path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/els-cas-template/doc/elsdoc-cas.tex
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-%% Copyright 2019 Elsevier Ltd
-%% This file is part of the 'CAS Bundle'.
-%% ---------------------------------------------
-%% It may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public
-%% License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any
-%% later version. The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
-%% The list of all files belonging to the 'CAS Bundle' is
-%% given in the file `manifest.txt'.
-%% $Id: elsdoc-cas.tex 4 2019-02-11 10:03:00Z rishi $
-\def\@pdftitle{CAS templates: A documentation}
-\def\@pdfsubject{Document formatting with CAS template}
-\def\@pdfkeywords{LaTeX, Elsevier Ltd, document class}
- {\sbox\z@ T%
- \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts
- \fontsize\sf@size\z@
- \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
- A\,}%
- \vss}%
- }%
- \kern-.15em%
- \TeX}
- \setcounter{topnumber}{2}
- \setcounter{bottomnumber}{2}
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- \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.85}
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- \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.15}
- \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.7}
-\def\testa{This is a specimen document. }
-\title{Documentation for Elsevier's Complex Article Service (CAS)
-\LaTeX\ template}
-\author{Elsevier Ltd}
-Two classfiles namely \file{cas-sc.cls} and \file{cas-dc.cls} were
-written for typesetting articles submitted in journals of Elsevier's
-Complex Article Service (CAS) workflow.
-\item \file{cas-sc.cls} for single column journals.
- \documentclass[<options>]{cas-sc}
-\item \file{cas-dc.cls} for single column journals.
- \documentclass[<options>]{cas-dc}
-and have an option longmktitle to handle long front matter.
-\section{Front matter}
-\title [mode = title]{This is a specimen $a_b$ title}
-\tnotetext[1]{This document is the results of the research
- project funded by the National Science Foundation.}
-\tnotetext[2]{The second title footnote which is a longer text
- matter to fill through the whole text width and overflow into
- another line in the footnotes area of the first page.}
-\author[1,3]{CV Radhakrishnan}[type=editor,
- auid=000,bioid=1,
- prefix=Sir,
- role=Researcher,
- orcid=0000-0001-7511-2910]
-\credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology,
- Software}
-\address[1]{Elsevier B.V., Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam,
- The Netherlands}
-\author[2,4]{Han Theh Thanh}[style=chinese]
-\author[2,3]{CV Rajagopal}[%
- role=Co-ordinator,
- suffix=Jr,
- ]
-\credit{Data curation, Writing - Original draft preparation}
-\address[2]{Sayahna Foundation, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014,
- India}
-\author[1,3]{Rishi T.}
-\address[3]{STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada,
- Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India}
-\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
-\cortext[cor2]{Principal corresponding author}
-\fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote. but is common
- to third author as well.}
-\fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long
- footnote and it should be a really long footnote. But this
- footnote is not yet sufficiently long enough to make two lines
- of footnote text.}
-\nonumnote{This note has no numbers. In this work we
- demonstrate $a_b$ the formation Y\_1 of a new type of
- polariton on the interface between a cuprous oxide slab
- and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab.
- }
-\begin{abstract}[S U M M A R Y]
-This template helps you to create a properly formatted
- \LaTeX\ manuscript.
-\noindent\texttt{\textbackslash begin{abstract}} \dots
-\texttt{\textbackslash end{abstract}} and
-\verb+\begin{keyword}+ \verb+...+ \verb+\end{keyword}+
-which contain the abstract and keywords respectively.
-Each keyword shall be separated by a \verb+\sep+ command.
-quadrupole exciton \sep polariton \sep \WGM \sep \BEC
-\caption{Single column output (classfile: cas-sc.cls).}
-\caption{Double column output (classfile: cas-dc.cls).}
-\verb+\title+ command have the below options:
-\item \verb+title:+ Document title
-\item \verb+alt:+ Alternate title
-\item \verb+sub:+ Sub title
-\item \verb+trans:+ Translated title
-\item \verb+transsub:+ Translated sub title
- \title[mode=title]{This is a title}
- \title[mode=alt]{This is a alternate title}
- \title[mode=sub]{This is a sub title}
- \title[mode=trans]{This is a translated title}
- \title[mode=transsub]{This is a translated sub title}
-\verb+\author+ command have the below options:
-\item \verb+auid:+ Author id
-\item \verb+bioid:+ Biography id
-\item \verb+alt:+ Alternate author
-\item \verb+style:+ Style of author name chinese
-\item \verb+prefix:+ Prefix Sir
-\item \verb+suffix:+ Suffix
-\item \verb+degree:+ Degree
-\item \verb+role:+ Role
-\item \verb+orcid:+ ORCID
-\item \verb+collab:+ Collaboration
-\item \verb+anon:+ Anonymous author
-\item \verb+deceased:+ Deceased author
-\item \verb+twitter:+ Twitter account
-\item \verb+facebook:+ Facebook account
-\item \verb+linkedin:+ LinkedIn account
-\item \verb+plus:+ Google plus account
-\item \verb+gplus:+ Google plus account
-\author[1,3]{Author Name}[type=editor,
- auid=000,bioid=1,
- prefix=Sir,
- role=Researcher,
- orcid=0000-0001-7511-2910,
- facebook=<facebook id>,
- twitter=<twitter id>,
- linkedin=<linkedin id>,
- gplus=<gplus id>]
-\subsection{Various Marks in the Front Matter}
-The front matter becomes complicated due to various kinds
-of notes and marks to the title and author names. Marks in
-the title will be denoted by a star ($\star$) mark;
-footnotes are denoted by super scripted Arabic numerals,
-corresponding author by of an Conformal asterisk (*) mark.
