path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/linguex
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2 files changed, 848 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/linguex/linguex-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/linguex/linguex-doc.tex
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index 00000000000..7d4734392c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/linguex/linguex-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+%% linguex-doc.tex version 3.4
+%% documentation of linguex.sty
+%% Author:
+%% filedate 02/01/26
+\title{linguex.sty Documentation}
+\author{Wolfgang Sternefeld\\
+Version 3.4 --- January 2002}
+{\tt linguex.sty} is a \LaTeX-tool written for the lazy linguist. Its
+handling of example numbering, indentations, indexed brackets, and
+grammaticality judgments reduces the effort of formatting linguistic
+examples to a minimum. It also allows for automatic extraction of a
+The macro runs with \LaTeXe\ only and requires two additional
+style files: {\tt xspace.sty} from
+the base of and {\tt cgloss4e.sty} (a modification of the
+midnight gloss macro) for glosses.
+\subsection*{The Three Basic Commands} The linguex macro defines three
+basic commands: \verb-\ex.-, \verb-\a.-, and \verb-\b.-. The first
+two generate list environments. The third functions basically like an
+\verb-\item-. Here is an example. Type setting
+\ex. This is the first level of embedding
+ \a. This is the second level
+ \b. This is still the second level, but:
+ \a. This is the third level
+ \b. This is not the end.
+ \b. This is the end
+will print:
+\ex. This is the first level of embedding
+ \a. This is the second level
+ \b. This is still the second level, but:
+ \a. This is the third level
+ \b. This is not the end.
+ \b. This is the end
+The list environment created by \verb-\ex.- must be closed by a single
+blank line (a \verb-\par-). The text following this list will not be
+indented. In order to get a \verb|\parindent|, a \textit{second}
+blank line must be added, immediately following the first.
+The commands \verb-\c.-, \verb-\d.-, \verb-\e.-, and \verb-\f.- are
+equivalent copies of \verb-\b.-; they were defined to produce a kind
+of WYSIWYG-effect.
+The blank line at the end of \Last simultaneously closes the three
+lists of \Last (opened by \verb|\ex.|, \verb|\a.|, and the embedded
+\verb|\a.|). To close just one of the embedded lists (introduced by
+\verb|\a.|) put \verb-\z.- at the point of transition from
+level $n$ of the embedding to level $n-1$. This is exemplified by the
+following example:
+\ex.\a. {\it Government:}\\
+ A governs B iff
+ \a. A is a governor;
+ \b. A m-commands B;
+ \c. no barrier intervenes between A and B
+ \z.
+ \c. Governors are lexical nodes and tensed I.
+ \z.
+ (from Haegeman 1991)
+This is exemplified by the following example:
+\ex.\a. {\it Government:}\\
+ A governs B iff
+ \a. A is a governor;
+ \b. A m-commands B;
+ \c. no barrier intervenes between A and B
+ \z.
+ \b. Governors are lexical nodes and tensed I.
+ \z.
+ (from Haegeman 1991)
+\subsection*{Cross References}%
+can be handled by \verb-\label{...}- and \verb-\ref{...}- in the usual
+manner. For example, a label between \verb-\ex.- and \verb-\a.-
+stores the main example number for further reference; the same command
+following \verb-\a.- or \verb-\b.- stores the label of a
+(sub-)subexample for further reference.
+For cross references in the immediate vicinity of an example, you need
+not \verb|\label| the examples. \verb-\Next- refers to the following
+example number, and \verb-\NNext- to the next but one. Reference to
+the previous example is provided by \verb-\Last-; the penultimate one
+is referred to with \verb-\LLast-.
+These shorthands always refer to the first level of embedding.
