path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-bib2-ex/LaTeXRef.bib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-bib2-ex/LaTeXRef.bib')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-bib2-ex/LaTeXRef.bib b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/latex-bib2-ex/LaTeXRef.bib
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-%% -*-bibtex-*-
-@preamble{"\input bibnames.sty "
- # "\providecommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
- # "\providecommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} "
- # "\providecommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} "
- # "\providecommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} "
- # "\providecommand{\Lower}[1]{} "
- # "\ifx \POSTSCRIPT \undefined \def\POSTSCRIPT {{Post\-Script}} \fi"
- # "\input path.sty "
- # "\hyphenation{Ker-n-i-ghan Port-able Post-Script Pren-tice Richt-er
- Spring-er} "
---- dont Preamble{"\input tugboat.def"}
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- Geschichte und Gegenwart der Druckkunst e.V.})
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-@String{pub-ADOBE:adr = "1585 Charleston Road, P.~O. Box 7900,
- Mountain View, CA 94039-7900,
- Tel: (415) 961-4400"}
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- Indianapolis, IN 46268"}
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- Silver Spring, MD 20910"}
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- Galveston Drive, Redwood City, CA
- 94063"}
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- Administration"}
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-@String{pub-OXFORD:adr = "Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK"}
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- 94708"}
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- Providence, NJ"}
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-@String{pub-SV = "Spring{\-}er-Ver{\-}lag"}
-@String{pub-SV:adr = "Berlin, Germany~/ Heidelberg,
- Germany~/ London, UK~/ etc."}
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- Alameda, CA 94501"}
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- Alameda, CA 94501"}
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- USA, Phone: +1-408-777-5870, Fax:
- +1-408-777-5082, E-mail:
- \"}
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- Science"}
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-@string{SV = "Spring{\-}er-Ver{\-}lag"}
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-@string{TPJ = "{The Prac\TeX{} Journal}"}
-@String{pub-DANTE = "DANTE. Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung {\TeX} e.V."}
-@String{TUGboat = "TUGBoat"}
-@STRING{bretter = {Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten} }
-@STRING{dtk = {{D}ie {\TeX}nische {K}om{\"o}die} }
-@STRING{PS = {{P}ost{S}cript} }
- Title = {Short Math Guide for \LaTeX},
- Author = {Downes, Michael},
- Organization = {American Mathematical Society},
- annote = {\weburl{}},
- Note = {},
- year = 2002,
- Title = {The Comprehensive \LaTeX\ Symbol List},
- Author = {Pakin, Scott},
- Organization = {CTAN},
- annote = {\ctanurl{/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbol-a4.pdf}},
- year = {2009},
- Title= {{\TeX} for the {I}mpatient},
- Author = {Paul W. Abrahams and Karl Berry and Kathryn Hargreaves},
- annote = {\ctanurl{/info/impatient/book.pdf}},
- Note = {},
- year = {2003},
- Title = {The {\TeX}book},
- Author = {Donald E. Knuth},
- Publisher = {Addison Wesley Professional},
- Edition= {21},
- Year= {1986},
- Title= {{\TeX} by {T}opic},
- Author = {Victor Eijkhout},
- annote = {\weburl{}},
- Note = {},
- year = {1992},
- Author = {Claudio Beccari},
- Title = {Typesetting mathematics for science
- and technology according to ISO 31/XI},
- journal = {TUGboat Journal},
- year = 1997,
- volume = 18,
- number = 1,
- pages = "39--47",
- annote={\weburl{}},
- Title = {\LaTeXe\ fontselection},
- Author = {\LaTeX3 Project Team},
- Organization = {},
- annote = {\weburl{}},
- Note = {},
- year = 2000,
- Title = {Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) -- 10.5.4 Multiplying numbers},
