path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.scales.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.scales.tex')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.scales.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.scales.tex
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+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Scales and Sizes}%
+Inside a defined map several size values and scaling options are
+available. Please note that due to the nature of the Mercator projection and several
+simplifying assumptions all specifications for map scale, map width, map height,
+etc. are imprecise in the best case and even misleading in the worst case.
+They are suited for representative diagrams,
+but not for critical navigation purposes etc.
+\subsection{Map Sizes and Document Sizes}
+ \TeX\ length denoting the document width of the current map.
+ \TeX\ length denoting the document width of the current map.
+ Scaling factor between map and real world.
+ A \TeX\ length given in |pt|, but stripped from that unit,
+ multiplied by \refCom{mrcscale} corresponds to a real world length
+ given in kilometers.
+ Note that this is \emph{not} the map scale.
+ Actually, it is reciprocal proportional to the map scale
+ and proportional to the map scale denominator, see \refCom{mrcmapscaledenominator}.
+ Computes a given \TeX\ \meta{length} (with unit) into the corresponding
+ real world length in kilometers (without unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map width: \mrctextokm{\mrctexwidth}\,km
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Computes a given \TeX\ \meta{length} (with unit) into the corresponding
+ real world length in miles (without unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map width: \mrctextomile{\mrctexwidth}\,mi
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Computes real world length \meta{number} in kilometers (without unit)
+ to a \TeX\ length (with unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ % draw a circle with radius 20km
+ \draw (mrcpos) circle (\mrckmtotex{20});
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Computes real world length \meta{number} in miles (without unit)
+ to a \TeX\ length (with unit).
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ % draw a circle with radius 20 miles
+ \draw (mrcpos) circle (\mrcmiletotex{20});
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map scale denominator.
+ \SI{1}{cm} on the map corresponds approximately to
+ \mbox{\refCom{mrcmapscaledenominator}$\cdot$\SI{1}{cm}} in the real world.
+ Do not confuse with \refCom{mrcscale}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map scale: 1:\mrcmapscaledenominator
+ \end{dispListing}
+\subsection{Pretty Size Output}
+ Approximate map scale given with three valid digits
+ with a representation like |1:1000|.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map scale: \mrcprettymapscale
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map width in kilometers (or meters) with three valid digits:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map width: \mrcprettymapwidth
+ \end{dispListing}
+ To create a pretty printing to your own liking, you can do like the
+ following:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \newcommand{\myprettymapwidth}{\SI[round-mode=figures,round-precision=3]%
+ {\mrctextokm{\mrctexwidth}}{km}}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map height in kilometers (or meters) with three valid digits:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map height: \mrcprettymapheight
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate map resolution in dpi (dots per inch):
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ Map resolution: \mrcprettymapresolution
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Approximate tile size inside the document (\TeX\ size) in millimeters:
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \TeX\ tile size: \mrcprettytilesize
+ \end{dispListing}
+ \mrcNPdef{rome}{41.89300}{12.48557}
+ \mermapset{named flex scale=2000000:rome}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference, named position=rome, source=topplusopen web,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=10cm]{scales_example}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (\mrcNPcs{rome}) circle (\mrckmtotex{50});
+ \node[above] at ([yshift=\mrckmtotex{50}]\mrcNPcs{rome}) {\SI{50}{km}};
+ \node[above right,fill=white,fill opacity=0.5,text opacity=1,align=center,
+ line width=0pt, inner sep=2mm]
+ at (mrcmap.south west) { \begin{tabular}{rl}
+ scale: & \mrcprettymapscale\\
+ map width: & \mrcprettymapwidth\\
+ map height: & \mrcprettymapheight\\
+ \TeX\ tile size: & \mrcprettytilesize\\
+ resolution: & \mrcprettymapresolution
+ \end{tabular}\\
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=100]
+ \path[every node/.style={above,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.north west) -- (mrcscalebar.north east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.2]{20} node[pos=0.4]{40} node[pos=0.6]{60}
+ node[pos=0.8]{80} node[pos=1]{100} node[pos=1,right,yshift=-1mm]{km};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ };
+\subsection{Scale Bars}
+ Draws a scale bar according to the given \meta{options}.
+ All \meta{options} share the common prefix |/mermap/scalebar/|.
+ The most essential option is the \emph{width} of the scale bar.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar1}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{vienna}{48.208333}{16.373056}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=\linewidth, tex height=4cm, target=none,
+ type=areafit, area={munich,vienna}, flex area fit=2cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcmarker{named position=munich, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=vienna, contents={Wien}}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=100, solid,
+ at={([xshift=-10mm,yshift=5mm]mrcmap.south east)},
+ placement={above left}, ]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+ The size, position, and appearance of the scale bar can be customized by
+ setting the various \meta{options}. The shape of the scale bar
+ is denoted by a \tikzname\ node \docNode{mrcscalebar} which can be used
+ for lettering.
