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-% Contents: Things you need to know
-% $Id: things.tex,v 1.2 2003/03/19 20:57:47 oetiker Exp $
-%\chapter{Things You Need to Know}
-%The first part of this chapter presents a short overview of the
-%philosophy and history of \LaTeXe. The second part focuses on the
-%basic structures of a \LaTeX{} document. After reading this chapter,
-%you should have a rough knowledge of how \LaTeX{} works, which you
-%will need to understand the rest of this book.
-本章的第一部分给出了 \LaTeXe{} 原理及历史的简短介绍。第二部分集中讲
-解 \LaTeX{} 文档的基本结构。读完本章之后,你应该大致了解 \LaTeX{} 的工作原理,这对你理解
-%\section{The Name of the Game}
-%\TeX{} is a computer program created by \index{Knuth, Donald
-%E.}Donald E. Knuth \cite{texbook}. It is aimed at typesetting text
-%and mathematical formulae. Knuth started writing the \TeX{}
-%typesetting engine in 1977 to explore the potential of the digital
-%printing equipment that was beginning to infiltrate the publishing
-%industry at that time, especially in the hope that he could reverse
-%the trend of deteriorating typographical quality that he saw
-%affecting his own books and articles. \TeX{} as we use it today was
-%released in 1982, with some slight enhancements added in 1989 to
-%better support 8-bit characters and multiple languages. \TeX{} is
-%renowned for being extremely stable, for running on many different
-%kinds of computers, and for being virtually bug free. The version
-%number of \TeX{} is converging to $\pi$ and is now at $3.141592$.
-\TeX{} 是 \index{Knuth, Donald E.}Donald E.
-Knuth 编写的一个以排版文章及数学公式为目标的计算机程序 \cite{texbook}。1977 年,在意识到恶劣的排版质量正在影响自己的著
-作及文章后,Knuth 开始编写 \TeX{} 排版系统引擎,探索当时开始进入出版工业的数字印刷设备的潜力,尤为希望能扭转排版质量下滑
-的这一趋势。我们现在使用的 \TeX{} 系统发布于 1982 年,在 1989 年又稍做改进,增加了对 8 字节字符及多语言的支
-持。\TeX{} 以其卓越的稳定性、可在不同类型的电脑上运行以及几乎没有缺
-陷而著称。\TeX{} 的版本号不断趋近于 $\pi$,现在为 3.141592。
-%\TeX{} is pronounced ``Tech,'' with a ``ch'' as in the German word
-%``Ach''\footnote{In german there are actually two pronounciations
-%for ``ch'' and one might assume that the soft ``ch'' sound from
-%``Pech'' would be a more appropriate. Asked about this, Knuth wrote
-%in the German Wikipedia: \emph{I do not get angry when people
-%pronounce \TeX{} in their favorite way \ldots{} and in Germany many
-%use a soft ch because the X follows the vowel e, not the harder ch
-%that follows the vowel a. In Russia, `tex' is a very common word,
-%pronounced `tyekh'. But I believe the most proper pronunciation is
-%heard in Greece, where you have the harsher ch of ach and Loch.}} or
-%in the Scottish ``Loch.'' The ``ch'' originates from the Greek
-%alphabet where X is the letter ``ch'' or ``chi''. \TeX{} is also the
-%first syllable of the Greek word texnologia (technology). In an
-%ASCII environment, \TeX{} becomes \texttt{TeX}.
-\TeX{} 发音为 ``Tech'',其中 ``ch'' 和德语 ``Ach''\footnote{在德语中,``ch'' 有两种发音,有的人可能认为 ``Pech'' 中
-较软的 ``ch'' 更加合适。被问及这个问题时,Knuth 在德文 Wikipedia 中写道: \textsf{
-当人们以他们喜欢的方式来拼读 \TeX{} 时,我并不感到生气……在德国,更多的人喜欢较软的 ch,因为 X 跟
-在元音 e 的后面。在俄语中,`tex' 是一个非常普遍的单词,读作 `tyekh'。但我相信最合适的发音来自希腊
-语,其中 ach 和 Loch 中 ch 的发音稍尖。}} 及苏格兰语 ``Loch'' 中的 ``ch'' 类似。``ch'' 源自希腊字母,希腊文中,X 是字
-母 ``ch'' 或 ``chi''。 \TeX{} 同时也是希腊单词 texnologia (technology) 的第一个音节。在 \texttt{ASCII} 文本环
-境中,\TeX{} 写作 \texttt{TeX}。
-%\LaTeX{} is a macro package that enables authors to typeset and
-%print their work at the highest typographical quality, using a
-%predefined, professional layout. \LaTeX{} was originally written by
-%\index{Lamport, Leslie}Leslie Lamport \cite{manual}. It uses the
-%\TeX{} formatter as its typesetting engine. These days \LaTeX{} is
-%maintained by \index{Mittelbach, Frank}Frank Mittelbach.
-\LaTeX{} 是一个宏集,它使用一个预先定义好的专业版面,可以使作者们高质量的排版和打印他们的作品。\LaTeX{} 最初
-由 \index{Lamport, Leslie}Leslie
-Lamport 编写 \cite{manual},它使用 \TeX{} 程序作为排版引擎。现
-在 \LaTeX{} 由 \index{Mittelbach, Frank}Frank Mittelbach 负责维护。
-%In 1994 the \LaTeX{} package was updated by the \index{LaTeX3@\LaTeX
-% 3}\LaTeX 3 team, led by \index{Mittelbach, Frank}Frank Mittelbach,
-%to include some long-requested improvements, and to re\-unify all the
-%patched versions which had cropped up since the release of
-%\index{LaTeX 2.09@\LaTeX{} 2.09}\LaTeX{} 2.09 some years earlier. To
-%distinguish the new version from the old, it is called \index{LaTeX
-%2e@\LaTeXe}\LaTeXe. This documentation deals with \LaTeXe. These days you
-%might be hard pressed to find the venerable \LaTeX{} 2.09 installed
-%\LaTeX{} is pronounced ``Lay-tech'' or ``Lah-tech.'' If you refer to
-%\LaTeX{} in an \texttt{ASCII} environment, you type \texttt{LaTeX}.
