path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-course/LaTeX-Course.tex
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+% -*- TeX:US -*-
+% LaTeX course created for the Biochemistry faculty at RUSM. The course is based on the
+% /info/german/tex-kurs by Rainer Rupprecht (1988), which I have translated to English and
+% taken to LaTeX2e/Beamer. Additional info from the l2kurz introduction to LaTeX.
+% This material may be used under Gnu Copyleft
+% everyone:
+\mode<handout>{\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black!5}}
+ {\(\m@th
+ \edef\resetfontdimens{\noexpand\)%
+ \fontdimen16\textfont2=\the\fontdimen16\textfont2
+ \fontdimen17\textfont2=\the\fontdimen17\textfont2\relax}%
+ \fontdimen16\textfont2=2.7pt \fontdimen17\textfont2=2.7pt
+ \mathsf{#1}%
+ \resetfontdimens}}
+\frenchspacing \selectlanguage{english}
+\title{The \alert{\LaTeX} document preparation system}
+\institute{Department of Biochemistry, RUSM}
+\author{Dr Engelbert Buxbaum}
+\date{July 2008 \vspace{5mm}\\
+ \includegraphics[height=15mm]{Graphics/Ross-Siegel}\hspace{5mm}
+ \includegraphics[height=15mm]{Graphics/30th-Anniversary-logo}
+ }
+ {%
+ \insertframenumber
+ }
+ \frametitle{Name of the game}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\TeX]{typesetting system developed by
+ \textsc{Donald E. Knuth} (Stanford University) to
+ create beautiful documents, especially those
+ containing maths. \TeX\ is free software with
+ copyright vested in the American Mathematical
+ Society.}
+ \item[\LaTeX]{\TeX -macroprocessor written by \textsc{Leslie
+ Lamport}, which implements a markup-language. Users can
+ concentrate on the structure of their document rather than on
+ formatting.}
+ \end{description}
+ \frametitle{Typographic design}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{craft that needs to be learned}
+ \item{not about esthetics but about function: Books are
+ read, not displayed in a museum}
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Advantages and disadvantages}
+ \frametitle{Advantages}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{Several professional styles are available that
+ make documents look ``like printed''. Changing
+ style requires changing one single line in the
+ document, consistency is ensured.}
+ \item{High quality math typesetting}
+ \item{Only a few commands to define the structure of
+ text, no knowledge of typography or book design
+ required.}
+ \item{Complex scientific documents can be created
+ automatically:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{bibliography}
+ \item{index}
+ \item{crossreferences}
+ \item{table of contents, lists of figures,
+ tables etc.}
+ \item{...}
+ \end{itemize} }
+ \item{Operating-system independent}
+ \item{Long-term storage of documents: ASCII rather
+ than binary}
+ \item{Free software with source code available: Errors
+ are corrected rapidly}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Disadvantages}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{Learning curve}
+ \item{Major changes in layout may require rewriting the
+ style file (blessing in disguise)}
+ \item{One gets an eye for all the bad documents out
+ there}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Resources}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Software]{CTAN, i.e.
+ \href{}{\texttt{\alert{}}} for the US}
+ \item[Help]{Usenet: comp.text.tex}
+ \item[Introduction]{l2short available in various languages}
+ \item[Literature]{The \LaTeX -companion (\textsc{Mittelbach}
+ \textit{et al}, 2004)}
+ \item[Symbols]{Comprehensive symbol list from CTAN}
+ \end{description}
+\section{Structure of a \LaTeX\ document}
+ \frametitle{Boxes and glue}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{Box (letter) + Glue (space) + Box + ... = larger
+ Box (word)}
+ \item{Words are treated as boxes to form lines, lines
+ paragraphs and paragraphs pages}
+ \item{Glue can shrink and expand within limits}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Structure of a \LaTeX -document}
+ {\color{darkgreen} \begin{verbatim}
+ % -*- TeX:US -*- % for text-editor
+ \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % for TeX-system
+ \documentclass[options]{style}
+ \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \author{}
+ \title{}
+ \date{}
+ \begin{document}
+ \maketitle
+ \chapter{}
+ ...
+ \end{document}
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ \frametitle{Document classes}
+ \begin{tabular}{llp{0.5\textwidth}}
+ \hline
+ \LaTeX & Koma-Script & purpose \\
+ \hline
+ article & scrartcl & journal papers, short reports \\
+ report & scrreprt & longer text with several chapters, e.g. thesis \\
+ book & scrbook & books \\
+ letter & scrlettr & letters \\
+ beamer & & slide presentations \\
+ sciposter & & conference posters \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ Apart from Koma-Script another alternative style package is
+ \alert{memoir}. Also publisher-specific styles (e.g.
