path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/proof-at-the-end/
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index 0dca926bfc8..c1110368753 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/proof-at-the-end/
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/proof-at-the-end/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Proof-at-the-end, or how to move proofs in appendix in LaTeX
+WARNING: this package is definitely usable, but may not be as tested and stable as standard packages. Note also that it may change a bit in the future, but we will of course try to avoid as much as possible backward incompatibilities. To ensure your document won't change when the package get updates, it is always safer to copy the `proof-at-the-end.sty` file at the root of your project.
## Introduction
This package aims to provide a way to easily move proofs in the appendix. You can:
@@ -34,27 +36,108 @@ pdflatex demo.tex && pdflatex demo.tex
## Quickstart ##
+### Super Quick QuickStart ###
+If `proof-at-the-end` it's not installed in your CTAN distribution, copy the [`proof-at-the-end.sty` file]( in your project. Then, in your project, create new theorem/lemma environments (using any tool you like, like asmthm, ntheorem and thmtools), load the library using `\usepackage[createShortEnv]{proof-at-the-end}` (note that you need the version 2022/01/28 to have `createShortEnv` defined, otherwise you need to use directly `theoremEnd`) and write your theorem using:
+\begin{thmE}[My title][end, restate]
+ I am a restated theorem whose proof goes in appendix (compile me twice).
+ And I am a proof.
+The options (here `restate` and `end`) tells what should go in appendix, how to configure the links... Here the proof should go in appendix, and the `restate` options states that the theorem should be restated before the proof.
+You can find below a full example to compile which should produce this output (sorry, this is a screenshot, that way I can export it easily in the github page). Just make sure to compile twice to get references.
+![Screenshot of the quickstart](screenshot.png)
+You can directly copy them (with a more complete demo) in the github page here
+\usepackage{xparse} % Not needed with recent LaTeX
+% Create new theorems, or use ntheorem/thmtools/...
+% Default uses autoref, but you can also use cleveref, see the documentation.
+% Say to autoref that "thm" are Theorems.
+%% Load the library. createShortEnv automatically creates the shortcuts
+%% thmE, theoremE, lemmaE, corrolaryE, proofE. See \newEndThm for more details.
+\begin{thmE}[My title][end]
+ I am a theorem
+ And I am a proof.
### Install ###
-If your CTAN distribution is recent enough, you have nothing to do. Otherwise if it's not yet in your CTAN distribution, first download the `proof-at-the-end.sty` file and insert it in the root of your project with the following commands on unix (you can also clone this repository if you prefer, or just manually download or copy/paste the files on Windows). It also requires a recent version of xparse, so for simplicity we included the sty file of xparse in this repository as well:
+If your CTAN distribution is recent enough, you have nothing to do (if you are using overleaf, note that you can configure your project to use a more recent TexLive distribution: this packages is included starting from TexLive 2019). Otherwise if it's not yet in your CTAN distribution, first download the `proof-at-the-end.sty` file and insert it in the root of your project with the following commands on unix (you can also clone this repository if you prefer, or just manually download or copy/paste the files on Windows).
+``` bash
cd <your project>
wget ${repopratend}/master/proof-at-the-end.sty
-wget ${repopratend}/master/xparse.sty
-If you have an old distribution of LaTeX (before 2018 basically, which is the case of Overleaf), you may also need a [more recent expl3]( It is also very easy to install, just download the zip file [](, unzip, and copy the content of the directory `tex/latex/l3kernel/` into your project. On linux it's a matter of two commands in your project:
+It also requires a recent version of xparse (not present in TexLive 2018 and before basically), otherwise you will get an error like:
+Unknown argument type 'b' replaced by 'm'
+While [we used to provide]( for simplicity a `xparse.sty` file (version `2018-04-12`) in older versions of this repository, we removed it to [avoid license issues and conflicts with recent LaTeX distributions that already include xparse]( Nevertheless, if you are using an older distribution, you can also download `xparse` manually [here](, unzip it, and copy the `.sty` files contained in `tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/` at the root of your project. On linux, you can do that via:
+``` bash
+cd <your project>
+unzip -d . -j 'tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/*'
+rm -f xparse.ltx
+If you have an old distribution of LaTeX (2017 or before basically), you may also need a [more recent expl3]( or you will get an error like:
+Package xparse Error: Support package l3kernel too old.
