path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx
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-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-manual-en.pdfbin298007 -> 332391 bytes
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/README
index ceaa2325e3f..6930d370280 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/README
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/README
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ LaTeX package to use OCG (Optional Content Groups) within a PDF document without
Copyright (C) 2012 by Paul Gaborit
This file may be distributed and/or modified
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index 879b7e485b8..55845d25aa3 100644
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Binary files differ
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (C) 2012 by Paul Gaborit
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified
-% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
-% 2. under the GNU Public License.
- fancyvrb=true,
- language=[LaTeX]TeX,
- basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily,
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- backgroundcolor=\color{white},
- fontadjust=true,
- aboveskip=1ex,
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- {\includegraphics[width=#1,height=#2]{#3}};
- }
- }
-\setbeamersize{text margin left=3mm,text margin right=3mm}
- \frametitle{\latex{}, OCG \& \TikZ{} (without JavaScript): \texttt{ocgx} package}
- \framesubtitle{by Paul \textsc{Gaborit} wiht help of Paul
- \textsc{Isambert}}
- \begin{alertblock}{PDF readers}
- To fully enjoy this demonstration, use \emph{Adobe Reader},
- \emph{Foxit Reader} or \emph{evince}!
- \end{alertblock}
- \begin{columns}
- \column{.6\linewidth}
- \begin{block}{Simple example: code}
- \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeXcode]
-\begin{ocg}{My first OCG}{refmyfirstocg}{1}
- Some content...
-{\textcolor{red}{Click me!}}
- \end{block}
- \column{.4\linewidth}
- \begin{block}{Simple example: result}
- \begin{ocg}{My first OCG}{refmyfirstocg}{1}
- Some content...
- \end{ocg}
- \switchocg{refmyfirstocg}%
- {\textcolor{red}{Click me!}}
- \end{block}
- \end{columns}
- \frametitle{First example with Ti\emph{k}Z}
- {\centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small]
- \begin{scope}[ocg={ref=toto,status=visible,name=ok}]
- \fill[orange] circle(10pt);
- \node[draw,rounded corners,hide ocg=toto] at (0,-1) {Hide};
- \node[draw,rounded corners,switch ocg=toto] at (2,-1) {Switch};
- \end{scope}
- \node[show ocg=toto,text=red] at (0,-2) {Show};
- \end{tikzpicture}\par}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \switchocg{toto}{\Large \textcolor{red}{A very long phrase to
- show that a link can be on multiple lines\ldots}\par\textcolor{red}{And with two
- paragraphs!}}
- \item The ``Switch'' button is \textbf{always} useable!
- \end{itemize}
- button on/.style={%
- draw,circle,drop shadow,
- line width=1pt,
- fill=lime!50,
- switch ocg with mark on={#1}{},
- },
- \frametitle{An ordered stack}
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \foreach \col[count=\c] in {red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,violet}{
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\num}{mod(\c+1,2)+1}
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\rad}{8-\c}
- \begin{scope}[xshift=-.3*\c cm,ocg={name=s\num,ref=s\num}]
- \node[ellipse,draw,line width=1pt,
- minimum width=1.1*\rad cm,minimum height=.9*\rad cm,
- fill=\col!70,drop shadow={fill=black}](t){};
- \node[left=3pt of t.east,fill=white,
- fill opacity=.5,text opacity=1,circle,inner sep=0pt]{S\num};
- \end{scope}
- }
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \node[button on=s1](but){};
- \node[right=0 of but]{Switch S1};