+Reference to subexamples can only be obtained by adding an (optional) argument
+to the above Next- and Last-commands. For example, saying
+\verb.\NNext[g-ii]. right now yields \NNext[g-ii]. The dash between
+\addtocounter{ExNo}{2}\arabic{ExNo}\addtocounter{ExNo}{-2} and g is
+defined as \verb|\refdash|. It can be suppressed by
+Inside a footnote, the \verb-\Next--command presupposes that the next
+example is still inside the footnote rather than within the main body
+of the document. Say \verb-\TextNext- to refer to the next example within the
+main text. (When you intend to make endnotes instead of footnotes,
+all cross references from footnote to text must be handled by
+\verb-\label{...}- and \verb-\ref{...}-.)
+In case an \verb-\ex.--environment contains a footnote that contains a
+\verb-\par- (= a blank line --- this will necessarily be the case with a
+footnote containing itself an \verb-\ex.-), the \verb-\par- will be
+misinterpreted as the end of the main text example. It is therefore
+necessary to split the command \verb-\footnote{...}- into
+\verb-\footnotemark- and \verb-\footnotetext{...}- (see
+\LaTeX-manual). The footnotetext must be placed outside the
+\verb-\ex.--environment of the main text.
+Some style files (e.g. endnote.sty) modify the definition of
+footnotes (as linguex.sty itself does so in order to let \verb|\ex.| know
+whether or not it is inside a footnote). Such style files must be
+accommodated to linguex.sty by making sure that \verb-\if@noftnote- is
+set false at the beginning of each footnote (by saying
+\verb-\@noftnotefalse- in the modified footnote definition); otherwise
+you will get the arabic style of example numberings (as being used in
+the main text) rather than the roman numbers (being used inside
+require {\tt cgloss4e.sty}, which is input by {\tt linguex.sty}.
+Instead of writing \verb.\gll. (as would be required by the gloss
+macro), one should append a `g' to the last letter of an example
+command, as shown below:
+\ex.\a. No gloss
+ \bg. This is a first gloss\\
+ Dies ist eine erste Glosse\\
+\exg. Dies ist nicht die erste Glosse\\
+ This is not the first gloss\\
+\ex.\a. No gloss
+ \bg. This is a first gloss\\
+ Dies ist eine erste Glosse\\
+\exg. *Dies ist nicht die erste Glosse\\
+ This is not the first gloss\\
+Using \verb.\gll. still works in principle, but should be avoided,
+for reasons explained in the next section.
+\subsection*{Grammaticality Judgments}%
+composed out of *, ?, \#, and \%, are automatically prefixed at the
+very beginning of a new list. A standard example like \Next
+looks like this (to increase readability I also removed mathmode from
+\exg. \%*Wen_i liebt_k seine_i Mutter t_i t_k?\\
+ Whom loves his mother\\
+ `Who does his mother love?'
+\exg. \%*Wen_i liebt_k seine_i Mutter t_i t_k?\\
+ Whom loves his mother\\
+ `Who does his mother love?'
+Automatic prefixing implies that \textbf{nothing} intervenes between the list
+opening command and the judgment. In particular, labels must {\it
+follow\/} the grammaticality judgment! Likewise, writing
+\verb|\ex.\gll| instead of \verb|\exg.| will have the effect of not
+prefixing the grammaticality judgment.
+\subsection*{Labelled Brackets}%
+ \verb-\exi.- identifies ``words'' by looking for space characters
+ between them; it then checks whether the word following a space
+ starts with one of the brackets ``['' or ``]''. The material between
+ such a bracket and the next space character will be subscripted. A
+ standard example would be the following:
+\exi. *[CP Wen_i [C$'$ liebt_j [IP [NP seine_i Mutter ]%
+ [VP t_i t_j ]]]]
+\exi. *[CP Wen_i [C$'$ liebt_j [IP [NP seine_i Mutter ]%
+ [VP t_i t_j ]]]]
+Note that above a blank space between {\tt [IP} and {\tt [NP} is
+crucial, otherwise the bracket of {\tt [NP} would be subscripted as
+well. Note also that a space is required before the grammaticality
+judgment, otherwise the beginning of subscripting cannot be properly
+As with the gloss macro, grouping surpresses subscripting.
