path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/iaria/template/iaria-example-neumann.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/iaria/template/iaria-example-neumann.tex')
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/iaria/template/iaria-example-neumann.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/iaria/template/iaria-example-neumann.tex
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+\pdfoutput=1 % pdflatex hint for (within first 5 lines)
+% en-US = [english]/[american]/[USenglish] (+ [canadian]) <DEFAULT>
+% en-UK = [british] /[UKenglish] (+ [australian]) <OXFORD>
+% Allows to hyphenate a word that contains a dash:
+\usepackage[shortcuts]{extdash} % Use \-/ for a breakable dash that does not prevent the remainer of the word to be hyphenated
+% Class iaria.cls loads biblatex / biber with predefined options
+babel=true, % Enable language-specific kerning. Take language-settings from the languge of the current document (see Section 6 of microtype.pdf)
+protrusion=alltext-nott, % Ensure that at listings, there is no change at the margin of the listing
+nopatch=eqnum, % fix unable to apply patch eqnum
+final % Always enable microtype, even if in draft mode. This helps finding bad boxes quickly.
+% In the standard configuration, this template is always in the final mode, so this option only makes a difference if "pros" use the draft mode
+ @online{ieee2015howto,
+ author = {Michael Shell},
+ title = {How to Use the {IEEEtran} \LaTeX\ Class},
+ url = {},
+ year = {2015}
+ }
+ @online{ieee2018formattingrules,
+ author = {{IEEE}},
+ title = {Conference Template and Formatting Specifications},
+ url = {},
+ year = {2018}
+ }
+ @online{iaria2014formattingrules,
+ author = {{IARIA}},
+ title = {Formatting Rules},
+ url = {},
+ year = {2014}
+ }
+ @online{iaria2009editorialrules,
+ _author = {Cosmin Dini},
+ author = {{IARIA}},
+ title = {Editorial Rules},
+ url = {},
+ year = {2009}
+ }
+ @online{languagetool,
+ author = {{LanguageTooler GmbH}},
+ title = {{LangueTool}},
+ url = {}
+ }
+ @online{overleaf,
+ author = {{Digital Science UK Limited}},
+ title = {{Overleaf}},
+ url = {}
+ }
+\usepackage{fontawesome} % i.a., \faWarning{}
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+\usepackage{lipsum} % for blindtext
+% ======================================================================
+\hyphenation{block-chain block-chains Ethe-re-um}
+\title{The Unofficial \textsmaller{IARIA} \LaTeX{} Class Paper Example (v2024-03)}
+ \IEEEauthorblockN{Christoph P.\ Neumann\,\orcidlink{0000-0002-5936-631X}}
+ \IEEEauthorblockA{%
+ Department of Electrical Engineering, Media, and Computer Science\\
+ Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden\\
+ Amberg, Germany\\
+ % Diferring from IEEE ("Email"), IARIA requires "e-mail":
+ e-mail: \texttt{}
+ % Multiple authors and their e-mail addresses:
+ %e-mail: {\tt$\lbrace$j.smith\,|\,c.neumann$\rbrace$}
+ }
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{abstract}
+ \lipsum[1][3-12]
+ \end{abstract}
+ % A list of IEEE Computer Society appoved keywords can be obtained at
+ %
+ \begin{IEEEkeywords}
+ % Diferring from IEEE, IARIA requires also the keywords in Bold and Italic (and lower case):
+ \textbf{\textit{template; lorem ipsum.}}
+ \end{IEEEkeywords}
+ \section{Introduction}
+ The \textsmaller{IARIA} formatting is based on \textsmaller{IEEE} style.
+ The unofficial \textsmaller{IARIA} \LaTeX\ class is based on \textsmaller{IEEE}tran class \cite{ieee2015howto}.
+ The \textsmaller{IARIA} formatting rules \cite{iaria2014formattingrules} are adopted from the \textsmaller{IEEE} template and formatting specifications \cite{ieee2018formattingrules}.
+ In addition, be aware of the supplementary \textsmaller{IARIA} editorial rules \cite{iaria2009editorialrules} \faWarning{} that provide a beginner-friendly set of further advices.
+ It is recommended to use a grammar tool, e.\,g., the LanguageTool \cite{languagetool} browser plugin in combination with Overleaf \cite{overleaf}.
+ \lipsum[2]
+ \{\faWarning{} \textsmaller{IARIA} editorial rules: Introduction must end with a paragraph describing the structure of the paper!\}
+ The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section~II, …
+ \section{Related work \textbar{} Methods}
+ \lipsum[3]
+ \section{Results}
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \section{Discussion \textbar{} Evalution}
+ \lipsum[5]
+ \section{Conclusion and Future Work}
+ \{\faWarning{} \textsmaller{IARIA} editorial rules: Last section must be \textquote{Conclusion and Future Work}!\}
+ \lipsum[6]
+ %%% Advisor
+ \nocite{StNe23foodfresh}
+ %%% First-Author
+ \nocite{NeLe13adhocCoop}
+ \nocite{Neumann2012lni}
+ \nocite{NeLe12alphaFlow}
+ \nocite{NeHL12hydra}
+ \nocite{NeWL12offsync}
+ \nocite{NSWL11alphaadaptive}
+ \nocite{NeFL10oxdbs}
+ \nocite{NeLe10alphaUC}
+ \nocite{NeLe09alphaflow}
+ \nocite{NeLe09dmps}
+ \nocite{NHSL09oxdbs} % DE
+ \nocite{NeWL09xdsrig} % DE
+ \nocite{NRDL09deus}
+ %%% Co-Authorship
+ \nocite{LeNe24vocattllm}
+ \nocite{PANP23seccloudfogai}
+ \nocite{WaNe12alphaoffsync}
+ \nocite{ToNe11alphaprops}
+ \nocite{FDI+10esmmog}
+ \nocite{JBN+10fcmdb}
+ \nocite{ILN+09semrttx}
+ \nocite{IND+09lzatav} % DE
+ \nocite{MeNe04testejb}
+ %%% Monographic Work
+ \nocite{Neumann2013dissBook}
+ \nocite{Neumann2012dissPreprint}
+ \nocite{neumann2005da}
+ \nocite{neumann2004sa}
+ %%% TechRep / Non-Peer-Reviewed
+ \nocite{SaNe24othfb}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-WAE-TeamWeiss-Neunerln}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BDCC-TeamRot-CompVisPipeline}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BDCC-TeamBlau-NauticalNonsense}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BCN-TeamGruen-TorpedoTactics}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BCN-TeamCyan-Stockbird}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023SS-BCN-TeamBlau-FancyChess}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023WS-SWT-TeamRot-SGDb}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2023WS-SWT-TeamGruen-OPCUANetzwerk}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-WAE-TeamWeiss-WoIstMeinGeld}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamWeiss-TwitterDash}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamRot-Reddiment}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamGruen-ExplosionGuy}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2022SS-BDCC-TeamCyan-OTHWiki}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2022WS-SWT-TeamGruen-Graphvio}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2021SS-WAE-TeamWeiss-CovidDashboard}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2021SS-WAE-TeamRot-FireForceDefense}
+ \nocite{ModA-TR-2021SS-WAE-TeamGruen-MedPlanner}
+ \nocite{NeRL12deus}
+ \nocite{LNR+11egr}
+ % ======== References =========
+ \begingroup
+ \sloppy
+ \printbibliography
+ \endgroup