-%\LaTeXe{} is pronounced ``Lay-tech two e'' and typed
-\LaTeX{} 的发音为 ``Lay-tech'' 或 ``Lah-tech''。
-如果在 \texttt{ASCII} 环境中引用 \LaTeX{},你可以输入 \texttt{LaTeX}。
-\LaTeXe{} 的发音为 ``Lay-tech two e'',在 \texttt{ASCII} 环境中写作 \texttt{LaTeX2e}。
-%Figure \ref{components} above % on page \pageref{components}
-%shows how \TeX{} and \LaTeXe{} work together. This figure is taken from
-%\texttt{wots.tex} by Kees van der Laan.
-%\caption{Components of a \TeX{} System.} \label{components}
-%\subsection{Author, Book Designer, and Typesetter}
-%To publish something, authors give their typed manuscript to a
-%publishing company. One of their book designers then
-%decides the layout of the document (column width, fonts, space before
-%and after headings, \ldots). The book designer writes his instructions
-%into the manuscript and then gives it to a typesetter, who typesets the
-%book according to these instructions.
-%A human book designer tries to find out what the author had in mind
-%while writing the manuscript. He decides on chapter headings,
-%citations, examples, formulae, etc.\ based on his professional
-%knowledge and from the contents of the manuscript.
-%In a \LaTeX{} environment, \LaTeX{} takes the role of the book
-%designer and uses \TeX{} as its typesetter. But \LaTeX{} is ``only'' a
-%program and therefore needs more guidance. The author has to provide
-%additional information to describe the logical structure of his
-%work. This information is written into the text as ``\LaTeX{}
-在一个 \LaTeX{} 环境中,\LaTeX{} 充当了图书设计者的角色,而 \TeX{} 则是其排版者。但是 \LaTeX “仅仅”是
-一个程序,因此它需要很多的指导。作者必须提供额外的信息,来描述其著作的逻辑结构。这些信息是以 “\LaTeX{} 命令” 的形
-%This is quite different from the \wi{WYSIWYG}\footnote{What you see is
-% what you get.} approach that most modern word processors, such as
-%\emph{MS Word} or \emph{Corel WordPerfect}, take. With these
-%applications, authors specify the document layout interactively while
-%typing text into the computer. They can see on the
-%screen how the final work will look when it is printed.
-这和大多数现代文字处理工具,如 \emph{MS Word} 及 \emph{Corel
-WordPerfect} 所采用的所见即所得 (\wi{WYSIWYG}\footnote{What you see
-is what you
-get.}) 的方式有很大区别。使用这些工具时,作者在向计算机中输入文档的同时,通过互
-%When using \LaTeX{} it is not normally possible to see the final output
-%while typing the text, but the final output can be previewed on the
-%screen after processing the file with \LaTeX. Then corrections can be
-%made before actually sending the document to the printer.
-而使用 \LaTeX 时,一般是不能在输入文档的同时看到最终的输出效果的,但是使用 \LaTeX 处理文档之后,便可以在屏幕上预览
-%\subsection{Layout Design}
-%Typographical design is a craft. Unskilled authors often commit
-%serious formatting errors by assuming that book design is mostly a
-%question of aesthetics---``If a document looks good artistically,
-%it is well designed.'' But as a document has to be read and not hung
-%up in a picture gallery, the readability and understandability is
-%much more important than the beautiful look of it.
-%\item The font size and the numbering of headings have to be chosen to make
-% the structure of chapters and sections clear to the reader.
-%\item The line length has to be short enough not to strain
-% the eyes of the reader, while long enough to fill the page
-% beautifully.
-排版设计是一门工艺。不熟练的作者认为书籍设计仅仅是个美学问题,因而经常会犯严重的格式错误 \pozhehao “如果一份文档从艺术的
-\item 必须选定字号和标题的序号,使读者能清楚的理解章节的结构。
-%With \wi{WYSIWYG} systems, authors often generate aesthetically
-%pleasing documents with very little or inconsistent structure.
-%\LaTeX{} prevents such formatting errors by forcing the author to
-%declare the \emph{logical} structure of his document. \LaTeX{} then
-%chooses the most suitable layout.
-在使用所见即所得系统 (\wi{WYSIWYG}) 时,作者经常会写出一些看上去漂亮,但结构欠清晰或不连贯的文章来。\LaTeX{} 通过强制
-作者声明文档的\textbf{逻辑}结构,来避免这些排版格式错误。然后,\LaTeX{} 再根据文档的结构选择最合适的版面格式。
-%\subsection{Advantages and Disadvantages}
-%When people from the \wi{WYSIWYG} world meet people who use \LaTeX{},
-%they often discuss ``the \wi{advantages of \LaTeX{}} over a normal
-%word processor'' or the opposite. The best thing you can do when such
-%a discussion starts is to keep a low profile, since such discussions
-%often get out of hand. But sometimes you cannot escape \ldots
-使用所见即所得 (\wi{WYSIWYG}) 的人和使用 \LaTeX{} 的人遇到一起时,他们经常讨论的话题
-就是“相比一般文字处理软件,\LaTeX{} 的优势 (\wi{advantages of
-%\medskip\noindent So here is some ammunition. The main advantages
-%of \LaTeX{} over normal word processors are the following:
-下面便是一些武器。\LaTeX{} 优于一般文字处理软件之处可归纳如下:
-%\item Professionally crafted layouts are available, which make a
-% document really look as if ``printed.''
-%\item The typesetting of mathematical formulae is supported in a
-% convenient way.
-%\item Users only need to learn a few easy-to-understand commands
-% that specify the logical structure of a document. They almost never
-% need to tinker with the actual layout of the document.
-%\item Even complex structures such as footnotes, references, table of
-% contents, and bibliographies can be generated easily.
-%\item Free add-on packages exist for many typographical tasks not directly supported by basic
-% \LaTeX. For example, packages are
-% available to include \PSi{} graphics or to typeset
-% bibliographies conforming to exact standards. Many of these add-on
-% packages are described in \companion.
-%\item \LaTeX{} encourages authors to write well-structured texts,
-% because this is how \LaTeX{} works---by specifying structure.
-%\item \TeX, the formatting engine of \LaTeXe, is highly portable and free.
-% Therefore the system runs on almost any hardware platform
-% available.
-%% Add examples ...
