path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/rsc/rsc-demo.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/rsc/rsc-demo.tex')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/rsc/rsc-demo.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/rsc/rsc-demo.tex
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+%% This is a (brief) model paper for submission to the RSC using
+%% standard LaTeX packages
+%% A few core packages which are really essential
+\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Modern font encoding
+\usepackage{float} % For creating charts, graphs and schemes
+\usepackage{helvet} % Helvetica font for sans serif
+\usepackage{mathptmx} % Times font ("Word-like")
+\usepackage{rsc} % Loads natbib, etc.
+\usepackage{setspace} % For double-spacing
+%% New floats are created for standard chemistry graphics
+%% Place any additional packages needed here. Only include packages
+%% which are essential, to avoid problems later.
+\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % Formula subscripts using \ce{}
+%% If issues arise when submitting your manuscript, you may want to
+%% un-comment the next line. This provides information on the
+%% version of every file you have used.
+%% Place any additional macros here. Please use \newcommand* where
+%% possible, and avoid layout-changing macros (which are not used
+%% when typesetting).
+%% Meta-data block
+%% ---------------
+%% Give details for all authors here, using the standard LaTeX
+%% method.
+ Andrew N. Other\thanks{%
+ Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town%
+ }%
+ \and
+ I. Ken Groupleader\thanks{%
+ Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town,
+ E-mail: \texttt{i.k.groupleader@unknown.uu}
+ }%
+ \and
+ Susanne K. Laborator\thanks{%
+ Lead Discovery, BigPharma, Big Town, USA
+ }%
+%% The document title should be given as usual
+\title{A demonstration for submission to the RSC}
+%% Make a title, of course
+ This is an example document for writing a submission to the
+ Royal Society of Chemistry. It does not seek to reproduce the
+ layout of a published paper, but instead shows how the standard
+ \LaTeX\ tools can be used to create a manuscript.
+%% Start the main part of the manuscript here.
+This is a paragraph of text to fill the introduction of the
+demonstration file.
+\section{Results and discussion}
+The document layout should follow the style of the journal concerned.
+Consult the appropriate Instructions for Authors to see what is
+required. Some journals, for example, do not allow sections in
+The rsc bibliography style requires the \textsf{natbib} package,
+which is loaded automatically by the \textsf{rsc} package.
+References can be made using the normal method; if the
+\textsf{natmove} package is available, citations can be placed
+before any punctuation, and they will be moved as necessary
+\cite{Mena2000,Abernethy2003}. The \textsf{natmove} package is
+part of the \textsf{achemso} bundle.
+The use of \textsf{natbib} allows the use of the various citation
+commands of that package: \citeauthor{Abernethy2003} have shown
+something, in \citeyear{Cotton1999}, or as given by
+Ref.~\citenum{Mena2000}. If you encounter problems with the
+citation macros, please check that your copy of \textsf{natbib}
+is up to date.
+Multiple citations to be combined into a list can be given as
+a single citation. This uses the \textsf{mciteplus} package
+\cite{Arduengo1992,*Eisenstein2005,*Arduengo1994}. Citations
+other than the first of the list should be indicated with a star.
+If the \textsf{mciteplus} package is not installed, the standard
+bibliography tools will still work but starred references will be
+Setting up new float types is demonstrated in the premable, where
+charts, graphs and schemes are defined. As illustrated, the float
+is ``here'' if possible (Scheme~\ref{sch:example}).
+ \centering
+ Your scheme graphic would go here: \texttt{.eps} format\\
+ for \LaTeX\, or \texttt{.pdf} (or \texttt{.png}) for pdf\LaTeX\\
+ \textsc{ChemDraw} files are best saved as \texttt{.eps} files;\\
+ these can be scaled without loss of quality, and can be\\
+ converted to \texttt{.pdf} files easily using \texttt{eps2pdf}.\\
+ %\includegraphics{graphic}
+ \caption{An example scheme}
+ \label{sch:example}
+ \centering
+ As well as the standard float types \texttt{table}\\
+ and \texttt{figure}, the premable defines\\
+ \texttt{scheme}, \texttt{chart} and \texttt{graph}.
+ \caption{An example figure}
+ \label{fgr:example}
+Charts, figures and schemes do not necessarily have to be labelled or
+captioned. However, tables should always have a title. It is
+possible to include a number and label for a graphic without any
+title, using an empty argument to the \texttt{\textbackslash caption}
+The use of the different floating environments is not required, but
+it is intended to make document preparation easier for authors. In
+general, you should place your graphics where they make logical
+sense; the production process will move them if needed.
+This file does not load any particular additional support for
+mathematics. If the author \emph{needs} things like
+\textsf{amsmath}, they should be loaded in the preamble. However,
+the basics should work fine. Some inline material $ y = mx + c$
+followed by some display. \[ A = \pi r^2 \]
+It is possible to label equations in the usual way.
+ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} r^2 = 2r
+This can also be used to have equations containing graphical
+ \textrm{Some content}
+ %\includegraphics{graphic}
+ \label{eqn:graphic}
+The usual experimental details should appear here. This could
+include a table, which can be referenced as Table~\ref{tbl:example}.
+Do not worry about the appearance of the table: this will be altered
+during production.
+ \centering
+ \caption{An example table}
+ \label{tbl:example}
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \hline
+ Header one & Header two \\
+ \hline
+ Entry one & Entry two \\
+ Entry three & Entry four \\
+ Entry five & Entry five \\
+ Entry seven & Entry eight \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+Adding notes to tables can be complicated. Perhaps the easiest
+method is to generate these using the basic
+\texttt{\textbackslash textsuperscript} and
+\texttt{\textbackslash emph} macros, as illustrated
+ \caption{A table with notes}
+ \label{tbl:notes}
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \hline
+ Header one & Header two \\
+ \hline
+ Entry one\textsuperscript{\emph{a}}
+ & Entry two \\
+ Entry three\textsuperscript{\emph{b}}
+ & Entry four \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \textsuperscript{\emph{a}} Some text;
+ \textsuperscript{\emph{b}} Some more text.
+The example file also loads the \textsf{mhchem} package, so
+that formulas are easy to input: \texttt{\textbackslash
+\ce\{H2SO4\}} gives \ce{H2SO4}. See the use in the
+bibliography file (when using titles in the references
+The use of new commands should be limited to simple things which will
+not interfere with the production process. For example,
+\texttt{\textbackslash mycommand} has been defined in this example,
+to give italic, monospaced text: \mycommand{some text}.
+%% The appropriate \bibliographystyle and \bibliography commands
+%% should be placed here.