path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/minim-hatching/
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1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/minim-hatching/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/minim-hatching/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6dcee18e28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/minim-hatching/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+%% This is the documentation of the minim-hatching pattern library. To typeset
+%% this file, say:
+%% luatex --fmt=minim-mp
+input minim-hatching
+% work around a bug: pdf.setnames will do nothing if this is not called at least once.
+\pdfextension names{} % (TODO: remove after bug is fixed).
+\font \titlf = {Latin Modern Roman Dunhill} at 12pt
+\font \mainf = {Latin Modern Roman Unslanted} at 10pt \mainf
+\parindent 0em \parskip 1em
+\rightskip 0em plus 2em
+ author {Esger Renkema}
+ title {minim-hatching}
+ date {2021-06-01}
+ version {2021/1.0}
+ keywords {MetaPost; tiling patterns}
+def makepage = path page; page = unitsquare xscaled 210mm yscaled 297mm;
+ setbounds currentpicture to page shifted (-7.1cm, 4cm-297mm); enddef;
+def xyscaled expr p = xscaled xpart p yscaled ypart p enddef;
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; save p; picture p;
+save w, h, o; (w, h, o) = (2cm, 1cm, 3mm);
+def table(expr n)(text i)(text t) =
+ for d = t : x := 0;
+ for s = i :
+ if d = "=" : draw label(s) shifted (x+o, y+o);
+ else: filldraw unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h shifted (x,y)
+ withpattern(scantokens(s&" "&d&n)); fi
+ x := x + w;
+ endfor
+ patname(d, n)
+ y := y - h;
+ endfor enddef;
+def double(expr l, r) = y:=y-h;
+ filldraw unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h shifted (0,y)
+ withpattern(scantokens(l));
+ filldraw unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h shifted (w,y)
+ withpattern(scantokens(r));
+ draw label(l) shifted(2w+o, y+o);
+ draw label(r) shifted(3w+o, y+o); enddef;
+vardef label(expr t)=
+ save p; picture p; p := scantokens ("btex "&t&"\strut etex;");
+ setbounds p to unitsquare xyscaled urcorner p; p enddef;
+def patname(expr n, s) =
+ if n <> "=" : draw label(n&s) shifted(x+o, y+o); fi enddef;
+def titl(expr t) =
+ p := label("\titlf "&t);
+ draw p shifted ((-2o, y+o) - lrcorner p); enddef;
+beginfig(1) y := 0;
+ titl("Introduction");
+ p := btex \vtop{\hsize=9cm\noindent
+ This is a small library of monochrome patterns for the minim-mp metapost processor.
+ Load the patterns by saying \par
+ \strut \qquad input minim-hatching;\par
+ at the top of your metapost file or instance.\par
+ I recommend printing this file, as patterns do not always display well on a computer screen.
+ } etex shifted (0,o);
+ draw p; y := y - ypart (urcorner p - lrcorner p) - h;
+ titl("Line patterns");
+ table(" lines")("", "dense")
+ ("=", "horizontal", "vertical", "upward", "downward", "broken");
+ titl("Zigzag patterns");
+ table("zigzag")("horizontal", "vertical")
+ ("=", "" );
+ titl("Grid patterns");
+ table(" grid")("", "dense")
+ ("=", "", "upward", "downward", "diagonal", "horizontal", "vertical");
+makepage endfig;
+verbatimtex \embedfile
+ global file {EUPL-1.2-EN.txt}
+ desc {Licence for this package (EUPL).}
+ name LICENCE mimetype text/plain
+ relation Unspecified uncompressed etex;
+beginfig(1) y := 0;
+ titl("Dot patterns");
+ table(" dots")("sparse", "", "dense")
+ ("=", "", "square", "diamond", "heavy", "square heavy", "diamond heavy");
+ titl("Cloth patterns");
+ double("knit", "purl")
+ double("weave", "dense weave")
+ double("stitches", "crosses")
+ double("chords", "tea cloth")
+ y:=y-h; titl("Circle patterns");
+ table("")("", "small")
+ ("=", "circles", "square circles", "hexagons", "scales");
+ titl("Stone patterns");
+ double("bricks", "tiles");
+ y:=y-2h; titl("Licence");
+ p := btex
+ \vtop{\hsize=9cm\noindent
+ This package may be distributed under the terms of the European Union Public
+ Licence (EUPL) version 1.2 or later. An english version of this licence has
+ been included as an attachment to this file; copies in other languages can be
+ obtained at
+ $$\hbox to \hsize{\hss\hyperlink
+ url {}\relax
+ } etex shifted (0,y+o);
+ draw p;
+makepage endfig;