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+\twocolumn[\vspace*{-1.8ex}\section{ANNEX A:\endgraf FORMATTING OF AUTHORS AND AFFILIATIONS}\vspace*{\baselineskip}]
+The names of authors, their organizations/affiliations
+and postal addresses should be grouped by affiliation and
+listed in \SI{12}{pt} upper- and lowercase letters. The name of
+the submitting or primary author should be first, followed
+by the coauthors, alphabetically by affiliation. If the
+author list for a given affiliation spans multiple lines,
+please be sure to break the line in a manner that does not
+split the author’s initials from the author’s last name. This
+is easily done by placing unbreakable spaces between the
+initials and last name. The affiliation name and address
+are also best kept together on the same (but not necessarily
+separate) line, wherever possible. (See, for example,
+the entry for GSI in the following). In cases where authors
+have multiple affiliations, the secondary affiliation is
+inserted below the author/primary affiliation listing and is
+indicated with a superscript, as shown in the following.
+Footnotes on the title and author lines may be used for
+acknowledgements and e-mail addresses, using a non-numeric
+sequence of characters (\textsuperscript{*}, \textsuperscript{†},
+\textsuperscript{‡}, \textsuperscript{§}, \textsuperscript{\P}
+as generated by \LaTeX's \verb|\footnote| command).
+For examples of the preferred formatting of authors and
+affiliations, please consult the following list of JACoW
+collaboration members.
+For manuscripts submitted by large collaborations with
+potentially many tens of authors and where, additionally,
+there may be page number limitations, a format consisting
+of the principle author’s name and institute, followed by
+“on behalf of the … collaboration”, is preferred.
+% Include the title/author page of the JACoW Coolaboration
+\includepdf[pages=-, noautoscale, pagecommand={}]{jacow-collaboration-2018.pdf}{}
+\twocolumn[\vspace*{-1.8ex}\section{ANNEX B:\endgraf IEEE REFERENCE STYLE GUIDE AS APPLIED TO \NoCaseChange{JACoW} PAPERS, \break PERIODICALS AND OTHER WORKS}\vspace*{\baselineskip}]
+\subsection{Referencing JACoW Proceedings}
+The format for published JACoW proceedings papers is detailed in the following
+and can also be readily deduced from Refs. [1-3]. At the very minimum, sufficient
+information should be given to enable readers to clearly identify the paper and
+to facilitate its import into digital databases.
+\subsubsection{Author Listing} Careful attention should be given to the
+placing of commas and the use of ‘and’ in the author list.
+In particular, for the case of three or more authors
+(as in [3]), a comma also follows the penultimate author.
+The preference for ‘\emph{et al.}’\ takes precedence when the number
+of authors becomes large (e.g., $>$6).
+\subsubsection{Paper Title} As is modern practice in references, the title
+of the paper is written in sentence case, i.e., only the
+initial letter of the first word in the title is capitalized.
+Proper nouns, however, also have a capital. Capital letters
+appearing in acronyms likewise remain unaltered
+\subsubsection{Conference Proceedings} The proceedings title is
+written in title case in italics using standard abbreviations,
+such as \emph{Int.} and \emph{Conf.} The preposition, ``in'', in normal
+font, precedes the proceedings title. The location,
+i.\,e., city, state (if USA), and country of the conference
+venue, the month (three-letter abbreviation) and the year
+the conference took place, is then listed. Finally, details
+pertaining to the paper itself, such as the conference paper
+ID, mandatory page numbers, and the digital object
+identifier (DOI), if existing, are listed in the given order.
+A monospace font for the DOI is used so as to help
+distinguish it from normal text. In \LaTeX{}
+the ‘url’ package is used. The conference
+paper ID is optional and may be included in the absence
+of a DOI to facilitate a search through internet search
+engines. DOIs have been assigned to all JACoW
+publications appearing in recent proceedings and will
+likewise be assigned to articles from conferences further
+past, in due course. The use of DOIs is strongly
+The complete or abbreviated form for citations, as
+shown in the following section, is advocated. The former
+is more informative to readers outside the immediate
+conference sphere, and will further serve to avoid
+potential ambiguities in cases where an acronym is not
+unique. Both forms, however, when adhered to, ensure a
+proper import into digital libraries and information
+sources such as INSPIRE, Scopus, and Google Scholar.
+Authors are also reminded to make a distinction between
+papers published in JACoW proceedings (which have
+page numbers and, in the case of recent publications,
+DOIs) and those papers that may have been presented at
+past JACoW conferences but were not published~[4].
