) <-- colour of first element in @Rs0 (=Frb[0])
-## variable $Urb[1] (Upface-right-bottom number) <-- number of first element in @Rs1 (=Frb[1])
-$Urb[0]=$Rs0[0]; $Urb[1]=$Rs1[0];
-$Urm[0]=$Rs0[1]; $Urm[1]=$Rs1[1];
-$Urt[0]=$Rs0[2]; $Urt[1]=$Rs1[2];
-$Blt[0]=$Rs0[3]; $Blt[1]=$Rs1[3];
-$Blm[0]=$Rs0[4]; $Blm[1]=$Rs1[4];
-$Blb[0]=$Rs0[5]; $Blb[1]=$Rs1[5];
-$Drb[0]=$Rs0[6]; $Drb[1]=$Rs1[6];
-$Drm[0]=$Rs0[7]; $Drm[1]=$Rs1[7];
-$Drt[0]=$Rs0[8]; $Drt[1]=$Rs1[8];
-$Frb[0]=$Rs0[9]; $Frb[1]=$Rs1[9];
-$Frm[0]=$Rs0[10]; $Frm[1]=$Rs1[10];
-$Frt[0]=$Rs0[11]; $Frt[1]=$Rs1[11];
-##-------------Right FACE---------------------
-## R FACE (9 cubies in each array)
-## (numbered in rows: 1,2,3/4,5,6/7,8,9 from top left(1) to bottom right(9))
-## R=Right, f = face; 0=colour, 1= number
-## do the Rface (90 degree) rotation transform
-## here the Right-left-bottom (Rlb) facelet rotates to the possn of Right-left-top (Rlt)
-## we start with two arrays (one for colours @Rf0, one for numbers @Rf1) with 9 elements each.
-@Rf0=($Rlb[0], $Rlm[0], $Rlt[0], $Rmb[0], $Rmm[0], $Rmt[0], $Rrb[0], $Rrm[0], $Rrt[0]);
-@Rf1=($Rlb[1], $Rlm[1], $Rlt[1], $Rmb[1], $Rmm[1], $Rmt[1], $Rrb[1], $Rrm[1], $Rrt[1]);
-## now we reallocate the array elements to the new
-## post (90 degree clockwise) rotation facelet position.
-## Right face is viewed from RIGHT.
-## First line example:
-## variable $Rlt[0] (=Right-left-top colour) <-- colour of first element in @Rf0 (=Rlb[0])
-## variable $Rlt[1] (=Right-left-top number) <-- number of first element in @Rf1 (=Rlb[1])
-$Rlt[0]=$Rf0[0]; $Rlt[1]=$Rf1[0];
-$Rmt[0]=$Rf0[1]; $Rmt[1]=$Rf1[1];
-$Rrt[0]=$Rf0[2]; $Rrt[1]=$Rf1[2];
-$Rlm[0]=$Rf0[3]; $Rlm[1]=$Rf1[3];
-$Rmm[0]=$Rf0[4]; $Rmm[1]=$Rf1[4];
-$Rrm[0]=$Rf0[5]; $Rrm[1]=$Rf1[5];
-$Rlb[0]=$Rf0[6]; $Rlb[1]=$Rf1[6];
-$Rmb[0]=$Rf0[7]; $Rmb[1]=$Rf1[7];
-$Rrb[0]=$Rf0[8]; $Rrb[1]=$Rf1[8];
-sub rrSr {
-## Sr = Right middle SLICE rotation (only 12 side facelets)
-## modified from rrR (change the U,D,F, r --> m and Back Bl-->Bm; Rs--> ?Srs)
-## change only the slice
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
-## make the post rotation permutation
- $Umb[0],$Umm[0],$Umt[0],
- $Bmt[0],$Bmm[0],$Bmb[0],
- $Dmb[0],$Dmm[0],$Dmt[0]);
