path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csvsimple/csvsimple-l3.tex
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+% \LaTeX-Main\
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+%% The LaTeX package csvsimple - version 2.0.0 (2021/06/29)
+%% csvsimple.tex: Manual
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2008-2021 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in
+\usepackage{\csvpkgprefix csvsimple-l3}
+ pdftitle={Manual for the csvsimple-l3 package},
+ pdfauthor={Thomas F. Sturm},
+ pdfsubject={csv file processing with LaTeX3},
+ pdfkeywords={csv file, comma separated values, key value syntax}
+ colback=white,colframe=black!50!yellow,
+ drop lifted shadow=black!50!yellow,arc is angular,
+ before=\par\vspace*{5mm},after=\par\bigskip]
+{\bfseries\LARGE The \texttt{csvsimple-l3} package}\\[3mm]
+{\large Manual for version \version\ (\datum)}
+{\large Thomas F.~Sturm%
+ \footnote{Prof.~Dr.~Dr.~Thomas F.~Sturm, Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik und Informatik,
+ Universit\"{a}t der Bundeswehr M\"{u}nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany;
+ email: \href{}{}}\par\medskip
+ \begin{center}\bfseries Abstract\end{center}
+ |csvsimple(-l3)| provides a simple \LaTeX\ interface for the processing of files with
+ comma separated values (CSV). |csvsimple-l3| relies heavily on the key value
+ syntax from |l3keys| which results in an easy way of usage.
+ Filtering and table generation is especially supported. Since the package
+ is considered as a lightweight tool, there is no support for data sorting
+ or data base storage.
+% Source code for the title picture - omitted for PDF viewer compatibility
+\fill[top color=blue!50!gray!50,bottom color=red!50!gray!50] (-8,-5) rectangle (8,5);
+\node at (0,2.5) {\tcbinputlisting{listing file=csvsimple-example.csv,listing only,width=11cm,blankest,colupper=blue!50!black}};
+\node[red!50!black] at (0,-2.5) {\csvautotabular{csvsimple-example.csv}};
+\begin{scope}[transparency group=knockout]
+\fill [top color=blue!50!gray!10,bottom color=red!50!gray!10] (-7.7,-4.7) rectangle (7.7,4.7);
+\node at (0,2.5) {\tcbinputlisting{listing file=csvsimple-example.csv,listing only,width=11cm,blankest,colupper=blue!20}};
+\node[red!20] at (0,-2.5) {\csvautotabular{csvsimple-example.csv}};
+\node at (0,2.5) [opacity=0,font=\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{lmr}\fontsize{7cm}{7cm}\bfseries] {csv};
+\node at (0,-2.5) [opacity=0,font=\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{lmr}\fontsize{4.8cm}{4.8cm}\bfseries] {simple};
+The |csvsimple-l3| package is applied to the processing of
+CSV\footnote{CSV file: file with comma separated values.} files.
+This processing is controlled by key value assignments according to the
+syntax of |l3keys|. Sample applications of the package
+are tabular lists, serial letters, and charts.
+An alternative to |csvsimple-l3| is the |datatool| package
+which provides considerably more functions and allows sorting of data by \LaTeX.
+|csvsimple-l3| has a different approach for the user interface and
+is deliberately restricted to some basic functions with fast
+processing speed.
+Mind the following restrictions:
+\item Sorting is not supported directly but can be done
+ with external tools, see \Fullref{sec:Sorting}.
+\item Values are expected to be comma separated, but the package
+ provides support for other separators, see \Fullref{sec:separators}.
+\item Values are expected to be either not quoted or quoted with
+ curly braces |{}| of \TeX\ groups. Other quotes like doublequotes
+ are not supported directly, but can be achieved
+ with external tools, see \Fullref{sec:importeddata}.
+\item Every data line is expected to contain the same amount of values.
+ Unfeasible data lines are silently ignored by default, but this can
+ be configured, see \Fullref{sec:consistency}.
+\subsection{Loading the Package}
+|csvsimple-l3| is loaded with \emph{one} of the following
+alternatives inside the preamble:
+ % or alternatively (not simultaneously!)
+Not automatically loaded, but used for many examples are the packages
+|longtable|, |booktabs|, |ifthen|, and |booktabs|.
+\subsection{First Steps}
+Every line of a processable CSV file has to contain an identical amount of
+comma\footnote{See \refKey{/csvsim/separator} for other separators than comma.} separated values. The curly braces |{}| of \TeX\ groups can be used
+to mask a block which may contain commas not to be processed as separators.
+The first line of such a CSV file is usually but not necessarily a header line
+which contains the identifiers for each column.
+%-- file embedded for simplicity --
+%-- end embedded file --
+The most simple way to display a CSV file in tabular form is the processing
+with the \refCom{csvautotabular} command.
+Typically, one would use \refCom{csvreader} instead of |\csvautotabular| to
+gain full control over the interpretation of the included data.
+In the following example, the entries of the header line are automatically
+assigned to \TeX\ macros which may be used deliberately.
+\bfseries Person & \bfseries Matr.~No.
+ head to column names
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \\\givenname\ \name & \matriculation
+ }%
+|\csvreader| is controlled by a plenty of options. For example, for table
+applications line breaks are easily inserted by
+\refKey{/csvsim/late after line}. This defines a macro execution just before
+the following line.
+Additionally, the assignment of columns to \TeX\ macros is shown in a non automated
+& Person & Matr.~No.\\\hline\hline
+ late after line = \\\hline
+ ]{grade.csv}%
+ {name=\name, givenname=\firstname, matriculation=\matnumber}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \firstname~\name & \matnumber
+ }%
+An even more comfortable and preferrable way to create a table is setting
+appropriate option keys. Note, that this gives you the possibility to create a
+meta key (called style here) which contains the whole table creation
+using \refCom{csvstyle} or |keys_define:nn| from |l3keys|.
+ tabular = |r|l|c|,
+ table head = \hline & Person & Matr.~No.\\\hline\hline,
+ late after line = \\\hline
+ ]{grade.csv}
+ {name=\name, givenname=\firstname, matriculation=\matnumber}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \firstname~\name & \matnumber
+ }%
+The next example shows such a style definition with the convenience macro
+\refCom{csvstyle}. Here, we see again the automated assignment of header
+entries to column names by \refKey{/csvsim/head to column names}.
+For this, the header entries have to be without spaces and special characters.
