path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/halloweenmath/halloweenexample.tex
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+\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % not necessary, but recommended
+\usepackage{hyperref} % just for "\hypersetup"
+\title{Sample Halloween Math}
+\date{January~6, 2017}
+ pdftitle = {Sample Halloween Math},
+ pdfauthor = {A. U. Thor},
+ pdfsubject = {Sample source file for the halloweenmath package},
+ pdfkeywords = {Halloween, math, scary mathematical symbols},
+ pdfcreationdate = {D:20170106000000},
+ pdfmoddate = {D:20170106000000}
+A reduction my students are likely to make:
+\[\mathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\]
+The same reduction as an in-line formula:
+\(\mathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\).
+Now with limits:
+ \mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} \frac
+ {\text{$i$-th magic term}}
+ {\text{$2^{i}$-th wizardry}}
+And repeated in-line: \( \mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}y_{i} \).
+The \texttt{bold} math version is honored:\mathversion{bold}
+ \mathwitch*
+ \genfrac{<}{>}{0pt}{}
+ {\textbf{something terribly}}{\textbf{complicated}}
+ = 0
+Compare it with \texttt{normal} math\mathversion{normal}:
+ \mathwitch*
+ \genfrac{<}{>}{0pt}{}
+ {\text{something terribly}}{\text{complicated}}
+ = 0
+In-line math comparison:
+{\boldmath $\mathwitch* f(x)$} versus $\mathwitch* f(x)$.
+There is also a left-facing witch:
+\[\reversemathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\]
+And here is the in-line version:
+\(\reversemathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\).
+Test for \verb|\dots|:
+ \mathwitch_{i_{1}=1}^{n_{1}} \dots \mathwitch_{i_{p}=1}^{n_{p}}
+ \frac
+ {\text{$i_{1}$-th magic factor}}
+ {\text{$2^{i_{1}}$-th wizardry}}
+ \pumpkin\dots\pumpkin
+ \frac
+ {\text{$i_{p}$-th magic factor}}
+ {\text{$2^{i_{p}}$-th wizardry}}
+And repeated in-line: \( \mathwitch\dots\mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}y_{i} \).
+Now the pumpkins. First the \texttt{bold} math version:\mathversion{bold}:
+\[ \bigoplus_{h=1}^{m}\bigpumpkin_{k=1}^{n} P_{h,k} \]
+Then the \texttt{normal} one\mathversion{normal}:
+\[ \bigoplus_{h=1}^{m}\bigpumpkin_{k=1}^{n} P_{h,k} \]
+In-line math comparison:
+{\boldmath \( \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \neq \bigoplus_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \)}
+versus \( \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \neq \bigoplus_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \).
+Close test: {\boldmath $\bigoplus$}$\bigoplus$.
+And against the pumpkins:
+{\boldmath $\bigpumpkin$}$\bigpumpkin\bigoplus${\boldmath $\bigoplus$}.
+In-line, but with \verb|\limits|:
+\( \bigoplus\limits_{h=1}^{m}\bigpumpkin\limits_{k=1}^{n} P_{h,k} \).
+Binary: \( x\pumpkin y \neq x\oplus y \). And in display:
+\[ a\pumpkin\frac{x\pumpkin y}{x\oplus y}\otimes b \]
+Close test: {\boldmath $\oplus$}$\oplus$.
+And with the pumpkins too:
+{\boldmath $\pumpkin$}$\pumpkin\oplus${\boldmath $\oplus$}.
+In general,
+\[ \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} = P_{1}\pumpkin\dots\pumpkin P_{n} \]
+The same in bold:
+\[ \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} = P_{1}\pumpkin\dots\pumpkin P_{n} \]
+Other styles: \( \frac{x\pumpkin y}{2} \), exponent~$Z^{\pumpkin}$,
+subscript~$W_{\!x\pumpkin y}$, double script \( 2^{t_{x\pumpkin y}} \).
+Clouds. A hypothetical identity:
+\( \frac{\sin^{2}x + \cos^{2}x}{\cos^{2}x} = \mathcloud \).
+Now the same identity set in display:
+\[ \frac{\sin^{2}x + \cos^{2}x}{\cos^{2}x} = \mathcloud \]
+Now in smaller size: \( \frac{\sin x+\cos x}{\mathcloud} = 1 \).
