path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex
index 3903ccc32d5..8f21f148981 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
%!TEX program = pdflatex
+% Full chain: pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex -> pdflatex
\title{ElegantPaper: An Elegant \LaTeX{} Template for Working Papers}
-\author{\href{}{Dongsheng Deng}\thanks{Thanks Peiyi Yao for good suggestions.}}
+\author{\href{}{Dongsheng Deng}}
\institute{\href{}{Elegant\LaTeX{} Program}}
@@ -20,7 +21,12 @@
-This template is based on the standard \LaTeX{} article class, which means you can pass the arguments of article class to it (\lstinline{a4paper}, \lstinline{12pt} and etc.). It supports different engines, You can choose either \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} or \lstinline{XeLaTeX}.
+This template is based on the standard \LaTeX{} article class, which means you can pass the arguments of article class to it (\lstinline{a4paper}, \lstinline{10pt} and etc.)( \lstinline{11pt} is recommended). It supports different engines, You can choose either \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} or \lstinline{XeLaTeX}\footnote{with \lstinline{ctex} package for Chinese fonts settings.}.
+The effect of math fonts is as follow:
+(a+3b)^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} C_{n}^{k} a^{n-k} (3b)^k \label{eq:binom}
\subsection{Global Options}
I defined one option named \lstinline{lang}, this option has two alternative values, \lstinline{lang=en} (default) or \lstinline{lang=cn}. \lstinline{lang=cn} will make the caption of figure/table, abstract name, refname etc. Chinese, while \lstinline{lang=en} will keep all these stuff English, as the default article class sets. You can use this option as
@@ -30,45 +36,6 @@ I defined one option named \lstinline{lang}, this option has two alternative val
\documentclass{en}{elegantpaper} % both ok
-\subsection{Font Settings}
-\subsubsection[Compile with PDFLaTeX]{Compile with \lstinline{PDFLaTeX}}
-If you choose \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} to process your paper, the default article font computer modern has changed to \lstinline{newtx} series, and the default font size is set to \lstinline{11pt}. The fonts are settings with:
- \item \lstinline{newtxtext} package for text fonts, similar to times new roman font.
- \item \lstinline{newtxmath} package for math fonts, close to \lstinline{times} package.
- \item \lstinline{FiraMono} package for typewriter fonts, with option \lstinline{scale=0.7}.
- \item \lstinline{ctex} package for Chinese fonts, with option \lstinline{scheme=plain}.
-\subsubsection[Compile with XeLaTeX]{Compile with \lstinline{XeLaTeX}}
-If you choose \lstinline{XeLaTeX} to process your paper, I use \lstinline{fontspec} package and \lstinline{xeCJK} package. I used fonts available in Windows, if you are using Linux or Mac OS, please substitute these fonts with that of your system. The font setting part
-\setmainfont{Times New Roman}[NFSSFamily=ntxtlf]
-%\setmonofont[Scale=0.7]{Courier New}
-\setCJKmonofont[BoldFont={SimHei},ItalicFont={KaiTi},Scale=0.7]{Microsoft YaHei}
-\XeTeXlinebreaklocale "zh"
-\XeTeXlinebreakskip = 0pt plus 1pt minus 0.1pt
-\subsubsection{Other Settings}
-These packages operate perfectly but are inappropriate for big operators, for example \lstinline{\sum} and \lstinline{\prod}, thus, I change these operators back to computer modern font. Equation~\eqref{eq:binom} shows the effects of these fonts:
-(a+3b)^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} C_{n}^{k} a^{n-k} (3b)^k \label{eq:binom}
-The \lstinline{\linespread} (controls line spacing) is set to 1.3, and I use \lstinline{microtype} to improve the font justification. \lstinline{type1cm} package is used to remove the font shape and font size warning messages.
\subsection{Custom Commands}
I don't change any default command or environment, which means you can use all the basic \LaTeX{} commands and environments as before. Besides, I define 3 commands
@@ -81,7 +48,7 @@ I don't change any default command or environment, which means you can use all t
\subsection{List Environments}
You can use \lstinline{itemize}, \lstinline{enumerate}, or \lstinline{description} environment as below\\
\item Routing and resource discovery;
@@ -92,9 +59,9 @@ You can use \lstinline{itemize}, \lstinline{enumerate}, or \lstinline{descriptio
- \item Routing and resource discovery;
- \item Resilient and scalable computer networks;
- \item Distributed storage and search.
+ \item Routing and resource discovery;
+ \item Resilient and scalable networks;
+ \item Distributed storage and search.
@@ -165,12 +132,19 @@ To include a graphic, you can use figure environment as usual. \figref{fig:scatt
-This template uses Bib\TeX{} to generate the bibliography, the default bibliography style is \lstinline{aer}. Let's take a glance at the citation effect, ~\cite{Chen2018} use data from a major peer-to-peer lending marketplace in China to study whether female and male investors evaluate loan performance differently.
+This template uses Bib\TeX{} to generate the bibliography, the default bibliography style is \lstinline{unsrt}. Let's take a glance at the citation effect, ~\cite{en3} use data from a major peer-to-peer lending marketplace in China to study whether female and male investors evaluate loan performance differently.
-If you want to use Bib\TeX{}, you must create a file named \lstinline{wpref.bib}, and add bib items (from Google Scholar, Mendeley, EndNote, and etc.) to \lstinline{wpref.bib} file, and cite the bibkey in the \lstinline{tex} file. The Bib\TeX{} will automatically generate the bibliography for you for the reference you cited. If you want to add some noncited reference to the bibliography, you can use
+If you want to use Bib\TeX{}, you must create a file named \lstinline{wpref.bib}, and add bib items (from Google Scholar, Mendeley, EndNote, and etc.) to \lstinline{wpref.bib} file, and cite the bibkey in the \lstinline{tex} file. The Bib\TeX{} will automatically generate the bibliography for you for the reference you cited. If you want to add some noncited references or all of them to the bibliography, you can use
-\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018}
+\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018} % add two noncited references
+\nocite{*} % list all the references of the bib file.
+If you want to change the bibliography style, you can replace \lstinline{aer} for the prefered style, for example, the \lstinline{unsrt} style.
\section{A Minimal Example}
@@ -203,11 +177,16 @@ The content of conclusion section.
% include the noncited reference
\nocite{ref1, ref2}
-\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018}
+% If you want change the bibliography style, replace aer with the prefered one.