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+% Contents: Customising LaTeX output
+% $Id: custom.tex,v 1.2 2003/03/19 20:57:45 oetiker Exp $
+% 中文~4.20~翻译:zpxing@bbs.ctex email: zpxing at gmail dot com
+%\chapter{Customising \LaTeX}
+\chapter{定制 \LaTeX}
+%Documents produced with the commands you have learned up to this
+%point will look acceptable to a large audience. While they are not
+%fancy-looking, they obey all the established rules of good
+%typesetting, which will make them easy to read and pleasant to look at.
+%However, there are situations where \LaTeX{} does not provide a
+%command or environment that matches your needs, or the output
+%produced by some existing command may not meet your requirements.
+然而在一些情况下,\LaTeX{} 也许并没有提供适合你需要的命令或者环境,
+%In this chapter, I will try to give some hints on
+%how to teach \LaTeX{} new tricks and how to make it produce output
+%that looks different from what is provided by default.
+本章中,我将尝试给出一些新的技巧,运用这些技巧可以教会 \LaTeX{} 玩
+一些新的把戏,也可以使得 \LaTeX{} 产生与众不同的输出。
+%\section{New Commands, Environments and Packages}
+%You may have noticed that all the commands I introduce in this
+%book are typeset in a box, and that they show up in the index at the end
+%of the book. Instead of directly using the necessary \LaTeX{} commands
+%to achieve this, I have created a \wi{package} in which I defined new
+%commands and environments for this purpose. Now I can simply write:
+并且出现在本书最后的索引中。 我并没有直接使用所需的 \LaTeX{} 命令
+来实现这个,而是创建了一个宏包 (\wi{package}),并在其中定义了我
+所需要的命令和环境。 现在我可以简单的写:
+%In this example, I am using both a new environment called\\
+%\ei{lscommand}, which is responsible for drawing the box around the
+%command, and a new command named \ci{ci}, which typesets the command
+%name and makes a corresponding entry in the index. You can check
+%this out by looking up the \ci{dum} command in the index at the back
+%of this book, where you'll find an entry for \ci{dum}, pointing to
+%every page where I mentioned the \ci{dum} command.
+的周围画出一个矩形框。同时我还使用了一个命令:\ci{ci}, 这个命令负责输出
+命令的名字,并且在索引中添加相应的条目。你可以在本书最后的索引中查找命令 \ci{dum},
+然后你会发现有一个 \ci{dum} 的条目,这个条目中列出了包含有 \ci{dum} 命令
+%If I ever decide that I do not like the commands to be typeset in
+%a box any more, I can simply change the definition of the
+%\texttt{lscommand} environment to create a new look. This is much
+%easier than going through the whole document to hunt down all the
+%places where I have used some generic \LaTeX{} commands to draw a
+%box around some word.
+改变 \texttt{lscommand} 环境的定义,来创建新的外观。跟追踪并修改所有
+使用原始的 \LaTeX{} 命令在文字周围画框的地方相比,这种做法容易得多。
+%\subsection{New Commands}
+%To add your own commands, use the
+% \emph{name}\verb|}[|\emph{num}\verb|]{|\emph{definition}\verb|}|
+%\noindent command.
+%Basically, the command requires two arguments: the \emph{name} of the
+%command you want to create, and the \emph{definition} of the command.
+%The \emph{num} argument in square brackets is optional and specifies the number
+%of arguments the new command takes (up to 9 are possible).
+%If missing it defaults to 0, i.e. no argument allowed.
+ \emph{name}\verb|}[|\emph{num}\verb|]{|\emph{definition}\verb|}|
+基本上,这个命令有两个参量,第一个 \emph{name} 是你想要建立的命令
+的名称,第二个 \emph{definition} 是命令的定义。方括号里的参数 \emph{num} 是可选的,
+用于指定新命令所需的参量数目(最多 9 个)。如果不给
+出这个参数,默认就是 0,也就是新建的命令不要任何参量。
+%The following two examples should help you to get the idea.
+%The first example defines a new command called \ci{tnss}. This is
+%short for ``The Not So Short Introduction to \LaTeXe.'' Such a command
+%could come in handy if you had to write the title of this book over
+%and over again.
+这个命令是句子 ``The\ Not\ So\ Short\ Introduction\ to\ \LaTeXe'' 的简写。
+\newcommand{\tnss}{The not
+ so Short Introduction to
+ \LaTeXe}
+This is ``\tnss'' \ldots{}
+%The next example illustrates how to define a new
+%command that takes one argument.
+%The \verb|#1| tag gets replaced by the argument you specify.
+%If you wanted to use more than one argument, use \verb|#2| and
+%so on.
+下一个例子演示了如何建立一个接受单一参数的命令。在命令的定义中,标记 \verb|#1|
+将被你指定的参量所代替。如果你想使用多个参量,那么可以依次使用 \verb|#2|、……、
+\verb|#9| 等标记。
+ {This is the \emph{#1} Short
+ Introduction to \LaTeXe}
+% in the document body:
+\item \txsit{not so}
+\item \txsit{very}
+%\LaTeX{} will not allow you to create a new command that would
+%overwrite an existing one. But there is a special command in case you
+%explicitly want this: \ci{renewcommand}.
