path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex')
1 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex
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index 00000000000..250886c87b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/sample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+%% %%
+%% Note: the ejpecp class works *only* with a pdflatex engine. %%
+%% Avoid using exotic packages. Keep things simple. %%
+%% %%
+%% Manual inclusion of ams* and graphicx packages is not needed. %%
+%% %%
+%% Manual inclusion of page layout commands is useless. %%
+%% %%
+%% Any complex file will produce delayed publication!!! %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% Journal selection: ECP or EJP. %%
+%% %%
+\documentclass[ECP]{ejpecp} % replace ECP by EJP if needed.
+%% %%
+%% Please uncomment and adapt to your encoding if needed: %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% Please add here your own packages (be minimalistic please!): %%
+%% %%
+%\usepackage{enumerate} % uncomment to use this package
+%% %%
+%% Authors (please edit and customize): %%
+%% %%
+ Krzysztof~Burdzy\footnote{University of Washington, USA. E-mail:
+ \and % remove this line and below if single author
+ Djalil~Chafa\"{\i}\footnote{Universit\'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall\'ee,
+ France. E-mail:} }%AUTHORS
+%% %%
+%% Please edit and customize the following items: %%
+%% %%
+\TITLE{Introduction to the \emph{ejpecp} Class Version 0.5\THANKS{Supported by
+ the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) and the Bernoulli
+ Society.}} %\THANKS is optional
+\SHORTTITLE{Introduction to the \emph{ejpecp} Class}
+\KEYWORDS{EJP ; ECP ; typesetting ; LaTeX} % Separate items with ;
+\AMSSUBJ{NA} % Separate items with ;
+%\AMSSUBJSECONDARY{FIXME:} % Optional, separate items with ;
+\SUBMITTED{January 1, 2012} % Edit.
+\ACCEPTED{January 1, 2012} % Edit.
+%% %%
+%% Please uncomment and edit if you have an arXiv ID: %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% The following items will be set by the Managing Editor. %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% Please edit and customize the abstract: %%
+%% %%
+\ABSTRACT{The $\LaTeXe$ class \emph{ejpecp} is designed for typesetting of
+ articles to be published in the research periodicals \emph{Electronic
+ Journal of Probability} (EJP) and \emph{Electronic Communications in
+ Probability} (ECP).}
+%% %%
+%% Please add your own macros and environments below: %%
+%% %%
+%% Avoid using \def if possible and use instead \newcommand %%
+%% The usage of \def is a bad habit producing unexpected errors %%
+%% %%
+%% Avoid defining your own environments, and use instead %%
+%% the available environments already defined by ejpecp: %%
+%% %%
+%% definition, theorem, remark, lemma, corollary, example, proof %%
+%% %%
+\newcommand{\ABS}[1]{\left(#1\right)} % example of author macro
+\newcommand{\veps}{\varepsilon} % another example of author macro
+%% %%
+%% No macro definitions below this line please! %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% No need for \maketitle. %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% Please replace what follows by the body of your article %%
+%% (up to the bibliography): %%
+%% %%
+The $\LaTeXe$ class ejpecp is designed for typesetting of articles for the
+Electronic Journal of Probability (EJP) and Electronic Communications in
+Probability (ECP). The ejpecp class comes with a commented sample file called
+\texttt{sample.tex}. You are probably reading the pdf version of this sample
+file, compiled with a pdflatex engine.
+\textbf{An easy way to prepare an article for publication in EJP/ECP is to
+ edit the source file \texttt{sample.tex} for this document. Replace the main
+ body of the file with the main body of your article. Supply all metadata
+ (title, authors, abstract, etc) that are requested in the latex file.}
+The ejpecp class works only with the pdflatex engine, generating pdf files.
+You need a copy of the \texttt{ejpecp.cls} file in your directory\footnote{Or
+ in any directory scanned for \texttt{cls} files by your pdflatex engine.}in
+order to compile documents based on the ejpecp class, such as
+\texttt{sample.tex}. To configure the ejpecp class for ECP, use
+while for EJP, use
+The ejpecp document class loads automatically the following standard packages
+\footnote{For your information, the following packages are also loaded: bera,
+ geometry, hyperref, xstring.}:
+ amsmath, amsthm, amsfonts, amssymb, latexsym, dsfont, graphicx
+It is therefore not necessary to add \verb+\usepackage+ load commands for
+these packages to your latex file. However, you may want to load additional
+packages, such as the enumerate package, by using \verb+\usepackage+ commands.
