path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/kanbun/kanbun.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/kanbun/kanbun.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/kanbun/kanbun.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/kanbun/kanbun.tex
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+%% Copyright 2022 Yuanhao Chen
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Yuanhao Chen.
+% This work consists of the files kanbun.sty, kanbun.lua,
+% kanbun-example.tex and kanbun.tex.
+ \def\@seccntformat#1{\protect\makebox[0pt][r]{\csname the#1\endcsname\hspace{\marglistsep}}}
+ {\lstset{
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ frame=single,
+ columns=flexible,
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ breaklines=true,
+ postbreak=\mbox{\textcolor{spot}{$\hookrightarrow$}\space},
+ % morekeywords={drawuntpoint,untpoint,linkuntpoints},
+ % escapeinside={<@}{@>},
+ }}
+ {}
+ \ltjdefcharrange{10}{"2E3A}
+ \ltjdefcharrange{11}{"2039-"203A}
+ \ltjsetparameter{jacharrange={-1, +2, +3, -4, -5, +6, +7, -8, +9, +10, -11}}
+\defaultfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle, Scale=MatchLowercase}
+\setmainjfont{Kozuka Mincho Pr6N}
+\setsansjfont{Sarasa Mono J}
+\setmonojfont[YokoFeatures={JFM=prop}]{Sarasa Mono J}
+\setmainfont{Minion Pro}
+\setsansfont{Myriad Pro}
+\setmonofont{Sarasa Mono J}
+\newfontfamily{\kanbunfamily}{Kozuka Mincho Pr6N}
+ \ltjsetruby{fontcmd=\addjfontfeature{RawFeature={+ruby}}}
+ {
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \vspace*{1\zw}
+ \hfill
+ \vbox{
+ \hsize=#1\zw
+ {
+ \tate
+ \addjfontfeature{Scale=1}
+ #2
+ }
+ }
+ \hfill
+ \vspace*{1\zw}
+ }
+\title{The \sty{kanbun} package}
+\author{Yuanhao Chen (\ruby[rubysmash=true]{陳|元|鎬}{ちん|げん|こう})}
+\date{\scshape 15 january 2022, v1.0}
+\tl_set:Nn \kanbun_kumi { beta }
+The \sty{kanbun} package, like other \emph{kanbun-kundoku} (漢文訓読) \LaTeX{} packages (such as \sty{gckanbun}), allows users to manually input macros for elements in a \emph{kanbun-kundoku} paragraph.
+More importantly, it accepts plain text input in the ``\emph{kanbun} annotation'' form when used with \LuaLaTeX, which allows typesetting \emph{kanbun-kundoku} paragraphs efficiently\footnote{The idea comes from \href{}{漢文\textsc{html}} by UntPhesoca, which is a JavaScript and \textsc{css} implementation.}.
+\section{Basic example with \LuaLaTeX}
+As seen in the following example, typesetting a \emph{kanbun-kundoku} paragraph with the \sty{kanbun} package requires only light annotations --- it automatically transforms the annotated plain text into \LaTeX{} macros through Lua, rather than having users type in macros themselves.
+\tl_set:Nn \kanbun_tateaki { 1 }
+\tl_set:Nn \kanbun_kumi { aki }
+\usepackage[kumi=aki, tateaki=1]{kanbun}
+Note that if you want to use this functionality, you have to run this document with \LuaLaTeX.
+\subsection{Package options}
+Load the package with
+ \cmditem{usepackage}\oprm{\sty{kanbun} options}|{kanbun}|
+This package provides a variety of customisable features in \emph{kanbun-kundoku}.
+ \optitem[]{scale}{\prm{ratio}}
+ Sets the ratio of the size of \emph{kanji} to that of ruby texts. Default: \verb|2|.
+ \optitem[]{fontcmd}{\prm{font command}}
+ Sets the font command to use for \emph{kanji}. If \sty{luatexja-fontspec} is loaded, it is set default to \verb|\addjfontfeatures{RawFeature={+trad}}| to obtain traditional \emph{kanji} if applicable.
+ \optitem[]{rubyfontcmd}{\prm{font command}}
+ Sets the font command to use for ruby texts. If \sty{luatexja-fontspec} is loaded, it is set default to \verb|\addjfontfeatures{RawFeature={+ruby}}| to obtain ruby glyphs when applicable.
+ \optitem[]{unit}{\prm{length}}
+ Sets the base size (size of \emph{kanji}). Default: \verb|\kanbun_zw|, which is initialised as \verb|1em|.