+%It uses the same syntax as the \verb|\newcommand|
+\LaTeX{} 不允许你新建一个与现有命令重名的命令。 如果你确实需要这么做,有一个专门
+的命令用于处理这种情况:\ci{renewcommand}。它使用与命令 \verb|\newcommand|
+%In certain cases you might also want to use the \ci{providecommand}
+%command. It works like \ci{newcommand}, but if the command is
+%already defined, \LaTeXe{} will silently ignore it.
+在某些情况之下,你可能会希望使用 \ci{providecommand} 命令。它完成与 \ci{newcommand}
+命令相同的工作。但如果命令已经存在,\LaTeXe{} 将会悄悄忽略原有的那个。
+%There are some points to note about whitespace following \LaTeX{} commands. See
+%page \pageref{whitespace} for more information.
+处理 \LaTeX{} 命令后尾随的空格有一些要注意的事项,参看第 \pageref{whitespace} 页
+%\subsection{New Environments}
+%Just as with the \verb|\newcommand| command, there is a command
+%to create your own environments. The \ci{newenvironment} command uses the
+%following syntax:
+与 \verb|\newcommand| 命令类似,有一个命令用于建立新的环境。这个命令就是
+ \ci{newenvironment},它的语法如下所示:
+ \emph{name}\verb|}[|\emph{num}\verb|]{|%
+ \emph{before}\verb|}{|\emph{after}\verb|}|
+%Again \ci{newenvironment} can have
+%an optional argument. The material specified
+%in the \emph{before} argument is processed before the text in the
+%environment gets processed. The material in the \emph{after} argument gets
+%processed when the \verb|\end{|\emph{name}\verb|}| command is encountered.
+同样地,\ci{newenvironment} 命有一个可选的
+参量。在 \emph{before} 中的内容将在此环境包含的文本之前处理,而在
+ \emph{after} 中的内容将在遇到 \verb|\end{|\emph{name}\verb|}| 命令时处理。
+%The example below illustrates the usage of the \ci{newenvironment}
+% {\rule{1ex}{1ex}%
+% \hspace{\stretch{1}}}
+% {\hspace{\stretch{1}}%
+% \rule{1ex}{1ex}}
+%My humble subjects \ldots
+下面的例子演示了 \ci{newenvironment} 命令的用法:
+ \hspace{\stretch{1}}}
+ \rule{1ex}{1ex}}
+My humble subjects \ldots
+%The \emph{num} argument is used the same way as in the
+%\verb|\newcommand| command. \LaTeX{} makes sure that you do not define
+%an environment that already exists. If you ever want to change an
+%existing command, you can use the \ci{renewenvironment} command. It
+%uses the same syntax as the \ci{newenvironment} command.
+参量 \emph{num} 的使用方式与 \verb|\newcommand| 命令相同。\LaTeX{} 还同样保证你
+ \ci{renewenvironment},它使用和命令 \ci{newenvironment} 相同的语法。
+%The commands used in this example will be explained later. For the
+%\ci{rule} command see page \pageref{sec:rule}, for \ci{stretch} go to
+%page \pageref{cmd:stretch}, and more information on \ci{hspace} can be
+%found on page \pageref{sec:hspace}.
+在这个例子中用到一些命令将在随后解释:\ci{rule} 命令的解释可以参看第 \pageref{sec:rule} 页,
+\ci{stretch} 命令的解释可以参看第 \pageref{cmd:stretch} 页,关于 \ci{hspace} 的
+信息可以在第 \pageref{sec:hspace} 页找到。
+%\subsection{Extra Space}
+%When creating a new environment you may easily get bitten by extra spaces
+%creaping in, which can potentially have fatal effects. For example when you
+%want to create a title environemnt which supresses its own indentation as
+%well as the one on the following paragraph. The \ci{ignorespaces} command in
+%the begin block of the environment will make it ignore any space after
+%executing the begin block. The end block is a bit more tricky as special
+%processing occurs at the end of an environment. With the
+%\ci{ignorespacesafterend} \LaTeX{} will issue an \ci{ignorespaces} after the
+%special `end' processing has occured.
+建立一个标题环境,既不要自身的缩进也不要紧接着的下一段缩进时,在 begin 中加入
+命令 \ci{ignorespaces} 会使新环境忽略执行 begin 之后遇到的一切空白间距,而 end
+就需要耍个小花招,因为我们要等到环境结束后才开始处理。使用 \ci{ignorespacesafterend},\LaTeX{} 会
+在 end 处理完毕后,产生一个 \ci{ignorespaces}。
+ {\noindent}%
+ {\par\noindent}
+See the space\\to the left.
+ {\noindent\ignorespaces}%
+ {\par\noindent%
+ \ignorespacesafterend}
+No space\\to the left.
+%\subsection{Commandline \LaTeX}
+\subsection{命令行的 \LaTeX}
+%If you work on a Unix like OS, you might be using Makefiles to build your
+%\LaTeX{} projects. In that connection it might be interesting to produce
+%different versions of the same document by calling \LaTeX{} with commandline
+%parameters. If you add the following structure to your document:
+如果使用类 Unix 的操作系统工作,你可能会在使用 Makefiles 建立你的 \LaTeX{} 项目。
+那样的话,用命令行参数操控 \LaTeX{} 来创建同一份文档的不同版本可是十分有趣的。如果
+ % "black and white" mode; do something..