- $Umb[1],$Umm[1],$Umt[1],
- $Bmt[1],$Bmm[1],$Bmb[1],
- $Dmb[1],$Dmm[1],$Dmt[1]);
-$Umb[0]=$SRs0[0]; $Umb[1]=$SRs1[0];
-$Umm[0]=$SRs0[1]; $Umm[1]=$SRs1[1];
-$Umt[0]=$SRs0[2]; $Umt[1]=$SRs1[2];
-$Bmt[0]=$SRs0[3]; $Bmt[1]=$SRs1[3];
-$Bmm[0]=$SRs0[4]; $Bmm[1]=$SRs1[4];
-$Bmb[0]=$SRs0[5]; $Bmb[1]=$SRs1[5];
-$Dmb[0]=$SRs0[6]; $Dmb[1]=$SRs1[6];
-$Dmm[0]=$SRs0[7]; $Dmm[1]=$SRs1[7];
-$Dmt[0]=$SRs0[8]; $Dmt[1]=$SRs1[8];
-$Fmb[0]=$SRs0[9]; $Fmb[1]=$SRs1[9];
-$Fmm[0]=$SRs0[10]; $Fmm[1]=$SRs1[10];
-$Fmt[0]=$SRs0[11]; $Fmt[1]=$SRs1[11];
-sub rrLp{
-## Left slice (side + face) anticlockwise rotation
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
- $Ulb[0],$Ulm[0],$Ult[0],
- $Brt[0],$Brm[0],$Brb[0],
- $Dlb[0],$Dlm[0],$Dlt[0]);
- $Ulb[1],$Ulm[1],$Ult[1],
- $Brt[1],$Brm[1],$Brb[1],
- $Dlb[1],$Dlm[1],$Dlt[1]);
-$Ulb[0]=$LPs0[0]; $Ulb[1]=$LPs1[0];
-$Ulm[0]=$LPs0[1]; $Ulm[1]=$LPs1[1];
-$Ult[0]=$LPs0[2]; $Ult[1]=$LPs1[2];
-$Brt[0]=$LPs0[3]; $Brt[1]=$LPs1[3];
-$Brm[0]=$LPs0[4]; $Brm[1]=$LPs1[4];
-$Brb[0]=$LPs0[5]; $Brb[1]=$LPs1[5];
-$Dlb[0]=$LPs0[6]; $Dlb[1]=$LPs1[6];
-$Dlm[0]=$LPs0[7]; $Dlm[1]=$LPs1[7];
-$Dlt[0]=$LPs0[8]; $Dlt[1]=$LPs1[8];
-$Flb[0]=$LPs0[9]; $Flb[1]=$LPs1[9];
-$Flm[0]=$LPs0[10]; $Flm[1]=$LPs1[10];
-$Flt[0]=$LPs0[11]; $Flt[1]=$LPs1[11];
-##---------------Left FACE-------------
-## do the Lface transform (in rows: 1,2,3//4,5,6//7,8,9)
-## f = face; 0=colour, 1= number
-## NOTES: not same as for R
-@LPf0=($Lrt[0], $Lrm[0], $Lrb[0], $Lmt[0], $Lmm[0], $Lmb[0], $Llt[0], $Llm[0], $Llb[0]);
-@LPf1=($Lrt[1], $Lrm[1], $Lrb[1], $Lmt[1], $Lmm[1], $Lmb[1], $Llt[1], $Llm[1], $Llb[1]);
-$Llt[0]=$LPf0[0]; $Llt[1]=$LPf1[0];
-$Lmt[0]=$LPf0[1]; $Lmt[1]=$LPf1[1];
-$Lrt[0]=$LPf0[2]; $Lrt[1]=$LPf1[2];
-$Llm[0]=$LPf0[3]; $Llm[1]=$LPf1[3];
-$Lmm[0]=$LPf0[4]; $Lmm[1]=$LPf1[4];
-$Lrm[0]=$LPf0[5]; $Lrm[1]=$LPf1[5];
-$Llb[0]=$LPf0[6]; $Llb[1]=$LPf1[6];
-$Lmb[0]=$LPf0[7]; $Lmb[1]=$LPf1[7];
-$Lrb[0]=$LPf0[8]; $Lrb[1]=$LPf1[8];
-sub rrU{
-## Up slice (side + face)
-## do the Uside transform
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
-## ----------SIDE--------------
- $Brt[0],$Bmt[0],$Blt[0],
- $Rrt[0],$Rmt[0],$Rlt[0],
- $Frt[0],$Fmt[0],$Flt[0]);
- $Brt[1],$Bmt[1],$Blt[1],
- $Rrt[1],$Rmt[1],$Rlt[1],