+Specular clouds, \texttt{bold}\ldots\mathversion{bold}
+\[ \reversemathcloud \longleftrightarrow \mathcloud \]
+\ldots and in \texttt{normal} math.\mathversion{normal}
+\[ \reversemathcloud \longleftrightarrow \mathcloud \]
+In-line math comparison:
+{\boldmath \( \reversemathcloud \leftrightarrow \mathcloud \)}
+versus \( \reversemathcloud \leftrightarrow \mathcloud \).
+Abutting: {\boldmath $\mathcloud$}$\mathcloud$.
+Ghosts: \( \mathleftghost \mathghost \mathrightghost \mathghost \mathleftghost
+\mathghost \mathrightghost \). Now with letters: \( H \mathghost H \mathghost h
+\mathghost ab \mathghost f \mathghost wxy \mathghost \), and also \(
+2\mathghost^{3} + 5\mathleftghost^{\!2}-3\mathrightghost_{i} =
+12\mathrightghost_{j}^{4} \). Then, what about~$x^{2\mathghost}$ and \(
+z_{\!\mathrightghost+1} = z_{\!\mathrightghost}^{2} + z_{\mathghost} \)?
+In subscripts:
+ F_{\mathghost+2} &= F_{\mathghost+1} + F_{\mathghost} \\
+ F_{\!\mathrightghost+2} &= F_{\!\mathrightghost+1} + F_{\!\mathrightghost}
+Another test: \( \mathghost | \mathrightghost | \mathghost | \mathleftghost |
+\mathghost | \mathrightghost | \mathghost | \mathleftghost | \mathghost \). We
+should also try this: \( \mathrightghost \mathleftghost \mathrightghost
+\mathleftghost \).
+Extensible arrows:
+ A \xrightwitchonbroom[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
+ \xrightwitchonbroom{x+z} C \xrightwitchonbroom{} D \\
+ A \xrightwitchonbroom*[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
+ \xrightwitchonbroom*{x+z} C \xrightwitchonbroom*{} D \\
+ A \xleftwitchonbroom*[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
+ \xleftwitchonbroom*{x+z} C \xleftwitchonbroom*{} D \\
+ A \xleftwitchonbroom[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
+ \xleftwitchonbroom{x+z} C \xleftwitchonbroom{} D
+And \( \overrightwitchonbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \) versus \(
+\overrightwitchonbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \); or \(
+\overleftwitchonbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \) versus \(
+\overleftwitchonbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \).
+Hovering ghosts: \( \overrightswishingghost{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \). You might
+wonder whether there is enough space left for the swishing ghost; let's try
+again: \( \overrightswishingghost{(x_{1}+\dots+x_{n})y}=0 \). As you can see,
+there is enough room. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit.
+And \( \overrightswishingghost{\mathstrut} \) too.
+ A \xrightswishingghost[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
+ \xrightswishingghost{x+z} C \xrightswishingghost{} D \\
+ A \xleftswishingghost[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
+ \xleftswishingghost{x+z} C \xleftswishingghost{} D
+Another hovering ghost: \( \overleftswishingghost{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \)..
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit. Ulla rutrum, vel sivi sit
+anismus oret, rubi sitiunt silvae. Let's see how it looks like when the ghost
+hovers on a taller formula, as in \(
+\overrightswishingghost{H_{1}\oplus\dots\oplus H_{k}} \). Mmmh, it's
+suboptimal, to say the least.\footnote{We'd better try \(
+\underleftswishingghost{y_{1}+\dots+y_{n}} \), too; well, this one looks good!}
+Under ``arrow-like'' symbols: \( \underleftswishingghost{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \)
+and \( \underrightswishingghost{x+y+z} \). There are \(
+\underleftwitchonbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \) and \(
+\underrightwitchonbroom*{x+y+z} \) as well.
+A comparison between the ``standard'' and the ``script-style'' over\slash under
+extensible arrows:
+ \overrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}
+ &\neq\overscriptrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}} \\
+ \overleftarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}
+ &\neq\overscriptleftarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}} \\
+ \overleftrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}
+ &\neq\overscriptleftrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}} \\
+ \underrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}
+ &\neq\underscriptrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}} \\
+ \underleftarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}
+ &\neq\underscriptleftarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}} \\
+ \underleftrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}
+ &\neq\underscriptleftrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}