path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/etextools/etextools-examples.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/etextools/etextools-examples.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/etextools/etextools-examples.tex
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index 00000000000..2308477a1f2
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+%% This is file `etextools-examples.tex',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% etextools.dtx (with options: `example')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file etextools.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% etextools.sty, etextools.pdf, etextools.ins,
+%% and etextools-examples.tex
+%%% etextools : e-TeX tools for LaTeX Users and package Writers (v.3.14159 - 2010/04/20)
+\renewcommand\ifne[1]{\csname @\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname\iffalse\iftrue}
+\font\umranda=umranda \def\Ch{\char'}
+\newrobustcmd\thispackage{\xpackage{\spot etextools}\xspace}
+\fancyhead[L]{Examples for the \thispackage package}
+\catcode`\^^a7 \active\def^^a7{\par\nobreak\vskip-\parskip}
+ {gobble=1,commandchars=!(),frame=lines,framesep=6pt,fontfamily=txtt,fontseries=m}
+ \textcolor{fecc}{\scalebox{2}{$\copy8\mkern-13.5mu\copy8\mkern-13.5mu\copy8$}}}
+ \textcolor{fecc}{\llap{\textsf{pdf}\TeX{}\,}\scalebox{2}{$\copy8\mkern-13.5mu\copy8\mkern-13.5mu\copy8$}}}
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+\definecolor{spot}{rgb}{1.00,0.33,0.00} \newrobustcmd\spot{\color{spot}}
+\definecolor{db}{rgb}{0.00,0.00,0.25} \newrobustcmd\db{\color{db}}
+ \csname test#1\endcsname
+ \edef\usercmd{\strip@meaningcs{test#1}}\edef\result{\meaningcs{#1Test}}\noindent
+ \begin{tabular}{lp{15cm}}
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textcolor{blue}{\llap{\fe\,\smex}\tt \usercmd}} \\[1.5ex]
+ \cmd{#1Test}= & \tt\bfseries\result
+ \end{tabular}\par\nobreak\hrulefill\null\goodbreak}
+\title{\vskip-2cm\thispackage\ examples}
+\subtitle{Examples for some macros provided by the \thispackage package}
+\author{\small<FC -- April 20, 2010>}
+\newsavebox\helpbox \newsavebox\helpboxx
+\newrobustcmd*\mydotleader[2][\z@]{\leavevmode\xleaders\hbox to\dimexpr1.7pt+#1{\hss\raise#2\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\cdotp$}\hss}}
+\setbox\helpbox\hbox to13cm{\hss\lower3cm\vbox to1.8cm{\maketitle\vss}\hss}
+\null\vskip-1cm\hskip-1cm\null\hfil\RandBox {\fbox{\copy\helpbox}}
+ font {\umranda} [0pt]
+ (\corner{17}) ([\Ch111]) (\corner{14})
+ ([\Ch112]) ([\Ch112])
+ (\corner{21}) ([\Ch111]) (\corner{11})
+\section{\cmd{expandnext} examples}
+\subsection{Test if the replacement text of macro is really empty}
+\def\xx{ }
+ \edef\expandnextTest{\string\xx\ is \expandnext\ifempty{\xx}{}{not} empty}
+\subsection{Test if the replacement text of a macro is blank (empty or spaces)}
+ \edef\expandnextTest{\string\xx\ is \expandnext\ifblank{\xx}{}{not} blank}
+\def\xx{ }
+\section{\cmd{ExpandNext} examples}
+Example of the main documentation file to reverse the order of the characters in a string:
+\def\swap#1#2{{#2#1}} \def\do[#1]#2{\swap #2}% \do{abcdef} -> \swap ab + cdef -> {ba}cdef
+ % \do{{ba}cdef} -> \swap {ba}c + def -> {cba}def
+\def\swap#1#2{{#2#1}} \def\do[#1]#2{\swap #2}
+\meaning\result = !bfseries!meaning!result
+\meaning\RESULT = !bfseries!meaning!RESULT
+\subsection{Test the parameter string of a macro}
+The following commands create the filter for the string: "\textvb{[\#1]\#2"}":^^a7
+ {\ExpandAftercmds\@gobblescape{\expandafter\string\csname(!blue[#1]#2)\endcsname}}
+ {\ExpandAftercmds\@gobblescape{\expandafter\string\csname[#1]#2\endcsname}}
+\item |\csname[#1]#2\endcsname| is expanded first
+\item Immediately after: |\string|
+\item At this stage: |\[#1]#2| (everything in category code other) is no more expandable
+\item Then |\ExpandAftercmds| expands |\@gobblescape|
+\item |[#1]#2| is no more expandable
+\item Then |\ExpandNext| expands its first argument: |\DeclareStringFilter\ParaFilt{[#1]#2}|
+Remark: |\detokenize| would have doubled the \# characters. Another possibility is to temporarily change the
+category code of \# to 12 (other):
+ (!blue\DeclareStringFilter\ParaFilt{[#1]#2}) !nnn global declaration
+\def\macroA#1#2{Something to do with #1 and #2}
+\def\macroB[#1]#2{Something to do with #1 and #2}
+ !blue\ExpandNext{\ParaFilt=.}{\parameters@meaning\macroA}{macro complies with [\#1]\#2}
+ !blue{macro does not comply }
+\hfill\textvb{\dgbf\ExpandNext{\ParaFilt=.}{\parameters@meaning\macroA}{macro complies with [\#1]\#2}
+ {macro does not comply }}
+ !blue\ExpandNext{\ParaFilt=.}{\parameters@meaning\macroB}{macro complies with [\#1]\#2}
+ !blue{macro does not comply }
+\hfill\textvb{\dgbf\ExpandNext{\ParaFilt=.}{\parameters@meaning\macroB}{macro complies with [\#1]\#2}
+ {macro does not comply }}
+\section{Testing characters}
+\subsection{\cmd{ifsinglechar} versus \cmd{iffirstchar}}
+ \edef\ifsinglecharTest{\ifsinglechar *{*hello*}{ single star }{ something else }}
+ \edef\ifsinglecharTest{\ifsinglechar *{ *}{ single star }{ something else }}
+ \edef\ifsinglecharTest{\ifsinglechar *{ * }{ single star }{ something else }}
+{\small Note the space \textbf{after} the star $\uparrow$.}
+ \edef\iffirstcharTest{\iffirstchar *{*hello*}{ first char is star }{ something else }}
+\subsection{Fully Expandable starred macros}
+\def\starred#1{your "#1" will be processed by the STAR form}
+\def\notstarred#1{your "#1" will be processed by the NORMAL form}
+ \edef\FE@ifstarTest{\starmacro{sample text}}}
+ \edef\FE@ifstarTest{\starmacro*{sample text}}}
+\subsection{Fully Expandable macros with options}
+\def\OPTmacro[#1]#2{#1 #2}
+ \edef\FE@testoptTest{\optmacro{Woody Allen}}}
+ \edef\FE@testoptTest{\optmacro[Ms.]{Vanessa Paradis}}}
+\section{Lists management}
+\subsection{\cmd{csvloop} and \cmd{csvloop*} examples}
+ \edef\csvloopTest{\csvloop*[\makequotes]{hello,world}}
+ \edef\csvloopTest{\csvloop*[\detokenize]{\un,\deux}}
+\def\mylist{1,2,3,4,5}\def\BySeven#1{$#1\times 7 = \number\numexpr#1*7\relax$\par}
+ \edef\csvloopTest{\csvloop[\BySeven]\mylist}}
+\subsubsection{protected \cmd{textbf}}
+ \protected@edef\csvloopTest{\csvloop*[\textbf]{hello ,my ,friends}}
+\subsection{Index in lists and items by index}
+\subsubsection{\cmd{listloop}: getting specific item}
+ \edef\getlistitemTest{\listloop[4]\mylist}
+\leavevmode\vadjust{\textsl{Require the }\string\pdfstrcmp\ \textsl{primitive (pdf\TeX{}) :}}
+ \edef\getlistindexTest{\getlistindex{alpha}\mylist}
+\leavevmode\vadjust{\textsl{Require the }\string\pdfstrcmp\ \textsl{primitive (pdf\TeX{}) :}}
+ \edef\getlistindexTest{\getcsvlistindex*{alpha}{one,two,three,four,five,alpha,beta}}
+\subsubsection{\cmd{gettokslistindex} with \cmd{ifcase}}
+\leavevmode\vadjust{Always purely expandable (no need of |\pdfstrcmp|, comparison done by |\ifx|):}
+ \ifcase \gettokslistindex{D}{LRDF\relax O}
+ What do to if L
+ \or What do to if R
+ \or What do to if D
+ \or What do to if F
+ \or What do to if \relax
+ \or What do to if O
+ \else Problem
+ \fi
+{\tt Result=\qquad\bfseries
+ What do to if L
+\or What do to if R
+\or What do to if D
+\or What do to if F
+\else Problem
+%% End of file `etextools-examples.tex'.