- $Frt[1],$Fmt[1],$Flt[1]);
-$Brt[0]=$Us0[0]; $Brt[1]=$Us1[0];
-$Bmt[0]=$Us0[1]; $Bmt[1]=$Us1[1];
-$Blt[0]=$Us0[2]; $Blt[1]=$Us1[2];
-$Rrt[0]=$Us0[3]; $Rrt[1]=$Us1[3];
-$Rmt[0]=$Us0[4]; $Rmt[1]=$Us1[4];
-$Rlt[0]=$Us0[5]; $Rlt[1]=$Us1[5];
-$Frt[0]=$Us0[6]; $Frt[1]=$Us1[6];
-$Fmt[0]=$Us0[7]; $Fmt[1]=$Us1[7];
-$Flt[0]=$Us0[8]; $Flt[1]=$Us1[8];
-$Lrt[0]=$Us0[9]; $Lrt[1]=$Us1[9];
-$Lmt[0]=$Us0[10]; $Lmt[1]=$Us1[10];
-$Llt[0]=$Us0[11]; $Llt[1]=$Us1[11];
-##-------------Up FACE-------------------
-## do the Rface transform (in rows: 1,2,3//4,5,6//7,8,9)
-## f = face; 0=colour, 1= number
-@Uf0=($Ulb[0], $Ulm[0], $Ult[0], $Umb[0], $Umm[0], $Umt[0], $Urb[0], $Urm[0], $Urt[0]);
-@Uf1=($Ulb[1], $Ulm[1], $Ult[1], $Umb[1], $Umm[1], $Umt[1], $Urb[1], $Urm[1], $Urt[1]);
-$Ult[0]=$Uf0[0]; $Ult[1]=$Uf1[0];
-$Umt[0]=$Uf0[1]; $Umt[1]=$Uf1[1];
-$Urt[0]=$Uf0[2]; $Urt[1]=$Uf1[2];
-$Ulm[0]=$Uf0[3]; $Ulm[1]=$Uf1[3];
-$Umm[0]=$Uf0[4]; $Umm[1]=$Uf1[4];
-$Urm[0]=$Uf0[5]; $Urm[1]=$Uf1[5];
-$Ulb[0]=$Uf0[6]; $Ulb[1]=$Uf1[6];
-$Umb[0]=$Uf0[7]; $Umb[1]=$Uf1[7];
-$Urb[0]=$Uf0[8]; $Urb[1]=$Uf1[8];
-sub rrSu{
-## middle slice rotation (side only 12 facelets)
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
-## make the post rotation permutation
- $Brm[0],$Bmm[0],$Blm[0],
- $Rrm[0],$Rmm[0],$Rlm[0],
- $Frm[0],$Fmm[0],$Flm[0]);
- $Brm[1],$Bmm[1],$Blm[1],
- $Rrm[1],$Rmm[1],$Rlm[1],
- $Frm[1],$Fmm[1],$Flm[1]);
-$Brm[0]=$SUs0[0]; $Brm[1]=$SUs1[0];
-$Bmm[0]=$SUs0[1]; $Bmm[1]=$SUs1[1];
-$Blm[0]=$SUs0[2]; $Blm[1]=$SUs1[2];
-$Rrm[0]=$SUs0[3]; $Rrm[1]=$SUs1[3];
-$Rmm[0]=$SUs0[4]; $Rmm[1]=$SUs1[4];
-$Rlm[0]=$SUs0[5]; $Rlm[1]=$SUs1[5];
-$Frm[0]=$SUs0[6]; $Frm[1]=$SUs1[6];
-$Fmm[0]=$SUs0[7]; $Fmm[1]=$SUs1[7];
-$Flm[0]=$SUs0[8]; $Flm[1]=$SUs1[8];
-$Lrm[0]=$SUs0[9]; $Lrm[1]=$SUs1[9];
-$Lmm[0]=$SUs0[10]; $Lmm[1]=$SUs1[10];
-$Llm[0]=$SUs0[11]; $Llm[1]=$SUs1[11];
-sub rrDp{
-## Dpwn Face anticlockwise rotation (side and face)
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
-## make the post rotation permutation
- $Brb[0],$Bmb[0],$Blb[0],
- $Rrb[0],$Rmb[0],$Rlb[0],
- $Frb[0],$Fmb[0],$Flb[0]);
- $Brb[1],$Bmb[1],$Blb[1],
- $Rrb[1],$Rmb[1],$Rlb[1],
- $Frb[1],$Fmb[1],$Flb[1]);
-$Brb[0]=$DPs0[0]; $Brb[1]=$DPs1[0];
-$Bmb[0]=$DPs0[1]; $Bmb[1]=$DPs1[1];