-\item 提供专业的版面设计,可以使一份文档看起来就像“印刷品”一样。
-\item 可以方便的排版数学公式。
-\item 可以容易的生成像脚注、引用、目录和参考文献等很多复杂的结构。
-\item 很多不被基本 \LaTeX 支持的排版工作,可以由添加免费的宏包来完成。例如,支持在文件中插入 \PSi{} 格式图像的宏包及排版
-符合各类准确标准的参考文献的宏包等。很多这类宏包在 \companion 中都有说明。
-\LaTeX{} 鼓励作者按照合理的结构写作,因为 \LaTeX{} 就是通过指明文档结构来进行排版工作的。
-\item \TeX{},作为 \LaTeXe 的排版引擎,不仅免费,而且具有很高的可移植性,几乎可以在任何硬件平台上运行。
-% Add examples ...
-%\noindent\LaTeX{} also has some disadvantages, and I guess it's a
-%bit difficult for me to find any sensible ones, though I am sure
-%other people can tell you hundreds \texttt{;-)}
-\noindent\LaTeX{} 也有一些不足之处。尽管我可以确定别人可以列出几百条,我自己却很难找到一些比较理智的 \texttt{;-)}
-%\item \LaTeX{} does not work well for people who have sold their
-% souls \ldots
-%\item Although some parameters can be adjusted within a predefined
-% document layout, the design of a whole new layout is difficult and
-% takes a lot of time.\footnote{Rumour says that this is one of the
-% key elements that will be addressed in the upcoming \LaTeX 3
-% system.}\index{LaTeX3@\LaTeX 3}
-%\item It is very hard to write unstructured and disorganized documents.
-%\item Your hamster might, despite some encouraging first steps, never be
-%able to fully grasp the concept of Logical Markup.
-\item 没有原则的人不能使用 \LaTeX{} 很好地工作……
-\item 尽管可以调节预先定义好的文档版面布局中的一些参数,但设计一个全新的版面还是很困难的,并会耗费大量时
-间\footnote{传闻这将是未来的 \LaTeX 3 系统中的一个重要组成部分。}。
-\index{LaTeX3@\LaTeX 3}
-\item 很难用 \LaTeX{} 来写结构不明、组织无序的文档。
-\item 即使有一个令人鼓舞的开端,你也可能无法完全掌握其精髓。
-%\section{\LaTeX{} Input Files}
-\section{\LaTeX{} 源文件}
-%The input for \LaTeX{} is a plain \texttt{ASCII} text file. You can create it
-%with any text editor. It contains the text of the document, as well as
-%the commands that tell \LaTeX{} how to typeset the text.
-\LaTeX{} 源文件为普通的 \texttt{ASCII} 文件,你可以使用任何文本编辑器来创建。\LaTeX{} 源文件不仅包含了
-要排版的文本,而且也包含了告诉 \LaTeX{} 如何排版这些文本内容的命令。
-%``Whitespace'' characters, such as blank or tab, are
-%treated uniformly as ``\wi{space}'' by \LaTeX{}. \emph{Several
-% consecutive} \wi{whitespace} characters are treated as \emph{one}
-%``space.'' Whitespace at the start of a line is generally ignored, and
-%a single line break is treated as ``whitespace.''
-%\index{whitespace!at the start of a line}
-空格和制表符等空白字符在 \LaTeX{} 中被看作相同的空白距离 (\wi{space})。{\textbf
-\index{whitespace!at the start of a line}
-%An empty line between two lines of text defines the end of a
-%paragraph. \emph{Several} empty lines are treated the same as
-%\emph{one} empty line. The text below is an example. On the left hand
-%side is the text from the input file, and on the right hand side is the
-%formatted output.
-It does not matter whether you
-enter one or several spaces
-after a word.
-An empty line starts a new
-%\subsection{Special Characters}
-%The following symbols are \wi{reserved characters} that either have
-%a special meaning under \LaTeX{} or are not available in all the
-%fonts. If you enter them directly in your text, they will normally
-%not print, but rather coerce \LaTeX{} to do things you did not
-下面的这些字符是 \LaTeX{} 中的保留字符 (\wi{reserved
-characters}),它们或在 \LaTeX{} 中有特殊的意义,或不一定存在于所有字库中。如果你直接在文本中
-输入这些字符,通常它们不会被输出,而且还会导致 \LaTeX{} 做一些你不希望发生的事情。
-\verb.# $ % ^ & _ { } \ . %$
-%As you will see, these characters can be used in your documents all
-%the same by adding a prefix backslash:
-\# \$ \% \^{} \& \_ \{ \} \ {}
-%The other symbols and many more can be printed with special commands
-%in mathematical formulae or as accents. The backslash character
-%$\backslash$ can \emph{not} be entered by adding another backslash
-%in front of it (\verb|\\|); this sequence is used for
-%line breaking.\footnote{Try the \texttt{\$}\ci{backslash}\texttt{\$} command instead. It
-% produces a `$\backslash$'.}
-其他一些特殊符号可以由数学环境中的特殊命令或重音命令得到。反斜线 $\backslash$ {\textbf
-到 (\verb|\\|);这是一个用来换行的命令\footnote{试试 \texttt{\$}\ci{backslash}\texttt{\$} 命令,它将生成一个 `$\backslash$'。}。
-%\subsection{\LaTeX{} Commands}
-\subsection{\LaTeX{} 命令}
-%\LaTeX{} \wi{commands} are case sensitive, and take one of the
-%following two formats:
-\LaTeX{} 命令 (\wi{commands}) 是大小写敏感的,有以下两种格式:
-%\item They start with a \wi{backslash} \verb|\| and then have a name
-% consisting of letters only. Command names are terminated by a
-% space, a number or any other `non-letter.'
-%\item They consist of a backslash and exactly one non-letter.
-\item 以一个反斜线 (\wi{backslash}) \verb|\| 开始,命令名只由字母组成。命令名后的空格符、数字或任何非字母的字符都标志着该命令的结束。
-\item 由一个反斜线和非字母的字符组成。
-% \\* doesn't comply !
-% Can \3 be a valid command ? (jacoboni)
-%\LaTeX{} ignores whitespace after commands. If you want to get a
-%\index{whitespace!after commands}space after a command, you have to
-%put either \verb|{}| and a blank or a special spacing command after the
-%command name. The \verb|{}| stops \LaTeX{} from eating up all the space after
-%the command name.
-\LaTeX{} 忽略命令之后的空白字符。如果你希望在命令后得到一个空
-格,可以在命令后加上 \verb|{}| 和一个空格,或加上一个特殊的空格命令。\verb|{}| 将阻止 \LaTeX{} 吃掉命令后的所有空格。
-\index{whitespace!after commands}
-I read that Knuth divides the
-people working with \TeX{} into
-\TeX{}nicians and \TeX perts.\\
-Today is \today.