+ Springer, Elsevier, Teubner etc.
+ \frametitle{Class options}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Font size]{10pt | 11pt | 12pt...}
+ \item[Paper size]{a4paper | legalpaper...}
+ \item[equations]{fleqn, leqno }
+ \item[title]{titlepage | notitlepage}
+ \item[columns]{onecolumn | twocolumn}
+ \item[printing]{oneside | twoside}
+ \end{description}
+\section{Basic commands}
+\subsection{Special characters}
+ \frametitle{Input characters}
+ Some characters have special meaning in \TeX , if you need
+ them they have to be entered as \TeX -commands:
+ \vspace{5mm}
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ $\backslash$~~ & start command & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+$\backslash$+} \\
+ & & note: {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\\+} = newline \\
+ \$ & toggle math modus & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\$+} \\
+ \& & tabulator & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\&+} \\
+ \% & rest of line comment & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\%+} \\
+ \# & & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\#+} \\
+ \textasciitilde & & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\textasciitilde+} \\
+ \textbar & vert. lines in table & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\textbar+} \\
+ \_ & start subscript & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\_+} \\
+ \textasciicircum & start superscript & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\textasciicircum+}\\
+ \{ \} & command delimiter & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\{ \}+} \\
+ $[\ ]$ & command delimiter & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+$[ ]$+} \\
+ `` '' & quotation marks & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+`` ''+} \\
+ $> <$ & tabbing & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+$> <$+} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Hypens \& Cie}
+ \frametitle{Hypen, minus ...}
+ A horizontal line can mean a lot of things, depending on
+ length and thickness:
+ \vspace{5mm}
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ O-legs & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+O-legs+} \\
+ 10--18 o'clock & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+10--18 o'clock+} \\
+ ja -- oder nein? & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+ja -- oder nein?+} \\
+ yes---or no? & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+yes---or no?+} \\
+ 0, 1 and --1 & {\color{darkgreen}\verb+0, 1 and --1+} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\section{Structuring text}
+ \frametitle{Sectioning commands}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{\alert{$\backslash$part\{\}}}
+ \item{\alert{$\backslash$chapter\{\}}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$section\{\}}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$subsection\{\}}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$subsubsection\{\}}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$paragraph\{\}}}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Breaking down large documents}
+ Use separate files for, say, each chapter. One main file with
+ limbo and commands to include the others:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$input\{\}}]{reads file ``as is''}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$include\{\}}]{equiv. to
+ {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$clearpage $\backslash$input\{\}
+ $\backslash$clearpage}}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$includeonly\{\}}]{used in limbo to
+ limit files {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$included} }
+ \end{description}
+ \frametitle{What is where?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$tableofcontents}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$listoffigures}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$listoftables}}
+ \item{}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$bibliographystyle\{plainnat\}}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$bibliography\{references\}}}
+ \item{}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$printindex}}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Emphasizing}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$textit\{\}}]{italics, used for
+ foreign words, species names etc: \textit{Staph.
+ aureus}}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$textsl\{\}}]{\textsl{slanted}}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$emph\{\}}]{used for emphasizing:
+ this is \emph{not} the case}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$textsc\{\}}]{small caps, used for
+ names of persons: \textsc{Neil Armstrong} was
+ the first man on the moon.}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$textbf\{\}}]{bold face: used to
+ make something really \textbf{stick out}.}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$textsf\{\}}]{sans serif, often used
+ as base font on slides. Also used for chemical
+ equations.}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$texttt\{\}}]{typewriter, used for
+ computer related material like code or URLs:
+ \texttt{}}
+ \end{description}
+ \alert{Note:} Slides use sanserif font: No small caps, slanted instead of italics!