+Consider the effects of spacing and grouping in \Next:
+\exi.\a. [[NP Fritz ][ snores ]]S
+ \b. [[NP Fritz][snores]]S
+ \c. [ [NP Fritz ][snores]]S
+ \d. [[NP Fritz {][}snores ]]S
+ \e. {[[+N,--V]} Fritz ][VP snores ] \hfill{} [NP Structure]
+ \f. *[{}[+N,--V] Fritz ][VP snores ] \hfill [NP-Structure]
+\exi.\a. [[NP Fritz ][ snores ]]S
+ \b. [[NP Fritz][snores]]S
+ \c. [ [NP Fritz ][snores]]S
+ \d. [[NP Fritz {][}snores ]]S
+ \e. {[[+N,--V]} Fritz ][VP snores ] \hfill{} [NP Structure]
+ \f. *[{}[+N,--V] Fritz ][VP snores ] \hfill [NP-Structure]
+Grouping works the same way as in the gloss macro where it protects
+from glossing. E.g., a group such as \verb.{][}. in \Last[d] is
+ignored for subscripting so that the following material is protected
+from automatic subscripting (but note that something like the opposite
+happens in \Last[e] after \verb|\hfill|!).
+Note that commands that look ahead and extend over more than one word
+might not work properly unless two or more words are put into a group.
+Suppose we are inside an \verb-\exi.--environment and we want to say
+something like \verb-\b.[Principle C]-. What will happen? The space
+between ``\texttt{e}'' and ``\texttt{C}'' will make the subscripting
+device read \verb-\b.[Principle- as a ``word.'' This, unfortunately,
+prevents the argument of \verb-\b.- from being interpreted correctly.
+Solutions are to write \verb-\b.[Principle~C]-, \verb-\b.[{Principle C}]-,
+or \verb-{\b.[Principle C]}-.
+Subscripting outside the \verb|\exi.|-environment can be done by using
+\verb-\I- as shown below:
+\verb|\I[NP Text| $\Longrightarrow$ \I[NP Text,
+ \verb.\I($\alpha$ Text. $\Longrightarrow$ \I({$\alpha$} Text,
+ \verb.\I{$\alpha$}NP Text. $\Longrightarrow$ \I{$\alpha$}NP Text,
+ \verb.\I{Whom}ACC does John\ldots. $\Longrightarrow$ \I{Whom}ACC
+ does John\ldots
+For combining glosses with labelled brackets,
+say \verb-\exig.- or \verb-\exgi.-. Note that although the
+list-generating commands \verb-\ex.- and \verb-\a.- can be combined in
+any order, all commands that introduce automatic subscripting can be used
+only at the top level, i.e. cannot be embedded!!!. Note also that
+$n$ nested \verb-\ex.--commands need $n$ consecutive blank lines
+(\verb.\par.s) to properly identify the end of all lists.
+Since the surface implementation of the list environment does not use
+the begin-end-format, style files that suppress printing between the
+end and the beginning of certain environments (e.g. {\tt
+xcomment.sty}) could unfortunately not be adopted to produce a handout
+(I didn't see a way of doing so, probably because I didn't understand
+what goes on inside xcomment.sty).
+This deficiency might be compensated for by using {\tt linguho.sty},
+which removes all examples and headings (of sections and subsections)
+from the \LaTeX-document and stores them in a file whose extension is
+.han (namely \textit{jobname}.han). Putting \verb.\makehandout.
+somewhere at the end of the document (e.g. before the bibliography) will
+print out \textit{jobname}.han at the position of \verb-\makehandout-. If
+\verb-\section*{...}- and \verb-\subsection*{...}- should also go into
+the handout, say \verb-\usepackage[*]{linguho}-. Use
+\verb-\maketitle- to get the title into the handout.
+Note that all of \LaTeX's \verb|\setlength| and \verb|\settowidth|
+instructions automatically go into \textit{jobname}.han and are
+executed only there. (The main body of text before
+\verb-\makehandout- is considered irrelevant, but I didn't find a way
+to suppress writing it into the dvi-file. Any help to solve this
+problem will be appreciated; note that I am not a \TeX-wizzard, only a lazy
+In case you have defined \verb.\active. characters (e.g. Umlaut in
+German) these will most likely turn out troublesome (i.e. these
+commands should normaly be protected). For a general solution,
+inspect the definition of \verb.\MkOthersSpecial. in linguho.sty.
+Uncommenting any of the lines there will solve the problem for the
+active character contained in the respective line (sometimes it might
+in addition be necessary to use t1enc.sty or germanb.sty instead of
+\subsection*{Customizing Lengths and Margins}%
+The user may modify any of the lengths displayed in the following
+scheme, which also shows their predefined default values:
+\ex. \label{diagramm}\footnotesize\arraycolsep2pt
+ \multicolumn{5}{c}{\backslash{\rm Extopsep} \updownarrow
+ 0.66\backslash{\rm baselineskip}}
+ \underbrace{\backslash\rm Exindent}_{{\rm 0pt}}&
+ \fbox{$\backslash$\rm Exlabelwidth}
+ \underbrace{\backslash\rm Exlabelsep}_{{\rm 1.3em}}
+ & {\rm Text ...} &&\\
+ &&
+ \rm a. &\rm Text \ldots & \\
+ && \underbrace{\backslash\rm SubExleftmargin}_{{\rm 2.4em}}
+ &\rm (i) & \rm Text \ldots \\
+ && & \underbrace{\backslash\rm SubSubExleftmargin}_{{\rm 2em}}
+ &\rm\ldots text. \\[2ex]
+ \multicolumn{5}{c}{\backslash{\rm Extopsep}\updownarrow
+ 0.66\backslash{\rm baselineskip}}
+ \end{array}$
+ \global\alignSubExtrue
+The value of \verb.\Exlabelwidth. is determined by the width of the
+current label. Note that for displaying the table as shown in \Last,
+the leftmargin of the list must be zero; accordingly, both
+\verb|\Exlabelwidth| and \verb|\Exlabelsep| were set to zero. To
+restore all default values of the lenghts shown in \Last
+simultaneously, say \verb-\resetExdefaults-. The exact behavior of
+\verb.\Exlabelwidth. is explained further below. With some non
+standard fonts the default spacing can be defined only
+\verb.\AtBeginDocument. (for reasons I do not understand), therefore
+ the default values for the above lengths are declared
+ \verb.\AtBeginDocument.. In consequence, any
+deviation from the default must be specified
+after \verb.\begin{document}.
+Some journals require a different arrangement of margins, e.g.\ one
+which aligns the left edges of examples with the left edges of
+subexamples, as shown in \Next and \NNext:
+ \addtolength{\alignSubExnegindent}{.5em}
+\ex. \label{align}First example:
+\a. Subexample1
+ \b. Subexample2
+ \a. Subsubexample1 \ldots\global\alignSubExfalse
+By saying \verb.\alignSubExtrue. before \verb.\begin{document}.,
+the sublabels (a. and b. in \Last)
+are given a negative indentation. This is controled by the lengths
+\verb.\alignSubExnegindent. and \verb.\Exlabelsep.,
+which can be customized by \verb-\setlength-. after \verb.\begin{document}..
+\subsection*{Customizing Labels}%
+The labels of the examples are created by the counters \verb-ExNo-,
+\verb-SubExNo-, and \verb-SubSubExNo- for the three levels of
+embedding respectively; \verb-FnExNo- is used for the first level
+inside footnotes. These counters are the default labels of the list
+items. They can be changed anywhere in the document, by using
+\verb.\setcounter. as usual.
+There are a number of further possibilities to generate labels that differ
+from the default. One is to
+use \verb-\a.- without embedding it into \verb|\ex.|. This will yield the
+expected result, namely a list that uses the \verb|SubEx| counter at
+the top-level:
+\a. First line
+\b. Second line
+\c. Third line
+Moreover, any of the list commands can take an optional
+argument, whose specification replaces the default label:
+\a.[{\bf Principle C} (Chomsky{[81]}): ] An R-expression is free only
+ \a.[$\alpha$)] with respect to potential binders
+ in A-positions,
+ \b.[$\beta$)] within the domain of its chain.
+\a.[{\bf Principle C} (Chomsky{[81]}): ]
+ An R-expression is free only
+ \a.[$\alpha$)] with respect to potential binders
+ in A-positions,
+ \b.[$\beta$)] within the domain of its chain.
+ \end{verbatim}
+The optional argument must immediately follow ``.'', so don't leave
+space between \verb|\ex.| or \verb|\a.| and ``['' !!!. By contrast,
+it will often be the case that an example starts with a (labelled)
+bracket like \I[NP . If so, it is obligatory to put a space
+between ``.'' and ``['' .
+As illustrated above, the topmost \verb#\a.#-command picks up the
+\verb|\Exlabelwidth| of the preceding example. By contrast, using
+\verb-\ex.[{\it Principle C} ...]- instead of %
+\verb-\a.[{\it Principle C} ...]- has the effect of adjusting the
+indentation of the following text to the width of the optional
+argument, as shown below:
+\ex.[{\bf Principle C} (Chomsky{[81]}): ] An R-expression is free only
+ \a.[$\alpha$)] with respect to potential binders
+ in A-positions,
+ \b.[$\beta$)] within the domain of its chain.
+Assuming that regular example numbers do not exceed (999), this
+departure from the default behavior only occurs for optional arguments
+whose width exceeds that of (999).
+Optional arguments can also be used to simulate other environments.
+E.g., \LaTeX-style itemizing at the top level can be simulated as follows:
+\ex.[\hfill$\bullet$\hfill] Line 1
+\b. Line 2
+\c. Line 3
+\ex.[\hfill$\bullet$\hfill] Line 1
+\b. Line 2
+\c. Line 3\global\let\oldalph=\alph\global\let\alph=\arabic
+Temporarily redefining \verb.\alph., as shown in the following
+example, yields an enumeration:
+\a. Text 1
+\b. Text 2
+\c. Text 3 \global\let\alph=\oldalph
+\a. Text 1
+\b. Text 2
+\c. Text 3 \global\let\alph=\oldalph\global\alignSubExtrue
+The stylesheet of \textit{English Language
+and Linguistics} requires examples of the following form:
+[v [v broke_i $\emptyset$ ][VP the vase [V$'$ t_i into
+pieces ]]]
+\a. It kept warm
+ \b. She kept it warm\global\alignSubExfalse
+Apart form
+specifying \verb.\alignSubExtrue. before \verb.\begin{document}.
+this requires to redefine the brackets of sublabels, as shown below:
+\exi. [v [v broke_i $\emptyset$ ][VP the vase [V$'$ t_i into
+ pieces~]]]
+\ex.\a. It kept warm
+ \b. She kept it warm
+In addition, \verb|\renewcommand{\refdash}{}| changes cross
+references from eg. \Last[b] to \renewcommand{\refdash}{}\Last[b].
+\subsection*{$\backslash$\tt Exlabelwidth}%
+By default, the value of \verb.\Exlabelwidth. is determined by the
+width of the example numbering. More precisely, for labels between
+(1) and (9) the labelwidth is by default that of (11); accordingly, the
+actual labelwidth is a bit larger than the natural size of the label.
+Similarly, \verb.\Exlabelwidth. has the width of (110) for
+\verb-\theExNo-'s between (10) and (99). Finally,
+\verb,\Exlabelwidth, has the width of (1100) for example numbers
+between (100) and (999). For even wider labels (usually specified by
+an optional argument, cf. above), the label retains its natural size.
+Since the space between the \verb.\Exlabelwidth. and the text
+remains the same, the transition from (9) to (10) and from (99)
+to (100) will cause a small change of indentation, which might look
+ugly, particularly in handouts. In order to
+supress the default behavior of \verb|\Exlabelwidth|, it must be
+assigned a particular length. For example, saying
+\verb.\settowidth{\Exlabelwidth}{(110)}. will cause the labelwidth of
+all examles from (1) to (99) to be identical.
+Since wide labels should still retain their natural size, the user's
+specification of \verb|\Exlabelsep| should not be wider than (1100),
+otherwise the default mechanism is still active, and the value of
+\verb|\Exlabelsep| is ignored. E.g., saying
+\verb|\setlength{\Exlabelwidth}{3em}| will most likely cause the list
+declaration to take up its default behavior, because ``3em'' is wider
+than ``(1100)''. (The default value of
+\verb|\Exlabelwidth| is 4em).
+I found two problems with cgloss4e.sty. The first relates to AMS-\TeX.
+Writing a translation immediated below the glossed material normally
+behaves as one would expect, but with AMS-Tex the translation becomes
+indented, for reasons I do not understand. To remidy this, one has to
+(re-)define the list indentation, e.g. as shown below (from \LaTeX):
+ \parsep 5\p@ \@plus2.5\p@ \@minus\p@
+ \topsep 10\p@ \@plus4\p@ \@minus6\p@
+ \itemsep5\p@ \@plus2.5\p@ \@minus\p@}
+The second problem concerns the use of \verb.\gll. at a position
+other than the beginning of a list. Then the gloss starts a new
+paragraph and puts unwanted vspace above and below the list. One way
+to suppress this is to change the flushleft commands used within
+cgloss4e.sty into raggedright by saying
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/linguex/ps-trees-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/linguex/ps-trees-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..25377efa567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/linguex/ps-trees-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+%% ps-trees-doc.tex version 2
+%% Author:
+%% filedate 99/05/04
+\title{ps-trees.sty Documentation}
+\author{Wolfgang Sternefeld\\
+ Version 2 --- May 1998}
+Experimenting with a number of tree-macros I found that complex
+real-life examples often lead to problems with controlling the
+positioning of nodes in a tree. I therefore decided to use
+tree-dvips.sty (by Emma Pease), where the user has full control
+over the position of nodes by putting them into a table. The present
+macro inputs tree-dvips.sty and presupposes knowledge of its
+One of the shortcomings of tree-dvips.sty is that it does not control
+the correct use of the names for nodes. This means that in case of a
+user error, no warning will appear and no output will be printed.
+The basic idea of the present macro is to regain control
+over the use of names by using them as an encoding of the structure of
+a tree. More specifically, for a node named $x$ to be connected with
+a node named $y$ (i.e. $x$ and $y$ are the first arguments of the
+command \verb|\node|) $y$ must have the form $cx$, where $x$ and $y$
+are strings of characters and $c$ is exactly one character. For
+ordinary branching trees, this makes the specification of
+\verb.\nodeconnect{#1}{#2}. superfluous. Consider the following
+example and compare the printed file with the .tex-source of this
+ &\Node{}{IP} \\[3ex]
+\Node{l}{D} & &\Node{r}{VP}\\[3ex]
+\Node{ml}{She}&\Node{lr}{V} & &\Node{rr}{D}\\[3ex]
+ &\Node{mlr}{exonerated}& &\Node{mrr}{him}
+\verb.\begin{treetab}. is defined in terms of \verb.\begin{tabular}..
+The actual execution of the node connections (based on the node names
+as specified by the first argument of \verb|\Node|) is performed as a part of
+\verb.\end{treetab}.. In case a node cannot be interpreted as a node
+in a tree, a warning will be typed out.
+The remaining problem is to gain control over the width of columns in
+a table. This is often tedious, but the effort seems worthwhile as
+evidenced by the poor results of macros that calculate the position of
+nodes automatically. Being essentially an aesthetic problem, the
+present macro offers only limited support towards a uniform solution.
+The following, however, might be helpful.
+First of all, the effects of \verb.\tabcolsep. and \verb.\nodemargin.
+on a precise positioning of nodes are disturbing, so both values are
+set to zero by \verb.\begin{treetab}.. In order to achieve a minimum
+of symmetry of branchings, a first idea would be that all rows should
+have the same width, implying that the width of each node should be
+determined by the widest leave. Since individual nodes that come
+later in a table might determine the size of previous nodes, it might
+be a good idea to put all relevant nodes (by default: all leaves) into
+boxes before starting the table. The minimal size of all nodes (or
+columns) can then be determined by the command \verb.\NodeWidthNo{n}.,
+where $n$ is the number of the box, whose width should become the
+minimal width of all other columns. \verb.\NodeWidthNo. is defined
+as follows:
+The length \verb|\MinNodeWidth| will subsequently be used to
+determine the minimal width of each node. (In order to give an
+individual node the width of a particular prespecified box
+$n$, the node command can take an optional argument
+For example, if we let the word \textit{exonerate} determine the size
+of all nodes, the result is the following:
+\Node{l} {DP}&&\Node{r}{VP}\\[3ex]
+\NodeNo1{ml}&\Node{lr}{V}&&\Node{rr} {DP}\\[3ex]
+\Node{l} {DP}&&\Node{r}{VP}\\[3ex]
+\NodeNo1{ml}&\Node{lr}{V}&&\Node{rr} {DP}\\[3ex]
+But now the space between box2 and box3 might strike one as too wide,
+being seperated by the box of the VP. One possibility would be to
+specify VPs node as \verb|\Node[0]{r}{VP}| which puts VP into a box
+whose width is \verb|\wd0|, which is zero because box0 has not yet
+been used. A more general way would be to place the VP node right
+into the middle between two columns. This saves us one column in the
+table; the command \verb.\NodeZ. makes a box of width zero and puts it
+at the right edge of a column (i.e. ``between'' two columns): %
+\Node{l} {DP}&\NodeZ{r}{VP}\\[3ex]
+\NodeNo1{ml}&\Node{lr}{V}&\Node{rr} {DP}\\[3ex]
+\Node{l} {DP}&\NodeZ{r}{VP}\\[3ex]
+\NodeNo1{ml}&\Node{lr}{V}&\Node{rr} {DP}\\[3ex]
+But now we got an asymmetry of the branches at the top level, which
+can be fixed by shifting the IP to the left. This can be done by
+replacing \verb|\Node{}{IP}| by \verb|\NodeZ{}{IP}\hspace*{0.75\wd2}|:
+\Node{l} {DP}&\NodeZ{r}{VP}\\[3ex]
+\NodeNo1{ml}&\Node{lr}{V}&\Node{rr} {DP}\\[3ex]
+For larger trees these asymmetries have to be levelled out
+consecutively, as shown in the next tree (an example from real life):
+ #2\end{tabular}}}
+ #2\end{tabular}}}
+\setbox0=\twotab{mit & wem$_i$}{with & who}
+\setbox8=\twotab{gesprochen & hat}{spoken & has}
+We first define a number of shortcuts which will keep the table
+ #2\end{tabular}}}
+ #2\end{tabular}}}
+Next we put all leaves into boxes:
+\setbox0=\twotab{mit & wem$_i$}{with & who}
+\setbox8=\twotab{gesprochen & hat}{spoken & has}
+And finially we specify the minimal node width and construct the table:
+Note that box0 is wider than box1, therefore the root should not be in
+the middle of box1 but should appear
+exactly in the middle between box0 and box2. We therefore have to
+replace the first line of the table by
+Here is another real life example from phonology:
+The main point to be observed is that the first line cannot contain
+\verb|\Node|'s (but must contain \verb|\node|'s), otherwise the macro
+will complain that it cannot find the root of a tree:
+ \setbox1=\hbox{mn}
+One final warning: It seems to me that \TeX\ internally uses certain
+boxes to construct its tables. This means that the width of a box
+might have changed by \TeX\ internally to zero before you come to the
+point where you want to use the lenght prespecified by \verb|\setbox|. It
+might therefore be necessary to store this lenght as soon as possible;
+e.g. by saying \verb|\NodeWidthNo{n}| immediately after having defined
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file