path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gentombow/gentombow.tex
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+%# -*- ascii characters only -*-
+%%% dangerous bend
+\font\man=manfnt at 10pt
+ \ifnum\@listdepth>\z@
+ \GenericError{}{Do not use `dangerous' environment inside any list}{}{}
+ \fi
+ \par\addvspace\medskipamount
+ \@tempdima=\dimexpr\textwidth-2zw\relax\small
+ \divide\@tempdima by\dimexpr1zw\relax\@tempcnta=\@tempdima
+ \leftskip=\dimexpr\textwidth-\@tempcnta zw\relax
+ \@totalleftmargin\dimexpr\leftskip+0zw
+ \linewidth=\dimexpr\@tempcnta zw-0zw
+ \parindent1zw\noindent\kern-\leftskip\hbox to\leftskip{\dbend\hss}%
+ \everypar{\everypar{}}\ignorespaces
+%%% misc
+\title{Package \textsf{gentombow} \fileversion}
+\author{Hironobu Yamashita}
+It is convenient to print documents for final smaller paper sizes
+on paper of the printer's standard physical paper size;
+it allows printing close to the logical paper edge
+and even outside the logical page.
+This package \textsf{gentombow} provides a Japanese-style
+crop marks (called `tombow' in Japanese) for trimming paper stacks,
+and place the document page at the center of a larger physical
+paper sheet. It automatically detects the page size
+(\verb+\paperwidth+, \verb+\paperheight+) which is
+going to be set by document class.
+This document itself is a demonstration of this package,
+with final A4 paper printed on B4 (JIS B4; not ISO B4!) paper.
+Note that this package does nothing about output paper size
+specification; use one of the followings to do it.
+\item \textsf{graphicx} package
+ with \texttt{setpagesize} feature added in 2016
+ (supports all engines)
+\item \textsf{bxpapersize} package
+ (supports all engines; by Takayuki YATO)
+\item \textsf{bounddvi} package
+ (supports only DVI output mode; part of \textsf{gentombow} bundle)
+A basic usage:
+ \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
+ \usepackage{gentombow}
+ \usepackage{graphicx}
+ \begin{document}
+ The content
+ \end{document}
+For Japanese people, \textsf{pxgentombow} (also part of
+\textsf{gentombow} bundle) is also available;
+it requires Japanese p\LaTeX/up\LaTeX\ or Lua\TeX-ja.
+This package is part of \textsf{gentombow} bundle:
+Originally it was part of \textsf{platex-tools} bundle,
+but it has been moved since March 2018.
+\section{Basic Functions}
+First, I introduce some basic functions of \textsf{gentombow} package.
+\subsection{Automatic Determination of Output Size}
+In this package,
+the following printer's standard physical paper sizes are predefined;
+A series (\texttt{a0}--\texttt{a10}),
+B series (\texttt{b0}--\texttt{b10}),
+C series (\texttt{c0}--\texttt{c10}),
+\texttt{letter}, \texttt{legal} and \texttt{executive}.
+In the current release, `B series' is JIS standard,
+not ISO standard (this might be changed in the near future).
+Also, some variations \texttt{a4var} and \texttt{b5var} are predefined.
+When one of the above sizes (except \texttt{a0}, \texttt{b0}
+and \texttt{c0}) is detected, the output size is
+automatically determined along with the following rule:
+\item When A series detected:
+ the output is going to be larger B series
+\item When B/C series or
+ \texttt{letter}, \texttt{legal}, \texttt{executive} detected:
+ the output is going to be larger A series
+The crop marks are automatically added.
+The orientation (landscape/portrait) of the input paper is
+also preserved.
+The following list shows common examples:
+ \hline
+ Detected page size & Output size \\
+ \hline
+ a6 & b6 \\
+ b6 & a5 \\
+ a5 & b5 \\
+ b5 & a4 \\
+ a4 & b4 \\
+ b4 & a3 \\
+ a3 & b3 \\
+ b3 & a2 \\
+ \hline
+ c6 & a5 \\
+ c5 & a4 \\
+ c4 & a3 \\
+ c3 & a2 \\
+ \hline
+ letter & a3 \\
+ legal & a3 \\
+ executive & a4 \\
+ \hline
+\subsection*{When Automatic Determination Failed}
+When the page size is different from any of the predefined sizes,
+the page is placed with the surrounding 1~inch margins.
