path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.maptiles.tex
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+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% !TeX spellcheck=en_US
+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+\section{Automated Map Definition and Map Tiles}\label{sec:automated_map}%
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=3cm,minimum height=2cm,
+ align=center,fill=red!5,draw=red!50!gray}]
+\node (A) {Map Supply};
+\node[at=(A.east),right=8mm] (B) {Python Script};
+\node[at=(B.east),right=8mm] (C) {Map Apply};
+\node[at=(C.east),right=8mm] (D) {Map Drawing};
+\begin{scope}[->,very thick,Blue_Gray]
+\draw (A)--(B); \draw (B)--(C); \draw (C)--(D);
+As illustrated above, the script aided map definition is a process with
+several stages.
+\item Map Supply: \refCom{mrcsupplymap} is the replacement of the manual setup by
+ \refCom{mrcdefinemap}. Actually, it is quite similar to \refCom{mrcdefinemap}.
+ With \refCom{mrcsupplymap} directions for the following Python script
+ are formulated.
+\item Python Script: The script is executed by \refCom{mrcsupplymap} during
+ compilation. It does some coordinate system computations and downloads
+ map tiles from a Web server. Finally, it writes a map definition into
+ a file \meta{id}|.def|.
+\item Map Apply: \refCom{mrcapplymap} reads and applies the
+ map definition from \meta{id}|.def|.
+\item Map Drawing: Afterwards, the map can be drawn by \refCom{mrcdrawmap}
+ and other commands.
+A map can be applied more than once, e.g. reused later in the document.
+If this is not needed, map supply and map apply can be combined by
+\subsection{Script Activation}
+Remember to install Python beforehand, see \Fullref{sec:python}.
+ Use this inside the preamble of your document to activate the
+ accompanying Python script.
+ Without this command, the script is not executed!
+ If the document is final (or the maps are final),
+ this line could be removed and the document
+ should be compilable without script.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{python}{=\meta{python}}{no default, initially |python|}
+ Names the Python~3 interpreter as \meta{python}. If your Python~3 interpreter
+ is not called |python|, but e.g. |python3|, then use
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mermapset{python=python3}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\subsection{Map Types}
+Currently, there are three methods provided how a map is computed by the
+accompanying Python script. The technical background is documented in
+\item \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{reference}:
+ \tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=left,blankest,grow to left by=1cm]
+ {
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw,fill=yellow!10] (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[fill=red] (1.5,1) circle [radius=1mm];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }{
+ The default method determines the map dimensions from a reference
+ position and given document map dimensions.
+ Also, a zoom level \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}
+ is required which relates to the Web Mercator map tile covering of the Earth.
+ A higher zoom level gives a growing number of smaller map tiles.
+ Alternative to the zoom level, a \meta{scale denominator} can be provided
+ by \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area scale}, \refKey{/mermap/flex scale}
+ or \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale} which determines
+ the zoom level implicitly.
+ As default, the reference position is the center of the map, but can be
+ aligned at the map borders. This method is quite safe to use and could
+ be the preferred one for many applications like showing the neighborhood
+ of a route target.
+ Finding the best reference point for depicting a certain area could
+ be more tricky.
+ }
+\item \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{areafit}:
+ \tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=left,blankest,grow to left by=1cm]
+ {
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw,fill=yellow!10] (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw=red,line width=0.5mm] (0.2,0.5) rectangle (2.8,1.5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }
+ {
+ The map dimensions are determined by an area with
+ latitude and longitude boundaries which is fitted into given
+ document map dimensions. The zoom level is computed accordingly
+ for a fixed document tile size or by \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area fit}.
+ In any case, the map contains the target area plus some protrusion.
+ This method is also quite safe to use and may be
+ the preferred one for many applications like showing a map which contains
+ a bunch of markers (e.g. for locations of universities).
+ If the map borders are required to exactly meet the boundaries,
+ the third method can be regarded.
+ }
+\item \refKey{/mermap/supply/type}|=|\docValue{boundaries}:
+ \tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=left,blankest,grow to left by=1cm]
+ {
+ \tikzexternaldisable
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \path[draw=red,line width=0.5mm,fill=yellow!10] (0.2,0.5) rectangle (2.8,1.5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }{
+ The most obvious method determines the map dimensions from
+ latitude and longitude boundaries. For this, a corresponding zoom level
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}
+ is required which relates to the Web Mercator map tile covering of the Earth.
+ Alternative to the zoom level, a \meta{scale denominator} can be provided
+ by \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area scale}
+ or \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale} which determines
+ the zoom level implicitly.
+ Note that a too high zoom level imposes the risk of downloading an unwanted
+ high quantity of map tiles resulting in a much too large document map.
+ Therefore, this most obvious method is \emph{not recommended} for the
+ beginner and may be explored after some experience.
+ }
+\subsection{Map Supply}
+ The \meta{options} provide parameters for the Python~3 script to supply all
+ materials for a map.
+ All options share the common prefix |/mermap/supply/|.\par
+ The map is identified by\\
+ \meta{id}=\refKey{/mermap/definition prefix}+\meta{definition}\\
+ for later drawing.
+ This identifier \meta{id} has to be unique for the document.
+ It corresponds to generated files \meta{id}|.def|, \meta{id}|.md5|, and
+ possibly \meta{id}|.png|.
+ Do not use spaces or special characters like umlauts for \meta{definition}.
+ \par
+ If \refCom{mrcactivatescript} is used inside the preamble,
+ \refCom{mrcsupplymap} executes the Python~3 script, otherwise nothing happens.
+ Sets \meta{options} for all following maps inside the current \TeX\ group.
+ All options share the common prefix |/mermap/supply/|, e.g. for setting
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/type} use
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mermapsetsupply{type=reference}
+ \end{dispListing}
+ Also see \refCom{mermapset} and \refCom{mermapsetmarker}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{definition prefix}{=\meta{definition prefix}}{no default, initially |maps/|}
+ Prefix for map identifiers and generated map files, see \refCom{mrcsupplymap}
+ and \refCom{mrcapplymap}.
+ Note that \refKey{/mermap/definition prefix} is not to be used inside
+ the option list for \refCom{mrcsupplymap}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/type}{=\meta{type}}{no default, initially |reference|}
+ The \meta{type} defines the basic computation for the map. Feasible values are
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{reference}: \flqq map with reference position\frqq\\
+ The map is constructed from a given reference position
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/longitude},\\
+ a zoom level \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom},\\
+ map dimensions\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/width},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/height},\\
+ and alignment \refKey{/mermap/supply/align}.
+ \item\docValue{areafit}: \flqq map fitting an area\frqq\\
+ The map is constructed from a given area boundaries\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/east},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},\\
+ map dimensions\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/width},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/height},\\
+ and alignment \refKey{/mermap/supply/align}.
+ \item\docValue{boundaries}: \flqq map with boundaries\frqq\\
+ The map is constructed from given boundaries\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/east},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},\\
+ and zoom level \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/zoom}{=\meta{setup zoom}}{no default, initially |9|}
+ Map tile zoom factor alias $z$ coordinate of the map tiles.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/north}{=\meta{setup north latitude}}{no default, initially |50|}
+ Northern latitude degree, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere,
+ lower than $90$ but always larger than \refKey{/mermap/supply/south}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/south}{=\meta{setup south latitude}}{no default, initially |48|}
+ Southern latitude degree, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere,
+ larger than $-90$ but always lower than \refKey{/mermap/supply/north}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/west}{=\meta{setup west longitude}}{no default, initially |11|}
+ Western longitude degree, possibly negative for the western hemisphere,
+ possibly shifted periodically, but always lower than \refKey{/mermap/supply/east}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/east}{=\meta{setup east longitude}}{no default, initially |13|}
+ Eastern longitude degree, possibly negative for the western hemisphere,
+ possibly shifted periodically, but always larger than \refKey{/mermap/supply/west}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/area}{=\marg{comma separated list of named positions}}{no default}
+ Sets
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/east}
+ according to the given \meta{comma separated list of named positions}, i.e.
+ the described area contains all these positions.
+ Note that you need at least two points inside the list.
+ Also note to take special care, if the international dateline is on your
+ resulting map, see \Fullref{sec:dateline}.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/add area}{=\marg{comma separated list of named positions}}{no default}
+ Nearly identical to \refKey{/mermap/supply/area}, but
+ the given \meta{comma separated list of named positions}
+ does not reset the current area, i.e. the positions are added to the
+ current area which possibly grows to fit all positions.