+But you can always assign entries to canonical macro names manually like in the examples
+above. Here, we also add a \refKey{/csvsim/head to column names prefix} to avoid
+macro name clashes.
+ tabular = |r|l|c|,
+ table head = \hline & Person & Matr.~No.\\\hline\hline,
+ late after line = \\\hline,
+ head to column names,
+ head to column names prefix = MY,
+ }
+ {grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \MYgivenname~\MYname & \MYmatriculation
+ }
+Another way to address columns is to use their roman numbers.
+The direct addressing is done by |\csvcoli|, |\csvcolii|, |\csvcoliii|, \ldots:
+ tabular = |r|l|c|,
+ table head = \hline & Person & Matr.~No.\\\hline\hline,
+ late after line = \\\hline
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \csvcolii~\csvcoli & \csvcoliii
+ }
+And yet another method to assign macros to columns is to use arabic numbers
+for the assignment:
+ tabular = |r|l|c|,
+ table head = \hline & Person & Matr.~No.\\\hline\hline,
+ late after line = \\\hline]%
+ {grade.csv}
+ {1=\name, 2=\firstname, 3=\matnumber}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \firstname~\name & \matnumber
+ }
+For recurring applications, the |l3keys| syntax allows to create own meta options
+(styles) for a consistent and centralized design. The following example is easily
+modified to obtain more or less option settings.
+ tabular = |r|l|c|,
+ table head = \hline & Person & #1\\\hline\hline,
+ late after line = \\\hline,
+ column names = {name=\name, givenname=\firstname}
+ }
+\csvreader[ myStudentList={Matr.~No.} ]
+ {grade.csv}
+ {matriculation=\matnumber}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \firstname~\name & \matnumber
+ }%
+\csvreader[ myStudentList={Grade} ]
+ {grade.csv}
+ {grade=\grade}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \firstname~\name & \grade
+ }
+Alternatively, column names can be set by \refCom{csvnames}
+and style definitions by \refCom{csvstyle}.
+With this, the last example is rewritten as follows:
+ tabular = |r|l|c|,
+ table head = \hline & Person & #1\\\hline\hline,
+ late after line = \\\hline,
+ myNames
+ }
+\csvreader[ myStudentList={Matr.~No.} ]
+ {grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \firstname~\name & \matnumber
+ }%
+\csvreader[ myStudentList={Grade} ]
+ {grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \firstname~\name & \grade
+ }
+The data lines of a CSV file can also be filtered. In the following example,
+a certificate is printed only for students with grade unequal to 5.0.
+ filter not strcmp={\grade}{5.0}
+ ]{grade.csv}
+ {1=\name,2=\firstname,3=\matnumber,4=\gender,5=\grade}{%
+ \begin{center}\Large\bfseries Certificate in Mathematics\end{center}
+ \large\ifcsvstrcmp{\gender}{f}{Ms.}{Mr.}
+ \firstname~\name, matriculation number \matnumber, has passed the test
+ in mathematics with grade \grade.\par\ldots\par
+ }%
+\section{Macros for the Processing of CSV Files}\label{sec:makros}%
+\begin{docCommand}{csvreader}{\oarg{options}\marg{file name}\marg{assignments}\marg{command list}}
+ \refCom{csvreader} reads the file denoted by \meta{file name} line by line.
+ Every line of the file has to contain an identical amount of
+ comma separated values. The curly braces |{}| of \TeX\ groups can be used
+ to mask a block which may contain commas not to be processed as separators.\smallskip
+ The first line of such a CSV file is by default but not necessarily
+ processed as a header line which contains the identifiers for each column.
+ The entries of this line can be used to give \meta{assignments} to \TeX\ macros
+ to address the columns. The number of entries of this first line
+ determines the accepted number of entries for all following lines.
+ Every line which contains a higher or lower number of entries is ignored
+ during standard processing.\smallskip
+ The \meta{assignments} are given as comma separated list of key value pairs
+ \mbox{\meta{name}|=|\meta{macro}}. Here, \meta{name} is an entry from the
+ header line \emph{or} the arabic number of the addressed column.
+ \meta{macro} is some \TeX\ macro which gets the content of the addressed column.\smallskip
+ The \meta{command list} is executed for every accepted data line. Inside the
+ \meta{command list} is applicable:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \docAuxCommand{thecsvrow} or the counter |csvrow| which contains the number of the
+ current data line (starting with 1).
+ \item \docAuxCommand{csvcoli}, \docAuxCommand{csvcolii}, \docAuxCommand{csvcoliii}, \ldots,
+ which contain the contents of the column entries of the current data line.
+ Alternatively can be used:
+ \item \meta{macro} from the \meta{assignments} to have a logical
+ addressing of a column entry.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Note, that the \meta{command list} is allowed to contain |\par| and
+ that \textbf{all macro definitions are made global} to be used for table applications.\smallskip
+ The processing of the given CSV file can be controlled by various
+ \meta{options} given as key value list. The feasible option keys
+ are described in section \ref{sec:schluessel} from page \pageref{sec:schluessel}.
+ tabular = |r|l|l|,
+ table head = \hline,
+ table foot = \hline
+ ]{grade.csv}%
+ {name=\name, givenname=\firstname, grade=\grade}{%
+ \grade & \firstname~\name & \csvcoliii
+ }
+Mainly, the |\csvreader| command consists of a \refCom{csvloop} macro with
+following parameters:\par
+|\csvloop{|\meta{options}|, file=|\meta{file name}|, column names=|\meta{assignments}|,|\\
+ \hspace*{2cm} |command=|\meta{command list}|}|\par
+ Therefore, the application of the keys \refKey{/csvsim/file} and \refKey{/csvsim/command}
+is useless for |\csvreader|.
+ Usually, \refCom{csvreader} may be preferred instead of |\csvloop|.
+ \refCom{csvreader} is based on |\csvloop| which takes a mandatory list of
+ \meta{options} in key value syntax.
+ This list of \meta{options} controls the total processing. Especially,
+ it has to contain the CSV file name.
+ file = {grade.csv},
+ head to column names,
+ command = \name,
+ before reading = {List of students:\ },
+ late after line = {{,}\ },
+ late after last line = .
+ }
+The following |\csvauto...| commands are intended for quick data overview
+with limited formatting potential.
