path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/nicematrix/nicematrix.tex
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+% -*- coding: utf-8 ; -*- This file should be compiled with XeLaTeX only
+\documentclass[dvipsnames]{article}% dvipsnames is for xcolor (loaded by Tikz, loaded by nicematrix)
+\setlength{\cftsubsecnumwidth}{3em} % for the numbers of subsections of the TOC
+% On utilise \MakeShortVerb de shortvrb et pas \DefineShortVerb de fancyvrb
+% car on ne veut pas que le contenu des petits éléments en verbatim soit colorié
+% en gris
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+ {
+ pdfinfo =
+ {
+ Title = The package 'nicematrix' ,
+ Subject = A LaTeX package ,
+ Author = F. Pantigny
+ }
+ }
+\title{The package \pkg{nicematrix}\thanks{This document corresponds to the version~\myfileversion\space of \pkg{nicematrix},
+at the date of~\myfiledate.}} \author{F. Pantigny \\ \texttt{}}
+The LaTeX package \pkg{nicematrix} provides new environments similar to the
+classical environments |{tabular}|, |{array}| and |{matrix}| of \pkg{array}
+and \pkg{amsmath} but with extended features.
+ code-for-first-col=\color{blue}\scriptstyle,
+ code-for-first-row=\color{blue}\scriptstyle,
+ columns-width = auto]
+ & C_1 & C_2 & \Cdots & C_n \\
+L_1 & a_{11} & a_{12} & \Cdots & a_{1n} \\
+L_2 & a_{21} & a_{22} & \Cdots & a_{2n} \\
+\Vdots & \Vdots & \Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots\\
+L_n & a_{n1} & a_{n2} & \Cdots & a_{nn}
+\begin{NiceTabular}{lSSSS}[code-before = \rowcolor{red!15}{1-2} \rowcolors{3}{blue!15}{}]
+\Block{2-1}{Product} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{dimensions (cm)} & \Block{2-1}{\rotate Price} \\
+ & L & l & h \\
+small & 3 & 5.5 & 1 & 30 \\
+standard & 5.5 & 8 & 1.5 & 50.5 \\
+premium & 8.5 & 10.5 & 2 & 80 \\
+extra & 8.5 & 10 & 1.5 & 85.5 \\
+special & 12 & 12 & 0.5 & 70 \\
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} is entirely contained in the file
+|nicematrix.sty|. This file may be put in the current directory or in a
+|texmf| tree. However, the best is to install \pkg{nicematrix} with a TeX
+distribution such as MiKTeX, TeX Live or MacTeX.
+If you use LaTeX via Internet with, for example, Overleaf, you
+can upload the file |nicematrix.sty| in the repertory of your
+project in order to take full advantage of the latest version de
+\pkg{nicematrix}.\footnote{The latest version of the file
+|nicematrix.sty| may be downloaded from the \textsc{svn} server of
+This package can be used with |xelatex|, |lualatex|, |pdflatex| but also by
+the classical workflow |latex|-|dvips|-|ps2pdf| (or Adobe Distiller).
+\textsl{However, the file nicematrix.dtx of the present documentation should
+be compiled with XeLaTeX.}
+This package requires and \textbf{loads} the packages \pkg{l3keys2e},
+\pkg{array}, \pkg{amsmath}, \pkg{pgfcore} and the module \pkg{shapes} of
+\textsc{pgf} (\pkg{tikz}, which is a layer over \textsc{pgf}, is \emph{not}
+loaded). The final user only has to load the package with
+The idea of \pkg{nicematrix} is to create \textsc{pgf} nodes under the cells
+and the positions of the rules of the tabular created by \pkg{array} and to
+use these nodes to develop new features. As usual with \textsc{pgf}, the
+coordinates of these nodes are written in the |aux| to be used on the next
+compilation and that's why \pkg{nicematrix} may need \textbf{several
+compilations}.\footnote{If you use Overleaf, Overleaf will do automatically
+a sufficient number of compilations.}
+Most features of \pkg{nicematrix} may be used without explicit use of
+\textsc{pgf} or Tikz (which, in fact, is not loaded by default).
+A command |\NiceMatrixOptions| is provided to fix the options (the
+scope of the options fixed by this command is the current TeX group: they are
+\section{The environments of this package}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} defines the following new environments.
+\{NiceTabular\} & \{NiceArray\} & \{NiceMatrix\} \\
+\{NiceTabular*\} & \{pNiceArray\} & \{pNiceMatrix\} \\
+\{NiceTabularX\} & \{bNiceArray\} & \{bNiceMatrix\} \\
+ & \{BNiceArray\} & \{BNiceMatrix\} \\
+ & \{vNiceArray\} & \{vNiceMatrix\} \\
+ & \{VNiceArray\} & \{VNiceMatrix\}
+The environments |{NiceArray}|, |{NiceTabular}| and |{NiceTabular*}| are
+similar to the environments |{array}|, |{tabular}| and |{tabular*}| of the
+package \pkg{array} (which is loaded by \pkg{nicematrix}).
+The environments |{pNiceArray}|, |{bNiceArray}|, etc. have no equivalent in
+The environments |{NiceMatrix}|, |{pNiceMatrix}|, etc. are similar to the
+corresponding environments of \pkg{amsmath} (which is loaded by
+\pkg{nicematrix}): |{matrix}|, |{pmatrix}|, etc.
+The environment |{NiceTabularX}| is similar to the environment |{tabularx}|
+from the eponymous package.\footnote{In fact, it's possible to use directly the
+|X| columns in the environment |{NiceTabular}| (and the required
+width for the tabular is fixed by the key |width|): cf. p.~\pageref{X-columns}}.
+\textbf{It's recommended to use primarily the classical environments and to use the
+environments of \pkg{nicematrix} only when some feature provided by these
+environments is used (this will save memory).}
+All the environments of the package \pkg{nicematrix} accept, between square
+brackets, an optional list of \textsl{key=value} pairs. \textbf{There must be
+no space before the opening bracket (|[|) of this list of options.}
+\section{The vertical space between the rows}
+It's well known that some rows of the arrays created by default with LaTeX
+are, by default, too close to each other. Here is a classical example.
+\frac{1}{2} & -\frac{1}{2} \\
+\frac{1}{3} & \frac{1}{4} \\
+\frac{1}{2} & -\frac{1}{2} \\
+\frac{1}{3} & \frac{1}{4} \\
+Inspired by the package \pkg{cellspace} which deals with that problem, the
+package \pkg{nicematrix} provides two keys |cell-space-top-limit| and
+|cell-space-bottom-limit| similar to the parameters of \pkg{cellspace} called
+|\cellspacetoplimit| and
+|\cellspacebottomlimit|.\index{cellspace@\pkg{cellspace} (package)}
+There is also a key |cell-space-limits| to set both parameters at once.
+The initial value of these parameters is $0$~pt in order to have for the
+environments of \pkg{nicematrix} the same behaviour as those of \pkg{array}
+and \pkg{amsmath}. However, a value of $1$~pt would probably be a good choice
+and we suggest to set them with |\NiceMatrixOptions|.\footnote{One should
+remark that these parameters apply also to the columns of type |S| of
+\pkg{siunitx} whereas the package \pkg{cellspace} is not able to act on such
+columns of type~|S|.}
+\NiceMatrixOptions{~emphase#cell-space-limits = 1pt@}
+\frac12 & -\frac12 \\
+\frac13 & \frac14 \\
+\NiceMatrixOptions{cell-space-limits = 1pt}
+\frac12 & -\frac12 \\
+\frac13 & \frac14 \\
+\section{The vertical position of the arrays}
+\index{baseline (key for an environment)}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} provides a option |baseline| for the vertical
+position of the arrays. This option takes in as value an integer which is the
+number of the row on which the array will be aligned.
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[~emphase#baseline=2@]
+\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+p^2}} & p & 1-p \\
+1 & 1 & 1 \\
+1 & p & 1+p
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[baseline=2]
+\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+p^2}} & p & 1-p \\
+1 & 1 & 1 \\
+1 & p & 1+p
+It's also possible to use the option |baseline| with one of the special values
+|t|, |c| or |b|. These letters may also be used absolutely like the option of
+the environments |{tabular}| and |{array}| of \pkg{array}. The initial value
+of |baseline| is~|c|.
+In the following example, we use the option |t| (equivalent to |baseline=t|)
+immediately after an |\item| of list. One should remark that the presence of a
+|\hline| at the beginning of the array doesn't prevent the alignment of the
+baseline with the baseline of the first row (with |{tabular}| or |{array}| of
+\pkg{array}, one must use |\firsthline|).
+\item an item
+\item \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}
+n & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+u_n & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 16 & 32
+\item an item
+\item \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}
+n & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+u_n & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 16 & 32 \\
+However, it's also possible to use the tools of
+\pkg{booktabs}\footnote{The extension \pkg{booktabs} is \emph{not} loaded
+by \pkg{nicematrix}.}: |\toprule|,
+|\bottomrule|, |\midrule|, etc.\par\nobreak
+\item an item
+n & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+u_n & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 16 & 32
+\item an item
+n & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+u_n & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 16 & 32 \\
+It's also possible to use the key |baseline| to align a matrix on an
+horizontal rule (drawn by |\hline|). In this aim, one should give the value
+|line-|\textsl{i} where \textsl{i} is the number of the row \emph{following} the
+horizontal rule.
+\dfrac{1}{A} & \dfrac{1}{B} & 0 & 0 \\
+\dfrac{1}{C} & \dfrac{1}{D} & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & A & B \\
+0 & 0 & D & D \\
+\dfrac{1}{A} & \dfrac{1}{B} & 0 & 0 \\
+\dfrac{1}{C} & \dfrac{1}{D} & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & A & B \\
+0 & 0 & D & D \\
+\section{The blocks}
+\index{Blocks@\textbf{Blocks in the tabulars}|(}
+\subsection{General case}
+In the environments of \pkg{nicematrix}, it's possible to use the command
+|\Block| in order to place an element in the center of a rectangle of merged
+cells of the array.\footnote{The spaces after a command |\Block| are deleted.}
+The command |\Block| must be used in the upper leftmost cell of the array with
+two arguments.
+\item The first argument is the size of the block with the syntax
+$i$|-|$j$ where $i$ is the number of rows of the block and $j$ its number
+of columns.
+If this argument is empty, its default
+value is |1-1|. If the number of rows is not specified, or equal to |*|, the
+block extends until the last row (idem for the columns).
+\item The second argument is the content of the block. It's possible to use
+|\\| in that content to have a content on several lines. In |{NiceTabular}|,
+|{NiceTabular*}| and |{NiceTabularX}|, the content of the block is composed in
+text mode whereas, in the other environments, it is composed in math mode.
+Here is an example of utilisation of the command |\Block| in mathematical matrices.
+~emphase#\Block{3-3}{A}@ & & & 0 \\
+& & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+\Block{3-3}{A} & & & 0 \\
+& & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+One may wish to raise the size of the ``$A$'' placed in the block of the
+previous example. Since this element is composed in math mode, it's not
+possible to use directly a command like |\large|, |\Large| and |\LARGE|.
+That's why the command |\Block| provides an option between angle brackets to
+specify some TeX code which will be inserted before the beginning of the
+math mode.\footnote{This argument between angular brackets may also be used to
+insert a command of font such as |\bfseries| when the command |\\| is used in
+the content of the block.}
+\Block{3-3}~emphase#<\Large>@{A} & & & 0 \\
+0 & & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+\Block{3-3}<\Large>{A} & & & 0 \\
+& & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+In fact, the command |\Block| accepts as first optional argument (between
+square brackets) a list of couples \textsl{key=value}. The available keys are as
+\item \index{fill (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})}
+the key \Definition{fill} takes in as value a color and fills the block
+with that color;
+\item \index{draw (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})}
+the key \Definition{draw} takes in as value a color and strokes the
+frame of the block with that color (the default value of that key is the
+current color of the rules of the array);
+\item \index{color!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+the key \Definition{color} takes in as value a color and apply that
+color the content of the block but draws also the frame of the block with that
+\item \index{vlines!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+\index{hvlines!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+\index{hlines!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+the keys \Definition{hlines}, \Definition{vlines} and
+\Definition{hvlines} draw all the corresponding rules in the
+block;\footnote{However, the rules are not drawn in the sub-blocks of the
+block, as always with \pkg{nicematrix}: the rules are not drawn in the blocks
+(cf. section~\ref{rules} p.~\pageref{rules}).}
+\item \index{line-width (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})}
+the key \Definition{line-width} is the width of the rules (is relevant
+only when one of the keys |draw|, |hvlines|, |vlines| and |hlines| is used);
+\item \index{rounded-corners!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+\index{Corners (rounded ---)!for a block}
+the key \Definition{rounded-corners} requires rounded corners (for the
+frame drawn by |draw| and the shape drawn by |fill|) with a radius equal to
+the value of that key (the default value is 4~pt\footnote{This value is the
+initial value of the \emph{rounded corners} of Tikz.});
+\item \index{tikzz@tikz!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+when the key \Definition{tikz} is used, the Tikz path corresponding of
+the rectangle which delimits the block is executed with Tikz\footnote{Tikz
+should be loaded (by default, \pkg{nicematrix} only loads \textsc{pgf}) and,
+if it's not, an error will be raised.} by using as options the value of that
+key |tikz| (which must be a list of keys allowed for a Tikz path). For
+examples, cf. p.~\pageref{tikz-key-examples};
+\item \index{name!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+the key \Definition{name} provides a name to the rectangular Tikz node
+corresponding to the block; it's possible to use that name with Tikz in the
+|\CodeAfter| of the environment (cf.~p.~\pageref{code-after});
+\item \index{respect-arraystretch (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})}
+the key \Definition{respect-arraystretch} prevents the setting of
+|\arraystretch| to $1$ at the beginning of the block (which is the behaviour
+by default) ;
+\item \index{borders (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})}
+\index{tikzz@tikz!key of ``borders'' de \texttt{\textbackslash Block}}
+the key \Definition{borders} provides the ability to draw only some
+borders of the blocks; the value of that key is a (comma-separated) list of
+elements covered by |left|, |right|, |top| and |bottom|; it's possible, in
+fact, in the list which is the value of the key |borders|, to add an entry of
+the form |tikz={|\textsl{list}|}| where \textsl{list} is a list of couples
+\textsl{key=value} of Tikz specifying the graphical characteristics of the
+lines that will be drawn (for an example, see p.~\pageref{dashed}).
+\item \index{transparent (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})}
+By default, the rules are not drawn in the blocks (see the section about
+the rules: section~\ref{rules} p.~\pageref{rules}). However, if the key
+\Definition{transparent} is used, the rules are drawn. For an example, see
+section~\ref{tikz-key-examples} on page~\pageref{tikz-key-examples}. Caution:
+that key does not imply that the content of the block will be transparent!
+There is also keys for the horizontal and vertical positions of the content of
+the block: cf.~\ref{horizontal-block} p.~\pageref{horizontal-block}.
+{\bfseries One must remark that, by default, the commands |\Blocks| don't create space}.
+There is exception only for the blocks mono-row and the blocks mono-column as
+explained just below.
+In the following example, we have had to enlarge by hand the columns 2 and 3
+(with the construction |w{c}{...}| of \pkg{array}).
+rose & tulip & daisy & dahlia \\
+& ~emphase#\Block[draw=red,fill=[RGB]{204,204,255},rounded-corners]{2-2}@
+ ~emphase#{\LARGE Some beautiful flowers}@
+ & & marigold \\
+iris & & & lis \\
+arum & periwinkle & forget-me-not & hyacinth
+rose & tulip & daisy & dahlia \\
+violet & \Block[draw=red,fill=[RGB]{204,204,255},rounded-corners]{2-2}
+ {\LARGE Some beautiful flowers} & & marigold \\
+ iris & & & lis \\
+ arum & periwinkle & forget-me-not & hyacinth
+\subsection{The mono-column blocks}
+The mono-column blocks have a special behaviour.
+\item The natural width of the contents of these blocks is taken into account
+for the width of the current column.
+In the columns with a fixed width (columns |w{...}{...}|, |W{...}{...}|,
+|p{...}|, |b{...}|, |m{...}|, |V| and |X|), the content of the block is
+formatted as a paragraph of that width.
+\item The specification of the horizontal position provided by the type of
+column (|c|, |r| or |l|) is taken into account for the blocks (but the
+|\Block| may have its own specification of alignment:
+cf.~\ref{horizontal-block} p.~\pageref{horizontal-block}).
+\item The specifications of font specified for the column by a construction
+|>{...}| in the preamble of the array are taken into account for the
+mono-column blocks of that column (this behaviour is probably expected).
+\begin{NiceTabular}{~LetterAt{}>{\bfseries}lr~LetterAt{}} \hline
+\Block{2-1}{John} & 12 \\
+ & 13 \\ \hline
+Steph & 8 \\ \hline
+\Block{3-1}{Sarah} & 18 \\
+ & 17 \\
+ & 15 \\ \hline
+Ashley & 20 \\ \hline
+Henry & 14 \\ \hline
+\Block{2-1}{Madison} & 15 \\
+ & 19 \\ \hline
+\begin{NiceTabular}{@{}>{\bfseries}lr@{}}[baseline=c] \hline
+\Block{2-1}{John} & 12 \\
+ & 13 \\ \hline
+Steph & 8 \\ \hline
+\Block{3-1}{Sarah} & 18 \\
+ & 17 \\
+ & 15 \\ \hline
+Ashley & 20 \\ \hline
+Henry & 14 \\ \hline
+\Block{2-1}{Madison} & 15 \\
+ & 19 \\ \hline
+\subsection{The mono-row blocks}
+For the mono-row blocks, the natural height and depth are taken into account
+for the height and depth of the current row (as does a standard |\multicolumn|
+of LaTeX).
+\subsection{The mono-cell blocks}
+A mono-cell block inherits all the properties of the mono-row blocks and
+mono-column blocks.
+At first sight, one may think that there is no point using a mono-cell block.
+However, there are some good reasons to use such a block.
+\item It's possible to use the command |\\| in a (mono-cell) block.
+\item It's possible to use the option of horizontal alignment of the block in
+derogation of the type of column given in the preamble of the array.
+\item It's possible do draw a frame around the cell with the key |draw| of the
+command |\Block| and to fill the background with rounded corners with the keys
+|fill| and |rounded-corners|.\footnote{If one simply wishes to color the
+background of a unique cell, there is no point using the command |\Block|:
+it's possible to use the command |\cellcolor| (when the key |colortbl-like| is
+\item It's possible to draw one or several borders of the cell with the key |borders|.
+Writer & ~emphase#\Block[l]{}{year\\ of birth}@ \\
+Hugo & 1802 \\
+Balzac & 1799 \\
+Writer & \Block[l]{}{year\\ of birth} \\
+Hugo & 1802 \\
+Balzac & 1799 \\
+We recall that if the first mandatory argument of |\Block| is left blank, the
+block is mono-cell.\footnote{One may consider that the default value of the
+first mandatory argument of |\Block| is |1-1|.}
+\subsection{Horizontal position of the content of the block}
+The command |\Block| accepts the keys |l|, |c| and |r| for the horizontal
+position of its content.
+\Block~emphase#[r]@{3-3}<\LARGE>{A} & & & 0 \\
+& & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+\Block[r]{3-3}<\LARGE>{A} & & & 0 \\
+& & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+By default, the horizontal position of the content of a block is computed
+by using the positions of the \emph{contents} of the columns implied in that
+block. That's why, in the following example, the header ``First group'' is
+correctly centered despite the instruction |!{\qquad}| in the preamble which
+has been used to increase the space between the columns (this
+is not the behaviour of |\multicolumn|).
+Rank & ~emphase#\Block{1-3}{First group}+ & & & \Block{1-3}{Second group} \\
+ & 1A & 1B & 1C & 2A & 2B & 2C \\
+ 1 & 0.657 & 0.913 & 0.733 & 0.830 & 0.387 & 0.893\\
+ 2 & 0.343 & 0.537 & 0.655 & 0.690 & 0.471 & 0.333\\
+ 3 & 0.783 & 0.885 & 0.015 & 0.306 & 0.643 & 0.263\\
+ 4 & 0.161 & 0.708 & 0.386 & 0.257 & 0.074 & 0.336\\
+Rank & \Block{1-3}{First group} & & & \Block{1-3}{Second group} \\
+ & 1A & 1B & 1C & 2A & 2B & 2C \\
+ 1 & 0.657 & 0.913 & 0.733 & 0.830 & 0.387 & 0.893\\
+ 2 & 0.343 & 0.537 & 0.655 & 0.690 & 0.471 & 0.333\\
+ 3 & 0.783 & 0.885 & 0.015 & 0.306 & 0.643 & 0.263\\
+ 4 & 0.161 & 0.708 & 0.386 & 0.257 & 0.074 & 0.336\\
+In order to have an horizontal positionning of the content of the block
+computed with the limits of the columns of the LaTeX array (and not with the
+contents of those columns), one may use the key |L|, |R| and |C| of the
+command |\Block|.
+Here is the same example with the key |C| for the first block.
+Rank & ~emphase#\Block[C]{1-3}{First group}+ & & & \Block{1-3}{Second group} \\
+ & 1A & 1B & 1C & 2A & 2B & 2C \\
+ 1 & 0.657 & 0.913 & 0.733 & 0.830 & 0.387 & 0.893\\
+ 2 & 0.343 & 0.537 & 0.655 & 0.690 & 0.471 & 0.333\\
+ 3 & 0.783 & 0.885 & 0.015 & 0.306 & 0.643 & 0.263\\
+ 4 & 0.161 & 0.708 & 0.386 & 0.257 & 0.074 & 0.336\\
+Rank & \Block[C]{1-3}{First group} & & & \Block{1-3}{Second group} \\
+ & 1A & 1B & 1C & 2A & 2B & 2C \\
+ 1 & 0.657 & 0.913 & 0.733 & 0.830 & 0.387 & 0.893\\
+ 2 & 0.343 & 0.537 & 0.655 & 0.690 & 0.471 & 0.333\\
+ 3 & 0.783 & 0.885 & 0.015 & 0.306 & 0.643 & 0.263\\
+ 4 & 0.161 & 0.708 & 0.386 & 0.257 & 0.074 & 0.336\\
+\subsection{Vertical position of the content of the block}
+For the vertical position, the command |\Blocks| accepts the keys
+|v-center|\footnote{That key could not have been named |c| since the key |c|
+is used for the horizontal alignement.},
+|t|, |b|, |T| and |B|.
+\item \index{v-center (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})}
+With the key |v-center|, the content of the block is vertically centered.
+\item With the key |t|, the baseline of the content of the block is aligned
+With the basline of the first row concerned by the block).
+\item with the key |b|, the baseline of the last row of the content of the
+block (we recall that the content of a block may contains several lines
+separated by |\\|) is aligned with the baseline of the last of the rows of the
+array involved in the block.
+\item With the key |T|, the content of the block is set upwards.
+\colorbox{yellow!50}{\textbf{Modification 6.18}}\enskip No vertical margin is
+added. However, the contents of the block is (always) composed by
+\pkg{nicematrix} in a |{minipage}|, a |{tabular}| or an |{array}| and, hence,
+there will still remain a margin (in most cases).
+\item With the key |B|, the content of the block is set downwards.
+When no key is given, the key |v-center| applies (excepted in the mono-row blocks).
+\NiceMatrixOptions{rules/color=[gray]{0.75}, hvlines}
+\NiceMatrixOptions{rules/color=[gray]{0.75}, hvlines}
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+ & & \Huge Un\\
+ & & deux \\
+ & & trois \\
+ & & \Huge quatre \\
+text & text \\
+\index{Blocks@\textbf{Blocks in the tabulars}|)}
+\section{The rules}
+\index{Rules@\textbf{Rules in the tabulars}|(}
+\index{Lines in the tabulars|see{Rules}}
+The usual techniques for the rules may be used in the environments of
+\pkg{nicematrix} (excepted |\vline|). However, there is some small differences
+with the classical environments.
+\subsection{Some differences with the classical environments}
+\subsubsection{The vertical rules}
+In the environments of \pkg{nicematrix}, the vertical rules specified by
+\verb+|+ in the preambles of the environments are never broken, even by an
+incomplete row or by a double horizontal rule specified by |\hline\hline|
+(there is no need to use the package~\pkg{hhline}).
+\begin{NiceTabular}{|c|c|} \hline
+First & Second \\ ~emphase#\hline\hline@
+Peter \\ \hline
+Mary & George\\ \hline
+\begin{NiceTabular}{|c|c|}[c] \hline
+First & Second \\ \hline\hline
+Peter \\ \hline
+Mary & George \\ \hline
+However, the vertical rules are not drawn in the blocks (created by |\Block|:
+cf.~p.~\pageref{Block}) nor in the corners (created by the key |corner|:
+cf.~p.~\pageref{corners}) nor in the potential exterior rows (created by the
+keys |first-row| and |last-row|: cf.~p.~\pageref{exterior}).
+\index{booktabs@\pkg{booktabs} (package)}
+If you use \pkg{booktabs} (which provides |\toprule|, |\midrule|,
+|\bottomrule|, etc.) and if you really want to add vertical rules (which is
+not in the spirit of \pkg{booktabs}), you should notice that the vertical rules
+drawn by \pkg{nicematrix} are compatible with \pkg{booktabs}.
+$\begin{NiceArray}{~emphase#|cccc|@} \toprule
+a & b & c & d \\ \midrule
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ \bottomrule
+a & b & c & d \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
+However, it's still possible to define a specifier (named, for instance, |I|)
+to draw vertical rules with the standard behaviour of \pkg{array}.
+\subsubsection{The command \textbackslash cline}
+\index{cline@\texttt{\textbackslash cline} (LaTeX command)}
+The horizontal and vertical rules drawn by |\hline| and the specifier
+``\verb+|+'' make the array larger or wider by a quantity equal to the width
+of the rule (with \pkg{array} and also with \pkg{nicematrix}).
+For historical reasons, this is not the case with the command |\cline|, as
+shown by the following example.
+\begin{tabular}{cccc} \hline
+A&B&C&D \\ ~emphase#\cline{2-2}@
+A&B&C&D \\ \hline
+A&B&C&D \\
+A&B&C&D \\
+In the environments of \pkg{nicematrix}, this situation is corrected (it's
+still possible to go to the standard behaviour of |\cline| with the key |standard-cline|).
+\begin{NiceTabular}{cccc} \hline
+A&B&C&D \\ ~emphase#\cline{2}@
+A&B&C&D \\ \hline
+A&B&C&D \\
+A&B&C&D \\
+In the environments of \pkg{nicematrix}, an instruction |\cline{|\textsl{\texttt{i}}|}|
+is equivalent to |\cline{|\textsl{\texttt{i}}|-|\textsl{\texttt{i}}|}|.
+\subsection{The thickness and the color of the rules}
+\index{Colour!of the rules}
+\index{width!subkey of ``rules''}
+\index{rules (key for an environment)}
+The environments of \pkg{nicematrix} provide a key |rules/width| to set the
+width (in fact the thickness) of the rules in the current environment. In
+fact, this key merely sets the value of the length |\arrayrulewidth|.
+It's well known that \pkg{colortbl} provides the command |\arrayrulecolor| in
+order to specify the color of the rules.
+With \pkg{nicematrix}, it's possible to specify the color of the rules even
+when \pkg{colortbl} is not loaded. For sake of compatibility, the command is
+also named |\arrayrulecolor|. The environments of \pkg{nicematrix} also
+provide a key |rules/color| to fix the color of the rules in the current
+environment. This key sets the value locally (whereas |\arrayrulecolor| acts
+rose & tulipe & lys \\
+arum & iris & violette \\
+muguet & dahlia & souci \\
+rose & tulipe & lys \\
+arum & iris & violette \\
+muguet & dahlia & souci \\
+\subsection{The tools of nicematrix for the rules}
+Here are the tools provided by \pkg{nicematrix} for the rules.
+\item the keys |hlines|, |vlines|, |hvlines| and |hvlines-except-borders|;
+\item the specifier ``\verb+|+'' in the preamble (for the environments with
+\item \indexcommand{Hline}
+the command |\Hline|.
+\textbf{All these tools don't draw the rules in the blocks nor in the
+empty corners (when the key |corners| is used), nor in the exterior rows and
+\item These blocks are:
+\item the blocks created by the command |\Block|\footnote{And also the command |\multicolumn| but
+it's recommended to use instead |\Block| in the environments of
+\pkg{nicematrix}.} presented
+\item the blocks implicitely delimited by the continuous dotted lines created
+by |\Cdots|, |\Vdots|, etc. (cf.~p.~\pageref{Cdots}).
+\item The corners are created by the key |corners| explained below (see
+\item For the exterior rows and columns, see~p.~\pageref{exterior}.
+In particular, this remark explains the difference between the standard
+command |\hline| and the command |\Hline| provided by \pkg{nicematrix}.
+The key |\Hline| takes in an optional argument (between square brackets) which
+is a list of \textsl{key=value} pairs. For the description of those keys, see
+|custom-line| on p.~\pageref{custom-line}.
+\subsubsection{The keys hlines and vlines}
+\index{hlines!key for an environment}
+\index{vlines!key for an environment}
+The keys |hlines| and |vlines| (which draw, of course, horizontal and vertical
+rules) take in as value a list of numbers which are the numbers of the rules
+to draw.\footnote{It's possible to put in that list some intervals of integers
+with the syntax $i$|-|$j$.}
+In fact, for the environments with delimiters (such as |{pNiceMatrix}| or
+|{bNiceArray}|), the key |vlines| don't draw the exterior rules (this is
+certainly the expected behaviour).
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6
+\subsubsection{The keys hvlines and hvlines-except-borders}
+\index{hvlines!key for an environment}
+The key |hvlines| (no value) is the conjonction of the keys |hlines| and |vlines|.
+rose & tulipe & marguerite & dahlia \\
+violette & \Block[draw=red]{2-2}{\LARGE fleurs} & & souci \\
+pervenche & & & lys \\
+arum & iris & jacinthe & muguet
+rose & tulipe & marguerite & dahlia \\
+violette & \Block[draw=red]{2-2}{\LARGE fleurs} & & souci \\
+pervenche & & & lys \\
+arum & iris & jacinthe & muguet
+It's worth noting that, when the key |rounded-corners| is used for the
+environment |{NiceTabular}|, the key |hvlines| draws rounded corners for the
+exterior frame of the tabular: cf. part~\ref{tabular-rounded-corners},
+The key |hvlines-except-borders| is similar to the key |hvlines| but does not
+draw the rules on the horizontal and vertical borders of the array. For an
+example of use of that key, see the part ``Use with tcolorbox'',
+\subsubsection{The (empty) corners}
+\index{Corners (the empty ---)}
+\index{corners (key of an environment)}
+The four |corners| of an array will be designed by |NW|, |SW|, |NE| and |SE|
+(\emph{north west}, \emph{south west}, \emph{north east} and \emph{south east}).
+For each of these corners, we will call \emph{empty corner} (or simply
+\emph{corner}) the reunion of all the empty rectangles starting from the cell
+actually in the corner of the array.\footnote{For sake of completeness, we
+should also say that a cell contained in a block (even an empty cell) is not
+taken into account for the determination of the corners. That behaviour is
+natural. The precise definition of a ``non-empty cell'' is given below (cf.
+However, it's possible, for a cell without content, to require \pkg{nicematrix}
+to consider that cell as not empty with the key |\NotEmpty|.
+In the example on the right (where B is in the center of a block of size
+$2\times2$), we have colored in blue the four (empty) corners of the array.
+ \rectanglecolor{blue!10}{1-1}{4-2}
+ \rectanglecolor{blue!10}{1-1}{1-4}
+ \rectanglecolor{blue!10}{1-6}{3-6}
+ \rectanglecolor{blue!10}{7-1}{9-1}
+ \rectanglecolor{blue!10}{7-5}{9-6}
+ & & & & A \\
+ & & A & A & A \\
+ & & & A \\
+ & & A & A & A & A \\
+A & A & A & A & A & A \\
+A & A & A & A & A & A \\
+ & A & A & A \\
+ & \Block{2-2}{B} & & A \\
+ & & & A \\
+When the key |corners|\footnote{The key |corners| that we describe now
+has no direct link with the key |rounded-corners| described in the part
+\ref{tabular-rounded-corners}, p.~\pageref{tabular-rounded-corners}} is used,
+\pkg{nicematrix} computes the (empty) corners and these corners will be taken
+into account by the tools for drawing the rules (the rules won't be drawn in
+the corners).
+ & & & & A \\
+ & & A & A & A \\
+ & & & A \\
+ & & A & A & A & A \\
+A & A & A & A & A & A \\
+A & A & A & A & A & A \\
+ & A & A & A \\
+ & \Block{2-2}{B} & & A \\
+ & & & A \\
+ & & & & A \\
+ & & A & A & A \\
+ & & & A \\
+ & & A & A & A & A \\
+A & A & A & A & A & A \\
+A & A & A & A & A & A \\
+ & A & A & A \\
+ & \Block{2-2}{B} & & A \\
+ & & & A \\
+It's also possible to provide to the key |corners| a (comma-separated) list of
+corners (designed by |NW|, |SW|, |NE| and |SE|).
+ & & & & &1
+ & & & & &1
+$\triangleright$ The corners are also taken into account by the tools provided
+by \pkg{nicematrix} to color cells, rows and columns. These tools don't color
+the cells which are in the corners (cf.~p.~\pageref{color-in-code-before}).
+\subsection{The command \textbackslash diagbox}
+The command |\diagbox| (inspired by the package \pkg{diagbox}), allows, when
+it is used in a cell, to slash that cell diagonally downwards.
+~emphase#\diagbox{x}{y}@ & e & a & b & c \\
+e & e & a & b & c \\
+a & a & e & c & b \\
+b & b & c & e & a \\
+c & c & b & a & e
+\diagbox{x}{y} & e & a & b & c \\
+e & e & a & b & c \\
+a & a & e & c & b \\
+b & b & c & e & a \\
+c & c & b & a & e
+It's possible to use the command |\diagbox| in a |\Block|.
+\subsection{Commands for customized rules}
+\index{command (key of ``custom-line'')}
+\index{ccommand (key of ``custom-line'')}
+\index{letter (key of ``custom-line'')}
+It's also possible to define commands and letters for customized rules with
+the key |custom-line| available in |\NiceMatrixOptions| and in the options of
+individual environments. That key takes in as argument a list of
+\textsl{key=value} pairs. First, there is three keys to define the tools which
+will be used to use that new type of rule.
+\item the key |command| is the name (without the backslash) of a command that
+will be created by \pkg{nicematrix} and that will be available for the final
+user in order to draw horizontal rules (similarly to |\hline|);
+\item the key |ccommand| is the name (without the backslash) of a command
+that will be created by \pkg{nicematrix} and that will be available for the
+final user to order to draw partial horizontal rules (similarly to |\cline|,
+hence the name |ccommand|): the argument of that command is a list of
+intervals of columns specified by the syntax~$i$ or $i$-$j$.\footnote{It's
+recommended to use such commands only once in a row because each use will
+create space between the rows corresponding to the total width of the rule.}
+\item the key |letter| takes in as argument a letter\footnote{The following
+letters are forbidden: \verb+lcrpmbVX|()[]!@<>+} that the user will use in
+the preamble of an environment with preamble (such as |{NiceTabular}| in order
+to specify a vertical rule.
+We will now speak of the keys which describe the rule itself. Those keys may
+also be used in the (optional) argument of an individual command |\Hline|.
+There is three possibilities.
+\item \emph{First possibility}\par\nobreak
+It's possible to specify composite rules, with a color and a color for the
+inter-rule space (as possible with \pkg{colortbl} for instance).
+\index{multiplicity (key of ``custom-line'')}
+\index{color!key of ``custom-line''}
+\index{sep-color (key of ``custom-line'')}
+\item the key |multiplicity| is the number of consecutive rules that will be
+drawn: for instance, a value of $2$ will create double rules such those
+created by |\hline\hline| or \verb+||+ in the preamble of an environment;
+\item the key |color| sets the color of the rules ;
+\item the key |sep-color| sets the color between two successive rules (should be
+used only in conjonction with |multiplicity|).
+That system may be used, in particular, for the definition of commands and
+letters to draw rules with a specific color (and those rules will respect the
+blocks and corners as do all the rules of \pkg{nicematrix}).
+\begin{NiceTabular}{lcIcIc}~emphase#[custom-line = {letter=I, color=blue}]@
+ & \Block{1-3}{dimensions} \\
+ & L & l & h \\
+Product A & 3 & 1 & 2 \\
+Product B & 1 & 3 & 4 \\
+Product C & 5 & 4 & 1 \\
+\begin{NiceTabular}{lcIcIc}[custom-line = {letter=I, color=blue}]
+ & \Block{1-3}{dimensions} \\
+ & L & l & H \\
+Product A & 3 & 1 & 2 \\
+Product B & 1 & 3 & 4 \\
+Product C & 5 & 4 & 1 \\
+\item \emph{Second possibility}\par\nobreak
+\index{tikzz@tikz!key of ``custom-line''}
+\index{total-width (key of ``custom-line'')}
+It's possible to use the key |tikz| (if Tikz is loaded). In that case, the
+rule is drawn directly with Tikz by using as parameters the value of the key
+|tikz| which must be a list of \textsl{key=value} pairs which may be applied
+to a Tikz path.
+By default, no space is reserved for the rule that will be drawn with Tikz. It
+is possible to specify a reservation (horizontal for a vertical rule and
+vertical for an horizontal one) with the key |total-width|. That value of that
+key, is, in some ways, the width of the rule that will be drawn
+(\pkg{nicematrix} does not compute that width from the characteristics of the
+rule specified in |tikz|).
+Here is an example with the key |dotted| of Tikz.
+ {
+ custom-line =
+ {
+ letter = I ,
+ ~emphase#tikz = dotted@ ,
+ ~emphase#total-width = \pgflinewidth@
+ }
+ }
+one & two & three \\
+four & five & six \\
+seven & eight & nine
+ {
+ custom-line =
+ {
+ letter = I ,
+ tikz = dotted ,
+ total-width = \pgflinewidth
+ }
+ }
+one & two & three \\
+four & five & six \\
+seven & eight & nine
+\item \emph{Third possibility} : the key |dotted|
+\index{dotted (key of ``custom-line'')}
+As one can see, the dots of a dotted line of Tikz have the shape of a square,
+and not a circle. That's why the extension \pkg{nicematrix} provides in the
+key |custom-line| a key |dotted| which will draw rounded dots. The initial
+value of the key |total-width| is, in this case, equal to the diameter of the dots
+(but the user may change the value with the key |total-width| if needed). Those
+dotted rules are also used by \pkg{nicematrix} to draw continuous dotted rules
+between cells of the matrix with |\Cdots|, |\Vdots|, etc. (cf. p.~\pageref{Cdots}).
+In fact, \pkg{nicematrix} defines by default the commands |\hdottedline| and
+|\cdottedline |and the letter ``|:|'' for those dotted
+rules.\footnote{However, it's possible to overwrite those definitions with a
+|custom-line| (in order, for example, to switch to dashed lines).}
+\NiceMatrixOptions % ~textsl#present in nicematrix.sty@
+ {
+ custom-line =
+ {
+ letter = : ,
+ command = hdottedline ,
+ ccommand = cdottedline ,
+ ~emphase#dotted@
+ }
+ }
+Thus, it's possible to use the commands |\hdottedline| and |\cdottedline |to
+draw horizontal dotted rules.
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15
+In the environments with an explicit preamble (like |{NiceTabular}|,
+|{NiceArray}|, etc.), it's possible to draw a vertical dotted line with the
+specifier ``|:|''.
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15
+\index{Rules@\textbf{Rules in the tabulars}|)}
+\section{The color of the rows and columns}
+\index{Colour!of the cells}
+\subsection{Use of colortbl}
+\index{colortbl@\pkg{colortbl} (package)}
+We recall that the package \pkg{colortbl} can be loaded directly with
+|\usepackage{colortbl}| or by loading \pkg{xcolor} with the key |table|:
+Since the package \pkg{nicematrix} is based on \pkg{array}, it's possible to
+use \pkg{colortbl} with \pkg{nicematrix}.
+However, there is two drawbacks:
+\item The package \pkg{colortbl} patches \pkg{array}, leading to some
+incompatibilities (for instance with the command |\hdotsfor|).
+\item The package \pkg{colortbl} constructs the array row by row, alterning
+colored rectangles, rules and contents of the cells. The resulting
+\textsc{pdf} is difficult to interpret by some \textsc{pdf} viewers and may
+lead to artefacts on the screen.
+\item Some rules seem to disappear. This is because many PDF viewers give
+priority to graphical element drawn posteriorly (which is in the spirit of the
+``painting model'' of PostScript and PDF). Concerning this problem, MuPDF
+(which is used, for instance, by SumatraPDF) gives better results than Adobe
+\item A thin white line may appear between two cells of the same color. This
+phenomenon occurs when each cell is colored with its own instruction |fill|
+(the PostScript operator |fill| noted |f| in PDF). This is the case with
+\pkg{colortbl}: each cell is colored on its own, even when |\columncolor| or
+|\rowcolor| is used.
+As for this phenomenon, Adobe Reader gives better results than MuPDF.
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} provides tools to avoid those problems.
+\subsection{The tools of nicematrix in the \textbackslash CodeBefore}
+\index{code-before!key for an environment}
+\index{CodeBefore@\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}...\texttt{\textbackslash Body}}
+\index{Body@\texttt{\textbackslash Body}|see{\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}}}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} provides some tools (independent of \pkg{colortbl})
+to draw the colored panels first, and, then, the content of the cells and the
+rules. This strategy is more conform to the ``painting model'' of the formats
+PostScript and \textsc{pdf} and is more suitable for the \textsc{pdf} viewers.
+However, it requires several compilations.\footnote{If you use Overleaf,
+ Overleaf will do automatically a sufficient number of compilations.}
+The extension \pkg{nicematrix} provides a key |code-before| for some code that
+will be executed before the drawing of the tabular.
+An alternative syntax is provided: it's possible to put the content of that
+|code-before| between the keywords |\CodeBefore| and |\Body| at the beginning
+of the environment.
+~emphase#\CodeBefore [~textsl#options@]@
+ ~textsl#instructions of the code-before@
+ ~textsl#contents of the environment@
+The optional argument between square brackets is a list of \textsl{key=value}
+pairs which will be presented progressively in this
+documentation.\footnote{The available keys are |create-cell-nodes|,
+|sub-matrix| (and its subkeys) and \texttt{delimiters-color}.}
+New commands are available in that |\CodeBefore|: |\cellcolor|,
+|\rectanglecolor|, |\rowcolor|, |\columncolor|, |\rowcolors|,
+|\rowlistcolors|, |\chessboardcolors| and |\arraycolor|.\footnote{Remark that,
+in the |\CodeBefore|, PGF/Tikz nodes of the form ``\verb+(i-|j)+'' are
+also available to indicate the position to the potential rules:
+\index{cellcolor@\texttt{\textbackslash cellcolor}!command of
+ \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}}
+\index{rectanglecolor@\texttt{\textbackslash rectanglecolor} (command of
+ \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{rowcolor@\texttt{\textbackslash rowcolor}!command of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}}
+\index{columncolor@\texttt{\textbackslash columncolor}!command of
+ \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}}
+\index{rowcolors@\texttt{\textbackslash rowcolors} (command of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{rowlistcolor@\texttt{\textbackslash rowlistcolors} (command of
+ \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{chessboardcolors@\texttt{\textbackslash chessboardcolors}!(commande
+ du \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{arraycolor@\texttt{\textbackslash arraycolor} (command of \texttt{\textbackslash
+ CodeBefore)}}
+These commands don't color the cells which are in the ``corners'' if the key
+|corners| is used. That key has been described p.~\pageref{corners}.
+These commands respect the rounded corners if the key |rounded-corners|
+(described in the part \ref{tabular-rounded-corners} at the
+page~\pageref{tabular-rounded-corners}) has been used.
+All these commands accept an optional argument, between square brackets and
+in first position. That optional argument may contain two elements (separated
+by a comma)
+\item the colorimetric space (|RGB|, |rgb|, |HTML|, etc) as specified by the
+the extension \pkg{xcolor};
+\item \index{opacity (key of commands such as\newline \texttt{\textbackslash rowcolor}, etc.)}
+\colorbox{yellow!50}{\textbf{New 6.18}}\par\nobreak
+a specification of opacity f the form \texttt{opacity = \textsl{value}}.
+We describe now in detail those commands.
+\item The command \Definition{\textbackslash cellcolor} takes its name from
+the command |\cellcolor| of \pkg{colortbl}.
+This command takes in as mandatory arguments a color and a list of cells, each
+of which with the format $i$-$j$ where $i$ is the number of the row and $j$ the
+number of the colummn of the cell. In fact, despite its name, this command may
+be used to color a whole row (with the syntax $i$-) or a whole column (with the
+syntax -$j$).
+ ~emphase#\cellcolor[HTML]{FFFF88}{3-1,2-2,-3}@
+a & b & c \\
+e & f & g \\
+h & i & j \\
+ \cellcolor[HTML]{FFFF88}{3-1,2-2,-3}
+a & b & c \\
+e & f & g \\
+h & i & j \\
+\item The command \Definition{\textbackslash rectanglecolor} takes three
+mandatory arguments. The first is the color. The second is the upper-left cell
+of the rectangle and the third is the lower-right cell of the rectangle.
+ ~emphase#\rectanglecolor{blue!15}{2-2}{3-3}@
+a & b & c \\
+e & f & g \\
+h & i & j \\
+ \rectanglecolor{blue!15}{2-2}{3-3}
+a & b & c \\
+e & f & g \\
+h & i & j \\
+\item The command \Definition{\textbackslash arraycolor} takes in as mandatory
+argument a color and color the whole tabular with that color (excepted the
+potential exterior rows and columns: cf.~p.~\pageref{exterior}). It's only a
+particular case of |\rectanglecolor|.
+\item The command \Definition{\textbackslash chessboardcolors} takes in as
+mandatory arguments two colors and it colors the cells of the tabular in
+quincunx with these colors.
+ ~emphase#\chessboardcolors{red!15}{blue!15}@
+1 & -1 & 1 \\
+-1 & 1 & -1 \\
+1 & -1 & 1
+$\begin{pNiceMatrix}[r,baseline=1, margin]
+1 & -1 & 1 \\
+-1 & 1 & -1 \\
+1 & -1 & 1
+We have used the key |r| which aligns all the columns rightwards (cf.
+\item The command \Definition{\textbackslash rowcolor} takes its name from the
+command |\rowcolor| of \pkg{colortbl}. Its first mandatory argument is the
+color and the second is a comma-separated list of rows or interval of rows
+with the form $a$-$b$ (an interval of the form $a$- represent all the rows
+from the row $a$ until the end).
+\hfuzz = 10cm
+ ~emphase#\rowcolor{red!15}{1,3-5,8-}@
+a_1 & b_1 & c_1 \\
+a_2 & b_2 & c_2 \\
+a_3 & b_3 & c_3 \\
+a_4 & b_4 & c_4 \\
+a_5 & b_5 & c_5 \\
+a_6 & b_6 & c_6 \\
+a_7 & b_7 & c_7 \\
+a_8 & b_8 & c_8 \\
+a_9 & b_9 & c_9 \\
+a_{10} & b_{10} & c_{10} \\
+a_1 & b_1 & c_1 \\
+a_2 & b_2 & c_2 \\
+a_3 & b_3 & c_3 \\
+a_4 & b_4 & c_4 \\
+a_5 & b_5 & c_5 \\
+a_6 & b_6 & c_6 \\
+a_7 & b_7 & c_7 \\
+a_8 & b_8 & c_8 \\
+a_9 & b_9 & c_9 \\
+a_{10} & b_{10} & c_{10} \\
+\item The command \Definition{\textbackslash columncolor} takes its name from
+the command |\columncolor| of \pkg{colortbl}. Its syntax is similar to the
+syntax of |\rowcolor|.
+\item The command \Definition{\textbackslash rowcolors} (with a \emph{s})
+takes its name from the command |\rowcolors| of \pkg{colortbl}. The \emph{s}
+emphasizes the fact that there is \emph{two} colors. This command colors
+alternately the rows of the tabular with the two colors (provided in second
+and third argument), beginning with the row whose number is given in first
+(mandatory) argument.
+In fact, the first (mandatory) argument is, more generally, a comma separated
+list of intervals describing the rows involved in the action of |\rowcolors|
+(an interval of the form $i$|-| describes in fact the interval of all the rows
+of the tabular, beginning with the row~$i$).
+The last argument of |\rowcolors| is an optional list of pairs
+\textsl{key=value} (the optional argument in the first position corresponds to
+the colorimetric space). The available keys are |cols|, |restart| and
+\index{cols (key of \texttt{\textbackslash rowcolors} of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{restart (key of \texttt{\textbackslash rowcolors} of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{respect-blocks (key of \texttt{\textbackslash rowcolors} du\newline \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\item The key |cols| describes a set of columns. The command |\rowcolors| will
+color only the cells of these columns. The value is a comma-separated list of
+intervals of the form $i$-$j$ (where $i$ or $j$ may be replaced by |*|).
+\item With the key |restart|, each interval of rows (specified by the first
+mandatory argument) begins with the same color.\footnote{Otherwise, the color
+of a given row relies only upon the parity of its absolute number.}
+\item With the key |respect-blocks| the ``rows'' alternately colored may extend over
+several rows if they have to incorporate blocks (created with the command
+|\Block|: cf.~p.~\pageref{Block}).
+ ~emphase#\rowcolors[gray]{2}{0.8}{}[cols=2-3,restart]@
+\Block{1-*}{Results} \\
+John & 12 \\
+Stephen & 8 \\
+Sarah & 18 \\
+Ashley & 20 \\
+Henry & 14 \\
+Madison & 15
+ \rowcolors[gray]{2}{0.8}{}[cols=2-3,restart]
+\Block{1-*}{Results} \\
+\Block{2-1}{A}& John & 12 \\
+ & Stephen & 8 \\
+\Block{4-1}{B}& Sarah & 18 \\
+ & Ashley & 20 \\
+ & Henry & 14 \\
+ & Madison & 15
+ ~emphase#\rowcolors{1}{blue!10}{}[respect-blocks]@
+\Block{2-1}{John} & 12 \\
+ & 13 \\
+Steph & 8 \\
+\Block{3-1}{Sarah} & 18 \\
+ & 17 \\
+ & 15 \\
+Ashley & 20 \\
+Henry & 14 \\
+\Block{2-1}{Madison} & 15 \\
+ & 19
+ \rowcolors{1}{blue!10}{}[respect-blocks]
+\Block{2-1}{John} & 12 \\
+ & 13 \\
+Steph & 8 \\
+\Block{3-1}{Sarah} & 18 \\
+ & 17 \\
+ & 15 \\
+Ashley & 20 \\
+Henry & 14 \\
+\Block{2-1}{Madison} & 15 \\
+ & 19
+\item The extension \pkg{nicematrix} provides also a command
+\Definition{\textbackslash rowlistcolors}. This command generalises the
+command |\rowcolors|: instead of two successive arguments for the colors, this
+command takes in an argument which is a (comma-separated) list of colors. In
+that list, the symbol |=| represent a color identical to the previous one.
+ ~emphase#\rowlistcolors{1}{red!15,blue!15,green!15}@
+Peter \\
+James \\
+Abigail \\
+Elisabeth \\
+Claudius \\
+Jane \\
+Alexandra \\
+ \rowlistcolors{1}{red!15,blue!15,green!15}
+Peter \\
+James \\
+Abigail \\
+Elisabeth \\
+Claudius \\
+Jane \\
+Alexandra \\
+It's also possible to use in the command |\rowlistcolors| a color series
+defined by the command |\definecolorseries| of \pkg{xcolor} (and initialized
+with the command |\resetcolorseries|\footnote{For the initialization, in the
+following example, you have used the counter |iRow| which, when used in the
+|\CodeBefore| (and in the |\CodeAfter|) corresponds to the number of rows of
+the array: cf.~p~\pageref{iRow}. That leads to an adjustement of the gradation
+of the colors to the size of the tabular.}).