-%Some commands need a \wi{parameter}, which has to be given between
-%\wi{curly braces} \verb|{ }| after the command name. Some commands support
-%\wi{optional parameters}, which are added after the command name in
-%\wi{square brackets} \verb|[ ]|. The next examples use some \LaTeX{}
-%commands. Don't worry about them; they will be explained later.
-有些命令需要一个参数 (\wi{parameter}),该参数用花括号 (\wi{curly
-braces}) \verb|{ }| 括住并写在命令的后面。一些命令支持可选参数 (\wi{optional
-parameters}),可 选参数可用方括号 (\wi{square brackets}) \verb|[ ]| 括住,
-然后写在命令的后面。下面的例子中使用了一些 \LaTeX{} 命令,不要着急,后面
-You can \textsl{lean} on me!
-Please, start a new line
-right here!\newline
-Thank you!
-%When \LaTeX{} encounters a \verb|%| character while processing an input file,
-%it ignores the rest of the present line, the line break, and all
-%whitespace at the beginning of the next line.
-当 \LaTeX{} 处理一个源文件时,如果遇到一个百分号 \verb|%|,\LaTeX{} 将忽略 \verb|%| 后的该行内容,换行符以及下
-%This can be used to write notes into the input file, which will not show up
-%in the printed version.
-This is an % stupid
-% Better: instructive <----
-example: Supercal%
- ifragilist%
- icexpialidocious
-%The \texttt{\%} character can also be used to split long input lines where no
-%whitespace or line breaks are allowed.
-符号 \texttt{\%} 也可以用来断开不能含有空白字符或换行符的较长输入内容。
-%For longer comments you could use the \ei{comment} environment
-%provided by the \pai{verbatim} package. This means, that you have to add the
-%line \verb|\usepackage{verbatim}| to the preamble of your document as
-%explained below before you can use this command.
-如果注释的内容较长,你可以使用 \pai{verbatim} 宏包提供的 \ei{comment} 环境。当然,在使用该环境前,你要在文档的
-导言区 (后面将会解释其含义) 加上命令 \verb|\usepackage{verbatim}|。
-This is another
-rather stupid,
-but helpful
-example for embedding
-comments in your document.
-%Note that this won't work inside complex environments, like math for example.
-%\section{Input File Structure}
-%When \LaTeXe{} processes an input file, it expects it to follow a
-%certain \wi{structure}. Thus every input file must start with the
-当 \LaTeXe{} 处理源文件时,它希望源文件遵从一定的结构 (\wi{structure})。因此,每个源文件都要以如下命令开始
-%This specifies what sort of document you intend to write. After
-%that, you can include commands that influence the style of the whole
-%document, or you can load \wi{package}s that add new features to the
-%\LaTeX{} system. To load such a package you use the command
-这条命令指明了你所写的源文档的类型。然后,你就可以加入控制整篇文档样式的命令,或者载入一些为 \LaTeX{} 增加新特性
-的宏包 (\wi{package})。可以用如下命令载入一个宏包
-%When all the setup work is done,\footnote{The area between \texttt{\bs
-% documentclass} and \texttt{\bs
-% begin$\mathtt{\{}$document$\mathtt{\}}$} is called the
-% \emph{\wi{preamble}}.} you start the body of the text with the
-当完成所有的设置工作后\footnote{在 \texttt{\bs
- documentclass} 和 \texttt{\bs
- begin$\mathtt{\{}$document$\mathtt{\}}$}之间的部分称作\textbf{导言区} (\wi{preamble})。},你可以用下面的命令开始文档的主体
-%Now you enter the text mixed with some useful \LaTeX{} commands. At
-%the end of the document you add the
-现在你就可以输入带有 \LaTeX{} 命令的正文了。在文章末尾使用命令
-%command, which tells \LaTeX{} to call it a day. Anything that
-%follows this command will be ignored by \LaTeX.
-来告诉 \LaTeX{} 文档已经结束。\LaTeX{} 会忽略此命令后的所有内容。
-%Figure \ref{mini} shows the contents of a minimal \LaTeXe{} file. A
-%slightly more complicated \wi{input file} is given in
-%Figure \ref{document}.
-图 \ref{mini} 显示的是一个简单的 \LaTeXe 文档的结构。一个较为复杂的源文件 (\wi{input
-file}) 结构如图 \ref{document} 所示。
-Small is beautiful.
-\caption{一个简单的 \LaTeX{} 源文件。} \label{mini}
-% define the title
-\author{H. Partl}
-% generates the title
-% insert the table of contents
-\section{Some Interesting Words}
-Well, and here begins my lovely article.
-\section{Good Bye World}
-\ldots{} and here it ends.
-\caption[article 类例子。]{article 类 \LaTeX{} 源文件例子,该例中的所有命令后面都会讲到。}
-%\section{A Typical Command Line Session}
-%I bet you must be dying to try out the neat small \LaTeX{} input file
-%shown on page \pageref{mini}. Here is some help:
-%\LaTeX{} itself comes without a GUI or
-%fancy buttons to press. It is just a program that crunches away at your
-%input file. Some \LaTeX{} installations feature a graphical front-end where
-%you can click \LaTeX{} into compiling your input file. On other systems
-%there might be some typing involved, so here is how to coax \LaTeX{} into
-%compiling your input file on a text based system. Please note: this
-%description assumes that a working \LaTeX{} installation already sits on
-%your computer.\footnote{This is the case with most well groomed Unix
-%Systems, and \ldots{} Real Men use Unix, so \ldots{} \texttt{;-)}}
-我敢打赌你现在一定非常渴望尝试第 \pageref{mini} 页上短小简洁的 \LaTeX{} 源文件。下面便是一些帮助:\LaTeX{} 本身没有图形
-用户界面或漂亮的按钮,它仅仅是一个处理你提供的源文件的程序。有些 \LaTeX{} 安装版本提供了一个前端图形界面,你可以通过点
-让 \LaTeX{} 编译你的源文件。需要注意:以下演示的前提是 \LaTeX{} 已经正确的安装到了你的电脑中\footnote{这是在大部分 Unix 系
-统下的情况……高手使用 Unix,所以…… \texttt{;-)}}。
-% Edit/Create your \LaTeX{} input file. This file must be plain ASCII
-% text. On Unix all the editors will create just that. On Windows you
-% might want to make sure that you save the file in ASCII or
-% \emph{Plain Text} format. When picking a name for your file, make
-% sure it bears the extension \eei{.tex}.
