path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates')
3 files changed, 1378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f9a3e299b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/README
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ This is the README file for Plates,
+ a LaTeX2e package for handling special floats
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Anthony A. Tanbakuchi
+* Copyright
+This file is part of Plates.
+Plates may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.1 of this
+license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+of this license is in and
+version 1.1 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+1999/06/01 or later.
+Plates consists of the following files:
+- README (this file)
+- plates.sty
+- endplate.sty
+- plates.tex
+- plates.dvi
+- plates.pdf
+* Description
+The plates package provides a simple facility for inserting color
+figures in documents they should be gathered and printed together
+--- just like in books with a section of color plates. The benefit of
+such a facility is to allow these special figures to be printed
+separately and later slipped into the final document. The package
+provides the plates environment to handle this situation. The user
+need only place these special figures in a plate environment
+instead of a figure environment and issue a command to print the
+plates at a chosen location in the document. Additional, if the
+author wishes to have a version of the document where the color
+figures are included in the text merely including the
+figures option will change the behavior of the plates
+environment to a figure environment, causing the plates to be
+printed directly in the text.
+* Changes
+None yet!
+* Installation
+ To install the package, please follow these steps:
+- Copy the plates.sty & endplate.sty file somewhere that TeX can find them.
+Thats it!
+The other files contain the documentation in various formats.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/plates.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/plates.pdf
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/plates.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/plates.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b8ffa7a7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/plates/plates.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+\lstloadlanguages{[LaTeX]TeX} \lstset{language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+basicstyle=\small, labelstyle=\tiny, labelstep=0,
+ labelsep=5pt, commentstyle=\emph, stringstyle=\texttt}
+\title{The Plates Package}
+\author{Anthony A. Tanbakuchi \\ \small{} \\ v0.1 last revised 2002/3/18}
+The plates package provides a simple facility for inserting color
+figures in documents when they should be gathered and printed
+--- just like in books with a section of color plates. The benefit of
+such a facility is to allow these special figures to be printed
+separately and later slipped into the final document. The package
+provides the plates environment to handle this situation. The user
+need only place these special figures in a plate environment
+instead of a figure environment and issue a command to print the
+plates at a chosen location in the document. Additionaly, if the
+author wishes to have a version of the document where the color
+figures are included in the text merely including the
+\emph{figures} option will change the behavior of the plates
+environment to a figure environment, causing the plates to be
+printed directly in the text. Finally, the use of
+\lstinline!\autoref{...}! from the \textbf{hyperref} package will
+allow references to logically chose the prefix \emph{Figure} or
+\emph{Plates} depending if the figure option has been given.
+It is important to note that one could just create a plate
+appendix in their document and put all their special figures
+directly in this section of the document, alleviating the need for
+this package. However, by using the plates package one can turn
+on and off the functionality, allowing the creation of printed
+version of the document and possibly on line versions (like PDF's)
+where it would be more logical to have the plated near the point
+referenced in the text. Furthermore, by placing the plates in the
+document's text (like figures) the source document is much easier
+to edit.
+The new package can be invoked in the preamble by,\\
+Now the new plate environment is available for use in the
+document. The plate environment is used just like the figure
+ %Your normal figure commands here eg.
+ \cation{A caption} \label{...}
+NOTE: it is recommended that you use the \textbf{hyperref}
+package, the plates package dynamically changes the
+\lstinline!\autoref{...}! command such that if
+\lstinline!\autoref{...}! is issued and no options were used when
+the package was loaded, then Plate \ldots is printed, however it
+the package is used with the \emph{figures} option, then
+\lstinline!\autoref{...}! is properly redefined to output Figure
+\noindent {\large Package Options:}
+ \item[figures] Treats plates just like figures. Gathering is
+ turned off, \lstinline!\autoref{plate:...}! references as Figure
+ instead of Plate.
+ \item[onefloatperpage] Ensures that one float is on a single
+ page. After each float \lstinline!\cleardoublepage! is called, this is particulary
+ useful in a double sided document where the color figures will
+ be one to a page and
+ one sided.
+ If you wish to define your own actions to be taken after each
+ float, you can manually do it, an example of double page
+ clearing is:\\
+ \lstinline!\renewcommand{\efloatseparator}{\cleardoublepage}!
+ \item[memoir] If the memoir class is being used, then the option
+ will cause \lstinline!\ProcessPlates! to create an appendix
+ page called Plates before the plates are printed. If this
+ option is used and the memoir class is not in use an error will
+ occur. If you are not using the memoir package, but wish to
+ define your own actions to create appendix pages and such before the
+ plates are printed, then you can manually define the
+ command: \lstinline!\AtBeginPlates{ Your Actions Here }!.
+\noindent {\large New Commands:}
+ \item[$\backslash$listofplates] Functions just like
+ $\backslash$listoffigures but prints a list of the plates.
+ \item[$\backslash$ProcessPlates] At point of issue in document
+ all the gathered plates thus far are printed.
+ Therefore, the command can be used to accumulate plates to the
+ end of each chapter (if issued at the end of each chapter) or at
+ the end of the document in an appendix (if issued at the end).
+ Note, if the command is never issued, then it will dump all the
+ gathered plates at the end of the document.
+ \item[$\backslash$atBeginPlates] User definable actions that
+ should occur just before the plates are printed. (Eg.
+ \lstinline!\atBeginPlates{\chapter{Plates}}!) It is preferable to use this
+ method
+ rather than hard coding the commands into the document in front
+ of the \lstinline!\ProcessPlates! so that if the \emph{figures}
+ option is used the actions will not be executed.
+ \item[$\backslash$setplatename] Allows user to define the actual
+ name used for the plates environment in the table of contents, caption, etc.
+ The default is \lstinline!\setplatename{Plate}!, alternately you
+ could set it to \lstinline!\setplatename{Diagram}!. Note, you
+ should use the singular form of the desired name.
+The following example shows how the commands are used. The
+example will print out all \emph{figure} environments normally,
+but the \emph{plate} environments will be gathered and printed at
+the end of the document where the command
+\lstinline!\ProcessPlates! is issued.
+\setplatename{Photo} \atBeginPlates{\section{Photos}}
+%Print a list of figures and plates
+\listoffigures \listofplates
+The document text begins. Here we can include a plate and
+reference it by \autoref{Plate:1}, yet it won't appear until we
+issue the \ProcessPlates command.
+ This is a plate.
+ \caption{A plate caption.}
+ \label{Plate:1}
+Now a figure in our document. \autoref{fig:1} will appear near
+our reference to it.
+ A figure to look at.
+ \caption{A figure}
+ \label{fig:1}
+Another plate.
+ This is a plate.
+ \caption{A plate caption.}
+ \label{Plate:2}
+Some final text to go with our thoughts.
+%Now we wish all the plates to print here.
+% The \atBeginPlates command is issued,
+% creating a new Photos section.
+% Next,
+% Plate:1 then Plate:2 is printed.
+Thus, the document has contains by order: introduction section,
+fig:1, concluding section, a new section called Photos, then
+plate:1 and plate:2.
+If we issued the option \emph{figures} to the plates package, the
+plates would be printed in the text, the order would be,
+introduction section, plate:1, fig:1, plate:2, then concluding
+section. \lstinline!\listofplates! and \lstinline!\ProcessPlates!
+would have no effect.
+This package is built from a little new code and some modified
+code from other packages. Specifically, code from the memoir
+class is used to define a new float environment, to enable the
+gathering of the plates modified code from the endfloat package
+has also been used. I would like to thank the authors of both
+noted packages for providing much of the needed facilities
+enabling this package.
+If you like this package, find bugs, or just have useful comments
+please let the me know at Please note
+that I am not a TeX hack, just someone who had a wish for this
+type of package and managed to find a solution.