path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gatech-thesis/julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gatech-thesis/julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty')
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gatech-thesis/julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gatech-thesis/julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gatech-thesis/julesverne/bellswhistles/jules-verne.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+%% jules-verne.sty
+%% Rather than crud up the main root file with a lot of boilerplate,
+%% it's good latex style to separate that stuff out into a separate
+%% custom 'style' for your document. Since the bells-and-whistles
+%% example is MUCH to complicated to put all the cruft in the preamble,
+%% I've pulled it into this style
+%% Feel free to make a copy (renaming it to, oh, johnthesis.sty, or
+%% something), and customize. Don't forget to change the
+%% 'PackageProvides' line, below. If you feel the need to modify
+%% something in gatech-thesis.cls, DON'T. Instead, copy the
+%% relevant function as a whole into your new 'johnthesis.sty',
+%% and make the changes there.
+%% REQUIRES: gatech-thesis class file
+%% hyperref, url, graphicx, color, subfigure, fontenc
+%% caption2, latexsym,
+%% textcomp, amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, listings,
+%% ifthen, thumbpdf, txfonts, longtable, colortbl,
+%% dcolumn
+%% 'official': the default when gatech-thesis called in 'final' mode
+%% 'unofficial': the default when gatech-thesis called in 'draft' mode
+%% Since drafts are never official, the 'official' option has no effect
+%% in 'draft' mode. However, in 'final' mode, you can create either
+%% official copies or unofficial copies (of course, 'official'
+%% is the default). If for some silly reason, you specify both official and
+%% unofficial, unofficial takes precedence (but (a) no warning is produced,
+%% and (b) why would you do that?)
+%% Currently, these two options affect the settings of 'strictmargins' and
+%% 'signaturepage'.
+%% 'printcode': always print listings, even in draft mode
+ [2002/08/08 Custom settings for a thesis]
+%%%%% here:
+%%%%% Also, see
+%% define these here so they can be used both in the document setup,
+%% and hyperref setup.
+\newcommand{\docauthor}{Frodo Baggins}
+{20,000 Leagues Under the Sea \\ by Jules Verne}% include formatting here
+{20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne}}% but not here
+\newcommand{\dockeywords}{nemo, submarine, science fiction}
+%% Initial setup and options
+\hyperfalse % initially false by default
+\if@draft % This is an internal gatech-thesis variable!
+ \@officialfalse % false in draft mode
+ \@officialtrue % true by default otherwise
+\if@draft % This is an internal gatech-thesis variable!
+ \@printcodefalse % false in draft mode by default
+ \@printcodetrue % always true in 'final' mode
+\pdffalse % initially false by default
+ \pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX
+ \pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX
+ \pdftrue
+\if@hyperref % This is an internal gatech-thesis variable!
+ \hypertrue
+ \hyperfalse
+ \if@draft % This is an internal gatech-thesis variable!
+ \PackageWarn{option `official' specified, but draft mode.}
+ \PackageWarn{Honoring `draft', resetting `official' to FALSE.}
+ \@officialfalse
+ \else
+ \@officialtrue
+ \fi
+% but we need some way to turn it off in 'final' mode
+% (for "unofficial" final copies)
+ \@officialfalse
+ \@printcodetrue
+%% Load packages
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{pdftex,final}{graphicx}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{pdftex,usenames}{color}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{pdftex,backref}{hyperref}
+ \pdfcompresslevel=9
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{dvips,final}{graphicx}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{dvips,usenames}{color}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{dvips,backref}{hyperref}
+% Ordinarily, the url{} package will not line-break on a hyphen (is
+% the '-' character a line-continuation mark, or is it actually
+% part of the url itself?) However, in my experience that's usually
+% pretty obvious, and NOT allowing line breaks at the hyphens
+% causes most of the problems. So, allow those line breaks, and live
+% with the confusion.
+% Fonts.
