path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/robustindex/README
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- Package robustindex.sty, Wilberd van der Kallen Feb 2005.
- This package addresses two issues.
- 1. Third parties often change the page numbers without rerunning makeindex.
- (Yes, it happened also to my 1993 book.)
- One would like to make the page numbers in the index entries more robust.
- We use the \pageref mechanism for that. Only after adding, deleting or
- otherwise modifying an \index{entry}, or after changing the order of the
- index entries, does one have to rerun makeindex.
- Other changes do not matter, as long as one runs LaTeX or pdflatex twice.
- 2. The theindex environment does not create a hyperref destination.
- Therefore we introduce \indexincontents.
- It does what \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index} or
- \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index} should have done in the first place:
- When one clicks on the link that displays the word Index, one actually ends
- up in the index.
- Our package performs no miracles. But in simple situations all you need is
- adding the \usepackage{robustindex} to the preamble.
- The implicit page range formation of makeindex is disabled.
- Commands of the type \index{entry|editing command} are supported,
- but much more naively than in the encapsulating mechanism of makeindex.
- If you use hyperref, choose the option hyperindex=false, because our method
- to set up these hyperlinked indices is different.
- We tested a little with
- \usepackage[plainpages=false,hyperindex=false]{hyperref}
- See robustsample.tex for more details and illustrations.
- There you find examples like
- \index{alpha!see beta}
- \index{alpha!see also gamma\gobblepageref}
- \indexincontents % always put this before the index.
- See also robustglossary.sty