+ Used for map types \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/area to reference}{}{no value, initially unset}
+ The map settings
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/north}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/south},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/west}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/east}
+ are taken to compute the map center. This center position is saved
+ to \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude} and \refKey{/mermap/supply/longitude}.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/latitude}{=\meta{setup latitude}}{no default, initially |49|}
+ Latitude degree of a reference point, possibly negative for the southern hemisphere.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/longitude}{=\meta{setup longitude}}{no default, initially |12|}
+ Longitude degree of a reference point, possibly negative for the western hemisphere.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/position}{=\meta{setup latitude}:\meta{setup longitude}}{no default, initially |49:12|}
+ Latitude degree and longitude of a reference point.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/named position}{=\meta{name}}{style, no default}
+ The \emph{named position} given by \meta{name} describes
+ a reference point, see \Fullref{sec:names_positions}.
+ Used for map type \docValue{reference}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/width}{=\meta{setup width in tiles}}{no default, initially |4|}
+ Width of the map as multiplicity of map tiles.
+ Used for map types \docValue{reference} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/tex width}{=\meta{width}}{style, no default}
+ Width of the map as \TeX\ dimension.
+ This is a style to compute \refKey{/mermap/supply/width} according to
+ the current \refKey{/mermap/tile size}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/height}{=\meta{setup height in tiles}}{no default, initially |4|}
+ Height of the map as multiplicity of map tiles.
+ Used for map types \docValue{reference} and \docValue{areafit}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/tex height}{=\meta{width}}{style, no default}
+ Height of the map as \TeX\ dimension.
+ This is a style to compute \refKey{/mermap/supply/height} according to
+ the current \refKey{/mermap/tile size}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/align}{=\meta{setup alignment}}{no default, initially |center|}
+ Alignment of reference point or area for map types \docValue{reference} and \docValue{areafit}.
+ Feasible values are
+ \docValue{northwest}, \docValue{north}, \docValue{northeast}, \docValue{west},
+ \docValue{center}, \docValue{east}, \docValue{southwest},\docValue{south}, \docValue{southeast}.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/target}{=\meta{setup target}}{no default, initially |tiles|}
+ Defines the type of output for the Python~3 script. Feasible values are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{none}: No tiles are downloaded and no merged map is generated, just map computation.
+ This is the fastest method and needs no tile supplier.
+ \item\docValue{tiles}: Download map tiles from a tile map service (TMS) \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}.
+ Compilation of a document with map tile takes longer than compilation
+ with a merged map and transparency should not be used with tiles,
+ but the resulting document is smaller than a document with merged maps.
+ \item\docValue{mergedmap}: Download map tiles from a tile map service (TMS)
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/url} and merge them into a single map picture.
+ This speeds compilation and allows transparency effects, but
+ the resulting document is possibly larger than a document with map tiles,
+ because map tiles often are optimized 8-bit image files while the merged
+ image is a 24-bit PNG file. Additionally, synergy effects of using the same map tiles
+ for different maps are lost.
+ Also, since the pixel map is clipped to full pixels, the resulting map
+ may differ (shift/size) from the more accurate tile representation by
+ one pixel.
+ \item\docValue{wmsmap}: Download a single map from a web map service (WMS)
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}. Internally, the package treats a WMS like
+ a tile map service including all tile calculations. Actually, a single
+ file is downloaded.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/url}{=\meta{setup URL}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Here, the url format with placeholder |{z}{x}{y}| for map tile download is defined.
+ \textbf{Be sure that you have the permission to download, save, and use
+ the map tiles from that URL. Illegal downloads are not endorsed in any
+ way.}
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ url={https://abc.efg.hij/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=12345678},
+ \end{dispListing}
+ See \Fullref{sec:maptileserver} for predefined URLs.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/url with api key}{=\marg{prefix}\marg{name}\marg{postfix}}{no default}
+ This is an alternative version of \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}.
+ The URL is constructed from some fixed \meta{prefix} and \meta{postfix} with
+ an API key in between. The API key is retrieved by \meta{name} from a
+ repository filled by \refCom{mrcsetapikey}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ url={https://abc.efg.hij/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=}{myservice}{},
+ \end{dispListing}
+ See \Fullref{sec:maptileserver} for predefined URLs.
+ Stores an API key \meta{value} for access with the given \meta{name}.
+ Typically, \meta{value} is a received ID from a map tile service provider
+ after personal registration. \meta{name} is a placeholder which is used
+ inside \refKey{/mermap/supply/url with api key} to mark the insertion
+ point for the API key.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcsetapikey{myservice}{....K942XY....}
+ \end{dispListing}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/attribution}{=\meta{attribution text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Attribution text for the map source. Typically, it acknowledges the copyright
+ of the map data provider. It may contain hyperlinks.
