path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfcomment/pdfcomment.tex
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1 files changed, 79 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfcomment/pdfcomment.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfcomment/pdfcomment.tex
index fd7c2f68853..93d5055ca78 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfcomment/pdfcomment.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfcomment/pdfcomment.tex
@@ -132,11 +132,12 @@
\hypersetup{pdfauthor={Josef Kleber},pdftitle={A user-friendly interface to PDF annotations},pdfsubject={Documentation for LaTeX style \filename}}%
\Subtitle{A user-friendly interface to PDF annotations}%
\author{Josef Kleber}
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ If you can't see this annotation \pdfcomment[author={Josef Kleber},subject={Test
\subsubsection*{Required packages for using \substyle{\filename}}
-\fbox{\parbox[t]{.8\linewidth}{\small \package{hyperref} (v6.76a [2007/04/09]), \package{zref} (v1.8 [2007/04/22]), \package{xkeyval}, \package{ifpdf}, \package{ifthen}, \package{calc}, \package{marginnote} and the packages loaded by them.}}
+\fbox{\parbox[t]{.8\linewidth}{\small \package{hyperref} (v6.76a [2007/04/09]), \package{zref} (v1.8 [2007/04/22]), \package{xkeyval}, \package{ifpdf}, \package{ifthen}, \package{calc}, \package{marginnote}, \package{datetime} and the packages loaded by them.}}
@@ -204,6 +205,9 @@ Version v2.0 of \texttt{pdfcomment.sty} introduced a bugfix that removes unwante
\subsection{Local options}
The following options are useable as options for the commands presented in sections \ref{sec:kommentarumgebungen} and \ref{sec:kommentarbefehle}, as well as style options. As style options they have global effect, whereas they have only local effect when used in commands. Furthermore global options are not overwritten.
+You can use the option \styleoption{id} to define a unique ID for referencing in a PDF reply (see \ref{sec:pdfreply}).
You can use the option \styleoption{subject} for defining the subject of the PDF popup annotations.
@@ -213,6 +217,48 @@ You can use the option \styleoption{author} for defining the author of the PDF p
You can use the option \styleoption{opacity} for defining the opacity of PDF annotations with values between 0 (transparent) and 1 (not transparent, default). If you want to print PDF popup annotations with transparency you will have to use the option \styleoption{open} = \texttt{true}.
+You can use the option \styleoption{icon} for defining the graphic used for the PDF text annotations. The following icons are defined as mandatory by the PDF reference:
+\pdfcommentsetup{author={Josef Kleber},subject={Icon Übersicht},width=17mm}
+\texttt{Comment} & \pdfcomment[icon=Comment,color=Ivory,hspace=1.5cm]{Optionen: icon=Comment,color=Ivory} &
+\texttt{Key} & \pdfcomment[icon=Key,color=Khaki,hspace=1.5cm]{Optionen: icon=Key,color=Khaki} &
+\texttt{Note} & \pdfcomment[icon=Note,color=LavenderBlush,hspace=1.5cm]{Optionen: icon=Note,color=LavenderBlush}\\
+\texttt{Help} & \pdfcomment[icon=Help,color=CornflowerBlue,hspace=1.5cm]{Optionen: icon=Help,color=CornflowerBlue} &
+\texttt{NewParagraph} & \pdfcomment[icon=NewParagraph,color=SkyBlue,hspace=1.5cm]{Optionen: icon=NewParagraph,color=SkyBlue}\\
+\texttt{Paragraph} & \pdfcomment[icon=Paragraph,color=SpringGreen,hspace=1.5cm]{Optionen: icon=Paragraph,color=SpringGreen} &
+\texttt{Insert} & \pdfcomment[icon=Insert,color=PaleTurquoise,hspace=1.5cm]{Optionen: Insert,color=PaleTurquoise} &
+ & \\
+Furthermore the following icons are also supported by \texttt{Adobe Reader} and some other PDF viewers:
+\texttt{Check} & \pdfcomment[icon=Check,color=Orchid,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=Check,color=Orchid} &
+\texttt{Circle} & \pdfcomment[icon=Circle,color=LightCyan,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=Circle,color=LightCyan} &
+\texttt{Cross} & \pdfcomment[icon=Cross,color=Bisque,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=Cross,color=Bisque}\\
+\texttt{Star} & \pdfcomment[icon=Star,color=Aquamarine,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=Star,color=Aquamarine} &
+\texttt{RightArrow} & \pdfcomment[icon=RightArrow,color=Gainsboro,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=RightArrow,color=Gainsboro} &
+\texttt{RightPointer} & \pdfcomment[icon=RightPointer,color=Salmon,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=RightPointer,color=Salmon}\\
+\texttt{UpArrow} & \pdfcomment[icon=UpArrow,color=Teal,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=UpArrow,color=Teal} &
+\texttt{UpLeftArrow} & \pdfcomment[icon=UpLeftArrow,color=Magenta,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=UpLeftArrow,color=Magenta} &
+\texttt{CrossHairs (AR X)} & \pdfcomment[icon=CrossHairs,color=green,hspace=1cm]{Optionen: icon=CrossHairs,color=green}
+You can use the option \styleoption{deadline} for defining a time limit until a problem has to be solved. The deadline will be added at the end of the comment, as well as in the list of comments, if an appropriate list style is chosen.