+See Subsection~\ref{subsec:tabsupport} on page \pageref{subsec:tabsupport}
+for the general table options in combination with \refCom{csvreader} and
+ doc parameter = \oarg{options}\marg{file name}
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = csvautotabular },
+ { doc name = csvautotabular*, doc new = 2021-06-25 }
+ }
+ |\csvautotabular| or |\csvautotabular*|
+ is an abbreviation for the application of the option key
+ \refKey{/csvsim/autotabular} or \refKey{/csvsim/autotabular*}
+ together with other \meta{options} to \refCom{csvloop}.
+ This macro reads the whole CSV file denoted by \meta{file name}
+ with an automated formatting.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+\csvautotabular[filter equal={\csvcoliv}{f}]{grade.csv}
+ doc parameter = \oarg{options}\marg{file name}
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = csvautolongtable },
+ { doc name = csvautolongtable*, doc new = 2021-06-25 }
+ }
+ |\csvautolongtable| or |\csvautolongtable*|
+ is an abbreviation for the application of the option key
+ \refKey{/csvsim/autolongtable} or \refKey{/csvsim/autolongtable*}
+ together with other \meta{options} to \refCom{csvloop}.
+ This macro reads the whole CSV file denoted by \meta{file name}
+ with an automated formatting.
+ For application, the package |longtable| is required which has to be
+ loaded in the preamble.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+ doc parameter = \oarg{options}\marg{file name}
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = csvautobooktabular },
+ { doc name = csvautobooktabular*, doc new = 2021-06-25 }
+ }
+ |\csvautobooktabular| or |\csvautobooktabular*|
+ is an abbreviation for the application of the option key
+ \refKey{/csvsim/autobooktabular} or \refKey{/csvsim/autobooktabular*}
+ together with other \meta{options} to \refCom{csvloop}.
+ This macro reads the whole CSV file denoted by \meta{file name}
+ with an automated formatting.
+ For application, the package |booktabs| is required which has to be
+ loaded in the preamble.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+ doc parameter = \oarg{options}\marg{file name}
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = csvautobooklongtable },
+ { doc name = csvautobooklongtable*, doc new = 2021-06-25 }
+ }
+ |\csvautobooklongtable| or |\csvautobooklongtable*|
+ is an abbreviation for the application of the option key
+ \refKey{/csvsim/autobooklongtable} or \refKey{/csvsim/autobooklongtable*}
+ together with other \meta{options} to \refCom{csvloop}.
+ This macro reads the whole CSV file denoted by \meta{file name}
+ with an automated formatting.
+ For application, the packages |booktabs| and |longtable| are required which have to be
+ loaded in the preamble.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc updated = 2021-06-25]{csvset}{\marg{options}}
+ Sets \meta{options} for every following
+ \refCom{csvreader} and \refCom{csvloop}.
+ Note that most options are set to default values at the begin of these
+ commands and therefore cannot be defined reasonable by \refCom{csvset}.
+ But it may be used for options like \refKey{/csvsim/csvsorter command}
+ to give global settings. Also see \refKey{/csvsim/every csv}.
+ Defines a new |l3keys| meta key to call other keys. It is used to
+ make abbreviations for convenient key set applications.
+ The new \meta{key} can take one parameter. The name \refCom{csvstyle}
+ originates from an old version of |csvsimple| which used |pgfkeys|
+ instead of |l3keys|.
+\csvstyle{grade list}{
+ column names = {name=\name, givenname=\firstname, grade=\grade}
+ }
+ filter not strcmp = {\grade}{5.0}
+ }
+The following students passed the test in mathematics:\\
+\csvreader[grade list,passed]{grade.csv}{}{
+ \firstname\ \name\ (\grade);
+ }
+ Abbreviation for |\csvstyle{|\meta{key}|}{column names=|\marg{assignments}|}|
+ to define additional \meta{assignments} of macros to columns.
+\csvnames{grade list}{
+ name=\name, givenname=\firstname, grade=\grade
+ }
+ filter not strcmp = {\grade}{5.0}
+ }
+The following students passed the test in mathematics:\\
+\csvreader[grade list,passed]{grade.csv}{}{
+ \firstname\ \name\ (\grade);
+ }
+% For some special cases, this command can be used to change the
+% \meta{assignments} of macros to columns during execution of
+% \refCom{csvreader} and \refCom{csvloop}.
+% { \csvheadset{name=\n} \fbox{\n}
+% \csvheadset{givenname=\n} \ldots\ \fbox{\n} }%
+\begin{docCommand}[doc updated=2021-06-28]{ifcsvoddrow}{\marg{then macros}\marg{else macros}}
+ Inside the command list of \refCom{csvreader}, the \meta{then macros}
+ are executed for odd-numbered data lines, and the \meta{else macros}
+ are executed for even-numbered lines.
+ \refCom{ifcsvoddrow} is expandable.
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = |l|l|l|l|,
+ table head = \hline\bfseries \# & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Grade\\\hline,
+ table foot = \hline
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \ifcsvoddrow{\slshape\thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \slshape\grade}%
+ {\bfseries\thecsvrow & \bfseries\name, \givenname & \bfseries\grade}
+ }
+The |\ifcsvoddrow| macro may be used for striped tables:
+% This example needs the xcolor package
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = rlcc,
+ table head = \hline\rowcolor{red!50!black}\color{white}\# & \color{white}Person
+ & \color{white}Matr.~No. & \color{white}Grade,
+ late after head = \\\hline\rowcolor{yellow!50},
+ late after line = \ifcsvoddrow{\\\rowcolor{yellow!50}}{\\\rowcolor{red!25}}
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \givenname~\name & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+Alternatively, |\rowcolors| from the |xcolor| package can be used for this
+% This example needs the xcolor package
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = rlcc,
+ before table = \rowcolors{2}{red!25}{yellow!50},
+ table head = \hline\rowcolor{red!50!black}\color{white}\# & \color{white}Person
+ & \color{white}Matr.~No. & \color{white}Grade\\\hline
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \givenname~\name & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+ The deprecated, but still available alias for this command is
+ \docAuxCommand{csvifoddrow}.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc updated=2021-06-28]{ifcsvfirstrow}{\marg{then macros}\marg{else macros}}
+ Inside the command list of \refCom{csvreader}, the \meta{then macros}
+ are executed for the first data line, and the \meta{else macros}
+ are executed for all following lines.
+ \refCom{ifcsvfirstrow} is expandable.