+To install it, download the zip files []( and []( (`l3backend` is [since July 1st, 2019]( a dependency of l3kernel), unzip, and copy the content of the directories `tex/latex/l3kernel/` (first archive) and `tex/latex/l3backend/` (second archive) into your project. On linux it's a matter of two commands in your project:
+cd <your project>
unzip -d . -j 'tex/latex/l3kernel/*'
+unzip -d . -j 'tex/latex/l3backend/*'
If you don't want to pollute your main project with all these files, you may be interested to put them in a subfolder and update the environment variable `TEXINPUTS` or, if you use latexmk or overleaf, you can write instead a `latexmkrc` file as explained [here](,_.sty,_.bst_files,_and_I_want_to_put_them_in_a_folder_to_keep_my_project_uncluttered._But_my_project_is_not_finding_them_to_compile_correctly).
-That's all!
+If you still have errors, it's likely that your LaTeX distribution is just too old (LaTeX 2016 seems to be too old to install a recent l3exp). So just upgrade to a decent version, and you should not have any troubles anymore.
+You can test your install by compiling the `demo.tex` file present in the repository. When it compiles, you are ready to start!
### Use in your project ###
@@ -101,7 +184,18 @@ For example:
-And put in the place where you would like to display the theorem the following code:
+Since `theoremEnd` may be a bit verbose to use, we provide since the version 2022/01/28, an option: if you load the program using `\usepackage[createShortEnv]{proof-at-the-end}`, you will automatically have the shortcut environments `proofE` (to replace `proof`), `thmE` (to replace `thm`), `theoremE` (to replace... ok you got the pattern), `lemmaE` and `corollaryE`. Note that it is your role to define the initial commands `thm`..., but you don't need to define them all, only those that you use. Then, you can use them like:
+\begin{thmE}[My title][end, restate]
+ I am a restated theorem whose proof goes in appendix (compile me twice).
+ And I am a proof.
+Finally, to display the proofs, just use `\printProofs` where you like:
@@ -114,6 +208,16 @@ NB: if you want to make sure all the references are linked correctly, make sure
Isn't it simple ?
+### A note on `hyperref`
+An older version of the package explicitely loaded `hyperref` with no option, and an option clash could occur if the user wanted to add options to `hyperref`. We now push the loading to the very end to avoid that issue, but if you want to load packages *after* `hyperref` (like `cleveref`), it is your job to include `hyperref`, for example by putting at the end of the preambule something like:
## Use cases
### Configuration and how to use and create styles ###
@@ -177,22 +281,16 @@ and for local configuration:
-Finally, it can be practical to define custom environments to avoid typing always `theoremEnd`:
+Finally, it can be practical to define custom environments to avoid typing always `theoremEnd` using something like that (`thmE` is the shortcut environment to create, and `thm` is the old one):
- \begin{theoremEnd}[normal,#2]{thm}[#1]%
- #3%
- \end{theoremEnd}%
-% Do not forget the second parameter or you might get Missing \begin{document} error
- \begin{proofEnd}[#1]%
- #2%
- \end{proofEnd}%
-That you could use like that:
+By default, loading the package using the `createShortEnv` option automatically creates the shortcut environments `proofE` (to replace `proof`), `thmE` (to replace `thm`), `theoremE` (to replace... ok you got the pattern), `lemmaE` and `corollaryE`.