+The precise location of these extra load commands is clearly mentioned in the
+\texttt{sample.tex} file. The ejpecp class provides various environments, and
+also important commands such as \verb+\AUTHORS+, \verb+\TITLE+, etc.
+\section{Standard predefined environments}
+One of the main features of the ejpecp class is its predefined environments.
+ \begin{theorem}[My theorem]\label{th:1}
+ This is the body of the theorem. This theorem has a name between
+ parentheses, and this is implemented by adding an optional parameter
+ between square brackets to the theorem environment, namely
+ \begin{theorem}[My theorem] \label{th:1}
+ This is the body of ...
+ \end{theorem}
+ \end{theorem}
+ \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{th:1}]
+ This is the body of the proof of the theorem above. This proof has a name,
+ and this is implemented by adding an optional parameter between square
+ brackets to the proof environment, namely
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{th:1}]
+ This is the body of the proof of ...
+ \end{proof}
+ \end{verbatim}
+ We recommend that you give names to most of your theorem-like environments.
+ You cannot imagine how this helps your readers! The proof ends at the
+ square box.
+ \end{proof}
+ Note that a square box $\square$ is automatically added at the end of the
+ proof by the environment ``proof.'' The ejpecp class provides several default
+ environments: theorem, proof, lemma, proposition, definition, corollary,
+ remark, example, problem, conjecture.
+ \begin{lemma}[My lemma]
+ Body of the Lemma.
+ \end{lemma}
+ \begin{proof}
+ This is the body of a proof environment without name, obtained using
+ This is the body of ...
+ Note again the automatic inclusion of a square box at the right place $\to$
+ \end{proof}
+Here are some more examples of predefined environments:
+ \begin{lemma}
+ Body of the Lemma. This lemma does not have a name.
+ \end{lemma}
+ \begin{proposition}[My proposition]
+ Body of the proposition.
+ \end{proposition}
+ \begin{corollary}[My corollary]
+ Body of the corollary.
+ \end{corollary}
+ \begin{definition}[My definition]
+ Body of the definition.
+ \end{definition}
+ \begin{conjecture}[My conjecture]
+ Body of the conjecture.
+ \end{conjecture}
+ \begin{remark}[My remark]
+ Body of the remark. Note that the style of the body differs from the one
+ used for theorems.
+ \end{remark}
+ \begin{example}[My example]
+ Body of the example.
+ \end{example}
+ \begin{problem}[My problem]
+ Body of the problem.
+ \end{problem}
+ These environments cover most author's needs. It is possible -- but not
+ recommended at all! -- to define additional environments based on the theorem
+ environment.
+\section{Section headings}
+The default size for section titles in \LaTeX\ is a bit large. As you might have
+noticed, the ejpecp class provides smaller section titles. Here are some
+\subsection{A sub-section}
+\subsubsection{A sub-sub-section}
+\section{How to include graphics}
+You may include graphics in PDF or EPS or JPEG or PNG format as follows
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[scale=1.0]{filename}
+ \caption{This is my figure.}
+ \label{fi:myfigure}
+ \end{center}
+Note that in a figure environment, the \verb+\label+ should always appear
+after a \verb+\caption+ in order to produce a valid reference to the figure.
+You may play with the options \verb+[htbp]+ (see the \LaTeXe\ documentation
+for their meaning) and with the options of the \verb+\includegraphics+ command
+(see the documentation of the graphicx package).
+\section{How to write a good LaTeX code}
+All mathematicians believe that the mathematical results are the most
+important elements of an article. Many of them believe that the aesthetic
+aspects of the proof are also important. Some of them believe that even the
+writing style is important. Few of them believe that the \LaTeX\ code needs to
+be elegant.
+A good \LaTeX\ code is easier to maintain, to convert, and to read. It helps
+your co-authors, and helps to speed up the publication process. Here are some
+\item never use \verb+\def+ for defining macros, use instead
+ \verb+\newcommand+
+\item never use \verb+$$+ for displayed equations, use instead the brackets
+ \verb+\[ \]+
+\item use \verb+\textbf{}+, \verb+\textit{}+, and \verb+\emph{}+ instead of
+ \verb+{\bf }+, \verb+{\it }+, and \verb+{\em }+
+\item never use one letter names for macros or for environments
+\item never use strange names for macros and environments
+\item use the environment proof provided by amsmath (as in ejpecp)
+\item use \verb+\newenvironment+ to define new environments
+\item use \verb+\binom{n}{k}+ instead of \verb+n \choose k+
+\item use \verb+\frac{a}{b}+ instead of a \verb+\over b+
+\item never use an exotic package if you do not really need it
+\item indent your code and avoid too long lines
+\item use prefixed labels such as \verb+eq:+ for equations and \verb+th:+ for
+ theorems
+\item to produce graphics, avoid using \emph{psfrag} or \emph{XFig} and use
+ instead \emph{\href{}{Ipe}}
+\item learn how to interpret the error messages generated during compilation
+\item read the wiki-books on \href{}{LaTeX}
+ and \href{}{LaTeX Maths}
+Some authors prefer \TeX\ instead of \LaTeX. We believe that \TeX\ is a good
+program. However EJP and ECP need a standardized layout for all papers, and
+this is easier done with \LaTeX\ than with \TeX. For that reason, you should
+use \LaTeX. The latest major version of \LaTeX\ is called \LaTeXe. It is
+important to learn how to write genuine \LaTeXe\ code (see above), rather than
+a mixture of \TeX\ and old \LaTeX\ (prior to \LaTeXe).
+\section{Version number}
+The version number of the ejpecp class converges to
+the Euler-Mascheroni constant
+= \lim_{n\to\infty}\left(1+\frac{1}{2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n}-\ln(n)\right)
+= 0.57721\cdots
+which is sequence \href{}{A001620} in the
+\href{}{On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences} of Sloane.
+As you probably know, it turns out that the Euler-Mascheroni constant $\gamma$
+is the mean of the Gumbel distribution which has cumulative distribution
+function $t\in\mathbb{R}\mapsto e^{-e^{-t}}$.
+\section{How to help us}
+We (KB and DC) do not consider ourselves \LaTeXe\ experts.
+We will be happy to receive comments and suggestions for improvement
+(especially constructive ones).
+\section{How to include bibliography}
+The bibliography should be included in your document (not a separate file),
+inside the standard environment \verb+\thebibliography+. If you use bibtex,
+this can be accomplished by including the \texttt{bbl} file inside your
+document (after preliminary compilation with latex and bibtex). The
+bibliography should be sorted alphabetically according to authors names, and
+the records should be labeled by numbers. Math Reviews numbers should be
+included as in the sample below. If you use bibtex, use
+\verb+\bibliographystyle{amsplain}+. Here is an example of bibliography:
+%% %%
+%% Use the two commands below for producing your bibliography %%
+%% with bibtex, then comment again the commands and include the %%
+%% content of the .bbl file in this file below the commands. %%
+%% %%
+% add below the content of your .bbl file produced by bibtex.
+\bibitem{doob} Doob, J. L.: Heuristic approach to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
+ theorems. \emph{Ann. Math. Statistics} \textbf{20}, (1949), 393--403.
+ \MR{0030732}
+\bibitem{gnekol} Gnedenko, B. V. and Kolmogorov, A. N.: Limit distributions for
+ sums of independent random variables. Translated and annotated by K. L.
+ Chung. With an Appendix by J. L. Doob. \emph{Addison-Wesley}, Cambridge,
+ 1954. ix+264 pp. \MR{0062975}
+\bibitem{ito} It\^o, K.: Multiple Wiener integral. \emph{J. Math. Soc. Japan}
+ \textbf{3}, (1951), 157--169. \MR{0044064}
+\bibitem{levy} L\'evy, P.: Sur certains processus stochastiques homog\`enes.
+ \emph{Compositio Math.} \textbf{7}, (1939), 283--339. \MR{0000919}
+%% %%
+%% You have reached the end of your document. %%
+%% %%