+ \optitem[]{yokoaki}{\prm{ratio}}
+ Sets the horizontal space between \emph{kanji} with respect to the size of ruby texts. Default: \verb|2|.
+ \optitem[]{tateaki}{\prm{ratio}}
+ Sets the vertical space between \emph{kanji} with respect to the size of ruby texts. Default: \verb|2|.
+ \optitem[]{okuriprotrusion}{\prm{ratio}}
+ Sets how much \emph{okurigana} should be vertically tucked into the space of \emph{kanji} with respect to the size of ruby texts, if that does not cause an overlap with \emph{furigana}. Default: \verb|1|.
+ \optitem[]{kumi}{\opt{aki}, \opt{beta}}
+ Sets whether to use \emph{aki-gumi} (typeset with uniform inter-character spacing) or \emph{beta-gumi} (typeset with no inter-character space between adjacent character frames). Or simply call \opt{aki} or \opt{beta} without \opt{kumi=}. Default: \opt{aki}.
+After initialising the options, you can still change the option values through \sty{exlp3} syntax, with a prefix \verb|\kanbun_| to option names. For example, to switch to \emph{beta-gumi}, you could use
+\tl_set:Nn \kanbun_kumi { beta }
+\subsection[Basic usage without \LuaLaTeX]{Basic usage without \LuaLaTeX{} (not recommended)}
+When not using the advanced \emph{kanbun}-annotation functionality, it is possible to typeset \emph{kanbun} with any engine with \textsc{cjk} support, such as using \XeLaTeX{} with the \sty{xeCJK} package, or using \upLaTeX{} with \sty{utarticle} or other appropriate class.
+ \cmditem{kanjiunit}\verb|{ |\cmd{furiokuri}\mprm{right furigana}\mprm{right okurigana}\verb| }|\vspace{-5pt}\\
+ \mprm{left punctuation (e.g.~`「')}\\
+ \mprm{kanji}\\
+ \mprm{other punctuation}\\
+ \mprm{kaeriten}\\
+ \verb|{ |\cmd{furiokuri}\mprm{left furigana}\mprm{left okurigana}\verb| }|
+ \cmditem{kanbunfont}
+ Sets the font size of \emph{kanji}. Use when the \opt{unit} option is set different to the document's default font size.
+ Use \cmd{multifuriokuri} instead of \cmd{furiokuri} if you are putting \emph{furigana} to multiple kanji.
+ \cmditem{multifuriokuri}\oprm{length by which {furigana} is raised}\mprm{furigana}\mprm{okurigana}
+For example, the code
+% example text from
+with \opt{tateaki} set to \verb|1|.
+\subsection{Usage with \LuaLaTeX}
+\emph{Kanbun} annotation uses the following brackets to mark different elements in \emph{kanbun-kundoku} (as described in \href{}{漢文\textsc{html}} by UntPhesoca).
+ \item \verb|( )|: \emph{furigana} (振り仮名)
+ \item \verb|{ }|: \emph{okurigana} (送り仮名) (these brackets can be omitted)
+ \item \verb|‹ ›|: \emph{furigana} (振り仮名) of \emph{saidoku-moji} (再読文字)
+ \item \verb|« »|: \emph{okurigana} (送り仮名) of \emph{saidoku-moji} (再読文字)
+ \item \verb|[ ]|: \emph{kaeriten} (返り点)
+ \item \verb|‘ ’|: multiple \emph{kanji}, potentially with \emph{tateten} inserted, as a ruby base; group ruby (グループルビ)
+ \item no annotation: \emph{kanji} (漢字) and punctuation.
+\emph{Tateten} (竪点) can be input with either \verb|―| (\verb|U+2015|), \verb|—| (\verb|U+2014|) or \verb|㆐| (\verb|U+3190|).
+ \cmditem{Kanbun}\cmditem{EndKanbun}
+ Write the annotated \emph{kanbun} between the commands \cmd{Kanbun} and \cmd{EndKanbun}, and it will be processed and saved, ready to be used later.
+ \cmditem{printkanbun}
+ Where you would like to use the most recently saved \emph{kanbun-kundoku} paragraph, use \cmd{printkanbun}.
+ \cmditem{printkanbuncode}
+ If you wish to make modifications on the result or to use the result with a non-\LuaTeX{} engine, it is possible to obtain the macros using \cmd{printkanbuncode} (prints in the terminal), and continue to work from there.
+You can always save \cmd{printkanbun} to a macro and start a new annotated \emph{kanbun} block, as in the following example.
+% example text from
+\tl_set:Nn \kanbun_kumi { beta }