+% Fonts are terribly complicated. For OGS compliant thesis written
+% using TeX, there are a few choices. One choice is "Type 1" (postscript)
+% fonts versus "normal tex" fonts. You want postscript fonts; especially
+% if you want to create electronic versions (pdf files, ps files) for
+% distribution. "normal" tex fonts look VERY bad onscreen, although
+% hardcopy printouts look great. Fortunately, postscript fonts look
+% great in BOTH situations, so use them. The only downside is that
+% your favorite decorative font may not be available in postscript
+% form (or, specifically, in TeX-compatible postscript form). Fortunately,
+% the important OGS-compliant fonts ARE all available in TeX-compatible
+% postscript form -- but it takes a little work to get things set up.
+% Now, the REALLY good news is that postscript fonts are installed and
+% used by DEFAULT under MikTeX (the most common PC implementation of TeX)
+% and by TeXshop (the most common Mac implementation of TeX).
+% First, if you are not using ANY math, then you are free to use
+% almost any of the fonts specified in the OGS-SM. However, if
+% you DO have math in your thesis, then you're pretty much restricted
+% to computer Modern (the default TeX fontset), or Times. You want
+% a *complete* fontset; you don't want to use 'Chicago' for most of
+% your text, but have math still use Computer Modern Math; that wouldn't
+% look good.
+% If you want to use Computer Modern throughout, then simply do nothing
+% (font-related). You'll get nice serif'ed fonts, nice san-serif'ed
+% fonts, nice monospace fonts, nice math fonts, etc. You MAY need some
+% or all of the following commands to load additional characters
+% % For Computer Modern Fonts, we still must load some extra symbols
+% \RequirePackage{textcomp}
+% \RequirePackage{latexsym}
+% % And additional math support from the American Mathematical Society
+% \RequirePackage{amsmath} % environments
+% \RequirePackage{amsfonts}% specialty fonts (Blackboard bold, italic capital greek
+% \RequirePackage{amssymb} % other missing symbols
+% Now, if you choose to use Times fonts instead, there are several
+% ways to do that. The simplest and best is to use the txfonts package,
+% which uses Times for body text (and Times Italic for
+% \mathnormal). It also provides a Times-harmonious san serif font,
+% monospace font, boldmath, all of the amsfonts, latexsym symbols,
+% and textcomp symbols (all in type-1 postscript form). To use this
+% option, you should use the following commands:
+% % for txfonts (Times) fonts.
+% % We must call the the specialty font packages first -- that way,
+% % the commands and envionments get defined, and then the txfonts package
+% % will force them to use the Times-like txfonts instead of their
+% % built-in versions. If you prefer the true AMSfonts, call the
+% % ams packages *after* loading txfonts.
+% \RequirePackage{textcomp}
+% \RequirePackage{latexsym}
+% \RequirePackage{amsmath}
+% \RequirePackage{amsfonts}
+% \RequirePackage{amssymb}
+% \RequirePackage{txfonts}
+% You may see older documentation on the webm which says to use
+% Times fonts for \rmfamily and math, Helvetica fonts for \sffamily,
+% and Courier fonts for \ttfamily. That's fine, but be warned:
+% the normal Times fonts do NOT provide all of the math symbols you
+% need (txfonts do, but that is described above). Let's suppose
+% you're just stubborn, and don't want to use txfonts. Fine.
+% First, you need to load all three of those fonts (but helvetica
+% is optically 'larger' than other fonts at the same pointsize, so
+% we must shrink it slightly)
+% \PassOptionsToPackage{scaled=0.92}{helvet}%
+% \RequirePackage{mathptmx}% load times as \rmfamily and math
+% \RequirePackage{helvet} % load helvetica as \sffamily
+% \RequirePackage{courier} % load courier as \ttfamily
+% Followed by the standard set of 'load some other symbols' commands
+% % We need this for other symbols that aren't available in Times
+% \RequirePackage{textcomp}
+% \RequirePackage{textcompsym}% a HACK provided in
+% % gatech-thesis/julesverne/bellswhistles
+% % Read its commentblock for more info
+% \RequirePackage{textcompsym}
+% % define some symbols that aren't available in the normal
+% % fonts (Computer Modern, Times, ...)