- \node[below=3pt of but,button on=s2](but){};
- \node[right=0 of but]{Switch S2};
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \frametitle{RGB and CMY color models with \texttt{xcolor}}
- \def\mylist{red/0,yellow/60,green/120,cyan/180,blue/240,magenta/300}
- \centering\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
- \begin{scope}
- \node at (90:25mm) {RGB color};
- \foreach \col/\angle in \mylist {
- \colorlet{rgb \col}[rgb]{\col}
- \draw (\angle:5mm) circle [radius=10mm];
- \begin{scope}[on background layer]
- \begin{scope}[ocg={ref=RGB\col,name=RGB \col}]
- \fill[fill=rgb \col,fill opacity=.5]
- (\angle:5mm) circle [radius=10mm];
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \node[rounded corners=1mm,draw,line width=1pt,
- minimum size=3mm,fill=rgb \col,fill opacity=.5,
- drop shadow,
- inner sep=0,inner xsep=0,
- switch ocg with mark on={RGB\col}{}]
- at (\angle:20mm){};
- }
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[xshift=70mm]
- \node at (90:25mm) {CMY color};
- \foreach \col/\angle in \mylist {
- \colorlet{cmy \col}[cmyk]{\col}
- \draw (\angle:5mm) circle [radius=10mm];
- \begin{scope}[on background layer]
- \begin{scope}[ocg={ref=CMY\col,name=CMY \col}]
- \fill[fill=cmy \col,fill opacity=.5]
- (\angle:5mm) circle [radius=10mm];
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \node[rounded corners=1mm,draw,line width=1pt,
- minimum size=3mm,fill=cmy \col,fill opacity=.5,
- drop shadow,inner sep=0,outer sep=0,
- switch ocg with mark on={CMY\col}{}]
- at (\angle:20mm){};
- }
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}%
- [xshift=35mm,start chain=going below,node distance=.5mm,font=\tiny]
- \node[on chain] at (0,20mm) {Toogle groups};
- \node%
- [on chain,draw,rounded corners=1mm,fill=white,drop shadow,
- minimum size=3mm,inner sep=1mm,
- switch ocg={RGBred RGBblue RGBgreen CMYred CMYblue CMYgreen},
- ]
- {red, green, blue};
- \node%
- [on chain,draw,rounded corners=1mm,fill=white,drop shadow,
- minimum size=3mm,inner sep=1mm,
- switch ocg={RGByellow RGBcyan RGBmagenta CMYyellow CMYcyan CMYmagenta},
- ]
- {cyan, magenta, yellow};
- \node[on chain] {Show groups};
- \node%
- [on chain,draw,rounded corners=1mm,fill=white,drop shadow,
- minimum size=3mm,inner sep=1mm,
- show ocg={RGBred RGBblue RGBgreen CMYred CMYblue CMYgreen},
- ]
- {red, green, blue};
- \node%
- [on chain,draw,rounded corners=1mm,fill=white,drop shadow,
- minimum size=3mm,inner sep=1mm,
- show ocg={RGByellow RGBcyan RGBmagenta CMYyellow CMYcyan CMYmagenta},
- ]
- {cyan, magenta, yellow};
- \node[on chain] {Hide groups};
- \node%
- [on chain,draw,rounded corners=1mm,fill=white,drop shadow,
- minimum size=3mm,inner sep=1mm,
- hide ocg={RGBred RGBblue RGBgreen CMYred CMYblue CMYgreen},
- ]
- {red, green, blue};
- \node%
- [on chain,draw,rounded corners=1mm,fill=white,drop shadow,
- minimum size=3mm,inner sep=1mm,
- hide ocg={RGByellow RGBcyan RGBmagenta CMYyellow CMYcyan CMYmagenta},
- ]
- {cyan, magenta, yellow};
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}\par
-\foreach \name/\link/\ltxlink/\tiles in {%
- The Big Show/%
- {}/%
- {}/%
- {%
- curtain1/32.7pt/\paperheight,%
- curtain2/90pt/\paperheight,%
- curtain3/210.9pt/\paperheight%
- },%
- Mosaic/%
- {}/%
- {}/%
- {%
- mosaic1/30pt/30pt,%
- mosaic2/70pt/70pt,%
- mosaic3/110pt/110pt,%
- mosaic4/110pt/110pt%
- }%
- \begin{frame}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
- \foreach \pictname/\wid/\hei in \tiles {
- \begin{scope}[ocg={name=\pictname,ref=\pictname}]
- \TkzTileWallPaper{\wid}{\hei}{\pictname}
- \end{scope}
- }
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \centering\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=going below,node distance=1em]
- \node[fill=white,fill opacity=.75,align=center,
- text=black,font=\tiny\bfseries,text opacity=1,
- on chain,