+Then you can use like that:
@@ -352,7 +450,7 @@ Here is the list of fundamental options supported. Most options have a `no` vers
- `text link`: text of the link to the proof, defaults to
`{See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{proof} on page~\pageref{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.}`
-- `text proof`: text displayed in place of "Proof" in the appendix. Defaults to `{Proof of \string\autoref{thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}}`
+- `text proof`: text displayed in place of "Proof" in the appendix. Defaults to `{Proof of \string\pratendRef{thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}}`
- `restate command`: name of a unique macro (without backslash) that will be defined as an alias to restate the theorem wherever you want
- `restated before`: if the theorems has been stated before (with `\theoremProofEndRestateBefore`), then we just need to put the restate command in place of the theorem, and enable this option
- `both`/`no both`: only for `\textInAppendix`, specifies that the text must be present in both the main text and the appendix.
@@ -365,14 +463,14 @@ Here are all the alias/styles (you can create you own as well), they are practic
- `proof at the end`: theorems whose proof need to go in the appendix contrary to `end` it does not make sure that there is a link to the proof. Shorcut for `no proof here, no all end, proof end, no both`.
- `debug`: make sure the proof is written in the main text as well (alias of `proof here, no opt all end`), it is quite practical to use when you write a proof to be able to use synctex features to move between the pdf and the file.
- `no link to theorem`: Remove the link from the proof to the theorem, alias of `text proof={\proofname}`
-- `stared` (or `no number`): when you use the stared version of a theorem you don't have any number, so autoref fails to write a nice link to the theorem. This option changes the text of "Proof", by keeping the link but writting only `Proof`. Equivalent to `text proof={\string\mbox{\string\hyperref[thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{\proofname}}}`
+- `stared` (or `no number`): when you use the stared version of a theorem you don't have any number, so cref fails to write a nice link to the theorem. This option changes the text of "Proof", by keeping the link but writting only `Proof`. Equivalent to `text proof={\string\mbox{\string\hyperref[thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{\proofname}}}`
- `see full proof`: useful when you want to write in the main text only a sketch of proof, this alias writes a link `See full proof on page X.`. Equivalent to `text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{full proof} on page~\pageref{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.}`
- `one big link`: instead of two links, one for page, one for proof, put just one link around everything. It can also accept an optional argument which will be the text of the link, like `one big link=Go to the proof`. The default value is `See proof on page~\pageref*{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent.}`.
- `one big link translated`: This is like `one big link`, but automatically add the page at the end (and a big link around). Practical to quickly define a translation like `one big link translated=Voir preuve page`. See also `text proof translated`.
-- `text link section`: Put a link to the proof looking like "See proof in section X". Defaults to `text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{proof} in \autoref{proofsection:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.}`
-- `text link section full proof`: Put a link to the proof looking like "See full proof in section X". Defaults to `text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{full proof} in \autoref{proofsection:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.}`
+- `text link section`: Put a link to the proof looking like "See proof in section X". Defaults to `text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{proof} in \pratendSectionlikeCref.}`
+- `text link section full proof`: Put a link to the proof looking like "See full proof in section X". Defaults to `text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{full proof} in \pratendSectionlikeCref.}`
- `default text link`: default text for the link to the proof, equivalent of `text link={See \hyperref[proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent]{proof} on page~\pageref{proof:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}.}`
-- `default text proof`: default text for the proof in appendix, equivalent of `text proof={Proof of \string\autoref{thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}}`
+- `default text proof`: default text for the proof in appendix, equivalent of `text proof={Proof of \string\pratendRef{thm:prAtEnd\pratendcountercurrent}}`
- `text proof translated`: like `default text proof`, but takes one argument and use it instead of `Proof of`. Example: `text proof translated={Preuve du}`
- `bare defaults`: default style that is loaded before anything else that configure by default a link to the proof, put the proof in appendix, use the category `defaultcategory`. It is an alias of `end, link to proof, no restate,category=defaultcategory, default text link,default text proof,restate command=pratenddummymacro`.
