path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pstool/example.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pstool/example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pstool/example.tex
index 03ac5836acc..c0f23bbff4e 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pstool/example.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pstool/example.tex
@@ -1,21 +1,86 @@
\input macros.tex
+ \usepackage{natbib}
+ \usepackage{biblatex}
+ \bibliography{xampl}
+\usepackage{expl3}\begin{document} % hello
+\title{\textsf{pstool} example document}
+This is an example document for the \textsf{pstool} package. It's grown rather convoluted since I use it for testing some of the more arcane features of the package.
+There are some external macros defined in the file \texttt{macros.tex}: \verb|\a| $\to$ \a, \verb|\b| $\to$ \b, \verb|\c| $\to$ \c. These are defined in the preamble so when their definitions appear in the replacements below we know the preamble catching is working correctly.
+The same figure is used for all the examples; only one of its labels is being replaced by default by its associated \verb|.tex| file.
-External macros: \a, \b, \c
+First example: the style is defined as tiny+red, so all labels in the graphic will inherit this. The [Mp] label below first arrow should be replaced by tiny red $M_\a$; in rectangle, [hb] label replacement $H_\b$ comes from \texttt{trial.tex}; near right dot, [epsv] label replacement $\epsilon_v$ comes from \texttt{example-pstool.tex}.
- \psfrag{[Mp]}{$M_\a$!}%
+ \psfrag{[Mp]}{$M_\a$}%
+ \psfrag{[epb]}{\cite{article-full}}%
+Also, a citation is being used, and this should work for most \LaTeX\ bibliography packages.
+In the second, the replacements should be plain and the whole image rotated 45 degrees.
+This image comes from a subdirectory so we know that works correctly.
+The subscript on $Z$ should be the current page number and a different citation is used here.
+ \psfrag{[Mp]}{$Z_{\thepage}$}%
+ \psfrag{[epb]}{\cite{incollection-full}}%
+hello this is a filler page
+In the third, hopefully the scale command works.
+Here we are referencing an equation from the previous page in the $Z$ subscript and the current page number should show up in there too.
+ \psfrag{[Mp]}{$Z_{(\ref{eq3})}$}%
+ \psfrag{[ev]}{\thepage}
- \psfrag{[Mp]}{$Z_\b$}%
+ \bibliographystyle{abbrvnat}
+ \bibliography{xampl}
+ \printbibliography
\end{document} \ No newline at end of file