+\index{definecolorseries@\texttt{\textbackslash definecolorseries} (command of \pkg{xcolor})}
+\index{resetcolorseries@\texttt{\textbackslash resetcolorseries} (command of \pkg{xcolor})}
+ ~emphase#\definecolorseries{BlueWhite}{rgb}{last}{blue}{white}@
+ ~emphase#\resetcolorseries{\value{iRow}}{BlueWhite}@
+ ~emphase#\rowlistcolors{1}{BlueWhite!!+}@
+Peter \\
+James \\
+Abigail \\
+Elisabeth \\
+Claudius \\
+Jane \\
+Alexandra \\
+ \definecolorseries{BlueWhite}{rgb}{last}{blue}{white}
+ \resetcolorseries[\value{iRow}]{BlueWhite}
+ \rowlistcolors{1}{BlueWhite!!+}
+Peter \\
+James \\
+Abigail \\
+Elisabeth \\
+Claudius \\
+Jane \\
+Alexandra \\
+We recall that all the color commands we have described don't color the cells
+which are in the ``corners''. In the following example, we use the key
+|corners| to require the determination of the corner \emph{north east} (NE).
+\index{corners (key of an environment)|textit}
+ ~emphase#\rowlistcolors{1}{blue!15, }@
+ & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+0 & 1 \\
+1 & 1 & 1 \\
+2 & 1 & 2 & 1 \\
+3 & 1 & 3 & 3 & 1 \\
+4 & 1 & 4 & 6 & 4 & 1 \\
+5 & 1 & 5 & 10 & 10 & 5 & 1 \\
+6 & 1 & 6 & 15 & 20 & 15 & 6 & 1 \\
+ \rowlistcolors{1}{blue!15, }
+ & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+0 & 1 \\
+1 & 1 & 1 \\
+2 & 1 & 2 & 1 \\
+3 & 1 & 3 & 3 & 1 \\
+4 & 1 & 4 & 6 & 4 & 1 \\
+5 & 1 & 5 & 10 & 10 & 5 & 1 \\
+6 & 1 & 6 & 15 & 20 & 15 & 6 & 1 \\
+One should remark that all the previous commands are compatible with the
+commands of \pkg{booktabs} (|\toprule|, |\midrule|, |\bottomrule|, etc).
+However, \pkg{booktabs} is \emph{not} loaded by \pkg{nicematrix}.
+\index{rotate@\texttt{\textbackslash rotate}|textit}
+ \rowcolor{red!15}{1-2}
+ \rowcolors{3}{blue!15}{}
+\Block{2-1}{Product} &
+\Block{1-3}{dimensions (cm)} & & &
+\Block{2-1}{\rotate Price} \\
+ & L & l & h \\
+small & 3 & 5.5 & 1 & 30 \\
+standard & 5.5 & 8 & 1.5 & 50.5 \\
+premium & 8.5 & 10.5 & 2 & 80 \\
+extra & 8.5 & 10 & 1.5 & 85.5 \\
+special & 12 & 12 & 0.5 & 70 \\
+ \rowcolor{red!15}{1-2}
+ \rowcolors{3}{blue!15}{}
+\Block{2-1}{Product} &
+\Block{1-3}{dimensions (cm)} & & &
+\Block{2-1}{\rotate Price} \\
+ & L & l & h \\
+small & 3 & 5.5 & 1 & 30 \\
+standard & 5.5 & 8 & 1.5 & 50.5 \\
+premium & 8.5 & 10.5 & 2 & 80 \\
+extra & 8.5 & 10 & 1.5 & 85.5 \\
+special & 12 & 12 & 0.5 & 70 \\
+\index{S (the columns S of \pkg{siunitx})|textit}
+We have used the type of column |S| of \pkg{siunitx}.
+\subsection{Color tools with the syntax of colortbl}
+\index{cellcolor@\texttt{\textbackslash cellcolor}!command in tabular}
+\index{rowcolor@\texttt{\textbackslash rowcolor}!command in tabular}
+\index{columncolor@\texttt{\textbackslash columncolor}!command in the preamble
+ of an environment}
+It's possible to access the preceding tools with a syntax close to the syntax
+of \pkg{colortbl}. For that, one must use the key |colortbl-like| in the
+current environment.\footnote{Up to now, this key is \emph{not} available in |\NiceMatrixOptions|.}
+There are three commands available (they are inspired by \pkg{colortbl} but
+are \emph{independent} of \pkg{colortbl}):
+\item |\cellcolor| which colorizes a cell;\footnote{However, this command
+|\cellcolor| will delete the following spaces, which does not the command
+|\cellcolor| of \pkg{colortbl}.}
+\item |\rowcolor| which must be used in a cell and which colorizes the end of
+the row;
+\item |\columncolor| which must be used in the preamble of the environment
+with the same syntax as the corresponding command of
+\pkg{colortbl} (however, unlike the command |\columncolor| of \pkg{colortbl},
+this command |\columncolor| can appear within another command, itself used in the
+preamble of the array).
+\NewDocumentCommand { \Blue } { } { ~emphase#\columncolor{blue!15}@ }
+Last name & First name & Birth day \\
+Achard & Jacques & 5 juin 1962 \\
+Lefebvre & Mathilde & 23 mai 1988 \\
+Vanesse & Stephany & 30 octobre 1994 \\
+Dupont & Chantal & 15 janvier 1998 \\
+\NewDocumentCommand { \Blue } { } { \columncolor{blue!15} }
+Last name & First name & Birth day \\
+Achard & Jacques & 5 juin 1962 \\
+Lefebvre & Mathilde & 23 mai 1988 \\
+Vanesse & Stephany & 30 octobre 1994 \\
+Dupont & Chantal & 15 janvier 1998 \\
+\section{The command \textbackslash RowStyle}
+The command |\RowStyle| takes in as argument some formatting intructions that
+will be applied to each cell on the rest of the current row.
+That command also takes in as optional argument (between square brackets)
+a list of \textsl{key=value} pairs.
+\item \index{nb-rows (key of \texttt{\textbackslash RowStyle})} The key |nb-rows| sets
+the number of rows to which the specifications of the current command will
+apply (with the special value |*|, it will apply to all the following rows).
+\item The keys |cell-space-top-limit|, |cell-space-bottom-limit| and
+|cell-space-limits| are available with the same meaning that the corresponding
+global keys (cf. p.~\pageref{cell-space}).
+\item \index{rowcolor (key of \texttt{\textbackslash RowStyle})}
+\index{color!key of \texttt{\textbackslash RowStyle}}
+The key |rowcolor| sets
+the color of the background and the key |color| sets the
+color of the text.\footnote{The key |color| uses the command
+|\color| but inserts also an instruction |\leavevmode| before. This
+instruction prevents a extra vertical space in the cells which belong to
+columns of type |p|, |b|, |m|, |X| and |V| (which start in
+vertical mode).}
+\item \index{bold (key of \texttt{\textbackslash RowStyle})} The key |bold|
+enforces bold characters for the cells of the row, both in math and text mode.
+first & second & third & fourth \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
+I & II & III & IV
+\index{rotate@\texttt{\textbackslash rotate}|textit}
+first & second & third & fourth \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
+I & II & III & IV \\
+The command |\rotate| is described p.~\pageref{rotate}.
+\section{The width of the columns}
+\index{width@\textbf{Width of the columns}|(}
+\subsection{Basic tools}
+In the environments with an explicit preamble (like |{NiceTabular}|,
+|{NiceArray}|, etc.), it's possible to fix the width of a given column with
+the standard letters |w|, |W|, |p|, |b| and |m| of the package \pkg{array}.
+Paris & New York & Madrid \\
+Berlin & London & Roma \\
+Rio & Tokyo & Oslo
+Paris & New York & Madrid \\
+Berlin & London & Roma \\
+Rio & Tokyo & Oslo
+In the environments of \pkg{nicematrix}, it's also possible to fix the \emph{minimal}
+width of all the columns (excepted the potential exterior columns: cf. p.~\pageref{exterior}) directly
+with the key |columns-width|.
+$\begin{pNiceMatrix}[~emphase#columns-width = 1cm@]
+1 & 12 & -123 \\
+12 & 0 & 0 \\
+4 & 1 & 2
+$\begin{pNiceMatrix}[columns-width = 1cm]
+1 & 12 & -123 \\
+12 & 0 & 0 \\
+4 & 1 & 2
+Note that the space inserted between two columns (equal to 2 |\tabcolsep| in
+|{NiceTabular}| and to 2 |\arraycolsep| in the other environments)
+is not suppressed (of course, it's possible to suppress this space by setting
+|\tabcolsep| or |\arraycolsep| equal to $0$~pt before the environment).
+It's possible to give the special value |auto| to the option |columns-width|:
+all the columns of the array will have a width equal to the widest cell of the
+array.\footnote{The result is achieved with only one compilation (but PGF/Tikz
+will have written informations in the |aux| file and a message requiring a
+second compilation will appear).}\par\nobreak
+$\begin{pNiceMatrix}[~emphase#columns-width = auto@]
+1 & 12 & -123 \\
+12 & 0 & 0 \\
+4 & 1 & 2
+$\begin{pNiceMatrix}[columns-width = auto]
+1 & 12 & -123 \\
+12 & 0 & 0 \\
+4 & 1 & 2
+Without surprise, it's possible to fix the minimal width of the columns of all
+the arrays of a current scope with the command
+a & b \\ c & d
+1 & 1245 \\ 345 & 2
+a & b \\
+c & d
+1 & 1245 \\
+345 & 2
+\index{auto-columns-width!(key of \texttt{\{NiceMatrixBlock\}})}
+It's also possible to fix a zone where all the matrices will have their
+columns of the same width, equal to the widest cell of all the matrices. This
+construction uses the environment |{NiceMatrixBlock}| with the option
+|auto-columns-width|\footnote{At this time, this is the only usage of the
+environment |{NiceMatrixBlock}| but it may have other usages in the future.}.
+The environment |{NiceMatrixBlock}| has no direct link with the command
+|\Block| presented previously in this document (cf.~p.~\pageref{Block}).
+ 9 & 17 \\ -2 & 5
+ \end{bNiceMatrix} \\ \\
+ 1 & 1245345 \\ 345 & 2
+ 9 & 17 \\ -2 & 5
+ \end{bNiceMatrix} \\ \\
+ 1 & 1245345 \\ 345 & 2
+\subsection{The columns X}
+\index{tabularx@\pkg{tabularx} (package)}
+\index{X (the columns X)}
+\index{width!key of \texttt{\{NiceTabular\}}}
+The environment |{NiceTabular}| provides |X| columns similar to those provided
+by the environment |{tabularx}| of the eponymous package.
+The required width of the tabular may be specified with the key |width| (in
+|{NiceTabular}| or in |\NiceMatrixOptions|). The initial value of this
+parameter is |\linewidth| (and not |\textwidth|).
+For sake of similarity with the environment |{tabularx}|, \pkg{nicematrix}
+also provides an environment |{NiceTabularX}| with a syntax similar to the
+syntax of |{tabularx}|, that is to say with a first mandatory argument
+which is the width of the tabular.\footnote{If \pkg{tabularx} is loaded, one
+must use |{NiceTabularX}| (and not |{NiceTabular}|) in order to use the
+columns |X| (this point comes from a conflict in the definitions of the
+specifier |X|).}
+As with the packages \pkg{tabu}\footnote{The extension \pkg{tabu} is now
+considered as deprecated.} and \pkg{tabularray}, the specifier |X| takes
+in an optional argument (between square brackets) which is a list of keys.
+\item It's possible to give a weight for the column by providing a positive
+integer directly as argument of the specifier |X|. For example, a column
+|X[2]| will have a width double of the width of a column~|X| (which has a
+weight equal to $1$).\footnote{The negative values of the weight, as provided
+by \pkg{tabu} (which is now obsolete), are \emph{not} supported by \pkg{nicematrix}.
+If such a value is used, an error will be raised.}
+\item It's possible to specify an horizontal alignment with one of the
+letters |l|, |c| and |r| (which insert respectively |\raggedright|,
+|\centering| and |\raggedleft| followed by |\arraybackslash|).
+\item It's possible to specify a vertical alignment with one of the keys
+|t| (alias |p|), |m| and |b| (which construct respectively columns of type
+|p|, |m| and |b|). The default value is |t|.
+a rather long text which fits on several lines
+& a rather long text which fits on several lines \\
+a shorter text & a shorter text
+a rather long text which fits on several lines
+& a rather long text which fits on several lines \\
+a shorter text & a shorter text
+\subsection{The columns V of varwidth}
+\index{varwidth@\pkg{varwidth} (package)}
+\index{V (the columns V of \pkg{varwidth})}
+Let's recall first the behaviour of the environment |{varwidth}| of the
+eponymous package \pkg{varwidth}. That environment is similar to the classical
+environment |{minipage}| but the width provided in the argument is only the
+\emph{maximal} width of the created box. In the general case, the width of the
+box constructed by an environment |{varwidth}| is the natural width of its
+That point is illustrated on the following examples.
+\item first item
+\item second item
+\item first item
+\item second item
+\item first item
+\item second item
+\item first item
+\item second item
+The package \pkg{varwidth} provides also the column type |V|. A column of type
+|V{|$\langle$\textsl{dim}$\rangle$|}| encapsulates all its cells in a
+|{varwidth}| with the argument $\langle$\textsl{dim}$\rangle$ (and does also some tuning).
+When the package \pkg{varwidth} is loaded, the columns |V| of \pkg{varwidth}
+are supported by \pkg{nicematrix}.
+& some text & some very very very long text \\
+some very very very long text \\
+some very very very long text
+& some text & some very very very long text \\
+some very very very long text \\
+some very very very long text
+Concerning \pkg{nicematrix}, one of the
+interests of this type of columns is that, for a cell of a column of type~|V|,
+the PGF/Tikz node created by \pkg{nicematrix} for the content of that cell has
+a width adjusted to the content of the cell : cf. p.~\pageref{node-V}.
+The columns |V| of \pkg{nicematrix} supports the keys |t|, |p|, |m|, |b|, |l|,
+|c| and |r| also supported by the columns |X|: see their description in the
+section~\ref{X-columns}, p.~\pageref{X-columns}.
+One should remark that the extension \pkg{varwidth} (at least in its version
+0.92) has some problems: for instance, with LuaLaTeX, it does not work when
+the content begins with |\color|.
+\index{width@\textbf{Width of the columns}|)}
+\section{The exterior rows and columns}
+The options |first-row|, |last-row|, |first-col| and |last-col| allow the
+composition of exterior rows and columns in the environments of
+\pkg{nicematrix}. It's particularly interesting for the (mathematical)
+A potential ``first row'' (exterior) has the number $0$ (and not $1$). Idem
+for the potential ``first column''.
+ & C_1 & \Cdots & & C_4 & \\
+L_1 & a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} & L_1 \\
+\Vdots & a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} & a_{24} & \Vdots \\
+ & a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33} & a_{34} & \\
+L_4 & a_{41} & a_{42} & a_{43} & a_{44} & L_4 \\
+ & C_1 & \Cdots & & C_4 &
+ & C_1 & \Cdots & & C_4 & \\
+L_1 & a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} & L_1 \\
+\Vdots & a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} & a_{24} & \Vdots \\
+ & a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33} & a_{34} & \\
+L_4 & a_{41} & a_{42} & a_{43} & a_{44} & L_4 \\
+ & C_1 & \Cdots & & C_4 &
+The dotted lines have been drawn with the tools presented p.~\pageref{Cdots}.
+We have several remarks to do.
+\item For the environments with an explicit preamble (i.e. |{NiceTabular}|,
+|{NiceArray}| and its variants), no letter must be given in that preamble for
+the potential first column and the potential last column: they will
+automatically (and necessarily) be of type |r| for the first column and |l|
+for the last one.\footnote{The users wishing exterior columns with another
+type of alignment should consider the command |\SubMatrix| available in the
+|\CodeAfter| (cf.~p.~\pageref{sub-matrix}).}
+\item One may wonder how \pkg{nicematrix} determines the number of rows and
+columns which are needed for the composition of the ``last row'' and ``last
+\item For the environments with explicit preamble, like |{NiceTabular}| and
+|{pNiceArray}|, the number of columns can obviously be computed from the
+\item When the option |light-syntax| (cf. p. \pageref{light-syntax}) is used,
+\pkg{nicematrix} has, in any case, to load the whole body of the environment
+(and that's why it's not possible to put verbatim material in the array with
+the option |light-syntax|). The analysis of this whole body gives the number
+of rows and the number of columns.
+\item In the other cases, \pkg{nicematrix} compute the number of rows and
+columns during the first compilation and write the result in the |aux| file
+for the next run.
+\textsl{However, it's possible to provide the number of the last row and the
+number of the last column as values of the options |last-row| and |last-col|,
+tending to an acceleration of the whole compilation of the document.} That's
+what we will do throughout the rest of the document.
+It's possible to control the appearance of these rows and columns with options
+|code-for-first-row|, |code-for-last-row|, |code-for-first-col| and
+|code-for-last-col|. These options specify tokens that will be inserted before
+each cell of the corresponding row or column.
+\NiceMatrixOptions{~emphase#code-for-first-row@ = \color{red},
+ ~emphase#code-for-first-col@ = \color{blue},
+ ~emphase#code-for-last-row@ = \color{green},
+ ~emphase#code-for-last-col@ = \color{magenta}}
+ & C_1 & \Cdots & & C_4 & \\
+L_1 & a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} & L_1 \\
+\Vdots & a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} & a_{24} & \Vdots \\
+ & a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33} & a_{34} & \\
+L_4 & a_{41} & a_{42} & a_{43} & a_{44} & L_4 \\
+ & C_1 & \Cdots & & C_4 &
+\NiceMatrixOptions{code-for-first-row = \color{red},
+ code-for-first-col = \color{blue},
+ code-for-last-row = \color{green},
+ code-for-last-col = \color{magenta}}
+ & C_1 & \multicolumn1c{\Cdots} & & C_4 & \\
+L_1 & a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} & L_1 \\
+\Vdots & a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} & a_{24} & \Vdots \\
+ & a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33} & a_{34} & \\
+L_4 & a_{41} & a_{42} & a_{43} & a_{44} & L_4 \\
+ & C_1 & \multicolumn1c{\Cdots} & & C_4 &
+\item As shown in the previous example, the horizontal and vertical rules
+don't extend in the exterior rows and columns. This remark also applies to the
+customized rules created by the key |custom-line|
+\item A specification of color present in |code-for-first-row| also applies to
+a dotted line drawn in that exterior ``first row'' (excepted if a value has
+been given to |xdots/color|). Idem for the other exterior rows and columns.
+\item Logically, the potential option |columns-width| (described
+p.~\pageref{width}) doesn't apply to the ``first column'' and ``last column''.
+\item For technical reasons, it's not possible to use the option of the
+command |\\| after the ``first row'' or before the ``last row''. The placement
+of the delimiters would be wrong. If you are looking for a workaround,
+consider the command |\SubMatrix| in the |\CodeAfter| described
+\section{The continuous dotted lines}
+\index{dotted@\textbf{Dotted lines}|(}
+\index{Ddots@\texttt{\textbackslash Ddots}|textbf}
+\index{Iddots@\texttt{\textbackslash Iddots}|textbf}
+\index{mathdots@\pkg{mathdots} (package)}
+\index{xdots (and its subkeys)}
+Inside the environments of the package \pkg{nicematrix}, new commands are
+defined: |\Ldots|, |\Cdots|, |\Vdots|, |\Ddots|, and |\Iddots|. These commands
+are intended to be used in place of |\dots|, |\cdots|, |\vdots|, |\ddots| and
+|\iddots|.\footnote{The command |\iddots|, defined in \pkg{nicematrix}, is a
+variant of |\ddots| with dots going forward. If |mathdots| is loaded, the
+version of |mathdots| is used. It corresponds to the command |\adots| of
+Each of them must be used alone in the cell of the array and it draws a dotted
+line between the first non-empty cells\footnote{The precise definition of a
+``non-empty cell'' is given below (cf. p.~\pageref{empty-cells}).} on both
+sides of the current cell. Of course, for |\Ldots| and |\Cdots|, it's an
+horizontal line; for |\Vdots|, it's a vertical line and for |\Ddots| and
+|\Iddots| diagonal ones. It's possible to change the color of these lines
+with the option |color|.\footnote{It's also possible to change the color of
+all these dotted lines with the option |xdots/color| (\textsl{xdots} to
+remind that it works for |\Cdots|, |\Ldots|, |\Vdots|, etc.): cf. p.
+a_1 & \Cdots & & & a_1 \\
+\Vdots & a_2 & \Cdots & & a_2 \\
+ & \Vdots & \Ddots[color=red] \\
+a_1 & a_2 & & & a_n
+a_1 & \Cdots & & & a_1 \\
+\Vdots & a_2 & \Cdots & & a_2 \\
+ & \Vdots & \Ddots[color=red] \\
+a_1 & a_2 & & & a_n
+In order to represent the null matrix, one can use the following
+0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & \Vdots \\
+0 & \Cdots & 0
+0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & \Vdots \\
+0 & \Cdots & 0
+However, one may want a larger matrix. Usually, in such a case, the users of
+LaTeX add a new row and a new column. It's possible to use the same method
+with \pkg{nicematrix}:\par\nobreak
+0 & \Cdots & \Cdots & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & & & \Vdots \\
+0 & \Cdots & \Cdots & 0
+0 & \Cdots & \Cdots & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & & & \Vdots \\
+0 & \Cdots & \Cdots & 0
+In the first column of this example, there are two instructions |\Vdots| but,
+of course, only one dotted line is drawn.
+In fact, in this example, it would be possible to draw the same matrix more
+easily with the following code:\par\nobreak
+0 & \Cdots & & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & \\
+ & & & \Vdots \\
+0 & & \Cdots & 0
+0 & \Cdots & & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & \\
+ & & & \Vdots \\
+0 & & \Cdots & 0
+There are also other means to change the size of the matrix. Someone might
+want to use the optional argument of the command~|\\| for the vertical
+dimension and a command~|\hspace*| in a cell for the horizontal
+dimension.\footnote{In \pkg{nicematrix}, one should use |\hspace*| and not
+|\hspace| for such an usage because \pkg{nicematrix} loads \pkg{array}. One
+may also remark that it's possible to fix the width of a column by using the
+environment |{NiceArray}| (or one of its variants) with a column of type~|w|
+or~|W|: see p.~\pageref{width}}
+However, a command~|\hspace*| might interfer with the construction of the
+dotted lines. That's why the package \pkg{nicematrix} provides a
+command~|\Hspace| which is a variant of |\hspace| transparent for the dotted
+lines of \pkg{nicematrix}.\par\nobreak
+0 & \Cdots & ~emphase#\Hspace*{1cm}@ & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & \Vdots \\~emphase#[1cm]@
+0 & \Cdots & & 0
+0 & \Cdots & \Hspace*{1cm} & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & \Vdots \\[1cm]
+0 & \Cdots & & 0
+\subsection{The option nullify-dots}
+Consider the following matrix composed classicaly with the environment
+|{pmatrix}| of \pkg{amsmath}.\par\nobreak
+$A = \begin{pmatrix}
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & & & & & x
+$A = \begin{pmatrix}
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & & & & & x
+If we add |\ldots| instructions in the second row, the geometry of the
+matrix is modified.\par\nobreak
+$B = \begin{pmatrix}
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & x
+$B = \begin{pmatrix}
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & x
+By default, with \pkg{nicematrix}, if we replace |{pmatrix}| by
+|{pNiceMatrix}| and |\ldots| by |\Ldots|, the geometry of the matrix is not
+$C = \begin{pNiceMatrix}
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & \Ldots & \Ldots & \Ldots & \Ldots & x
+$C = \begin{pNiceMatrix}
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & \Ldots & \Ldots & \Ldots & \Ldots & x
+However, one may prefer the geometry of the first matrix $A$ and would like to
+have such a geometry with a dotted line in the second row. It's possible by
+using the option |nullify-dots| (and only one instruction |\Ldots| is
+$D = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[~emphase#nullify-dots@]
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & \Ldots & & & & x
+$D = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[nullify-dots]
+h & i & j & k & l & m \\
+x & \Ldots & & & & x
+The option |nullify-dots| smashes the instructions |\Ldots| (and the variants)
+horizontally but also vertically.
+\subsection{The commands \textbackslash Hdotsfor and \textbackslash Vdotsfor}
+Some people commonly use the command |\hdotsfor| of \pkg{amsmath} in order to
+draw horizontal dotted lines in a matrix. In the environments of
+\pkg{nicematrix}, one should use instead |\Hdotsfor| in order to draw dotted
+lines similar to the other dotted lines drawn by the package \pkg{nicematrix}.
+As with the other commands of \pkg{nicematrix} (like |\Cdots|, |\Ldots|,
+|\Vdots|, etc.), the dotted line drawn with |\Hdotsfor| extends until the
+contents of the cells on both sides.
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+1 & ~emphase#\Hdotsfor{3}@ & 5 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+1 & \Hdotsfor{3} & 5 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5
+However, if these cells are empty, the dotted line extends only in the cells
+specified by the argument of |\Hdotsfor| (by design).
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+ & ~emphase#\Hdotsfor{3}@ \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+ & \Hdotsfor{3} \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5
+Remark: Unlike the command |\hdotsfor| of \pkg{amsmath}, the command
+|\Hdotsfor| may be used even when the package \pkg{colortbl}\footnote{We
+recall that when \pkg{xcolor} is loaded with the option |table|, the
+package \pkg{colortbl} is loaded.} is loaded (but you might have problem if
+you use |\rowcolor| on the same row as |\Hdotsfor|).
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} also provides a command |\Vdotsfor| similar to
+|\Hdotsfor| but for the vertical dotted lines.