+ tabbing,
+ head to column names,
+ table head = {\hspace*{3cm}\=\kill}
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \givenname~\name \> (\ifcsvfirstrow{first entry!!}{following entry})
+ }
+ The deprecated, but still available alias for this command is
+ \docAuxCommand{csviffirstrow}.
+ All following consistent data lines will be accepted and processed.
+ This command overwrites all previous filter settings and may be used
+ inside \refKey{/csvsim/full filter} to implement
+ an own filtering rule together with |\csvfilterreject|.
+ autotabular,
+ full filter = \ifcsvstrcmp{\csvcoliv}{m}{\csvfilteraccept}{\csvfilterreject}
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \csvlinetotablerow
+ }
+ All following data lines will be ignored.
+ This command overwrites all previous filter settings.
+ This macro contains the current and unprocessed data line.
+ no head,
+ tabbing,
+ table head = {\textit{line XX:}\=\kill}
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \textit{line \thecsvrow:} \> \csvline
+ }
+\begin{docCommand}[doc updated=2016-07-01]{csvlinetotablerow}{}
+ Typesets the current processed data line with |&| between the entries.
+ %Most users will never apply this command.
+ { doc name = thecsvrow , doc updated = 2021-06-25 },
+ { doc name = g_csvsim_row_int, doc new = 2021-06-25 }
+ }
+ Typesets the current data line number. This is the
+ current number of accepted data lines without the header line.
+ Despite of the name, there is no associated \LaTeX\ counter |csvrow|,
+ but \refCom{thecsvrow} is an accessor the \LaTeX3 integer
+ \refCom{g_csvsim_row_int}.
+\begin{docCommands}[doc new=2021-06-25]{
+ { doc name = thecsvcolumncount },
+ { doc name = g_csvsim_columncount_int }
+ }
+ Typesets the number of columns of the current CSV file. This number
+ is either computed from the first valid line (header or data) or
+ given by \refKey{/csvsim/column count}.
+ Despite of the name, there is no associated \LaTeX\ counter |csvcolumncount|,
+ but \refCom{thecsvcolumncount} is an accessor the \LaTeX3 integer
+ \refCom{g_csvsim_columncount_int}.
+The last file consists of \thecsvcolumncount{} columns and
+\thecsvrow{} accepted data lines. The total number of lines
+ist \thecsvinputline{}.
+ { doc name = thecsvinputline , doc updated = 2021-06-25 },
+ { doc name = g_csvsim_inputline_int, doc new = 2021-06-25 }
+ }
+ Typesets the current file line number. This is the
+ current number of all data lines including the header line and all
+ lines filtered out.
+ Despite of the name, there is no associated \LaTeX\ counter |csvinputline|,
+ but \refCom{thecsvinputline} is an accessor the \LaTeX3 integer
+ \refCom{g_csvsim_inputline_int}.
+ no head,
+ filter test = \ifnumequal{\thecsvinputline}{3}
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ The line with number \thecsvinputline\ contains: \csvline
+ }
+\section{Option Keys}\label{sec:schluessel}%
+For the \meta{options} in \refCom{csvreader} respectively \refCom{csvloop}
+the following |l3keys| keys can be applied. The \meta{module} name |/csvsim/| is not
+to be used inside these macros.
+\subsection{Command Definition}%--------%[[
+\begin{docCsvKey}{before reading}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed before the CSV file is opened.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{after head}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after the header line is read.
+ \refCom{thecsvcolumncount} and header entries are available.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{before filter}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after reading and consistency checking
+ of a data line. They are executed before any filter condition is checked,
+ see e.g. \refKey{/csvsim/filter ifthen}.
+ Also see \refKey{/csvsim/full filter}.
+ All line entries are available.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{late after head}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after reading and disassembling
+ of the first accepted data line.
+ These operations are executed before further processing of this line.
+ \meta{code} should not refer to any data content, but may be something
+ like |\\|.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{late after line}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after reading and disassembling
+ of the next accepted data line (after \refKey{/csvsim/before filter}).
+ These operations are executed before further processing of this line.
+ \meta{code} should not refer to any data content, but may be something
+ like |\\|.
+ \refKey{/csvsim/late after line} overwrites
+ \refKey{/csvsim/late after first line} and
+ \refKey{/csvsim/late after last line}.
+ Note that table options like \refKey{/csvsim/tabular} set this key to |\\|
+ automatically.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{late after first line}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after reading and disassembling
+ of the second accepted data line instead of \refKey{/csvsim/late after line}.
+ \meta{code} should not refer to any data content.
+ This key has to be set after \refKey{/csvsim/late after line}.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{late after last line}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after processing of the last
+ accepted data line instead of \refKey{/csvsim/late after line}.
+ \meta{code} should not refer to any data content.
+ This key has to be set after \refKey{/csvsim/late after line}.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{before line}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after \refKey{/csvsim/late after line}
+ and before \refKey{/csvsim/command}.
+ All line entries are available.
+ \refKey{/csvsim/before line} overwrites
+ \refKey{/csvsim/before first line}.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{before first line}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed instead of \refKey{/csvsim/before line}
+ for the first accepted data line.
+ All line entries are available.
+ This key has to be set after \refKey{/csvsim/before line}.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{command}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially \cs{csvline}}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed for every accepted data line.
+ It is executed between \refKey{/csvsim/before line} and \refKey{/csvsim/after line}.
+ \refKey{/csvsim/command} describes the main processing of the line
+ entries. \refCom{csvreader} sets \refKey{/csvsim/command} as mandatory
+ parameter.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{after line}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed for every accepted data line
+ after \refKey{/csvsim/command}.
+ All line entries are still available.
+ \refKey{/csvsim/after line} overwrites \refKey{/csvsim/after first line}.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{after first line}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed instead of \refKey{/csvsim/after line}
+ for the first accepted data line.
+ All line entries are still available.
+ This key has to be set after \refKey{/csvsim/after line}.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{after reading}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after the CSV file is closed.
+The following example illustrates the sequence of command execution.
+Note that \refKey{/csvsim/command} is set by the mandatory last
+parameter of \refCom{csvreader}.