+ It is used to set up \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/attribution} afterwards
+ and it is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapattribution} (use read-only).\par
+ For technical reasons, do not use \verb+"+. \docAuxCommand{mrcumlaut}
+ may be used for masking umlauts, e.g. use \verb+\mrcumlaut{u}+ instead of
+ \verb+\"{u}+, but umlauts can also be used directly, e.g. as UTF-8 coded characters.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/attribution print}{=\meta{attribution text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Attribution text for the map source.
+ In contrast to \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution} it is intended for media
+ that does not support hyperlinks like printed posters, books, etc.
+ It is used to set up \refKey{/mermap/mapdef/attribution print} afterwards
+ and it is accessible as \docAuxCommand{mrcmapattributionprint} (use read-only).
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/basename}{=\meta{setup tile base name}}{no default, initially \texttt{tiles/tile}}
+ Prefix for local tile files, e.g. '|tiles/map|' for '|tiles/map_10_10_10.png|'.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/flex reference scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}}{no default}
+ With the given \meta{scale denominator}, an appropriate \refKey{/mermap/supply/zoom}
+ and \refKey{/mermap/tile size} is computed. Note that
+ the \meta{scale denominator}
+ always applies to the current \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude}
+ and is used for map type \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{reference}.
+ For example, if the reference point is on the north side of the map,
+ also the \meta{scale denominator}
+ applies to the most northern latitude.
+ Note to take special care to the order of the options.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The reference point has to be set \emph{before}
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}, e.g. by
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/latitude}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/position},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/named position}.
+ \item \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex height}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex width}
+ (only for map type \docValue{reference})
+ have to be set \emph{after} \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale},
+ because the \refKey{/mermap/tile size} is adapted.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Also see \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size}, \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom},
+ and \refKey{/mermap/flex scale}.
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.57,
+ flex reference scale=250000,
+ source=opentopomap,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=5cm]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+ \node[below left=2mm,align=right,fill=white,fill opacity=0.5,
+ text opacity=1] at (mrcmap.north east) {scale \mrcprettymapscale};
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/flex area scale}{=\meta{scale denominator}}{no default}
+ This is a shortcut for setting \refKey{/mermap/supply/area to reference}
+ and \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}=\meta{scale denominator}.
+ Used for map type \docValue{boundaries} and \docValue{reference}.
+ Note to take special care to the order of the options.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The reference point has to be set \emph{before}
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex area scale}.
+ \item \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex height}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/tex width}
+ (only for map type \docValue{reference})
+ have to be set \emph{after} \refKey{/mermap/supply/flex reference scale}.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/flex area fit}{\colOpt{=\meta{size}}}{default |0pt|}
+ This key can be used for map type \docValue{areafit} as \emph{final}
+ option \emph{after} all other options.
+ It applies a fine tuning to \refKey{/mermap/tile size},
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/width}, and \refKey{/mermap/supply/height} such
+ that the defined area fits exactly into the map region.
+ If a \meta{size} is specified, width and height are reduced for the
+ calculation by this \meta{size}, e.g. \meta{size}|=1cm| ensures a
+ border of |5mm| on each side.
+ Also see \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size} and \refKey{/mermap/flex zoom}.
+ \mrcNPdef{munich}{48.14}{11.58}
+ \mrcNPdef{rio}{-22.91}{-43.20}
+ \mrcNPdef{newyork}{40.71}{-74.01}
+ \mrcmap[ type = areafit, area = {munich,rio,newyork},
+ source=topplusopen web grau,
+ tex width=\linewidth, tex height=7cm,
+ flex area fit=1cm ]{}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \draw[yellow] ([xshift=5mm,yshift=5mm]mrcmap.south west) rectangle
+ ([xshift=-5mm,yshift=-5mm]mrcmap.north east);
+ \draw[red,fill=red!50!gray!50!white,fill opacity=0.25]
+ (\mrcNPcs{newyork}) -- (\mrcNPcs{rio}) -- (\mrcNPcs{munich}) -- cycle;
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/pixel}{=\meta{setup pixel size}}{no default, initially |256|}
+ Pixel width (and height) of a tile. It is especially needed for
+ target \docValue{mergedmap} and also \docValue{wmsmap}.