+The following example uses both |\Hdotsfor| and |\Vdotsfor|:
+C[a_1,a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_1,a_n]
+ & \hspace*{20mm} & C[a_1,a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_1,a_n^{(p)}] \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots
+ & ~emphase#\Hdotsfor{1}@ & \Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots \\
+C[a_n,a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_n,a_n]
+ & & C[a_n,a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_n,a_n^{(p)}] \\
+\rule{0pt}{15mm}\NotEmpty & ~emphase#\Vdotsfor{1}@ & & \Ddots & & ~emphase#\Vdotsfor{1}@ \\
+C[a_1^{(p)},a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_1^{(p)},a_n]
+ & & C[a_1^{(p)},a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_1^{(p)},a_n^{(p)}] \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots
+ & ~emphase#\Hdotsfor{1}@ & \Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots \\
+C[a_n^{(p)},a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_n^{(p)},a_n]
+ & & C[a_n^{(p)},a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_n^{(p)},a_n^{(p)}]
+C[a_1,a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_1,a_n] & \hspace*{20mm} & C[a_1,a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_1,a_n^{(p)}] \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots & \Hdotsfor{1} & \Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots \\
+C[a_n,a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_n,a_n] & & C[a_n,a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_n,a_n^{(p)}] \\
+\rule{0pt}{15mm}\NotEmpty & \Vdotsfor{1} & & \Ddots & & \Vdotsfor{1} \\
+C[a_1^{(p)},a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_1^{(p)},a_n] & & C[a_1^{(p)},a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_1^{(p)},a_n^{(p)}] \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots & \Hdotsfor{1} & \Vdots & \Ddots & \Vdots \\
+C[a_n^{(p)},a_1] & \Cdots & C[a_n^{(p)},a_n] & & C[a_n^{(p)},a_1^{(p)}] & \Cdots & C[a_n^{(p)},a_n^{(p)}]
+\subsection{How to generate the continuous dotted lines transparently}
+Imagine you have a document with a great number of mathematical matrices with
+ellipsis. You may wish to use the dotted lines of \pkg{nicematrix} without
+having to modify the code of each matrix. It's possible with the keys.
+|renew-dots| and |renew-matrix|.\footnote{The options |renew-dots|,
+|renew-matrix| can be fixed with the command
+|\NiceMatrixOptions| like the other options. However, they can also be fixed
+as options of the command |\usepackage|.}
+\item The option |renew-dots|\par\nobreak
+With this option, the commands |\ldots|, |\cdots|, |\vdots|, |\ddots|,
+|\iddots|\footnotemark[\thefniddots] and |\hdotsfor| are redefined within the
+environments provided by \pkg{nicematrix} and behave like |\Ldots|, |\Cdots|,
+|\Vdots|, |\Ddots|, |\Iddots| and |\Hdotsfor|; the command |\dots|
+(``automatic dots'' of |amsmath|) is also redefined to behave like |\Ldots|.
+\item The option |renew-matrix|\par\nobreak
+With this option, the environment |{matrix}| is redefined and behave like
+|{NiceMatrix}|, and so on for the five variants.
+Therefore, with the keys |renew-dots| and |renew-matrix|, a classical code
+gives directly the ouput of \pkg{nicematrix}.\par\nobreak
+1 & \cdots & \cdots & 1 \\
+0 & \ddots & & \vdots \\
+\vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
+0 & \cdots & 0 & 1
+1 & \cdots & \cdots & 1 \\
+0 & \ddots & & \vdots \\
+\vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
+0 & \cdots & 0 & 1
+\subsection{The labels of the dotted lines}
+The commands |\Ldots|, |\Cdots|, |\Vdots|, |\Ddots|, |\Iddots| and |\Hdotsfor|
+(and the command |\line| in the |\CodeAfter| which is described
+p.~\pageref{line-in-code-after}) accept two optional arguments specified
+by the tokens |_| and |^| for labels positionned below and above the line. The
+arguments are composed in math mode with |\scriptstyle|.
+1 & \hspace*{1cm} & 0 \\[8mm]
+ & ~emphase#\Ddots^{n \text{ times}}@ & \\
+0 & & 1
+1 & \hspace*{1cm} & 0 \\[8mm]
+ & \Ddots^{n \text{ times}} & \\
+0 & & 1
+\subsection{Customisation of the dotted lines}
+\index{color!key for the dotted rules}
+\index{radius (key for the dotted rules)}
+\index{inter (key for the dotted rules)}
+\index{line-style (key for the dotted rules)}
+\index{shorten (key for the dotted rules)}
+\index{shorten-end (key for the dotted rules)}
+\index{shorten-start (key for the dotted rules)}
+The dotted lines drawn by |\Ldots|, |\Cdots|, |\Vdots|, |\Ddots|, |\Iddots|,
+|\Hdotsfor| and |\Vdotsfor| (and by the command |\line| in the |\CodeAfter|
+which is described p.~\pageref{line-in-code-after}) may be customized by the following
+options (specified between square brackets after the command):
+\item |color|;
+\item |radius|;
+\item |shorten-start|, |shorten-end| and |shorten|;
+\item |inter|;
+\item |line-style|.
+These options may also be fixed with |\NiceMatrixOptions|, as options of
+|\CodeAfter| or at the level of a given environment but, in those cases, they
+must be prefixed by |xdots| (\textsl{xdots} to remind that it works for
+|\Cdots|, |\Ldots|, |\Vdots|, etc.), and, thus have for names:
+\item |xdots/color|;
+\item |xdots/radius|;
+\item |xdots/shorten-start|, |xdots/shorten-end| and |xdots/shorten|;
+\item |xdots/inter|;
+\item |xdots/line-style|.
+For the clarity of the explanations, we will use those names.
+\textbf{The option xdots/color}\par\nobreak
+The option |xdots/color| fixes the color or the dotted line. However, one should
+remark that the dotted lines drawn in the exterior rows and columns have a
+special treatment: cf. p.~\pageref{exterior}.
+\textbf{The option xdots/radius}\par\nobreak
+The option |radius| fixes the radius of the dots. The initial value is 0.53~pt.
+\textbf{The option xdots/shorten}\par\nobreak
+The keys |xdots/shorten-start| and |xdots/shorten-end| fix the margin at the
+extremities of the line. The key |xdots/shorten| fixes both parameters.
+The initial value is 0.3~em (it is recommanded to use a unit of length
+dependent of the current font).
+\textbf{The option xdots/inter}\par\nobreak
+The option |xdots/inter| fixes the length between the dots. The initial value
+is 0.45~em (it is recommanded to use a unit of length dependent of the current
+\textbf{The option xdots/line-style}\par\nobreak
+It should be pointed that, by default, the lines drawn by Tikz with the
+parameter |dotted| are composed of square dots (and not rounded
+ones).\footnote{The first reason of this behaviour is that the \textsc{pdf}
+format includes a description for dashed lines. The lines specified with this
+descriptor are displayed very efficiently by the \textsc{pdf} readers. It's
+easy, starting from these dashed lines,
+to create a line composed by square dots whereas a line of rounded dots needs
+a specification of each dot in the \textsc{pdf} file. Nevertheless, you can
+have a look at the following page to see how to have dotted rules with rounded
+dots in Tikz:\newline \small
+\tikz \draw [dotted] (0,0) -- (5,0) ;
+\tikz \draw [dotted] (0,0) -- (5,0) ;
+In order to provide lines with rounded dots in the style of those provided by
+|\ldots| (at least with the \emph{Computer Modern} fonts), the package
+\pkg{nicematrix} embeds its own system to draw a dotted line (and this system
+uses \textsc{pgf} and not Tikz). This style is called |standard| and that's
+the initial value of the parameter |xdots/line-style|.
+However (when Tikz is loaded) it's possible to use for |xdots/line-style| any style
+provided by Tikz, that is to say any sequence of options provided by Tikz for
+the Tizk pathes (with the exception of ``|color|'', ``|shorten >|'' and
+``|shorten <|'').
+Here is for example a tridiagonal matrix with the style |loosely dotted|:\par\nobreak
+$\begin{pNiceMatrix}[nullify-dots,~emphase#xdots/line-style=loosely dotted@]
+a & b & 0 & & \Cdots & 0 \\
+b & a & b & \Ddots & & \Vdots \\
+0 & b & a & \Ddots & & \\
+ & \Ddots & \Ddots & \Ddots & & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & & & b \\
+0 & \Cdots & & 0 & b & a
+\[\begin{pNiceMatrix}[nullify-dots,xdots/line-style=loosely dotted]
+a & b & 0 & & \Cdots & 0 \\
+b & a & b & \Ddots & & \Vdots \\
+0 & b & a & \Ddots & & \\
+ & \Ddots & \Ddots & \Ddots & & 0 \\
+\Vdots & & & & & b \\
+0 & \Cdots & & 0 & b & a
+\subsection{The dotted lines and the rules}
+The dotted lines determine virtual blocks which have the same behaviour
+regarding the rules (the rules specified by the specifier \verb+|+ in the
+preamble, by the command |\Hline|, by the keys |hlines|, |vlines|,
+|hvlines| and |hvlines-except-borders| and by the tools created by
+|custom-line| are not drawn within the
+blocks).\footnote{On the other side, the command |\line| in the
+|\CodeAfter| (cf.~p.~\pageref{line-in-code-after}) does \emph{not} create
+\Block{3-3}<\LARGE>{A} & & & 0 \\
+& \hspace*{1cm} & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+\Block{3-3}<\LARGE>{A} & & & 0 \\
+& \hspace*{1cm} & & \Vdots \\
+& & & 0 \\
+0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
+\index{dotted@\textbf{Dotted lines}|)}
+\section{Delimiters in the preamble of the environment}
+\index{blkarray@\pkg{blkarray} (package)}
+In the environments with preamble (|{NiceArray}|, |{pNiceArray}|, etc.), it's
+possible to put vertical delimiters directly in the preamble of the
+environment.\footnote{This syntax is inspired by the extension \pkg{blkarray}.}
+\index{left@\texttt{\textbackslash left} : used by \pkg{nicematrix} for\newline
+ delimiters in the preambles}
+\index{right@\texttt{\textbackslash right} : used by \pkg{nicematrix} for\newline
+ delimiters in the preambles}
+The opening delimiters should be prefixed by the keyword |\left| and the
+closing delimiters by the keyword |\right|. It's not mandatory to use
+|\left| and |\right| pair-wise.
+All the vertical extensible delimiters of LaTeX are allowed.
+Here is a example which uses the delimiters |\lgroup| and |\rgroup|.
+$\begin{NiceArray}{~emphase#\left\lgroup@ ccc~emphase#\right\rgroup@ l}
+1 & 2 & 3 &
+4 & 1 & 6 &
+7 & 8 & 9 & \scriptstyle L_3 \gets L_3 + L_1 + L_2
+\[\begin{NiceArray}{\left\lgroup ccc\right\rgroup l}
+1 & 2 & 3 & \\
+4 & 1 & 6 & \\
+7 & 8 & 9 & \scriptstyle L_3 \gets L_3 + L_1 + L_2
+For this example, it would also have been possible to use the environment
+|{NiceArrayWithDelims}| (cf. the section \ref{NiceArrayWithDelims},
+p.~\pageref{NiceArrayWithDelims}) and the key |last-col| (cf. p.~\pageref{exterior}).
+There is a particular case: for the delimiters |(|, |[| and |\{| (and the
+corresponding closing delimiters), the prefixes |\left| et |\right| are
+optional.\footnote{For the delimiters |[| and |]|, the prefixes remain mandatory
+when there is a conflict of notation with the square brackets for the options
+of some descriptors of columns.}
+When there are two successive delimiters (necessarily a closing one following by
+an opening one for another submatrix), a space equal to |\enskip| is
+automatically inserted.
+a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} \\
+a_{21} & \displaystyle \int_0^1\dfrac{1}{x^2+1}\,dx & a_{23} \\
+a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}
+a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} \\
+a_{21} & \displaystyle \int_0^1\dfrac{1}{x^2+1}\,dx & a_{23} \\
+a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}
+For more complex constructions, in particular with delimiters spanning only a
+\emph{subset} of the rows of the array, one should consider the command
+|\SubMatrix| available in the |\CodeAfter|. See the section~\ref{sub-matrix},
+\section{The \textbackslash CodeAfter}
+\index{CodeAfter@\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}|(}
+The option |code-after| may be used to give some code that will be executed
+\emph{after} the construction of the matrix.\footnote{There is also a key
+|code-before| described p.~\pageref{code-before}.}
+\index{sub-matrix (key of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}, with subkeys)}
+For the legibility of the code, an alternative syntax is provided: it's
+possible to give the instructions of the |code-after| at the end of the
+environment, after the keyword |\CodeAfter|. Although |\CodeAfter| is a
+keyword, it takes in an optional argument (between square
+brackets).\footnote{Here are the keys accepted in that argument:
+|delimiters/color|, |rules| and its sub-keys and |sub-matrix| (linked to the
+command |\SubMatrix|) and its sub-keys.}
+The experienced users may, for instance, use the PGF/Tikz nodes created by
+\pkg{nicematrix} in the |\CodeAfter|. These nodes are described further
+beginning on p.~\pageref{PGF-nodes}.
+Moreover, several special commands are available in the |\CodeAfter|: |line|,
+|\SubMatrix|, |\OverBrace| and |\UnderBrace|. We will now present these commands.
+\subsection{The command \textbackslash line in the \textbackslash CodeAfter}
+\index{line@\texttt{\textbackslash line} (command of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter})}
+The command |\line| draws directly dotted lines between cells or blocks. It takes in two
+arguments for the cells or blocks to link. Both argument may be:
+\item a specification of cell of the form $i$-$j$ where is the
+number of the row and $j$ is the number of the column;
+\item the name of a block (created by the command |\Block| with the key |name|
+of that command).
+The options available for the customisation of the dotted lines created by
+|\Cdots|, |\Vdots|, etc. are also available for this command (cf.
+This command may be used, for example, to draw a dotted line between two
+adjacent cells.
+\NiceMatrixOptions{xdots/shorten = 0.6 em}
+I & 0 & \Cdots &0 \\
+0 & I & \Ddots &\Vdots\\
+\Vdots &\Ddots & I &0 \\
+0 &\Cdots & 0 &I
+~emphase#\CodeAfter \line{2-2}{3-3}@
+\NiceMatrixOptions{xdots/shorten = 0.6 em}
+I & 0 & \Cdots &0 \\
+0 & I & \Ddots &\Vdots\\
+\Vdots &\Ddots & I &0 \\
+0 &\Cdots & 0 &I
+\CodeAfter \line{2-2}{3-3}
+It can also be used to draw a diagonal line not parallel to the other diagonal
+lines (by default, the dotted lines drawn by |\Ddots| are ``parallelized'':
+1 & \Cdots & & 1 & 2 & \Cdots & 2 \\
+0 & \Ddots & & \Vdots & \Vdots & \hspace*{2.5cm} & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & & & & & \\
+0 & \Cdots & 0 & 1 & 2 & \Cdots & 2
+~emphase#\CodeAfter \line[shorten=6pt]{1-5}{4-7}@
+1 & \Cdots & & 1 & 2 & \Cdots & 2 \\
+0 & \Ddots & & \Vdots & \Vdots & \hspace*{2.5cm} & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & & & & & \\
+0 & \Cdots & 0 & 1 & 2 & \Cdots & 2
+\CodeAfter \line[shorten=6pt]{1-5}{4-7}
+\subsection{The command \textbackslash SubMatrix in the \textbackslash
+CodeAfter (and the \textbackslash CodeBefore)}
+\index{SubMatrix@\texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix} (command of
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}\newline and
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})|textbf}
+The command |\SubMatrix| provides a way to put delimiters on a portion
+of the array considered as a submatrix. The command |\SubMatrix| takes in five
+\item the first argument is the left delimiter, which may be any extensible delimiter
+provided by LaTeX : |(|, |[|, |\{|, |\langle|, |\lgroup|, |\lfloor|, etc. but also
+the null delimiter |.|;
+\item the second argument is the upper-left corner of the submatrix with the
+syntax $i$|-|$j$ where $i$ the number of row and $j$ the number of column;
+\item the third argument is the lower-right corner with the same syntax;
+\item the fourth argument is the right delimiter;
+\item the last argument, which is optional, is a list of \textsl{key=value}
+pairs.\footnote{There is no optional argument between square brackets in first
+position because a square bracket just after |\SubMatrix| must be interpreted
+as the first (mandatory) argument of the command |\SubMatrix|: that bracket is
+the left delimiter of the sub-matrix to construct (eg.:
+One should remark that the command |\SubMatrix| draws the delimiters \emph{after} the
+construction of the array: no space is inserted by the command |\SubMatrix|
+itself. That's why, in the following example, we have used the key |margin|
+and you have added by hand some space between the third and fourth column with
+|@{\hspace{1.5em}}| in the preamble of the array.
+ 1 & 1 & 1 & x \\
+\dfrac{1}{4} & \dfrac{1}{2} & \dfrac{1}{4} & y \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 & z
+ ~emphase#\SubMatrix({1-1}{3-3})+
+ ~emphase#\SubMatrix({1-4}{3-4})+
+ 1 & 1 & 1 & x \\
+\dfrac{1}{4} & \dfrac{1}{2} & \dfrac{1}{4} & y \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 & z
+ \SubMatrix({1-1}{3-3})
+ \SubMatrix({1-4}{3-4})
+Eventually, in this example, it would probably have been easier to put the
+delimiters directly in the preamble of |{NiceArray}| (see
+section~\ref{delimiters-in-preamble}, p.~\pageref{delimiters-in-preamble})
+with the following construction.
+ 1 & 1 & 1 & x \\
+\dfrac{1}{4} & \dfrac{1}{2} & \dfrac{1}{4} & y \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 & z
+ 1 & 1 & 1 & x \\
+\dfrac{1}{4} & \dfrac{1}{2} & \dfrac{1}{4} & y \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 & z
+In fact, the command |\SubMatrix| also takes in two optional arguments
+specified by the traditional symbols |^| and |_| for material in superscript
+and subscript.
+1 & 1 & 1 \\
+1 & a & b \\
+1 & c & d
+ ~emphase#\SubMatrix[{2-2}{3-3}]^{T}@
+1 & 1 & 1 \\
+1 & a & b \\
+1 & c & d
+ \SubMatrix[{2-2}{3-3}]^{T}
+The options of the command |\SubMatrix| are as follows:
+\index{left-xshift (key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix})}
+\index{right-xshift (key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix})}
+\index{xshift (key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix})}
+\Definition{left-xshift} and \Definition{right-xshift} shift
+horizontally the delimiters (there exists also the key \Definition{xshift}
+which fixes both parameters);
+\item \index{extra-height (key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix})}
+\Definition{extra-height} adds a quantity to the total height of the
+delimiters (height |\ht| + depth |\dp|);
+\item \index{delimiters!---/color pour \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix}}
+\Definition{delimiters/color} fixes the color of the delimiters (also
+available in |\NiceMatrixOptions|, in the environments with delimiters and as
+option of the keyword |\CodeAfter|);
+\item \index{slim (key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix})}
+\Definition{slim} is a boolean key: when that key is in force, the horizontal
+position of the delimiters is computed by using only the contents of the cells
+of the submatrix whereas, in the general case, the position is computed by
+taking into account the cells of the whole columns implied in the submatrix
+(see example below). ;
+\item \index{vlines!key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix}}
+\Definition{vlines} contents a list of numbers of vertical rules that
+will be drawn in the sub-matrix (if this key is used without value, all the
+vertical rules of the sub-matrix are drawn);
+\item \index{hlines!key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix}}
+\Definition{hlines} is similar to |vlines| but for the horizontal rules;
+\item \index{hvlines!key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix}}
+\Definition{hvlines}, which must be used without value, draws all the
+vertical and horizontal rules;
+\item \index{code (key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix})}
+\Definition{code} insert code, especially TikZ code, after the
+construcion of the submatrix. That key is detailed below.
+One should remark that the keys add their rules after the construction of
+the main matrix: no space is added between the rows and the columns of the
+array for theses rules.
+All these keys are also available in |\NiceMatrixOptions|, at the level of the
+environments of \pkg{nicematrix} or as option of the command |\CodeAfter| with
+the prefix |sub-matrix| which means that their names are therefore
+|sub-matrix/left-xshift|, |sub-matrix/right-xshift|, |sub-matrix/xshift|, etc.
+ & & \frac12 \\
+ & & \frac14 \\[1mm]
+a & b & \frac12a+\frac14b \\
+c & d & \frac12c+\frac14d \\
+ \SubMatrix({1-3}{2-3})
+ \SubMatrix({3-1}{4-2})
+ \SubMatrix({3-3}{4-3})
+ & & \frac12 \\
+ & & \frac14 \\[1mm]
+a & b & \frac12a+\frac14b \\
+c & d & \frac12c+\frac14d \\
+ \SubMatrix({1-3}{2-3})
+ \SubMatrix({3-1}{4-2})
+ \SubMatrix({3-3}{4-3})
+Here is the same example with the key |slim| used for one of the submatrices.
+ & & \frac12 \\
+ & & \frac14 \\[1mm]
+a & b & \frac12a+\frac14b \\
+c & d & \frac12c+\frac14d \\
+ \SubMatrix({1-3}{2-3})[~emphase#slim!]
+ \SubMatrix({3-1}{4-2})
+ \SubMatrix({3-3}{4-3})
+ & & \frac12 \\
+ & & \frac14 \\[1mm]
+a & b & \frac12a+\frac14b \\
+c & d & \frac12c+\frac14d \\
+ \SubMatrix({1-3}{2-3})[slim]
+ \SubMatrix({3-1}{4-2})
+ \SubMatrix({3-3}{4-3})
+There is also a key |name| which gives a name to the submatrix created by
+|\SubMatrix|. That name is used to create PGF/Tikz nodes: cf
+Despite its name, the command |\SubMatrix| may also be used within a
+|{NiceTabular}|. Here is an example (which uses |\bottomrule| and
+|\toprule| of \pkg{booktabs}).
+Part A & the first part \\
+\Block{2-1}{Part B} & a first sub-part \\
+ & a second sub-part \\
+ ~emphase#\SubMatrix{\{}{2-2}{3-2}{.}@
+Part A & the first part \\
+\Block{2-1}{Part B} & a first sub-part \\
+ & a second sub-part \\
+ \SubMatrix{\{}{2-2}{3-2}{.}
+The command |\SubMatrix| is, in fact, also available in the |\CodeBefore|. By
+using |\SubMatrix| in the |\CodeBefore|, the delimiters drawn by those
+commands |\SubMatrix| are taken into account to limit the continuous dotted
+lines (drawn by |\Cdots|, |\Vdots|, etc.) which have an open extremity.
+For an example, see voir \ref{submatrix-in-codebefore}
+The key |code| of the command |\SubMatrix| allows the insertion of code after
+the construction of the submatrix. It's meant to be used to insert TikZ
+instructions because, in the TikZ instructions inserted by that code, the
+nodes of the form |i-j| and \verb+i-|j+ are interpreted with |i| and |j| as
+numbers of row and columns \emph{relative to the submatrix}.\footnote{Be
+careful: the syntax \verb+j|-i+ is \emph{not} allowed.}
+ & & && -1 & 1 & 2 \\
+ & & && 0 & 3 & 4 \\
+ & & && 0 & 0 & 5 \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 && -1 & 7 & 25 \\
+ 0 & 4 & 5 && 0 & 12 & 41 \\
+ 0 & 0 & 6 && 0 & 0 & 30
+ ~emphase#\NewDocumentCommand{\MyDraw}{}{\tikz \draw [blue] (2-|1) -| (3-|2) -| (4-|3) ;}!
+ \SubMatrix({1-5}{3-7})[~emphase#code = \MyDraw!]
+ \SubMatrix({4-1}{6-3})[~emphase#code = \MyDraw!]
+ \SubMatrix({4-5}{6-7})[~emphase#code = \MyDraw!]
+ & & && -1 & 1 & 2 \\
+ & & && 0 & 3 & 4 \\
+ & & && 0 & 0 & 5 \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 && -1 & 7 & 25 \\
+ 0 & 4 & 5 && 0 & 12 & 41 \\
+ 0 & 0 & 6 && 0 & 0 & 30
+ \NewDocumentCommand{\MyDraw}{}{\tikz \draw [blue] (2-|1) -| (3-|2) -| (4-|3) ;}
+ \SubMatrix({1-5}{3-7})[code = \MyDraw ]
+ \SubMatrix({4-1}{6-3})[code = \MyDraw ]
+ \SubMatrix({4-5}{6-7})[code = \MyDraw ]
+As we see, the drawing done by our command |\MyDraw| is \emph{relative} to the
+submatrix to which it is applied.
+\subsection{The commands \textbackslash OverBrace and \textbackslash
+UnderBrace in the \textbackslash CodeAfter}
+\index{UncerBrace@\texttt{\textbackslash UnderBrace} (command of
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}\newline and
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{OverBrace@\texttt{\textbackslash OverBrace} (command of
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}\newline and
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+The commands |\OverBrace| and |\UnderBrace| provide a way to put
+horizontal braces on a part of the array. These commands take in three
+\item the first argument is the upper-left corner of the submatrix with the
+syntax $i$|-|$j$ where $i$ the number of row and $j$ the number of column;
+\item the second argument is the lower-right corner with the same syntax;
+\item the third argument is the label of the brace that will be put by
+\pkg{nicematrix} (with \textsc{pgf}) above the brace (for the command
+|\OverBrace|) or under the brace (for |\UnderBrace|).
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\
+ ~emphase#\OverBrace{1-1}{2-3}{A}@
+ ~emphase#\OverBrace{1-4}{2-6}{B}@
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\
+ \OverBrace{1-1}{2-3}{A}
+ \OverBrace{1-4}{2-6}{B}
+Caution : There is no vertical space reserved for those braces.\footnote{See:
+ \url{}}
+\index{color!key of \texttt{\textbackslash OverBrace} and \texttt{\textbackslash
+ UnderBrace}}
+\index{yshift (key of \texttt{\textbackslash OverBrace} and \texttt{\textbackslash
+ UnderBrace})}
+\index{left-shorten (key of \texttt{\textbackslash OverBrace} and\newline \texttt{\textbackslash
+ UnderBrace})}
+\index{right-shorten (key of \texttt{\textbackslash OverBrace} and\newline \texttt{\textbackslash
+ UnderBrace})}
+In fact, the commands |\OverBrace| and |\UnderBrace| take in an optional
+argument (in first position and between square brackets) for a list of
+\textsl{key=value} pairs. The available keys are:
+\item |left-shorten| and |right-shorten| which do not take in value; when the
+key |left-shorten| is used, the abscissa of the left extremity of the brace is
+computed with the contents of the cells of the involved sub-array, otherwise,
+the position of the potential vertical rule is used (idem for
+\item |shorten|, which is the conjunction of the keys |left-shorten| and
+\item |yshift|, which shifts vertically the brace (and its label);
+\item |color|, which sets the color of the brace (and its label).