- rounded corners=2mm]
- {{\huge\name}\\\url{\link}\\(\latex{} \url{\ltxlink})};
- \foreach \pictname/\wid/\hei in \tiles {
- \node[on chain,text=white,fill=black,fill opacity=.5,text opacity=1,
- text width=3cm,align=center,font=\bfseries]
- (a) {\hspace{5mm}\pictname};
- \node[rounded corners=1mm,draw,line width=1pt,%
- minimum size=3mm,top color=white,bottom color=black,
- fill opacity=.5,
- drop shadow={fill=black},
- switch ocg with mark on={\pictname}{}]
- at ([xshift=3mm,yshift=.5mm]a.west) {};
- }
- \end{tikzpicture}\par
- \end{frame}
- \frametitle{Microtype demo}
- \def\sampletext{%
- Margin kerning is the adjustments of the characters at the
- margins of a typeset text. A simplified employment of margin
- kerning is hanging punctuation. Margin kerning is needed for
- optical alignment of the margins of a typeset text, because
- mechanical justification of the margins makes them look rather
- ragged. Some characters can make a line appear shorter to the
- human eye than others. Shifting such characters by an
- appropriate amount into the margins would greatly improve the
- appearance of a typeset text.%
- }
- \tikzset{
- checkbox/.style={
- draw,circle,line width=.5pt,%
- minimum size=.5em,top color=white,bottom color=cyan,
- fill opacity=1,
- inner sep=0,
- drop shadow={fill=black,shadow xshift=.5mm,shadow yshift=-.5mm},
- },
- sampletext/.style={
- text width=8cm,align=justify,
- font=\small,
- fill=yellow!20,
- inner xsep=1.5cm,
- inner ysep=1cm,
- draw=gray,
- },
- }
- {\centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \begin{scope}[ocg={name=With Protrusion,ref=protrusion}]
- \microtypesetup{protrusion=true}%
- \begin{scope}[ocg={name=With Expansion,ref=expansion}]
- \microtypesetup{expansion=true}%
- \node[sampletext]{\sampletext\par};%
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[ocg={name=Without Expansion,status=invisible,ref=no-expansion}]
- \microtypesetup{expansion=false}%
- \node[sampletext]{\sampletext\par};%
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[ocg={name=Without Protrusion,status=invisible,ref=no-protrusion}]
- \microtypesetup{protrusion=false}%
- \begin{scope}[ocg={name=With Expansion,ref=expansion}]
- \microtypesetup{expansion=true}%
- \node[sampletext]{\sampletext\par};%
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[ocg={name=Without Expansion,status=invisible,ref=no-expansion}]
- \microtypesetup{expansion=false}%
- \node[sampletext]{\sampletext\par};%
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}\par
- }
- Microtype :
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \node[checkbox,switch ocg with mark on={protrusion}{no-protrusion}]{};
- \end{tikzpicture} with protrusion
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \node[checkbox,switch ocg with mark on={expansion}{no-expansion}]{};
- \end{tikzpicture} with expansion
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-example-1.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-example-1.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 37808b74832..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-example-1.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-\begin{ocg}{OCG 1}{ocg1}{1}
- first example.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-manual-en.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-manual-en.pdf
index 7b4fabcaeb8..8458c34ed29 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-manual-en.pdf
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-manual-en.pdf
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/ocgx-manual-en.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (C) 2012 by Paul Gaborit
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified
-% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
-% 2. under the GNU Public License.
