path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile')
7 files changed, 972 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile/abstract.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile/abstract.sty
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index 00000000000..37814cef131
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+\ProvidesExplPackage{profile/abstract}{2021-09-11}{0.7.0}{NJU Thesis abstract design}
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+ 院系: \nju_department \\
+ 专业: \nju_major \\
+ 本科生姓名: \nju_student_name \\
+ 指导教师(姓名、职称):\nju_mentor_full \\
+ 摘要:
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+ % 毕业论文题目:\ \uline{\nju_title} \\ % 下划线有问题
+ 毕业论文题目:\ \nju_title \\
+ \uline{\makebox[9em]{\nju_major}}专业\uline{\makebox[3em]{\nju_grade}}级
+ \str_if_eq:eeTF {\nju_degree} { d } {博}{硕}
+ 士生姓名:\uline{\hfill\nju_student_name\hfill} \\
+ 指导教师(姓名、职称):\uline{\hfill\nju_mentor_full\hfill}\par
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+ \kaishu\zihao{-2}{\textbf{\uuline{南京大学研究生毕业论文英文摘要首页用纸}}}
+ \end{center}
+ {
+ \bgroup
+ \zihao{4}
+ THESIS: ~~\nju_title_en \\
+ SPECIALIZATION: ~~\nju_major_en \\
+ POSTGRADUATE:~~\nju_student_name_en \\
+ MENTOR:~~\nju_mentor_full_en\par
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index 00000000000..4a24fe4f59b
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@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+\ProvidesExplPackage{profile/components}{2021-09-11}{0.6.0}{NJU Thesis components configuration}
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8293e64780b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+\ProvidesExplPackage{profile/cover}{2021-09-11}{0.7.0}{NJU Thesis cover design}
+% 拼合标题
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+% 拼合导师
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+ {
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+ {
+ \nju_mentor_a\ \nju_mentor_a_title
+ }
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+ {
+ \nju_mentor_a_en\ \nju_mentor_a_title_en
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+% 封面下划线
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+ \uline{\makebox[#1]{\rm\songti#2}}
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+% 封面表格边框
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+% 判断学位
+\str_if_eq:eeTF {\nju_degree} { ug }
+{ \tl_const:Nn \nju_degree_name {本\hfill 科\hfill } } % 本科
+ % 本科以外都是研究生
+ \tl_const:Nn \nju_degree_name {研\hfill 究\hfill 生\hfill }
+ % 研究生类别
+ \str_case_e:nn { \nju_degree }
+ {
+ { mg } { \tl_const:Nn \nju_degree_title {硕士} }
+ { mf } { \tl_const:Nn \nju_degree_title {硕士专业} }
+ { d } { \tl_const:Nn \nju_degree_title {博士} }
+ }
+% 判断类型
+\str_if_eq:eeTF {\nju_type} {thesis}
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+ { 1 } {
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+ & \nju_cover_underline_ug:nn {250pt}{\bf{\nju_title_b}} \\ }
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+ \nju_coverbox_ug:n {题\hfill 目}
+ & \nju_cover_underline_ug:nn {250pt}{\bf{\nju_title_a}} \\
+ & \nju_cover_underline_ug:nn {250pt}{\bf{\nju_title_b}} \\
+ & \nju_cover_underline_ug:nn {250pt}{\bf{\nju_title_c}} \\}
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+ & \nju_cover_underline_ug:nn {90pt}{\nju_mentor_b}
+ & \nju_coverbox_ug:n {职\hfill 称}
+ & \nju_cover_underline_ug:nn {90pt}{\nju_mentor_b_title}\\
+ }
+ {}
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+ \nju_coverbox_ug:n {提\hfill 交\hfill 日\hfill 期}
+ & \nju_cover_underline_ug:nn {250pt}{\nju_submit_date}\\
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+% 封面信息栏 研究生
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+\tl_set:Nn \nju_printcoverinfo_g {
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+ % 标题换行
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+ {
+ { 1 } {
+ \nju_coverbox_g:n {论\hfill 文\hfill 题\hfill 目}
+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_title_a} \\ }
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+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_title_a} \\
+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_title_b} \\ }
+ { 3 } {
+ \nju_coverbox_g:n {论\hfill 文\hfill 题\hfill 目}
+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_title_a} \\
+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_title_b} \\
+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_title_c} \\}
+ }
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+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_student_name}\\
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+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_field}\\
+ \nju_coverbox_g:n {指\hfill 导\hfill 教\hfill 师}
+ & \nju_cover_underline_g:n {\nju_mentor_full}\\
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+% 绘制封面命令
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+ \makebox[6em][s]{学\hfill 号}:\nju_student_id
+ \par
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+ \par
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index 00000000000..d939fb4842f
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+\ProvidesExplPackage{profile/font}{2021-09-11}{0.7.0}{NJU Thesis font configuration}
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+ % 此处需要使用\str_case_e而不是\str_case使宏展开为字符串
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+ { null } {}
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+% 设置数学字体 (XITS, 或者 STIX, 与 Times New Roman 最为相近)
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+% Remove some unwanted entries from the bibliography
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+% \crefname{chapter}{§}{§}
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+% \crefname{subsection}{§}{§}
+% \crefname{subsubsection}{§}{§}
+% \crefname{definition}{定义}{定义}
+% \crefname{axiom}{公理}{公理}
+% \crefname{property}{性质}{性质}
+% \crefname{proposition}{命题}{命题}
+% \crefname{lemma}{引理}{引理}
+% \crefname{corollary}{推论}{推论}
+% \crefname{remark}{注解}{注解}
+% \crefname{condition}{条件}{条件}
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+% \crefname{assumption}{假设}{假设}