+References to contributions presented at the same
+conference should be written as shown in [5]; the wording
+“this conference” may be optionally appended.
+\subsection{Referencing Periodicals and Other Sources}
+The IEEE style is also shown for periodicals [6-11],
+online sources [12], books [13, 14], internal reports [15],
+theses [16], manuals or handbooks [17], patents [18] and
+unpublished material [19, 20]. Examples of correctly
+formatted references can also be found at the JACoW website,
+under ‘Formatting Citations’ which is reached through the
+‘for Authors’ link.
+\subsection{Alignment of References}
+In the \LaTeX{} template, \verb|\bibliography{9}| is used for
+when the total number of references is less than ten. This
+should be changed to \verb|\bibliography{99}| if the number of
+references is ten or more.
+\patchcmd\thebibliography{\section*{REFERENCES\@mkboth {REFERENCES}{REFERENCES}}}{}{}{}
+\definecolor{jgreen}{cmyk}{0.81, 0.00, 0.97, 0.00}
+\definecolor{jred}{cmyk} {0.00, 0.99, 1.00, 0.00}
+\definecolor{jgrepc}{cmyk}{0.74, 0.05, 1.00, 0.00}
+\definecolor{jblue}{cmyk} {0.87, 0.54, 0.00, 0.00}
+\definecolor{jvio}{cmyk} {0.41, 0.82, 0.00, 0.00}
+\definecolor{jbook}{cmyk} {0.28, 0.88, 0.79, 0.25}
+\definecolor{jrept}{cmyk} {0.07, 0.70, 1.00, 0.00}
+\definecolor{jmanu}{cmyk} {0.28, 0.77, 1.00, 0.23}
+\definecolor{junpu}{cmyk} {0.00, 0.83, 0.65, 0.00}
+\subsection{Complete Form}
+%\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 10-99 references
+\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \bibitem{item:1-1}
+ A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta, “Novel techniques for future TeV electron accelerators”,
+ in \textit{Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC’17)},
+ Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017,
+ pp. 567-569, \url{doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-PAPERID}
+ \CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, two authors; DOI encouraged}
+ \bibitem{item:1-2}
+ A.~Alpha \emph{et al.},
+ “A new 12\,GHz electron linear accelerator”,
+ in \emph{Proc. 28th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC’16)},
+ East Lansing, MI, USA, Sep. 2016, pp. 27-31, \newline
+ \url{doi:10.18429/JACoW-LINAC2016-PAPERID}
+ \CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, for six or more authors use \emph{et al.};
+ DOI encouraged}
+ \bibitem{item:1-3}
+ A.~Alpha, B.~T.~Beta, C.~Gamma, and D.~Delta,
+ “An overview of control systems”,
+ in \emph{Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS’11)}, Grenoble, France, Oct. 2011,
+ paper TUP014, pp. 89--91.
+ \CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, four authors; optional paper ID
+ in the absence of a DOI}
+\subsection{Abbreviated Form}
+\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \bibitem{item:2-1}
+ A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta, “Novel techniques for future TeV electron accelerators”,
+ in \textit{Proc. IPAC’17}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017,
+ pp. 567-569, \newline
+ \url{doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-PAPERID}
+ \CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, two authors; DOI encouraged}
+ \bibitem{item:2-2}
+ A.~Alpha \emph{et al.},
+ “A new 12\,GHz electron linear accelerator”,
+ in \emph{Proc. LINAC’16},
+ East Lansing, MI, USA, Sep. 2016, pp.\,27-31,
+ \url{doi:10.18429/JACoW-LINAC2016-PAPERID}
+ \CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, for six or more authors use \emph{et al.};
+ DOI encouraged}
+ \bibitem{item:2-3}
+ A.~Alpha, B.~T.~Beta, C.~Gamma, and D.~Delta,
+ “An overview of control systems”,
+ in \emph{Proc. ICALEPCS’11}, Grenoble, France, Oct. 2011,
+ paper TUP014, pp. 89--91.
+ \CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, four authors; optional paper ID
+ in the absence of a DOI}
+\subsection{Complete Form}
+\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \bibitem{item:41}
+ A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta,
+ “An interesting talk but paper not submitted”,
+ presented at the 5th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC’14),
+ Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, paper MOAX01, unpublished.