+For example, when the page has $100\,\mathrm{mm}$ width and
+$200\,\mathrm{mm}$ height, the output size is going to be
+$100\,\mathrm{mm}+2\,\mathrm{in}$ width and
+$200\,\mathrm{mm}+2\,\mathrm{in}$ height.
+\subsection{Job Info Printing}
+By default, the crop marks are printed with a banner, which shows
+a job info like \makeatletter\texttt{\the\@bannertoken}\makeatother.
+The format is similar to \verb+tombow+ option, which is
+available in most of the common Japanese classes.
+The default also reacts to \verb+tombo+ (without a job info) or
+\verb+mentuke+ (do not print actual crop marks) class options.
+\section{Package Options}
+You can specify output size and/or disable job info printing
+using package options.
+\subsection{Explicit Specification of Output Size}
+You can also force the output size using package option.
+For example,
+ \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
+ \usepackage[tombow-a4]{gentombow}
+ \begin{document}
+ The content
+ \end{document}
+forces the output size to be a3 (the automatic determination
+`b4' is discarded). Available sizes are the same as
+the predefined sizes, that is,
+A series (\texttt{a0}--\texttt{a10}),
+B series (\texttt{b0}--\texttt{b10}),
+C series (\texttt{c0}--\texttt{c10}) and
+\texttt{a4var}, \texttt{b5var},
+\texttt{letter}, \texttt{legal}, \texttt{executive}.
+The orientation (landscape/portrait) of the input paper is
+also preserved again.
+The option format is:
+\Meta{crop mark format}\texttt{-}\Meta{output size}.
+The crop mark format is one of the following:
+\verb+tombow+ (default), \verb+tombo+ (without a job info),
+\verb+mentuke+ (do not print actual crop marks).
+\subsection{Disabling Job Info Printing}
+When you specify the output size explicitly, the crop mark format
+can be given at the same time, as described previously.
+When the output size is automatically determined, you can disable
+job info printing by \verb+notombowbanner+ option.
+\section{Customization of Crop Mark}
+The \textsf{pxgentombow} package provides some commands to
+customize crop mark format.
+\subsection{Banner content}
+Using \verb+\settombowbanner+, you can set the banner content.
+An example using \verb+\pdfcreationdate+ (pdf\TeX\ primitive)
+ \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
+ \usepackage{gentombow}
+ \settombowbanner{\jobname\space (\pdfcreationdate)}
+ \begin{document}
+ The content
+ \end{document}
+will result in
+{\settombowbanner{\jobname\space (\pdfcreationdate)}%
+ \makeatletter\texttt{\the\@bannertoken}\makeatother}.
+The argument is an arbitrary token list.
+\subsection{Banner font}
+Using \verb+\settombowbannerfont+, you can change the font
+with which the banner is printed.
+ \settombowbannerfont{cmss10 at 9pt}
+This feature internally calls the \TeX\ primitive \verb+\font+,
+and accepts all fonts supported by the engine. When Lua\TeX\ or
+Xe\TeX\ is used, a native OpenType font can also be given.
+\subsection{Crop mark line width}
+By default, the line width of crop marks is 0.1~pt.
+This can be change to 1~pt by \verb+\settombowwidth{1pt}+.
+The argument is an arbitrary dimension.
+\section{Additional Notes}
+Here is some additional notes for use with several classes/packages.
+\subsection{Note for \textsf{BXjscls} users}
+When using \textsf{BXjscls} (by Takayuki YATO) with size option
+other than 10pt, please add \verb+nomag+ or \verb+nomag*+ to the
+class option. For example,
+ \documentclass[a4paper,14pt]{bxjsarticle}
+ \usepackage{gentombow}
+will not work as expected (\textsf{gentombow} throws an error
+for safety).
+\subsection{Note about Layout Settings}
+You should not change \verb+\hoffset+ or \verb+\voffset+ to non-zero
+value, for the purpose of layout settings. Such settings will
+conflict with the feature of \textsf{gentombow} package.
+To set page layout correctly, you should adjust \verb+\oddsidemargin+
+or \verb+\topmargin+, or leave it to \textsf{geometry} package.
+\section*{Change History}
+ \item 2017/12/17 v0.9 First CTAN release
+ \item 2018/03/16 v0.9e Add \verb+\settombowbanner+,
+ \verb+\settombowbannerfont+ and
+ \verb+\settombowwidth+.