path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/lisp-on-tex/README
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+%% This is file `README'.
+%% License: Modified BSD - see LICENSE file.
+===== LISP on TeX --- A LISP interpreter on TeX ======
+Version 1.0
+Author : HAKUTA Shizuya <>
+==== Introduction ====
+LISP on TeX is a LISP interpreter written only with TeX macros.
+It works as a style file of LaTeX.
+LISP on TeX adopts static scoping, dynamic typing, and eager evaluation.
+We can program easily with LISP on TeX.
+==== Files ====
+README : This file.
+lisp-on-tex.sty : Main routine. (evaluator)
+lisp-prim.sty : Primitive functions. (Automatically loaded by lisp.sty)
+lisp-read.sty : Parser. (Automatically loaded by lisp.sty)
+lisp-arith.sty : Arithmetical functions. (Automatically loaded by lisp.sty)
+lisp-string.sty : Functions which manipulates strings.
+ : (Automatically loaded by lisp.sty)
+lisp-latexutil.sty : Utility functions for LaTeX.
+ : (Automatically loaded by lisp.sty)
+lisp-util.sty : Utility functions written with LISP on TeX.
+ : (Automatically loaded by lisp.sty)
+lisp-mod-fpnum.sty : The module which enables us to use fixed point numbers.
+ : See the "Fixed Point Numbers" section in this document.
+examples/* : Example files. See the "Examples" section.
+==== Usage ====
+To use LISP on TeX, write
+ \usepackage{lisp}
+in the preamble of document.
+We can load module files
+using \usepackage. For example, the command
+ \usepackage{lisp-mod-fpnum}
+loads the module of fixed point numbers.
+It the document, we can start LISP interpreter with \lispinterp.
+For example,
+ \lispinterp{(\texprint :1)}
+outputs "1".
+To get more detail, please read example files.
+It is the better way to know about LISP on TeX.
+==== Examples ====
+ * fact.tex
+ -- Calculate the factorial function.
+ * rocket.tex
+ -- Show how to use "mutable" locations.
+ * fpnum-mandelbrot.tex
+ -- Calculate the mandelbrot set.
+ -- It takes a long long time to typeset.
+==== Syntax ====
+The syntax of LISP on TeX is the following;
+<S-exp> ::= <cons>
+ | <int>
+ | <string>
+ | <symbol>
+ | <bool>
+ | <nil>
+ | <p-module>
+ | <skip>
+ | <dimen>
+<cons> ::= (<S-exp>+) | (<S-exp> . <S-exp>)
+<int> ::= :[TeX's integer]
+<string> ::= '[TeX's tokens]'
+<symbol> ::= [a control sequence]
+<bool> ::= /t | /f
+<nil> ::= ()
+<p-module>::= +{<modname>::<tokens>}
+<modname> ::= [TeX's tokens]
+<tokens> ::= [TeX's tokens]
+<skip> ::= @[TeX's skip]
+<dimen> ::= ![TeX's dimen]
+==== Functions and Others ====
+=== Special Forms ===
+ * (\define \symbol <S-exp>)
+ -- Binds the evaluation result of <S-exp> to \symbol.
+ * (\lambda <ptn> <S-exp>)
+ -- Lambda abstraction. The bind pattern <ptn> has the following syntax;
+ <ptn> ::= <symbol> | (<symbol>*) | (<symbol>+ . <symbol>)
+ * (\quote <S-exp>)
+ -- Return <S-exp>.
+ * (\lispif <S-exp 1> <S-exp 2> <S-exp 3>)
+ -- Branch. The type of the evaluation result of <S-exp 1> must be bool.
+ * (\defmacro \symbol <Lambda abstraction>)
+ -- Define a macro.
+ * (\begin <S-exp>+)
+ -- Evaluate all arguments in a sequential order
+ and returns the the evaluation result of the last argument.
+ * (\defineM \symbol <S-exp>)
+ -- Binds the evaluation result of <S-exp> to \symbol
+ and the location which binds \symbol becomes "mutable".
+ * (\setB \symbol <S-exp>)
+ -- If location of which binds \symbol is "mutable",
+ the evaluation result of <S-exp> is stored in the location.
+=== Evaluation ===
+ * (\eval <S-exp>)
+ -- Evaluate <S-exp> in the current environment.
+ * (\apply <func> <list>)
+ -- Evaluate (<func> <args>) where <list> = (<args>).
+=== Types ===
+ * (\intQ <S-exp>)
+ -- If the evaluation result of <S-exp> is an integer, it returns /t.
+ Otherwise, it returns /f.
+ -- Likewise, \pairQ, \booleanQ, \symbolQ, \stringQ, \dimenQ, \skipQ,
+ \nilQ, \funcQ, \closureQ, and \macroQ are defined.
+ * (\listQ <S-exp>)
+ -- Return /t iff <S-exp> is a nil or a cons cell.
+ Otherwise, it returns /f.
+ * (\procedureQ <S-exp>)
+ -- Return /t iff <S-exp> is a closure or a function (or a macro).
+ * (\intTOstring <integer>)
+ -- convert the argument into a string.
+=== Arithmetical Functions ===
+ * (\+ <S-exp>*)
+ -- Addition.
+ -- If, the argument is empty, it returns 0.
+ * (\- <S-exp>+)
+ -- Subtraction.
+ * (\* <S-exp>*)
+ -- Multiplication.
+ -- If, the argument is empty, it returns 1.
+ * (\/ <S-exp>+)
+ -- Division.
+ * (\mod <int 1> <int 2>)
+ -- Modulus.
+ * (\< <S-exp 1> <S-exp 2>)
+ -- Let n be the evaluation result of <S-exp 1> and m be that of <S-exp 2>.
+ If n < m, it returns /t. Otherwise, it returns /f.
+=== Manipulation of Strings ===
+ * (\concat <string 1> <string 2>)
+ -- Concatenate two strings.
+ * (\group <string>)
+ -- Grouping.
+ -- If <string> is 'foo\bar{baz}', it returns '{foo\bar{baz}}'.
+ * (\ungroup <string>)
+ -- Ungrouping.
+ -- If <string> is '{foo\bar{baz}}', it returns 'foo\bar{baz}'.
+=== Manipulation of Cons Cells ===
+ * (\cons <S-exp 1> <S-exp 2>)
+ -- Create a cons cell: the CAR of the cell is the evaluation result of
+ <S-exp 1> and the CDR of the cell is the evaluation result of
+ <S-exp 2>.
+ * (\car <cons>)
+ -- Get CAR part of the argument.
+ * (\cdr <cons>)
+ -- Get CAR part of the argument.
+ * (\length <list>)
+ -- If the argument is "list", count the length of the argument.
+ -- We define the term "list" as following;
+ - The value nil.
+ - A cons cell whose CDR is "list".
+ * (\nth <list> <int>)
+ -- Get the <int>-th element of the <list>.
+ -- The numbering starts from 0.
+=== Logical Functions ===
+ * (\and <bool 1> <bopl 2> ...)
+ * (\or <bool 1> <bopl 2> ...)
+ * (\not <bool>)
+=== Misc ===
+ * (\= <S-exp 1> <S-exp 2>)
+ -- If the evaluation result of <S-exp 1> equals that of <S-exp 2>,
+ it returns /t. Otherwise, it returns /f.
+ * (\print <S-exp>)
+ -- Write the evaluation result of <S-exp> as LISP on TeX form.
+ * (\texprint <S-exp>)
+ -- Write the evaluation result of <S-exp> as useful form in TeX.
+ * (\immediatewrite)
+ -- Flush the output buffer immediately.
+ -- It may brake the evaluation routine.
+ * (\message <str>)
+ -- Write <str> to console.
+ * (\map <proc> <list 1> <list 2> ...)
+ -- Mapping function like Scheme's map.
+ * (\let <bindings> <body>)
+ -- Let bindings.
+ * (\letM <bindings> <body>)
+ -- Let bindings (mutable).
+==== Fixed Point Numbers ====
+ * +{fpnum::<fixed point number>}
+ -- Create an fixed point number.
+ * (\fpplus <S-exp>*)
+ -- Addition.
+ -- If, the argument is empty, it returns 0.0.
+ * (\fpmunus <S-exp>+)
+ -- Subtraction.
+ * (\fpmul <S-exp>*)
+ -- Multiplication.
+ -- If, the argument is empty, it returns 1.0.
+ * (\fplt <S-exp 1> <S-exp 2>)
+ -- Let n be the evaluation result of <S-exp 1> and m be that of <S-exp 2>.
+ If n < m, it returns /t. Otherwise, it returns /f.