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\
+ \OverBrace~emphase#[shorten,yshift=3pt]@{1-1}{2-3}{A}
+ \OverBrace~emphase#[shorten,yshift=3pt]@{1-4}{2-6}{B}
+1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
+11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\
+ \OverBrace[shorten,yshift=3pt]{1-1}{2-3}{A}
+ \OverBrace[shorten,yshift=3pt]{1-4}{2-6}{B}
+\index{CodeAfter@\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}|)}
+\section{Captions and notes in the tabulars}
+\subsection{Caption of a tabular}
+\index{caption (key of \texttt{\{NiceTabular\}})}
+\index{label (key of \texttt{\{NiceTabular\}})}
+\index{caption@\textbf{Captions of the tabulars}}
+The environment |{NiceTabular}| provides the keys |caption|, |short-caption|
+and |label| which may be used when the tabular is inserted in a floating
+environment (typically the environment |{table}|).
+With the key |caption|, the caption, when it is long, is wrapped at the width of
+the tabular (excepted the potential exterior columns specified by |first-col|
+and |last-col|: cf.~\ref{exterior}, p.~\pageref{exterior}), without the use of
+the package \pkg{threeparttable} or the package \pkg{floatrow}.
+By default, the caption is composed below the tabular. With the key
+|caption-above|, available in |\NiceMatrixOptions|, the caption will be
+composed above the tabular.
+The key |short-caption| corresponds to the optional argument of the clasical
+command |\caption| and the key |label| corresponds, of course, to the command
+See table \ref{t:tabularnote}, p.~\pageref{t:tabularnote}, for an example of
+use the keys |caption| and |label|.
+These functionnalities are compatible with the extension \pkg{caption}.
+\subsection{The footnotes}
+\index{footnote@\pkg{footnote} (package)}
+\index{footnote (key)}
+\index{footnotehyper@\pkg{footnotehyper} (package)}
+\index{footnotehyper (key)}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} allows, by using \pkg{footnote} or
+\pkg{footnotehyper}, the extraction of the notes inserted by |\footnote| in the
+environments of \pkg{nicematrix} and their composition in the foot of the page
+with the other notes of the document.
+If \pkg{nicematrix} is loaded with the option |footnote| (with
+|\usepackage[footnote]{nicematrix}| or with |\PassOptionsToPackage|), the
+package \pkg{footnote} is loaded (if it is not yet loaded) and it is used to
+extract the footnotes.
+If \pkg{nicematrix} is loaded with the option |footnotehyper|, the package
+\pkg{footnotehyper} is loaded (if it is not yet loaded) ant it is used to
+extract footnotes.
+Caution: The packages \pkg{footnote} and \pkg{footnotehyper} are incompatible.
+The package \pkg{footnotehyper} is the successor of the package \pkg{footnote}
+and should be used preferently. The package \pkg{footnote} has some drawbacks,
+in particular: it must be loaded after the package \pkg{xcolor} and it is not
+perfectly compatible with \pkg{hyperref}.
+\subsection{The notes of tabular}
+\index{nota@\textbf{Notes in the tabulars}|(}
+\index{tabularnote@\texttt{\textbackslash tabularnote}}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} also provides a command |\tabularnote| which gives
+the ability to specify notes that will be composed at the end of the array with
+a width of line equal to the width of the array (excepted the potential exterior
+columns specified by |first-col| and |last-col|: cf.~\ref{exterior},
+p.~\pageref{exterior}). With no surprise, that command is available only in the
+environments |{NiceTabular}|, |{NiceTabular*}| and |{NiceTabularX}|.
+In fact, this command is available only if the extension \pkg{enumitem}
+\index{enumitem@\pkg{enumitem} (package required to use\newline \texttt{\textbackslash tabularnote})} has
+been loaded (before or after \pkg{nicematrix}). Indeed, the notes are composed
+at the end of the array with a type of list provided by the package
+\toprule \RowStyle{\bfseries}
+Last name & First name & Birth day \\
+Achard\tabularnote{~emphase#Achard is an old family of the Poitou.!}
+& Jacques & 5 juin 1962 \\
+Lefebvre\tabularnote{~emphase#The name Lefebvre is an alteration of the name Lefebure.!}
+& Mathilde & 23 mai 1988 \\
+Vanesse & Stephany & 30 octobre 1994 \\
+Dupont & Chantal & 15 janvier 1998 \\
+\toprule \RowStyle{\bfseries}
+Last name & First name & Birth day \\
+Achard\tabularnote{Achard is an old family of the Poitou.}
+& Jacques & June 5, 2005 \\
+Lefebvre\tabularnote{The name Lefebvre is an alteration of the name Lefebure.}
+& Mathilde & January 23, 1975 \\
+Vanesse & Stephany & October 30, 1994 \\
+Dupont & Chantal & January 15, 1998 \\
+\item If you have several successive commands |\tabularnote{...}| \emph{with no
+space at all between them}, the labels of the corresponding notes are composed
+together, separated by commas (this is similar to the option |multiple| of
+\pkg{footmisc} for the footnotes).
+\item If a command |\tabularnote{...}| is exactly at the end of a cell (with
+no space at all after), the label of the note is composed in an overlapping
+position (towards the right). This structure may provide a better alignment of
+the cells of a given column.
+\item If the key |notes/para| is used, the notes are composed at the end of
+the array in a single paragraph (as with the key |para| of \pkg{threeparttable}).
+\item \index{tabularnote (key of \texttt{\{NiceTabular\}})}
+There is a key |tabularnote| which provides a way to insert some text in
+the zone of the notes before the numbered tabular notes.
+An alternative syntax is available with the environment |{TabularNote}|. That
+environment should be used at the end of the environment |{NiceTabular}| (but
+\emph{before} a potential instruction |\CodeAfter|).
+\item If the package \pkg{booktabs} has been loaded (before or after
+\pkg{nicematrix}), the key |notes/bottomrule| draws a |\bottomrule| of
+\pkg{booktabs} \emph{after} the notes.
+\item The command |\tabularnote| may be used \emph{before}
+the environment of \pkg{nicematrix}. Thus, it's possible to use it on the
+title inserted by |\caption| in an environment |{table}| of LaTeX (or in a
+command |\captionof| of the package \pkg{caption}). It's also possible, as
+expected, to use the command |\tabularnote| in the caption provided by the
+\emph{key} |caption| of the environment |{NiceTabaular}|.
+If several commands |\tabularnote| are used in a tabular with the same
+argument, only one note is inserted at the end of the tabular (but all the
+labels are composed, of course). It's possible to control that feature with
+the key |notes/detect-duplicates|.\footnote{For technical reasons, the final
+user is not allowed to put several commands |\tabularnote| with exactly the
+same argument in the caption of the tabular.}
+\item It's possible to create a reference to a tabular note created by |\tabularnote|
+(with the usual command |\label| used after the |\tabularnote|).
+\item \colorbox{yellow!50}{\textbf{New 6.19}} The command |\tabularnote| has an
+optional argument (between square brackets) to change the symbol of the
+reference of the note.
+\emph{Example}: |\tabularnote[$\star$]{A footnote...}|
+For an illustration of some of those remarks, see table
+\ref{t:tabularnote}, p.~\pageref{t:tabularnote}. This table has been composed
+with the following code (the package \pkg{caption} has been loaded in this document).
+ [
+ caption = A tabular whose caption has been specified by the key
+ \texttt{caption}~emphase#\tabularnote[$\star$]{It's possible to put a tabular note in the caption}! ,
+ label = t:tabularnote ,
+ tabularnote = Some text before the notes. ,
+ notes/bottomrule
+ ]
+Last name & First name & Length of life \\
+Churchill & Wiston & 91\\
+Nightingale~emphase#\tabularnote{Considered as the first nurse of history}!%
+~emphase#\tabularnote{Nicknamed ``the Lady with the Lamp''.}!
+& Florence~emphase#\tabularnote{This note is shared by two references.}! & 90 \\
+Schoelcher & Victor & 89~emphase#\tabularnote{The label of the note is overlapping.}!\\
+Touchet & Marie~emphase#\tabularnote{This note is shared by two references.}! & 89 \\
+Wallis & John & 87 \\
+ caption = A tabular whose caption has been specified by the key
+ \texttt{caption}\tabularnote[$\star$]{It's possible to put a tabular note in the caption} ,
+ label = t:tabularnote ,
+ tabularnote = Some text before the notes. ,
+ notes/bottomrule
+ ]
+Last name & First name & Length of life \\
+Churchill & Wiston & 91\\
+Nightingale\tabularnote{Considered as the first nurse of
+history.}\tabularnote{Nicknamed ``the Lady with the Lamp''.}
+& Florence\tabularnote{This note is shared by two references.} & 90 \\
+Schoelcher & Victor & 89\tabularnote{The label of the note is overlapping.}\\
+Touchet & Marie\tabularnote{This note is shared by two references.} & 89 \\
+Wallis & John & 87 \\
+\subsection{Customisation of the tabular notes}
+\index{para (subkey of ``notes'')}
+\index{bottomrule (subkey of ``notes'')}
+\index{style (subkey of ``notes'')}
+\index{label-in-tabular (subkey of ``notes'')}
+\index{label-in-list (subkey of ``notes'')}
+\index{enumitem-keys (subkey of ``notes'')}
+\index{enumitem-keys-para (subkey of ``notes'')}
+\index{code-before!subkey of ``notes''}
+\index{detect-duplicates (subkey of ``notes'')}
+The tabular notes can be customized with a set of keys available in
+|\NiceMatrixOptions|. The name of these keys is prefixed by |notes|.
+\item |notes/para|
+\item |notes/bottomrule|
+\item |notes/style|
+\item |notes/label-in-tabular|
+\item |notes/label-in-list|
+\item |notes/enumitem-keys|
+\item |notes/enumitem-keys-para|
+\item |notes/code-before|
+For sake of commodity, it is also possible to set these keys in
+|\NiceMatrixOptions| via a key |notes| which takes in as value a list of
+pairs \textsl{key=value} where the name of the keys need no longer be
+prefixed by |notes|:
+\begin{BVerbatim}[formatcom = \small \color{gray}]
+ {
+ notes =
+ {
+ bottomrule ,
+ style = ... ,
+ label-in-tabular = ... ,
+ enumitem-keys =
+ {
+ labelsep = ... ,
+ align = ... ,
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+We detail these keys.
+\item The key |notes/para| requires the composition of the notes (at the end of
+the tabular) in a single paragraph.
+Initial value: |false|
+That key is also available within a given environment.
+\item The key |notes/bottomrule| adds a |\bottomrule| of \pkg{booktabs}
+\emph{after} the notes. Of course, that rule is drawn only if there is really
+notes in the tabular. The package \pkg{booktabs} must have been loaded (before
+or after the package \pkg{nicematrix}). If it is not, an error is raised.
+Initial value: |false|
+That key is also available within a given environment.
+\item The key |notes/style| is a command whose argument is specified by |#1|
+and which gives the style of numerotation of the notes. That style will be
+used by |\ref| when referencing a tabular note marked with a command |\label|.
+The labels formatted by that style are used, separated by commas, when the user
+puts several consecutive commands |\tabularnote|. The marker |#1| is meant to
+be the name of a LaTeX counter.
+Initial value: |\textit{\alph{#1}}|
+Another possible value should be a mere |\arabic{#1}|
+\item The key |notes/label-in-tabular| is a command whose argument is
+specified by |#1| which is used when formatting the label of a note in the
+tabular. Internally, this number of note has already been formatted by
+|notes/style| before sent to that command.
+Initial value: |\textsuperscript{#1}|
+In French, it's a tradition of putting a small space before the label of note.
+That tuning could be acheived by the following code:
+\NiceMatrixOptions{notes/label-in-tabular = \,\textsuperscript{~#1}}
+\item The key |notes/label-in-list| is a command whose argument is specified
+by |#1| which is used when formatting the label in the list of notes at the
+end of the tabular. Internally, this number of note has already been formatted by
+|notes/style| before sent to that command.
+Initial value: |\textsuperscript{#1}|
+In French, the labels of notes are not composed in upper position when
+composing the notes. Such behaviour could be acheived by:
+\NiceMatrixOptions{notes/label-in-list = ~#1.\nobreak\hspace{0.25em}}
+The command |\nobreak| is for the event that the option |para| is used.
+\item The notes are composed at the end of the tabular by using internally a
+style of list of \pkg{enumitem}. This style of list is defined as follows (with, of
+course, keys of \pkg{enumitem}):
+|noitemsep , leftmargin = * , align = left , labelsep = 0pt|
+The specification |align = left| in that style requires a
+composition of the label leftwards in the box affected to that label.
+With that tuning, the notes are composed flush left, which is pleasant when
+composing tabulars in the spirit of \pkg{booktabs} (see for example the
+table \ref{t:tabularnote}, p.~\pageref{t:tabularnote}).
+The key |notes/enumitem-keys| specifies a list of pairs
+\textsl{key=value} (following the specifications of \pkg{enumitem}) to
+customize that style of list (it uses internally the command |\setlist*| of
+\item The key |notes/enumitem-keys-para| is similar to the previous one but
+corresponds to the type of list used when the option |para| is in force. Of
+course, when the option |para| is used, a list of type |inline| (as called by
+\pkg{enumitem}) is used and the pairs \textsl{key=value} should correspond to
+such a list of type |inline|.
+Initially, the style of list is defined by:\quad
+|afterlabel = \nobreak, itemjoin = \quad|
+\item The key |notes/code-before| is a token list inserted by \pkg{nicematrix}
+just before the composition of the notes at the end of the tabular.
+Initial value: \textsl{empty}
+For example, if one wishes to compose all the notes in gray and |\footnotesize|,
+he should use that key:
+\NiceMatrixOptions{notes/code-before = \footnotesize \color{gray}}
+It's also possible to add |\raggedright| or |\RaggedRight| in that key (|\RaggedRight|
+is a command of \pkg{ragged2e}).
+\item The key |notes/detect-duplicates| activates the detection of the commands
+|\tabularnotes| with the same argument.
+Initial value : |true|
+\index{nota@\textbf{Notes in the tabulars}|)}
+For an example of customisation of the tabular notes, see p.~\pageref{ex:notes}.
+\subsection{Use of \{NiceTabular\} with threeparttable}
+\index{threeparttable@\pkg{threeparttable} (package)}
+If you wish to use an environment |{NiceTabular}|, |{NiceTabular*}| or
+|{NiceTabularX}| in an environment |{threeparttable}| of the eponymous package,
+you have to patch |{threeparttable}| with the following code (with a version of
+LaTeX at least 2020/10/01).
+ {\TPT@hookin{NiceTabular}\TPT@hookin{NiceTabular*}\TPT@hookin{NiceTabularX}}
+Nevertheless, the use of \pkg{threeparttable} in conjonction with
+\pkg{nicematrix} seems rather point-less because of the functionalities
+provided by \pkg{nicematrix} (see the key |caption| in the section
+\ref{s:caption}, p.~\pageref{s:caption}).
+\section{Other features}
+\subsection{The key rounded-corners of \{NiceTabular\}}
+\index{rounded-corners!key of \texttt{\{NiceTabular\}}}
+\index{Corners (rounded ---)!for a tabular}
+\colorbox{yellow!50}{\textbf{New 6.18}}\par\nobreak
+The key |rounded-corners| that we will describe now has no direct link with
+the key |corners| (which is used to specify ``empty corners'') described in
+the part~\ref{corners}, p.~\pageref{corners}.
+The environment |{NiceTabular}| provides a key |rounded-corners| which specify
+that the tabular should have rounded corners with a radius equal to the value of
+that key (the default value is 4~pt\footnote{This value is the initial value of
+ the \emph{rounded corners} of Tikz.}). More precisely, that key has two
+effects that we describe now.
+\item All the commands for coloring the cells, columns and rows (in the
+|\CodeBefore| but also directly in the array when the key |colortbl-like| is
+used) will respect those rounded corners.
+\item When the key |hvlines| is used, the exterior rules will be drawn with
+rounded corners.
+ [hvlines,~emphase#rounded-corners@]
+ {ccc}
+ \rowcolor{red!15}{1}
+Last name & First name & Profession \\
+Arvy & Jacques & Physicist \\
+Jalon & Amandine & Physicist
+ \rowcolor{red!15}{1}
+Last name & First name & Profession \\
+Arvy & Jacques & Physicist \\
+Jalon & Amandine & Physicist
+\subsection{Command \textbackslash ShowCellNames}
+\index{ShowCellNames@\texttt{\textbackslash ShowCellNames} (command of
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}\newline and
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+The command |\ShowCellNames|, which may be used in the |\CodeBefore| and in
+the |\CodeAfter| displays the name (with the form $i$-$j$) of each cell. When
+used in the |\CodeAfter|, that command applies a semi-transparent white
+rectangle to fade the array (caution: some \textsc{pdf} readers don't support
+ \Block{2-2}{} & & test \\
+ & & blabla \\
+ & some text & nothing
+~emphase#\CodeAfter \ShowCellNames@
+ \Block{2-2}{} & & test \\
+ & & blabla \\
+ & some text & nothing
+\CodeAfter \ShowCellNames
+\subsection{Use of the column type S of siunitx}
+\index{S (the columns S of \pkg{siunitx})}
+\index{siunitx@\pkg{siunitx} (package)}
+If the package \pkg{siunitx} is loaded (before or after \pkg{nicematrix}),
+it's possible to use the |S| column type of \pkg{siunitx} in the environments
+of \pkg{nicematrix}. The implementation doesn't use explicitly any private
+macro of \pkg{siunitx}.
+\begin{BVerbatim}[baseline = c, boxwidth = 11cm]
+{C_1} & \Cdots & & C_n \\
+2.3 & 0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+12.4 & \Vdots & & \Vdots \\
+1.45 \\
+7.2 & 0 & \Cdots & 0
+{C_1} & \Cdots & & C_n \\
+2.3 & 0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+12.4 & \Vdots & & \Vdots \\
+1.45 \\
+7.2 & 0 & \Cdots & 0
+On the other hand, the |d| columns of the package \pkg{dcolumn} are not
+supported by \pkg{nicematrix}.
+\subsection{Default column type in \{NiceMatrix\}}
+\index{columns-type (key of \texttt{\{NiceMatrix\}}, etc.)}
+The environments without preamble (|{NiceMatrix}|, |{pNiceMatrix}|,
+|{bNiceMatrix}|, etc.) and the commande |\pAutoNiceMatrix| (and its variants)
+provide an option |columns-type| to specify the type of column which will be
+used (the initial value is, of course, |c|).
+The keys |l| and |r| are shortcuts for |columns-type=l| and |columns-type=r|.
+\cos x & - \sin x \\
+\sin x & \cos x
+\cos x & - \sin x \\
+\sin x & \cos x
+The key |columns-type| is available in |\NiceMatrixOptions| but with the
+prefix |matrix|, which means that its name is, within |\NiceMatrixOptions| :
+\subsection{The command \textbackslash rotate}
+\index{rotate@\texttt{\textbackslash rotate}}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} provides a command |\rotate|. When used in the
+beginning of a cell, this command composes the contents of the cell after a
+rotation of 90° in the direct sens.
+In the following command, we use that command in the
+|code-for-first-row|.\footnote{It can also be used in |\RowStyle|
+ {code-for-first-row = \scriptstyle ~emphase#\rotate@ \text{image of },
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle }
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[first-row,last-col=4]
+e_1 & e_2 & e_3 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & e_1 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 & e_2 \\
+7 & 8 & 9 & e_3
+ {code-for-first-row = \scriptstyle\rotate \text{image of },
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle }
+$ A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[first-row,last-col=4]
+e_1 & e_2 & e_3 \\
+1 & 2 & 3 & e_1 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 & e_2 \\
+7 & 8 & 9 & e_3
+If the command |\rotate| is used in the ``last row'' (exterior to the matrix),
+the corresponding elements are aligned upwards as shown below.
+ {code-for-last-row = \scriptstyle ~emphase#\rotate@ ,
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle }
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[last-row=4,last-col=4]
+1 & 2 & 3 & e_1 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 & e_2 \\
+7 & 8 & 9 & e_3 \\
+\text{image of } e_1 & e_2 & e_3
+ {code-for-last-row = \scriptstyle\rotate ,
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle }%
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}[last-row=4,last-col=4]
+1 & 2 & 3 & e_1 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 & e_2 \\
+7 & 8 & 9 & e_3 \\
+\text{image of } e_1 & e_2 & e_3
+\subsection{The option small}
+\index{small (key for an environment)}
+\index{smallmatrix@\texttt{\{smallmatrix\}} (environment of \pkg{amsmath})}
+With the option |small|, the environments of the package \pkg{nicematrix}
+are composed in a way similar to the environment |{smallmatrix}| of the
+package \pkg{amsmath} (and the environments |{psmallmatrix}|,
+|{bsmallmatrix}|, etc. of the package \pkg{mathtools}).
+ last-col,
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptscriptstyle,
+ columns-width = 3mm ]
+1 & -2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+0 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 2 & L_2 \gets 2 L_1 - L_2 \\
+0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 3 & L_3 \gets L_1 + L_3
+\[\begin{bNiceArray}{cccc|c}[small, last-col,
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptscriptstyle,
+ columns-width=3mm]
+1 & -2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
+0 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 2 & L_2 \gets 2 L_1 - L_2 \\
+0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 3 & L_3 \gets L_1 + L_3
+One should note that the environment |{NiceMatrix}| with the option |small| is
+not composed \emph{exactly} as the environment |{smallmatrix}|. Indeed, all
+the environments of \pkg{nicematrix} are constructed upon |{array}| (of the
+package \pkg{array}) whereas the environment |{smallmatrix}| is constructed
+directly with an |\halign| of TeX.
+In fact, the option |small| corresponds to the following tuning:
+\item the cells of the array are composed with |\scriptstyle|;
+\item |\arraystretch| is set to $0.47$;
+\item |\arraycolsep| is set to $1.45$~pt;
+\item the characteristics of the dotted lines are also modified.
+When the key |small| is in force, some functionalities of \pkg{nicematrix} are
+no longer available: for example, it's no longer possible to put vertical
+delimiters directly in the preamble of an environment with preamble (cf.
+section \ref{delimiters-in-preamble}, p.~\pageref{delimiters-in-preamble}).
+\subsection{The counters iRow and jCol}
+\index{iRow (LaTeX counter)}
+\index{jCol (LaTeX counter)}
+In the cells of the array, it's possible to use the LaTeX counters |iRow| and
+|jCol| which represent the number of the current row and the number of the
+current column\footnote{We recall that the exterior ``first row'' (if it
+exists) has the number~$0$ and that the exterior ``first column'' (if it
+exists) has also the number~$0$.}. Of course, the user must not change the
+value of these counters which are used internally by \pkg{nicematrix}.
+In the |\CodeBefore| (cf. p. \pageref{code-before}) and in the |\CodeAfter|
+(cf. p. \pageref{code-after}), |iRow| represents the total number of rows
+(excepted the potential exterior rows) and |jCol| represents the total number
+of columns (excepted the potential exterior columns).
+$\begin{pNiceMatrix}% don't forget the %
+ [first-row,
+ first-col,
+ code-for-first-row = \mathbf{~emphase#\alph{jCol}@} ,
+ code-for-first-col = \mathbf{~emphase#\arabic{iRow}@} ]
+& & & & \\
+& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
+& 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\
+& 9 & 10 & 11 & 12
+ first-col,
+ code-for-first-row = \mathbf{\alph{jCol}} ,
+ code-for-first-col = \mathbf{\arabic{iRow}} ]
+& & & & \\
+& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
+& 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\
+& 9 & 10 & 11 & 12
+If LaTeX counters called |iRow| and |jCol| are defined in the document by
+packages other than \pkg{nicematrix} (or by the final user), they are shadowed
+in the environments of \pkg{nicematrix}.
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} also provides commands in order to compose
+automatically matrices from a general pattern. These commands are
+|\AutoNiceMatrix|, |\pAutoNiceMatrix|, |\bAutoNiceMatrix|, |\vAutoNiceMatrix|,
+|\VAutoNiceMatrix| and |\BAutoNiceMatrix|.
+These commands take in two mandatory arguments. The first is the format of the
+matrix, with the syntax $n$-$p$ where $n$ is the number of rows and $p$ the
+number of columns. The second argument is the pattern (it's a list of tokens
+which are inserted in each cell of the constructed matrix).
+$C = ~emphase#\pAutoNiceMatrix@{3-3}{C_{\arabic{iRow},\arabic{jCol}}}$
+\[C = \pAutoNiceMatrix{3-3}{C_{\arabic{iRow},\arabic{jCol}}}\]
+\subsection{The key light-syntax}
+The option |light-syntax| (inpired by the package \pkg{spalign}) allows the
+user to compose the arrays with a lighter syntax, which gives a better
+legibility of the TeX source.
+When this option is used, one should use the semicolon for the end of a row
+and spaces or tabulations to separate the columns. However, as usual in the
+TeX world, the spaces after a control sequence are discarded and the elements
+between curly braces are considered as a whole.
+{} a b ;
+a 2\cos a {\cos a + \cos b} ;
+b \cos a+\cos b { 2 \cos b }
+{} a b ;
+a 2\cos a {\cos a + \cos b} ;
+b \cos a+\cos b { 2 \cos b }
+\index{end-of-row (to be used with light-syntax)}
+It's possible to change the character used to mark the end of rows with the
+option |end-of-row|. As said before, the initial value is a semicolon.
