path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mycv/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mycv/')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mycv/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mycv/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58f335043a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mycv/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright 2012 Ghersi Andrea (
+# This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version
+# 1.3c, available at ''.
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# $Id: 83 2012-05-10 17:21:40Z ghangenit $
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Path;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+# hashes with errors and warnings messages
+my %errors = (
+ OME => "$0: ERROR opening <%s> in output mode (CWD: %s): %s\n",
+ IME => "$0: ERROR opening <%s> in input mode (CWD: %s): %s\n",
+ NIF => "$0: ERROR: no input file provided!\nUse the option <-i infile>.\n",
+ NOD => "$0: ERROR: no output dir. provided!\nUse the option <-o outdir>.\n",
+ IOE => "$0: ERROR: input file and output dir are the same!\n"
+my %warnings = (
+ NVC => "WARNING:: <%s> is not recognized as a valid component!\n" .
+ "A component can only be 'header', 'body' or 'footer'.\n"
+my $outdir = 'Contents'; # default output dir
+my $infile = 'cv_contents.tex'; # default input file
+my $cwd = getcwd(); # current directory
+my %opt = (); # hash for options
+sub _usage()
+ print STDERR << "EOF";
+ Usage: $0 [-h] [-e] [-i infile] [-o outdir] [-m modelfile]
+ Version <1.0>
+ Options:
+ ========
+ -o outdir \t : uses <outdir> as output dir {default: 'Contents'}
+ -m mdlfile \t : writes basic model directives to the <mdlfile> file
+ -i infile \t : uses <infile> as input file {default: 'cv_contents.tex'}
+ -e \t : keeps file names extension in model directives
+ -h \t : this help message
+ Examples:
+ =========
+ 1) Splits the input file 'cv_contents.tex' into multiple files (they
+ will be created in the directory 'Contents'), as specified in the
+ file itself - the input file is not modified:
+ [$0 -i cv_contents.tex]
+ 2) As above but, in addiction, a basic model file (model-spl.tex) for
+ multiple files is created (in the model directives, the file names
+ extension will be removed):
+ [$0 -i cv_contents.tex -m model-spl.tex]
+ 3) As above, but file names in the model directives will keep their
+ own extension:
+ [$0 -i cv_contents.tex -m model-spl.tex -e]
+ exit 0;
+sub mcdie { printf STDERR @_, $!; exit 1; }
+sub processCommandLine()
+ GetOptions (
+ 'o=s' => \$opt{o}, 'i=s' => \$opt{i},
+ 'm=s' => \$opt{m}, 'h' => \$opt{h},
+ 'e' => \$opt{e}
+ ) or _usage();
+ $opt{h} and _usage();
+ _usage() if ( $#ARGV > -1 );
+ _dealWithInOutFiles();
+ return \%opt;
+sub _dealWithInOutFiles
+ $opt{o} and $outdir = $opt{o};
+ $opt{i} and $infile = $opt{i};
+ if ( $infile eq "" ){ die $errors{NIF} }
+ if ( $outdir eq "" ){ die $errors{NOD} }
+ if ( $infile eq $outdir ){ die $errors{IOE} }
+ $opt{outdir} = $outdir;
+ $opt{infile} = $infile;
+sub fileprocess ($)
+ my $cmdoptions = shift;
+ my $outdir = $cmdoptions->{'outdir'};
+ my $linehook = '###';
+ my %components;
+ my $sep = '::';
+ open INFILE, $cmdoptions->{'infile'} or
+ mcdie( $errors{IME}, $cmdoptions->{'infile'}, $cwd );
+ mkpath($outdir);
+ (-d $outdir) or mcdie( $errors{OME}, $outdir, $cwd );
+ while ( my $line = <INFILE> )
+ {
+ my @info; my $ctype='';
+ if ( $line =~ /$linehook/ )
+ {
+ @info = split(/$sep/, $line);
+ $ctype=$info[2]; # contains the component type (header,...)
+ chomp($ctype);
+ if ( $info[2] )
+ {
+ if ( $ctype =~ /header/ ) { push (@{$components{h}}, $line) }
+ elsif ( $ctype =~ /body/ ){ push (@{$components{b}}, $line) }
+ elsif ( $ctype =~ /footer/ ){ push (@{$components{f}}, $line) }
+ else { printf STDERR $warnings{NVC}, $ctype }
+ }
+ if ( $info[1] ) # contains the file name to write
+ {
+ open OUTFILE, '>', "$outdir/$info[1]" or
+ mcdie( $errors{OME}, $info[1], $cwd );
+ while ( $line = <INFILE> )
+ {
+ if ( $line =~ /$linehook/ )
+ {
+ close OUTFILE;
+ }
+ else { print OUTFILE $line } # write to file
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close INFILE;
+ if ( $cmdoptions->{'m'} )
+ {
+ open OUTFILE, '>', $cmdoptions->{'m'} or
+ mcdie( $errors{OME}, $cmdoptions->{'m'}, $cwd );
+ for my $key ( keys %components )
+ {
+ if ( $key eq "b" ) { print OUTFILE "\\def\\bodylayoutlist{%\n" }
+ elsif ( $key eq "h" ) { print OUTFILE "\\def\\headerlayoutlist{%\n" }
+ elsif ( $key eq "f" ) { print OUTFILE "\\def\\footerlayoutlist{%\n" }
+ my @info; my $cnt=0; my $fname='';
+ while ( $components{$key}[$cnt] )
+ {
+ @info = split(/$sep/, $components{$key}[$cnt]);
+ $cnt++;
+ $fname=$info[1];
+ if ( !$cmdoptions->{'e'} ){ $fname =~ s{\.[^.]+$}{} }
+ if ( $info[1] ){ chomp($fname); print OUTFILE " $fname@" }
+ if ( $info[3] ){ chomp($info[3]); print OUTFILE ":$info[3]" }
+ print OUTFILE ",\n";
+ }
+ print OUTFILE "}\n";
+ }
+ close OUTFILE;
+ }
+## MAIN
+fileprocess( processCommandLine() ); \ No newline at end of file