path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mdframed/mdframed-doc.tex
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-%% Documentation of the package mdframed.sty
-\def\mdversion{version 0.4a}
-\mdframedcompiletrue %% use lucida als default
- \usepackage{textcomp}
- \ifmdframedcompile
- \usepackage[de,T1,altbullet]{lucidabr}
- \else
- \usepackage[T1,altbullet]{lucidabr}
- \fi
- }{%
- \usepackage[scaled]{libertine}
- \newcommand{\origttfamily}{}% sollte noch nicht definiert sein!
- \let\origttfamily=\ttfamily % alte Definition von \ttfamily sichern
- \renewcommand{\ttfamily}{\origttfamily \hyphenchar\font=`\-}
-%%Load the the package itselfs
- \begin{mdframed}[leftmargin=20pt,rightmargin=20pt,linewidth=2,margin=40,backgroundcolor=yellow,linecolor=blue]%
- \begin{mdtheorem}%
- }{%
- \end{mdtheorem}%
- \end{mdframed}%
- \begin{mdframed}[ntheorem=true,leftmargin=20pt,rightmargin=40pt,linewidth=2,margin=40,backgroundcolor=yellow,linecolor=blue]%
- \begin{mdlemma}%
- }{%
- \end{mdlemma}%
- \end{mdframed}%
- {\lstset{%
- basicstyle=\small,
- xleftmargin=20pt,
- xrightmargin=20pt,
- frame=single,
- rulecolor=\color{titleblue},
- framesep=5pt,
- framerule=1pt,
- language=[LaTeX]TeX,#1,
- columns=fixed, fontadjust=true,basewidth=0.5em,breakatwhitespace=true
- }}
-% morekeywords={\usepackage,\end,\begin,\lipsum,\documentclass,\newtheorem,\newenvironment,\section,\label\mbox{ }}}}
- {}
- colorlinks=true,
- linkcolor=titleblue,
- urlcolor=titleblue,
- pdfauthor=Marco Daniel,
- pdftitle=Documentation of mdframed,
- \text@command\relax
- \global\let\xspace@check@icr\check@icr
- \begin{multicols}{2}[\centering\textbf{\sffamily\Large\contentsname}]
- \@starttoc{toc}
- \end{multicols}
-\newcommand*\mdcommand[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}\xspace}
- \vspace*{\baselineskip}
- \begin{center}
- \color{titleblue}
- \Large\bfseries \sffamily The \mdname package\footnote{Extending the package \texttt{framed.sty}.}
- \vspace*{0.5\baselineskip}
- \normalfont\large\normalcolor auto-split frame environment
- \href{}{Marco Daniel}\footnote{With thanks to Heiko Oberdiek, Rolf Niepraschk, Martin Scharrer and Herbert Voss.}, \href{}{Elke Schubert}\qquad \mdversion\ \qquad \today
- \end{center}
-Working with the command \mdcommand{fbox} or \mdcommand{fcolorbox}, one has to handle page breaks by hand,
-meaning that you have to split up the \mdcommand{fbox} into two. The present package defines the environment \mdname which automatically deals with page
-breaks, whence the name \glqq breakable\grqq.
-By using \mdcommand{newenvironment} the user may choose between several individual designs.
-Many users wish to (further) emphasize lemmata, definitions, proofs etc.. The package mdframed allows to
-create environments with breakable frames. I think an example is the best way to demonstrate the properties.
-The following example gives an idea of how to use mdframed. (For the theorem environment we use the package \mdpack{amsthm}.)
- [linewidth=2,margin=40,backgroundcolor=yellow,linecolor=blue]%
- \begin{mdtheorem}}{\end{mdtheorem}\end{mdframed}}
-\begin{theorem}[Pythagorean theorem]
- In any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse
- is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares whose sides are the two legs.
- \begin{equation}
- a^2+b^2=c^2
- \end{equation}
-\begin{theorem}[Pythagorean theorem]
- In any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse
- (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the
- squares whose sides are the two legs (the two sides that meet at a right angle).
- \begin{equation}
- a^2+b^2=c^2
- \end{equation}
-Load the package as usual:
- \usepackage[<GLOBAL OPTIONS>]{mdframed}
-The package defines only one environment with the following syntax:
- \begin{mdframed}[<LOCAL OPTIONS>]
- \end{mdframed}
-The package allows to set global and local options which are explained below.
-\subsection{Global Options}
-The following options are only global options.
- \mdoption{xcolor}=<VALUE(S)>& By setting this key, the package \mdpack{xcolor} will
- be loaded with the given value(s). Without any value \mbox{\mdname} loads
- the package \mdpack{color} without any options.
- & default=\mdsetting{none} \\
- \mdoption{style}=<VALUE> & With this key you can change the way frames are drawn. By using
- \mdoption{style=0} the frames are drawn by the commands \mdcommand{vrule}
- and \mdcommand{rule}. By setting the key to \mdoption{style=1} the package
- \mdpack{tikz} will draw the frames. So you can manipulate the frames more
- comfortably with options like \mdoption{roundcorner} (see below).
- & default=\mdsetting{0} \\
- By setting one of these options locally, you get a warning like
- Option `...' is already consumed(mdframed) and has no effect on input line ...
-\subsection{Global and Local Options}
-The options listed below can be set globally or locally.
- \mdoption{skipabove}=<LENGTH>& Sets an additional skip above the frame.
- & default=\mdsetting{0pt} \\
- \mdoption{skipbelow}=<LENGTH>& Sets an additional skip below the frame.
- & default=\mdsetting{0pt} \\
- \mdoption{linecolor}=<COLOR> & Sets the color of the line around the environment to <COLOR>.
- & default=\mdsetting{black} \\
- \mdoption{backgroundcolor}=<COLOR> & Sets the color of the background of the environment to <COLOR>.
- & default=\mdsetting{white} \\
- \mdoption{fontcolor}=<COLOR> & Sets the color of the contents of the environment to <COLOR>.
- & default=\mdsetting{black} \\
- \mdoption{margin}=<LENGTH> & Sets the length of the margin text frame of the environment.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{2pt} \\
- \mdoption{leftmargin}=<LENGTH> & Sets the length of the left margin of the environment.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{2pt} \\
- \mdoption{rightmargin}=<LENGTH> & Sets the length of the right margin of the environment.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{2pt} \\
- \mdoption{linewidth}=<LENGTH>& Sets the width of the line around the environment.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{20pt} \\
- \mdoption{ntheorem}=<BOOLEAN>& Before setting this key, you have to load the package \mdpack{ntheorem}.
- With this option you set the values \mdcommand{theorempreskipamount}
- and \mdcommand{theorempostskipamount} to 0pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{false} \\
-\subsubsection{The Option \mdoption{ntheorem}}
- This environment is created with \mdoption{ntheorem=false}.
- This environment is created with \mdoption{ntheorem=true}.
-\subsection{Added options by the style 1}
-The following options only work with \mdoption{style=1}. First you have to know that by default the frame
-is drawn with a double line. So you can manipulate every line. It ist possible to get a single line
--- the section \glqq Examples\grqq shows how this can be done.
- \mdoption{roundcorner}=<LENGTH>& Sets the size of the radius of the corners of the frames.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{0pt} \\
- \mdoption{innerlinewidth}=<LENGTH>& Sets the width of the inner line around the environment.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{0pt} \\
- \mdoption{outerlinewidth}=<LENGTH>& Sets the width of the outer line around the environment.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdsetting{0pt} \\
- \mdoption{middlelinewidth}=<LENGTH>& Sets the width of the middle line around the environment.
- The basic unit of the length is pt. So it is possible to set
- length to 6 which is equal to 6pt.
- & default=\mdoption{linewidth} \\
- \mdoption{innerlinecolor}=<COLOR>& Sets the color of the inner line around the environment.
- & default=\mdoption{linecolor} \\
- \mdoption{outerlinecolor}=<COLOR>& Sets the color of the outer line around the environment.
- & default=\mdoption{linecolor} \\
- \mdoption{middlelinecolor}=<COLOR>& Sets the color of the middle line around the environment.
- & default=\mdoption{backgroundcolor} \\
-The header for the following examples is
- \documentclass[10pt]{article}
- \usepackage[style=1,leftmargin=20pt,rightmargin=20pt]{mdframed}
- \usepackage{lipsum}
-\paragraph{Example 1}~\par
- \begin{mdframed}
- \lipsum[1]
- \end{mdframed}
- \lipsum[1]
-\paragraph{Example 2}~\par
- \begin{mdframed}[outerlinewidth=4pt,middlelinewidth=2pt,innerlinewidth=1pt,%
- outerlinecolor=blue,middlelinecolor=yellow,innerlinecolor=red,%
- backgroundcolor=orange,roundcorner=10pt]
- \lipsum[1]
- \end{mdframed}
- \begin{mdframed}[outerlinewidth=4pt,middlelinewidth=2pt,innerlinewidth=1pt,%
- outerlinecolor=blue,middlelinecolor=yellow,innerlinecolor=red,%
- backgroundcolor=orange,roundcorner=10pt]
- \lipsum[1]
- \end{mdframed}
-\section{Known Problems}
- In this section I will collect known problems. In case you encouter any further problems, please
- drop me an email, \href{}{}.
- Do you have any ideas / wishes on further extensions to this package? Please let me know!
- \item So far the environment isn't compatible with the package \mdpack{gmverb}.
- \item So far it isn't possible to use the multicolumn environment.
-Thanks for the bug reports and suggestions
-\textsf{Dick Nickalls;\quad Dr. Dietrich Grau;\quad Piazza Luca}.
-\noindent Thanks for proofreading
-\textsf{Nahid Shajari}.