path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 401 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8910556c829..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ejpecp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# - gets the references links to MathSciNet throught the BatchMRef:
-# Copyright (C) 2004 Sigitas Tolusis, VTeX Ltd. and Jim Pitman, Dept. Statistics,
-# U.C. Berkeley
-# E-mail: sigitas@vtex.let
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# Requires python ver. 2.2
-# Usage:
-# <bbl or tex file>
-# Program (description):
-# - makes inputfile copy to <inputfilename>.getmref.bak;
-# - for each successful bibitem reference search adds line \MR{<mrid>},
-# where <mrid> is data from XML tag <mrid> without front symbols "MR";
-# - writes all adds to <inputfilename>;
-# - generates log file <inputfilename>.getmref.log;
-# - writes to stdout log info
-# Changes:
-# 2004/04/26 - \bibitem line removed from the query
-SVNinfo = "$Id: 46 2006-03-30 07:02:14Z sigitas $"
-import sys, urllib, re, os.path, time, string
-from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
-import xml.parsers.expat as par
-starttime = time.time()
-res ='\S+:\s\S+\s+(.*?)\s.*\$', SVNinfo)
-if res:
- ver =
- ver = '0.0'
-print "# getmref, v. %s #" % ver
-# bbl file parsing /begin
-def escapetex(instr):
- res = reduce(lambda a,b: string.replace(a, b[0], b[1]), (instr, ("\\&", '&amp;'), ("<", '&lt;'), (">", '&gt;')))
- return res
-def query(instring, bibID, address = ''):
- domas = None; res = None; err = 0
- escapetexstring = escapetex(instring)
- querystring = r'''<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
-<mref_item outtype="tex">
-</mref_batch>''' % (escapetexstring, bibID)
- try:
- indom = parseString(querystring)
- except par.ExpatError, err:
- print >>sys.stderr,"[parse query]: %s" % querystring
- print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
- pass
- else:
- queryinfo = {}
- queryinfo['qdata'] = querystring
- queryval = urllib.urlencode(queryinfo)
- try:
- batchmref = urllib.urlopen(address, queryval)
- res =
- domas = parseString(res)
- except err:
- print >>sys.stderr,"[parse res]: %s" % res
- print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
- pass
- return domas, res, err
-def remcomm(line):
- "Removes TeX comments"
- bibre = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)(?<!\\)%.*\n$')
- fmtline = re.sub('^%.*\n$','', line)
- if fmtline:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- return matchobj.groups(1)[0]
- else:
- return fmtline
- else:
- return fmtline
-def formatbibitem(bibID, domas):
- errstring = None; outtype = None; mrid = None; myid = bibID; outref = None; err = 0
- try:
- mref = domas.getElementsByTagName("mref_batch")[0]
- mref_errors = mref.getElementsByTagName("batch_error")
- if len(mref_errors):
- errlist = [ mref_error.childNodes[0].nodeValue() for mref_error in mref_errors ]
- errstring = ''.join(errlist)
- err = -2
- else:
- mref_items = [item for item in mref.getElementsByTagName("mref_item")]
- matches = mref_items[0].getElementsByTagName("matches")[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue()
- if matches == '1':
- for item in mref_items:
- outtype = dict(item.attributes.items())["outtype"]
- mrid = item.getElementsByTagName("mrid")[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue()
- err = 0
- if mrid[:2] == "MR":
- mrid = mrid[2:]
- myids = item.getElementsByTagName("myid")
- if len(myids):
- myid = myids[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue()
- else:
- myid = bibID
- outref = string.strip(item.getElementsByTagName("outref")[0].childNodes[0]._get_nodeValue())
- else:
- err = -1
- except:
- err = -3
- print >>sys.stderr,"[formatbibitem]: %s" % bibID
- print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
- pass
- return mrid, outref, err
-def handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel=None):
- res = 0; err = None; outref = None
- outstring = string.strip(''.join(lines))
- lines[:] = [re.sub(r'\\MR\{.*?\}', '', a) for a in lines]
- biblines = [x for x in [remcomm(a) for a in lines] if x]
- bibstring = re.sub(r'\n', ' ', ''.join(biblines))
- match ='\\bibitem\s*?(?:\[.*?\])?\s?\{(?:.*?)\}(.*)(\\endbibitem)?$',bibstring.strip())
- if match:
- querystring =
- else:
- querystring = bibstring
- domas = None
- try:
- domas, xmlres, err = query(querystring, bibID)
- except:
- res = -2
- print >>sys.stderr,"[parse query]: %s" % querystring
- print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
- print 'Error',
- else:
- mrid, outref, err = formatbibitem(bibID, domas)
- if not mrid:
- print 'Not Found',
- res = -1
- else:
- print mrid,
- if mrid[:2] == "MR":
- outstring = bibstring + '\\MR{%s}' % mrid[2:].rjust(7,'0')
- else:
- outstring = bibstring + '\\MR{%s}' % mrid.rjust(7,'0')
- outstrip, nsub = re.subn(r'\\endbibitem',r'',outstring)
- if nsub:
- outstrip += '\n\\endbibitem'
- outstring = re.sub(r' ', r' ', outstrip)
- if not outref:
- outref = "Not found!"