-%Run \LaTeX{} on your input file. If successful you will end up with a
-%\texttt{.dvi} file. It may be necessary to run \LaTeX{} several times to get
-%the table of contents and all internal references right. When your input
-%file has a bug \LaTeX{} will tell you about it and stop processing your
-%input file. Type \texttt{ctrl-D} to get back to the command line.
-%\verb+latex foo.tex+
-%Now you may view the DVI file. There are several ways to do that. You can show the file on screen with
-%\verb+xdvi foo.dvi &+
-%This only works on Unix with X11. If you are on Windows you might want to try \texttt{yap} (yet another previewer).
-%You can also convert the dvi file to \PSi{} for printing or viewing with Ghostscript.
-%\verb+dvips -Pcmz foo.dvi -o
-%If you are lucky your \LaTeX{} system even comes with the \texttt{dvipdf} tool, which allows
-%you to convert your \texttt{.dvi} files straight into pdf.
-%\verb+dvipdf foo.dvi+
- 创建并编辑你的源文件。源文件必须是普通的 ASCII 格式。在 Unix 系统下,所有的编辑器都可以创建这样的文件。在 Windows 系统
- 下,你必须确保文件以 ASCII 或\textbf{普通文本}格式保存。当选取你源文件的文件名时,确保它的扩展名是 \eei{.tex}。
-运行 \LaTeX{} 编译你的源文件。如果成功的话,你将会得到一个 \texttt{.dvi} 文件。为了得到目录和所有的内部引用,可能要多次运
-行 \LaTeX{}。当源文件中存在错误时,\LaTeX{} 会告诉你错误并停止处理源文件。输入 \texttt{ctrl-D} 可以返回到命令行。
-\verb+latex foo.tex+
-现在可以通过几种方法来预览得到的 DVI 文件。你可以使用下列命令将文件显示到屏幕上
-\verb+xdvi foo.dvi &+
-这种方法只适用于安装了 X11 的 Unix 系统。如果你使用的是 Windows 系统,可以使用 \texttt{yap} 来预览(或其他预览程序)。
-你也可以使用 Ghostscript 将 dvi 文件转换成 \PSi{} 文件来打印或预览。
-\verb+dvips -Pcmz foo.dvi -o
-如果你的 \LaTeX{} 系统中带有 \texttt{dvipdf} 工具的话,就可以直接将 \texttt{.dvi} 文件转换成 pdf 文件。
-\verb+dvipdf foo.dvi+
-%\section{The Layout of the Document}
-%\subsection {Document Classes}\label{sec:documentclass}
-%The first information \LaTeX{} needs to know when processing an
-%input file is the type of document the author wants to create. This
-%is specified with the \ci{documentclass} command.
-当 \LaTeX{} 处理源文件时,首先需要知道的就是作者所要创建的文档类型。文档类型可由 \ci{documentclass} 命令来指定。
-%\noindent Here \emph{class} specifies the type of document to be
-%created. Table \ref{documentclasses} lists the document classes
-%explained in this introduction. The \LaTeXe{} distribution provides
-%additional classes for other documents, including letters and
-%slides. The \emph{\wi{option}s} parameter customises the behaviour
-%of the document class. The options have to be separated by commas.
-%The most common options for the standard document classes are listed
-%in Table \ref{options}.
-\emph{class} 指定想要的文档类型。表 \ref{documentclasses} 给出了一些文档类型的解释。\LaTeXe{} 发行版中还提供了其他一些文档类,像信件和幻灯片等。通过 \emph{\wi{option}s} 参数可以定制文档类的属性。不同的选项之间须用逗号
-隔开。标准文档类的最常用选项如表 \ref{options} 所示。
-%\caption{Document Classes.} \label{documentclasses}
-%\item [\normalfont\texttt{article}] for articles in scientific journals, presentations,
-% short reports, program documentation, invitations, \ldots
-% \index{article class}
-%\item [\normalfont\texttt{proc}] a class for proceedings based on the article class.
-% \index{proc class}
-%\item [\normalfont\texttt{minimal}] is as small as it can get.
-%It only sets a page size and a base font. It is mainly used for debugging
-% \index{minimal class}
-%\item [\normalfont\texttt{report}] for longer reports containing several chapters, small
-% books, PhD theses, \ldots \index{report class}
-%\item [\normalfont\texttt{book}] for real books \index{book class}
-%\item [\normalfont\texttt{slides}] for slides. The class uses big sans serif
-% letters. You might want to consider using Foil\TeX{}\footnote{%
-% \CTANref|macros/latex/contrib/supported/foiltex|} instead.
-% \index{slides class}\index{foiltex}
-%\caption{Document Class Options.} \label{options}
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{12pt}] \quad Sets the size
-% of the main font in the document. If no option is specified,
-% \texttt{10pt} is assumed. \index{document font size}\index{base
-% font size}
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{a4paper}, \texttt{letterpaper}, \ldots] \quad Defines
-% the paper size. The default size is \texttt{letterpaper}. Besides
-% that, \texttt{a5paper}, \texttt{b5paper}, \texttt{executivepaper},
-% and \texttt{legalpaper} can be specified. \index{legal paper}
-% \index{paper size}\index{A4 paper}\index{letter paper} \index{A5
-% paper}\index{B5 paper}\index{executive paper}
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{fleqn}] \quad Typesets displayed formulae left-aligned
-% instead of centred.
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{leqno}] \quad Places the numbering of formulae on the
-% left hand side instead of the right.
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{titlepage}, \texttt{notitlepage}] \quad Specifies
-% whether a new page should be started after the \wi{document title}
-% or not. The \texttt{article} class does not start a new page by
-% default, while \texttt{report} and \texttt{book} do. \index{title}
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{onecolumn}, \texttt{twocolumn}] \quad Instructs \LaTeX{} to typeset the
-% document in \wi{one column} or \wi{two column}s.
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{twoside, oneside}] \quad Specifies whether double or
-% single sided output should be generated. The classes
-% \texttt{article} and \texttt{report} are \wi{single sided} and the
-% \texttt{book} class is \wi{double sided} by default. Note that this
-% option concerns the style of the document only. The option
-% \texttt{twoside} does \emph{not} tell the printer you use that it
-% should actually make a two-sided printout.
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{landscape}] \quad Changes the layout of the document to print in landscape mode.