+ \CCom{jred}{Unpublished paper; conference name in normal font; paper
+ ID may only be given if material supplementing the proceedings
+ exists on the JACoW website, e.\,g., PDF of talk}
+\subsection{Abbreviated Form}
+\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \bibitem{item:42}
+ A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta,
+ “An interesting talk but paper not submitted”,
+ presented at IPAC’14,
+ Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, paper MOAX01, unpublished.
+ \CCom{jred}{Unpublished paper; conference name in normal font; paper
+ ID may only be given if material supplementing the proceedings
+ exists on the JACoW website, e.\,g., PDF of talk}
+\subsection{Complete Form}
+\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \bibitem{item:51}
+ A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta,
+ “An interesting talk at this conference”,
+ presented at the 9th Int. Particle Accelerator
+ Conf. (IPAC’18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018,
+ paper MOAB01, this conference.
+ \CCom{jgrepc}{Current conference; conference name in normal font;
+ the wording “this conference” is optional}
+\subsection{Abbreviated Form}
+\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \bibitem{item:52}
+ “An interesting talk at this conference”,
+ presented at IPAC’18, Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018,
+ paper MOAB01, this conference.
+ \CCom{jgrepc}{Current conference; conference name in normal font;
+ the wording “this conference” is optional}
+\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \setcounter{enumi}{5}
+ \bibitem{item:6}
+ P.~Mercury \emph{et al.},
+ “Title of paper published in journal”,
+ \emph{Phy.~Rev.~ Lett.}, vol. 114, no. 5,
+ p. 050511, Feb. 2014,
+ \url{doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.050511}
+ \CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Phys. Rev. Lett.;
+ issue no. and month may be omitted}
+ \bibitem{item:7}
+ P.~Venus \emph{et al.},
+ “New techniques in laser wakefield accelerators”,
+ \emph{Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams}, vol. 18,
+ p. 120198, Dec.~2015, \newline
+ \url{doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.18.120198}
+ \CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams;
+ month may be omitted}
+ \bibitem{item:8}
+ T.~Earth \emph{et al.},
+ “Low dose irradiation impact on modern silicon detectors”,
+ \emph{Nucl. Instr. Meth.}, vol. 692, pp. 256--280, 2014,
+ \url{doi:10.1016/j.nima.2014.11.022}
+ \CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Nucl. Instr. Method.}
+ \bibitem{item:9}
+ T.~Earth, L.~Moon, and A.~Belt,
+ “Temporal correlations of x-ray free electron lasers”,
+ \emph{Optics Express}, vol. 20, pp. 11396--11404, 2012,
+ \url{doi:10.1364/OE.20.11396}
+ \CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Optics Express}
+ \bibitem{item:10}
+ J.~B.~Good,
+ “A paper accepted for publication”,
+ \emph{Phys. Rev. Lett.}, to be published.
+ \CCom{jblue}{Periodical, paper accepted for publication
+ by Phys. Rev. Lett.}
+ \bibitem{item:11}
+ G.~D.~Read,
+ “Title of paper submitted for publication”,
+ submitted for publication.
+ \CCom{jblue}{Paper submitted for publication; the name of the
+ periodical does not appear}
+\section{ONLINE SOURCE}
+\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \setcounter{enumi}{11}
+ \bibitem{item:121}
+ JACoW, \url{}
+ \CCom{jvio}{online source; no hyperlink, no period at end of URL unless there is a
+ trailing “/” as shown below. A monospace font should be used, this is
+ achieved using the ‘url’ package in \LaTeX}
+ \setcounter{enumi}{11}
+ \bibitem{item:122}
+ JACoW, \url{}.
+ \CCom{jvio}{online source; no hyperlink, period after traling “/” in
+ URL allowed. A monospace font should be used, this is
+ achieved using the ‘url’ package in \LaTeX}
+\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \setcounter{enumi}{12}
+ \bibitem{item:13}
+ T.~Earth and L.~Moon,
+ “Title of chapter in the book”,
+ in \emph{Title of Book}, R Mars, Ed. New York, NY, USA:
+ Wiley, 1994, pp.~42--48.
+ \CCom{jbook}{Chapter in book}
+ \bibitem{item:14}
+ A.~Belt, \emph{Title of Book}. Cambridge, MA, USA:
+ MIT Press, 1986.
+ \CCom{jbook}{Book}
+\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \setcounter{enumi}{14}
+ \bibitem{item:15}
+ G. Jupiter \emph{et al.},
+ “Title of report”, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
+ Rep. CERN-2012-333, Oct. 2012.
+ \CCom{jrept}{Report}
+ \bibitem{item:16}
+ A.~Student, “Title of thesis”,
+ Ph.D. thesis, Phys. Dept.,
+ Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe,
+ Germany, 2014.
+ \CCom{jrept}{Thesis}
+\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \setcounter{enumi}{16}
+ \bibitem{item:17}
+ \emph{IEEE Editorial Style Manual},
+ IEEE Periodicals,
+ Piscataway, NJ, USA, Oct. 2014, pp. 34-52;
+ \url{}
+ \CCom{jmanu}{Handbook/Manual, no hyperlink, no period after URL}
+\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \setcounter{enumi}{17}
+ \bibitem{item:18}
+ A.~N.~Inventor,
+ “Title of patent”,
+ Patent Authority and No., Jan. 20, 2016.
+\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \setcounter{enumi}{18}
+ \bibitem{item:19}
+ P.~Neptune, “Title of paper”, unpublished.
+ \CCom{junpu}{Unpublished}
+ \bibitem{item:20}
+ P.~Uranus, private communication, Jun. 2015.
+ \CCom{junpu}{Private communication}
+\twocolumn[\vspace*{-1.8ex}\section{ANNEX C:\endgraf THE DILIGENT AUTHOR’S CHECKLIST}\vspace*{\baselineskip}]
+\subsection{Common Oversights}
+In order to lessen the load on a small team of editors
+and to help expedite publication of the Proceedings, authors
+are kindly asked to give themselves an extra few
+minutes to go over the following points, which highlight
+the most common errors, before uploading their paper. By
+providing a properly formatted JACoW paper, the Proceedings
+Office is able to benefit from an autodistill process
+which automatically converts the author's PDF file
+into a version that adheres to the JACoW-compliant PDF
+standard. The process further ensures that all fonts required
+to view the entire document are embedded, rendering
+a final PDF that qualifies technically for publication.
+\subsection{Author and Affiliation Listing}
+The names of authors and their affiliations should be in
+\SI{12}{pt} uppercase and lowercase letters, with standard,
+roman fonts (i.\,e., not italics). When there is more than
+one author, the submitting author should be first, followed
+by the coauthor. Coauthors should be grouped by affiliation
+and then be listed alphabetically. Please refer to \textbf{ANNEX~A}
+for further details and examples, particularly for
+the case where authors have multiple institutes.
+\subsection{SPMS Database and Final Manuscript Validation}
+Primary authors are reminded that it is their
+responsibility to verify the accuracy of the title, abstract,
+and coauthor/institute listing, and that these are identical
+in both the final manuscript and SPMS database. This is
+required to ensure the proper indexing of author/coauthor(s)
+appear in the published proceedings.
+\subsection{Subsection Headings}
+Subsection Headings are in \SI{12}{pt} \emph{italic} lowercase and uppercase.
+The initial letter of every principle word is capitalized,
+and the heading is left aligned in the column.
+\subsection{Figure Captions}
+Figure captions should be placed \emph{below} the figure and
+centred if on one line, but justified if spanning two or
+more lines:
+ Figure 1: A one line figure caption is centred.
+ Figure 2: A lengthy figure caption that spans
+ two lines is justified.
+Note the colon “:” after the figure number and the period
+“.” at the end of the caption.
+When referring to a figure from within the text, the
+convention is to use the abbreviated form, i.\,e., Fig.~1,
+\emph{unless} the reference to the figure is at the start of the sentence:
+ Figure 1 shows a schematic view of...
+ ... as shown in Fig.~1.
+\subsection{Table Headings}
+Table captions should be placed \emph{above} the table and
+centred if on one line, but justified if spanning two or
+more lines:
+ Table 1: Table Heading
+ Table 2: A Particularly Long Table Heading
+ Spanning Two Lines
+Note the colon ":" after the table number, that the initial
+letters of the principle words in the table heading are
+capitalized, and the absence of a period at the end of the
+When referring to a table from within the text, the convention
+is \emph{not} to abbreviate, i.\,e., Table 1.
+If a displayed equation requires a number, it should be
+placed flush with the right margin of the column.
+An unbreakable space should always precede a unit. In \LaTeX{} use
+a “\verb|\,|” or the ‘siunitx’ package to format units.
+Examples are:
+\SI{3}{keV}, \SI{4}{GeV}, \SI{100}{kW}, \SI{7}{µm}.
+References are written in \SI{9}{pt} size and should be neatly
+presented in a consistent format with reference numbers
+aligned. Please refer to \textbf{ANNEX~B} for the preferred format
+and proper alignment.
+Please also ensure that references in the text are cited in
+sequential order.