-$Blb[0]=$DPs0[2]; $Blb[1]=$DPs1[2];
-$Rrb[0]=$DPs0[3]; $Rrb[1]=$DPs1[3];
-$Rmb[0]=$DPs0[4]; $Rmb[1]=$DPs1[4];
-$Rlb[0]=$DPs0[5]; $Rlb[1]=$DPs1[5];
-$Frb[0]=$DPs0[6]; $Frb[1]=$DPs1[6];
-$Fmb[0]=$DPs0[7]; $Fmb[1]=$DPs1[7];
-$Flb[0]=$DPs0[8]; $Flb[1]=$DPs1[8];
-$Lrb[0]=$DPs0[9]; $Lrb[1]=$DPs1[9];
-$Lmb[0]=$DPs0[10]; $Lmb[1]=$DPs1[10];
-$Llb[0]=$DPs0[11]; $Llb[1]=$DPs1[11];
-##---------------Down FACE-------------------
-## f = face; 0=colour, 1= number
-@DPf0=($Dlt[0], $Dlm[0], $Dlb[0], $Dmt[0], $Dmm[0], $Dmb[0], $Drt[0], $Drm[0], $Drb[0]);
-@DPf1=($Dlt[1], $Dlm[1], $Dlb[1], $Dmt[1], $Dmm[1], $Dmb[1], $Drt[1], $Drm[1], $Drb[1]);
-$Dlb[0]=$DPf0[0]; $Dlb[1]=$DPf1[0];
-$Dmb[0]=$DPf0[1]; $Dmb[1]=$DPf1[1];
-$Drb[0]=$DPf0[2]; $Drb[1]=$DPf1[2];
-$Dlm[0]=$DPf0[3]; $Dlm[1]=$DPf1[3];
-$Dmm[0]=$DPf0[4]; $Dmm[1]=$DPf1[4];
-$Drm[0]=$DPf0[5]; $Drm[1]=$DPf1[5];
-$Dlt[0]=$DPf0[6]; $Dlt[1]=$DPf1[6];
-$Dmt[0]=$DPf0[7]; $Dmt[1]=$DPf1[7];
-$Drt[0]=$DPf0[8]; $Drt[1]=$DPf1[8];
-sub rrF{
-## do the Fside transform (side and face)
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
-## -----------SIDE-----------------
- $Ulb[0],$Umb[0],$Urb[0],
- $Rlt[0],$Rlm[0],$Rlb[0],
- $Drt[0],$Dmt[0],$Dlt[0]);
- $Ulb[1],$Umb[1],$Urb[1],
- $Rlt[1],$Rlm[1],$Rlb[1],
- $Drt[1],$Dmt[1],$Dlt[1]);
-$Ulb[0]=$Fs0[0]; $Ulb[1]=$Fs1[0];
-$Umb[0]=$Fs0[1]; $Umb[1]=$Fs1[1];
-$Urb[0]=$Fs0[2]; $Urb[1]=$Fs1[2];
-$Rlt[0]=$Fs0[3]; $Rlt[1]=$Fs1[3];
-$Rlm[0]=$Fs0[4]; $Rlm[1]=$Fs1[4];
-$Rlb[0]=$Fs0[5]; $Rlb[1]=$Fs1[5];
-$Drt[0]=$Fs0[6]; $Drt[1]=$Fs1[6];
-$Dmt[0]=$Fs0[7]; $Dmt[1]=$Fs1[7];
-$Dlt[0]=$Fs0[8]; $Dlt[1]=$Fs1[8];
-$Lrb[0]=$Fs0[9]; $Lrb[1]=$Fs1[9];
-$Lrm[0]=$Fs0[10]; $Lrm[1]=$Fs1[10];
-$Lrt[0]=$Fs0[11]; $Lrt[1]=$Fs1[11];
-## -------Front FACE-------------------
-## f = face; 0=colour, 1= number
-@Lf0=($Flb[0], $Flm[0], $Flt[0], $Fmb[0], $Fmm[0], $Fmt[0], $Frb[0], $Frm[0], $Frt[0]);
-@Lf1=($Flb[1], $Flm[1], $Flt[1], $Fmb[1], $Fmm[1], $Fmt[1], $Frb[1], $Frm[1], $Frt[1]);
-$Flt[0]=$Lf0[0]; $Flt[1]=$Lf1[0];
-$Fmt[0]=$Lf0[1]; $Fmt[1]=$Lf1[1];
-$Frt[0]=$Lf0[2]; $Frt[1]=$Lf1[2];
-$Flm[0]=$Lf0[3]; $Flm[1]=$Lf1[3];
-$Fmm[0]=$Lf0[4]; $Fmm[1]=$Lf1[4];
-$Frm[0]=$Lf0[5]; $Frm[1]=$Lf1[5];
-$Flb[0]=$Lf0[6]; $Flb[1]=$Lf1[6];