+ For \docValue{wmsmap}, it is multiplied with a pseudo tile calculation
+ to compute the actual picture size to download.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/dpi}{=\meta{dpi value}}{style, no default}
+ This style sets \refKey{/mermap/supply/pixel} such that the given \meta{dpi value}
+ is resulting (approximately).
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Note that this only applies for WMS Servers and not for
+ TMS (Tile Map Service) Servers,
+ because there \refKey{/mermap/supply/pixel} is a fixed number depending on
+ Server settings and cannot be chosen arbitrarily.
+ \item A high \meta{dpi value} results in large downloaded map files.
+ If the server does not provide a high resolution map, you will get
+ unnecessary large files with blurred content.
+ \item The \meta{dpi value} for TMS data can be changed by adapting
+ \refKey{/mermap/tile size} or \refKey{/mermap/flex tile size}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mrcmap[type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.57,
+ flex reference scale=250000,
+ source=topplusopen p250, target=wmsmap, dpi=300,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=5cm]{dpi_value}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \path[draw] (mrcmap.south west) rectangle (mrcmap.north east);
+\subsection{Map Apply}
+ A map which is supplied by \refCom{mrcsupplymap} is applied
+ inside a |tikzpicture| environment by
+ \refCom{mrcapplymap} where \meta{definition} identifies the map.
+ \refCom{mrcapplymap} replaces a manual setup by \refCom{mrcdefinemap}.
+ The same map can be applied more than once inside a document.
+ Note that applying a map does not mean to draw the map, but to prepare
+ everything for drawing.
+ This is a combination of
+ \refCom{mrcsupplymap} with the given \meta{options}
+ followed immediately by \refCom{mrcapplymap}.
+ If \meta{definition} is left empty, an automated unique identifier is
+ inserted.
+ If a map is to be used just once, \refCom{mrcmap} may be preferred.
+\subsection{Map Tile Server}\label{sec:maptileserver}
+To use map tiles with this package you obviously need access to a map tile server.
+Thanks to all the many contributors to
+map data is free for everyone to use.
+\textbf{But, map tile servers based on OpenStreetMap are not necessarily free}.
+A list of online raster tile servers based on OpenStreetMap data is found here:\\
+\item\bfseries I do not run a map tile server.
+\item I do not and cannot grant any permission to access a map tile server.
+\item I do not and cannot grant any permission to use map tiles in
+ private, academic, free, or commercial publications.
+\item All operators of map tile servers require to mention an attribution
+ for their maps.
+The following option allows easy usage of very few selected tile servers.
+The tile server of \href{}{OpenStreetMap}
+is not included because of its
+\href{}{Tile Usage Policy}.
+I am aware that the following list could be enlarged much more, but I do not
+want to add more to avoid any legal uncertainties.
+\item\bfseries I will remove an entry immediately, if the tile server operator
+ asks for it.
+\item\mdseries If \textbf{YOU} operate a tile server and you want an entry here, I would be
+ glad to add it to the following list.
+\begin{docMrcKey}{supply/source}{=\meta{source}}{style, no default}
+ This style sets \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution print} and \refKey{/mermap/supply/basename}.\\
+ Feasible values for \meta{source} are:
+ %\mermapset{tile size=3.2512cm}
+ \newcommand{\mapexample}[3][]{%
+ \begingroup
+ \mermapset{supply/source=#2}%
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Required attribution (\docAuxCommand{mrcmapattribution}):
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[sharp corners,size=fbox,colback=yellow!8,colframe=yellow!80!gray,halign=flush left]
+ \mrcmapattribution\end{tcolorbox}
+ \item Required attribution for media without hyperlinks (\docAuxCommand{mrcmapattributionprint}):
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[sharp corners,size=fbox,colback=yellow!8,colframe=yellow!80!gray,halign=flush left]
+ \mrcmapattributionprint\end{tcolorbox}
+ %\par\smallskip\
+ \end{itemize}
+ \endgroup\par\smallskip\tikzsetnextfilename{maptiles_#3}%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap[source=#2,
+ type=reference,latitude=48.14,longitude=11.58,zoom=7,
+ tex width=\linewidth,tex height=2cm,#1]{#3}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[below,font=\fontsize{7pt}{7pt}\sffamily] at (mrcmap.south)
+ {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \end{tikzpicture}\par%
+ }%
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{dummy}:\\
+ Dummy tile server at loopback || for test purposes.
+ \item\docValue{opentopomap}:\\
+ Tile server (TMS) of \href{}{OpenTopoMap}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{opentopomap}{opentopomap}
+ \item\docValue{openrouteservice mapsurfer}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{OpenRouteService}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{openrouteservice}}\marg{api-key}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}\\
+ API documentation: \url{}
+ \mapexample{openrouteservice mapsurfer}{openrouteservice_mapsurfer}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain}{stamen_terrain}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain-background}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain-background}{stamen_terrain-background}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain-labels}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain-labels}{stamen_terrain-labels}
+ \item\docValue{stamen terrain-lines}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen terrain-lines}{stamen_terrain-lines}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner}{stamen_toner}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-lite}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-lite}{stamen_toner-lite}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-hybrid}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-hybrid}{stamen_toner-hybrid}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-background}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-background}{stamen_toner-background}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-labels}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-labels}{stamen_toner-labels}
+ \item\docValue{stamen toner-lines}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen toner-lines}{stamen_toner-lines}
+ \item\docValue{stamen watercolor}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Stamen Design}.\\
+ Usage: \url{}
+ \mapexample{stamen watercolor}{stamen_watercolor}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest opencyclemap}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest opencyclemap}{thunderforest_opencyclemap}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest transport}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest transport}{thunderforest_transport}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest landscape}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest landscape}{thunderforest_landscape}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest outdoors}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest outdoors}{thunderforest_outdoors}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest transport-dark}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest transport-dark}{thunderforest_transport-dark}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest spinal-map}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest spinal-map}{thunderforest_spinal-map}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest pioneer}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest pioneer}{thunderforest_pioneer}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest mobile-atlas}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest mobile-atlas}{thunderforest_mobile-atlas}
+ \item\docValue{thunderforest neighbourhood}:\\
+ Tile server of \href{}{Thunderforest}.\\
+ A registered \meta{api-key} is needed (free plan available)
+ which is applied by\\
+ \refCom{mrcsetapikey}\brackets{\docValue{thunderforest}}\marg{api-key}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Usage: \url{}
+ \item API documentation: \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{thunderforest neighbourhood}{thunderforest_neighbourhood}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen web}:\\
+ Tile server (TMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Covers world / Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{topplusopen web}{topplusopen_web}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen web grau}:\\
+ Tile server (TMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Covers world / Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample{topplusopen web grau}{topplusopen_web_grau}
+The following sources are Web map server (WMS). Therefore,
+\refKey{/mermap/supply/target} can only be set to \docValue{wmsmap}
+or \docValue{none}.
+\int_gzero:N \g_tmpa_int
+\NewDocumentCommand \cleanstep {}
+ \fp_compare:nNnT { \g_tmpa_int-trunc(\g_tmpa_int/3)*3 } = 0
+ {
+ \int_compare:nNnT \g_tmpa_int > 0
+ {
+ \clearpage
+ }
+ }
+ \int_gincr:N \g_tmpa_int
+ \begin{itemize}
+\foreach \name / \scdenom / \xtra in {p5/5000,p10/10000,p17.5/17500,p25/25000,p50/50000,p100/100000,p250/250000}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen \name}:\\
+ Web map server (WMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item 1:\scdenom, covers Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \mapexample[target=wmsmap]{topplusopen \name}{topplusopen_\name}
+ \item\docValue{topplusopen \name\ grau}:\\
+ Web map server (WMS) of \href{}{Bundesamt f\"{u}r Kartographie und Geod\"{a}sie}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item 1:\scdenom, covers Europe / Germany depending on zoom level
+ \item Usage (German language): \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \def\grau{ grau}%
+ \mapexample[target=wmsmap]{topplusopen \name\grau}{topplusopen_\name_grau}
+ \end{itemize}
+ Adds a new \meta{source} value to \refKey{/mermap/supply/source}.
+ The \meta{options} should set the keys
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/url}, \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution},\\
+ \refKey{/mermap/supply/attribution print} and \refKey{/mermap/supply/basename}.
+ It is recommend to use |x ...| for \meta{source} to avoid conflicts
+ with future official additions to \refKey{/mermap/supply/source}.
+ \begin{dispListing}
+ \mrcnewsupplysource{x example}
+ {
+ url ={z}/{x}/{y}.png,
+ attribution = {Dummy tile server},
+ attribution print = {Dummy tile server},
+ basename = tiles/dummy,
+ }
+ \end{dispListing}