+ % "color" mode; do something different..
+%Now you can call \LaTeX{} like this:
+现在,你可以像这样来操作 \LaTeX{}:
+latex '\newcommand{\blackandwhite}{true}\input{test.tex}'
+%First the command \verb|\blackandwhite| gets defined and then the actual file is read with input.
+%By setting \verb|\blackandwhite| to false the color version of the document would be produced.
+首先,定义命令 \verb|\blackandwhite|,然后使用 input 来读入实际的文档。要创建彩色版本文档,需要
+设定 \verb|\blackandwhite| 为 false。
+%\subsection{Your Own Package}
+%If you define a lot of new environments and commands, the preamble of
+%your document will get quite long. In this situation, it is a good
+%idea to create a \LaTeX{} package containing all your command and
+%environment definitions. You can then use the \ci{usepackage}
+%command to make the package available in your document.
+建立一个新的 \LaTeX{} 宏包来存放所有你自己定义的命令和环境将是一个好的处理方式。
+然后你可以在文档中使用 \ci{usepackage} 命令来引入自定义宏包。
+% Demo Package by Tobias Oetiker
+\newcommand{\tnss}{The not so Short Introduction
+ to \LaTeXe}
+\newcommand{\txsit}[1]{The \emph{#1} Short
+ Introduction to \LaTeXe}
+\caption{宏包样例。} \label{package}
+%Writing a package basically consists of copying the contents of
+%your document preamble into a separate file with a name ending in
+%\texttt{.sty}. There is one special command,
+ 这个文件需要以 \texttt{.sty} 结尾。你还加入一个专用的命令:
+\ci{ProvidesPackage}\verb|{|\emph{package name}\verb|}|
+%\noindent for use at the very beginning of your package
+%file. \verb|\ProvidesPackage| tells \LaTeX{} the name of the package
+%and will allow it to issue a sensible error message when you try to
+%include a package twice. Figure \ref{package} shows a small example
+%package that contains the commands defined in the examples above.
+\noindent 这个命令应该放在你的宏包的最前面。\verb|\ProvidesPackage| 告诉 \LaTeX{}
+宏包的名称从而让 \LaTeX{} 在你尝试两次引入同一个宏包的时候给出一个明显的
+错误信息,图 \ref{package} 给出了一个小的宏包示例,其中包含了我们之前定义的一些命令。
+%\section{Fonts and Sizes}
+%\subsection{Font Changing Commands}
+%\index{font}\index{font size} \LaTeX{} chooses the appropriate font
+%and font size based on the logical structure of the document
+%(sections, footnotes, \ldots). In some cases, one might like to change
+%fonts and sizes by hand. To do this, you can use the commands listed in
+%Tables \ref{fonts} and \ref{sizes}. The actual size of each font
+%is a design issue and depends on the document class and its options.
+%Table \ref{tab:pointsizes} shows the absolute point size for these
+%commands as implemented in the standard document classes.
+\index{font}\index{font size} \LaTeX{} 根据文档的逻辑结构(章节、脚注……)
+字体及其大小。为了完成这个目的,你可以使用表 \ref{fonts} 和表 \ref{sizes} 中
+的文档类及其选项。表 \ref{tab:pointsizes} 列出了这些命令在标准文档类中的绝对 pt 大小。
+{\small The small and
+\textbf{bold} Romans ruled}
+{\Large all of great big
+%One important feature of \LaTeXe{} is that the font attributes are
+%independent. This means that you can issue size or even font
+%changing commands, and still keep the bold or slant attribute set
+\LaTeXe{} 的一个重要特征是字体的各种属性是相互独立的,这意味着你可以改变字体
+%In \emph{math mode} you can use the font changing \emph{commands} to
+%temporarily exit \emph{math mode} and enter some normal text. If you want to
+%switch to another font for math typesetting you need another
+%special set of commands; refer to Table \ref{mathfonts}.
+一些正常的文字。如果你希望改变数学公式本身所使用的字体,\LaTeX{} 提供了另外一套命令。
+参看表 \ref{mathfonts}。
+\caption{字体。} \label{fonts}
+% Alan suggested not to tell about the other form of the command
+% eg \verb|\sffamily| or \verb|\bfseries|. This seems a good thing to me.
+\fni{textrm}\verb|{...}| & \textrm{\wi{roman}}&
+\fni{textsf}\verb|{...}| & \textsf{\wi{sans serif}}\\
+\fni{texttt}\verb|{...}| & \texttt{typewriter}\\[6pt]
+\fni{textmd}\verb|{...}| & \textmd{medium}&
+\fni{textbf}\verb|{...}| & \textbf{\wi{bold face}}\\[6pt]
+\fni{textup}\verb|{...}| & \textup{\wi{upright}}&
+\fni{textit}\verb|{...}| & \textit{\wi{italic}}\\
+\fni{textsl}\verb|{...}| & \textsl{\wi{slanted}}&
+\fni{textsc}\verb|{...}| & \textsc{\wi{Small Caps}}\\[6pt]
+\ci{emph}\verb|{...}| & \emph{emphasized} &
+\fni{textnormal}\verb|{...}| & \textnormal{document} font
+\index{font size} \caption{字号。} \label{sizes}
+\fni{tiny} & \tiny tiny font \\
+\fni{scriptsize} & \scriptsize very small font\\
+\fni{footnotesize} & \footnotesize quite small font \\
+\fni{small} & \small small font \\
+\fni{normalsize} & \normalsize normal font \\
+\fni{large} & \large large font
+\fni{Large} & \Large larger font \\[5pt]
+\fni{LARGE} & \LARGE very large font \\[5pt]
+\fni{huge} & \huge huge \\[5pt]
+\fni{Huge} & \Huge largest
+\caption{标准文档类中的绝对 pt 大小。}\label{tab:pointsizes}
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{大小} &
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{10pt (默认)} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{11pt 选项} &
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{12pt 选项}\\
+\verb|\tiny| & 5pt & 6pt & 6pt\\
+\verb|\scriptsize| & 7pt & 8pt & 8pt\\
+\verb|\footnotesize| & 8pt & 9pt & 10pt \\
+\verb|\small| & 9pt & 10pt & 11pt \\
+\verb|\normalsize| & 10pt & 11pt & 12pt \\
+\verb|\large| & 12pt & 12pt & 14pt \\
+\verb|\Large| & 14pt & 14pt & 17pt \\
+\verb|\LARGE| & 17pt & 17pt & 20pt\\
+\verb|\huge| & 20pt & 20pt & 25pt\\
+\verb|\Huge| & 25pt & 25pt & 25pt\\
+\caption{数学字体。} \label{mathfonts}
+\fni{mathrm}\verb|{...}|& $\mathrm{Roman\ Font}$\\
+\fni{mathbf}\verb|{...}|& $\mathbf{Boldface\ Font}$\\
+\fni{mathsf}\verb|{...}|& $\mathsf{Sans\ Serif\ Font}$\\
+\fni{mathtt}\verb|{...}|& $\mathtt{Typewriter\ Font}$\\
+\fni{mathit}\verb|{...}|& $\mathit{Italic\ Font}$\\
+\fni{mathcal}\verb|{...}|& $\mathcal{CALLIGRAPHIC\ FONT}$\\
+\fni{mathnormal}\verb|{...}|& $\mathnormal{Normal\ Font}$\\
+%\textit{Command}&\textit{Example}& \textit{Output}\\[6pt]
+%\fni{mathcal}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\mathcal{B}=c$|& $\mathcal{B}=c$\\
+%\fni{mathscr}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\mathscr{B}=c$|& $\mathscr{B}=c$\\
+%\fni{mathrm}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\mathrm{K}_2$|& $\mathrm{K}_2$\\
+%\fni{mathbf}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\sum x=\mathbf{v}$|& $\sum x=\mathbf{v}$\\
+%\fni{mathsf}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\mathsf{G\times R}$|& $\mathsf{G\times R}$\\
+%\fni{mathtt}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\mathtt{L}(b,c)$|& $\mathtt{L}(b,c)$\\
+%\fni{mathnormal}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\mathnormal{R_{19}}\neq R_{19}$|&
+%$\mathnormal{R_{19}}\neq R_{19}$\\
+%\fni{mathit}\verb|{...}|& \verb|$\mathit{ffi}\neq ffi$|& $\mathit{ffi}\neq ffi$
+%In connection with the font size commands, \wi{curly braces} play a
+%significant role. They are used to build \emph{groups}. Groups
+%limit the scope of most \LaTeX{} commands.\index{grouping}
+使用字体命令的时候,大括号 (\wi{curly braces}) 扮演了一个重要角色。它们被用于
+建立所谓的\textbf{组} (group)。组限制了大多数 \LaTeX{} 命令的作用范围。\index{grouping}
+He likes {\LARGE large and
+{\small small} letters}.
+%The font size commands also change the line spacing, but only if the
+%paragraph ends within the scope of the font size command. The closing curly
+%brace \verb|}| should therefore not come too early. Note the position of
+%the \ci{par} command in the next two examples. \footnote{\texttt{\bs{}par}
+%is equivalent to a blank line}
+用于分组的反向大括号 \verb|}| 不应该太早出现。注意下面两个例子中
+\ci{par} 命令的位置
+\footnote{\texttt{\bs{}par} 相当于一个空行}。
+{\Large Don't read this!
+ It is not true.
+ You can believe me!\par}
+{\Large This is not true either.
+But remember I am a liar.}\par
+%If you want to activate a size changing command for a whole paragraph
+%of text or even more, you might want to use the environment syntax for
+%font changing commands.
+This is not true.
+But then again, what is these
+days \ldots
+%\noindent This will save you from counting lots of curly braces.
+\noindent 这将使你从一堆大括号中解脱出来。
+%\subsection{Danger, Will Robinson, Danger}
+%As noted at the beginning of this chapter, it is dangerous to clutter
+%your document with explicit commands like this, because they work in
+%opposition to the basic idea of \LaTeX{}, which is to separate the
+%logical and visual markup of your document. This means that if you
+%use the same font changing command in several places in order to
+%typeset a special kind of information, you should use
+%\verb|\newcommand| to define a ``logical wrapper command'' for the font
+%changing command.
