path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile/components.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile/components.sty')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile/components.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile/components.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a24fe4f59b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/njuthesis/profile/components.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesExplPackage{profile/components}{2021-09-11}{0.6.0}{NJU Thesis components configuration}
-% 图表位置调整
-\floatsetup[lstlisting]{ % Captions for lstlistings
- capposition=above,%
- margins=centering,%
- floatwidth=\textwidth%
-\floatsetup[figure]{ % Captions for figures
- capposition=bottom,%
- margins=centering,%
- floatwidth=\textwidth%
-\floatsetup[table]{ % Captions for tables
- capposition=above,%
- margins=centering,%
- floatwidth=\textwidth%
-% 代码样式
- basicstyle=\ttfamily\linespread{1}\small\selectfont,
- keywordstyle=\bfseries,% use bold style for keywords
- commentstyle=\rmfamily\itshape,% use italic style for comments
- stringstyle=\ttfamily,% 字符串风格
- flexiblecolumns,% ?
- numbers=left,% left-aligned numbering
- showspaces=false,% hide markers for spaces
- showstringspaces=false,
- captionpos=t,% place the caption at the top
- % frame=lrtb,% show all four sides of the frame
- % linewidth=.8\textwidth,
- % breakatwhitespace=true,
- breaklines=true,
- xleftmargin=2em,xrightmargin=2em,% set the width of the code environment
- language=TeX,
- morekeywords={begin, caption, label, mathrm, frac, toprule, midrule, bottomrule, includegraphics}
-% 图表标题样式
- font=small,%
- labelfont=songticap,
- textfont=songticap,
- strut=no,%
- hypcap=true, % Links point to the top of the figure
- % indention=0pt, % Suppress indentation
- % % parindent=0pt, % Suppress space between paragraphs
- aboveskip=6pt, % Increase the space between the figure and the caption
- belowskip=6pt, % Increase the space between the caption and the table
-% list configuration
-% 数学环境
- %spaceabove=.5\thm@preskip,
- %spacebelow=.5\thm@postskip,
- headfont=\bf\songti,%\scshape,
- notefont=\songti,% notebraces={ (}{)},
- bodyfont=\songti,
- %headformat={\NAME\space\NUMBER\space\NOTE},
- headpunct={},
- %postheadspace={.5em plus .1em minus .1em},
- %prefoothook={\hfill\qedsymbol}
- ]{njuthm}
-\renewcommand*{\proofname}{\rm\bf\songti{\oldproofname}} % 修改证明环境标题
- name=算法,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={算法,算法},
- Refname={算法,算法},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=假设,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={假设,假设},
- Refname={假设,假设},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=公理,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={公理,公理},
- Refname={公理,公理},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=结论,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={结论,结论},
- Refname={结论,结论},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=条件,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={条件,条件},
- Refname={条件,条件},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=推论,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={推论,推论},
- Refname={推论,推论},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=定义,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={定义,定义},
- Refname={定义,定义},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=例,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={例,例},
- Refname={例,例},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=引理,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={引理,引理},
- Refname={引理,引理},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=性质,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={性质,性质},
- Refname={性质,性质},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=命题,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={命题,命题},
- Refname={命题,命题},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=注解,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={注解,注解},
- Refname={注解,注解},
- % numberwithin=section,
- name=定理,
- style=njuthm,
- refname={定理,定理},
- Refname={定理,定理},
- numberwithin=section,