+ \frametitle{Font sizes}
+ {\begin{tabbing} \texttt{xfootnotesizexx}\= und dann der Text
+ \kill
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\tiny|} \> \tiny microscopic font \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\scriptsize|} \> \scriptsize very tiny font (subscripts)\\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\footnotesize|} \> \footnotesize tiny font (footnotes) \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\small|} \> \small small font \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\normalsize|} \> \normalsize normal font \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\large|} \> \large large font \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\Large|} \> \Large larger font \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\LARGE|} \> \LARGE very large font \\[3pt]
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\huge|} \> \huge huge font \\[3pt]
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\Huge|} \> \Huge very huge font
+ \end{tabbing}}
+ Note: \alert{not} a command: {\color{darkgreen}\verb+{\small foo bar}+}
+ \frametitle{Simple lists}
+ Please believe me:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{Few swallows can turn winter into summer.}
+ \item{Inside it's colder than in the night.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{In the morning it pulls.}
+ \item{At noon he pushes.}
+ \item{In the evening she goes.}
+ \end{itemize} }
+ \item{Every nonsense must find an end.}
+ \end{itemize}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+Please believe me:
+ \item{Few swallows can turn winter into summer.}
+ \item{Inside it's colder than in the night.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{In the morning it pulls.}
+ \item{At noon he pushes.}
+ \item{In the evening she goes.}
+ \end{itemize} }
+ \item{Every nonsense must find an end.}
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ \frametitle{Descriptive lists}
+ Three animals you should know about are:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[gnat:]{A small animal, found in the North
+ Woods, that causes no end of trouble.}
+ \item[gnu:]{A large animal, found in crossword
+ puzzles, that causes no end of trouble.}
+ \item[armadillo:]{A medium-sized animal, named
+ after a medium-sized Texas city which causes no
+ end of trouble.}
+ \end{description}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+ \item[gnat:]{A small animal, found in the North
+ Woods, that causes no end of trouble.}
+ \item[gnu:]{A large animal, found in crossword
+ puzzles, that causes no end of trouble.}
+ \item[armadillo:]{A medium-sized animal, named
+ after a medium-sized Texas city which causes
+ no end of trouble.}
+\end{verbatim} }
+ \frametitle{Enumerated lists}
+ These are the main points:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item{first item}
+ \item{second item}
+ \item{third item
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item{first sub-item}
+ \item{second sub-item}
+ \end{enumerate} }
+ \end{enumerate}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+These are the main points:
+ \item{first item}
+ \item{second item}
+ \item{third item
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item{first sub-item}
+ \item{second sub-item}
+ \end{enumerate} }
+\end{verbatim} }
+\subsection{Tables and stuff}
+ \frametitle{Tabbing}
+ \begin{tabbing}
+ If \= it's raining \\
+ \> then \= put on boots, \\
+ \> \> take hat; \\
+ \> else \> smile. \\
+ Leave house.
+ \end{tabbing}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+ If \= it's raining \\
+ \> then \= put on boots, \\
+ \> \> take hat; \\
+ \> else \> smile. \\
+ Leave house.
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ \frametitle{Tabular}
+ \begin{tabular}{|r||c|p{2.5in}|}
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\sc GG\&A Hoofed Stock} \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c||}{\bf Year} & \bf Price & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Comments} \\
+ \hline
+ 1971 & 97--245 & Bad year for farmers in the west. \\ \hline
+ 72 & 245--245 & Light trading due to a heavy winter. \\ \hline
+ 73 & 245--2001 & No gnus was very good gnus this year. \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\scriptsize \begin{verbatim}
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\sc GG\&A Hoofed Stock} \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{1}{|c||}{\bf Year} & \bf Price & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\bf Comments} \\
+ \hline
+ 1971 & 97--245 & Bad year for farmers in the west. \\
+ \hline
+ 72 & 245--245 & Light trading due to a heavy winter. \\
+ \hline
+ 73 & 245--2001 & No gnus was very good gnus this year. \\
+ \hline
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ \frametitle{Table (a float: not used on slides)}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+ \caption{The fastest man in the world:
+ Some of his possibilities}
+ \label{tab:fast}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|r|}
+ \hline
+ Disciplin & distance (m) & time (min) \\
+ \hline
+ Running & 100 & 5 \\
+ Swimming & 50 & 30 \\
+ Cycling & 1000 & 20 \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ In the text the table can be referenced with: see table
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\ref{tab:fast}+} on page {\color{darkgreen}\verb+\pageref{tab:fast}+}.
+ \frametitle{Graphics}
+ \includegraphics[height=0.3\textheight]{Graphics/Campus3}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{Requires \verb+\usepackage{graphicx}+}
+ \item{Several file formats possible depending on
+ dvi-driver. For pdfLaTeX pdf, png, jpg. }
+ \item{Convert other formats e.g. with IrfanView or
+ Gimp.}
+ \item{other optional arguments like width, angle,
+ size}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Figures }
+ {\color{darkgreen}\scriptsize \begin{verbatim}
+ \caption{A view of our campus. }
+ \label{fig:Campus}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[height=0.3\textheight]{Graphics/Campus3}
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ Like table, figure is a floating environment that has no
+ meaning in slides. Cross-referencing works as with tables.