+When the option |light-syntax| is used, it is not possible to put verbatim
+material (for example with the command |\verb|) in the cells of the
+array.\footnote{The reason is that, when the option |light-syntax| is used,
+the whole content of the environment is loaded as a TeX argument to be
+analyzed. The environment doesn't behave in that case as a standard
+environment of LaTeX which only put TeX commands before and after the content.}
+\subsection{Color of the delimiters}
+\index{delimiters!---/color for an environment}
+\index{color!for the delimiters of the matrices}
+\index{Colour!of the delimiters of the matrices}
+For the environments with delimiters (|{pNiceArray}|, |{pNiceMatrix}|, etc.),
+it's possible to change the color of the delimiters with the key
+1 & 2 \\
+3 & 4
+1 & 2 \\
+3 & 4
+This color also applies to the delimiters drawn by the command |\SubMatrix|
+(cf.~p.~\pageref{sub-matrix}) and for the delimiters directly specified in the
+preamble of the environments with preamble
+\subsection{The environment \{NiceArrayWithDelims\}}
+In fact, the environment |{pNiceArray}| and its variants are based upon a
+more general environment, called |{NiceArrayWithDelims}|. The first two
+mandatory arguments of this environment are the left and right delimiters used
+in the construction of the matrix.
+It's possible to use |{NiceArrayWithDelims}| if we want to use atypical or
+asymetrical delimiters.
+ {\downarrow}{\uparrow}{ccc}[margin]
+1 & 2 & 3 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 \\
+7 & 8 & 9
+ {\downarrow}{\uparrow}{ccc}[margin]
+1 & 2 & 3 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 \\
+7 & 8 & 9
+\subsection{The command \textbackslash OnlyMainNiceMatrix}
+The command |\OnlyMainNiceMatrix| executes its argument only when it is in the
+main part of the array, that is to say when it is not in one of the exterior
+rows. If it is used outside an environment of \pkg{nicematrix}, that command is
+For an example of utilisation, see \url{}
+\section{Use of Tikz with nicematrix}
+\index{tikza@TikZ (utilisation with \pkg{nicematrix})}
+\index{node@\textbf{Nodes of PGF/Tikz}|(}
+\subsection{The nodes corresponding to the contents of the cells}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} creates a PGF/Tikz node\footnote{We recall that Tikz
+is a layer over PGF. The extension \pkg{nicematrix} loads PGF but does not
+load Tikz. We speak of PGF/Tikz nodes to emphase the fact that the PGF nodes
+created by \pkg{nicematrix} may be used with PGF but also with Tikz. The final
+user will probably prefer to use Tikz rather than PGF.} for each (non-empty) cell
+of the considered array. These nodes are used to draw the dotted lines between
+the cells of the matrix (inter alia).
+\textbf{Caution} : By default, no node is created in a empty cell.
+However, it's possible to impose the creation of a node with the command
+|\NotEmpty|. \footnote{One should note that, with that command, the cell is
+considered as non-empty, which has consequencies for the continuous dotted
+lines (cf. p.~\pageref{Cdots}) and the computation of the ``corners''
+The nodes of a document must have distinct names. That's why the names of the
+nodes created by \pkg{nicematrix} contains the number of the current
+environment. Indeed, the environments of \pkg{nicematrix} are numbered by a
+internal global counter.
+In the environment with the number $n$, the node of the row $i$ and
+column~$j$ has for name |nm-|$n$|-|$i$|-|$j$.
+The command |\NiceMatrixLastEnv| provides the number of the last environment
+of \pkg{nicematrix} (for LaTeX, it's a ``fully expandable'' command and not a
+\index{name!key for an environment}
+However, it's advisable to use instead the key |name|. This key gives a name
+to the current environment. When the environment has a name, the nodes are
+accessible with the name ``\textsl{name}-$i$-$j$'' where \textsl{name} is the
+name given to the array and $i$ and $j$ the numbers of row and column. It's
+possible to use these nodes with \textsc{pgf} but the final user will
+probably prefer to use Tikz (which is a convenient layer upon \textsc{pgf}).
+However, one should remind that \pkg{nicematrix} doesn't load Tikz by default.
+In the following examples, we assume that Tikz has been loaded.
+1 & 2 & 3 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 \\
+7 & 8 & 9
+\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
+ \draw ~emphase#(mymatrix-2-2)@ circle (2mm) ;
+1 & 2 & 3 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 \\
+7 & 8 & 9
+\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
+ \draw (mymatrix-2-2) circle (2mm) ;
+Don't forget the options |remember picture| and |overlay|.
+In the |\CodeAfter|, the things are easier : one must refer to the nodes with
+the form $i$-$j$ (we don't have to indicate the environment which is of
+course the current environment).
+1 & 2 & 3 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 \\
+7 & 8 & 9
+ \tikz \draw ~emphase#(2-2)@ circle (2mm) ;
+1 & 2 & 3 \\
+4 & 5 & 6 \\
+7 & 8 & 9
+ \tikz \draw (2-2) circle (2mm) ;
+The nodes of the last column (excepted the potential ``last column'' specified
+by |last-col|\footnote{For the exterior columns, cf. part~\ref{exterior},
+p.~\pageref{exterior}.}) may also be indicated by $i$-|last|. Similarly, the
+nodes of the last row may be indicated by |last|-$j$.
+In the following example, we have underlined all the nodes of the matrix.
+ {
+ pgf-node-code =
+ {
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{red!15}%
+ \pgfusepathqfill
+ }
+ }
+a & a + b & a + b + c \\
+a & a & a + b \\
+a & a & a
+\colorbox{yellow!50}{\textbf{New 6.17}}\enskip Since those nodes are PGF
+nodes, one won't be surprised to learn that they are drawn by using a specific
+PGF style. That style is called |nicematrix/cell-node| and its definition in
+the source file |nicematrix.sty| is as follows:
+ {
+ ~emphase#nicematrix / cell-node@ /.style =
+ {
+ inner sep = 0 pt ,
+ minimum width = 0 pt
+ }
+ }
+The final user may modify that style by changing the values of the keys |text/rotate|,
+|inner xsep|, |inner ysep|, |inner sep|, |outer xsep|, |outer ysep|, |outer sep|,
+|minimum width|, |minimum height| and |minimum size|.
+For an example of utilisation, see part~\ref{triangular}, p.~\pageref{triangular}.
+\subsubsection{The key pgf-node-code}
+\colorbox{yellow!50}{\textbf{New 6.17}}\enskip \textbf{For the experienced
+users}, \pkg{nicematrix} provides the key |pgf-node-code| which corresponds to
+some PGF node that will be executed at the creation, by PGF, of the nodes
+corresponding to the cells of the array. More pricisely, the value given to
+the key |pgf-node-code| will be passed in the fifth argument of the command
+|\pgfnode|. That value should contain at least an instruction such as
+|\pgfusepath|, |\pgfusepathqstroke|, |\pgfusepathqfill|, etc.
+\subsubsection{The columns V of varwidth}
+\index{V (the columns V of \pkg{varwidth})}
+\index{varwidth@\pkg{varwidth} (package)}
+When the extension \pkg{varwidth} is loaded, the columns of the type |V|
+defined by \pkg{varwidth} are supported by \pkg{nicematrix}. It may be
+interessant to notice that, for a cell of a column of type |V|, the PGF/Tikz
+node created by \pkg{nicematrix} for the content of that cell has a width
+adjusted to the content of the cell. This is in contrast to the case of the
+columns of type |p|, |m| or |b| for which the nodes have always a width equal
+to the width of the column. In the following example, the command |\lipsum| is
+provided by the eponymous package.
+\bfseries \large
+Titre \\
+ \tikz \draw [rounded corners] (1-1) -| (last-|2) -- (last-|1) |- (1-1) ;
+\bfseries \large
+Titre \\
+ \tikz \draw [rounded corners] (1-1) -| (last-|2) -- (last-|1) |- (1-1) ;
+We have used the nodes corresponding to the position of the potential rules,
+which are described below (cf. p.~\pageref{nodes-i}).
+\subsection[The medium nodes and the large nodes]{The ``medium nodes'' and the ``large nodes''}
+In fact, the package \pkg{nicematrix} can create ``extra nodes'': the ``medium
+nodes'' and the ``large nodes''. The first ones
+are created with the option |create-medium-nodes| and the second ones with the
+option |create-large-nodes|.\footnote{There is also an option
+|create-extra-nodes| which is an alias for the conjonction of
+|create-medium-nodes| and |create-large-nodes|.}
+These nodes are not used by \pkg{nicematrix} by default, and that's why they
+are not created by default.
+The names of the ``medium nodes'' are constructed by adding the suffix
+``|-medium|'' to the names of the ``normal nodes''. In the following example,
+we have underlined the ``medium nodes''. We consider that this example is
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every node/.style = {fill = red!15, inner sep = 0 pt},
+ name suffix = -medium]
+ \node [fit = (1-1)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-2)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-3)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-1)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-2)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-3)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-1)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-2)] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-3)] {} ;
+a & a + b & a + b + c \\
+a & a & a + b \\
+a & a & a
+The names of the ``large nodes'' are constructed by adding the suffix
+``|-large|'' to the names of the ``normal nodes''. In the following example,
+we have underlined the ``large nodes''. We consider that this example is
+self-explanatory.\footnote{There is no ``large nodes'' created in the exterior
+rows and columns (for these rows and columns, cf. p.~\pageref{exterior}).}
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every node/.style = { inner sep = 0 pt} ,
+ name suffix = -large]
+ \node [fit = (1-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-2),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-1),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-3),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+a & a + b & a + b + c \\
+a & a & a + b \\
+a & a & a
+The ``large nodes'' of the first column and last column may appear too small
+for some usage. That's why it's possible to use the options |left-margin| and
+|right-margin| to add space on both sides of the array and also space in the
+``large nodes'' of the first column and last column. In the following example,
+we have used the options |left-margin| and |right-margin|.\footnote{The
+options |left-margin| and |right-margin| take dimensions as values but, if no
+value is given, the default value is used, which is |\arraycolsep| (by
+default: 5~pt). There is also an option |margin| to fix both |left-margin| and
+|right-margin| to the same value.}
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every node/.style = {inner sep = 0 pt},
+ name suffix = -large]
+ \node [fit = (1-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-2),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-1),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-3),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+a & a + b & a + b + c \\
+a & a & a + b \\
+a & a & a
+It's also possible to add more space on both side of the array with the
+options |extra-left-margin| and |extra-right-margin|. These margins are not
+incorporated in the ``large nodes''. It's possible to fix both values with the
+option |extra-margin| and, in the following example, we use |extra-margin|
+with the value $3$~pt.
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every node/.style = {inner sep = 0 pt},
+ name suffix = -large]
+ \node [fit = (1-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-2),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-1),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-3),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+a & a + b & a + b + c \\
+a & a & a + b \\
+a & a & a
+\textbf{Be careful} : These nodes are reconstructed from the contents of the
+contents cells of the array. Usually, they do not correspond to the cells
+delimited by the rules (if we consider that these rules are drawn).
+Here is an array composed with the following code:
+fraise & amande & abricot \\
+prune & pêche & poire \\[1ex]
+noix & noisette & brugnon
+fraise & amande & abricot \\
+prune & pêche & poire \\[1ex]
+noix & noisette & brugnon
+Here, we have colored all the cells of the array with |\chessboardcolors|.
+\begin{NiceTabular}[c]{wl{2cm}ll}[hvlines,code-before = \chessboardcolors{red!15}{blue!15}]
+fraise & amande & abricot \\
+prune & pêche & poire \\[1ex]
+noix & noisette & brugnon
+Here are the ``large nodes'' of this array (without use of |margin|
+nor |extra-margin|).
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every node/.style = {inner sep = 0 pt},
+ name suffix = -large]
+ \node [fit = (1-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-2),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-1),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-3),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (1-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-1),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (2-3),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (3-2),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+fraise & amande & abricot \\
+prune & pêche & poire \\[1ex]
+noix & noisette & brugnon
+The nodes we have described are not available by default in the |\CodeBefore|
+(described p.~\pageref{code-before}).\par\nobreak
+\index{create-cell-nodes (key of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+It's possible to have these nodes available in the |\CodeBefore| by using the
+key |create-cell-nodes| of the keyword |\CodeBefore| (in that case, the nodes
+are created first before the construction of the array by using informations
+written on the |aux| file and created a second time during the contruction of
+the array itself).
+Here is an example which uses these nodes in the |\CodeAfter|.
+ u_1 &-& u_0 &=& r \\
+ u_2 &-& u_1 &=& r \\
+ u_3 &-& u_2 &=& r \\
+ u_4 &-& u_3 &=& r \\
+ \phantom{u_5} & & \phantom{u_4} &\smash{\vdots} & \\
+ u_n &-& u_{n-1} &=& r \\[3pt]
+ \hline
+ u_n &-& u_0 &=& nr \\
+ \tikz[very thick, red, opacity=0.4, name suffix = -medium]
+ \draw (1-1.north west) -- (2-3.south east)
+ (2-1.north west) -- (3-3.south east)
+ (3-1.north west) -- (4-3.south east)
+ (4-1.north west) -- (5-3.south east)
+ (5-1.north west) -- (6-3.south east) ;
+ u_1 &-& u_0 &=& r \\
+ u_2 &-& u_1 &=& r \\
+ u_3 &-& u_2 &=& r \\
+ u_4 &-& u_3 &=& r \\
+ \phantom{u_5} & & \phantom{u_4} &\smash{\vdots} & \\
+ u_n &-& u_{n-1} &=& r \\[3pt]
+ \hline
+ u_n &-& u_0 &=& nr \\
+ \CodeAfter
+ \tikz[very thick, red, opacity=0.4, name suffix = -medium]
+ \draw (1-1.north west) -- (2-3.south east)
+ (2-1.north west) --(3-3.south east)
+ (3-1.north west) -- (4-3.south east)
+ (4-1.north west) -- (5-3.south east)
+ (5-1.north west) -- (6-3.south east) ;
+\subsection{The nodes which indicate the position of the rules}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} creates a PGF/Tikz node merely called $i$ (with
+the classical prefix) at the intersection of the horizontal rule of number~$i$
+and the vertical rule of number~$i$ (more specifically the potential position
+of those rules because maybe there are not actually drawn). The last node has
+also an alias called |last|. There is also a node called $i$|.5| midway
+between the node $i$ and the node $i+1$.
+These nodes are available in the |\CodeBefore| and the |\CodeAfter|.
+ & tulipe & lys \\
+arum & & violette mauve \\
+muguet & dahlia
+ \tiny
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \i in {1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4}
+ {
+ \fill [red] (\i) circle (0.5mm) ;
+ \node [red,above right] at (\i) {\i} ;
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If we use Tikz (we remind that \pkg{nicematrix} does not load Tikz by default,
+by only \textsc{pgf}, which is a sub-layer of Tikz), we can access, in the
+|\CodeAfter| but also in the |\CodeBefore|, to the intersection of the
+(potential) horizontal rule~$i$ and the (potential) vertical rule~$j$ with the
+syntax |(|$i$\verb+-|+$j$|)|.
+ ~emphase#\tikz \draw [fill=red!15] (7-|4) |- (8-|5) |- (9-|6) |- cycle ;@
+1 \\
+1 & 1 \\
+1 & 2 & 1 \\
+1 & 3 & 3 & 1 \\
+1 & 4 & 6 & 4 & 1 \\
+1 & 5 & 10 & 10 & 5 & 1 \\
+1 & 6 & 15 & 20 & 15 & 6 & 1 \\
+1 & 7 & 21 & 35 & 35 & 21 & 7 & 1 \\
+1 & 8 & 28 & 56 & 70 & 56 & 28 & 8 & 1
+ \tikz \draw [fill=red!15] (7-|4) |- (8-|5) |- (9-|6) |- cycle ;
+1 \\
+1 & 1 \\
+1 & 2 & 1 \\
+1 & 3 & 3 & 1 \\
+1 & 4 & 6 & 4 & 1 \\
+1 & 5 & 10 & 10 & 5 & 1 \\
+1 & 6 & 15 & 20 & 15 & 6 & 1 \\
+1 & 7 & 21 & 35 & 35 & 21 & 7 & 1 \\
+1 & 8 & 28 & 56 & 70 & 56 & 28 & 8 & 1
+The nodes of the form $i$|.5| may be used, for example to cross a row of a
+matrix (if Tikz is loaded).
+2 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\
+3 & 3 & 1 & 0 \\
+3 & 3 & 1 & 0
+ \tikz \draw [red] (~emphase#3.5@-|1) -- (~emphase#3.5@-|last) ;
+2 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\
+3 & 3 & 1 & 0 \\
+3 & 3 & 1 & 0
+ \tikz \draw [red] (3.5-|1) -- (3.5-|last) ;
+\subsection{The nodes corresponding to the command \textbackslash SubMatrix}
+\index{SubMatrix@\texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix} (command of
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}\newline and
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})}
+\index{name!key of \texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix}}
+The command |\SubMatrix| available in the |\CodeAfter| has been described
+If a command |\SubMatrix| has been used with the key |name| with an expression
+such as |name=|\textsl{\ttfamily MyName} three PGF/Tikz nodes are created
+with the names \textsl{\ttfamily MyName}|-left|, \textsl{\ttfamily MyName} and
+\textsl{\ttfamily MyName}|-right|.
+The nodes \textsl{\ttfamily MyName}|-left| and \textsl{\ttfamily
+MyName}|-right| correspond to the delimiters left and right and the node
+\textsl{\ttfamily MyName} correspond to the submatrix itself.
+In the following example, we have highlighted these nodes (the submatrix itself has
+been created with |\SubMatrix\{{2-2}{3-3}\}|).
+121 & 23 & 345 & 345\\
+45 & 346 & 863 & 444\\
+3462 & 38458 & 34 & 294 \\
+34 & 7 & 78 & 309 \\
+ \SubMatrix\{{2-2}{3-3}\}[name=A]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every node/.style = {blend mode = multiply,
+ inner sep = 0 pt}]
+ \node [fit = (A),fill = red!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (A-left),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \node [fit = (A-right),fill = blue!15] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\index{node@\textbf{Nodes of PGF/Tikz}|)}
+\section{API for the developpers}
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} provides two variables which are internal but
+public\footnote{According to the LaTeX3 conventions,
+each variable with name beginning with |\g_nicematrix| ou |\l_nicematrix| is
+public and each variable with name beginning with |\g__nicematrix| or
+|\l__nicematrix| is private.}:
+\item |\g_nicematrix_code_before_tl| ;
+\item |\g_nicematrix_code_after_tl|.
+These variables contain the code of what we have called the ``|code-before|''
+(usually specified at the beginning of the environment with the syntax using
+the keywords |\CodeBefore| and |\Body|) and the ``|code-after|'' (usually
+specified at the end of the environment after the keyword |\CodeAfter|). The
+developper can use them to add code from a cell of the array (the affectation
+must be global, allowing to exit the cell, which is a TeX group).
+One should remark that the use of |\g_nicematrix_code_before_tl| needs one
+compilation more (because the instructions are written on the |aux| file to be
+used during the next run).
+\emph{Example} : We want to write a command |\crossbox| to draw a cross in the
+current cell. This command will take in an optional argument between square
+brackets for a list of pairs \textsl{key}-\textsl{value} which will be given to
+Tikz before the drawing.
+It's possible to program such command |\crossbox| as follows, explicitely
+using the public variable |\g_nicematrix_code_before_tl|.
+\index{crossbox@\texttt{\textbackslash crossbox} (defined in an example)|textit}
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pantigny_crossbox:nnn
+ {
+ \tikz \draw [ #3 ]
+ ( #1 -| \int_eval:n { #2 + 1 } ) -- ( \int_eval:n { #1 + 1 } -| #2 )
+ ( #1 -| #2 ) -- ( \int_eval:n { #1 + 1 } -| \int_eval:n { #2 + 1 } ) ;
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \crossbox { ! O { } }
+ {
+ \tl_gput_right:Nx §emphase¤\g_nicematrix_code_before_tlμ
+ {
+ \__pantigny_crossbox:nnn
+ { \int_use:c { c@iRow } }
+ { \int_use:c { c@jCol } }
+ { \exp_not:n { #1 } }
+ }
+ }
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \__pantigny_crossbox:nnn
+ {
+ \tikz \draw [ #3 ]
+ ( #1 -| \int_eval:n { #2 + 1 } ) -- ( \int_eval:n { #1 + 1 } -| #2 )
+ ( #1 -| #2 ) -- ( \int_eval:n { #1 + 1 } -| \int_eval:n { #2 + 1 } ) ;
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \crossbox { ! O { } }
+ {
+ \tl_gput_right:Nx \g_nicematrix_code_before_tl
+ {
+ \__pantigny_crossbox:nnn
+ { \int_use:c { c@iRow } }
+ { \int_use:c { c@jCol } }
+ { \exp_not:n { #1 } }
+ }
+ }
+Here is an example of utilisation:
+ \arraycolor{gray!10}
+merlan & requin & cabillaud \\
+baleine & ~emphase#\crossbox[red]@ & morue \\
+mante & raie & poule
+ \arraycolor{gray!10}
+merlan & requin & cabillaud \\
+baleine & \crossbox[red] & morue \\
+mante & raie & poule
+\section{Technical remarks}
+First remark: the package \pkg{underscore} must be loaded before
+\pkg{nicematrix}. If it is loaded after, an error will be raised.
+\subsection{Diagonal lines}
+\index{Ddots@\texttt{\textbackslash Ddots}}
+\index{Iddots@\texttt{\textbackslash Iddots}}
+By default, all the diagonal lines\footnote{We speak of the lines created by
+|\Ddots| and not the lines created by a command |\line| in the |\CodeAfter|.} of a
+same array are ``parallelized''. That means that the first diagonal line is
+drawn and, then, the other lines are drawn parallel to the first one (by
+rotation around the left-most extremity of the line). That's why the position
+of the instructions |\Ddots| in the array can have a marked effect on the
+final result.
+In the following examples, the first |\Ddots| instruction is written in color:
+% \medskip
+Example with parallelization (default):
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}
+1 & \Cdots & & 1 \\
+a+b & ~emphase#\Ddots@~ & & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & & \\
+a+b & \Cdots & a+b & 1
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}
+1 & \Cdots & & 1 \\
+a+b & \Ddots & & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & & \\
+a+b & \Cdots & a+b & 1
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}
+1 & \Cdots & & 1 \\
+a+b & & & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & ~emphase#\Ddots@~ & \Ddots & \\
+a+b & \Cdots & a+b & 1
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}
+1 & \Cdots & & 1 \\
+a+b & & & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & \Ddots & \\
+a+b & \Cdots & a+b & 1
+It's possible to turn off the parallelization with the option
+|parallelize-diags| set to |false|: \par\nobreak
+The same example without parallelization:
+$A = \begin{pNiceMatrix}
+1 & \Cdots & & 1 \\
+a+b & \Ddots & & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & \Ddots & & \\
+a+b & \Cdots & a+b & 1
+It's possible to specify the instruction |\Ddots| which will be drawn first
+(and which will be used to draw the other diagonal dotted lines when the
+parallelization is in force) with the key |draw-first|: |\Ddots[draw-first]|.
+\subsection[The empty cells]{The ``empty'' cells}
+An instruction like |\Ldots|, |\Cdots|, etc. tries to determine the first
+non-empty cell on both sides. When the key |corners| is used
+(cf.~p.~\pageref{corners}), \pkg{nicematrix} computes corners consisting of
+empty cells. However, an ``empty cell'' is not necessarily a cell with no TeX
+content (that is to say a cell with no token between the two ampersands~|&|).
+The precise rules are as follow.
+\item An implicit cell is empty. For example, in the following matrix:
+a & b \\
+c \\
+the last cell (second row and second column) is empty.
+\item For the columns of type |p|, |m|, |b|, |V|\footnote{The columns of type
+|V| are provided by \pkg{varwidth}: cf.~p.~\pageref{varwidth}.} and
+|X|\footnote{See p.~\pageref{X-columns}}, the cell is empty if (and only if)
+its content in the TeX code is empty (there is only spaces between the
+ampersands |&|).
+\item For the columns of type |c|, |l|, |r| and |w{...}{...}|, the cell is
+empty if (and only if) its TeX output has a width equal to zero.
+\item \indexcommand{NotEmpty}
+A cell containing the command |\NotEmpty| is not empty (and a PGF/Tikz
+node is created in that cell).
+\item A cell with only a command |\Hspace| (or |\Hspace*|) is empty. This
+command |\Hspace| is a command defined by the package \pkg{nicematrix} with
+the same meaning as |\hspace| except that the cell where it is used is
+considered as empty. This command can be used to fix the width of some columns
+of the matrix without interfering with \pkg{nicematrix}.
+\subsection{The option exterior-arraycolsep}
+The environment |{array}| inserts an horizontal space equal to |\arraycolsep|
+before and after each column. In particular, there is a space equal to
+|\arraycolsep| before and after the array. This feature of the environment
+|{array}| was probably not a good idea\footnote{In the documentation of
+\pkg{amsmath}, we can read: {\itshape The extra space of |\arraycolsep| that
+\pkg{array} adds on each side is a waste so we remove it [in |{matrix}|]
+(perhaps we should instead remove it from array in general, but that's a
+harder task).}}. The environment |{matrix}| of
+\pkg{amsmath} and its variants (|{pmatrix}|, |{vmatrix}|, etc.) of
+\pkg{amsmath} prefer to delete these spaces with explicit instructions
+|\hskip -\arraycolsep|\footnote{And not by inserting |@{}| on both sides of the
+preamble of the array. As a consequence, the length of the |\hline| is not
+modified and may appear too long, in particular when using square brackets.}.
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} does the same in all its environments,
+|{NiceArray}| included. However, if the user wants the environment
+|{NiceArray}| behaving by default like the environment |{array}| of
+\pkg{array} (for example, when adapting an existing document) it's possible to
+control this behaviour with the option |exterior-arraycolsep|, set by the
+command |\NiceMatrixOptions|. With this option, exterior spaces of length
+|\arraycolsep| will be inserted in the environments |{NiceArray}| (the other
+environments of \pkg{nicematrix} are not affected).
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} is not compatible with the class \cls{ieeeaccess}
+(because that class is not compatible with PGF/Tikz).\footnote{See
+ \url{}}
+In order to use \pkg{nicematrix} with the class \cls{aastex631}
+(of the \emph{American Astronomical Society}), you have to
+add the following lines in the preamble of your document :
+In order to use \pkg{nicematrix} with the class \cls{sn-jnl} (of
+\emph{Springer Nature}), \pkg{pgf} must
+be loaded before the |\documentclass| with |\RequirePackage|:
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} is not fully compatible with the packages and classes
+of \LuaTeX-ja: the detection of the empty corners (cf. % p.~\pageref{corners})
+may be wrong in some circonstances.