+危险的事情,因为这种做法和 \LaTeX{} 的基础理念相反。在编写 \LaTeX{} 文档
+就应该使用 \verb|\newcommand| 来定义一个逻辑封装命令,并通过这个命令来修改相应的表现格式。
+ \textbf{#1}}
+Do not \oops{enter} this room,
+it's occupied by \oops{machines}
+of unknown origin and purpose.
+%This approach has the advantage that you can decide at some later
+%stage that you want to use some visual representation of danger other
+%than \verb|\textbf|, without having to wade through your document,
+%identifying all the occurrences of \verb|\textbf| and then figuring out
+%for each one whether it was used for pointing out danger or for some other
+使之不同于 \verb|\textbf|,
+那时你就不需要遍历你的整篇文章来找出所有 \verb|\textbf| 的地方,
+%To conclude this journey into the land of fonts and font sizes,
+%here is a little word of advice:\nopagebreak
+% \underline{\textbf{Remember\Huge!}} \textit{The}
+% \textsf{M\textbf{\LARGE O} \texttt{R}\textsl{E}} fonts \Huge you
+% \tiny use \footnotesize \textbf{in} a \small \texttt{document},
+% \large \textit{the} \normalsize more \textsc{readable} and
+% \textsl{\textsf{beautiful} it bec\large o\Large m\LARGE e\huge s}.
+ \underline{\textbf{Remember\Huge!}} \textit{The}
+ \textsf{M\textbf{\LARGE O} \texttt{R}\textsl{E}} fonts \Huge you
+ \tiny use \footnotesize \textbf{in} a \small \texttt{document},
+ \large \textit{the} \normalsize more \textsc{readable} and
+ \textsl{\textsf{beautiful} it bec\large o\Large m\LARGE e\huge s}.\\
+ 记住!你使用的字体越多,文章看起来就越易读越美观。
+%\subsection{Line Spacing}
+%\index{line spacing} If you want to use larger inter-line spacing in a
+%document, you can change its value by putting the
+\index{line spacing}如果你想在文档中使用更大的行距,你可以在导言中使用
+%\noindent command into the preamble of your document.
+%Use \verb|\linespread{1.3}| for ``one and a half'' line
+%spacing, and \verb|\linespread{1.6}| for ``double'' line spacing. Normally
+%the lines are not spread, so the default line spread factor
+%is 1.\index{double line spacing}
+如 \verb|\linespread{1.3}| 产生 $1.5$ 倍行距,而 \verb|\linespread{1.6}|
+则产生双倍行距。缺省情况下的行距为 $1$。 \index{double line spacing}
+%Note that the effect of the \ci{linespread} command is rather drastic and
+%not appropriate for published work. So if you have a good reason for
+%changing the line spacing you might want to use the command:
+注意 \ci{linespread} 的效果相当夸张而且不适合出版工作。因此如果你很想改变行距
+ {1.5\baselineskip}
+This paragraph is typeset with
+the baseline skip set to 1.5 of
+what it was before. Note the par
+command at the end of the
+This paragraph has a clear
+purpose, it shows that after the
+curly brace has been closed,
+everything is back to normal.
+%\subsection{Paragraph Formatting}\label{parsp}
+%In \LaTeX{}, there are two parameters influencing paragraph layout.
+%By placing a definition like
+在 \LaTeX{} 中,有两个参数可以影响段落的布局。在文档的导言部分,可以通过
+\ci{setlength}\verb|{|\ci{parindent}\verb|}{0pt}| \\
+\verb|\setlength{|\ci{parskip}\verb|}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}|
+%in the preamble of the input file, you can change the layout of
+%paragraphs. These two commands increase the space between two paragraphs
+%while setting the paragraph indent to zero.
+这两个命令增加了段落间距,并将首行缩进设置为 $0$。
+%The \texttt{plus} and \texttt{minus} parts of the length above tell
+%\TeX{} that it can compress and expand the inter paragraph skip by the
+%amount specified, if this is necessary to properly fit the paragraphs
+%onto the page.
+例子中,长度设定中的 \texttt{plus} 和 \texttt{minus} 部分将使得 \TeX{} 按照指定大小
+压缩和伸展段落间距。为了使得段落正确的显示在页面之上,\TeX{} 将在 0.8ex
+到 1.5ex 之间调整段落间距。
+%In continental Europe,
+%paragraphs are often separated by some space and not indented. But
+%beware, this also has its effect on the table of contents. Its lines
+%get spaced more loosely now as well. To avoid this, you might want to
+%move the two commands from the preamble into your document to some
+%place below the command \verb|\tableofcontents| or to not use them at all,
+%because you'll find that most professional books use indenting and not
+%spacing to separate paragraphs.
+中 \verb|\tableofcontents| 以下适合的位置,或者根本不要使用这些,因为一般来说专业的书籍都是用缩进并且
+%If you want to indent a paragraph that is not indented, you can use
+%\noindent at the beginning of the paragraph.\footnote{To indent the first paragraph after each section head, use
+% the \pai{indentfirst} package in the `tools' bundle.} Obviously,
+%this will only have an effect when \verb|\parindent| is not set to
+段落,可以使用 \pai{indentfirst} 包。},可以在段落的开始使用命令:
+当然,这个命令只有在 \verb|\parindent| 不为零的情况下才有效果。
+%To create a non-indented paragraph, you can use
+%\noindent as the first command of the paragraph. This might come in handy when
+%you start a document with body text and not with a sectioning command.
