path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mycv/Doc/Chapters/Fundamentals.tex
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- ``Computer programming is an art, because it applies
- accumulated knowledge to the world, because it
- requires skill and ingenuity, and especially because
- it produces objects of beauty''
-The main goal of this class (\classname) is to give support for creating \textit{curriculum
-vit\ae{}} (\CV) with different layouts, allowing easy switching among them.
-%That is primarily the goal this class focus on.
-The class also provides basic support for using the \textit{TikZ} decorations and defines a bunch
-of commands for managing the contents of a \CV, though that is not its primary goal.
-%\classname, in fact, mainly focus on switching from different curriculum layouts,
-%rather than handling the curriculum contents.
-On \keyword{CTAN} archives, there are available various \CV packages more
-\textit{contents-oriented}, as it were, and they may be used together with this class.
-%providing missing contents functionality.
-Before starting to describe the class more in details, it goes without saying that any advice or
-constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
-\section{Class files}
-The class \classname is composed by six files. A short brief of each one is given here:
- \item \ctext{mycv.cls}
- \begin{myindent}
- it is the main file and, basically, handles the class options~\myref{sec:class-options} as
- well as the inclusion of all other files, except for \textit{mycv\_version.def};
- \end{myindent}
- \item \ctext{mycv\_base.def}
- \begin{myindent}
- it contains all the commands and definitions dealing with the layout components of a
- \CV~\myref{sec:layout-components}: it is the core file;
- \end{myindent}
- \item \ctext{mycv\_style.sty}
- \begin{myindent}
- it contains the default style commands~\myref{sub:style-commands} provided by the class: if
- the default style is not used, %~\myref{sec:class-options}
- this file will not be included by \textit{mycv.cls};
- \end{myindent}
- \item \ctext{mycv\_dec.sty}
- \begin{myindent}
- it contains the decoration commands~\myref{sub:decoration-commands} provided by the class: if
- decorations are not enabled%
- %~\myref{sec:class-options}
- , this file will not be included by \textit{mycv.cls};
- \end{myindent}
- \item \ctext{mycv\_misc.def}\hspace{5pt}and\hspace{5pt}\ctext{mycv\_version.def}
- \begin{myindent}
- they respectively contain some miscellaneous commands and the version string.
- \end{myindent}
-\section {Layout components}
-This class considers a \textit{curriculum vit\ae{}} as logically divided into three main components:
-\textit{header}, \textit{body} and \textit{footer}.
-To each of these ones, a list, that basically contains some sub-components, is associated; files
-with the \CV contents are also considered sub-components.
-For these reasons, we can actually say that \classname uses a sort of \textit{list-driven} approach.
-\subsection{Main components}
-\classname recognizes the following three lists that, for all intends and purposes, are a concrete
-representation of the main logical components:
-It is mandatory, for the correct behavior of the class, to not change the above list's names. In
-the case a component is not required, the relative list may be omitted: for example, if a \CV does
-not have a footer component, the list \textit{footerlayoutlist} is not strictly necessary.\\
-What follows is an example of a list definition:\codeskip
-We previously said that \classname is based on three main components (\textit{header},
-\textit{body} and \textit{footer}) and that each of these ones are represented by a list. A list
-(therefore a main component), in turn, may have one or more sub-component, separated by
-a comma, which are identified as follows:
- \item \texttt{\ctext{Main}[Header|Body|Footer]\ctext{PageBegin}};
- \item \texttt{\ctext{Main}[Header|Body|Footer]\ctext{PageEnd}};
- \item \texttt{\ctext[blue]{Sub}[Header|Body|Footer]\ctext[blue]{PageBegin}};
- \item \texttt{\ctext[blue]{Sub}[Header|Body|Footer]\ctext[blue]{PageEnd}};
- \item \texttt{\ctext[orange]{filename}} with the (partial) \CV contents.
-Both ``\verb|Main[...]PageBegin|'' and ``\verb|Sub[...]PageBegin|'' are \textit{minipages}; the
-difference is that the former have a default width of $100\%$ of the \textit{textwidth}
-macro, while that value is $44\text{-}45\%$ for the latter (it depends on the components type).
-% (for these notes does not really matter which is which).
-A \textit{filename} sub-component may either be the name of a file or a macro with it:
-depending on the case, the syntax slightly changes.%~\myreftwo{subsub:component-options}.
-\subsubsection{Sub-components options}
-Each sub-component, \textit{filename} included, may have associated options, with colons
-as separators, so that the syntax is something like:\codeskip
- $sub-component$:option1:option2:[...]
-If truth be told, each option already has its own separator, so colons are not strictly necessary
-and, as a separator, any other symbol may be used. If wanted, it is also possible to not have any
-separator at all, but this is not recommended if only for a matter of clarity.
-\medskip % in modo che si inizi nella pagina successiva
-Options for a sub-component are of different types, as listed below:
- \item <\optname{[pre\textbar post]cmd}\verb|:command1:command2:[...]|>\optdsep
- a sequence of commands is executed \textit{before}/\textit{after} the
- beginning or ending of a sub-component (\textit{filename} included).
- A command may have a sequence of arguments, separated by ``='',
- each of which can either be \textit{optional} or \textit{mandatory}.
- In total, the class recognizes four types of arguments:
- %, as it is possible to have $3$ different kinds of optional ones:
- \squishlist[0pt]
- \item \ctext[blue]{arg} (mandatory argument equivalent to \{arg\});
- \item \ctext[blue]{@arg} (optional argument equivalent to [arg]);
- \item \ctext[blue]{!arg} (optional argument equivalent to <arg>);
- \item \ctext[blue]{*} (optional argument equivalent to *).
- \squishend
- \item /\optname{m[l\textbar r]}\verb|<value>|/\hfill\opthsep{\small($1$)}\optvsep
- /\optname{endm[l\textbar r]}/\hfill\opthsep{\small($2$)}\optdsep
- changes the \textit{left}/\textit{right} margin of a text portion of a document, between
- option {\small($1$)} and option {\small($2$)}; in a typical usage, these options are
- associated with different sub-components, such as \verb|*PageBegin| and \verb|*PageEnd|.
- Each time the option {\small($1$)} is used, the option {\small($2$)} is also required
- for ending the margin modification, except for the \textit{filename}
- sub-component that automatically does that. Example (it moves the left margin to the
- right of $0.2$in):
- \begin{myindent}
- \texttt{%
- \ctext[\tmpcolor]{%
- % \% moves the left margin to the right of $0.2$in\\
- SubBodyPageBegin:</ml0.2in/>\\
- \omissis\\
- SubBodyPageEnd:</endml>}%
- }.
- \end{myindent}
- \item \verb|<width-value>|\optdsep
- sets the width of a sub-component in terms of \textit{textwidth} percentage.
- This option only exists for ``\verb|*PageBegin|`` sub-components. Example:
- \ctext[\tmpcolor]{\texttt{SubBodyPageBegin:<0.48>}}.
- \item /\optname{pagesize}\verb|<value>|/\optdsep
- sets the width of a sub-component, as the option above, but in terms of absolute reference
- (instead of \textit{textwidth} percentage). Also this option only exists for
- ``\verb|*PageBegin|`` sub-components. Example:
- \ctext[\tmpcolor]{\texttt{SubBodyPageBegin:/pagesize5.5in/}}.
- \item /\optname{pagebreak}/\optdsep
- permits to break two contiguous sub-components, aligning them one above the other, instead
- of side by side (that is the default behavior). This option only exists for
- ``\verb|*PageEnd|'' sub-components.
- Example: \ctext[\tmpcolor]{\texttt{SubBodyPageEnd:/pagebreak/}}.
- \item \optname{*}macroname\optvsep
- filename\optname{@}\optdsep
- \argname{macroname} is a macro expanding to the name of a file (with the \CV contents),
- while \argname{filename} is directly the name itself (the only \textit{non-alphanumeric}
- characters allowed there are ``\_'' and ``-'').
- Example: \ctext[\tmpcolor]{\texttt{*headerfile}}, where the macro \textit{headerfile}
- is somewhere defined.
-\ifparchment\end{parchment}\fi \ No newline at end of file