- `configuration options`: style that contains the options used to load the package. It is called right after `bare defaults`. Note that you cannot insert macro in the options, overwrite `global custom defaults` instead
@@ -380,6 +478,62 @@ Here are all the alias/styles (you can create you own as well), they are practic
- `local custom defaults`: empty style that you can overwrite to change the "local" defaults, like category
- `all defaults`: all the defaults, equivalent of `bare defaults, configuration options, global custom defaults, local custom defaults`
+## Package options
+The package comes with multiple options:
+- The `conf={CONFIGURATION}` option is used to configure the default style. Usage: `\usepackage[conf={normal, text link section}]{proof-at-the-end}`
+- The `disablePatchSection` is useful to stop the library from patching the section-like commands and chapters (by default, we automatically add a `\label` at the end of the section which is used by `text link section` to find the Appendix). If you enable this option, you can manually add the label by using `\pratendAddLabel` after the appendix section (without any argument).
+- `commandRef=NAMECOMMAND`: By default, theorem are referenced to using `\autoref{}`. You can change the value of `NAMECOMMAND` to use another command, like `commandRef=Cref` to use `\Cref{}`. In that case, make sure to load both `hyperref` and `cleveref` (typically at the very end of your preambule) as `cleveref` needs to be loaded after `hyperref`. Internally, the library creates and uses `\pratendRef` instead of `\autoref`.
+- `createShortEnv`: creates (using `newEndThm` and `newEndProof`) the shortcut environments `proofE` (to replace `proof`), `thmE` (to replace `thm`), `theoremE` (to replace... ok you got the pattern), `lemmaE` and `corollaryE`. Note that it is still your job to define the `thm`, `lemma` environments.
+## Troubleshooting
+Here are some common issues you may have, with explainations to solve them.
+### The link after the proof does not mention the section, but something else (an equation, a figure, etc.)
+Sometimes, you may see something like `See proof in Equation A` instead of ``See proof in Appendix A`. This issue [was reported before]( and should be solved on newer versions (starting from 2022/01/27) by automatically patching sections. If you have this issue, just upgrade (for instance by copying the [`proof-at-the-end.sty` file]( at the root of your project). We proceed by patching the `\chapter`, `\section`, `\subsection`, `subsubsection` and `\paragraph` commands to add `\pratendAddLabel` which will help the package to find the label of the current section. If you prefer the old behavior, you can disable it using the `disablePatchSection` option (more details in the package options).
+### I get an error `ERROR: File ended while scanning use of \@xverbatim.` when using verbatim inside a theorem
+I turns out that this library needs to use the `+b` option of environments in order to manipulate appropriately the theorem/proof. Unfortunately, it means that it is not possible to use verbatim environments inside. While [this answer]( suggests that it is impossible to avoid this issue, other people reported that it may be possible to use catcodes to capture the environment body verbatim, before using scantokens to reparse it, or to use [filecontentsdef]( (see for instance [this comment](], ). However, it may be possible that this make syntex unusable, so it may not worth the effort.
+In anycase, there exists some workarounds, some of the are for instance give in the [TeX FAQ]( The simplest solution, if your code is simple/short enough, is to use `\texttt` (you can replace backslash with `\textbackslash` inside etc, and include it in a `verse` if you have multiple lines). If you have a longer text, you may also like `lrbox` to put your content inside a box, for instance like that:
+%% Create the box
+ \begin{minipage}{1.0\linewidth}
+ \end{minipage}
+%% Create a theorem:
+ Insert the box:
+ \begin{center}
+ \usebox{\myEndBox}
+ \end{center}
+## Changelog
+- 2022/01/28:
+ 1. Fix the issue when using sharps in a proof
+ 2. Provide `\newEndThm`, `\newEndProof` and the option `createShortEnv` to quickly create environments.
+- 2022/01/27:
+ 1. Patch chapters/sections/... to better detect the current section and fix [issue 2]( This can be disabled using the package option `disablePatchSection`.
+ 2. Add an option `commandRef` to use other ref libraries, like `cleveref` instead of `autoref`.
+ 3. Normal restatable theorem do not need to be restated. Fix [issue 8](
## Contributions ##