+% \RequirePackage{latexsym}
+% % And additional math support from the American Mathematical Society
+% \RequirePackage{amsmath} % environments
+% \RequirePackage{amsfonts}% fonts (Blackboard bold, italic capital greek
+% \RequirePackage{amssymb} % other missing symbols
+% You may have read that the 'times.sty' can be used in place
+% of the first four commands; when loaded it will redefine
+% \rmfamily, \sffamily, AND the \ttfamily all at once,
+% eliminating the need for three separate commands. True -- but
+% it handles the MATH portion very badly, and doesn't scale the
+% helvetica font. Trust me, use 'mathptmx', and avoid times.sty.
+% (Better, use txfonts -- and then you won't even need the textcompsym
+% hack! -- but you've already decided to be stubborn)
+% The mathptmx package uses Times for normal text, and creates a
+% virtual font for math symbols, taking symbols from Times,
+% Computer Modern, and rsfs postscript fonts.
+% -- Note that there is a similar 'decision tree' for Palatino-based
+% -- fonts; you can use 'pxfonts', or you can use 'mathpazo' +
+% -- 'helvet' + 'courier' (you'll also need the "load a bunch of
+% -- other symbols" block of commands, above). However, that's a
+% -- moot point, because Palatino is not an approved font for
+% -- Georgia Tech theses. The mathpazo package uses Palatino for
+% -- normal text, and creates a virtual font for math symbols,
+% -- taking symbols from palatino, Euler, and rsfs postscript fonts.
+% -- Additionally, the mathpazo package comes with some additional
+% -- "mathpazo" fonts of its own...
+% The choices are fairly limited in PostScript fonts with TeX, because
+% most freely available PostScript fonts do not include all of the Math
+% characters needed for good TeX typesetting. If you don't have any
+% math in your thesis, experiment with other fonts (within the bounds
+% specified by the OGS Guidelines for theses, of course) -- but good Math
+% support in alternate fonts usually costs $$$. See MicroPress font
+% foundry's website, or the Y&Y font foundry's website.
+% Another alternative for Times, is to use the free Belleek postscript
+% fonts for math. To do this you install the "mathtime" package -- which
+% provides support for the $$$ MathTime fonts but not the fonts themselves.
+% You then install the Belleek fonts, which are freely available clones of the
+% mathtime fonts -- and *hand-edit* the .fd files from
+% the mathtime package so that they point to the Belleek fonts (blex,
+% blsy, and rblmi) instead of the "real" MathTime fonts (mtex, mtsy, and rmtmi)
+% (see Richard Kinch's paper: but print
+% it out, that document looks horrible onscreen). Unfortunately, this procedure
+% is not well defined. You best bet is to download the archive
+% (
+% and follow the instructions in the internal README. However, there are
+% some drawbacks to the belleek fonts; long arrows are broken, and no boldmath.
+% Plus, you still need the textcompsym HACK. Trust me, txfonts is THE WAY
+% TO GO.
+% For more info on fonts, math, and postscript, see...
+% Here, we just use txfonts.
+% We'll use the url{} command from the url package to typeset
+% filenames (unlike \texttt{}, it allows hyphenation and line
+% breaks, which is good -- filenames can sometimes be long,
+% and \texttt{alongfilename} = overful hboxes (eg. stuff
+% sticking out in the margins).
+% But, since hyperref redefines \Url, let's make an opaque
+% copy of the command before loading hyperref
+% More on this later...
+% Defines the \includegraphics command, which is the normal
+% LaTeX2e mechanism for incorporating figures. Don't mess around
+% with epsfig or other (older, LaTeX 2.09) hacks.
+% Yes, the OGS allows colored figures in official theses. However,
+% this package is used for changing the color of text (which is
+% a Bad Thing in official copies), and for drawing colored lines
+% if you happen to use the `picture' environment for some simple
+% figures. It is used in jules-verne(bellswhistles) to enable
+% colored hyperlinks in .pdf output, and the \markup commands.