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} is not fully compatible with the package
+\pkg{arydshln} (because this package redefines many internals of \pkg{array}).
+By any means, in the context of \pkg{nicematrix}, it's recommended to draw
+dashed rules with the tools provided by \pkg{nicematrix}, by creating a
+customized line style with |custom-line|: cf.~p.~\pageref{custom-line}.
+The columns |d| of \pkg{dcolumn} are not supported (but it's possible to use
+the colums |S| of \pkg{siunitx}).
+\subsection[{Utilisation of the key 'tikz' of the command \textbackslash
+Block}]{Utilisation of the key ``tikz'' of the command \textbackslash Block}
+\index{tikzz@tikz!key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block}|textit}
+The key |tikz| of the command |\Block| is available only when Tikz is
+loaded.\footnote{By default, \pkg{nicematrix} only loads \textsc{pgf}, which is
+a sub-layer of Tikz.}
+For the following example, we also need the Tikz library |patterns|.
+\ttfamily \small
+ \Block[~emphase#tikz={pattern=grid,pattern color=lightgray}@]{}
+ {pattern = grid,\\ pattern color = lightgray}
+& \Block[~emphase#tikz={pattern = north west lines,pattern color=blue}@]{}
+ {pattern = north west lines,\\ pattern color = blue}
+& \Block[~emphase#tikz={outer color = red!50, inner color=white }@]{2-1}
+ {outer color = red!50,\\ inner color = white} \\
+ \Block[~emphase#tikz={pattern = sixpointed stars, pattern color = blue!15}@]{}
+ {pattern = sixpointed stars,\\ pattern color = blue!15}
+& \Block[~emphase#tikz={left color = blue!50}@]{}
+ {left color = blue!50} \\
+\ttfamily \small
+ \Block[tikz={pattern=grid,pattern color=lightgray}]{}
+ {pattern = grid,\\ pattern color = lightgray}
+& \Block[tikz={pattern = north west lines,pattern color=blue}]{}
+ {pattern = north west lines,\\ pattern color = blue}
+& \Block[tikz={outer color = red!50, inner color=white }]{2-1}
+ {outer color = red!50,\\ inner color = white} \\
+ \Block[tikz={pattern = sixpointed stars, pattern color = blue!15}]{}
+ {pattern = sixpointed stars,\\ pattern color = blue!15}
+& \Block[tikz={left color = blue!50}]{}
+ {left color = blue!50} \\
+In the following example, we use the key |tikz| to hatch a row of the tabular.
+Remark that you use the key |transparent| of the command |\Block| in order to
+have the rules drawn in the block.\footnote{By default, the rules are not
+drawn in the blocks created by the command |\Block|: cf.~section~\ref{rules}
+\index{transparent (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})|textit}
+\index{columncolor@\texttt{\textbackslash columncolor}!command of
+ \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}|textit}
+ \columncolor[RGB]{169,208,142}{2}
+one & two & three \\
+\Block[~emphase#transparent, tikz={pattern = north west lines, pattern color = gray}@]{1-*}{}
+four & five & six \\
+seven & eight & nine
+ \columncolor[RGB]{169,208,142}{2}
+one & two & three \\
+\Block[transparent, tikz={pattern = north west lines, pattern color = gray}]{1-*}{}
+four & five & six \\
+seven & eight & nine
+\subsection{Use with tcolorbox}
+\index{tcolorbox@\pkg{tcolorbox} (package)|textit}
+Here is an example of use of |{NiceTabular}| within a command |\tcbox| of
+\pkg{tcolorbox}. We have used the key |hvlines-except-borders| in order all
+the rules excepted on the borders (which are, of course, added by \pkg{tcolorbox})
+ {
+ colframe = blue!50!black ,
+ colback = white ,
+ colupper = red!50!black ,
+ fonttitle = \bfseries ,
+ nobeforeafter ,
+ center title
+ }
+ [
+ left = 0mm ,
+ right = 0mm ,
+ top = 0mm ,
+ bottom = 0mm ,
+ boxsep = 0mm ,
+ toptitle = 0.5mm ,
+ bottomtitle = 0.5mm ,
+ title = My table
+ ]
+ {
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}% <-- the % is mandatory here
+ \begin{NiceTabular}{rcl}[~emphase#hvlines-except-borders@,rules/color=blue!50!black]
+ \CodeBefore
+ \rowcolor{red!15}{1}
+ \Body
+ One & Two & Three \\
+ Men & Mice & Lions \\
+ Upper & Middle & Lower
+ \end{NiceTabular}
+ }
+\index{rules (key for an environment)|textit}
+\index{rowcolor@\texttt{\textbackslash rowcolor}!command of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}|textit}
+ {
+ colframe = blue!50!black ,
+ colback = white ,
+ colupper = red!50!black ,
+ fonttitle = \bfseries ,
+ nobeforeafter ,
+ center title
+ }
+ [
+ left = 0mm ,
+ right = 0mm ,
+ top = 0mm ,
+ bottom = 0mm ,
+ boxsep = 0mm ,
+ toptitle = 0.5mm ,
+ bottomtitle = 0.5mm ,
+ title = My table
+ ]
+ {
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}\begin{NiceTabular}{rcl}[hvlines-except-borders,rules/color=blue!50!black]
+ \CodeBefore
+ \rowcolor{red!15}{1}
+ \Body
+ One & Two & Three \\
+ Men & Mice & Lions \\
+ Upper & Middle & Lower
+ \end{NiceTabular}
+ }
+That example shows the use of \pkg{nicematrix} in conjunction with
+\pkg{tcolorbox}. If one wishes a tabular with an exterior frame with rounded
+corners, it's not necessary to use \pkg{tcolorbox}: it's possible to use the
+command |\Block| with the key |rounded-corners|.
+ One & Two & Three \\
+ Men & Mice & Lions \\
+ Upper & Middle & Lower
+ One & Two & Three \\
+ Men & Mice & Lions \\
+ Upper & Middle & Lower
+We have used the key |transparent| to have the rules specified by
+|hvlines-except-borders| drawn in the blocks (by default, the rules are not
+drawn in the blocks).
+\subsection{Notes in the tabulars}
+\index{nota@\textbf{Notes in the tabulars}|textit}
+\index{tabularnote@\texttt{\textbackslash tabularnote}|textit}
+\index{notes (key to customize the notes of a\newline tabular)|textit}
+\index{style (subkey of ``notes'')|textit}
+\index{enumitem-keys (subkey of ``notes'')|textit}
+\index{enumitem@\pkg{enumitem} (package required to use\newline \texttt{\textbackslash tabularnote})|textit}
+The tools provided by \pkg{nicematrix} for the composition of the tabular
+notes have been presented in the section \ref{s:notes} p.~\pageref{s:notes}.
+Let's consider that we wish to number the notes of a tabular with
+stars.\footnote{Of course, it's realistic only when there is very few notes in
+the tabular.}
+First, we write a command |\stars| similar the well-known commands
+|\arabic|, |\alph|, |\Alph|, etc. which produces a number of stars equal to
+its argument\footnote{In fact: the value of its argument.}.
+\NewDocumentCommand ~emphase#\stars@ { m }
+ { \prg_replicate:nn { \value { ~#1 } } { $ \star $ } }
+Of course, we change the style of the labels with the key |notes/style|.
+However, it would be interesting to change also some parameters in the type of
+list used to compose the notes at the end of the tabular.
+First, we required a composition flush right for the labels with the setting
+Moreover, we want the labels to be composed on a width equal to the width of
+the widest label. The widest label is, of course, the label with the greatest
+number of stars. We know that number: it is equal to |\value{tabularnote}|
+(because |tabularnote| is the LaTeX counter used by |\tabularnote| and,
+therefore, at the end of the tabular, its value is equal to the total number
+of tabular notes). We use the key |widest*| of \pkg{enumitem} in order to
+require a width equal to that value: |widest*=\value{tabularnote}|.
+ {
+ notes =
+ {
+ ~emphase#style = \stars{~#1} , @
+ ~emphase#enumitem-keys = @
+ ~emphase# { @
+ ~emphase# widest* = \value{tabularnote} ,@
+ ~emphase# align = right @
+ ~emphase# } @
+ }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \stars { m }
+ { \prg_replicate:nn { \value { #1 } } { $ \star $ } }
+ {
+ notes =
+ {
+ style = \stars{#1} ,
+ enumitem-keys =
+ {
+ widest* = \value{tabularnote} ,
+ align = right
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\toprule \RowStyle{\bfseries}
+Last name & First name & Birth day \\
+Achard\tabularnote{~emphase#Achard is an old family of the Poitou.@}
+& Jacques & 5 juin 1962 \\
+Lefebvre\tabularnote{~emphase#The name Lefebvre is an alteration of the name Lefebure.@}
+& Mathilde & 23 mai 1988 \\
+Vanesse & Stephany & 30 octobre 1994 \\
+Dupont & Chantal & 15 janvier 1998 \\
+\toprule \RowStyle{\bfseries}
+Last name & First name & Birth day \\
+Achard\tabularnote{Achard is an old family of the Poitou.}
+& Jacques & June 5, 2005 \\
+Lefebvre\tabularnote{The name Lefebvre is an alteration of the name Lefebure.}
+& Mathilde & January 23, 1975 \\
+Vanesse & Stephany & October 30, 1994 \\
+Dupont & Chantal & January 15, 1998 \\
+\subsection{Dotted lines}
+\index{dotted@\textbf{Dotted lines}|textit}
+An example with the resultant of two polynoms:\par\nobreak
+a_0 & && &b_0 & & \\
+a_1 &\Ddots&& &b_1 &\Ddots& \\
+\Vdots&\Ddots&& &\Vdots &\Ddots&b_0 \\
+a_p & &&a_0 & & &b_1 \\
+ &\Ddots&&a_1 &b_q & &\Vdots\\
+ & &&\Vdots & &\Ddots& \\
+ & &&a_p & & &b_q
+\index{Ddots@\texttt{\textbackslash Ddots}|textit}
+a_0 & && &b_0 & & \\
+a_1 &\Ddots&& &b_1 &\Ddots& \\
+\Vdots&\Ddots&& &\Vdots &\Ddots&b_0 \\
+a_p & &&a_0 & & &b_1 \\
+ &\Ddots&&a_1 &b_q & &\Vdots\\
+ & &&\Vdots & &\Ddots& \\
+ & &&a_p & & &b_q
+An example for a linear system:\par\nobreak
+1 & 1 & 1 &\Cdots & & 1 & 0 & \\
+0 & 1 & 0 &\Cdots & & 0 & & L_2 \gets L_2-L_1 \\
+0 & 0 & 1 &\Ddots & & \Vdots & & L_3 \gets L_3-L_1 \\
+ & & &\Ddots & & & \Vdots & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & & &\Ddots & & 0 & \\
+0 & & &\Cdots & 0 & 1 & 0 & L_n \gets L_n-L_1
+1 & 1 & 1 &\Cdots & & 1 & 0 & \\
+0 & 1 & 0 &\Cdots & & 0 & & L_2 \gets L_2-L_1 \\
+0 & 0 & 1 &\Ddots & & \Vdots & & L_3 \gets L_3-L_1 \\
+ & & &\Ddots & & & \Vdots & \Vdots \\
+\Vdots & & &\Ddots & & 0 & \\
+0 & & &\Cdots & 0 & 1 & 0 & L_n \gets L_n-L_1
+\subsection{Dotted lines which are no longer dotted}
+The option |line-style| controls the style of the lines drawn by |\Ldots|,
+|\Cdots|, etc. Thus, it's possible with these commands to draw lines which are
+not longer dotted.
+\index{line-style (key for the dotted rules)|textit}
+\NiceMatrixOptions{code-for-first-row = \scriptstyle,code-for-first-col = \scriptstyle }
+1& & & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots \\
+& \Ddots[line-style=standard] \\
+& & 1 \\
+\Cdots[color=blue,line-style=dashed]& & & \blue 0 &
+\Cdots & & & \blue 1 & & & \Cdots & \blue \leftarrow i \\
+& & & & 1 \\
+& & &\Vdots & & \Ddots[line-style=standard] & & \Vdots \\
+& & & & & & 1 \\
+\Cdots & & & \blue 1 & \Cdots & & \Cdots & \blue 0 & & & \Cdots & \blue \leftarrow j \\
+& & & & & & & & 1 \\
+& & & & & & & & & \Ddots[line-style=standard] \\
+& & & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots & & & 1 \\
+& & & \blue \overset{\uparrow}{i} & & & & \blue \overset{\uparrow}{j} \\
+\NiceMatrixOptions{code-for-first-row = \scriptstyle,code-for-first-col = \scriptstyle }
+1& & & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots \\
+& \Ddots[line-style=standard] \\
+& & 1 \\
+\Cdots[color=blue,line-style=dashed]& & & \blue 0 &
+\Cdots & & & \blue 1 & & & \Cdots & \blue \leftarrow i \\
+& & & & 1 \\
+& & &\Vdots & & \Ddots[line-style=standard] & & \Vdots \\
+& & & & & & 1 \\
+\Cdots & & & \blue 1 & \Cdots & & \Cdots & \blue 0 & & & \Cdots & \blue \leftarrow j \\
+& & & & & & & & 1 \\
+& & & & & & & & & \Ddots[line-style=standard] \\
+& & & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots & & & 1 \\
+& & & \blue \overset{\uparrow}{i} & & & & \blue \overset{\uparrow}{j} \\
+In fact, it's even possible to draw solid lines with the commands |\Cdots|,
+|\Vdots|, etc.\footnote{In this document, the Tikz library \pkg{arrows.meta}
+has been loaded, which impacts the shape of the arrow tips.}
+ {nullify-dots,code-for-first-col = \color{blue},code-for-first-row=\color{blue}}
+ & & \Ldots[line-style={solid,<->},shorten=0pt]^{n \text{ columns}} \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & \Ldots & 1 \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 \\
+\Vdots[line-style={solid,<->}]_{n \text{ rows}} & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & \Ldots & 1
+ {nullify-dots,code-for-first-col = \color{blue},code-for-first-row=\color{blue}}
+ & & \Ldots[line-style={solid,<->},shorten=0pt]^{n \text{ columns}} \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & \Ldots & 1 \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 \\
+\Vdots[line-style={solid,<->}]_{n \text{ rows}} & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & & 1 \\
+ & 1 & 1 & 1 & \Ldots & 1
+\subsection{Dashed rules}
+\index{tikzz@tikz!key of ``borders'' de \texttt{\textbackslash Block}|textit}
+In the following example, we use the command |\Block| to draw dashed rules.
+For that example, Tikz should be loaded (by |\usepackage{tikz}|).
+1 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+4 & 5 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & ~emphase#\Block[borders={bottom,top,right,left,tikz=dashed}]{2-2}{}@
+ 7 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & -1 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & ~emphase#\Block[borders={left,top,tikz=dashed}]{2-2}{}@
+ 3 & 4 \\
+0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4
+1 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+4 & 5 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & \Block[borders={bottom,top,right,left,tikz=dashed}]{2-2}{}
+ 7 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & -1 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\
+0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \Block[borders={left,top,tikz=dashed}]{2-2}{}
+ 3 & 4 \\
+0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4
+\subsection{Stacks of matrices}
+We often need to compose mathematical matrices on top on each other (for
+example for the resolution of linear systems).
+In order to have the columns aligned one above the other, it's possible to
+fix a width for all the columns. That's what is done in the following example
+with the environment |{NiceMatrixBlock}| and its option |auto-columns-width|.
+ {
+ light-syntax,
+ last-col, code-for-last-col = \color{blue} \scriptstyle,
+ }
+12 -8 7 5 3 {} ;
+ 3 -18 12 1 4 ;
+-3 -46 29 -2 -15 ;
+ 9 10 -5 4 7
+12 -8 7 5 3 ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 { L_2 \gets L_1-4L_2 } ;
+0 -192 123 -3 -57 { L_3 \gets L_1+4L_3 } ;
+0 -64 41 -1 -19 { L_4 \gets 3L_1-4L_4 } ;
+12 -8 7 5 3 ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 ;
+0 0 0 0 0 { L_3 \gets 3 L_2 + L_3 }
+12 -8 7 5 3 {} ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 ;
+\index{auto-columns-width!(key of \texttt{\{NiceMatrixBlock\}})|textit}
+ {
+ light-syntax,
+ last-col, code-for-last-col = \color{blue} \scriptstyle ,
+ }
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 {} ;
+ 3 -18 12 1 4 ;
+-3 -46 29 -2 -15 ;
+ 9 10 -5 4 7
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 { L_2 \gets L_1-4L_2 } ;
+0 -192 123 -3 -57 { L_3 \gets L_1+4L_3 } ;
+0 -64 41 -1 -19 { L_4 \gets 3L_1-4L_4 } ;
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 ;
+0 0 0 0 0 { L_3 \gets 3 L_2 + L_3 }
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 {} ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 ;
+However, one can see that the last matrix is not perfectly aligned with
+others. That's why, in LaTeX, the parenthesis have not exactly the same width
+(smaller parenthesis are a bit slimer).
+\index{max-width (subkey of ``delimiters'')}
+In order the solve that problem, it's possible to require the delimiters to be
+composed with the maximal width, thanks to the boolean key
+ {
+ ~emphase#delimiters/max-width@,
+ light-syntax,
+ last-col, code-for-last-col = \color{blue}\scriptstyle,
+ }
+12 -8 7 5 3 {} ;
+ 3 -18 12 1 4 ;
+-3 -46 29 -2 -15 ;
+ 9 10 -5 4 7
+ {
+ delimiters/max-width,
+ light-syntax,
+ last-col, code-for-last-col = \color{blue}\scriptstyle,
+ }
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 {} ;
+ 3 -18 12 1 4 ;
+-3 -46 29 -2 -15 ;
+ 9 10 -5 4 7
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 { L_2 \gets L_1-4L_2 } ;
+0 -192 123 -3 -57 { L_3 \gets L_1+4L_3 } ;
+0 -64 41 -1 -19 { L_4 \gets 3L_1-4L_4 } ;
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 ;
+0 0 0 0 0 { L_3 \gets 3 L_2 + L_3 }
+\quad $\begin{pNiceArray}{rrrr|r}
+12 -8 7 5 3 {} ;
+0 64 -41 1 19 ;
+If you wish an alignment of the different matrices without the same width
+for all the columns, you can construct a unique array and place the
+parenthesis with commands |\SubMatrix| in the |\CodeAfter|. Of course, that
+array can't be broken by a page break.
+\index{SubMatrix@\texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix} (command of
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}\newline and
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})|textit}
+\[\begin{NiceMatrix}[ r, last-col=6, code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle \color{blue} ]
+12 & -8 & 7 & 5 & 3 \\
+ 3 & -18 & 12 & 1 & 4 \\
+-3 & -46 & 29 &-2 &-15 \\
+ 9 & 10 &-5 &4 & 7 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 & 7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 & L_2 \gets L_1-4L_2 \\
+0 & -192 &123 &-3 &-57 & L_3 \gets L_1+4L_3 \\
+0 & -64 & 41 &-1 &-19 & L_4 \gets 3L_1-4L_4 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 &1 &19 \\
+0 & 0 &0 &0 & 0 & L_3 \gets 3L_2+L_3 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 \\
+~emphase#\CodeAfter [sub-matrix/vlines=4]@
+~emphase# \SubMatrix({1-1}{4-5})@
+~emphase# \SubMatrix({5-1}{8-5})@
+~emphase# \SubMatrix({9-1}{11-5})@
+~emphase# \SubMatrix({12-1}{13-5})@
+\[\begin{NiceMatrix}[ r, last-col=6, code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle \color{blue} ]
+12 & -8 & 7 & 5 & 3 \\
+ 3 & -18 & 12 & 1 & 4 \\
+-3 & -46 & 29 &-2 &-15 \\
+ 9 & 10 &-5 &4 & 7 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 & 7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 & L_2 \gets L_1-4L_2 \\
+0 & -192 &123 &-3 &-57 & L_3 \gets L_1+4L_3 \\
+0 & -64 & 41 &-1 &-19 & L_4 \gets 3L_1-4L_4 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 &1 &19 \\
+0 & 0 &0 &0 & 0 & L_3 \gets 3L_2+L_3 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 \\
+\CodeAfter [sub-matrix/vlines=4]
+ \SubMatrix({1-1}{4-5})
+ \SubMatrix({5-1}{8-5})
+ \SubMatrix({9-1}{11-5})
+ \SubMatrix({12-1}{13-5})
+In this tabular, the instructions |\SubMatrix| are executed after the
+composition of the tabular and, thus, the vertical rules are drawn without
+adding space between the columns.
+In fact, it's possible, with the key |vlines-in-sub-matrix|, to choice a
+letter in the preamble of the array to specify vertical rules which will be
+drawn in the |\SubMatrix| only (by adding space between the columns).
+ [
+ ~emphase#vlines-in-sub-matrix=I@,
+ last-col,
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle \color{blue}
+ ]
+ {rrrrIr}
+12 & -8 & 7 & 5 & 3 \\
+ 3 & -18 & 12 & 1 & 4 \\
+-3 & -46 & 29 &-2 &-15 \\
+ 9 & 10 &-5 &4 & 7 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 & 7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 & L_2 \gets L_1-4L_2 \\
+0 & -192 &123 &-3 &-57 & L_3 \gets L_1+4L_3 \\
+0 & -64 & 41 &-1 &-19 & L_4 \gets 3L_1-4L_4 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 &1 &19 \\
+0 & 0 &0 &0 & 0 & L_3 \gets 3L_2+L_3 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 \\
+ \SubMatrix({1-1}{4-5})
+ \SubMatrix({5-1}{8-5})
+ \SubMatrix({9-1}{11-5})
+ \SubMatrix({12-1}{13-5})
+ [
+ vlines-in-sub-matrix=I,
+ last-col,
+ code-for-last-col = \scriptstyle \color{blue}
+ ]
+ {rrrrIr}
+12 & -8 & 7 & 5 & 3 \\
+ 3 & -18 & 12 & 1 & 4 \\
+-3 & -46 & 29 &-2 &-15 \\
+ 9 & 10 &-5 &4 & 7 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 & 7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 & L_2 \gets L_1-4L_2 \\
+0 & -192 &123 &-3 &-57 & L_3 \gets L_1+4L_3 \\
+0 & -64 & 41 &-1 &-19 & L_4 \gets 3L_1-4L_4 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 &1 &19 \\
+0 & 0 &0 &0 & 0 & L_3 \gets 3L_2+L_3 \\[1mm]
+12 & -8 &7 &5 & 3 \\
+0 & 64 &-41 & 1 & 19 \\
+ \SubMatrix({1-1}{4-5})
+ \SubMatrix({5-1}{8-5})
+ \SubMatrix({9-1}{11-5})
+ \SubMatrix({12-1}{13-5})
+\subsection{How to highlight cells of a matrix}
+\index{draw (key of \texttt{\textbackslash Block})|textit}
+In order to highlight a cell of a matrix, it's possible to ``draw'' that cell
+with the key |draw| of the command |\Block| (this is one of the uses of a
+mono-cell block\footnote{We recall that, if the first mandatory argument of
+the command |\Block| is left empty, that means that the block is a mono-cell block}).
+~emphase#\Block[draw]{}{a_{11}}@ & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} \\
+a_{21} & \Block[draw]{}{a_{22}} & a_{23} & a_{24} \\
+a_{31} & a_{32} & \Block[draw]{}{a_{33}} & a_{34} \\
+a_{41} & a_{42} & a_{43} & \Block[draw]{}{a_{44}} \\
+\Block[draw]{}{a_{11}} & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} \\
+a_{21} & \Block[draw]{}{a_{22}} & a_{23} & a_{24} \\
+a_{31} & a_{32} & \Block[draw]{}{a_{33}} & a_{34} \\
+a_{41} & a_{42} & a_{43} & \Block[draw]{}{a_{44}} \\
+We should remark that the rules we have drawn are drawn \emph{after} the
+construction of the array and thus, they don't spread the cells of the array.
+We recall that, on the other side, the commands |\hline| and |\Hline|, the
+specifier ``\verb+|+'' and the options |hlines|, |vlines|, |hvlines| and
+|hvlines-except-borders| spread the cells.\footnote{For the command |\cline|,
+see the remark p.~\pageref{remark-cline}.}
+It's possible to color a row with |\rowcolor| in the |code-before| (or with
+|\rowcolor| in the first cell of the row if the key |colortbl-like| is
+used−even when \pkg{colortbl} is not loaded).
+\index{rowcolor@\texttt{\textbackslash rowcolor}!command in tabular|textit}
+\begin{pNiceArray}{>{\strut}cccc}[margin, extra-margin=2pt,colortbl-like]
+ ~emphase#\rowcolor{red!15}@A_{11} & A_{12} & A_{13} & A_{14} \\
+ A_{21} & ~emphase#\rowcolor{red!15}@A_{22} & A_{23} & A_{24} \\
+ A_{31} & A_{32} & ~emphase#\rowcolor{red!15}@A_{33} & A_{34} \\
+ A_{41} & A_{42} & A_{43} & ~emphase#\rowcolor{red!15}@A_{44}
+\[\begin{pNiceArray}{>{\strut}cccc}[margin, extra-margin=2pt,colortbl-like]
+ \rowcolor{red!15}A_{11} & A_{12} & A_{13} & A_{14} \\
+ A_{21} & \rowcolor{red!15}A_{22} & A_{23} & A_{24} \\
+ A_{31} & A_{32} & \rowcolor{red!15}A_{33} & A_{34} \\
+ A_{41} & A_{42} & A_{43} & \rowcolor{red!15}A_{44}
+However, it's not possible to do a fine tuning. That's why we describe now a
+method to highlight a row of the matrix.
+That example and the following ones require Tikz (by default, \pkg{nicematrix}
+only loads \textsc{pgf}, which is a sub-layer of Tikz) and the Tikz library
+|fit|. The following lines in the preamble of your document do the job:
+We create a rectangular Tikz node which encompasses the nodes of the second
+row by using the tools of the Tikz library \pkg{fit}. Those nodes are not
+available by default in the |\CodeBefore| (for efficiency). We have to require
+their creation with the key |create-cell-nodes| of the keyword |\CodeBefore|.