+ \enlargethispage*{1cm}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar2}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{vienna}{48.208333}{16.373056}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=\linewidth, tex height=4cm, target=none,
+ type=areafit, area={munich,vienna}, flex area fit=2cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcmarker{named position=munich, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=vienna, contents={Wien}}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=100,solid,south-west-inside=10mm;3mm ]
+ \path[every node/.style={above,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.north west) -- (mrcscalebar.north east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.2]{20} node[pos=0.4]{40} node[pos=0.6]{60}
+ node[pos=0.8]{80} node[pos=1]{100} node[pos=1,right,yshift=-1mm]{km};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-km}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in kilometers.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-kilometer}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Alias for \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/width-in-km}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-meter}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in meters.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-mile}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in miles.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/width-in-yard}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the width of the scale bar to match the real word length \meta{number}
+ in yards.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/partitions}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |5|}
+ Determines the \meta{number} of partitions for the scale bar. If \meta{number}
+ is set to 1, there is no partitioning.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/height}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |2mm|}
+ Sets the height of the scale bar to the given \TeX\ \meta{length}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/at}{=\marg{\tikzname\ coordinate}}{no default,
+ initially \texttt{\brackets{(0,0)}}}
+ The scale bar is positioned at the given \meta{\tikzname\ coordinate}.
+ The placement is done with the \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/placement} option.
+ Both option correspond to the \tikzname\ options for positioning nodes.
+ The scale bar can be positioned outside the map (e.g. below), but
+ remember to use \refCom{mrcclipmap} \emph{after} the scale bar
+ in this case, if needed.
+% \begin{dispListing}
+% \mrcdrawscalebar[
+% at = {([xshift=-10mm,yshift=5mm]mrcmap.south east)},
+% placement = above left,
+% ]
+% \end{dispListing}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar3}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.137222}{11.575556}
+ \mrcNPdef{vienna}{48.208333}{16.373056}
+ \mrcmap[tex width=\linewidth, tex height=4cm, target=none,
+ type=areafit, area={munich,vienna}, flex area fit=2cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \mrcmarker{named position=munich, contents={M\"unchen}}
+ \mrcmarker{named position=vienna, contents={Wien}}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[width-in-km=200, partitions=8,
+ at={([xshift=5mm,yshift=-2mm]mrcmap.south west)},
+ placement=below right ]
+ \path[every node/.style={below,inner sep=0.5mm,font=\sffamily\tiny}]
+ (mrcscalebar.south west) -- (mrcscalebar.south east)
+ node[pos=0]{0} node[pos=0.25]{50} node[pos=0.5]{100} node[pos=0.75]{150}
+ node[pos=1]{200} node[pos=1,right,yshift=1mm]{km};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/placement}{=\meta{\tikzname\ positioning}}{no default, initially empty}
+ \meta{\tikzname\ positioning} of a scale bar in combination with
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/at}. All \tikzname\ placement options for nodes
+ can be used, e.g. \texttt{above left} or \texttt{anchor=mid west}, etc.
+ Actually, \emph{any} node option could be applied here, but the intended use
+ is for placement options only.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-east-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the south east corner of the map.
+ The optional \mbox{\meta{x shift}} and \meta{y shift} denote the
+ absolute shift values in each direction, i.e. the algebraic sign is
+ automatically complemented.
+ If only \meta{x shift} is given, then \meta{y shift} is set
+ to the same value. \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/at} and \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/placement}
+ are set by this option.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-east-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar below the south east corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-west-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the south west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/south-west-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar below the south west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-west-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the north west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-west-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar above the north west corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-east-inside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar at the north east corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/north-east-outside}{\colOpt{=\meta{x shift};\meta{y shift}}}{default |0pt;0pt|, initially unset}
+ Shortcut for placing the scale bar above the north east corner of the map.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/major style}{=\marg{\tikzname\ options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The \emph{major} part of the scale bar is a single \tikzname\ path object
+ which can be customized by the given \meta{\tikzname\ options}.
+ The \emph{major} part consists of the black area in the default case.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar4}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[scale=2000000, width-in-km=100,
+ major style={left color=red,right color=blue} ]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/minor style}{=\marg{\tikzname\ options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The \emph{minor} part of the scale bar is a single \tikzname\ path object
+ which can be customized by the given \meta{\tikzname\ options}.
+ The \emph{minor} part is seen as holes in the default case.
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/minor style} has only an effect, if
+ the minor part is drawn \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/solid}.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar5}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[scale=2000000, width-in-km=100, solid,
+ minor style={yellow} ]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/double}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ If set to |true|, the scale bar is drawn as a double ruler.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/single}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If set to |true|, the scale bar is drawn as a single ruler.
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/single} is inverse to \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/double}.
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{scales_scalebar6}
+ \begin{dispExample}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcdrawscalebar[scale=2000000, width-in-km=100, single, height=1mm]
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{dispExample}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/transparent}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ If set to |true|, the \emph{minor} part of the scale bar is drawn transparent,
+ i.e. as holes inside the ruler.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/solid}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If set to |true|, the \emph{minor} part of the scale bar is drawn opaque.
+ It is drawn white or according to \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/minor style}.
+ \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/solid} is inverse to \refKey{/mermap/scalebar/transparent}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{scalebar/scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}}{no default, initially unset}
+ Sets or overwrites the \meta{scale denominator} setting.
+ \textbf{Using this key is not needed and may even lead to erroneous displays
+ inside a |tikzpicture| with a defined map setting.}
+ This key is helpful, if a scale bar is used without a defined map.