-\subsubsection{Title marks}
-Title mark can be entered by the command, \verb+\tnotemark[<num>]+
-and the corresponding text can be entered with the command
-\verb+\tnotetext[<num>]+ \verb+{<text>}+. An example will be:
-\title[mode=title]{Leveraging social media news to predict
- stock index movement using RNN-boost}
-\tnotetext[1]{This document is the results of the research
- project funded by the National Science Foundation.}
-\tnotetext[2]{The second title footnote which is a longer
- text matter to fill through the whole text width and
- overflow into another line in the footnotes area of
- the first page.}
-\verb+\tnotetext+ and \verb+\tnotemark+ can be anywhere in
-the front matter, but shall be before \verb+\maketitle+ command.
-\subsubsection{Author marks}
-Author names can have many kinds of marks and notes:
- footnote mark : \fnmark[<num>]
- footnote text : \fntext[<num>]{<text>}
- affiliation mark : \author[<num>]
- email : \ead{<emailid>}
- url : \ead[url]{<url>}
- corresponding author mark : \cormark[<num>]
- corresponding author text : \cortext[<num>]{<text>}
-\subsubsection{Other marks}
-At times, authors want footnotes which leave no marks in
-the author names. The note text shall be listed as part of
-the front matter notes. Class files provides
-\verb+\nonumnote+ for this purpose. The usage
-\noindent and should be entered anywhere before the \verb+\maketitle+
-command for this to take effect.
-\subsection{Abstract and Keywords}
-Abstract shall be entered in an environment that starts
-with \verb+\begin{abstract}+ and ends with
-\verb+\end{abstract}+. Longer abstracts spanning more than
-one page is also possible in Class file even in double
-column mode. We need to invoke longmktitle option in the
-class loading line for this to happen smoothly.
-The key words are enclosed in a \verb+{keyword}+
- This is a abstract. \lipsum[3]
- First keyword \sep Second keyword \sep Third
- keyword \sep Fourth keyword
-\section{Main Matter}
-\subsubsection{Normal tables}
- \caption{This is a test caption.}
- \begin{tabular*}{\tblwidth}{@{} LLLL@{} }
- \toprule
- Col 1 & Col 2\\
- \midrule
- 12345 & 12345\\
- 12345 & 12345\\
- 12345 & 12345\\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabular*}
-\subsubsection{Span tables}
- \caption{This is a test caption.}
- \begin{tabular*}{\tblwidth}{@{} LLLLLL@{} }
- \toprule
- Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3 & Col4 & Col5 & Col6 & Col7\\
- \midrule
- 12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
- 12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
- 12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabular*}
-\subsubsection{Normal figures}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[scale=.75]{Fig1.pdf}
- \caption{The evanescent light - $1S$ quadrupole coupling
- ($g_{1,l}$) scaled to the bulk exciton-photon coupling
- ($g_{1,2}$). The size parameter $kr_{0}$ is denoted as $x$ and
- the \PMS is placed directly on the cuprous oxide sample ($\delta
- r=0$, See also Fig. \protect\ref{FIG:2}).}
- \label{FIG:1}
-\subsubsection{Span figures}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=2in]{Fig2.pdf}
- \caption{Schematic of formation of the evanescent polariton on
- linear chain of \PMS. The actual dispersion is determined by
- the ratio of two coupling parameters such as exciton-\WGM
- coupling and \WGM-\WGM coupling between the microspheres.}
- \label{FIG:2}
-\subsection{Theorem and theorem like environments}
-CAS class file provides a few hooks to format theorems and
-theorem like environments with ease. All commands the
-options that are used with \verb+\newtheorem+ command will work
-exactly in the same manner. Class file provides three
-commands to format theorem or theorem like environments:
-\item \verb+\newtheorem+ command formats a theorem in
-\LaTeX's default style with italicized font for theorem
-statement, bold weight for theorem heading and theorem
-number typeset at the right of theorem heading. It also
-optionally accepts an argument which will be printed as an
-extra heading in parentheses. Here is an example coding and
- The \WGM evanescent field penetration depth into the
- cuprous oxide adjacent crystal is much larger than the
- \QE radius:
- \begin{equation*}
- \lambda_{1S}/2 \pi \left({\epsilon_{Cu2O}-1}
- \right)^{1/2} = 414 \mbox{ \AA} \gg a_B = 4.6
- \mbox{ \AA}
- \end{equation*}
-\item \verb+\newdefinition+ command does exactly the same
-thing as with except that the body font is up-shape instead
-of italic. See the example below:
- The bulk and evanescent polaritons in cuprous oxide
- are formed through the quadrupole part of the light-matter
- interaction:
- \begin{equation*}
- H_{int} = \frac{i e }{m \omega_{1S}} {\bf E}_{i,s}
- \cdot {\bf p}
- \end{equation*}
-\item \verb+\newproof+ command helps to define proof and
-custom proof environments without counters as provided in
-the example code. Given below is an example of proof of
-theorem kind.
-\newproof{pot}{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm}}
- The photon part of the polariton trapped inside the \PMS
- moves as it would move in a micro-cavity of the effective
- modal volume $V \ll 4 \pi r_{0}^{3} /3$. Consequently, it
- can escape through the evanescent field. This evanescent
- field essentially has a quantum origin and is due to
- tunneling through the potential caused by dielectric
- mismatch on the \PMS surface. Therefore, we define the
- \emph{evanescent} polariton (\EP) as an evanescent light -
- \QE coherent superposition.
-\subsection{Enumerated and Itemized Lists}
-CAS class files provides an extended list processing macros
-which makes the usage a bit more user friendly than the
-default LaTeX list macros. With an optional argument to the
-\verb+\begin{enumerate}+ command, you can change the list
-counter type and its attributes. You can see the coding and
-typeset copy.
- \item The enumerate environment starts with an optional
- argument `1.' so that the item counter will be suffixed
- by a period as in the optional argument.
- \item If you provide a closing parenthesis to the number in the
- optional argument, the output will have closing
- parenthesis for all the item counters.
- \item You can use `(a)' for alphabetical counter and `(i)' for
- roman counter.
- \begin{enumerate}[a)]
- \item Another level of list with alphabetical counter.
- \item One more item before we start another.
- \begin{enumerate}[(i)]
- \item This item has roman numeral counter.
- \item Another one before we close the third level.
- \end{enumerate}
- \item Third item in second level.
- \end{enumerate}
- \item All list items conclude with this step.
-\verb+\bio+ command have the below options:
- \item \verb+width:+ Width of the author photo (default is 1in).
- \item \verb+pos:+ Position of author photo.
- \textbf{Another Biography:}
- Recent experimental \cite{HARA:2005} and theoretical
- \cite{DEYCH:2006} studies have shown that the \WGM can travel
- along the chain as "heavy photons". Therefore the \WGM
- acquires the spatial dispersion, and the evanescent
- quadrupole polariton has the form (See Fig.\ref{FIG:3}):
-\section[CRediT...]{CRediT authorship contribution statement}
-Give the authorship contribution after each author as
- \credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology,
- Software}
-To print the details use \verb+\printcredits+
- \author[1,3]{V. {{\=A}}nand Rawat}[auid=000,
- bioid=1,
- prefix=Sir,
- role=Researcher,
- orcid=0000-0001-7511-2910]
- \cormark[1]
- \fnmark[1]
- \ead{}
- \ead[url]{,}
- \credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology,
- Software}
- \address[1]{Indian \TeX{} Users Group, Trivandrum 695014,
- India}
- \author[2,4]{Han Theh Thanh}[style=chinese]
- \author[2,3]{T. Rishi Nair}[role=Co-ordinator,
- suffix=Jr]
- \fnmark[2]
- \ead{}
- \ead[URL]{}
- \credit{Data curation, Writing - Original draft preparation}
- . . .
- . . .
- . . .
- \printcredits
-For CAS categories, two reference models are recommended.
-They are \file{model1-num-names.bst} and \file{model2-names.bst}.
-Former will format the reference list and their citations according to
-numbered scheme whereas the latter will format according name-date or
-author-year style. Authors are requested to choose any one of these
-according to the journal style. You may download these from
-The above bsts are available in the following location for you to
-\hfill $\Box$