+ fill=red!15,
+ rounded corners = 0.5 mm,
+ inner sep=1pt,
+ fit = #1}}
+\index{highlight (TikZ style defined in\newline an example)|textit}
+ fill=red!15,
+ rounded corners = 0.5 mm,
+ inner sep=1pt,
+ fit=~#1}}
+~emphase#\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes] @
+~emphase# \tikz \node [highlight = (2-1) (2-3)] {} ; @
+~emphase# \Body @
+0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+1 & \Cdots & 1 \\
+0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+\index{create-cell-nodes (key of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})|textit}
+\index{CodeBefore@\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}...\texttt{\textbackslash Body}|textit}
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \tikz \node [highlight = (2-1) (2-3)] {} ;
+0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+1 & \Cdots & 1 \\
+0 & \Cdots & 0 \\
+We consider now the following matrix. If we want to highlight each row of
+this matrix, we can use the previous technique three times.
+\[\begin{pNiceArray}{ccc}[last-col, margin = 2pt]
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+~emphase# \node [highlight = (1-1) (1-3)] {} ;@
+~emphase# \node [highlight = (2-1) (2-3)] {} ;@
+~emphase# \node [highlight = (3-1) (3-3)] {} ;@
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+a & a + b & a + b + c & L_1 \\
+a & a & a + b & L_2 \\
+a & a & a & L_3
+\[\begin{pNiceArray}{ccc}[last-col, margin = 2pt]
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [highlight = (1-1) (1-3)] {} ;
+ \node [highlight = (2-1) (2-3)] {} ;
+ \node [highlight = (3-1) (3-3)] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+a & a + b & a + b + c & L_1 \\
+a & a & a + b & L_2 \\
+a & a & a & L_3
+The result may seem disappointing. We can improve it by using the ``medium
+nodes'' instead of the ``normal nodes''.
+\index{create-cell-nodes (key of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})|textit}
+\[\begin{pNiceArray}{ccc}[last-col, margin = 2pt, create-medium-nodes]
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture} ~emphase#[name suffix = -medium]@
+ \node [highlight = (1-1) (1-3)] {} ;
+ \node [highlight = (2-1) (2-3)] {} ;
+ \node [highlight = (3-1) (3-3)] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+a & a + b & a + b + c & L_1 \\
+a & a & a + b & L_2 \\
+a & a & a & L_3
+\[\begin{pNiceArray}{ccc}[last-col, margin = 2pt, create-medium-nodes]
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \begin{tikzpicture} [name suffix = -medium]
+ \node [highlight = (1-1) (1-3)] {} ;
+ \node [highlight = (2-1) (2-3)] {} ;
+ \node [highlight = (3-1) (3-3)] {} ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+a & a + b & a + b + c & L_1 \\
+a & a & a + b & L_2 \\
+a & a & a & L_3
+\subsection{Utilisation of \textbackslash SubMatrix in the \textbackslash CodeBefore}
+\index{SubMatrix@\texttt{\textbackslash SubMatrix} (command of
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}\newline and
+\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})|textit}
+\index{CodeBefore@\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}...\texttt{\textbackslash Body}|textit}
+\index{CodeAfter@\texttt{\textbackslash CodeAfter}|textit}
+\index{create-cell-nodes (key of \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})|textit}
+In the following example, we illustrate the mathematical product of two
+The whole figure is an environment |{NiceArray}| and the three pairs of
+parenthesis have been added with |\SubMatrix| in the |\CodeBefore|.
+ fill=red!15,
+ rounded corners = 0.5 mm,
+ inner sep=1pt,
+ fit=#1}}%
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \SubMatrix({2-7}{6-last})
+ \SubMatrix({7-2}{last-6})
+ \SubMatrix({7-7}{last-last})
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [highlight = (9-2) (9-6)] { } ;
+ \node [highlight = (2-9) (6-9)] { } ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ & & & & & & & & \color{blue}\scriptstyle C_j \\
+ & & & & & & b_{11} & \Cdots & b_{1j} & \Cdots & b_{1n} \\
+ & & & & & & \Vdots & & \Vdots & & \Vdots \\
+ & & & & & & & & b_{kj} \\
+ & & & & & & & & \Vdots \\
+ & & & & & & b_{n1} & \Cdots & b_{nj} & \Cdots & b_{nn} \\[3mm]
+ & a_{11} & \Cdots & & & a_{1n} \\
+ & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots & & & \Vdots \\
+\color{blue}\scriptstyle L_i
+ & a_{i1} & \Cdots & a_{ik} & \Cdots & a_{in} & \Cdots & & c_{ij} \\
+ & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots \\
+ & a_{n1} & \Cdots & & & a_{nn} \\
+\tikz \draw [gray,shorten > = 1mm, shorten < = 1mm] (9-4.north) to [bend left] (4-9.west) ;
+ fill=red!15,
+ rounded corners = 0.5 mm,
+ inner sep=1pt,
+ fit=~#1}}
+\begin{Verbatim}[formatcom = \small\color{gray}]
+\CodeBefore [create-cell-nodes]
+ \SubMatrix({2-7}{6-last})
+ \SubMatrix({7-2}{last-6})
+ \SubMatrix({7-7}{last-last})
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [highlight = (9-2) (9-6)] { } ;
+ \node [highlight = (2-9) (6-9)] { } ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ & & & & & & & & \color{blue}\scriptstyle C_j \\
+ & & & & & & b_{11} & \Cdots & b_{1j} & \Cdots & b_{1n} \\
+ & & & & & & \Vdots & & \Vdots & & \Vdots \\
+ & & & & & & & & b_{kj} \\
+ & & & & & & & & \Vdots \\
+ & & & & & & b_{n1} & \Cdots & b_{nj} & \Cdots & b_{nn} \\[3mm]
+ & a_{11} & \Cdots & & & a_{1n} \\
+ & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots & & & \Vdots \\
+\color{blue}\scriptstyle L_i
+ & a_{i1} & \Cdots & a_{ik} & \Cdots & a_{in} & \Cdots & & c_{ij} \\
+ & \Vdots & & & & \Vdots \\
+ & a_{n1} & \Cdots & & & a_{nn} \\
+\tikz \draw [gray,shorten > = 1mm, shorten < = 1mm] (9-4.north) to [bend left] (4-9.west) ;
+\subsection{A triangular tabular}
+\index{Corners (the empty ---)|textit}
+\index{chessboardcolors@\texttt{\textbackslash chessboardcolors}!(commande
+ du \texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore})|textit}
+\index{CodeBefore@\texttt{\textbackslash CodeBefore}...\texttt{\textbackslash Body}|textit}
+In the following example, we use the style PGF/TikZ |nicematrix/cell-node|
+to rotate the contents of the cells (and, then, we compensate that rotation by
+a rotation of the whole tabular with the command |\adjustbox| of the eponymous
+package, which must be loaded previously).
+ {
+ ~emphase#nicematrix/cell-node@/.append style =
+ { text/rotate = 45, minimum size = 6 mm }
+ }
+~emphase#\adjustbox@{rotate = -45, set depth = 6mm + 1.414 \arrayrulewidth}
+ {\begin{NiceTabular} [ hvlines, corners=SE, baseline = line-9 ] { cccccccc }
+ \CodeBefore
+ \chessboardcolors{red!15}{blue!15}
+ \Body
+ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 \\
+ 1 & 3 & 6 & 10 & 15 & 21 \\
+ 1 & 4 & 10 & 20 & 35 \\
+ 1 & 5 & 15 & 35 \\
+ 1 & 6 & 21 \\
+ 1 & 7 \\
+ 1
+ \end{NiceTabular}}
+ {
+ nicematrix/cell-node/.append style =
+ { text/rotate = 45, minimum size = 6 mm }
+ }%
+\adjustbox{rotate = -45, set depth = 6mm + 1.414 \arrayrulewidth}
+ {\begin{NiceTabular} [ hvlines, corners=SE, baseline = line-9 ] { cccccccc }
+ \CodeBefore
+ \chessboardcolors{red!15}{blue!15}
+ \Body
+ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
+ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 \\
+ 1 & 3 & 6 & 10 & 15 & 21 \\
+ 1 & 4 & 10 & 20 & 35 \\
+ 1 & 5 & 15 & 35 \\
+ 1 & 6 & 21 \\
+ 1 & 7 \\
+ 1
+ \end{NiceTabular}}
+The successive versions of the file |nicematrix.sty| provided by TeXLive are available on the
+\textsc{svn} server of TeXLive:\par\nobreak
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.18 and 6.19}
+The command |\tabularnote| now supports an optional argument (between square
+brackets) to change the symbol of the reference of the note.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.17 and 6.18}
+New key |opacity| in the commands to color cells, rows and columns.
+New key |rounded-corners| for a whole tabular.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.16 and 6.17}
+New PGF/Tikz style |nicematrix/cell-node|.
+New key |pgf-node-code|
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.15 and 6.16}
+It's now possible to put any LaTeX extensible delimiter (|\lgroup|, |\langle|,
+etc.) in the preamble of an environment with preamble (such as |{NiceArray}|)
+by prefixing them by |\left| and |\right|.
+New key |code| for the command |\SubMatrix| in the |\CodeAfter|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.14 and 6.15}
+New key |transparent| for the command |\Block| (with that key, the rules are
+drawn within the block).
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.13 and 6.14}
+New keys for the command |\Block| for the vertical position of the content of
+that block.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.12 and 6.13}
+New environment |{TabularNote}| in |{NiceTabular}| with the same semantic as
+the key |tabularnote| (for legibility).
+The command |\Hline| nows accepts options (between square brackets).
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.11 and 6.12}
+New keys |caption|, |short-caption| and |label| in the environment
+In |{NiceTabular}|, a caption specified by the key |caption| is wrapped to the
+width of the tabular.
+Correction of a bug: it's now possible to use |\OverBrace| and |\UnderBrace|
+with \pkg{unicode-math} (with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX).
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.10 and 6.11}
+New key |matrix/columns-type| to specify the type of columns of the matrices.
+New key |ccommand| in |custom-line| and new command |\cdottedline|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.9 and 6.10}
+New keys |xdots/shorten-start| and |xdots/shorten-end|.
+It's possible to use |\line| in the |\CodeAfter| between two blocks (and not
+only two cells).
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.8 and 6.9}
+New keys |xdots/radius| and |xdots/inter| for customisation of the continuous
+dotted lines.
+New command |\ShowCellNames| available in the |\CodeBefore| and in the |\CodeAfter|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.7 and 6.8}
+In the notes of a tabular (with the command |\tabularnote|), the duplicates
+are now detected: when several commands |\tabularnote| are used with the same
+argument, only one note is created at the end of the tabular (but all the
+labels are present, of course).
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.6 and 6.7}
+Key |color| for |\OverBrace| and |\UnderBrace| in the |\CodeAfter|
+Key |tikz| in the key |borders| of a command |\Block|
+\subsection*{Changes between version 6.5 and 6.6}
+Keys |tikz| and |width| in |custom-line|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 6.4 and 6.5}
+Key |custom-line| in |\NiceMatrixOptions|.
+Key |respect-arraystretch|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 6.3 and 6.4}
+New commands |\UnderBrace| and |\OverBrace| in the |\CodeAfter|.
+Correction of a bug of the key |baseline| (cf. question 623258 on TeX StackExchange).
+Correction of a bug with the columns |V| of \pkg{varwidth}.
+Correction of a bug: the use of |\hdottedline| and |:| in the preamble of the
+array (of another letter specified by |letter-for-dotted-lines|) was
+incompatible with the key |xdots/line-style|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 6.2 and 6.3}
+Keys |nb-rows|, |rowcolor| and |bold| for the command |\RowStyle|
+Key |name| for the command |\Block|.
+Support for the columns |V| of \pkg{varwidth}.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 6.1 and 6.2}
+Better compatibility with the classes \cls{revtex4-1} and \cls{revtex4-2}.
+Key |vlines-in-sub-matrix|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 6.0 and 6.1}
+Better computation of the widths of the |X| columns.
+Key |\color| for the command |\RowStyle|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.19 and 6.0}
+Columns |X| and environment |{NiceTabularX}|.
+Command |\rowlistcolors| available in the |\CodeBefore|.
+In columns with fixed width, the blocks are composed as paragraphs (wrapping
+of the lines).
+The key |define-L-C-R| has been deleted.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.18 and 5.19}
+New key |tikz| for the command |\Block|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.17 and 5.18}
+New command |\RowStyle|
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.16 and 5.17}
+The key |define-L-C-R| (only available at load-time) now raises a (non fatal)
+Keys |L|, |C| and |R| for the command |\Block|.
+Key |hvlines-except-borders|.
+It's now possible to use a key |l|, |r| or |c| with the command
+|\pAutoNiceMatrix| (and the similar ones).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.15 and 5.16}
+It's now possible to use the cells corresponding to the contents of the nodes
+(of the form |i-j|) in the |\CodeBefore| when the key |create-cell-nodes| of
+that |\CodeBefore| is used. The medium and the large nodes are also available
+if the corresponding keys are used.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.14 and 5.15}
+Key |hvlines| for the command |\Block|.
+The commands provided by \pkg{nicematrix} to color cells, rows and columns
+don't color the cells which are in the ``corners'' (when the key |corner| is
+It's now possible to specify delimiters for submatrices in the preamble of an
+The version 5.15b is compatible with the version 3.0+ of \pkg{siunitx}
+(previous versions were not).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.13 and 5.14}
+Nodes of the form |(1.5)|, |(2.5)|, |(3.5)|, etc.
+Keys |t| and |b| for the command |\Block|.
+Key |corners|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.12 and 5.13}
+New command |\arraycolor| in the |\CodeBefore| (with its key
+New key |borders| for the command |\Block|.
+New command |\Hline| (for horizontal rules not drawn in the blocks).
+The keys |vlines| and |hlines| takes in as value a (comma-separated) list of
+numbers (for the rules to draw).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.11 and 5.12}
+Keywords |\CodeBefore| and |\Body| (alternative syntax to the key
+New key |delimiters/max-width|.
+New keys |hlines|, |vlines| and |hvlines| for the command |\SubMatrix| in the
+New key |rounded-corners| for the command |\Block|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.10 and 5.11}
+It's now possible, in the |code-before| and in the |\CodeAfter|, to use the
+syntax \verb+|(i-|j)+ for the Tikz node at the intersection of the (potential)
+horizontal rule number~$i$ and the (potential) vertical rule number~$j$.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.9 and 5.10}
+New command |\SubMatrix| available in the |\CodeAfter|.
+It's possible to provide options (between brackets) to the keyword |\CodeAfter|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.8 and 5.9}
+Correction of a bug: in the previous versions, it was not possible to use the
+key |line-style| for the continuous dotted lines when the Tikz library |babel|
+was loaded.
+New key |cell-space-limits|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.7 and 5.8}
+Keys |cols| and |restart| of the command |\rowcolors| in the |code-before|.
+Modification of the behaviour of |\\| in the columns of type |p|, |m| or |b|
+(for a behaviour similar to the environments of \pkg{array}).
+Better error messages for the command |\Block|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.6 and 5.7}
+New key |delimiters-color|
+Keys |fill|, |draw| and |line-width| for the command |\Block|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.5 and 5.6}
+Different behaviour for the mono-row blocks.
+New command |\NotEmpty|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.4 and 5.5}
+The user must never put |\omit| before |\CodeAfter|.
+Correction of a bug: the tabular notes |\tabularnotes| were not composed when
+present in a block (except a mono-column block).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.3 and 5.4}
+Key |tabularnote|.
+Different behaviour for the mono-column blocks.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.2 and 5.3}
+Keys |c|, |r| and |l| for the command |\Block|.
+It's possible to use the key |draw-first| with |\Ddots| and |\Iddots| to
+specify which dotted line will be drawn first (the other lines will be drawn
+parallel to that one if parallelization is activated).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.1 and 5.2}
+The vertical rules specified by \verb+|+ or \verb+||+ in the preamble respect
+the blocks.
+Key |respect-blocks| for |\rowcolors| (with a \emph{s}) in the |code-before|.
+The variable |\g_nicematrix_code_before_tl| is now public.
+The key |baseline| may take in as value an expression of the form
+\textsl{line-i} to align the |\hline| in the row \textsl{i}.
+The key |hvlines-except-corners| may take in as value a list of corners (eg: NW,SE).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 5.0 and 5.1}
+The vertical rules specified by \verb+|+ in the preamble are not broken by
+|\hline\hline| (and other).
+Environment |{NiceTabular*}|
+Command |\Vdotsfor| similar to |\Hdotsfor|
+The variable |\g_nicematrix_code_after_tl| is now public.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 4.4 and 5.0}
+Use of the standard column types |l|, |c| and |r| instead of |L|, |C| and |R|.
+It's now possible to use the command |\diagbox| in a |\Block|.
+Command |\tabularnote|
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 4.3 and 4.4}
+New key |hvlines-except-corners| (now deprecated).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 4.2 and 4.3}
+The horizontal centering of the content of a |\Block| is correct even when an
+instruction such as |!{\qquad}| is used in the preamble of the array.
+It's now possible to use the command |\Block| in the ``last row''.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 4.1 and 4.2}
+It's now possible to write |\begin{pNiceMatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pNiceMatrix}^2|
+with the expected result.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 4.0 and 4.1}
+New keys |cell-space-top-limit| and |cell-space-bottom-limit|
+New command |\diagbox|
+The key |hvline| don't draw rules in the blocks (commands |\Block|) and in the
+virtual blocks corresponding to the dotted lines.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 3.15 and 4.0}
+New environment |{NiceTabular}|
+Commands to color cells, rows and columns with a perfect result in the \textsc{pdf}.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 3.14 and 3.15}
+It's possible to put labels on the dotted lines drawn by |\Ldots|, |\Cdots|,
+|\Vdots|, |\Ddots|, |\Iddots|, |\Hdotsfor| and the command |\line| in the
+|code-after| with the tokens |_| and |^|.
+The option |baseline| is now available in all the environments of
+\pkg{nicematrix}. Before, it was available only in |{NiceArray}|.
+New keyword |\CodeAfter| (in the environments of \pkg{nicematrix}).
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 3.13 and 3.14}
+Correction of a bug (question 60761504 on |stackoverflow|).
+Better error messages when the user uses |&| or |\\| when |light-syntax| is in
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 3.12 and 3.13}
+The behaviour of the command |\rotate| is improved when used in the ``last
+The option |dotted-lines-margin| has been renamed in |xdots/shorten| and the
+options |xdots/color| and |xdots/line-style| have been added for a complete
+customisation of the dotted lines.
+In the environments without preamble (|{NiceMatrix}|, |{pNiceMatrix}|, etc.),
+it's possible to use the options |l| (=|L|) or |r| (=|R|) to specify the type
+of the columns.
+The code of \pkg{nicematrix} no longer uses Tikz but only \textsc{pgf}. By
+default, Tikz is \emph{not} loaded by \pkg{nicematrix}.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 3.11 and 3.12}
+Command |\rotate| in the cells of the array.
+Options |vlines|, |hlines| and |hvlines|.
+Option |baseline| pour |{NiceArray}| (not for the other environments).
+The name of the Tikz nodes created by the command |\Block| has changed: when
+the command has been issued in the cell $i$|-|$j$, the name is
+$i$|-|$j$|-block| and, if the creation of the ``medium nodes'' is required, a
+node $i$|-|$j$|-block-medium| is created.
+If the user tries to use more columns than allowed by its environment, an error
+is raised by nicematrix (instead of a low-level error).
+The package must be loaded with the option |obsolete-environments| if we want
+to use the deprecated environments.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 3.10 and 3.11}
+Correction of a bug linked to |first-row| and |last-row|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.9 and 3.10}
+New option |light-syntax| (and |end-of-row|).
+New option |dotted-lines-margin| for fine tuning of the dotted lines.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.8 and 3.9}
+New commands |\NiceMatrixLastEnv| and |\OnlyMainNiceMatrix|.
+New options |create-medium-nodes| and |create-large-nodes|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.7 and 3.8}
+New programmation for the command |\Block| when the block has only one row.
+With this programmation, the vertical rules drawn by the specifier
+``\verb+|+'' at the end of the block is actually drawn. In previous versions,
+they were not because the block of one row was constructed with
+An error is raised when an obsolete environment is used.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.6 and 3.7}
+The four ``corners'' of the matrix are correctly protected against the four
+codes: |code-for-first-col|, |code-for-last-col|, |code-for-first-row| and
+New command |\pAutoNiceMatrix| and its variants (suggestion of Christophe
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.5 and 3.6}
+LaTeX counters |iRow| and |jCol| available in the cells of the array.
+Addition of |\normalbaselines| before the construction of the array: in
+environments like |{align}| of \pkg{amsmath} the value of |\baselineskip| is
+changed and if the options |first-row| and |last-row| were used in an
+environment of \pkg{nicematrix}, the position of the delimiters was wrong.
+A warning is written in the |.log| file if an obsolete environment is used.
+There is no longer artificial errors |Duplicate~name| in the environments of
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.4 and 3.5}
+Correction on a bug on the two previous versions where the |code-after| was
+not executed.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.3 and 3.4}
+Following a discussion on TeX StackExchange\footnote{cf.
+optimization of Tikz externalization is disabled in the environments of
+\pkg{nicematrix} when the class \cls{standalone} or the package
+\pkg{standalone} is used.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.2 and 3.3}
+The options |first-row|, |last-row|, |first-col| and |last-col| are now
+available in the environments |{NiceMatrix}|, |{pNiceMatrix}|,
+|{bNiceMatrix}|, etc.
+The option |columns-width=auto| doesn't need any more a second compilation.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.1 and 3.2 (and 3.2a)}
+Option |small|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 3.0 and 3.1}
+Command |\Block| to draw block matrices.
+Error message when the user gives an incorrect value for |last-row|.
+The vertical rules in the matrices (drawn by ``\verb+|+'') are now compatible with
+the color fixed by \pkg{colortbl}.
+Correction of a bug: it was not possible to use the colon ``|:|'' in the
+preamble of an array when |pdflatex| was used with \pkg{french-babel} (because
+\pkg{french-babel} activates the colon in the beginning of the document).
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.3 and 3.0}
+Modification of |\Hdotsfor|. Now |\Hdotsfor| erases the |\vlines| (of ``\verb+|+'')
+as |\hdotsfor| does.
+Composition of exterior rows and columns on the four sides of the matrix (and
+not only on two sides) with the options |first-row|, |last-row|, |first-col|
+and |last-col|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.2.1 and 2.3}
+Compatibility with the column type |S| of \pkg{siunitx}.
+Option |hlines|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.2 and 2.2.1}
+Improvment of the vertical dotted lines drawn by the specifier ``:'' in the
+Modification of the position of the dotted lines drawn by |\hdottedline|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.1.5 and 2.2}
+Possibility to draw horizontal dotted lines to separate rows with the command
+|\hdottedline| (similar to the classical command |\hline| and the command
+|\hdashline| of \pkg{arydshln}).
+Possibility to draw vertical dotted lines to separate columns with the
+specifier ``|:|'' in the preamble (similar to the classical specifier
+``\verb+|+'' and the specifier ``|:|'' of \pkg{arydshln}).
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.1.4 and 2.1.5}
+Compatibility with the classes \cls{revtex4-1} and \cls{revtex4-2}.
+Option |allow-duplicate-names|.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.1.3 and 2.1.4}
+Replacement of some options |O { }| in commands and environments defined with
+\pkg{xparse} by |! O { }| (because a recent version of \pkg{xparse} introduced
+the specifier |!| and modified the default behaviour of the last optional
+See ||
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.1.2 and 2.1.3}
+When searching the end of a dotted line from a command like |\Cdots| issued in
+the ``main matrix'' (not in the exterior column), the cells in the exterior
+column are considered as outside the matrix. That means that it's possible to
+do the following matrix with only a |\Cdots| command (and a single |\Vdots|).
+& C_j & \\
+\mbox{\Large $0$} & \Vdots & \mbox{\Large $0$} \\
+\strut & a & \Cdots & L_i \\
+\mbox{\Large $0$} & & \mbox{\Large $0$} \\
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.1 and 2.1.1}
+Small corrections: for example, the option |code-for-first-row| is now
+available in the command |\NiceMatrixOptions|.
+Following a discussion on
+TeX StackExchange\footnote{cf.
+Tikz externalization is now deactivated in the environments of the
+package \pkg{nicematrix}.\footnote{Before this version, there was an error
+when using \pkg{nicematrix} with Tikz externalization. In any case, it's not
+possible to externalize the Tikz elements constructed by \pkg{nicematrix}
+because they use the options |overlay| and |remember picture|.}
+\subsection*{Changes between version 2.0 and 2.1}
+New implementation of the environment |{pNiceArrayRC}|. With this new
+implementation, there is no restriction on the width of the columns.
+The package \pkg{nicematrix} no longer loads \pkg{mathtools} but only
+Creation of ``medium nodes'' and ``large nodes''.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 1.4 and 2.0}
+The versions 1.0 to 1.4 of \pkg{nicematrix} were focused on the continuous
+dotted lines whereas the version 2.0 of \pkg{nicematrix} provides different
+features to improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices.
+\subsection*{Changes between version 1.3 and 1.4}
+The column types |w| and |W| can now be used in the environments
+|{NiceArray}|, |{pNiceArrayC}| and its variants with the same meaning as in
+the package \pkg{array}.
+New option |columns-width| to fix the same width for all the columns of the
+\subsection*{Changes between version 1.2 and 1.3}
+New environment |{pNiceArrayC}| and its variants.
+Correction of a bug in the definition of |{BNiceMatrix}|, |{vNiceMatrix}| and
+|{VNiceMatrix}| (in fact, it was a typo).
+Options are now available locally in |{pNiceMatrix}| and its variants.
+The names of the options are changed. The old names were names in ``camel
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 1.1 and 1.2}
+New environment |{NiceArray}| with column types |L|, |C| and |R|.
+\subsection*{Changes between versions 1.0 and 1.1}
+The dotted lines are no longer drawn with Tikz nodes but with Tikz circles
+(for efficiency).
+Modification of the code which is now twice faster.
+% \endinput
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-fold-mode: t
+% TeX-fold-preserve-comments: nil
+% fill-column: 80
+% End: