path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/matlab2pgfplots.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/matlab2pgfplots.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/matlab2pgfplots.m b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/matlab2pgfplots.m
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pgfplots/matlab2pgfplots.m
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-function matlab2pgfplots(varargin )
-% matlab2pgfplots(outfile )
-% matlab2pgfplots( outfile, OPTIONS )
-% Generate LaTeX code for use in package pgfplots to
-% draw line plots.
-% It will use every (2d) line plot in the figure specified by handler fighandle.
-% It understands
-% - axis labels,
-% - legends,
-% - any 2d line plots,
-% - line styles/markers (in case of styles=1),
-% - tick positions, labels and axis limits (in case of axes=1).
-% Linestyles and markers will follow as an option. However, pgfplots has its
-% own line styles which may be appropriate.
-% OPTIONS are key value pairs. Known options are
-% - 'fig',HANDLE
-% a figure handle (default is 'gcf').
-% - 'styles',0|1
-% a boolean indicating whether line styles, markers and colors shall be exported (default 1).
-% - 'axes',0|1
-% a boolean indicating whether axis ticks, tick labels and limits shall be exported (default 0).
-% - 'maxpoints',100
-% an integer denoting the maximum number of points exported to tex. If the actual number is larger,
-% the data will be interpolated to 'maxpoints'. The interpolation assumes
-% parametric plots if x and y are not monotonically increasing.
-% See
-% for details about pgfplots.
-% Copyright Christian Feuersaenger 2008
-parser = inputParser;
-parser.addRequired( 'outfile', @(x) ischar(x) );
-parser.addParamValue( 'fig', gcf, @(x) ishandle(x) );
-parser.addParamValue( 'styles', 1, @(x) x==0 || x==1 );
-parser.addParamValue( 'axes' , 0, @(x) x==0 || x==1 );
-parser.addParamValue( 'maxpoints', 100000, @(x) isnumeric(x) );
-parser.parse( varargin{:} );
-fighandle = parser.Results.fig;
-lineobjs = findobj(fighandle, 'Type', 'line' );
-axesobj = findobj( fighandle, 'Type', 'axes' );
-legendobj = findobj( fighandle, 'tag', 'legend' );
-if length(legendobj) > 0
- allchildsoflegend = [ findobj( legendobj ) ];
- lineobjs = setdiff( lineobjs, allchildsoflegend );
- axesobj = setdiff( axesobj, allchildsoflegend );
-FID=fopen( parser.Results.outfile, 'w' );
-assert( FID >= 0, [ 'could not open file ' parser.Results.outfile ' for writing' ] );
-fwrite( FID, [ ...
- '\begin{tikzpicture}%' ENDL ...
- '\begin{axis}'] );
-xislog = 0;
-yislog = 0;
-if length(axesobj) > 0
- axis = axesobj(1);
- xlabel = get( get(axis, 'XLabel'), 'String');
- ylabel = get( get(axis, 'YLabel'), 'String');
- zlabel = get( get(axis, 'ZLabel'), 'String');
- xscale = get(axis,'XScale');
- yscale = get(axis,'YScale');
- axisoptions = {};
- if length(xlabel) > 0
- axisoptions = [ axisoptions [ 'xlabel={' xlabel '}'] ];
- end
- if length(ylabel) > 0
- axisoptions = [ axisoptions ['ylabel={' ylabel '}'] ];
- end
- if strcmp(xscale,'log')
- xislog=1;
- axisoptions = [ axisoptions ['xmode=log'] ];
- end
- if strcmp(yscale,'log')
- yislog = 1;
- axisoptions = [ axisoptions ['ymode=log'] ];
- end
- if parser.Results.axes
- for k = 'xy'
- L = get(gca, [ k 'Lim'] );
- axisoptions = [ axisoptions [ k 'min=' num2str(L(1)) ] ];
- axisoptions = [ axisoptions [ k 'max=' num2str(L(2)) ] ];
- end
- for k = 'xy'
- L = get(gca, [ k 'Tick'] );
- opt = [ k 'tick={' ];
- for q=1:length(L)
- if q>1
- opt = [opt ',' ];
- end
- opt = [opt num2str(L(q)) ];
- end
- opt = [ opt '}' ];
- axisoptions = [axisoptions opt ];
- end
- end
- axisoptstr = [];
- for i = 1:length(axisoptions)
- if i>1
- axisoptstr = [axisoptstr ',' ENDL TAB];
- end
- axisoptstr = [axisoptstr axisoptions{i}];
- end
- if length( axisoptstr )
- fwrite( FID, [ '[' ENDL TAB axisoptstr ']' ENDL ] );
- end
-fwrite( FID, ENDL );
-if length(legendobj) > 0
- legentries = get(legendobj, 'String');
- if length(legentries) > 0
- legstr = ['\legend{%' ENDL TAB ];
- for i = 1:length(legentries)
- legstr = [ legstr legentries{i} '\\%' ENDL ];
- if i ~= length(legentries)
- legstr = [ legstr TAB ];
- end
- end
- legstr = [ legstr '}%' ENDL ];
- fwrite( FID, legstr );
- end
-xpointformat = '%f';
-ypointformat = '%f';
-if xislog
- xpointformat = '%e';
-if yislog
- ypointformat = '%e';
-for i = 1:length(lineobjs)
- x = get(lineobjs(i), 'XData');
- y = get(lineobjs(i), 'YData');
- z = get(lineobjs(i), 'ZData');
- if size(x,1) > 1
- disp( ['line element ' num2str(i) ' skipped: size ' num2str(size(x)) ' not supported']);
- end
- if abs(max(z) > 0)
- disp( ['line element ' num2str(i) ' skipped: only 2d-plots supported up to now']);
- end
- if size(x,2) > parser.Results.maxpoints
- % we need to re-interpolate the data!
- q = find( diff(x) < 0 );
- if length(q)
- % parametric plot x(t), y(t), z(t).
- % we assume t = 1:size(x,2)
- X = 1:parser.Results.maxpoints;
- x = interp1( 1:size(x,2),x, X);
- y = interp1( 1:size(y,2),y, X);
- z = interp1( 1:size(z,2),z, X);
- else
- % a normal plot y(x):
- X = linspace( min(x), max(x), parser.Results.maxpoints );
- y = interp1( x,y, X );
- x = X;
- end
- end
- coordstr = [];
- for j = 1:size(x,2)
- coordstr = [coordstr sprintf(['\t(' xpointformat ',\t' ypointformat ')\n'], x(j), y(j)) ];
- end
- addplotoptstr = [];
- if parser.Results.styles
- markOpts = {};
- mark = [];
- linestyle = [];
- color = [];
- C = matlabColorToPGFColor( get(lineobjs(i), 'Color') );
- if length(C)
- color = [ 'color=' C ];
- end
- L = get(lineobjs(i), 'LineStyle' );
- switch L
- case 'none'
- linestyle = 'only marks';
- case '-'
- linestyle = [];
- case ':'
- linestyle = 'densely dotted';
- case '-:'
- linestyle = 'dash pattern=on 2pt off 3pt on 1pt off 3pt]';
- case '--'
- linestyle = 'densely dashed';
- end
- M = get(lineobjs(i), 'Marker');
- switch M
- case '.'
- mark = '*';
- markOpts = [ markOpts 'scale=0.1' ];
- case 'o'
- mark = '*';
- case 'x'
- mark = 'x';
- case '+'
- mark = '+';
- case '*'
- mark = 'asterisk';
- case 'square'
- mark = 'square*';
- case 'diamond'
- mark = 'diamond*';
- case '^'
- mark = 'triangle*';
- case 'v'
- mark = 'triangle*';
- markOpts = [ markOpts 'rotate=180' ];
- case '<'
- mark = 'triangle*';
- markOpts = [ markOpts 'rotate=90' ];
- case '>'
- mark = 'triangle*';
- markOpts = [ markOpts 'rotate=270' ];
- case 'pentagramm'
- mark = 'pentagon*';
- case 'hexagram'
- mark = 'oplus*';
- end
- M = matlabColorToPGFColor( get(lineobjs(i), 'MarkerFaceColor') );
- if length(M)
- markOpts = [ markOpts ['fill=' M] ];
- end
- M = matlabColorToPGFColor( get(lineobjs(i), 'MarkerEdgeColor') );
- if length(M)
- markOpts = [ markOpts ['draw=' M] ];
- end
- if length(color)
- if length(addplotoptstr)
- addplotoptstr = [addplotoptstr ',' ];
- end
- addplotoptstr = [ addplotoptstr color ];
- end
- if length(linestyle)
- if length(addplotoptstr)
- addplotoptstr = [addplotoptstr ',' ];
- end
- addplotoptstr = [ addplotoptstr linestyle ];
- end
- if length(mark)
- if length(addplotoptstr)
- addplotoptstr = [addplotoptstr ',' ];
- end
- addplotoptstr = [ addplotoptstr [ 'mark=' mark ] ];
- if length(markOpts)
- markOptsStr = 'mark options={';
- for q = 1:length(markOpts)
- if q > 1
- markOptsStr = [markOptsStr ',' ];
- end
- markOptsStr = [ markOptsStr markOpts{q} ];
- end
- markOptsStr = [ markOptsStr '}' ];
- addplotoptstr = [ addplotoptstr ',' markOptsStr ];
- end
- end
- if length(addplotoptstr)
- addplotoptstr = [ '[' addplotoptstr ']' ];
- end
- end
- fwrite( FID, [ ...
- '\addplot' addplotoptstr ' plot coordinates {' ENDL coordstr '};' ENDL ] );
-fwrite( FID, [ ...
- '\end{axis}' ENDL ...
- '\end{tikzpicture}%' ENDL ] );
-function cstr = matlabColorToPGFColor( C )
-if length(C) ~= 3 | ischar(C) & strcmp(C,'none'), cstr = [];
-elseif norm( C - [0 0 1 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'blue';
-elseif norm( C - [0 1 0 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'green';
-elseif norm( C - [1 0 0 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'red';
-elseif norm( C - [0 1 1 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'cyan';
-elseif norm( C - [1 0 1 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'magenta';
-elseif norm( C - [1 1 0 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'yellow';
-elseif norm( C - [0 0 0 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'black';
-elseif norm( C - [1 1 1 ], 'inf' ) < 1e-10, cstr = 'white';
- cstr= 'blue'; % FIXME
-% cstr = [ '{rgb:red,' num2str( floor( C(1)*100) ) ';green,' num2str(floor(C(2)*100)) ';blue,' num2str(floor(C(3)*100)) '}' ];