- fancyvrb=true,
- language=[LaTeX]TeX,
- basicstyle=\ttfamily,
- keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries,
- commentstyle=\color{red!50!black}\itshape,
- stringstyle=\ttfamily\color{green!50!black},
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- fontadjust=true,
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- belowskip=1ex,
- emphstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries,
- keepspaces=true,
- flexiblecolumns=true,
- emph={switchOCG,showOCG,hideOCG,actionsOCG,usetikzlibrary}
-\newenvironment{prog}[1]{\vspace{1ex}--- \texttt{\emph{#1}} ---}{}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{\begin{prog}{#2}}{\begin{prog}{#2 (#1)}}
- \lstinputlisting[style=TeXcode,aboveskip=0ex,#3]{#2}
- \end{prog}
- \tikzpicture
- \node[%draw=black,line width=.1pt,
- rounded corners=1em,
- inner xsep=1.3em, inner ysep=.8em,
- text width=\linewidth-2.6em-\pgflinewidth,
- align=justify,
- draw=cyan!50!black,
- fill=white,
- fill=yellow!20,
- line width=1pt,
- drop shadow={fill=cyan!50!black},
- ] (note) \bgroup%
- \egroup;
- \node[circle,overlay,
- %fill=white,draw=cyan!50!black,
- draw=white,fill=cyan!50!black,text=white,
- line width=2pt,
- drop shadow={fill=cyan!50!black},
- font=\small\bfseries,inner sep=4pt]
- at (note.north west){\stepcounter{mynotes}\arabic{mynotes}};
- \endtikzpicture\par\vspace{.1em}%
-\newcommand\argument[1]{\textcolor{black}{\ttfamily #1}}
-\title{The \texttt{ocgx} package (version \ocgxversion)}
- Paul \textsc{Isambert}
- \and%
- Paul \textsc{Gaborit}\\\url{}}
-The \code+ocgx+ package extends and documents the \code+ocg+ package
-(which comes with Asymptote) which allows you to create OCGs
-(\emph{Optional Content Group}) in PDF documents.
-Every OCG includes \TeX{} material into a layer of the PDF file. Each of
-these layers can be displayed or not. Links can enable or disable the
-display of OCGs.
-The \code+ocgx+ package does not use Javascript embedded in the PDF
-document to enable or disable OCGs. Thus, it is usable with several PDF
-readers (to date, it has been successfully tested with \emph{Acrobat
- Reader}, \emph{Foxit Reader}, and \emph{Evince}).
-Here is a simple example.
-This document creates an OCG called \emph{ocg1} containing the text
-``\emph{first example.}'' which is visible. You can show or hide this
-OCG by clicking the link ``\emph{Button.}''.
-\subsection{Create OCGs}
- The \code+ocg+ package written by Michael \textsc{Ritzert} comes
- without documentation. In my knowledge, the only documentation for
- this package is offered (by Kjell Magne Fauske) on the weblog of
- \url{}.
-The \code+ocg+ environment (provided by the package \code+ocg+) creates
-OCGs. It requires three arguments. The first argument is the name of the
-OCG as it appears in the PDF viewer. The second argument is the internal
-name used to reference this OCG. The third argument is a flag that
-indicates whether the OCG should be visible or not (1 for visible, 0 for
-invisible). The content of the environment (any \TeX material) is added
-into the OCG.
-The following code creates an OCG named \emph{OCG name} with
-\emph{refocg} as internal reference. The content of this OCG is
-``\emph{content...}''. This OCG is visible (the third argument is 1).
- \begin{ocg}{OCG name}{refocg}{1}
- content...
- \end{ocg}
- The same reference can be used with several \code+ocg+ environments (not
- necessarily in the same page). All materials are grouped in the same
- OCG. Only the first name provided will be used.
- A reference of an OCG consists of letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9)
- and possibly the \code+@+ character.
- The content of the \code+ocg+ environment should not span across
- multiple pages. Currently, nothing prevents you to try it but the
- result will certainly not be the one you were expecting!
- It is possible to nest an OCG in another OCG. To display the internal
- OCG, both the internal and external OCGs need to be in the visible
- state.
-\subsection{Manage the visibility of OCGs}
-The \code+\switchocg+ macro turns its second argument into a clickable
-link that toggles the visibility status of all listed OCGs (by their
-reference) in its first argument: if an OCG was visible, it becomes
-invisible, and conversely, if an OCG was invisible, it becomes visible.
-The following code creates the link \emph{toggle} that switches the
-visibility status of OCGs whose references are \emph{ocg1} and
- \switchocg{ocg1 ocg2}{toggle}
-The \code+\showocg+ macro turns its second argument into a clickable
-link that make visible all OCGs whose references are listed in its first
-argument: an invisible OCG becomes visible and an OCG already visible
-remains visible.
-The following code creates the link \emph{show} which makes visible the
-OCGs whoses references are \emph{ocg1} and \emph{ocg2}:
- \showocg{ocg1 ocg2}{show}
-The \code+\hideocg+ macro turns its second argument into a clickable
-link that make invisible all OCGs whose references are listed in its
-first argument: a visible OCG becomes invisible and an OCG already
-invisible remains invisible.