+% longtable lets us typeset tables that extend over more than
+% one page; don't use it for every table (a four row table
+% that linebreaks after row 3 looks really silly).
+% need to redefine longtable's makecaption macro to match
+% gatech-thesis format. (Or, optionally, use the caption2 package --
+% but load caption2 AFTER longtable.)
+ \LT@mcol\LT@cols c{\hbox to\z@{\hss\parbox[t]\LTcapwidth{%
+ \sbox\@tempboxa{\textbf{#1{#2: }}#3}%
+ \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa>\hsize
+ \textbf{#1{#2: }}#3%
+ \else
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \fi
+ \endgraf\vskip\baselineskip}%
+ \hss}}}
+% caption2 docs say 'ignore subfig docs; load caption2 first'
+% This package allows us to manipute that figure and title caption
+% format. Don't use it except for personal copies; the default
+% caption format is the approved one. Note that to duplicate the
+% captioning style defined by gatech-thesis.cls, you must call
+% caption2 with the options below (which causes the 'Figure X:'
+% part of the caption to be typeset bold in the normal font).
+%\RequirePackage[bf]{caption2}%gatech-thesis does this by default
+\RequirePackage[bf,sf]{caption2}%but for UNofficial copies, I like
+ %switching to san-serif for 'Figure X:'
+% subfigure allows us to create a single figure environment
+% that \includegraphics{} more than one external ``figure''.
+% A package for including program listings in your document
+% Needs the {lstpatch.sty}[2002/08/06 1.0g (Carsten Heinz)] or newer
+% available here:
+% Also, see
+\RequirePackage{ifthen}% used by "inputXfile{}" macros for listing sourcecode.
+% thumbpdf helps in adding .png thumbnails to a pdf document.
+% These load much quicker than the ones generated automatically by
+% Acroreader5.0 -- and Acroreader4.0 could ONLY display .png thumbnails.
+% It requires additional, external programs, including perl and ghostscript
+\ifpdf% It IS okay to load "thumbpdf" after "hyperref", but...
+ \RequirePackage{thumbpdf}
+% When using hyperref, we use the \AtEndOfPackage command to make sure
+% it is loaded last -- unless you include other packages after this
+% one within your preamble. We also set the hyperref options depending on
+% whether we're using pdflatex or latex.
+\ifhyper% only load hyperref if it is specified in the documentclass options
+ \AtEndOfPackage{%
+ \RequirePackage{hyperref}
+ \ifpdf% hyperref must be last package loaded
+ \hypersetup{%
+ plainpages=true,
+ %bookmarks=true,% default, not necessary to specify
+ %breaklinks=true,% default in pdf mode
+ bookmarksopen=true,
+ bookmarksopenlevel=1,
+ bookmarksnumbered=true,
+ pdftitle={\doctitle},
+ pdfauthor={\textcopyright\ \docauthor},
+ pdfsubject={Dissertation},
+ pdfkeywords={\dockeywords},
+ pdfcreator={\LaTeX\ with package \flqq hyperref\frqq},
+ pdfproducer={pdfTeX-0.\the\pdftexversion\pdftexrevision},
+ pdfpagemode={UseOutlines},
+ hypertexnames=false,%not ideal, but needed when pagenums duplicate (`i' vs. `1')
+ pageanchor=true,
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor={blue},
+ citecolor={green},
+ urlcolor={red},
+ pagecolor={cyan},
+ anchorcolor={black}
+ }
+ \else
+ \hypersetup{%
+ plainpages=true,
+ breaklinks=true,% not default in dvips mode, so we must specify
+ hypertexnames=false,%not ideal, but needed when pagenums duplicate (`i' vs. `1')
+ pageanchor=true,
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor={blue},
+ citecolor={green},
+ urlcolor={red},
+ pagecolor={cyan},
+ anchorcolor={black}
+ }
+ \fi
+ }
+%% Set up graphics
+% shouldn't be necessary, but we want to prefer .pdf figs
+% over .png when doing pdftex. Default is opposite.
+ \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.png,.jpg,.mps,.gif}%
+ \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps}%
+% if your figures are all in a subdirectory, do this and you
+% won't have to specify the subdir in the \includegraphics{}
+% command:
+%% Useful macros
+ \hspace{\subfigtopskip}%
+ \hspace{\subfigbottomskip}%
+% Here's where we use the Url{} command...
+\newcommand{\programname}{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\noHyperUrl}
+% this \texttt allows hyphenation at `discretionary hyphens' (\-)
+% it won't hyphenate on its own. See also \programname.
+\newcommand\hyphtt[1]{% keywords
+ \texttt{\spaceskip .5em plus .3em minus .3em
+ \hyphenchar\font=`\-\relax #1}}
+% for '5 V' or '2 cm'
+%% Code Listings
+% As follows:
+% \inputmatlabfile[captionpos=b,caption={[mymacro.m]{mymacro.m caption
+% text.}},label={lst:mymacro.m}]{code/mymacro.m}
+ \lstdefinestyle{base}{print=true,breaklines,prebreak=\textdownarrow,
+ postbreak=\llap{\rlap{\textrightarrow}\kern\lst@breakcurrindent}}
+ \lstdefinestyle{base}{print=false,breaklines,prebreak=\textdownarrow,
+ postbreak=\llap{\rlap{\textrightarrow}\kern\lst@breakcurrindent}}
+ numberstyle=\tiny,numbersep=10pt,numberfirstline,numberblanklines,%
+ xleftmargin=22pt}% 20pt indent should be sufficient to insure that
+ % the linenumbers remain completely inside the "real" margins, even
+ % if the linenumbers grow to four digits...
+ showspaces=false,showtabs=true,tab=\rightarrowfill,%
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,commentstyle=\scriptsize\itshape,
+ frame=lines,style=numbers}%
+% \inputcodefile[args]{style}{filename}
+% where args = other arguments for \lstinputlisting
+% style = defined style to use for \lstinputlisting}
+% e.g. {matlabfull} or {cfull}
+ \begin{singlespaced}
+ \par\vskip\parskip\vskip\baselineskip
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{none}}
+ {\lstinputlisting[style=#2]{#3}}
+ {\lstinputlisting[style=#2,#1]{#3}}
+ \par\vskip\parskip\vskip\baselineskip
+ \end{singlespaced}
+% \inputmatlabfile[args]{filename}
+% where args = other arguments for \lstinputlisting
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{none}}
+ {\inputcodefile{matlabfull}{#2}}
+ {\inputcodefile[#1]{matlabfull}{#2}}
+% \inputcfile[args]{filename}
+% where args = other arguments for \lstinputlisting
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{none}}
+ {\inputcodefile{cfull}{#2}}
+ {\inputcodefile[#1]{cfull}{#2}}
+% \inputcxxfile[args]{filename}
+% where args = other arguments for \lstinputlisting
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{none}}
+ {\inputcodefile{cxxfull}{#2}}
+ {\inputcodefile[#1]{cxxfull}{#2}}
+%% Settings for gatech-thesis class
+ % for unofficial copies, I like the running headers
+ % and pagenums at upper corners. Footers are for
+ % footnotes, dadgumit.
+ \setfrontpagestyle{tcplain}
+ \setbodypagestyle{gtthesis}
+ \setbackpagestyle{gtthesis}
+ \pagestyle{gtthesis}
+ % Nice monospace font WITH a true bold version
+ %
+ % but follow the instructions to install...
+ % \usepackage[scaled]{luximono}
+\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}%
+\department{School of Electrical and Computer Engineering}%
+\principaladvisor{Elrond Halfelven}
+\committeechair{Gandalf Ol\'orin}
+\firstreader{Samwise Gamgee}
+\secondreader{Peregrin Took}
+\thirdreader{Meriadoc Brandybuck}
+\submitdate{August 2002}%
+\copyrightyear{2002}%add one if thesis submitted in Dec.
