path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstodo.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstodo.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstodo.tex
index 69467841566..cf93843552b 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstodo.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/pgfplotstodo.tex
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ last test verifications:
& pgf CVS & pgf 2.10 & pgf 2.00 &pgf 2.00+compat=default\\
-pgfplotstests & for 1.5 & for 1.5 & for 1.4 &2009-12-30 \\
-manual & for 1.5 & for 1.5 & for 1.5 & \\
-pgfplotstable.pdf & for 1.5 & for 1.5 & for 1.5\\
+pgfplotstests & for 1.5.1 & for 1.5.1 & for 1.4 &2009-12-30 \\
+manual & for 1.5.1 & for 1.5.1 & for 1.5 & \\
+pgfplotstable.pdf & for 1.5.1 & for 1.5.1 & for 1.5\\
example latex & for 1.5 & for 1.5 & 2009-12-30 \\
-example context & for 1.5 & for 1.5 & 2009-12-30 \\
-example plain tex & for 1.5 & for 1.5 & 2009-12-30 \\
-tests context & for 1.4 &\\
+example context & for 1.5.1 & for 1.5.1 & 2009-12-30 \\
+example plain tex & for 1.5.1 & for 1.5.1 & 2009-12-30 \\
+tests context & for 1.4 & for 1.5.1\\
\section{Future work}
@@ -122,6 +122,63 @@ tests context & for 1.4 &\\
\section{Documentation todo}
+ document that \verb|axis lines=none| is essentially an alias for \verb|hide axis| .
+ Document how to use decorations inside of plots
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[]
+ \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle,
+ xmin=-2,
+ xmax=2,
+ ymin=-2,
+ ymax=2,
+ xtick={-1,1},
+ ytick={-1,1},
+ yticklabel=\ ,% this disables the standard tick label *text* (but not the line)
+ extra description/.code={
+ % this generates custom y labels to implement individual
+ % styles for every tick:
+ \node[below left] at (axis cs:0,-1) {$-1$};
+ \node[above left] at (axis cs:0,1) {$1$};
+ },
+ axis line style={->},
+ ]%,x=1cm,y=1cm]
+ \addplot[samples=100,domain=0:2*pi,
+ % tedious, but necessary: pgfplots accidentally resets the
+ % "decorate" option at the beginning of the path (probably a
+ % bug).
+ % This is a work-around:
+ every path/.style={
+ postaction={decorate},
+ every path/.style={},
+ },
+ decoration={markings,
+ mark=at position 0.25 with {\arrow{>}},
+ mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{>}},
+ mark=at position 0.75 with {\arrow{>}}}
+ ]
+ ({sin(deg(2*x))}, {sin(deg(x))});
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ document some FAQ for number formatting options.
+ This should contain how to get non-exponential number printing for log axes
+ \verb|\pgfplotspointplotattime| .
bei dem Bsp-Tex zu pgfplotstable scheint eine Zeile im Tex-File zu fehlen:
@@ -197,7 +254,7 @@ document the possibiliy of skewed 3d axes by means of manually provided unit vec
mention \verb|xtick=data| in docs for \verb|symbolic x coords|
@@ -772,6 +829,131 @@ Thanks!
\section{Bugs in PGFPlots}
+ Using \verb|hide axis| or \verb|axis lines=none| causes the axis to vanish -- but it will still consume space in the bounding box!
+ A work-around for the user who reported the bug was to use \verb|clip=false|:
+ \centering
+ \fbox{%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[axis equal,scale=2,axis lines=none,clip=false]
+ \addplot3[surf,samples=9,domain=-1:1,y domain=0:2*pi,z buffer=sort,opacity=0.75]
+ ({cos(deg(y)) * (1 + x/2 * cos(deg(y)/2))},
+ {sin(deg(y)) * (1 + x/2 * cos(deg(y)/2))},
+ {x/2 * sin(deg(y)/2)});
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}}
+ \caption{M"obiusband}
+ Interestingly, this does NOT work for 1d plots... here is what I found out today:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item excluding the clip path helps for the example above.
+ \item it has no effect for 1d plots (2d axis)
+ \item excluding the background path instruction from the low level node causes the bounding box to be empty -- for both 2d and 3d
+ \end{itemize}
+ See \verb|unittest_hideaxis*|.
+ Adding a decoration to a plot requires \verb|every path/.style={decorate,every path/.style={}}| because pgfplots sets its options inside of a \verb|\scope[<options>]|.
+ This should be fixed.
+ disable tick scale label if the ticks have been disabled.
+ \verb||
+ nodes near coords is broken for layer branch
+ \verb|axis equal,view={0}{90}| for a 3d axis leads to compilation errors (although it seems to work)
+ xbar and nodes near coords does not automatically align the nodes, see \verb||
+ view direction is imprecise. It seems as if the $z$ direction is wrong.
+ See the recent commits on branch \verb|mesh_bg_colormap|
+ cannot provide clip path usage in pgfplots commands because of the nested scopes.
+ to reproduce, try to give \verb|\addplot+[/tikz/clip]| to some plot.
+ 3d: automatic label placement for 'axis lines=center' is buggy
+ \verb|\pgfplotsforeachungrouped| cannot be combined with three or more arguments like \verb|\foreach|
+ If one specifies \verb|\scope| within an axis, the plots (partially) use their variables, but legends do not.
+ \usepackage{pgfplots}
+ \pgfplotsset{
+ compat=newest,
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[
+% reverse legend, % uncomment and one entry is missing
+ legend pos=north west,
+ ]
+ \begin{scope}[only marks]
+ \addplot
+ coordinates { (0,0) (1,1) } node [right] {a};
+ \addplot
+% [green] % uncomment and legend does exactly the wrong thing
+ coordinates { (0,1) (1,2) } node [right] {b};
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[mark=none]
+ \addplot
+ coordinates { (0,0.5) (1,1.5) } node [right] {c};
+ \addplot
+% [orange] % uncomment and it works
+ % (I think this is luck, because it does the same
+ % thing as the [green] example above)
+ coordinates { (0,1.5) (1,2.5) } node [right] {d};
+ \end{scope}
+ \legend{
+ a,
+ b,
+ c,
+ d,
+ }
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
the below example of a latex file gives the following error upon the 2nd run of latex. The first run works fine. This happens both when running dvilualatex and just latex, both from TexLive 2011.
@@ -834,7 +1016,7 @@ l.30 \ref{govconsumptionlegend}
the table package does not support non-ASCII column names. If there are non-ASCII column names, it might fail to produce a readable error message.
\#3213889 hyperref boxes are in wrong position for vertical labels
see \url{
@@ -842,7 +1024,7 @@ l.30 \ref{govconsumptionlegend}
@@ -863,7 +1045,7 @@ CRASH:
Using $0$ in pgfplots coordinate systems does not necessarily mean ``no offset''. This is misleading. Bug sourceforge \#3168030:
@@ -907,7 +1089,9 @@ CRASH:
The clipping of tick lines uses the middle of axis lines; it does not incorporate the line width of the axis lines.
@@ -935,7 +1119,7 @@ CRASH:
can someone confirm the following behavior. The y label of a plot gets
truncated in some circumstances if the external library is used. This
happens for me if no title is specified for a plot. Consider the
@@ -961,8 +1145,10 @@ following example:
- Decorations in plots appear to be problematic:
+ Decorations in plots appear to be problematic (this is a duplicate! caused by the fact that decorate=false is used at the beginning of every plot, need to adjust every path style):
@@ -981,12 +1167,31 @@ following example:
\draw [postaction={draw, decorate, decoration=border}] (0,-3cm) -- ++(5cm,0.5cm); %funktioniert
+\addplot+[postaction={draw, decorate, decoration=border},
+ % tedious, but necessary: pgfplots accidentally resets the
+ % "decorate" option at the beginning of the path (probably a
+ % bug).
+ % This is a work-around:
+ every path/.style={
+ postaction={decorate},
+ every path/.style={},
+ },
+ ] coordinates {(0,0) (5,0.5)}; %funktioniert nicht
Markers in legends are not (always?) filled properly
@@ -1002,13 +1207,14 @@ following example:
+ caused by the fact that options of `every axis legend' are in effect at this time -- which includes \verb|fill=white|.
polar lib: the clipping of markers doesn't work correctly for partial polar axes.
The legend has the \verb|text depth=0.15em| initial configuration, which is extremely bad for legend entries with huge depth (large fractionals or formulas?)
@@ -1090,11 +1296,11 @@ see also \url{
fails and resorts to guesses!
\verb|\addplot table[blue]| ignores the color options!
providing \verb|ymin=0| for a logarithmic axes has no effect; and there is no sanity checking
@@ -1157,10 +1363,14 @@ Missing character: There is no k in font nullfont!
anywhere in the code -- the \verb|\def| introduces special checks for the \verb|#| whereas the \verb|\toks| does not.
It is not possible to use \verb|\addplot ... node[pos=0.5] {a};| in pgfplots.
Reason: the timer information is tikz high level, but pgfplots uses the PGF basic layer.
+ Open: the \verb|\pgfplotspointplotattime| should provide more useful output: SCI notation and it should respect custom trafos
@@ -1191,11 +1401,11 @@ Missing character: There is no k in font nullfont!
providing \verb|\legend{}| without any \verb|\addplot| commands causes a problem
It is not (properly) possible to provide \verb|surf| to \verb|\addplot|.