-The following code creates the link \emph{hide} which makes invisible
-the OCGs whoses references are \emph{ocg1} and \emph{ocg2}:
- \hideocg{ocg1 ocg2}{hide}
-The \code+\actionsocg+ macro transforms its fourth argument in a
-clickable link. Its three first arguments are lists of references of
-OCGs. The first list contains references of OCGs which visibility status
-is to be toggled. The second list contains references of OCGs to be set
-visible. The third list contains references of OCGs to be set invisible.
-The following code creates the link \emph{actions} to toggle the
-visibility status of the OCG named \emph{ocg1}, to make visible the OCG
-named \emph{ocg3}, and to make invisible OCG named \emph{ocg2}:
- \actionsocg{ocg1}{ocg3}{ocg2}{actions}
-\subsection{Usage with \TikZ{}}
-You can use the \code+ocgx+ package with \TikZ{}. The package provides a
-\TikZ{} library offering five specific styles to transform a path
-(\code+\path+ or \code+\node+) in a clickable link. To use it, simply
-add the following lines in your preamble:
- \usepackage{tikz}
- \usetikzlibrary{ocgx}
-\noindent\style+/tikz/switch ocg+\argument{=\{\emph{<OCGs list>}\}}
-This style transforms the path or the current node in a link acting as
-if it was produced by the macro \code+\switchocg+ (the visibility status
-of referenced OCGs is reversed).
-\noindent\style+/tikz/show ocg+\argument{=\{\emph{<OCGs list>}\}}
-This style transforms the path or the current node in a link acting as
-if it was produced by the macro \code+\showocg+ (the referenced OCGs are
-made visible).
-\noindent\style+/tikz/hide ocg+\argument{=\{\emph{<OCGs list>}\}}
-This style transforms the path or the current node in a link acting as
-if it was produced by the macro \code+\hideocg+ (the referenced OCGs are
-made invisible).
-\noindent\style+/tikz/actions ocg+\argument{=\{\emph{<OCGs
- list>}\}\{\emph{<OCGs list>}\}\{\emph{<OCGs list>}\}}
-This style transforms the path or the current node in a link acting as
-if it is produced by the macro \code+\actionsocg+ (the visibility status
-of OCGs of the first list is reversed, the OCGs in the second list are
-made visible and those of the third list are made invisible).
-\noindent\style+/tikz/switch ocg with mark on+\argument{=\{\emph{<ocg reference>}\}\{\emph{<OCGs list>}\}}
-\noindent\style+/tikz/switch ocg with mark off+\argument{=\{\emph{<ocg reference>>}\}\{\emph{<OCGs list>}\}}
-These styles transform the path or the current node in a link acting as
-if it is produced by the macro \code+\switchocg+ (the visibility status
-of referenced OCGs in the list is reversed).
-A mark (currently a simple cross) is drawn over the current path or node
-in an OCG whose reference is \texttt{\emph{ocg reference}}. The
-visibility status of this OCG will be reversed as those of the entire
-If the OCG whose reference is \texttt{\emph{ocg reference}} does not
-exist, it is created with an empty name and its initial visibility state
-is true with \code+on+ and false with \code+off+.
- Whatever the shape of the current path or node is, it is its
- \emph{bounding box} that is used to make the link (the link is always
- \emph{rectangular} and \emph{horizontal}).
-The document \code+demo-ocgx.tex+ provides several examples of usage of
-package \code+ocgx+ with \TikZ{} (and \code+beamer+).
-\section{Limits and bugs}
-\item Links are always horizontal rectangles!
-\item An \code+ocg+ environment spanning across multiple pages are not
- detected and don't work correctly.
-\item The list of OCGs created by \code+ocg+ is seen by viewers as a
- long flat list. Their possible hierarchy is not displayed.
-\item The packages \code+ocg+ and \code+ocgx+ are not compatible with Plain-\TeX{}.
-This package is still experimental. It is released on CTAN. You can
-recover the latest version on \url{}. Any
-help to participate in its development is welcome: contact the
-maintainer (\url{}).
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End: