path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib')
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+FigBib, v. 2004-08-12
+Short description:
+FigBib lets you organize your figures in BibTeX databases. Some FigBib features are:
+- Store and manage figures in a BibTeX database
+- Include figures in your LaTeX document with one short command
+- Generate a List of Figures containing more/other information than the figure captions
+- Control with one switch where to output the figures, either as usual float objects or in a separate part at the end of your document
+This work is copyright. To be used under the terms of
+The LaTeX Project Public License (lppl).
+12 Aug 2004, Jan Poland.
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..36e48407600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+%version 2004-8-12
+\def\FigBib{{\rmfamily F\kern-.05em\lower-.35ex\hbox{\textsc{i\kern-.025em g}}\kern-.05em%
+ B\kern-.05em\textsc{i\kern-.025em b}}}
+\title{The \FigBib\ - Package}
+\author{Jan Poland}
+\noindent This document describes how to manage figure databases, using
+\BibTeX\ together with the \FigBib\ - Package. Some \FigBib\ features
+\item Store and manage figures in a \BibTeX\ database
+\item Include figures in your \LaTeX\ document with one short
+\item Generate a List of Figures containing more/other
+information than the figure captions
+\item Control with one switch where to output the figures, either
+as usual float objects or in a separate part at the end of your
+\section{Introduction and Quick Start}
+The \FigBib\ is designed for \LaTeX\ authors who have to organize
+many figures. In this case, it may not be convenient to manage all
+information in a ``low level" manner directly in the documents.
+Instead, it would be desirable to have a database which contains
+the images, corresponding captions and additional information in a
+bundled form. Then, a ``high-level" command is issued each time a
+figure needs to be included.
+\FigBib\ provides such a mechanism. If the user wants to include a
+figure with the label ``MyFigure:1" as a float object on the top
+of the page with a width of 5cm, then he writes
+The corresponding data for the figure, such as caption, name of
+the eps file etc., is stored in a \BibTeX\ data base. There, the
+entry could be for example
+ main = {This is the description/caption},
+ file = {myfigure1}
+In order to process the information, the latex document must
+contain a
+in the document header and a
+at the end, which also generates a List of Figures. Then, the
+document is compiled with the command sequence
+latex <latex-file>
+bibtex <latex-file>.figbib
+latex <latex-file>
+latex <latex-file>
+latex <latex-file>
+(The \texttt{latex} command is repeated until all cross-references
+have been updated correctly, for \FigBib\ this is the case after
+at most three runs.)
+\subsection{The Example File}
+Try the example file \texttt{figbib\_sample} provided with this
+package with the above command sequence.
+\FigBib\ processes information on two levels: (1) the
+\emph{contents} of the figures, and (2) the \emph{float objects} containing
+the figures. For the latter, \FigBib\ gives the user the choice
+between usual float objects and a separate part at the end of the
+document. All commands and options for the \FigBib\ package are
+described in the following.
+\subsection{The \BibTeX\ Style}
+There is only one entry type for the \FigBib-database, namely
+\texttt{@fig}. It has five fields:
+\begin{tabular}{l l l}
+\texttt{main} & (mandatory) & the main description/caption\\
+\texttt{add} & (optional) & an additional description\\
+\texttt{source} & (optional) & the source of the figure\\
+\texttt{caption} & (optional) & a caption which (if it is
+defined) supersedes \texttt{main}\\
+\texttt{file} & (mandatory) & the eps-file containing the
+The user has options to control how these fields are used in the
+captions and the List of Figures. This is described in Section
+\ref{options}. An example entry for your database would be
+ main = {The Beatles on stage},
+ add = {Picture was probably taken at some performance in 1968},
+ source = {A nice book of mine},
+ file = {beatles1}
+If you store your figure files at a central place on your file
+system, you may set \verb+\fbDirectory+ to point there. This
+should be defined in the document header of your
+\LaTeX-document. For example, in a windows system, the command could
+You may change the default \BibTeX\ style file, which is
+\texttt{figbib.bst}, by redefining \verb+\figbibBst+. This should
+be done in the \LaTeX document header. One alternative \BibTeX\
+style file, \texttt{figbib1.bst}, is already included in \FigBib.
+in your document header in order to apply it. Then the fields
+\texttt{main1}, \texttt{add1}, \texttt{source1}, and \texttt{caption1}
+are used instead of \texttt{main}, \texttt{add}, \texttt{source},
+and \texttt{caption}. Thus you can maintain your database in two
+\emph{different languages}, e.g.\ the default fields \texttt{main}
+etc.\ containing English and the alternative fields \texttt{main1}
+etc.\ containing German entries.
+\subsection{Including a Figure}\label{include}
+There are two ways to include a figure from the database to your
+document: (1) with a single command defining the figure and the
+surrounding (float) environment simultaneously, and (2) including
+the figure without defining the environment. The former method is
+clearly shorter. On the other hand, the latter allows you to have
+more than one figure in a float environment.
+In order to include a figure and at the same time define the
+environment, use e.g.
+Then the figure with the label \texttt{Beatles:1968} is included,
+the width of the figure is set to 8cm, and (as default) a float
+environment is generated and placed at the top of the current page
+(\texttt{t!}). The width of the caption would be the whole text
+width. Use \verb+\fbEpsfigM+ instead of
+\verb+\fbEpsfig+ to restrict the caption width to the figure
+width (\texttt{M} stands for \emph{minipage}).
+If you want to include more than one figure in an environment, you
+can use for example the following command sequence:
+There, \verb+\fbEpsM+ includes the figure and sets the caption
+width to the figure width -- \verb+\fbEps+ would set the caption
+width to the text width instead. \verb+\fbhspace+ inserts a
+horizontal space, you could also use \verb+\fbhfill+ (without
+argument) for a horizontal fill.
+The environment is here defined by
+\begin{fbFloat}[b] ... \end{fbFloat}
+where the positioning parameter \texttt{[b]} is optional. This
+\FigBib-environment is \emph{flexible}: As default, it causes the
+generation as a usual float object. However, if you set the option
+\texttt{xpart} (see Sections \ref{xpart} and \ref{options}), then
+the figure is generated in an extra part (usually) at the end of
+the document. If the usual \texttt{figure} environment is used
+instead of \texttt{fbFloat}, i.e.
+\begin{figure} ... \end{figure}
+then a float object is \emph{always} created. This may be useful
+if you want to have usual float objects and extra figure parts
+simultaneously in a document. Note that \verb+\fbEpsfig+ and
+\verb+\fbEpsfigM+ also internally generate an
+You may set the caption style by redefining
+\verb+\fbCaptionStyle+, e.g.
+The default style is empty, i.e.\ the same as the text style.
+\subsection{Extra Figure Parts}\label{xpart}
+\DescribeMacro{option xpart}
+If you pass the option \texttt{xpart} to \FigBib\ (compare
+Sections \ref{include} and \ref{options}), then all figures in
+\texttt{fbFloat}-environments are moved to one or more \emph{extra
+figure parts}. Note that also \verb+\fbEpsfig+ and
+\verb+\fbEpsfigM+ implicitly generate \texttt{fbFloat} environments. An
+extra figure part is invoked by
+and causes the output of all figures which were defined up to this
+command. You can give \verb+\fbTheFigs+ multiple times, creating
+several figure parts in your document.
+In the figure part, figures are created in the order they appear
+in the document. You may include a \verb+\fbvspace+ command before
+or after a figure inside the \texttt{fbFloat} environment, e.g.\
+\verb+\fbvspace{1cm}+. This causes a vertical space before/after
+the respective figure. The command is ignored if the option
+\texttt{xpart} is not given.
+In the figure parts, you may redefine the space
+\verb+\figbibskip+ between subsequent figures, e.g.\
+\verb+\setlength{\figbibskip}{1cm}+. Similarly, you can
+redefine the space \verb+\figbibcskip+ between the figures and
+the corresponding captions.
+\DescribeMacro{option xplate}
+If you are using floats \emph{and} figure parts together in one
+document, they should not be referred to as the same type, e.g.\
+both as a ``figure". In this case, you should declare the option
+\texttt{xplate}, causing that the figures in the extra part are
+referred to as ``plates" rather than ``figures".
+If you want to create a \emph{minipage} inside an \texttt{fbFloat}
+environment, you should use the \texttt{fbMinipage} environment
+instead of the usual \texttt{minipage}. It takes one argument,
+namely the width of the minipage, e.g.
+If the \texttt{xpart} option is set, then the fbMinipages are
+correctly moved to the figure parts. (The only use of a minipage I
+can think of in this context is for having two or more figures in
+one row, when you want to avoid the constraint that some caption
+width equals the figure width.)
+\subsection{The List of Figures}
+At any point of the document, you can output the List of Figures
+by giving the command
+where \texttt{<figure-bibfile>} is your figure \BibTeX-database
+(without the .bib extension). You \emph{must} include this command
+\emph{exactly once} in your document.
+Usually, \verb+\fbList+ generates a starred (i.e.\ without
+numbering) chapter or section ``List of Figures", depending on
+your document type. However, if you define
+\verb+\figbibListHeader+ to be empty by including \verb+\def\figbibListHeader{}+
+in your document, then no chapter/section is generated (while the
+list is still generated).
+The layout of the List of Figures can be adjusted by redefining
+the style, the hang, and the separation space, e.g.\
+\verb+\def\fbListStyle{\footnotesize}+, \verb+\setlength{\figbibhang}{5mm}+ and
+Use the commands \verb+\fbref+ and \verb+\fbrefpage+ to refer to
+figures. They generate complete references, not only numbers. For
+example, \verb+\fbref{Beatles:68}+ might create ``Fig.~14", and
+\verb+\fbpageref{Beatles:68}+ might generate ``p.~33".
+\subsection{Strings and Languages}\label{strings}
+\FigBib\ defines the following strings.
+\begin{tabular}{l l l}
+\emph{command} & \emph{description} & \emph{default}\\
+\verb+\figbibListHeader+ & Header of the L.o.F. chapter/section & List of Figures\\
+\verb+\figbibPage+ & string/abbreviation for ``page" & p.\\
+\verb+\figbibFig+ & string/abbreviation for ``figure" & Fig.\\
+\verb+\figbibPlate+ & string/abbreviation for ``plate" & Plate\\
+\verb+\figbibFrom+ & string/abbreviation for ``from" & From\\
+You may redefine these strings, e.g.\ by
+\verb+\def\figbibFig{Abb.}+. Thus \FigBib\ can be adjusted to
+different \emph{languages}. As already mentioned, set
+\verb+\figbibListHeader+ to empty in order to prevent the List of Figures
+chapter/section from being generated (the list is still
+\FigBib can be controlled with a number of options. They are given
+at the \verb+\usepackage{figbib}+ command, e.g.\ by
+There are options controlling the \emph{figures}:
+\begin{tabular}{l l}
+\texttt{center} & Figures and captions are centered instead of left-aligned.\\
+\texttt{nopics} & Pictures are \emph{not} included. This is for
+faster draft viewing.
+There are options controlling the \emph{captions} and \emph{List
+of Figure entries}. If no options are given, the following default
+is used. The caption is set to the field \texttt{caption} if
+defined and \texttt{main} otherwise. The List of Figures entry is
+set to ``Fig.~[number] (p.~[page number])", followed by
+\texttt{main}, followed by \texttt{add} (if defined), followed by
+``From: \texttt{source}" (if defined).
+\begin{tabular}{l l}
+\texttt{nopages} & Page numbers are suppressed in the List of Figures.\\
+\texttt{nosource} & Source is not given in List of Figures.\\
+\texttt{addcaption} & \texttt{add} field is included to caption.\\
+\texttt{nocaption} & No caption is generated at all, only figure number.\\
+\texttt{maincaption} & \texttt{caption} field is not used.
+There are options controlling the \emph{extra figure parts}:
+\begin{tabular}{l l}
+\texttt{xpart} & \texttt{fbFloat} environments are moved to extra figure part(s), see Sec. \ref{xpart}.\\
+\texttt{xplate} & Figures in \texttt{fbFloat} environments are
+referred to as ``plates"\\
+& instead of ``figures".
+The option \texttt{german} sets the strings defined in Section
+\ref{strings} to German language counterparts. Support of other
+languages is planned in the future.
+\subsection{\LaTeX-Macros in the figure database}
+Using \LaTeX-macros in the figure database entries (e.g.\ in the
+\texttt{main} field) generally causes problems. However, you can
+use the following macros:
+\item\verb+\"+, e.g.\ for German Umlaut characters
+\item\verb+~+ for spaces without line break
+\item\verb+\emph+ and \verb+\em+ for emphasized text
+\item\verb+\textit+ and \verb+\it+ for italics
+\item\verb+\textbf+ and \verb+\bf+ for bold face
+\item\verb+\textsc+ and \verb+\sc+ for small caps
+\item\verb+\texttt+ and \verb+\tt+ for typewriter font
+If required, you can include further admissible macros by
+extending the definition of \verb+\figbib@noexpands+ in the
+\FigBib\ style file.
+If you suppress pictures using the option \texttt{nopics}, you can
+still force \FigBib\ to include certain pictures. All you have to
+do is to surround the picture(s) by an \texttt{fbForce}
+environment, i.e.
+\verb+\FigBib+ produces the output \FigBib.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.figbib.1.fig b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.figbib.1.fig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e5d324895f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.figbib.1.fig
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+\\[\figbibskip ]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.figbib.2.fig b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.figbib.2.fig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.figbib.2.fig
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb0a08fa457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f65b36b8bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/figbib_sample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+\title{\FigBib\ Sample File}
+\author{Jan Poland}
+\section*{The Text}
+In the first paragraph, we introduce the smiley in
+\fbEpsfig{smiley1}{2cm}{b!} % a simple figure definition
+In the second paragraph, nothing happens.
+\begin{fbFloat}[b!] % a more complex figure definition
+\section*{The Figures}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/smiley.eps b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/smiley.eps
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ceba777c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/figbib/smiley.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
+%%Creator: MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc.
+%%Title: smiley.eps
+%%CreationDate: 06/28/2004 15:24:03
+%%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica
+%%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
+%%Pages: 1
+%%BoundingBox: 139 227 496 583
+% MathWorks dictionary
+/MathWorks 160 dict begin
+% definition operators
+/bdef {bind def} bind def
+/ldef {load def} bind def
+/xdef {exch def} bdef
+/xstore {exch store} bdef
+% operator abbreviations
+/c /clip ldef
+/cc /concat ldef
+/cp /closepath ldef
+/gr /grestore ldef
+/gs /gsave ldef
+/mt /moveto ldef
+/np /newpath ldef
+/cm /currentmatrix ldef
+/sm /setmatrix ldef
+/rm /rmoveto ldef
+/rl /rlineto ldef
+/s {show newpath} bdef
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+% orientation switch
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+% coordinate system mappings
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+% font control
+/FontSize 0 def
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+ makefont setfont} bdef
+/ISOLatin1Encoding where {pop /WindowsLatin1Encoding 256 array bdef
+ISOLatin1Encoding WindowsLatin1Encoding copy pop
+/Ydieresis WindowsLatin1Encoding 128 32 getinterval astore pop}
+{/WindowsLatin1Encoding StandardEncoding bdef} ifelse
+/reencode {exch dup where {pop load} {pop StandardEncoding} ifelse
+ exch dup 3 1 roll findfont dup length dict begin
+ { 1 index /FID ne {def}{pop pop} ifelse } forall
+ /Encoding exch def currentdict end definefont pop} bdef
+/isroman {findfont /CharStrings get /Agrave known} bdef
+/FMSR {3 1 roll 1 index dup isroman {reencode} {pop pop} ifelse
+ exch FMS} bdef
+/csm {1 dpi2point div -1 dpi2point div scale neg translate
+ dup landscapeMode eq {pop -90 rotate}
+ {rotateMode eq {90 rotate} if} ifelse} bdef
+% line types: solid, dotted, dashed, dotdash
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+/DA { [6 dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef
+/DD { [.5 dpi2point mul 4 dpi2point mul 6 dpi2point mul 4
+ dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef
+% macros for lines and objects
+/L {lineto stroke} bdef
+/MP {3 1 roll moveto 1 sub {rlineto} repeat} bdef
+/AP {{rlineto} repeat} bdef
+/PDlw -1 def
+/W {/PDlw currentlinewidth def setlinewidth} def
+/PP {closepath eofill} bdef
+/DP {closepath stroke} bdef
+/MR {4 -2 roll moveto dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto
+ neg 0 exch rlineto closepath} bdef
+/FR {MR stroke} bdef
+/PR {MR fill} bdef
+/L1i {{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image} bdef
+/tMatrix matrix def
+/MakeOval {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale
+0 0 1 0 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix} bdef
+/FO {MakeOval stroke} bdef
+/PO {MakeOval fill} bdef
+/PD {currentlinewidth 2 div 0 360 arc fill
+ PDlw -1 eq not {PDlw w /PDlw -1 def} if} def
+/FA {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale
+ 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc tMatrix setmatrix stroke} bdef
+/PA {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale
+ 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef
+/FAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale
+ 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn tMatrix setmatrix stroke} bdef
+/PAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale
+ 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef
+/vradius 0 def /hradius 0 def /lry 0 def
+/lrx 0 def /uly 0 def /ulx 0 def /rad 0 def
+/MRR {/vradius xdef /hradius xdef /lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef
+ /ulx xdef newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx hradius add uly
+ vradius add translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 180 270 arc
+ tMatrix setmatrix lrx hradius sub uly vradius add translate
+ hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 270 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix
+ lrx hradius sub lry vradius sub translate hradius vradius scale
+ 0 0 1 0 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix ulx hradius add lry vradius sub
+ translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 90 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix
+ closepath} bdef
+/FRR {MRR stroke } bdef
+/PRR {MRR fill } bdef
+/MlrRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lry uly sub 2 div def
+ newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate
+ rad rad scale 0 0 1 90 270 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad
+ sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 270 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix
+ closepath} bdef
+/FlrRR {MlrRR stroke } bdef
+/PlrRR {MlrRR fill } bdef
+/MtbRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lrx ulx sub 2 div def
+ newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate
+ rad rad scale 0 0 1 180 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad
+ sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 0 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix
+ closepath} bdef
+/FtbRR {MtbRR stroke } bdef
+/PtbRR {MtbRR fill } bdef
+/stri 6 array def /dtri 6 array def
+/smat 6 array def /dmat 6 array def
+/tmat1 6 array def /tmat2 6 array def /dif 3 array def
+/asub {/ind2 exch def /ind1 exch def dup dup
+ ind1 get exch ind2 get sub exch } bdef
+/tri_to_matrix {
+ 2 0 asub 3 1 asub 4 0 asub 5 1 asub
+ dup 0 get exch 1 get 7 -1 roll astore } bdef
+/compute_transform {
+ dmat dtri tri_to_matrix tmat1 invertmatrix
+ smat stri tri_to_matrix tmat2 concatmatrix } bdef
+/ds {stri astore pop} bdef
+/dt {dtri astore pop} bdef
+/db {2 copy /cols xdef /rows xdef mul dup string
+ currentfile exch readhexstring pop
+ /bmap xdef pop pop} bdef
+/it {gs np dtri aload pop moveto lineto lineto cp c
+ cols rows 8 compute_transform
+ {bmap} image gr}bdef
+/il {newpath moveto lineto stroke}bdef
+currentdict end def
+MathWorks begin
+0 cap
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+MathWorks begin
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+/dpi2point 12 def
+portraitMode 0216 7344 csm
+ 1463 341 4276 4275 MR c np
+85 dict begin %Colortable dictionary
+/c0 { 0 0 0 sr} bdef
+/c1 { 1 1 1 sr} bdef
+/c2 { 1 0 0 sr} bdef
+/c3 { 0 1 0 sr} bdef
+/c4 { 0 0 1 sr} bdef
+/c5 { 1 1 0 sr} bdef
+/c6 { 1 0 1 sr} bdef
+/c7 { 0 1 1 sr} bdef
+1 j
+1 sg
+ 0 0 6913 5187 PR
+6 w
+gs 1463 389 4228 4228 MR c np
+0 sg
+6 -106 12 -105 16 -104 22 -103 27 -103 32 -100 37 -99 42 -97
+47 -95 51 -92 56 -90 61 -87 64 -83 69 -80 73 -77 76 -73
+80 -69 83 -65 87 -61 89 -56 92 -52 95 -47 97 -43 98 -37
+101 -33 102 -27 103 -22 105 -18 105 -11 105 -7 106 -1 105 4
+106 9 104 14 104 20 103 25 101 30 100 35 98 40 95 44
+94 50 90 54 88 59 85 62 82 67 78 72 75 74 70 79
+67 82 63 85 58 88 54 91 49 94 44 96 40 98 34 99
+30 102 24 103 20 104 14 104 8 106 4 105 -2 106 -7 105
+-12 105 -18 104 -22 104 -28 102 -33 100 -38 99 -43 96 -47 95
+-52 92 -57 89 -61 86 -66 83 -69 80 -73 76 -77 72 -81 68
+-84 65 -87 60 -90 55 -92 51 -95 47 -97 41 -99 37 -101 32
+-102 26 -104 22 -104 16 -105 11 -106 6 -105 0 -106 -5 -105 -10
+-105 -15 -103 -21 -103 -26 4142 466 100 MP stroke
+-101 -30 -99 -36 -98 -41 -95 -45 -93 -51 -90 -55 -88 -59 -84 -63
+-81 -68 -78 -72 -74 -75 -70 -79 -66 -83 -62 -86 -57 -88 -53 -92
+-49 -94 -43 -96 -39 -98 -34 -100 -28 -102 -24 -103 -18 -104 -13 -105
+-8 -105 -3 -106 5690 2502 27 MP stroke
+0 sg
+ 72 72 2668 1805 FO
+ 72 72 4485 1805 FO
+gs 1463 389 4228 4228 MR c np
+22 -108 21 -113 21 -92 21 -53 21 -5 21 37 21 63 21 64
+22 42 21 3 21 -45 21 -84 21 -107 21 -105 21 -79 22 -37
+21 10 21 50 21 70 21 67 21 39 21 -4 22 -50 21 -87
+21 -103 21 -96 21 -66 21 -20 21 26 21 61 22 77 21 67
+21 35 21 -10 21 -55 21 -88 21 -99 22 -86 21 -51 21 -4
+21 41 21 72 21 82 21 66 21 30 22 -16 21 -59 21 -88
+21 -93 21 -74 21 -36 21 12 22 55 21 81 21 85 21 64
+21 25 21 -22 21 -62 21 -87 22 -86 21 -61 21 -20 21 28
+21 68 21 89 21 88 22 61 21 19 21 -28 21 -65 21 -84
+21 -77 21 -48 22 -3 21 43 21 80 21 96 21 88 21 58
+21 12 21 -32 22 -67 21 -79 21 -67 21 -34 21 13 21 58
+21 91 22 102 21 87 21 53 21 6 21 -37 21 -66 21 -74
+21 -56 22 -18 21 29 2752 3709 100 MP stroke
+21 72 21 101 21 105 21 86 21 47 22 1 21 -41 21 -66
+21 -66 21 -44 21 -2 21 44 22 86 21 109 21 108 21 83
+21 42 21 -5 21 -44 21 -63 22 -58 2308 3214 22 MP stroke
+-13 21 -12 22 -11 21 -12 21 -10 21 -11 21 -10 21 -9 21
+-9 22 -9 21 -8 21 -8 21 -7 21 -7 21 -7 21 -6 21
+-6 22 -5 21 -5 21 -4 21 -4 21 -4 21 -3 21 -3 22
+-2 21 -2 21 -2 21 -1 21 0 21 -1 21 3577 2291 31 MP stroke
+13 21 12 22 11 21 12 21 10 21 11 21 10 21 9 21
+9 22 9 21 8 21 8 21 7 21 7 21 7 21 6 21
+6 22 5 21 5 21 4 21 4 21 4 21 3 21 3 22
+2 21 2 21 2 21 1 21 0 42 3577 2291 30 MP stroke
+381 0 3386 2925 2 MP stroke