@@ -1279,7 +1489,7 @@ style={thick,color=black}},
the axis line combination styles can't be adjusted for 3D because they are
evaluated too early.
@@ -1311,10 +1521,6 @@ style={thick,color=black}},
- document INS 671 does not compile with pgfplots 1.4 and pgf 2.00
numplotspertype and forget plot and ybar interval yields errors.
@@ -1372,7 +1578,7 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
3D axes: it is difficult to get an 1:1 correspondence to tikz.
3D axes: providing three unit vectors is not sufficient, one also needs to set
'view={}{}'. That should be done automatically.
@@ -1393,14 +1599,14 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
refine/triangulation etc. and shouldn't make a difference otherwise.
manual errors of given pgfplots\_unstable version:
94 2.5.12 \verb|addplot+[patch] --> addplot3+[patch]|
162 "xmode, ymode, zmode" and "x dir, ..."
come again on page 177
don't loose \verb|\ref|'s when externalizing
I'll provide a minimal later
@@ -1415,7 +1621,7 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
plot graphics: \verb|\ref| legend doesn't work properly
french babel and colorbars are not fully compatible. The problem is that
colorbars use '\verb|\addplot| graphics {};' with a fixed catcode for the ';' --
which might lead to problems.
@@ -1486,12 +1692,12 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
with them as far as I know.
contour external doesn't handle explicitly provided matrix data (mesh/rows and
mesh/cols) yet.
contour external doesn't handle the ordering flag correctly.
@@ -1505,7 +1711,7 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
sanity checking here.
the title style for 'footnotesize' is not as I want it to: it doesn't respect
the depth below the baseline. Or does it need a \verb|\strut|?
@@ -1642,7 +1848,7 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
gnuplot: set terminal table seems to be deprecated.
gnuplot and 3D
$\leadsto$ I need a shared interface to prepare the required keys for expression plotting
@@ -1703,7 +1909,7 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
3D: axis equal implementation might not be correct (at least not for view
special cases)
@@ -1854,6 +2060,34 @@ and you can remark that colour filling overlaps x- and y-axis ! So I suggest tha
\section{Feature Proposals PGFPlots}
+ improve support for circle / ellipse paths inside of an axis
+ compare \url{}
+ \url{\}
+ provide log labels without exponents, i.e. $10000$ instead of $10^4$
+ it would be nice to have automatic PNG export for huge graphics. Such an approach, combined with plot graphics,
+ could result in considerably smaller pdfs and faster rendering. At the same time, it would not suffer the limitation which arises if one uses the external lib and converts the complete figure to png (including axis descritpions)
+ There is no simple way to provide LOG colorbars:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item ymode=log is not supported in `every colorbar' due to key filtering problems
+ \item disablelogfilter appears to be useless and does not respect `log basis'
+ \end{enumerate}
+ If those two this would be fixed, one could provide \verb|colorbar style={ymode=log,disablelogfilter}| and would get a proper logarithmic colorbar. Perhaps even combined with \verb|log basis| ... ?
Cases-statement in math parser
@@ -2014,10 +2248,11 @@ If there would be a search path like \verb|\graphicspath| for graphics it would
ternary diagram for extractions (more details will come)
filled area between 2 addplot's (already requested in mailing list)
perhaps style 'fill plot' which is applied in vis phase. There, one can
access the postprocessed information of the previous plot.
@@ -2097,12 +2332,14 @@ If there would be a search path like \verb|\graphicspath| for graphics it would
or confusing....
> Is it possible to shade the area between two curves, using pgfplots, such as
> in this example: \url{}
> The only shading I could find is between one curve and the x axis... Shading
> between curves seems to be possible, but only with stacked curves. Is is
> possible to disable stacking somehow, but keep the closedcycle behavior?
@@ -2476,7 +2713,7 @@ Das Plotten sollte dann out-of-the-box m\"oglich sein.
I got several feature requests for non-cartesian axes.
Perhaps there is a way to generalize the complete procedure... as far as I
remember, I use the pointxyz routines anyway to place tick marks and so on.
@@ -2490,7 +2727,7 @@ Das Plotten sollte dann out-of-the-box m\"oglich sein.
smith charts
@@ -2576,13 +2813,15 @@ Das Plotten sollte dann out-of-the-box m\"oglich sein.
it might be interesting to fill the area between two paths. Perhaps there is
such a feature in pgf; or perhaps I can generalize the \verb|\closedcycle|
implementation written for stacked plots.
provide a \verb|\numplotsperplothandler| or something like that. This would improve
things for bar plots!