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+%\laboratory{Cold Regions Research and\\ Engineering Laboratory}
+\reportnum{ERDC/CRREL SR-05-78}
+\program{Military Engineering Technology}
+\title{Donec Felis
+ Erat, Congue Non, Volutpat At, Tincidunt Tristique, Libero}
+\subtitle{Nam feugiat lacus vel est\\Version~1.0}
+\date{March 2009\\Revised November 2010}
+\author{A.U.~Thor \and C.O.R.~Respondent \and C.O.~Author}
+\affiliation{Construction Engineering Research Laboratory\\
+ U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
+ 2902 Newmark Drive\\
+ Champaign, IL 61826-9005}
+\affiliation{Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory\\
+ U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
+ 3909 Halls Ferry Road\\
+ Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199}
+\reporttype{Final Report}
+% \distribution{Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies
+% only; Test and Evaluation; November 2005. Other requests should be
+% referred to U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center}
+\additionalinfo{Supersedes ERDC/CREL AF-01-23}
+ \lipsum[12]
+%\disclaimer{Some other disclaimer}
+%\preparedfor{U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
+% 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199}
+\contractnum{Work Unit 33143}
+\monitoredby{U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
+ 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199}
+\chapter{Unit Conversion Factors}
+ \begin{longtable}{|l|l|l|}
+ \hline
+ \bfseries Multiply & \bfseries By & \bfseries To Obtain
+ \endhead
+ \hline
+ acres & 4,046.873 & square meters\\
+ \hline
+ acre-feet & 1,233.5 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ angstroms & 0.1 & nanometers\\
+ \hline
+ atmosphere (standard) & 101.325 & kilopascals\\
+ \hline
+ bars & 100 & kilopascals\\
+ \hline
+ British thermal units (International Table) & 1,055.056 & joules\\
+ \hline
+ centipoises & 0.001 & pascal seconds\\
+ \hline
+ centistokes & 1.0E-06 & square meters per second\\
+ \hline
+ cubic feet & 0.02831685 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ cubic inches & 1.6387064E-05 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ cubic yards & 0.7645549 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ degrees (angle) & 0.01745329 & radians\\
+ \hline
+ degrees Fahrenheit & (F-32)/1.8 & degrees Celsius\\
+ \hline
+ fathoms & 1.8288 & meters\\
+ \hline
+ feet & 0.3048 & meters\\
+ \hline
+ foot-pounds force & 1.355818 & joules\\
+ \hline
+ gallons (U.S. liquid) & 3.785412E-03 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ hectares & 1.0E+04 & square meters\\
+ \hline
+ horsepower (550 foot-pounds force per second) & 745.6999 & watts\\
+ \hline
+ inches & 0.0254 & meters\\
+ \hline
+ inch-pounds (force) & 0.1129848 & newton meters\\
+ \hline
+ kilotons (nuclear equivalent of TNT) & 4.184 & terajoules\\
+ \hline
+ knots & 0.5144444 & meters per second\\
+ \hline
+ microinches & 0.0254 & micrometers\\
+ \hline
+ microns & 1.0E-06 & meters\\
+ \hline
+ miles (nautical) & 1,852 & meters\\
+ \hline
+ miles (U.S. statute) & 1,609.347 & meters\\
+ \hline
+ miles per hour & 0.44704 & meters per second\\
+ \hline
+ mils & 0.0254 & millimeters\\
+ \hline
+ ounces (mass) & 0.02834952 & kilograms\\
+ \hline
+ ounces (U.S. fluid) & 2.957353E-05 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ pints (U.S. liquid) & 4.73176E-04 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ pints (U.S. liquid) & 0.473176 & liters\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (force) & 4.448222 & newtons\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (force) per foot & 14.59390 & newtons per meter\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (force) per inch & 175.1268 & newtons per meter\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (force) per square foot & 47.88026 & pascals\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (force) per square inch & 6.894757 & kilopascals\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (mass) & 0.45359237 & kilograms\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (mass) per cubic foot & 16.01846 & kilograms per cubic meter\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (mass) per cubic inch & 2.757990E+04 & kilograms per cubic meter\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (mass) per square foot & 4.882428 & kilograms per square meter\\
+ \hline
+ pounds (mass) per square yard & 0.542492 & kilograms per square meter\\
+ \hline
+ quarts (U.S. liquid) & 9.463529E-04 & cubic meters\\
+ \hline
+ slugs & 14.59390 & kilograms\\
+ \hline
+ square feet & 0.09290304 & square meters\\
+ \hline
+ square inches & 6.4516E-04 & square meters\\
+ \hline
+ square miles & 2.589998E+06 & square meters\\
+ \hline
+ square yards & 0.8361274 & square meters\\
+ \hline
+ tons (force) & 8,896.443 & newtons\\
+ \hline
+ tons (force) per square foot & 95.76052 & kilopascals\\
+ \hline
+ tons (long) per cubic yard & 1,328.939 & kilograms per cubic meter\\
+ \hline
+ tons (nuclear equivalent of TNT) & 4.184E+09 & joules\\
+ \hline
+ tons (2,000 pounds, mass) & 907.1847 & kilograms\\
+ \hline
+ tons (2,000 pounds, mass) per square foot & 9,764.856 & kilograms per square meter\\
+yards & 0.9144 & meters\\
+\chapter{Duis ante felis, dignissim id, blandit in, suscipit vel,
+ dolor}
+\section{Duis ante felis}
+\subsection{Nunc non magna}
+ \label{eq:eq}
+ 2\times2=4
+\subsection{Duis sagittis massa}
+\section{Suscipit vel}
+ \centering
+ \caption{Yearly Dividens}
+ \label{tab:dividends}
+ \footnotesize\sffamily
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|r|}
+ \hline
+ \bfseries Year & \bfseries Dividends, \%\\
+ \hline
+ 1880 & 2.5 \\
+ \hline
+ 1881 & 2.1 \\
+ \hline
+ 1882 & 2.6 \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \centering
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=2in]{red_corps_castle2}}
+ \caption{Castle}
+ \label{fig:castle}
+\chapter{Duis sagittis massa in tellus}
+ \label{eq:B}
+ \int P\,dx =1
+\section{Fusce consectetuer}
+ \centering
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=4in]{nola}}
+ \caption{A Picture From US Army Corps Of Engineers Site}
+ \label{fig:nola}
+\section{Aenean imperdiet}
+\chapter{Aenean imperdiet}
+ \label{eq:C}
+ \frac{\partial H}{\partial x} = -X
+ \centering
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=2in]{red_corps_castle2}}
+ \caption{Another Castle, Now In Appendix}
+ \label{fig:castle1}
+ \label{eq:D}
+ e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0
+ \centering
+ \caption{Dam on Table Rock Lake}
+ \label{tab:Dam}
+ \footnotesize\sffamily
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|r|}
+ \hline
+ Length of dam, feet &6,423\\
+ \hline
+ Concrete section, feet &1,602\\
+ \hline
+ Earth embankment feet &4,821\\
+ \hline
+ Maximum height of dam above streambed, feet &252\\
+ \hline
+ Concrete in dam, cubic yards &1,230,000\\
+ \hline
+ Earth in embankment, cubic yards &3,320,000\\
+ \hline
+ Length of spillway, gross feet &531\\
+ \hline
+ Spillway crest gates (10), size in feet &45x37\\
+ \hline
+ Outlet conduits (4), size in feet &4x9\\
+ \hline
+ Elevations, feet above mean sea level & \\
+ \hspace{20pt}Top of dam & 947\\
+ \hspace{20pt}Spillway crest & 896\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\chapter{Pellentesque habitant
+ morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis
+ egestas}
+ \label{eq:U}
+ S = -kT\ln\Xi
+ \centering
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=2in]{red_corps_castle2}}
+ \caption{Yet Another Castle In Appendix}
+ \label{fig:castle2}