path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/polyomino/polyomino.tex
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+%% polyomino.tex
+%% Copyright 2024 Matthias Floré
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Matthias Floré.
+% This work consists of the files polyomino.pdf, polyomino.sty,
+% polyomino.tex and
+\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \repeatnumber {}
+ { \prg_replicate:nn { \thepage } { * } }
+ grid,
+ p={*}{style={teal,draw=black}}
+pdftitle={The polyomino package},
+pdfauthor={Matthias Floré},
+\title{The \texttt{polyomino} package\\[12pt]\large Polyominoes using \tikzname{} and \LaTeX3}
+\author{Matthias Floré}
+\date{Version 1.0 (2024/08/01)}%\\[12pt]
+\noindent This package is based on the package |tikz| (see \cite{TtTaPGFp}) and can be used to draw polyominoes. It is possible to define custom styles, pics and grids.% This is the manual for version .
+The package |polyomino| can be used by putting the following in the preamble.
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+The package |polyomino| loads the package |tikz|.
+\section{The command \textbackslash polyomino}
+\begin{command}{\polyomino\opt{\oarg{options}}\marg{polyomino specification}}
+This command can be placed inside a |tikzpicture| environment. The \meta{polyomino specification} is a token list. Spaces in this list are ignored. With the initial settings, a |,| starts a new row. Otherwise each element in this list corresponds to a cell. An element can consist of multiple characters by surrounding it with braces. The \meta{options} can be given with the keys described in Section \ref{Keys}.
+ /polyomino,
+ p={F}{style={blue,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={I}{style={brown,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={L}{style={cyan,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={N}{style={gray,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={P}{style={lime,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={T}{style={magenta,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={U}{style={olive,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={V}{style={orange,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={W}{style={pink,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={X}{style={purple,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={Y}{style={red,draw=black,ultra thick}},
+ p={Z}{style={teal,draw=black,ultra thick}}
+ grid
+The algorithm constructs the border of each polyomino. It does not consider holes determined by empty cells. Although it does detect a cell inside a polyomino which has a different style. This is illustrated in the example below.
+ p={a}{style={gray,draw=black,thick}}
+ aaaaa,
+ a.a.a,
+ aaaaa
+ at={(0,-4)},
+ p={a}{style={gray,draw=black,thick}},
+ p={*}{style={white,draw=black,thick}}
+ aaaaa,
+ a*a*a,
+ aaaaa
+The keys in this Section can be given as \meta{options} to the command |\polyomino|.
+There are two key families: |/polyomino| and |/polyomino/p_2|. The key family |/polyomino| is intended for usage in documents whereas |/polyomino/p_2| is not. In the key family |/polyomino|, also keys from the key family |/polyomino/p_2| will be looked up. The second argument from the key |p| only accepts keys from the key family |/polyomino/p_2|.
+\begin{key}{/polyomino/at=\marg{point} (initially (0,0))}
+This key defines the bottom left coordinate of the polyomino.
+This key sets the |pic| type (which is activated by the key |pic|) to false. This is the initial setting.
+This key sets the |pic| type (which is activated by the key |pic|) to true.
+\begin{key}{/polyomino/empty cell=\marg{token list} (initially .)}
+A cell corresponding to the \meta{token list} in the \meta{polyomino specification} will be left empty.
+A cell corresponding to the empty token list will always be left empty.
+\begin{key}{/polyomino/grid=\opt{\meta{boolean}} (default true, initially false)}
+If true then a grid is drawn. The grid does not apply to borders of polyominoes. The style of this grid is determined by the key |grid style|. A grid does not apply to a cell with a |pic|.
+\begin{stylekey}{/polyomino/grid style=\marg{options} (initially \normalfont empty)}
+This key determines the style of the grid.
+ grid,
+ grid style={gray,dash pattern=on 3mm off 4mm on 3mm off 0mm},
+ p={L}{style={darkgray,draw=black}},
+ p={P}{style={green,draw=black}},
+ p={T}{style={violet,draw=black}},
+ p={V}{style={yellow,draw=black}}
+\begin{stylekey}{/polyomino/p\_2/p=\marg{name}\marg{options} (initially \normalfont empty)}
+This key determines the style of the polyomino with \meta{name} in the \meta{polyomino specification}.
+The \meta{options} only accept keys from the key family |/polyomino/p_2|.
+In the example below, the polyominoes have the same shape but are differentiated by using different names.
+ /polyomino,
+ p={a}{},
+ p={b}{},
+ style={fill=none,draw}
+ aa,
+ ab,
+ ab,
+ bb
+ at={(2,0)}
+The \meta{code} defines the |pic| which is used for each cell of the polyomino.
+A grid does not apply to a cell with a |pic|.
+ empty cell=*,
+ grid,
+ p={a}{style={red,draw=black}},
+ p={b}{style={blue,draw=black}},
+ p={c}{style={orange,draw=black}},
+ p={circle}{pic={\fill[green] (0,0) circle[radius=0.4];}},
+ row sep=;
+ {} * * b {} c ;
+ a a b b {circle} c ;
+ {circle} a a b c c
+ p={circle}{
+ pic={\path[pic actions] (0,0) circle[radius=0.45];},
+ style={right color=cyan,left color=red,draw,dashed}
+ },
+ p={L}{
+ pic={
+ \fill[yellow!80!black] (-0.5,-0.5) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \fill[yellow!50,rounded corners] (-0.4,-0.4) rectangle +(0.8,0.8);
+ }
+ },
+ p={square}{
+ pic={\path[pic actions] (-0.45,-0.45) rectangle +(0.9,0.9);},
+ style={fill=magenta,draw,rounded corners}
+ }
+ L {circle} {square} {square} ,
+ L {circle} {circle} {square} ,
+ L L {circle} {circle}
+\begin{key}{/polyomino/row sep=\marg{token list} (initially ,)}
+The \meta{token list} in the \meta{polyomino specification} will start a new row.
+\begin{stylekey}{/polyomino/p\_2/style=\marg{options} (initially \normalfont empty)}
+This key determines the style of the polyomino.
+Till Tantau,
+\emph{The \tikzname{} and {\upshape\pgfname} Packages},
+Manual for version 3.1.10,
+\section{The source code}\label{Thesourcecode}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file