+\copyrighttrue % NOT default
+ \strictmarginsfalse % NOT default
+ \signaturepagefalse % NOT default
+% \thesisproposalfalse % default
+% \titlepagetrue % default
+% \signaturepagetrue % default
+% \copyrightfalse % default
+% \figurespagetrue % default
+% \tablespagetrue % default
+% \contentspagetrue % default
+% \dedicationheadingfalse % default
+% \multivolumefalse % default
+% \bibpagetrue % default
+% \strictmarginstrue % default (needed for official copies, but looks bad)
+%% Miscellaneous special settings
+% to teach latex how to hyphenate strange words, include them here:
+%\hyphenation{neuro-science photo-receptors parvo-cellular}
+% listings.sty customizations
+ \lst@ReplaceInput{>}{\hspace{0.2em}\lst@ProcessOther{\hspace{-0.2em}>}}%
+ \lst@ReplaceInput{<}{\hspace{0.2em}\lst@ProcessOther{\hspace{-0.2em}<}}%
+% inside a listing, you can do this 'int x; /*@\label{x-lbl}@*/'
+% and then \ref{x-lbl}
+%% Customizations to help make the List of Listings
+%% generated by the 'listings.sty' package look more
+%% like the gatech-thesis style (List of Figures, etc)
+%% and to make it play nicely with pdflatex and hyperref.
+%% dummy commands to prevent recursion errors
+ \renewcommand{\gtlistlistingname}{#1}
+ \renewcommand{\lstlistlistingname}{\Makeuppercase{#1}}
+ \renewcommand{\lolcontentlinestring}{%
+ \texorpdfstring{\Makeuppercase{#1}}{#1}
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\lolpdfbookmarkstring}{#1}
+\setlolstring{List of Listings}% default is Listings
+\renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Listing}% default is Listing
+\renewcommand{\thelstlisting}{\@arabic\c@lstlisting}% captionstyle
+\@removefromreset{lstlisting}{chapter}% don't reset the listing # for each chpter
+%%%%% Here's how to add an additional "List of..." page to the
+%%%%% frontmatter. (Don't do this, the Georgia Tech OGS is
+%%%%% very specific about what can and cannot go there)
+%%% First, create the command that will do the work -- adding it
+%%% to the TOC, setting up the hyperref bookmarks, dealing with
+%%% twoside printing, etc.
+ \if@openright\cleardoublepage\else\clearpage\fi%
+ % must clear page here, so that phantomsection\addcontentsline
+ % is on the correct page
+ \phantomsection%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\lolcontentlinestring}
+ \settoheight{\gt@tmpa}{A}
+ \set@gttocskip{\gt@tmpa}
+ {\newlinestretch{1}
+ \lstlistoflistings
+ }%
+ \newpage
+%% redefine this command, which controls how each listingname & number
+%% is printed in the List of Listings. We copy the l@figure defintion,
+%% so that these entries look the same as those in the List of Figures
+ \let\gt@@toclineskip=\gt@beforefigskip@value
+ \gt@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}{#1}{#2}}% this is indented 1.5em so that
+ % if you wish, you can a 'Program' header
+ % centered above the numbers using \addtocontents
+%% Then, fix up the lstlistoflistings command (the "real" one is a
+%% true piece of work...)
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \@restonecoltrue\onecolumn
+ \else
+ \@restonecolfalse
+ \fi
+ \chapter*{\lstlistlistingname}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\lstlistlistingname}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\lstlistlistingname}%
+ \@starttoc{lol}%
+ \if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi
+%% Finally, override the \contents command in gatech-thesis.cls
+%% (just copy the original and add your \do@X function):
+ \newpage
+ \newlinestretch{\@spacing}
+ \do@contentspage
+ \do@tablespage
+ \do@figurespage
+ \do@losapage
+ \do@glossarypage
+ \if@hyperref
+% \NoHyper
+ \do@listingspage
+% \endNoHyper
+ \else
+ \do@listingspage
+ \fi