- Author = {B. N. Taylor},
- Organization = {National Institute of Standard and Technology},
- annote = {\weburl{}},
- Note = {},
- year = 2008,
- Title = {Color extensions with the \nxLPack{xcolor} package},
- Author = {Uwe Kern},
- Organization = {},
- annote = {\ctanurl{/macros/latex/contrib/xcolor/}},
- Note = {Version 2.11},
- year = 2007,
- author = "Leslie Lamport",
- title = {Das \LaTeX\ {H}andbuch},
- publisher = pub-AW,
- address = pub-AWV:adr,
- year = "1995",
- ISBN = "0-201-15790-X",
- author = "Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens",
- title = "Der {\LaTeX} {B}egleiter",
- publisher = pub-AW,
- edition = {2.\,Auf{}lage},
- address = pub-AW:adr,
- year ="2006",
- author = "Michel Goossens and Frank
- Mittelbach and Sebastian Rahtz and Denis Roegel and Herbert Vo\ss",
- title = "The {\LaTeX} Graphics Companion: Illustrating
- Documents with {\TeX} and {{\PS}}, Second Edition",
- publisher = pub-AW,
- address = pub-AW:adr,
- year = "2007",
- series = "Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting",
- author = "Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz",
- title = "The {\LaTeX} Web Companion",
- publisher = pub-AW,
- address = pub-AW:adr,
- year = "1999",
- author = "Stephen G. Hartke",
- title = "{A survey of Free Math Fonts for \TeX{} and \LaTeX}",
- year = "2006",
- journal = TPJ,
- volume = "01",
- annote = "{\weburl{}}"
- author = "Helmut Kopka and {Patrick W.} Daly",
- title = "{Guide to \LaTeX{} (4th Edition)}",
- publisher = pub-AW,
- address = pub-AW:adr,
- year = "2004",
- title = "{PSTricks} -- {G}rafik mit \PS\ für \TeX\ und \LaTeX",
- author = "Herbert Voß",
- publisher = "",
- address = "Berlin",
- edition = {5.\,Auf"|lage},
- year = "2008",
- title = "{KOMA-Script} -- {E}ine Sammlung von {Klassen} und {Paketen} f{\"u}er {\LaTeXe}",
- author = "Markus Kohm and Jens-Uwe Morawski",
- publisher = "DANTE/",
- address = "Heidelberg/Berlin",
- edition = {3.\,Auf"|lage},
- year = "2008",
- title = "Mathematiksatz mit {\LaTeX}",
- author = "Herbert Voß",
- publisher = "DANTE/",
- address = "Heidelberg/Berlin",
- year = "2009",
- author = "Markus Kohm",
- title = "{Satzspiegelkonstruktionen im Vergleich}",
- journal = dtk,
- pages = "28--48",
- volume = "14",
- number = "4",
- year = "2002",
- annote = {\weburl{}}
- }
- author = "Sebastian Rahtz and Heiko Oberdiek",
- title = "{Hypertext marks in \LaTeX: a manual for \nxLPack{hyperref}}",
- year = "2006",
- annote = {\weburl{}}
- author = "Philipp Lehman",
- title = "{The {F}ont {I}nstallation {G}uide}",
- year = "2004",
- annote = {\ctanurl{/info/Type1fonts/fontinstallationguide/fontinstallationguide.pdf}}
- author = "Mark Trettin",
- title = "{\texttt{l2tabu -- Das \LaTeXe-{S}ündenregister oder
- {V}eraltete {B}efehle, {P}akete und andere {F}ehler}}",
- year = "2004",
- annote = {\ctanurl{/info/l2tabu/german/l2tabu.pdf}}
- }
- author = "Axel Reichert",
- title = "{Satz von {T}abellen}",
- year = "1999",
- annote = {\ctanurl{/info/german/tabsatz/tabsatz.pdf}}
- author = "Axel Reichert",
- title = "{Gleitobjekte -- die richtige {S}chmierung}",
- year = "1999",
- annote = {\ctanurl{/info/german/gleitobjekte/gleitobjekte.pdf}}
- author = "Keith Reckdahl",
- title = "{Using {I}mported {G}raphics in \LaTeX\ and pdf\LaTeX}",
- year = "2006",
- annote = {\ctanurl{/info/epslatex/english/epslatex.pdf}}
- author = "Georg Verweyen",
- title = "{Silbentrennung \& Co.}",
- year = "2007",
- annote = {\weburl{}}
- author = {Dominik Wa{\ss}enhoven},
- title = {Bibliographien erstellen mit \texttt{biblatex} ({Teil} 2)},
- journal = dtk,
- year = 2008,
- volume = {4/08},
- month = nov,
- pages = {31--61},
- keywords = {},
- annote = {\weburl{}},
- author = {Philipp Lehman},
- title = {The biblatex package. Programmable bibliographies and citations},
- month = jan,
- year = {2011},
- note = {\ctanurl{macros/latex/contrib/biblatex}},
- author = {Philipp Lehman},
- title = {The csquotes package. Context sensitive quotation facilities},
- month = jan,
- year = {2010},
- note = {\ctanurl{macros/latex/contrib/csquotes}}