-$Fmb[0]=$Lf0[7]; $Fmb[1]=$Lf1[7];
-$Frb[0]=$Lf0[8]; $Frb[1]=$Lf1[8];
-sub rrSf{
-## do the Fs transform (side only)
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
- $Ulm[0],$Umm[0],$Urm[0],
- $Rmt[0],$Rmm[0],$Rmb[0],
- $Drm[0],$Dmm[0],$Dlm[0]);
- $Ulm[1],$Umm[1],$Urm[1],
- $Rmt[1],$Rmm[1],$Rmb[1],
- $Drm[1],$Dmm[1],$Dlm[1]);
-$Ulm[0]=$SFs0[0]; $Ulm[1]=$SFs1[0];
-$Umm[0]=$SFs0[1]; $Umm[1]=$SFs1[1];
-$Urm[0]=$SFs0[2]; $Urm[1]=$SFs1[2];
-$Rmt[0]=$SFs0[3]; $Rmt[1]=$SFs1[3];
-$Rmm[0]=$SFs0[4]; $Rmm[1]=$SFs1[4];
-$Rmb[0]=$SFs0[5]; $Rmb[1]=$SFs1[5];
-$Drm[0]=$SFs0[6]; $Drm[1]=$SFs1[6];
-$Dmm[0]=$SFs0[7]; $Dmm[1]=$SFs1[7];
-$Dlm[0]=$SFs0[8]; $Dlm[1]=$SFs1[8];
-$Lmb[0]=$SFs0[9]; $Lmb[1]=$SFs1[9];
-$Lmm[0]=$SFs0[10]; $Lmm[1]=$SFs1[10];
-$Lmt[0]=$SFs0[11]; $Lmt[1]=$SFs1[11];
-sub rrBp{
-## Back rotation anticlockwise (side + face)
-## do the Bp side transform
-## s = side; 0=colour, 1= number
-## --------------Side-----------------
- $Ult[0],$Umt[0],$Urt[0],
- $Rrt[0],$Rrm[0],$Rrb[0],
- $Drb[0],$Dmb[0],$Dlb[0]);
- $Ult[1],$Umt[1],$Urt[1],
- $Rrt[1],$Rrm[1],$Rrb[1],
- $Drb[1],$Dmb[1],$Dlb[1]);
-$Ult[0]=$BPs0[0]; $Ult[1]=$BPs1[0];
-$Umt[0]=$BPs0[1]; $Umt[1]=$BPs1[1];
-$Urt[0]=$BPs0[2]; $Urt[1]=$BPs1[2];
-$Rrt[0]=$BPs0[3]; $Rrt[1]=$BPs1[3];
-$Rrm[0]=$BPs0[4]; $Rrm[1]=$BPs1[4];
-$Rrb[0]=$BPs0[5]; $Rrb[1]=$BPs1[5];
-$Drb[0]=$BPs0[6]; $Drb[1]=$BPs1[6];
-$Dmb[0]=$BPs0[7]; $Dmb[1]=$BPs1[7];
-$Dlb[0]=$BPs0[8]; $Dlb[1]=$BPs1[8];
-$Llb[0]=$BPs0[9]; $Llb[1]=$BPs1[9];
-$Llm[0]=$BPs0[10]; $Llm[1]=$BPs1[10];
-$Llt[0]=$BPs0[11]; $Llt[1]=$BPs1[11];
-##-----------------Back FACE-------------
-## do the B face transform (in rows: 1,2,3/4,5,6/7,8,9)
-## f = face; 0=colour, 1= number
-@BPf0=($Brb[0], $Brm[0], $Brt[0], $Bmb[0], $Bmm[0], $Bmt[0], $Blb[0], $Blm[0], $Blt[0]);
-@BPf1=($Brb[1], $Brm[1], $Brt[1], $Bmb[1], $Bmm[1], $Bmt[1], $Blb[1], $Blm[1], $Blt[1]);
-$Brt[0]=$BPf0[0]; $Brt[1]=$BPf1[0];
-$Bmt[0]=$BPf0[1]; $Bmt[1]=$BPf1[1];
-$Blt[0]=$BPf0[2]; $Blt[1]=$BPf1[2];
-$Brm[0]=$BPf0[3]; $Brm[1]=$BPf1[3];
-$Bmm[0]=$BPf0[4]; $Bmm[1]=$BPf1[4];
-$Blm[0]=$BPf0[5]; $Blm[1]=$BPf1[5];
-$Brb[0]=$BPf0[6]; $Brb[1]=$BPf1[6];
-$Bmb[0]=$BPf0[7]; $Bmb[1]=$BPf1[7];
-$Blb[0]=$BPf0[8]; $Blb[1]=$BPf1[8];
------- END ------