path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/dashundergaps/doc/tex/dashundergaps.tex
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-%\captionsetup{figurename=Figure, tablename=Table}
-\ifdim\ULdepth=\maxdimen % Set depth based on font, if not set already
-\vtop{\kern\ULdepth \hrule width .3em}%
-\ifdim\ULdepth=\maxdimen % Set depth based on font, if not set already
-\lower\ULdepth\hbox{\kern.15em .\kern.1em}%
-\title{The \textbf{dashundergaps} package}
-\author{Merciadri Luca}
-\usepackage[a4paper,bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=1,breaklinks=true,colorlinks=true,final,menucolor=red,pdfauthor={Merciadri Luca},pdfcreator={Merciadri Luca},pdfkeywords={math},pdftitle={The dashundergaps package},pdfsubject={(La)TeX},pdftoolbar=true]{hyperref}
-This package (\verb v1.2 ) \textit{helps you to} use (a) pattern(s) from this list:
-\item \dashuline{dashing};
-\item \dotuline{dotting};
-\item \underline{underlining}
-for a word which can be either
-\item hidden;
-\item or not.
-This can be \textit{useful in} these situations:
-\item You are writing a document for which you need to dash or (and) to dot text,
-\item You want to write a test for which students have to ``fill in the gaps,'' and you want to choose when to print the answers.
-\subsection{Loading the Package}
-To \textit{load the package}, please use
-\subsection{Available Options}
-Without any option, the package will not be really useful, as it will not perform anything that will be nice for you. Consequently, the \textit{following options are available}:
-\item \verb dash : will dash \dashuline{text} if used with the command\index{\texttt{dash}}
-where you want ``text'' to be dashed (\textit{i.e.} somewhere in the \verb document ~environment),
-\item \verb dot : will dot \dotuline{text} if used with the command\index{\texttt{dot}}
-where you want ``text'' to be dotted (\textit{i.e.} somewhere in the \verb document ~environment),
-\item \verb phantomtext : will help you to write a pattern at the place of the text. This pattern can be\index{\texttt{phantomtext}}
-\item dashing, if used with \verb dash ~option;
-\item dotting, if used with \verb dot ~option;
-\item underlining, if used with (\verb dash ~\textit{and} \verb dot ) options \textit{or} with neither \verb dash ~nor \verb dot ;
-\item the text in itself, if used with \verb teachernotes ~option.
-\item \verb teachernotes : see the last point of \verb phantomtext ,\index{\texttt{teachernotes}}
-\item \verb displaynbgaps : will produce, at the end of your document (and in the center of the page), a summary of the number of gaps like\index{\texttt{displaynbgaps}}
-\textbf{GAPS: $x$.}
-\section{Possible Combinations}
-All the possible sensed commands (the launching order has no importance) of \verb dashundergaps.sty ~are given at Table \ref{tab:exuse} \textit{except} the use of \verb displaynbgaps , which can trivially be used iff \verb phantomtext ~is used. Here, ``$\times$'' is equivalent to the well-known ``N.A.'' and thus means ``Not Applicable.'' Notice that gaps are automatically numbered.
-\textbf{Option(s)} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Consequence}}\\
- & \texttt{\textbackslash gap\{text\}} & \texttt{\textbackslash dashuline\{text\}} & \texttt{\textbackslash dotuline\{text\}}\\
-\texttt{dash} (only) & $\times$ & \dashuline{text} & $\times$\\
-\texttt{dot} (only) & $\times$ & $\times$ & \dotuline{text}\\
-\texttt{dash}, \texttt{dot} & $\times$ & \dashuline{text} & \dotuline{text}\\
-\texttt{phantomtext} (only) & \underline{\phantom{text}} (1) & $\times$ & $\times$\\
-\texttt{phantomtext}, \texttt{dash} & \dashuline{\phantom{text}} (1) & \dashuline{text} & $\times$\\
-\texttt{phantomtext}, \texttt{dot} & \dotuline{\phantom{text}} (1) & $\times$ & \dotuline{text}\\
-\texttt{phantomtext}, \texttt{dash}, \texttt{dot} & \underline{\phantom{text}} (1) & \dashuline{text} & \dotuline{text}\\
-\texttt{phantomtext}, \texttt{teachernotes} & \textbf{text} & $\times$ & $\times$\\
-\texttt{phantomtext}, \texttt{dash}, \texttt{teachernotes} & \textbf{text} & \dashuline{text} & $\times$\\
-\texttt{phantomtext}, \texttt{dot}, \texttt{teachernotes} & \textbf{text} & $\times$ & \dotuline{text}\\
-\texttt{phantomtext}, \texttt{dash}, \texttt{dot}, \texttt{teachernotes} & \textbf{text} & \dashuline{text} & \dotuline{text}\\
-\caption{Possible sensed commands of this package except \texttt{displaynbgaps}.}
-From now on, the output of the listed codes will be put in rectangular boxes.
-Here is an \textit{example} of \textit{sentence dashing}.
-\dashuline{This is a dashed sentence}
-\dashuline{This is a dashed sentence}
-Dotting is done in the same way.
-\subsection{Gaps with Dots -- Student Version}
-Here is an \textit{example} of \textit{dotted gaps} for the student version.
-\usepackage[dot, phantomtext]{dashundergaps}
-In Computer Science, ``PC'' means ``Personal \gap{Computer}.''
-We can still \dotuline{dot this}.
-results in
-In Computer Science, ``PC'' means ``Personal \dotuline{\phantom{Computer}} (1).''
-We can still \dotuline{dot this}.
-\subsection{With Tabular}
-To produce
-Head A & Head B & Head C\\
-Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3\\
-Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3\\
-just use
- \begin{tabular}{lll}
-Head A & Head B & Head C\\
-Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3\\
-Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3\\
-where you want it to appear.
-Here is the code of \verb dashundergaps.sty :
-\lstset{language=TEX, basicstyle=\tiny, keywordstyle=\bfseries, commentstyle=\itshape, keywords={}, emph={}, emphstyle=\bfseries, numbers=left, stringstyle=\ttseries, showstringspaces=false, stepnumber=2, numbersep=5pt, showspaces=false, showtabs=false, backgroundcolor=\color{white}}
-This package is currently not able to cope with strange users such as the ones which would
-\item Like to use both \verb \dashuline{text} ~\textit{and} \verb \dotuline{text} ~\textit{and} would like \verb \gap{text} ~to appear either as \verb \dotuline{\phantom{text}} ~or as \verb \dashuline{\phantom{text}} . This is not implemented as this would be a really unuseful feature: there are not many folks who want their \verb \gap{text} ~to be filled with something else than \begin{center}\begin{verbatim}\underline{\phantom{text}}\end{verbatim}\end{center} when already using \verb \dashuline ~or \verb \dotuline ~in the text!
-\subsection{Dashing and Dotting Hierarchy}
-Some users would like to use a code like this:
-It is possible, and will work. For example, here, sections and subsections will have their numbering respectively dashed and dotted.
-You cannot modify
-to output the names of your sections, subsections, \ldots in a dashed or dotted fashion. For this, the temporary solution is to use, at each of the points of the hierarchy, a code like this (this is for \verb \section ):
-\section{\protect\dashuline{This is the First Section}}
-Do not forget the \verb \protect ~please. It must be written because \verb \dashuline ~and \verb \dotuline ~were not declared as robust commands.
-\subsection{Ulem and the Emphasize Command}
-Donald Arseneau informed me in an e-mail that adding
-would be a good idea, since \verb \emph ~is equivalent to \verb \underline ~for \verb ulem ~when the \verb normalem ~option is not given to it. This has been modified, and is in \verb v1.1 .
-[Chronologically ordered.]
-\item (20/01/2010): Thanks to \cite{mathematex}, the first bug has been discovered: if the argument of \verb \gap ~was too long, and that \verb teachernotes ~was activated, the underlining was not done according to margins. It has now been solved. Many thanks to Donald Arseneau for this. \label{bug:20012010}
-\section{Version History}
- \item \verb v1.0 : package is introduced to the \LaTeX{} world,
- \item \verb v1.1 : see \ref{subsec:v11},
- \item \verb v1.2 : fixed bug \ref{bug:20012010}, and the commands are now defined using \verb \providecommand .
-If you have any question concerning this package (limitations, bugs, \ldots), please contact me at \href{}{}.
-Thanks to many users for feedback and to Glad Deschrijver \cite{gdttdu} for the \verb|\dotuline| and \verb|\dashuline| code.
-\end{document} \ No newline at end of file