- else:
- outref = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)#',r'\#', outref)
- if biblabel:
- print >>datafile, '\\bibitem%s{%s}\n%s\n' % (biblabel, bibID, outref)
- else:
- print >>datafile, '\\bibitem{%s}\n%s\n' % (bibID, outref)
- return '%s\n' % outstring, res
-def handleextra(extralines):
- if len(extralines):
- print >>outputfile, ''.join(extralines),
-def handlebbl(inputfile, out=sys.stdout, data=sys.stdout):
- print "Job started:",
- total = 0; successful = 0; errors = 0; state = 0; pseudobibID = 0; readbib = ''
- bibl_begin = re.compile(r'\s*\\begin\s*\{thebibliography\}.*$')
- bibre = re.compile(r'^\s*\\bibitem.*')
- bibreF = re.compile(r'\s*\\bibitem\s*(\[.*?\])*?\s?\{(.*?)\}.*$',re.S)
- comments = re.compile(r'\s*%.*$')
- bibl_end = re.compile(r'\s*\\end\s*\{thebibliography\}.*$')
- for line in inputfile:
- if len(readbib):
- readbib += line
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- line = "%s" % readbib
- readbib = ''
- else:
- continue
- if line:
- if state == 0:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- print >>data,
- print >>data,"\\csname bibmessage\\endcsname\n"
- state = 1
- print >>out, line,
- continue
- elif state == 1:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- biblabel, bibID = matchobj.groups()
- if not len(bibID):
- pseudobibID += 1
- bibID = '%s' % pseudobibID
- state = 2
- lines = [line]
- extralines = []
- continue
- else:
- readbib = line
- continue
- else:
- print >>out, line,
- continue
- elif state == 2:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- total += 1
- print >>data,line
- outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
- if not sres:
- successful += 1
- else:
- errors += 1
- print >>out, outstring,
- handleextra(extralines)
- lines = [line]
- extralines = []
- biblabel, bibID = matchobj.groups()
- if not len(bibID):
- pseudobibID += 1
- bibID = '%s' % pseudobibID
- continue
- else:
- readbib = line
- continue
- else:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- state = 0
- total += 1
- outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
- if not sres:
- successful += 1
- else:
- errors += 1
- print >>out, outstring,
- handleextra(extralines)
- print >>out, line,
- print >>data,
- continue
- else:
- if line[:-1] == '':
- state = 3
- extralines = [line]
- continue
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- state = 3
- extralines = [line]
- continue
- lines.append(line)
- continue
- elif state == 3:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- state = 2
- total += 1
- outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
- if not sres:
- successful += 1
- else:
- errors += 1
- print >>out, outstring,
- handleextra(extralines)
- lines = [line]
- extralines = []
- biblabel, bibID = matchobj.groups()
- if not len(bibID):
- pseudobibID += 1
- bibID = '%s' % pseudobibID
- continue
- else:
- readbib = line
- continue
- else:
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- state = 0
- total += 1
- outstring, sres = handlebibitem(lines, bibID, biblabel)
- if not sres:
- successful += 1
- else:
- errors += 1
- print >>out, outstring,
- handleextra(extralines)
- print >>out, line,
- print >>data,
- continue
- else:
- if line[:-1] == '':
- extralines.append(line)
- continue
- matchobj =
- if matchobj:
- extralines.append(line)
- continue
- state = 2
- lines.extend(extralines)
- lines.append(line)
- extralines = []
- continue
- else:
- break
- print "Job ended"
- print "Total: %s, found: %s, errors: %s" % (total, successful, errors)
- return (total, successful, errors)
-# bbl file parsing /end
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- print "Usage:\n %s <bbl or tex file>" % progname
- sys.exit(1)
-infilename = sys.argv[1]
-filebase = os.path.splitext(infilename)[0]
-outfilename = "%s.getmref.tmp" % filebase
-datafilename = "" % filebase
-logfilename = "%s.getmref.log" % filebase
-inputfile = file(infilename, 'r')
-outputfile = file(outfilename, 'w')
-datafile = file(datafilename, 'w')
-logfile = file(logfilename, 'w')
-if os.path.isfile("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase):
- os.unlink("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase)
-sys.stderr = file("%s.getmref.err" % filebase, 'w')
-total = 0; successful = 0; errors = 0
-print >>logfile, "File: %s" % infilename
- total, successful, errors = handlebbl(inputfile, outputfile, datafile)
- print >>sys.stderr,"[handlebbl]"
- print >>sys.stderr,sys.exc_info()
-print >>logfile, " total: %s, found: %s, errors: %s, time: %ss" % (total, successful,
- errors, int(round(time.time()-starttime)))
-sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
-if os.path.isfile("%s.getmref.err" % filebase):
- if not os.stat("%s.getmref.err" % filebase)[6]:
- os.unlink("%s.getmref.err" % filebase)
-if os.path.isfile("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase):
- os.unlink("%s.getmref.bak" % filebase)
-os.rename(infilename, "%s.getmref.bak" % filebase)
-#mes modif
-#os.rename(outfilename, infilename)
-g.write(re.sub(r"\r"," ",x))
-#fin de la modif
-print 'Job completed in %ss' % int(round(time.time()-starttime))