You can use the option \styleoption{color} for defining the color of PDF annotations in the form \{0.34 0.56 0.12\} (RGB). If you are using the additional package \package{xcolor} you can use predefined color names, as well as the available optional color names. Furthermore you can use the command \cmd\definecolor{} to define your own named colors. Please take a look at the attached example \file{example.tex}.\marginnote{\attachfile[author={Josef Kleber},subject={example.tex},description={source code: example.tex} ,mimetype={text/plain}, icon={Tag}]{example.tex}} It shows the different possibilities of defining colors.
@@ -232,36 +278,6 @@ By definition the PDF specification allows four different color spaces with diff
You can use the option \styleoption{icolor} for defining the so called 'inner color', which is used by some PDF annotations, like arrowheads or the inner area of PDF circle annotation. For the rest, the provisions of the option \styleoption{color} shall apply.
-You can use the option \styleoption{icon} for defining the graphic used for the PDF text annotations. The following icons are defined as mandatory by the PDF reference:
-\bigskip\pdfcommentsetup{author={Josef Kleber},subject={Icon overview}}
-\texttt{Comment} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Comment,color=Ivory]{Options: icon=Comment,color=Ivory} \hfill \texttt{Key} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Key,color=Khaki]{Options: icon=Key,color=Khaki} \hfill \texttt{Note} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Note,color=LavenderBlush]{Options: icon=Note,color=LavenderBlush} \hfill \texttt{Help} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Help,color=CornflowerBlue]{Options: icon=Help,color=CornflowerBlue}\hspace{20pt}
-\hspace*{1cm}\texttt{NewParagraph} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=NewParagraph,color=SkyBlue]{Options: icon=NewParagraph,color=SkyBlue} \hfill \texttt{Paragraph} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Paragraph,color=SpringGreen]{Options: icon=Paragraph,color=SpringGreen} \hfill \texttt{Insert} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Insert,color=PaleTurquoise]{Options: Insert,color=PaleTurquoise}\hspace{0pt}\hspace*{1cm}\hspace{20pt}
-Furthermore the following icons are also supported by \texttt{Adobe Reader} and some other PDF viewers:
-\texttt{Check} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Check,color=Orchid]{Options: icon=Check,color=Orchid} \hfill \texttt{Circle} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Circle,color=LightCyan]{Options: icon=Circle,color=LightCyan} \hfill \texttt{Cross} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Cross,color=Bisque]{Options: icon=Cross,color=Bisque}\hspace{20pt}
-\hspace*{1cm}\texttt{Star} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=Star,color=Aquamarine]{Options: icon=Star,color=Aquamarine} \hfill \texttt{RightArrow} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=RightArrow,color=Gainsboro]{Options: icon=RightArrow,color=Gainsboro} \hfill \texttt{RightPointer} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=RightPointer,color=Salmon]{Options: icon=RightPointer,color=Salmon}\hspace*{1cm}\hspace{20pt}
-\hspace*{2.5cm}\texttt{UpArrow} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=UpArrow,color=Teal]{Options: icon=UpArrow,color=Teal} \hfill \texttt{UpLeftArrow} \hspace{1em} \pdfcomment[icon=UpLeftArrow,color=Magenta]{Options: icon=UpLeftArrow,color=Magenta}\hspace*{2.5cm}\hspace{20pt}
-You can use the option \styleoption{deadline} for defining a time limit until a problem has to be solved. The deadline will be added at the end of the comment, as well as in the list of comments, if an appropriate list style is chosen.
You can use the option \styleoption{open} for defining the opening status of the PDF popup annotations. Possible values are \texttt{true} or \texttt{false} (default).
@@ -365,6 +381,19 @@ You can use the option \styleoption{markup} for defining the type of the PDF tex
You can use the option \styleoption{disable} for switching off single PDF annotation. For switching off all PDF annotations use the global option \styleoption{final}.
+You can use the option \styleoption{date} to assign a date to PDF annotations. If no explicit date is assigned the date and time of the creation of the PDF document is used. The input has to be in PDF date format, e.g.:
+You only have to use the option \styleoption{timezone}, if you are using automatic date setting and \XeLaTeX\ or \texttt{pdflatex} < v1.30.0. Otherwise the \texttt{pdflatex} command \string\pdfcreationdate\ will be used. \styleoption{timezone}=+01'00' sets the timezone to middle european time (default: +00'00' (GMT)).
With the option \styleoption{avatar} you can load the option lists, that were predefined with the command \cmd\defineavatar{} to avoid annoying typing.
@@ -396,7 +425,6 @@ Limitations:
\subsection{Comment commands}\label{sec:kommentarbefehle}
@@ -462,7 +490,7 @@ Also see \LinkExMath{} for a more detailed explanation of the possibilities!
Possible \margcs{\cmd\pdffreetextcomment\\\oarg{options}\marg{comment}} options: \styleoption{avatar}, \styleoption{style}, \styleoption{subject}, \styleoption{author}, \styleoption{color}, \styleoption{font}, \styleoption{fontsize}, \styleoption{fontcolor}, \styleoption{opacity}, \styleoption{line}, \styleoption{linewidth}, \styleoption{lineend}, \styleoption{borderstyle}, \styleoption{dashstyle}, \styleoption{bse}, \styleoption{bsei}, \styleoption{type}, \styleoption{height}, \styleoption{width}, \styleoption{voffset}, \styleoption{hoffset}
-\cmd\pdffreetextcomment{} (type=freetext) will typeset a comment in form of a freely positioned box on the wished spot of the page.\pdffreetextcomment[subject={\textbackslash pdffreetextcomment Test},height=1.2cm,width=4cm,voffset=-3.7cm,hoffset=-1.2cm,opacity=0.5,color=yellow]{This is a FreeText annotation} By using the option \styleoption{type} = \texttt{callout} the box will have an additional so called callout line, to bind the box to a certain element of the page. With the option \styleoption{type} = \texttt{typewriter} you can write a comment everywhere on the page with a virtual 'typewriter'. These PDF freetext annotation do have no frame and a transparent background for 'overwriting' arbitrary parts of the page. Please note the example file \LinkEx!
+\cmd\pdffreetextcomment{} (type=freetext) will typeset a comment in form of a freely positioned box on the wished spot of the page.\pdffreetextcomment[subject={\textbackslash pdffreetextcomment Test},height=1.2cm,width=4cm,voffset=-4.7cm,hoffset=-1.2cm,opacity=0.5,color=yellow]{This is a FreeText annotation} By using the option \styleoption{type} = \texttt{callout} the box will have an additional so called callout line, to bind the box to a certain element of the page. With the option \styleoption{type} = \texttt{typewriter} you can write a comment everywhere on the page with a virtual 'typewriter'. These PDF freetext annotation do have no frame and a transparent background for 'overwriting' arbitrary parts of the page. Please note the example file \LinkEx!
\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\cs{pdfsquarecomment}}{\textbackslash pdfsquarecomment}}
@@ -486,6 +514,22 @@ Possible \margcs{\cmd\pdfsidelinecomment\\\oarg{options}\marg{comment}}options:
\cmd\pdflinecomment{} will typeset a comment in form of a line, polyline or polygon at the wished spot of the page (see: \LinkEx).
+\subsection{Reply command}
+\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\cs{pdfreply}}{\textbackslash pdfreply}}
+Possible \margcs{\cmd\pdfreply\\\oarg{options}\marg{comment}}options: \styleoption{avatar}, \styleoption{style}, \styleoption{subject}, \styleoption{author}, \styleoption{id}, \styleoption{replyto}, \styleoption{color}
+With the command \cmd\pdfreply{} you can compose replys to comments. The option \texttt{replyto} provides a clear reference to the comment the reply refers to.\footnote{The replys must be typeset on the same page than the refering comments}. Due to technical reasons the command \string\pdfreply\ works only while using \texttt{pdflatex}.
+\pdfmargincomment[subject={Top2},author={Josef Kleber},icon=Note,id=1,color=blue]{This is a comment.}
+\pdfreply[id=2,avatar=Joe,replyto=1,date=D:20101212161247+01'00']{This is a reply to a comment}
+\pdfreply[id=3,avatar=Bob,replyto=2,date=D:20101213095321+01'00']{Of course, you can reply to a reply}
+\pdfreply[id=4,avatar=Bob,replyto=1,date=D:20101213095512+01'00']{Just another reply}
+Furthermore the command can not support page breaks (\string\pdfmarkupcomment, \string\pdfsidelinecomment). The replys will only appear in the PDF annotations on the second page. Replys to comments without page break work smoothly!
\subsection{Misc. commands}
\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\cs{pdfcommentsetup}}{\textbackslash pdfcommentsetup}}
@@ -538,7 +582,7 @@ With the command \cmd\definestyle \margcs{\cmd\definestyle\marg{name}\marg{optio
\section{Printing comments and popups}
-Basically, \texttt{Adobe Reader} is able to print PDF annotations. Therefore, you have to choose 'Document and Markups' in the field 'Comments and Forms' of the print dialog. Additionally, you have to configure the menu 'Edit $\rightarrow$ Preferences $\rightarrow$ Commenting'. Unfortunately, this option does not exist in many versions of \texttt{Adobe Reader}. If it does not exist, the only possibility is to edit the configuration files itself.
+Basically, \texttt{Adobe Reader} is able to print PDF annotations. Therefore, you have to choose 'Document and Markups' in the field 'Comments and Forms' of the print dialog. Additionally, you have to configure the menu 'Edit $\rightarrow$ Preferences... $\rightarrow$ Commenting $\rightarrow$ Print notes and pop-ups'. This entry exists since the release of \texttt{Adobe Reader X}. For older versions, the only possibility is to edit the configuration files itself.
\item[Windows:] the registry needs to be changed (on your own risk!)