path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvextern/hvextern.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvextern/hvextern.tex')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvextern/hvextern.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvextern/hvextern.tex
index ac218c986d3..1d1bd0fd42b 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvextern/hvextern.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hvextern/hvextern.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% $Id: hvextern.tex 559 2022-05-27 06:59:29Z herbert $
+%% $Id: hvextern.tex 562 2022-06-01 15:37:46Z herbert $
@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ runsequence={lualatex,biber,{xindex -l de -c AU},lualatex,lualatex}
- pages={1,3,5},
+ pages={1,2,3,4,5,6},
runsequence={lualatex,biber,xindex -l de -c AU,lualatex,lualatex},
@@ -1303,7 +1303,6 @@ runsequence={lualatex,biber,{xindex -l de -c AU},lualatex,lualatex}
-Sort with xindex \verb|-l DE --config AU|
\Index{Österreich} \Index{Öresund}
\Index{Ostern} \Index{Ober} \Index{Oberin}
@@ -1386,13 +1385,13 @@ it makes no difference using the optional argument \Lkeyword{usefancyvrb} or not
- grfOptions={width=0.45\linewidth},
- pages={1,3},
+ grfOptions={width=0.23\linewidth},
+ pages={1,2,3,4},pagesep=1pt,
% crop,
- frame,usefancyvrb]{voss}
+ frame,framesep=0pt,usefancyvrb]{voss}
@@ -1445,10 +1444,14 @@ it makes no difference using the optional argument \Lkeyword{usefancyvrb} or not
\subsection{Vertical space}
+ \setlength\hv@extern@aboveskip{#1}}
+ \setlength\hv@extern@belowpreambleskip{#1}}
+ \setlength\hv@extern@belowbodyskip{#1}}
+ \setlength\hv@extern@belowskip{#1}}
@@ -1460,9 +1463,149 @@ it makes no difference using the optional argument \Lkeyword{usefancyvrb} or not
the command \Lcs{runExtCmd} (default \Lcs{medskipamount})
+\subsection{No output}
+By default there is an image or text as output of the external run. In a case, where
+you are only interested in the code, which should be formatted in the same style as
+other examples, you can set \Lkeyword{output} to false.
+ output=false,
+ frame,compiler=pdflatex,
+ crop,
+ force,runs=2,code,docType=latex,
+ frame,usefancyvrb]{voss}
+ style=section,
+ level=4,
+ beforeskip=-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex,
+ afterskip=1.5ex plus .2ex,
+ font=\normalsize,
+ indent=0pt,
+ counterwithin=subsubsection
+ level=5,
+ toclevel=5,
+ tocindent=13em,
+ tocnumwidth=5.9em,
+ counterwithin=subsubsubsection
+ level=6,
+ toclevel=6,
+ tocindent=15em,
+ tocnumwidth=6.8em
+\section{Ein Abschnitt}
+\subsection{Ein Unterabschnitt}
+\subsubsection{Ein Unter-Unterabschnitt}
+\subsubsubsection{Ein Unter-Unter-Unterabschnitt}
+\section{Defining new marker}
+Suppose you do not want for a \LaTeX\ document the complete body part between \Lcs{begin}
+and \Lcs{end} printed. In this case you can define own markers, e.g.:
+\begin{Verbatim}[fontsize=\small,label={New marker definition},fontfamily=tt]
+ {\perCent StartVisibleBody}
+ {\perCent StopVisibleBody}
+ {\perCent StartVisiblePreamble}
+ {\perCent StopVisiblePreamble}
+Whith this definition and the setting \Lkeyset{docType=ltx} the last example looks like:
+ {\perCent StartVisibleBody}
+ {\perCent StopVisibleBody}
+ {\perCent StartVisiblePreamble}
+ {\perCent StopVisiblePreamble}
+ grfOptions={width=\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule\relax},
+% pages={1},
+ crop,
+% mpwidth=0.6\linewidth,
+ frame,
+ compiler=pdflatex,
+ showFilename,
+ force=true,
+ runs=2,code,docType=ltx,
+ usefancyvrb]{voss}
+ style=section,
+ level=4,
+ beforeskip=-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex,
+ afterskip=1.5ex plus .2ex,
+ font=\normalsize,
+ indent=0pt,
+ counterwithin=subsubsection
+ level=5,
+ toclevel=5,
+ tocindent=13em,
+ tocnumwidth=5.9em,
+ counterwithin=subsubsubsection
+ level=6,
+ toclevel=6,
+ tocindent=15em,
+ tocnumwidth=6.8em
+\section{Ein Abschnitt}
+\subsection{Ein Unterabschnitt}
+\subsubsection{Ein Unter-Unterabschnitt}
+\subsubsubsection{Ein Unter-Unter-Unterabschnitt}
\section{Supported engines}
\subsection{\MP\ example}
+Needs the run sequence setting to get a \texttt{pdf} from the created \texttt{dvi} output.
+It is already internally defined.
% grfOptions={width=0.45\linewidth},
% pages={1,3},
@@ -1495,6 +1638,10 @@ end;
\subsection{plain\TeX\ example}
+Needs the run sequence setting to get a \texttt{pdf} from the created \texttt{dvi} output.
+It is already internally defined.
% pages={1,3},
@@ -1557,7 +1704,9 @@ This is the start of the introduction.
-\subsection{\LaTeX\ example}
+\subsection{\LuaLaTeX\ example}
+With Lua\LaTeX\ and and using PostScript code the intermediate GhostScript run is
+not needed. The \texttt{pdf} is directly created.