+\subsection{Math environments}
+ \frametitle{Text maths}
+ if $a$ and $b$ are legs of a
+ right-angled triangle and $c$ the hypotenuse, then
+ $c^2=a^2+b^2$ (Theorem of Pythagoras).
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+if $a$ and $b$ are legs of a right-angled triangle
+and $c$ the hypotenuse, then $c^2=a^2+b^2$ (Theorem
+of Pythagoras).
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ \frametitle{Display maths}
+ if $a$ and $b$ are legs of a
+ right-angled triangle and $c$ the hypotenuse, then
+ \begin{equation}
+ c^2=a^2+b^2
+ \end{equation}
+ (Theorem of Pythagoras).
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+if $a$ and $b$ are legs of a right-angled triangle
+and $c$ the hypotenuse, then
+ c^2=a^2+b^2
+(Theorem of Pythagoras).
+ \end{verbatim} }
+\subsection{Basic math commands}
+ \frametitle{Formulas}
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ x^5 \qquad \qquad x_1 \qquad \qquad \sqrt{x^2+\sqrt[3]{y}}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+x^5 x_1 \sqrt{x^2+\sqrt[3]{y}}
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \frac{1}{\frac{x^2+y^2+z^2}{x+y}} \qquad \qquad {n\choose {n-k}}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+\frac{1}{\frac{x^2+y^2+z^2}{x+y}} {n\choose {n-k}}
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \int \limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}x^3 \qquad \qquad \sum_{i=1}^{n}a_i
+ \end{displaymath}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+\int \limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}x^3 \sum_{i=1}^{n}a_i
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ \frametitle{Aligning equations}
+ \begin{align}
+ f(x) & = \cos x \\
+ f'(x) & = -\sin x \\
+ \int_{0}^{x} f(y)dy & = \sin x
+ \end{align}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+ f(x) & = \cos x \\
+ f'(x) & = -\sin x \\
+ \int_{0}^{x} f(y)dy & = \sin x
+ \end{verbatim} }
+\section{Changing the layout}
+\subsection{Counters and parameters}
+ \frametitle{Internal Counter + parameters}
+ Change parameters:
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+\setlength{\parskip}{5pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ Set counters:
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ Output counter content: This is page \thepage .\\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb+This is page \thepage .+}
+ \frametitle{Horizontal distance}
+ Here we have \hspace{2cm} \SI{2}{cm} distance.
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+Here we have \hspace{2cm} \SI{2}{cm} distance.
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ left\hfill right
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+left\hfill right
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ \begin{tabbing}
+ \texttt{xenspace}\qquad \= \kill
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\,|} \> very small distance \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\enspace|} \> as wide as a number \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\quad|} \> as wide as a letter is heigh \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\qquad|} \> twice as wide as \verb|\quad| \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\hfill|} \> a distance that can expand from 0\\
+ \> to $\infty$ \\
+ \end{tabbing}
+ \frametitle{Vertical distance}
+ Here
+ \vspace{2cm}
+ is \SI{2}{cm} distance.
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+is \SI{2}{cm} distance.
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ \begin{tabbing}
+ \texttt{xsmallskip}\qquad \= \kill
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\smallskip|} \> about $1/4$ line \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\medskip|} \> about $1/2$ line \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\bigskip|} \> about 1 line \\
+ {\color{darkgreen}\verb|\vfill|} \> distance that can expand from 0\\
+ \> to $\infty$ \\
+ \end{tabbing}
+\subsection{Text position}
+ \frametitle{Centering text}
+ \begin{center}
+ In\\
+ the\\
+ middle I don't\\
+ feel\\
+ so marginalized\\
+ \end{center}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+ In\\
+ the\\
+ middle I don't\\
+ feel\\
+ so marginalized\\
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ \frametitle{Flushright text}
+ \begin{flushright}
+ This is not a political statement
+ \end{flushright}
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+ This is not a political statement
+ \end{verbatim}}
+\subsection{The index}
+ \frametitle{Indexing commands}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[simple]{\color{darkgreen}\verb+gnat\index{gnat}+}
+ \item[subtopics]{\color{darkgreen}\verb+gnat\index{gnat!size of}+}
+ \item[page range]{\color{darkgreen}\verb+\index{gnat|(}...\index{gnat|)}+}
+ \item[reference]{\color{darkgreen}\verb+\index{gnat|see{mosquito}}+}
+ \item[font]{\color{darkgreen}\verb+gnat\index{gnat@\textit{gnat}}+}
+ \end{description}
+ After first \LaTeX\ run, start \alert{makeindx} to sort the index.
+\subsection{List of acronyms}
+ \frametitle{Acronyms}
+ Assume the following list of acronyms:
+ {\color{darkgreen}\begin{verbatim}
+ \acro{nfkb}[NF-$\upkappa$B]{nuclear factor
+ $\upkappa$B}, protein in gene regulation
+ \end{verbatim}}
+ This will print as\\
+ NF-$\upkappa$B: nuclear factor $\upkappa$B, protein in gene regulation
+ Then
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$acf\{nfkb\}}]{nuclear factor $\upkappa$B (NF-$\upkappa$B)}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$acs\{nfkb\}}]{NF-$\upkappa$B}
+ \item[{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$acl\{nfkb\}}]{nuclear factor $\upkappa$B}
+ \end{description}
+ \frametitle{BibTeX}
+ Database for literature references in ASCII-format. Can be
+ produced from many programs like EndNote, also from PubMed etc.
+ {\color{darkgreen}\small \begin{verbatim}
+ AUTHOR= {W.J. Albery and J.R. Knowles},
+ TITLE= {Evolution of enzyme function and the
+ development of catalytic efficiency},
+ JOURNAL= {Biochemistry},
+ VOLUME= {15},
+ YEAR= {1976},
+ PAGES= {5631-5640},
+ ABSTRACT= {Catalytic efficiency constant kcat/Km
+ defined },
+ DOI= {10.1021/bi00670a032},
+ LANGUAGE= {engl}
+ \end{verbatim} }
+ Similar for books, chapters, reports, thesis etc. In the text
+ use {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$cite\{Alb-76\}}. After first \LaTeX
+ -run start \alert{bibtex} to create the bibliography.
+\subsection{Slide presentations}
+ \frametitle{Beamer-slides}
+ {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$begin\{frame\} \\
+ \hspace{2em}$\backslash$frametitle\{\} \\
+ \hspace{2em}... \\
+ $\backslash$end\{frame\}}
+ \frametitle{\TeX ing}
+ Always use the sequence:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\LaTeX]{produces the necessary intermediate
+ files}
+ \item[makeindx]{sort the index}
+ \item[bibtex]{create the bibliography}
+ \item[\LaTeX]{include bibliography and index, resolve
+ cross-references}
+ \item[\LaTeX]{resolve remaining cross-references}
+ \end{description}
+ Note: using pdf\LaTeX\ instead of \LaTeX\ produces pdf-files
+ directly.
+\section{The departmental handout}
+ \frametitle{Packets used in dept. handout}
+ \begin{tabular}{lp{0.6\textwidth}}
+ makeidx & index generation \\
+ natbib & clean handling of bibliography \\
+ siunitx & \verb+\SI{}{}, \num{}, \ang{}+ \\
+ acronym & administration of acronyms \\
+ isotope & \verb+\isotope[13]{C}+ = \isotope[13]{C} \\
+ graphicx & inclusion of diagrams \\
+ color & colored text \\
+ amsmath & math fonts and characters \\
+ eufrak & font for arrays + vectors \\
+ textcomp & special characters \\
+ wasysym,marvosym, & special symbols like \male , \female \\
+ chemarrow & various types of arrows for equations \\
+ upgreek & \verb+$\upalpha$+ = $\upalpha$ instead of $\alpha$ \\
+ thumb & chapter thumbs \\
+ isodate & standard conform typesetting of dates \\
+ hyperref & use of cross-referencing facilities of pdf\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \frametitle{Getting consistent output}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$chemical\{CH\_2$\backslash$double
+ CH$\backslash$single OH\}} = \chemical{CH_2\double
+ CH\single OH} }
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$ph} = \ph , similar for
+ {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$pkw, $\backslash$pka, $\backslash$poh,
+ $\backslash$pI}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$Name\{Maude Leonora Menten\}} =
+ \textsc{Maude Leonora Menten}}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$skalar\{x\}} = $x$, similar for
+ {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$array, $\backslash$vektor,
+ $\backslash$set}. Note the list of variables used in
+ the appendix.}
+ \item{{\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$SI\{1\}\{cm\}} =
+ \SI{1}{cm},
+ {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$num\{10000\}} =
+ \num{10000},
+ {\color{darkgreen}$\backslash$ang\{1;2;3\}} =
+ \ang{1;2;3}.}
+ \end{itemize}