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{openright, openany}] \quad Makes chapters begin either
-% only on right hand pages or on the next page available. This does
-% not work with the \texttt{article} class, as it does not know about
-% chapters. The \texttt{report} class by default starts chapters on
-% the next page available and the \texttt{book} class starts them on
-% right hand pages.
-\caption{文档类。} \label{documentclasses}
-\item [\normalfont\texttt{article}] 排版科学期刊、演示文档、短报告、程序文档、邀请函……
- \index{article class}
-\item [\normalfont\texttt{proc}] 一个基于 article 的会议文集类。
- \index{proc class}
-\item [\normalfont\texttt{minimal}] 非常小的文档类。只设置了页面尺寸和基本字体。主要用来查错。
- \index{minimal class}
-\item [\normalfont\texttt{report}] 排版多章节长报告、短篇书籍、博士论文……\index{report class}
-\item [\normalfont\texttt{book}] 排版书籍。\index{book class}
-\item [\normalfont\texttt{slides}] 排版幻灯片。该文档类使用大号 sans
-serif 字体。也可以选用 Foil\TeX{}\footnote{%
- \CTANref|macros/latex/contrib/supported/foiltex|} 来得到相同的效果。
- \index{slides class}\index{foiltex}
-\caption{文档类选项。} \label{options}
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{12pt}] \quad 设置文档中所使用的字体的大小。如果该项没有指
- 定,默认使用 \texttt{10pt} 字体。\index{document font size}\index{base
- font size}
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{a4paper}, \texttt{letterpaper}, \ldots] \quad 定义纸张的尺寸。缺省设置为 \texttt{letterpaper}。此
- 外,还可以使用 \texttt{a5paper}, \texttt{b5paper}, \texttt{executivepaper} 以及 \texttt{legalpaper}。\index{legal paper}
- \index{paper size}\index{A4 paper}\index{letter paper} \index{A5
- paper}\index{B5 paper}\index{executive paper}
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{fleqn}] \quad 设置行间公式为左对齐,而不是居中对齐。
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{leqno}] \quad
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{titlepage}, \texttt{notitlepage}] \quad 指定是否在文档标题 (\wi{document title}) 后另起一
- 页。\texttt{article} 文档类缺省设置为不开始新页,\texttt{report} 和 \texttt{book} 类则相反。\index{title}
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{onecolumn}, \texttt{twocolumn}] \quad
- \LaTeX{} 以单栏 (\wi{one column}) 或双栏 (\wi{two
- column}) 的方式来排版文档。
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{twoside}, \texttt{oneside}] \quad 指定文档为双面或单面打印格式。\texttt{article} 和 \texttt{report} 类为
- 单面 (\wi{single sided}) 格式,\texttt{book} 类缺省为双面 (\wi{double sided}) 格式。注意该选项只是作用于文档样式,而\textbf{不会}通知打印机以双面格式打印文档。
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{landscape}] \quad
-将文档的打印输出布局设置为 landscape 模式。
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{openright}, \texttt{openany}] \quad 决定新的一章仅在奇数页开始还是在下一页开始。在文档类型为 \texttt{article} 时该选项不起作用,因为该类中没有定义“章” (chapter)。 \texttt{report} 类默认在下一页开始新一章而 \texttt{book} 类的新一章总是在奇数页开始。
-%Example: An input file for a \LaTeX{} document could start with the
-例子:一个 \LaTeX{} 源文件以下面一行开始
-%which instructs \LaTeX{} to typeset the document as an \emph{article}
-%with a base font size of \emph{eleven points}, and to produce a
-%layout suitable for \emph{double sided} printing on \emph{A4 paper}.
-这条命令会引导 \LaTeX{} 使用 \emph{article} 格式、\textbf{11 磅大小的字体}来排版该文档,并得到在 \emph{A4} 纸上\textbf{双面打印}的效果。 \pagebreak[2]
-\index{package} %While writing your document, you will probably find
-%that there are some areas where basic \LaTeX{} cannot solve your
-%problem. If you want to include \wi{graphics}, \wi{coloured text} or
-%source code from a file into your document, you need to enhance the
-%capabilities of \LaTeX. Such enhancements are called packages.
-%Packages are activated with the
-排版文档时,你可能会发现某些时候基本的 \LaTeX{} 并不能解决你的问题。如果想插入图形 (\wi{graphics})、
-彩色文本 (\wi{coloured text}) 或源代码到你的文档中,你就
-需要使用宏包来增强 \LaTeX{} 的功能。可使用如下命令调用宏包
-\noindent%command, where \emph{package} is the name of the package and
-%\emph{options} is a list of keywords that trigger special features in
-%the package. Some packages come with the \LaTeXe{} base distribution
-%(See Table \ref{packages}). Others are provided separately. You may
-%find more information on the packages installed at your site in your
-%\guide. The prime source for information about \LaTeX{} packages is \companion.
-%It contains descriptions on hundreds of packages, along with
-%information of how to write your own extensions to \LaTeXe.
-这里 \emph{package} 是宏包的名称,\emph{options} 是用来激活宏包特殊功能的一组关键词。很多宏包随 \LaTeX{} 基本发行版一起
-发布 (见表 \ref{packages}),其他的则单独发布。你可以在所安装的 \LaTeX{} 系统中找到更多的宏包相关信息。\companion 提供了关
-于宏包的重要信息,它包含了数百个宏包的描述及如何写作自己的 \LaTeXe{} 扩展的信息。
-%Modern \TeX{} distributions come with a large number of packages
-%preinstalled. If you are working on a Unix system, use the command
-%\texttt{texdoc} for accessing package documentation.
-现代的 \TeX 发行版包含了大量免费的宏包。如果你使用的是 Unix 系统,可以使用命令 \texttt{texdoc} 搜索宏包的说明文档。
-%\caption{Some of the Packages Distributed with \LaTeX.} \label{packages}
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{doc}] Allows the documentation of \LaTeX{} programs.\\
-% Described in \texttt{doc.dtx}\footnote{This file should be installed
-% on your system, and you should be able to get a \texttt{dvi} file
-% by typing \texttt{latex doc.dtx} in any directory where you have
-% write permission. The same is true for all the
-% other files mentioned in this table.} and in \companion.
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{exscale}] Provides scaled versions of the
-% math extension font.\\
-% Described in \texttt{ltexscale.dtx}.