+%\subsection{Horizontal Space}
+\LaTeX{} 系统自动决定单词和句子之间的距离。为了增加水平距离,
+%If such a space should be kept even if it falls at the end or the
+%start of a line, use \verb|\hspace*| instead of \verb|\hspace|. The
+%\emph{length} in the simplest case is just a number plus a unit. The
+%most important units are listed in Table \ref{units}.
+如果这个水平间距即使在行首或者行末也应该保持的话,用命令 \verb|\hspace*| 代替 \verb|\hspace|。命令的 \emph{length} 参数在简单的情况下只是一个带有单位
+的数字。最重要的长度单位在表 \ref{units} 中列了出来。
+This\hspace{1.5cm}is a space
+of 1.5 cm.
+\caption{\TeX{} 单位。} \label{units}\index{units}
+\texttt{mm} & millimetre $\approx 1/25$ inch \quad \demowidth{1mm} \\
+\texttt{cm} & centimetre = 10 mm \quad \demowidth{1cm} \\
+\texttt{in} & inch $=$ 25.4 mm \quad \demowidth{1in} \\
+\texttt{pt} & point $\approx 1/72$ inch $\approx \frac{1}{3}$ mm \quad\demowidth{1pt}\\
+\texttt{em} & approx width of an `M' in the current font \quad \demowidth{1em}\\
+\texttt{ex} & approx height of an `x' in the current font \quad \demowidth{1ex}
+%The command
+%\noindent generates a special rubber space. It stretches until all the
+%remaining space on a line is filled up. If two
+%\verb|\hspace{\stretch{|\emph{n}\verb|}}| commands are issued on the
+%same line, they grow according to the stretch factor.
+\noindent 将产生一个特殊的橡皮长度:一个能把行内剩余所有空隙填满的空白。
+如果两个 \verb|\hspace{\stretch{|\emph{n}\verb|}}| 命令位于同一行,那么它们将根据伸缩因子分配空间。
+%When using horizontal space together with text, it may make sense to make
+%the space adjust its size relative to the size of the current font.
+%This can be done by using the text-relative units \texttt{em} and
+与文本有关的单位 \texttt{em} 和 \texttt{ex} 来实现:
+%\subsection{Vertical Space}
+%The space between paragraphs, sections, subsections, \ldots\ is
+%determined automatically by \LaTeX. If necessary, additional vertical
+%space \emph{between two paragraphs} can be added with the command:
+在段落、节、小节…… 之间的距离是由 \LaTeX{} 系统自动决定的。如果必要的话,可以在两段之间
+%This command should normally be used between two empty lines. If the
+%space should be preserved at the top or at the bottom of a page, use
+%the starred version of the command, \verb|\vspace*|, instead of \verb|\vspace|.
+%\index{vertical space}
+这个命令的星号版本 \verb|\vspace*| 来代替 \verb|\vspace|。
+\index{vertical space}
+%The \verb|\stretch| command, in connection with \verb|\pagebreak|, can
+%be used to typeset text on the last line of a page, or to centre text
+%vertically on a page.
+命令 \verb|\stretch| 和 \verb|\pagebreak| 结合使用可以在页的最后一行输出文本,也可以
+Some text \ldots
+This goes onto the last line of the page.\pagebreak
+%Additional space between two lines of \emph{the same} paragraph or
+%within a table is specified with the
+%\noindent command.
+%With \ci{bigskip} and \ci{smallskip} you can skip a predefined amount of
+%vertical space without having to worry about exact numbers.
+使用命令 \ci{bigskip} 和 \ci{smallskip} 你可以获得一个预定义的垂直间距。
+%\section{Page Layout}
+%\index{page layout}
+%\LaTeXe{} allows you to specify the \wi{paper size} in the
+%\verb|\documentclass| command. It then automatically picks the right
+%text \wi{margins}, but sometimes you may not be happy with
+%the predefined values. Naturally, you can change them.
+%%no idea why this is needed here ...
+%Figure \ref{fig:layout} shows all the parameters that can be changed.
+%The figure was produced with the \pai{layout} package from the tools bundle.%
+\index{page layout}
+\LaTeXe{} 允许你在 \verb|\documentclass| 命令中指定纸张尺寸 (\wi{paper size})。
+然后它将自动的选择合适的页边距。但有些时候你可能不满意 \LaTeX{} 的预设值,这个
+%no idea why this is needed here ...
+图 \ref{fig:layout} 中显示了所有能改变的页面参数。这个图是用 \pai{layout} 宏包
+%\textbf{WAIT!} \ldots before you launch into a ``Let's make that
+%narrow page a bit wider'' frenzy, take a few seconds to think. As with
+%most things in \LaTeX, there is a good reason for the page layout to
+%be as it is.
+\textbf{先等等!} ……在你开始幻想“让这个狭窄的页面看起来宽一点”之前,先花一些时间
+想想。和 \LaTeX{} 中的大多数规定一样,缺省的页面布局是有其合理原因的。
+%Sure, compared to your off-the-shelf MS Word page, it looks awfully
+%narrow. But take a look at your favourite book\footnote{I mean a real
+% printed book produced by a reputable publisher.} and count the number
+%of characters on a standard text line. You will find that there are no
+%more than about 66 characters on each line. Now do the same on your
+%\LaTeX{} page. You will find that there are also about 66 characters
+%per line. Experience shows that the reading gets difficult as soon as
+%there are more characters on a single line. This is because it is
+%difficult for the eyes to move from the end of one line to the start of the next one.
+%This is also why newspapers are typeset in multiple columns.
+确实,相对于你的 MS\ Word 页面来说,它看上去非常的狭窄。但是看看你喜欢的书籍
+你会发现每行的字符不超过 66 个。现在你的 \LaTeX{} 页面也正是如此。经验显示,如果在
+%So if you increase the width of your body text, keep in mind that you
+%are making life difficult for the readers of your paper. But enough
+%of the cautioning, I promised to tell you how you do it \ldots
+%\LaTeX{} provides two commands to change these parameters. They are
+%usually used in the document preamble.
+\LaTeX{} 提供了两个命令来改变这些参数。他们通常在文章的导言部分使用。
+%The first command assigns a fixed value to any of the parameters:
+%The second command adds a length to any of the parameters:
+%This second command is actually more useful than the \ci{setlength}
+%command, because you can now work relative to the existing settings.
+%To add one centimetre to the overall text width, I put the
+%following commands into the document preamble:
+第二个命令实际上比 \ci{setlength} 命令更为实用,因为你可以相对于现有的设置来获得
+所需的结果。为了给文本的宽度增加 1 厘米,我将如下的命令放置到文档导言:
+%In this context, you might want to look at the \pai{calc} package.
+%It allows you to use arithmetic operations in the argument of \ci{setlength}
+%and other places where you can enter numeric values into function
+这时候,你可能会想要看看 \pai{calc} 包,它允许你在 \ci{setlength} 的参量
+%\section{More Fun With Lengths}
+%Whenever possible, I avoid using absolute lengths in
+%\LaTeX{} documents. I rather try to base things on the width or height
+%of other page elements. For the width of a figure this could
+%be \verb|\textwidth| in order to make it fill the page.
+只要可能,就应该避免在 \LaTeX{} 文档中使用绝对长度。我更愿意通过页面
+中其他元素的宽度或高度来指定长度。比如一个图形,我指定 \verb|\textwidth| 作为
+%The following 3 commands allow you to determine the width, height and
+%depth of a text string.
+%\noindent The example below shows a possible application of these commands.
+\noindent 下面的例子显示了如何应用这些命令:
+ \settowidth{\parindent}{#1:\ }
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{#1:\ }}{}
+$b$ -- are adjoin to the right
+angle of a right-angled triangle.
+$c$ -- is the hypotenuse of
+the triangle and feels lonely.
+$d$ -- finally does not show up
+here at all. Isn't that puzzling?
+%\LaTeX{} builds up its pages by pushing around boxes. At first, each
+%letter is a little box, which is then glued to other letters to form
+%words. These are again glued to other words, but with special glue,
+%which is elastic so that a series of words can be squeezed or
+%stretched as to exactly fill a line on the page.
+\LaTeX{} 使用盒子来建立页面。首先,每个字符都是一个小的盒子,
+之间粘结的是一种特殊的“胶水” (glue),它是有弹性的,可以使 \LaTeX{} 压缩或者延伸使得单词将恰好构成页面的一行。
+%I admit, this is a very simplistic version of what really happens, but
+%the point is that \TeX{} operates on glue and boxes. Letters are not the only things that
+%can be boxes. You can put virtually everything into a box, including
+%other boxes. Each box will then be handled by \LaTeX{} as if it were a
+%single letter.
+我承认,这里的描述是实际情况一个极度简化了的版本,但关键在于 \TeX{}
+任何东西包括其他盒子放到一个盒子中。 然后 \LaTeX{} 将会像处理
+%In the past chapters you have already encountered some boxes, although
+%I did not tell you. The \ei{tabular} environment and the
+%\ci{includegraphics}, for example, both produce a box. This means that you can
+%easily arrange two tables or images side by side. You just have to
+%make sure that their combined width is not larger than the textwidth.
+ \ei{tabular} 环境和 \ci{includegraphics} 命令就都产生了一个盒子。这就
+%You can also pack a paragraph of your choice into a box with either
+%\noindent command or the
+\noindent 或者用下面这个环境完成同样的事情:
+\verb|\begin{|\ei{minipage}\verb|}[|\emph{pos}\verb|]{|\emph{width}\verb|}| text
+%\noindent environment. The \texttt{pos} parameter can take one of the letters
+%\texttt{c, t} or \texttt{b} to control the vertical alignment of the box,
+%relative to the baseline of the surrounding text. \texttt{width} takes
+%a length argument specifying the width of the box. The main difference
+%between a \ei{minipage} and a \ci{parbox} is that you cannot use all commands
+%and environments inside a \ei{parbox}, while almost anything is possible in
+%a \ei{minipage}.
+参数 \texttt{pos} 可以取以下字符中的一个 \texttt{c}、\texttt{t}
+ 或 \texttt{b},
+这个参数用于控制盒子相对周围文本基线的垂直方向对齐。\texttt{width} 是一个长度参量用于
+调整盒子的宽度。\ei{minipage} 和 \ci{parbox} 的区别在于你可能无法在一个 \ei{parbox} 中使用所有的命令或者环境,而几乎任何东西都可以在 \ei{minipage} 中使用。
+%While \ci{parbox} packs up a whole paragraph doing line breaking and
+%everything, there is also a class of boxing commands that operates
+%only on horizontally aligned material. We already know one of them;
+%it's called \ci{mbox}. It simply packs up a series of boxes into
+%another one, and can be used to prevent \LaTeX{} from breaking two
+%words. As you can put boxes inside boxes, these horizontal box packers
+%give you ultimate flexibility.
+虽然\ci{parbox} 可以打包整个段落,完成分行在内的几乎所有事情,
+\LaTeX{} 中还存在与此不同的另外一类盒子命令用于处理水平对齐的东西。我们已经知道其中的
+一个 \pozhehao \ci{mbox},它只是简单地将其它盒子包含在一个盒子里,从而防止
+ \LaTeX{} 断开两个单词。因为盒子中可以包含盒子,它可以给予作者几乎无限的灵活性。
+%\noindent \texttt{width} defines the width of the resulting box as
+%seen from the outside.\footnote{This means it can be smaller than the
+%material inside the box. You can even set the
+%width to 0pt so that the text inside the box will be typeset without
+%influencing the surrounding boxes.} Besides the length
+%expressions, you can also use \ci{width}, \ci{height}, \ci{depth}, and
+%\ci{totalheight} in the width parameter. They are set from values
+%obtained by measuring the typeset \emph{text}. The \emph{pos} parameter takes
+%a one letter value: \textbf{c}enter, flush\textbf{l}eft,
+%flush\textbf{r}ight, or \textbf{s}pread the text to fill the box.
+\noindent \texttt{width} 定义了生成的盒子的外部宽度\footnote{这意味着在盒子
+内部看来,盒子的宽度可能会小一些,你甚至可以将盒子的宽度设置为 0\,pt,这样可以
+使得盒子中的内容不影响其外部的布局。}。 除了长度表达式,你也可以传递
+ \ci{width}、 \ci{height}、 \ci{depth} 和 \ci{totalheight} 给 \texttt{width}。
+这几个值是测量盒子内部文本来获得的。参数 \emph{pos} 接受一个字符值:
+\textbf{c} -- 居中、\textbf{l} -- 靠左、\textbf{r} -- 靠右和 \textbf{s} --
+%The command \ci{framebox} works exactly the same as \ci{makebox}, but
+%it draws a box around the text.
+命令 \ci{framebox} 和 \ci{makebox} 完成同样的工作,不同之处在于它在内部文本
+%The following example shows you some things you could do with
+%the \ci{makebox} and \ci{framebox} commands.
+下面的例子演示了你使用命令 \ci{makebox} 和 \ci{framebox} 能完成的一些工作:
+ c e n t r a l}\par
+ s p r e a d}\par
+\framebox[1.1\width]{Guess I'm
+ framed now!} \par
+ I am too wide} \par
+ mind, so am I}
+Can you read this?
+%Now that we control the horizontal, the obvious next step is to go for
+% the vertical.\footnote{Total control is only to be obtained by
+% controlling both the horizontal and the vertical \ldots}
+% No problem for \LaTeX{}. The
+对于 \LaTeX{} 来说,轻而易举。命令
+%\noindent command lets you define the vertical properties of a
+%box. You can use \ci{width}, \ci{height}, \ci{depth}, and
+% \ci{totalheight} in the first three parameters, in order to act
+% upon the size of the box inside the \emph{text} argument.
+\noindent 让你能够定义一个盒子在垂直方向的属性。在前面的三个参数中,
+你可以使用 \ci{width}、\ci{height}、\ci{depth}
+和 \ci{totalheight},这样可以使得盒子的参数能够与盒子内部的文本匹配。
+he shouted but not even the next
+one in line noticed that something
+terrible had happened to him.
+%\section{Rules and Struts}
+%A few pages back you may have noticed the command
+%\noindent In normal use it produces a simple black box.
+\noindent 通常它被用来输出一个简单的黑色盒子。
+%\noindent This is useful for drawing vertical and horizontal
+%lines. The line on the title page, for example, has been created with a
+%\ci{rule} command.
+\noindent 这个命令可以用来产生水平方向和垂直方向的线条。例如标题页上的直线就是用一个 \ci{rule} 命令创建的。
+%A special case is a rule with no width but a certain height. In
+%professional typesetting, this is called a \wi{strut}. It is used to
+%guarantee that an element on a page has a certain minimal height. You
+%could use it in a \texttt{tabular} environment to make sure a row has
+%a certain minimum height.
+一种特殊的例子是没有宽度只有高度的标尺。在专业的出版中,这被称为支撑 (\wi{Struts})。
+它被用来保证页面的某个元素具有一个确定的高度最小值。你可以在 \texttt{tabular} 环境中使用支撑
+\rule{1pt}{4ex}Pitprop \ldots\\
+%{\flushright The End.\par}
+{\flushright 全篇结束。\par}
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "lshort2e"
+% mode: latex
+% mode: flyspell
+% End: