path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/osa/optics_express/opex3.sty
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/osa/optics_express/opex3.sty')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/osa/optics_express/opex3.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/osa/optics_express/opex3.sty
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+% File: opex3.sty %
+% Version: 1.0 %
+% Date: 15 June 2003 %
+% %
+% This style file requires the LaTeX2e article %
+% class and is provided for authors submitting %
+% to the Optical Society of America's %
+% Optics Express, %
+% %
+% opex3.sty invokes the following standard %
+% package files: geometry, color, graphicx %
+% %
+% The following document preamble is appropriate %
+% with this style file: %
+% %
+% \documentclass[10pt]{article} %
+% \usepackage{opex3} %
+% %
+% Copyright 2003 Optical Society of America %
+\ProvidesPackage{opex3}[2003/06/10 LaTeX package for OSA Optics Express]
+%% Packages
+%% fonts
+%% Page-layout commands
+%% 12 pt = 1 pc; 6 pc = 1 in.
+\geometry{nohead,height=50pc,width=31.5pc,left=9.9pc,top=6.5pc,bottom=10pc} %% uses geometry.sty
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+\newcommand\OEtitle[1]{\LARGE \bf \hskip2.25pc \parbox{.8\textwidth}{ \noindent%
+ \LARGE \bf \begin{center} #1 \end{center}\rm } \vskip.1in \rm\normalsize }
+\newcommand\OEauthor[1]{\hskip2.25pc \parbox{.8\textwidth}{ \noindent%
+ \normalsize \bf \begin{center} #1 \end{center}\rm } \vskip-1pc }
+\newcommand\OEaddress[1]{\hskip2.25pc \parbox{.8\textwidth}{ \noindent%
+ \footnotesize \it \begin{center} #1 \end{center}\rm } \normalsize \vskip-.2cm }
+\newcommand\OEemail[1]{\vskip-.3cm \parskip0pc\hskip2.25pc \footnotesize%
+ \parbox{.8\textwidth}{\begin{center}\it \textcolor{blue}{\underline{#1}} \rm \end{center} } \normalsize \vskip-.2cm}
+\newcommand\homepage[1]{\vskip-1pt \parskip0pc\hskip2.25pc \footnotesize %% CHANGE 8-3-99
+ \parbox{.8\textwidth}{\begin{center}\it \textcolor{blue}{\underline{#1}} \rm \end{center} } \normalsize\vskip-.2cm}
+\newcommand\ocis[1]{\vskip-2.75pc \begin{center}\parbox{.8\textwidth}{\footnotesize\bf OCIS codes: \rm #1 \hfill} \end{center}\vskip3pt}%
+{\vskip1pc\noindent\begin{center} \begin{minipage}{.8\textwidth} {\bf Abstract: \ } }
+{ \\ \vskip-.5pc \noindent \small \copyright \, \number\year \hskip.05in
+ Optical Society of America \\ \hfil \end{minipage}\end{center}\normalsize\vskip-1.5pc}%
+%% abstract* for papers exempt from copyright
+{\vskip1pc\noindent\begin{center} \begin{minipage}{.8\textwidth} {\bf Abstract: \ } }
+%{\vskip.9pc\noindent\begin{center} \begin{minipage}{.8\textwidth}{\bf Abstract: \ %}}{\end{minipage}\end{center}\vskip-1.2pc}%
+%% Various customizations
+\renewcommand\refname{\normalsize References and links \rm}
+%% New caption commands
+ \small
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+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \fi
+ \vskip\belowcaptionskip\normalsize}
+%% New (more liberal than the default) float commands
+%% Bibliography commands
+ {\hrule \vskip-.5in \section*{\refname
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\refname}{\MakeUppercase\refname}}%
+ \list{\@arabic\c@enumiv .}% \list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c@enumiv .}}%
+ {\settowidth\labelwidth{.25in}%
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+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}%
+ \sloppy
+ \clubpenalty4000
+ \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
+ \widowpenalty4000%
+ \sfcode`\.\@m \footnotesize}
+ {\def\@noitemerr
+ {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+ \endlist \hrule\vskip.2in}
+%\newcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
+%% New section parameters 4/28/2003 sdinee
+%% Authors may now use \cite \ref for section numbers
+\renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{\csname the#1\endcsname.\quad }
+\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{0pt}%
+ {-2.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1.3ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalsize\bfseries}}
+ {-2.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalsize\itshape}}
+ {-2.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\small\upshape}}
+\hyphenation {ac-cord-ing
+ allow
+ back-scat-ter
+ back-scat-te-ring
+ back-scat-tered
+ scat-te-ring
+ Based based
+ cases
+ cen-tered
+ changed
+ co-incide
+ con-cerning
+ con-ven-tional
+ de-creased
+ de-po-lar-iz-ation
+ de-tector de-tectors
+ de-vi-ation
+ dis-cussion
+ dis-tribu-tion
+ dis-tribu-tions
+ dis-trib-ute
+ dis-trib-uted
+ Ehhalt
+ extinc-tion
+ found
+ Geest-hacht
+ ground
+ Hink-ley
+ il-lus-trated
+ il-lus-trate
+ Intro-ducing
+ Klap-heck
+ lati-tude
+ measure-ment
+ measure-ments
+ meas-ured
+ measuring
+ mixing
+ north-east
+ orig-inated
+ op-er-ating
+ out-flow
+ pres-ence
+ primary
+ rather
+ rela-tive
+ sig-nal
+ sig-nals
+ solid
+ tem-pera-ture
+ Tem-pera-ture
+ trans-ported
+ tropo-pause
+ Tropo-pause
+ tropo-sphere
+ Tropo-sphere
+ tube
+ tubes
+ Values
+ varies
+ Weather
+ re}
+%% Journal abbreviation macros
+\def\opex{ Opt.\ Express }
+\def\ao{ Appl.\ Opt.\ }
+\def\ap{ Appl.\ Phys.\ }
+\def\apa{ Appl.\ Phys.\ A }
+\def\apb{ Appl.\ Phys.\ B }
+\def\apl{ Appl.\ Phys.\ Lett.\ }
+\def\apj{ Astrophys.\ J.\ }
+\def\bell{ Bell Syst.\ Tech.\ J.\ }
+\def\jqe{ IEEE J.\ Quantum Electron.\ }
+\def\assp{ IEEE Trans.\ Acoust.\ Speech Signal Process.\ }
+\def\aprop{ IEEE Trans.\ Antennas Propag.\ }
+\def\mtt{ IEEE Trans.\ Microwave Theory Tech.\ }
+\def\iovs{ Invest.\ Ophthalmol.\ Visual\ Sci.\ }
+\def\jcp{ J.\ Chem.\ Phys.\ }
+\def\jmo{ J.\ Mod.\ Opt.\ }
+\def\jon{J.\ Opt.\ Netw.\ }
+\def\josa{ J.\ Opt.\ Soc.\ Am.\ }
+\def\josaa{ J.\ Opt.\ Soc.\ Am.\ A }
+\def\josab{ J.\ Opt.\ Soc.\ Am.\ B }
+\def\jpp{ J.\ Phys.\ (Paris) }
+\def\nat{ Nature (London) }
+\def\oc{ Opt.\ Commun.\ }
+\def\ol{ Opt.\ Lett.\ }
+\def\pl{ Phys.\ Lett.\ }
+\def\pra{ Phys.\ Rev.\ A }
+\def\prb{ Phys.\ Rev.\ B }
+\def\prc{ Phys.\ Rev.\ C }
+\def\prd{ Phys.\ Rev.\ D }
+\def\pre{ Phys.\ Rev.\ E }
+\def\prl{ Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ }
+\def\rmp{ Rev.\ Mod.\ Phys.\ }
+\def\pspie{ Proc.\ SPIE\ }
+\def\sjqe{ Sov.\ J.\ Quantum Electron.\ }
+\def\vr{ Vision Res.\ }
+\def\cleo{ {\it Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics }}
+\def\assl{ {\it Advanced Solid State Lasers }}
+\def\tops{ Trends in Optics and Photonics }
+%% end opex3.sty \ No newline at end of file