path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/lshort-chinese/src/overview.tex
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-% Contents: Who contributed to this Document
-% $Id: overview.tex,v 1.2 2003/03/19 20:57:46 oetiker Exp $
-% 中文~4.20~翻译:zpxing@bbs.ctex email: zpxing at gmail dot com
-% Because this introduction is the reader's first impression, I have
-% edited very heavily to try to clarify and economize the language.
-% I hope you do not mind! I always try to ask "is this word needed?"
-% in my own writing but I don't want to impose my style on you...
-% but here I think it may be more important than the rest of the book.
-% --baron
-%\LaTeX{} \cite{manual} is a typesetting system that is very suitable
-%for producing scientific and mathematical documents of high
-%typographical quality. It is also suitable for producing all sorts
-%of other documents, from simple letters to complete books. \LaTeX{}
-%uses \TeX{} \cite{texbook} as its formatting engine.
-%This short introduction describes \LaTeXe{} and should be sufficient
-%for most applications of \LaTeX. Refer to~\cite{manual,companion}
-%for a complete description of the \LaTeX{} system.
-%\noindent This introduction is split into 6 chapters:
-\noindent 这份介绍共有六章:%
-%\item[Chapter 1] tells you about the basic structure of \LaTeXe{}
-% documents. You will also learn a bit about the history of \LaTeX{}.
-% After reading this chapter, you should have a rough understanding how
-% \LaTeX{} works.
-%\item[Chapter 2] goes into the details of typesetting your
-% documents. It explains most of the essential \LaTeX{} commands and
-% environments. After reading this chapter, you will be able to write
-% your first documents.
-%\item[Chapter 3] explains how to typeset formulae with \LaTeX. Many
-% examples demonstrate how to use one of \LaTeX{}'s
-% main strengths. At the end of the chapter are tables listing
-% all mathematical symbols available in \LaTeX{}.
-%\item[Chapter 4] explains indexes, bibliography generation and
-% inclusion of EPS graphics. It introduces creation of PDF documents with pdf\LaTeX{}
-% and presents some handy extension packages.
-%\item[Chapter 5] shows how to use \LaTeX{} for creating graphics. Instead
-% of drawing a picture with some graphics program, saving it to a file and
-% then including it into \LaTeX{} you describe the picture and have \LaTeX{}
-% draw it for you.
-%\item[Chapter 6] contains some potentially dangerous information about
-% how to alter the
-% standard document layout produced by \LaTeX{}. It will tell you how to
-% change things such that the beautiful output of \LaTeX{}
-% turns ugly or stunning, depending on your abilities.
-\item[第一章] 告诉你关于~\LaTeXe{}~文档的基本结构。你也会从中了解一点~\LaTeX{}~的历史。
- 阅读这一章后,你应该对~\LaTeX{}~如何工作有一个大致的理解。
-\item[第二章] 探究文档排版的细节。它解释了大部分必要的~\LaTeX{}~命令和环境。在阅
- 读完这一章之后,你就能够编写你的第一份文档了。%
-\item[第三章] 解释了如何使用~\LaTeX{}~排版公式。同时,大量的例子会有助于你理解
- ~\LaTeX{}~是如何的强大。在这个章节的结尾,你会找到列出~\LaTeX{}~
- 中所有可用数学符号的表格。%
-\item[第四章] 解释了索引和参考文件的生成、EPS~图形的插入。它介绍了如何使用~pdf\LaTeX{}~生成~pdf~文档和一些其他有用的扩展宏包。%
-\item[第五章] 演示如何使用~\LaTeX{}~创建图形。不必使用图形软件画图、存盘并插入~\LaTeX{}~文档,你可以直接描述
- 图形,然后~\LaTeX{}~会替你画好它。
-%\noindent It is important to read the chapters in order---the book is
-%not that big, after all. Be sure to carefully read the examples,
-%because a lot of the information is in the
-%examples placed throughout the book.
-\noindent 按照顺序阅读这些章节是很重要的
-\pozhehao 这本书毕竟不长。一定要认真阅读例子,因为在贯穿全篇的各种例子里包含了很多的信息。%
-%\noindent \LaTeX{} is available for most computers, from the PC and Mac to large
-%UNIX and VMS systems. On many university computer clusters you will
-%find that a \LaTeX{} installation is available, ready to use.
-%Information on how to access
-%the local \LaTeX{} installation should be provided in the \guide. If
-%you have problems getting started, ask the person who gave you this
-%booklet. The scope of this document is \emph{not} to tell you how to
-%install and set up a \LaTeX{} system, but to teach you how to write
-%your documents so that they can be processed by~\LaTeX{}.
-%\noindent If you need to get hold of any \LaTeX{} related material,
-%have a look at one of the Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network
-%(\texttt{CTAN}) sites. The homepage is at
-%\texttt{}. All packages can also be retrieved from
-%the ftp archive \texttt{} and its mirror
-%sites all over the world.
-\noindent 如果你想取得~\LaTeX{}~的相关材料,请访问“Comprehensive
-\TeX{} Archive Network”
-%You will find other references to CTAN throughout the book, especially
-%pointers to software and documents you might want to download. Instead
-%of writing down complete urls, I just wrote \texttt{CTAN:} followed by
-%whatever location within the CTAN tree you should go to.
-%If you want to run \LaTeX{} on your own computer, take a look at what
-%is available from \CTAN|systems|.
-%\noindent If you have ideas for something to be
-%added, removed or altered in this document, please let me know. I am
-%especially interested in feedback from \LaTeX{} novices about which
-%bits of this intro are easy to understand and which could be explained
-\noindent 如果你有意在这份文档中增加、删除或者改变一些内容,请通知我。我对~\LaTeX{}~
-\contrib{Tobias Oetiker}{}%
-\noindent{Department of Information Technology and\\ Electrical
-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology}
-%\noindent The current version of this document is available on\\
-\noindent 这份文档的最新版本在\\
-\noindent 关于这份文档的最新中文翻译,请咨询\\
-% Local Variables:
-% TeX-master: "lshort2e"
-% mode: latex
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-% End: