path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mathastext/mathastexttestunicodelinux.tex
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1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mathastext/mathastexttestunicodelinux.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mathastext/mathastexttestunicodelinux.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..004c0517dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mathastext/mathastexttestunicodelinux.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+\def\testfileincipit{Test file to accompany \texttt{mathastext}
+version \texttt{1.3b} of \texttt{2013/12/11}}
+%% The mathastext package (version 1.3b of December 10, 2013)
+%% Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 by Jean-Francois Burnol
+%% Examples of use of mathastext:
+%% This file `mathastexttestunicodelinux.tex' is for testing the use
+%% of the package `mathastext' with the unicode engines XeTeX or LuaLaTeX.
+%% Fonts available on a Linux machine are used.
+%% See `mathastext.dtx' for the copyright and conditions of distribution or
+%% modification.
+ {\testfileincipit\ (compiled with \XeLaTeX)}
+ {\testfileincipit\ (compiled with \LuaLaTeX)}
+\setmainfont[Color=999999]{Verdana} \Mathastext[Verdana]
+\setmainfont[Color=0000FF]{Arial} \Mathastext[Arial]
+\setmainfont[Color=00C000]{DejaVu Serif} \Mathastext[DejaVu]
+\setmainfont[Color=FF0000]{Andale Mono} \Mathastext[Andale]
+\setmainfont[Color=C000C0]{URW Chancery L} \Mathastext[Chancery]
+\setmainfont[Color=800080]{URW Palladio L} \Mathastext[Palladio]
+\setmainfont[Color=808000]{Liberation Serif} \Mathastext[Liberation]
+This test uses \verb|mathastext| with its \emph{italic}, \emph{asterisk}, and
+\emph{subdued} options. The base document fonts are the Latin Modern ones (in
+OpenType format). The other fonts used were chosen from those of a Linux
+machine. We also used the Times font in T1 encoding, to illustrate a warning
+from the user manual when using different encodings in the various math
+versions: here the minus sign has disappeared from the Times math mode block,
+precisely for this matter of encoding.
+Furthermore we test if the non-letter characters obey the math alphabet
+\verb|\mathbf|. In the normal and bold math versions, this feature
+is de-activated, as option \emph{subdued} was used; and if activated we
+should then use in these math versions the package \verb|\Mathbf| rather
+than \verb|\mathbf| which is there still the original one, which will
+use encoding \verb|OT1| in the normal and bold versions, as we loaded
+\verb|fontspec| with its option \emph{no-math}.
+Some among the fonts tested have no bold variant or no italic variant.
+ \def\tmpb{normal}\def\tmpc{bold}%
+ \ifx\tmpa\tmpb\else\ifx\tmpa\tmpc\else \MTnonlettersobeymathxx
+ \MTexplicitbracesobeymathxx\fi\fi
+\hbox to\columnwidth{\hbox to\columnwidth{\hfil
+ $abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$\hfil}\kern-2.5em{#1}}
+ \centerline{ $0123456789$ }
+ \centerline{ $!\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,%
+ \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\backslash$ }
+ \centerline{ $\mathbf{!\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,%
+ \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\backslash}$ }
+ \centerline{ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz }
+ \centerline{ 0123456789}
+ \centerline{ !\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,%
+ \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\char92 }
+ \centerline{\bfseries !\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,%
+ \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\char92 }
+ \centerline{\textbf{math mode}}
+ \centerline{ \textbf{text} }
+%% End of file `mathastexttestunicodelinux.tex'.