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{fontenc}] Specifies which \wi{font encoding}
-% \LaTeX{} should use.\\
-% Described in \texttt{ltoutenc.dtx}.
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{ifthen}] Provides commands of the form\\
-% `if\ldots then do\ldots otherwise do\ldots.'\\ Described in
-% \texttt{ifthen.dtx} and \companion.
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{latexsym}] To access the \LaTeX{} symbol
-% font, you should use the \texttt{latexsym} package. Described in
-% \texttt{latexsym.dtx} and in \companion.
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{makeidx}] Provides commands for producing
-% indexes. Described in section \ref{sec:indexing} and in \companion.
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{syntonly}] Processes a document without
-% typesetting it.
-%\item[\normalfont\pai{inputenc}] Allows the specification of an
-% input encoding such as ASCII, ISO Latin-1, ISO Latin-2, 437/850 IBM
-% code pages, Apple Macintosh, Next, ANSI-Windows or user-defined one.
-% Described in \texttt{inputenc.dtx}.
-\caption{随 \LaTeX 一起发行的宏包。} \label{packages}
-\item[\normalfont\pai{doc}] 排版 \LaTeX{} 的说明文档。具体描述见 \texttt{doc.dtx}\footnote{你的系统中应该安装了该文
- 件,输入命令 \texttt{latex doc.dtx} 处理该文件可得到一个 \texttt{dvi} 文件。类似的方法适用于本表格中的其
- 他 \texttt{.dtx} 文件。} 及 \companion。
-\item[\normalfont\pai{exscale}] 提供了按比例伸缩的数学扩展字体。\\
- 具体描述见 \texttt{ltexscale.dtx}。
-\item[\normalfont\pai{fontenc}] 指明使用哪种 \LaTeX{} 字体编码 (\wi{font
- encoding})。\\
- 具体描述见 \texttt{ltoutenc.dtx}。
-\item[\normalfont\pai{ifthen}] 提供如下形式的命令\\
- `if \ldots then do \ldots otherwise do \ldots.'\\具体描述见
- \texttt{ifthen.dtx} 及 \companion。
- 提供 \LaTeX{} 符号字体。具体描述见 \texttt{latexsym.dtx} 及 \companion。
- 提供排版索引的命令。具体描述见第 \ref{sec:indexing} 节及 \companion。
-\item[\normalfont\pai{syntonly}] 编译文档而不生成 dvi 文件 (常用于查错)。
-\item[\normalfont\pai{inputenc}] 指明使用哪种输入编码,如 ASCII, ISO Latin-1, ISO Latin-2, 437/850 IBM
- code pages, Apple Macintosh, Next,
- ANSI-Windows 或用户自定义编码。
- 具体描述见 \texttt{inputenc.dtx}。
-%\subsection{Page Styles}
-%\LaTeX{} supports three predefined \wi{header}/\wi{footer}
-%combinations---so-called \wi{page style}s. The \emph{style}
-%parameter of the
-style!plain@\texttt{plain}}\index{plain@\texttt{plain}} \index{page
-\index{page style!empty@\texttt{empty}}\index{empty@\texttt{empty}}
-\LaTeX{} 支持三种预定义的页眉/页脚 (\wi{header}/\wi{footer}) 样式,称为页面样式 (\wi{page
-\noindent%command defines which one to use.
-%Table \ref{pagestyle}
-%lists the predefined page styles.
-中的 \emph{style} 参数确定了使用哪一种页面样式。表 \ref{pagestyle} 列出了预定义的页面样式。
-%\caption{The Predefined Page Styles of \LaTeX.} \label{pagestyle}
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{plain}] prints the page numbers on the bottom
-% of the page, in the middle of the footer. This is the default page
-% style.
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{headings}] prints the current chapter heading
-% and the page number in the header on each page, while the footer
-% remains empty. (This is the style used in this document)
-%\item[\normalfont\texttt{empty}] sets both the header and the footer
-% to be empty.
-\caption{\LaTeX 预定义的页面样式。} \label{pagestyle}
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{plain}] 在页脚正中显示页码。这是页面样式的缺省设置。
-\item[\normalfont\texttt{empty}] 将页眉页脚都设为空白。
-%It is possible to change the page style of the current page
-%with the command
-%A description how to create your own
-%headers and footers can be found in \companion{} and in section \ref{sec:fancy} on page \pageref{sec:fancy}.
-如何创建自定义页眉页脚的说明可以参见 \companion{} 及第 \pageref{sec:fancy} 页的第 \ref{sec:fancy} 节。
-% Pointer to the Fancy headings Package description !
-%\section{Files You Might Encounter}
-\section{各类 \LaTeX{} 文件}
-%When you work with \LaTeX{} you will soon find yourself in a maze of
-%files with various \wi{extension}s and probably no clue. The
-%following list explains the various \wi{file types} you might
-%encounter when working with \TeX{}. Please note that this table does
-%not claim to be a complete list of extensions, but if you find one
-%missing that you think is important, please drop me a line.
-使用 \LaTeX{} 时,你可能很快发现自己置身于各种不同扩展名 (\wi{extension}) 或毫无线索的文件形成的迷宫之中。下面的列表解释了
-在使用 \LaTeX{} 时可能遇到的文件类型。要注意的是,下表不是所有的扩展名列表,如果你发现有重要的文件类型没有收录
-%\item[\eei{.tex}] \LaTeX{} or \TeX{} input file. Can be compiled with
-% \texttt{latex}.
-%\item[\eei{.sty}] \LaTeX{} Macro package. This is a file you can load
-% into your \LaTeX{} document using the \ci{usepackage} command.
-%\item[\eei{.dtx}] Documented \TeX{}. This is the main distribution
-% format for \LaTeX{} style files. If you process a .dtx file you get
-% documented macro code of the \LaTeX{} package contained in the .dtx
-% file.
-%\item[\eei{.ins}] The installer for the files contained in the
-% matching .dtx file. If you download a \LaTeX{} package from the net,
-% you will normally get a .dtx and a .ins file. Run \LaTeX{} on the
-% .ins file to unpack the .dtx file.
-%\item[\eei{.cls}] Class files define what your document looks
-% like. They are selected with the \ci{documentclass} command.
-%\item[\eei{.fd}] Font description file telling \LaTeX{} about new fonts.
- \LaTeX{} 或 \TeX{} 源文件。可以使用 \texttt{latex} 命令编译。
- \LaTeX{} 宏包文件。可以使用 \ci{usepackage} 命令将宏包文件载入到你的 \LaTeX{} 文档中。
- 文档化 \TeX{} 文件。这是 \LaTeX{} 宏包文件的主要发布格式。如果编译 \texttt{.dtx} 文档,将会得到其中包含的 \LaTeX{} 宏包文件
- 的文档化宏代码。
-\item[\eei{.ins}] 对应 \texttt{.dtx} 文件的安装文件。如果你从网上下载了一个 \LaTeX{} 的宏包文件,其中一般会包含一
- 个 \texttt{.dtx} 文件和一个 \texttt{.ins} 文件。使用 \LaTeX{} 处理 \texttt{.ins} 文件可以解开 \texttt{.dtx} 文件。
-\item[\eei{.cls}] 定义文档外观形式的类文件,可以通过使用 \ci{documentclass} 命令选取。
-\item[\eei{.fd}] 字体描述文件,可以告诉 \LaTeX{} 有关新字体的信息。
-%The following files are generated when you run \LaTeX{} on your input
-下面这些文件是使用 \LaTeX{} 处理源文件时产生的:
-%\item[\eei{.dvi}] Device Independent File. This is the main result of a \LaTeX{}
-% compile run. You can look at its content with a DVI previewer
-% program or you can send it to a printer with \texttt{dvips} or a
-% similar application.
-%\item[\eei{.log}] Gives a detailed account of what happened during the
-% last compiler run.
-%\item[\eei{.toc}] Stores all your section headers. It gets read in for the
-% next compiler run and is used to produce the table of content.
-%\item[\eei{.lof}] This is like .toc but for the list of figures.
-%\item[\eei{.lot}] And again the same for the list of tables.
-%\item[\eei{.aux}] Another file that transports information from one
-% compiler run to the next. Among other things, the .aux file is used
-% to store information associated with cross-references.
-%\item[\eei{.idx}] If your document contains an index. \LaTeX{} stores all
-% the words that go into the index in this file. Process this file with
-% \texttt{makeindex}. Refer to section \ref{sec:indexing} on
-% page \pageref{sec:indexing} for more information on indexing.
-%\item[\eei{.ind}] The processed .idx file, ready for inclusion into your
-% document on the next compile cycle.
-%\item[\eei{.ilg}] Logfile telling what \texttt{makeindex} did.
-\item[\eei{.dvi}] 设备无关文件。这是运行 \LaTeX{} 编译的主要结果。你可以使用 DVI 预览器预览其内容或使
- 用 \texttt{dvips} 或其他程序输出到打印机。
-\item[\eei{.log}] 记录了上次编译时的详细信息。
- 储存了所有的章节标题。下次编译时将读取该文件并生成目录。
-\item[\eei{.lof}] 和 \texttt{.toc} 文件类似,可生成图形目录。
-\item[\eei{.lot}] 和 \texttt{.toc} 文件类似,可生成表格目录。
-\item[\eei{.aux}] 用来向下次编译传递信息的辅助文件。主要储存交叉引用的相关信息。
-\item[\eei{.idx}] 如果文档中包含索引,\LaTeX{} 将使用该文件存储所有的索引词条。此文件需要使
- 用 \texttt{makeindex} 处理,详见位于 \pageref{sec:indexing} 页的第 \ref{sec:indexing} 节。
-\item[\eei{.ind}] 处理过的 \texttt{.idx} 文件。下次编译时将读入到你的文档中。
- 和 \texttt{.log} 文件类似,记录了 \texttt{makeindex} 命令运行的详细信息。
-% Package Info pointer
-% Add Info on page-numbering, ...
-% \pagenumbering
-%\section{Big Projects}
-%When working on big documents, you might want to split the input
-%file into several parts. \LaTeX{} has two commands that help you to
-%do that.
-当处理大型文档时,最好将文档分割成为几部分。\LaTeX{} 有两个命令可以帮助你完成这项工作。
-\noindent %You can use this command in the document body to insert the
-%contents of another file named \emph{filename.tex}. Note that \LaTeX{}
-%will start a new page
-%before processing the material input from \emph{filename.tex}.
-你可以使用该命令将名为 \emph{filename.tex} 的文档内容插入到当前文档中。需要注意的是,在处理插入的 \emph{filename.tex} 文
-档前,\LaTeX{} 会另起一页。
-%The second command can be used in the preamble. It allows you to
-%instruct \LaTeX{} to only input some of the \verb|\include|d files.
-第二个命令只能在导言区使用。它可以让 \LaTeX{} 仅读入某些 \verb|\include| 文件。
-%After this command is executed in the preamble of the document, only
-%\ci{include} commands for the filenames that are listed in the
-%argument of the \ci{includeonly} command will be executed. Note that
-%there must be no spaces between the filenames and the commas.
-这条命令在文档的导言区执行后,在所有的 \ci{include} 命令中,只有文档名出现在 \ci{includeonly} 的命令参数中的文档
-%The \ci{include} command starts typesetting the included text on a new
-%page. This is helpful when you use \ci{includeonly}, because the
-%page breaks will not move, even when some included files are omitted.
-%Sometimes this might not be desirable. In this case, you can use the
-\ci{include} 命令会在新的一页上排版载入的文本。当使用 \ci{includeonly} 命令时会很有帮助,因为即使一些载入的文本被忽略,分页
-\noindent% command. It simply includes the file specified.
-%No flashy suits, no strings attached.
-\ci{input} 命令只是简单的载入指定的文本,没有其他限制。
-%To make \LaTeX{} quickly check your document you can use the \pai{syntonly}
-%package. This makes \LaTeX{} skim through your document only checking for
-%proper syntax and usage of the commands, but doesn't produce any (DVI) output.
-%As \LaTeX{} runs faster in this mode you may save yourself valuable time.
-%Usage is very simple:
-如果想让 \LaTeX{} 快速的检查文档中的错误,可以使用 \pai{syntonly} 宏包。它可以使 \LaTeX{} 浏览整个文档,检查语法错误
-和使用的命令,但并不生成 DVI 输出。在这种模式下,\LaTeX{} 运行速度很快,可以为你节省宝贵的时间。\pai{syntonly} 宏
-%When you want to produce pages, just comment out the second line
-%(by adding a percent sign).
-如果想产生分页,只要注释掉第二行即可 (在前面加上一个百分号 \verb|%|)。
-% Local Variables:
-% TeX-master: "lshort2e"
-% mode: latex
-% mode: flyspell
-% End: