path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-web-companion/latex2xml/mathmltools.dsl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-web-companion/latex2xml/mathmltools.dsl')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-web-companion/latex2xml/mathmltools.dsl b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-web-companion/latex2xml/mathmltools.dsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d90a64234a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-web-companion/latex2xml/mathmltools.dsl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(define debug
+ (external-procedure "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Procedure::debug"))
+(define max-node-list-debug-length 5)
+(define (debug-body x)
+ `(,(cond ((node-list? x)
+ (if (node-list-empty? x)
+ 'empty-node-list
+ `( ,(if (named-node-list? x)
+ 'named-node-list
+ 'node-list)
+ ,(node-list-length x)
+ ,(node-list-reduce
+ (node-list-head x max-node-list-debug-length)
+ (lambda (result n)
+ (string-append result
+ (cond ((gi n) (string-append "<" (gi n) ">" ))
+ ((equal? 'data-char (node-property 'class-name n)) (data n))
+ (else "<?>"))))
+ "" ))))
+ ((sosofo? x) 'sosofo)
+ ((procedure? x) 'procedure)
+ ((style? x) 'style)
+ ((address? x) 'address)
+ ((color? x) 'color)
+ ((color-space? x) 'color-space)
+ ((display-space? x) 'display-space)
+ ((inline-space? x) 'inline-space)
+ ((glyph-id? x) 'glyph-id)
+ ((glyph-subst-table? x) 'glyph-subst-table)
+ ((boolean? x) 'boolean)
+ ((symbol? x) 'symbol)
+ ((list? x) 'list)
+ ((pair? x) 'pair)
+ ((char? x) 'char)
+ ((string? x) 'string)
+ ((quantity? x) 'quantity)
+ ((keyword? x) 'keyword)
+ (else 'other))
+ ,x))
+<!-- Some bits from the dsssl report, mainly from the
+ Mulberry site
+ -->
+(define (node-list-filter proc nl)
+ (node-list-reduce nl
+ (lambda (result snl)
+ (if (proc snl)
+ (node-list snl result)
+ result))
+ (empty-node-list)))
+(define (map f #!rest xs)
+ (let ((map1 (lambda (f xs) ; bootstrap version for unary F
+ (let loop ((xs xs))
+ (if (null? xs)
+ '()
+ (cons (f (car xs))
+ (loop (cdr xs))))))))
+ (cond ((null? xs)
+ '())
+ ((null? (cdr xs))
+ (map1 f (car xs)))
+ (else
+ (let loop ((xs xs))
+ (if (null? (car xs))
+ '()
+ (cons (apply f (map1 car xs))
+ (loop (map1 cdr xs)))))))))
+(define (node-list-head nl i)
+ (if (zero? i)
+ (empty-node-list)
+ (node-list (node-list-first nl)
+;;; page 136 of dsssl spec appears to be wrong...
+ (node-list-head (node-list-rest nl)
+ (- i 1)))))
+(define (zero? x) (equal? x 0))
+(define (attribute name nl)
+ (node-list-map (lambda (snl) (named-node name (attributes snl))) nl))
+(define (attribute-value name nl)
+ (node-list-property 'value (attribute name nl)))
+(define (node-list-property prop nl) (node-list-map (lambda (snl)
+ (node-property prop snl default: (empty-node-list))) nl))