+ before reading = \meta{before reading}\\,
+ after head = \meta{after head},
+ before filter = \\\meta{before filter},
+ late after head = \meta{late after head},
+ late after line = \meta{late after line},
+ late after first line = \meta{late after first line},
+ late after last line = \\\meta{late after last line},
+ before line = \meta{before line},
+ before first line = \meta{before first line},
+ after line = \meta{after line},
+ after first line = \meta{after first line},
+ after reading = \\\meta{after reading}
+ ]{grade.csv}{name=\name}{\textbf{\name}}%
+Additional command definition keys are provided for the supported tables,
+see Section~\ref{subsec:tabsupport} from page~\pageref{subsec:tabsupport}.
+\subsection{Header Processing and Column Name Assignment}%
+\begin{docCsvKey}{head}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ If this key is set, the first line of the CSV file is treated as a header
+ line which can be used for column name assignments.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{no head}{}{no value}
+ Abbreviation for |head=false|, i.\,e. the first line of the CSV file is
+ treated as data line.
+ Note that this option cannot be used in combination with
+ the |\csvauto...| commands like \refCom{csvautotabular}, etc.
+ Instead, there are \emph{star} variants like \refCom{csvautotabular*} to
+ process files without header line.
+ See Section~\ref{noheader} on page~\pageref{noheader} for examples.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{column names}{=\marg{assignments}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Adds some new \meta{assignments} of macros to columns in key value syntax.
+ Existing assignments are kept.\par
+ The \meta{assignments} are given as comma separated list of key value pairs
+ \mbox{\meta{name}|=|\meta{macro}}. Here, \meta{name} is an entry from the
+ header line \emph{or} the arabic number of the addressed column.
+ \meta{macro} is some \TeX\ macro which gets the content of the addressed column.
+ column names = {name=\surname, givenname=\firstname, grade=\grade}
+\begin{docCsvKey}{column names reset}{}{no value}
+ Clears all assignments of macros to columns.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{head to column names}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, the entries of the header line are used automatically
+ as macro names for the columns. This option can be used only, if
+ the header entries do not contain spaces and special characters to be
+ used as feasible \LaTeX\ macro names.
+ Note that the macro definition is \emph{global} and may therefore override
+ existing macros for the rest of the document. Adding
+ \refKey{/csvsim/head to column names prefix} may help to avoid unwanted
+ overrides.
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2019-07-16]{head to column names prefix}{=\meta{text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The given \meta{text} is prefixed to the name of all macros generated by
+ \refKey{/csvsim/head to column names}. For example, if you use the settings
+ head to column names,
+ head to column names prefix=MY,
+ a header entry |section| will generate the corresponding macro
+ |\MYsection| instead of destroying the standard \LaTeX\ |\section| macro.
+\subsection{Consistency Check}\label{sec:consistency}%
+\begin{docCsvKey}{check column count}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ This key defines, wether the number of entries in a data line is checked against
+ an expected value or not.\\
+ If |true|, every non consistent line is ignored without announcement.\\
+ If |false|, every line is accepted and may produce an error during
+ further processing.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{no check column count}{}{no value}
+ Abbreviation for |check column count=false|.
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc updated=2021-06-24]{column count}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ Sets the \meta{number} of feasible entries per data line.
+ If \refKey{/csvsim/column count} is set to |0|, the number of entries of
+ the first non-empty line determines the column count (automatic detection).
+ This setting is only useful in connection with \refKey{/csvsim/no head},
+ since \meta{number} would be replaced by the number of entries in the
+ header line otherwise.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{on column count error}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ \meta{code} to be executed for unfeasible data lines.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{warn on column count error}{}{style, no value}
+ Display of a warning for unfeasible data lines.
+Applying a \emph{filter} means that data lines are only processed / displayed,
+if they fulfill a given \emph{condition}.
+The following string compare filters \refKey{/csvsim/filter strcmp} and
+\refKey{/csvsim/filter equal} are identical by logic, but differ in implementation.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{filter strcmp}{=\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}}{style, no default}
+ Only lines where \meta{stringA} and \meta{stringB} are equal after expansion
+ are accepted.
+ The implementation is done with \refCom{ifcsvstrcmp}.
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ filter strcmp = {\gender}{f}, %>> list only female persons <<
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCsvKey}{filter not strcmp}{=\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}}{style, no default}
+ Only lines where \meta{stringA} and \meta{stringB} are not equal after expansion
+ are accepted.
+ The implementation is done with \refCom{ifcsvnotstrcmp}.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{filter equal}{=\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}}{style, no default}
+ Only lines where \meta{stringA} and \meta{stringB} are equal after expansion
+ are accepted.
+ The implementation is done with the |ifthen| package (loading required!).
+\begin{docCsvKey}{filter not equal}{=\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}}{style, no default}
+ Only lines where \meta{stringA} and \meta{stringB} are not equal after expansion
+ are accepted.
+ The implementation is done with the |ifthen| package (loading required!).
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2021-06-25]{filter fp}{=\meta{floating point expression}}{no default}
+ Only data lines which fulfill a \LaTeX3 \meta{floating point expression}
+ (|l3fp|, |xfp|) are accepted.
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ %>> list only matriculation numbers greater than 20000
+ % and grade less than 4.0 <<
+ filter fp = { \matriculation > 20000 && \grade < 4.0 },
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2021-06-25]{filter bool}{=\meta{boolean expression}}{no default}
+ Only data lines which fulfill a \LaTeX3 \meta{boolean expression} are accepted.
+ Note that such an \meta{boolean expression} needs expl3 code.
+ To preprocess the data line before testing the \meta{condition},
+ the option key \refKey{/csvsim/before filter} can be used.
+% For convenience, we save the filter
+%>> list only matriculation numbers greater than 20000, list only men <<
+ {
+ filter~bool =
+ {
+ \int_compare_p:n { \matriculation > 20000 } &&
+ \str_compare_p:eNe { \gender } = { m }
+ }
+ }
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ myfilter
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2021-06-25]{csvfilterbool}{\marg{key}\marg{boolean expression}}
+ Defines a new |l3keys| meta key which applies \refKey{/csvsim/filter bool}
+ with the given \meta{boolean expression}.
+% For convenience, we save the filter
+%>> list only matriculation numbers greater than 20000, list only men <<
+ {
+ \int_compare_p:n { \matriculation > 20000 } &&
+ \str_compare_p:eNe { \gender } = { m }
+ }
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ myfilter
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2016-07-01]{filter test}{=\meta{condition}}{no default}
+ Only data lines which fulfill a logical \meta{condition} are accepted.
+ For the \meta{condition}, every single test normally employed like
+\iftest{some testing}{true}{false}
+ can be used as
+filter test=\iftest{some testing},
+ For |\iftest|, tests from the |etoolbox| package like
+ |\ifnumcomp|, |\ifdimgreater|, etc. and from \Fullref{sec:stringtests} can be used.
+ Also, arbitrary own macros fulfilling this signature can be applied.
+% \usepackage{etoolbox,booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ %>> list only matriculation numbers greater than 20000 <<
+ filter test = \ifnumgreater{\matriculation}{20000},
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2016-07-01]{filter expr}{=\meta{boolean expression}}{no default}
+ Only data lines which fulfill a \meta{boolean expression} are accepted.
+ Every \meta{boolean expression}
+ from the |etoolbox| package is feasible (package loading required!).
+ To preprocess the data line before testing the \meta{condition},
+ the option key \refKey{/csvsim/before filter} can be used.
+% \usepackage{etoolbox,booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ %>> list only matriculation numbers greater than 20000
+ % and grade less than 4.0 <<
+ filter expr = { test{\ifnumgreater{\matriculation}{20000}}
+ and test{\ifdimless{\grade pt}{4.0pt}} },
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2016-07-01]{filter ifthen}{=\meta{boolean expression}}{no default}
+ Only data lines which fulfill a \meta{boolean expression} are accepted.
+ For the \meta{boolean expression}, every term from the |ifthen| package
+ is feasible (package loading required!).
+ To preprocess the data line before testing the \meta{condition},
+ the option key \refKey{/csvsim/before filter} can be used.
+% \usepackage{ifthen,booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ %>> list only female persons <<
+ filter ifthen=\equal{\gender}{f},
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCsvKey}{no filter}{}{no value, initially set}
+ Clears a set filter.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{filter accept all}{}{no value, initially set}
+ Alias for |no filter|. All consistent data lines are accepted.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{filter reject all}{}{no value}
+ All data line are ignored.
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2016-07-01]{full filter}{=\meta{code}}{no default}
+ Technically, this key is an alias for \refKey{/csvsim/before filter}.
+ Philosophically, \refKey{/csvsim/before filter} computes something before
+ a filter condition is set, but \refKey{/csvsim/full filter} should implement
+ the full filtering. Especially, \refCom{csvfilteraccept} or
+ \refCom{csvfilterreject} \emph{should} be set inside the \meta{code}.
+% \usepackage{etoolbox,booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ %>> list only matriculation numbers greater than 20000
+ % and grade less than 4.0 <<
+ full filter = \ifnumgreater{\matriculation}{20000}
+ {\ifdimless{\grade pt}{4.0pt}{\csvfilteraccept}{\csvfilterreject}}
+ {\csvfilterreject},
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\subsection{Line Range}\label{subsec:linerange}
+Applying a \emph{line range} means to select certain line numbers to be
+displayed. These line numbers are not necessarily line numbers of
+the input file, see \refCom{thecsvinputline}, but line numbers of
+type \refCom{thecsvrow}.
+For example, if a \emph{filter} was applied, see \Fullref{subsec:filtering},
+and 42 lines are accepted, a \emph{range} could select the first 20 of them or
+line 10 to 30 of the accepted lines.
+\begin{docCsvKey}[][doc new=2021-06-29]{range}{=\brackets{\meta{range1},\meta{range2},\meta{range3},... }}{no default, initially empty}
+ Defines a comma separated list of line ranges. If a line number \refCom{thecsvrow}
+ satisfies one or more of the given \meta{range1}, \meta{range2}, \ldots,
+ the corresponding line is processed and displayed.
+ If \refKey{/csvsim/range} is set to empty, all lines are accepted.
+ Every \meta{range} can
+ corresponds to one of the following variants:
+ \begin{tabbing}
+ \hspace*{2cm}\=\kill
+ \texttt{\meta{a}-\meta{b}} \> meaning line numbers \meta{a} to \meta{b}.\\
+ \texttt{\meta{a}-} \> meaning line numbers \meta{a} to |\c_max_int|=2 147 483 647.\\
+ \texttt{-\meta{b}} \> meaning line numbers 1 to \meta{b}.\\
+ \texttt{-} \> meaning line numbers 1 to 2 147 483 647 (inefficient; don't use).\\
+ \texttt{\meta{a}} \> meaning line numbers \meta{a} to \meta{a} (i.e. only \meta{a}).\\
+ \texttt{\meta{a}+\meta{d}} \> meaning line numbers \meta{a} to \meta{a}$+$\meta{d}$-1$.\\
+ \texttt{\meta{a}+} \> meaning line numbers \meta{a} to \meta{a} (i.e. only \meta{a}).\\
+ \texttt{+\meta{d}} \> meaning line numbers 1 to \meta{d}.\\
+ \texttt{+} \> meaning line numbers 1 to 1 (i.e. only 1; weird).\\
+ \end{tabbing}
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ range = 2-3,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ range = 3-,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ range = 2+2,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ range = {2,4},
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+To select the last $n$ lines, you have to know or count the line numbers first.
+The following example displays the last three line numbers:
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+\csvreader{grade.csv}{}{}% count line numbers
+ head to column names,
+ range = {\thecsvrow-2}-,
+ tabular = llll,
+ table head = \toprule & \bfseries Name & \bfseries Matr & \bfseries Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \thecsvrow & \slshape\name, \givenname & \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\subsection{Table Support}\label{subsec:tabsupport}%--------%[[
+\begin{docCsvKey}{tabular}{=\meta{table format}}{style, no default}
+ Surrounds the CSV processing with |\begin{tabular}|\marg{table format}
+ at begin and with |\end{tabular}| at end.
+Additionally, the commands defined by the key values of
+ \refKey{/csvsim/before table}, \refKey{/csvsim/table head}, \refKey{/csvsim/table foot},
+ and \refKey{/csvsim/after table} are executed at the appropriate places.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{centered tabular}{=\meta{table format}}{style, no default}
+ Like \refKey{/csvsim/tabular} but inside an additional |center| environment.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{longtable}{=\meta{table format}}{style, no default}
+ Like \refKey{/csvsim/tabular} but for the |longtable| environment.
+ This requires the package |longtable| (not loaded automatically).
+\begin{docCsvKey}{tabbing}{}{style, no value}
+ Like \refKey{/csvsim/tabular} but for the |tabbing| environment.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{centered tabbing}{}{style, no value}
+ Like \refKey{/csvsim/tabbing} but inside an additional |center| environment.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{no table}{}{style, no value}
+ Deactivates |tabular|, |longtable|, and |tabbing|.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{before table}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed before |\begin{tabular}| or before |\begin{longtable}|
+ or before |\begin{tabbing}|, respectively.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{table head}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after |\begin{tabular}| or after |\begin{longtable}|
+ or after |\begin{tabbing}|, respectively.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{table foot}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed before |\end{tabular}| or before |\end{longtable}|
+ or before |\end{tabbing}|, respectively.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{after table}{=\meta{code}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the \meta{code} to be executed after |\end{tabular}| or after |\end{longtable}|
+ or after |\end{tabbing}|, respectively.
+The following |auto| options are the counterparts for the respective quick
+overview commands like \refCom{csvautotabular}. They are listed for
+completeness, but are unlikely to be used directly.
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{file name}},
+ doc description = no default,
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = autotabular },
+ { doc name = autotabular* },
+ }
+ Reads the whole CSV file denoted \meta{file name} with an automated formatting.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{file name}},
+ doc description = no default,
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = autolongtable },
+ { doc name = autolongtable* },
+ }
+ Reads the whole CSV file denoted \meta{file name} with an automated formatting
+ using the required |longtable| package.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{file name}},
+ doc description = no default,
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = autobooktabular },
+ { doc name = autobooktabular* },
+ }
+ Reads the whole CSV file denoted \meta{file name} with an automated formatting
+ using the required |booktabs| package.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{file name}},
+ doc description = no default,
+ ]
+ {
+ { doc name = autobooklongtable },
+ { doc name = autobooklongtable* },
+ }
+ Reads the whole CSV file denoted \meta{file name} with an automated formatting
+ using the required |booktabs| and |longtable| packages.
+ The star variant treats the first line as data line and not as header line.
+\subsection{Special Characters}\label{subsec:specchar}
+Be default, the CSV content is treated like normal \LaTeX\ text, see
+Subsection~\ref{macrocodexample} on page~\pageref{macrocodexample}.
+But, \TeX\ special characters of the CSV content may also be interpreted
+as normal characters (|\catcode| 12, other), if one or more of the following options are used.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect tab}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ tabulator sign
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect percent}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ percent sign \verbbox{\%}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect sharp}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ sharp sign \verbbox{\#}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect dollar}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ dollar sign \verbbox{\$}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect and}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ and sign \verbbox{\&}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect backslash}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ backslash sign \verbbox{\textbackslash}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect underscore}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ underscore sign \verbbox{\_}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect tilde}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ tilde sign \verbbox{\textasciitilde}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect circumflex}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ circumflex sign \verbbox{\textasciicircum}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect leftbrace}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ left brace sign \verbbox{\textbraceleft}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect rightbrace}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this key is set, every
+ right brace sign \verbbox{\textbraceright}
+ inside the CSV content is a normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect all}{}{style, no value, initially unset}
+ Set all special characters from above to normal characters. This means
+ a quite verbatim interpretation of the CSV content.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{respect none}{}{style, no value, initially set}
+ Do not change any special character from above to normal character.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{separator}{=\meta{sign}}{no default, initially |comma|}
+ \catcode `|=12
+ Sets the \meta{sign} which is treates as separator between the data values
+ of a data line. Feasible values are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{comma}: This is the initial value with '\texttt{,}' as separator.
+ \medskip
+ \item\docValue{semicolon}: Sets the separator to '\texttt{;}'.
+% \usepackage{tcolorbox} for tcbverbatimwrite
+ name;givenname;matriculation;gender;grade
+ Maier;Hans;12345;m;1.0
+ Huber;Anna;23456;f;2.3
+ Weißbäck;Werner;34567;m;5.0
+\item\docValue{pipe}: Sets the separator to '\texttt{|}'.
+% \usepackage{tcolorbox} for tcbverbatimwrite
+ name|givenname|matriculation|gender|grade
+ Maier|Hans|12345|m|1.0
+ Huber|Anna|23456|f|2.3
+ Weißbäck|Werner|34567|m|5.0
+\item\docValue{tab}: Sets the separator to the tabulator sign.
+ Automatically, \refKey{/csvsim/respect tab} is set also.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docCsvKey}{every csv}{}{style, initially empty}
+ A meta key (style) definition which is used for every following CSV file.
+ This definition can be overwritten with user code.
+% Sets a warning message for unfeasible data lines.
+\csvstyle{every csv}{warn on column count error}
+ A style definition which is used for every following CSV file which
+ resets all settings to default values\footnote{\texttt{default} is used
+ because of the global nature of most settings.}.
+ This key should not be used or changed by the user if there is not a
+ really good reason (and you know what you do).
+\begin{docCsvKey}{file}{=\meta{file name}}{no default, initially |unknown.csv|}
+ Sets the \meta{file name} of the CSV file to be processed.
+ \refCom{csvreader} sets this option by a mandatory parameter.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{preprocessed file}{=\meta{file name}}{no default, initially \texttt{\textbackslash\detokenize{jobname_sorted.csv}}}
+ Sets the \meta{file name} of the CSV file which is the output of a
+ preprocessor.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{preprocessor}{=\meta{macro}}{no default}
+ Defines a preprocessor for the given CSV file.
+ The \meta{macro} has to have two mandatory arguments. The first argument
+ is the original CSV file which is set by \refKey{/csvsim/file}.
+ The second argument is the preprocessed CSV file
+ which is set by \refKey{/csvsim/preprocessed file}.\par\smallskip
+ Typically, the \meta{macro} may call an external program which preprocesses
+ the original CSV file (e.\,g. sorting the file) and creates the
+ preprocessed CSV file. The later file is used by \refCom{csvreader}
+ or \refCom{csvloop}.
+ % call to an external program to sort file #1 with resulting file #2
+ preprocessed file = \jobname_sorted.csv,
+ preprocessor = \mySortTool,
+ ]{some.csv}{}{%
+ % do something
+See Subsection~\ref{sec:Sorting} on page~\pageref{sec:Sorting} for a
+concrete sorting preprocessing implemented with an external tool.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{no preprocessing}{}{style, no value, initially set}
+ Clears any preprocessing, i.\,e. preprocessing is switched of.
+\TeX/\LaTeX\ was not born under a sorting planet. |csvsimple-l3| provides no
+sorting of data lines by \LaTeX-methods since sorting can be done much faster
+and much better by external tools.
+First, one should consider the appropriate \emph{place} for sorting:
+\item CSV files may be sorted by a tool \emph{before} the \LaTeX\ document is processed
+ at all. If the CSV data is not likely to change, this is the most efficient method.
+\item CSV files may be sorted by a tool every time before the \LaTeX\ document is compiled.
+ This could be automated by a shell script or some processing tool like |arara|.
+\item CSV files may be sorted on-the-fly by a tool during compilation of
+ a \LaTeX\ document. This is the most elegant but not the most efficient way.
+The first two methods are decoupled from anything concerning |csvsimple-l3|.
+For the third method, the \refKey{/csvsim/preprocessor} option is made for.
+This allows to access an external tool for sorting.
+\emph{Which tool} is your choice.
+\csvsorter\ was written as a companion tool for |csvsimple|.
+It is an open source Java command-line tool for sorting CSV files, available at\\
+\url{}\quad or\quad
+It can be
+used for all three sorting approaches described above.
+There is special support for on-the-fly sorting with \csvsorter\ using the
+following options.
+\item To use the sorting options, you have to install \csvsorter\ before!
+\item You have to give permission to call external tools during
+ compilation, i.\,e.\ the command-line options for |latex| have to include
+ |-shell-escape|.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{csvsorter command}{=\meta{system command}}{no default, initially |csvsorter|}
+ The \meta{system command} specifies the system call for \csvsorter\ (without the options).
+ If \csvsorter\ was completely installed following its documentation, there is
+ nothing to change here. If the |csvsorter.jar| file is inside the same
+ directory as the \LaTeX\ source file, you may configure:% preferrably inside the preamble:
+\csvset{csvsorter command=java -jar csvsorter.jar}
+\begin{docCsvKey}{csvsorter configpath}{=\meta{path}}{no default, initially |.|}
+ Sorting with \csvsorter\ is done using XML configuration files. If these files
+ are not stored inside the same directory as the \LaTeX\ source file, a
+ \meta{path} to access them can be configured:
+\csvset{csvsorter configpath=xmlfiles}
+ Here, the configuration files would be stored in a subdirectory named |xmlfiles|.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{csvsorter log}{=\meta{file name}}{no default, initially |csvsorter.log|}
+ Sets the log file of \csvsorter\ to the given \meta{file name}.
+\csvset{csvsorter log=outdir/csvsorter.log}
+ Here, the log file is written to a subdirectory named |outdir|.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{csvsorter token}{=\meta{file name}}{no default, initially |\textbackslash jobname.csvtoken|}
+ Sets \meta{file name} as token file. This is an auxiliary file which
+ communicates the success of \csvsorter\ to |csvsimple|.
+\csvset{csvsorter log=outdir/\jobname.csvtoken}
+ Here, the token file is written to a subdirectory named |outdir|.
+\begin{docCsvKey}{sort by}{=\meta{file name}}{style, initially unset}
+ The \meta{file name} denotes an XML configuration file for \csvsorter.
+ Setting this option inside \refCom{csvreader} or
+ \refCom{csvloop} will issue a system call to \csvsorter.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \csvsorter\ uses the given CSV file as input file.
+ \item \csvsorter\ uses \meta{file name} as configuration file.
+ \item The output CSV file is denoted by \refKey{/csvsim/preprocessed file}
+ which is by default \texttt{\textbackslash\detokenize{jobname_sorted.csv}}.
+ This output file is this actual file processed by \refCom{csvreader} or \refCom{csvloop}.
+ \item \csvsorter\ also generates a log file denoted by \refKey{/csvsim/csvsorter log} which is by default |csvsorter.log|.
+ \end{itemize}
+\par\medskip\textbf{First example:}
+ To sort our example |grade.csv| file according to |name| and |givenname|, we
+ use the following XML configuration file. Since \csvsorter\ uses double quotes
+ as default brackets for column values, we remove bracket recognition to avoid
+ a clash with the escaped umlauts of the example CSV file.\par\smallskip
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ sort by = namesort.xml,
+ tabular = >{\color{red}}lllll,
+ table head = \toprule Name & Given Name & Matriculation & Gender & Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \csvlinetotablerow
+ }
+\clearpage\textbf{Second example:}
+ To sort our example |grade.csv| file according to |grade|, we
+ use the following XML configuration file. Further, persons with the same |grade|
+ are sorted by |name| and |givenname|. Since \csvsorter\ uses double quotes
+ as default brackets for column values, we remove bracket recognition to avoid
+ a clash with the escaped umlauts of the example CSV file.\par\smallskip
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ sort by = gradesort.xml,
+ tabular = llll>{\color{red}}l,
+ table head = \toprule Name & Given Name & Matriculation & Gender & Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \csvlinetotablerow
+ }
+\clearpage\textbf{Third example:}
+ To generate a matriculation/grade list, we sort our example |grade.csv| file
+ using the following XML configuration file.
+ Again, since \csvsorter\ uses double quotes
+ as default brackets for column values, we remove bracket recognition to avoid
+ a clash with the escaped umlauts of the example CSV file.\par\smallskip
+% \usepackage{booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ sort by = matriculationsort.xml,
+ tabular = >{\color{red}}ll,
+ table head = \toprule Matriculation & Grade\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule
+ ]{grade.csv}{}{%
+ \matriculation & \grade
+ }
+\begin{docCsvKey}{new sorting rule}{=\marg{name}\marg{file name}}{style, initially unset}
+This is a convenience option to generate a new shortcut for often used
+\refKey{/csvsim/sort by} applications. It also adds a more semantic touch.
+The new shortcut option is
+\tcbox[on line,size=small,colback=white,colframe=red]{|sort by| \meta{name}} which expands to
+\tcbox[on line,size=small,colback=white,colframe=red]{|sort by=|\marg{file name}}.\par\medskip
+Consider the following example:
+\csvautotabular[sort by=namesort.xml]{grade.csv}
+A good place for setting up a new sorting rule would be inside the preamble:
+\csvset{new sorting rule={name}{namesort.xml}}
+\csvset{new sorting rule={name}{namesort.xml}}
+Now, we can use the new rule:
+\csvautotabular[sort by name]{grade.csv}
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2021-06-28]{csvsortingrule}{\marg{name}\marg{file name}}
+ Identical in function to \refKey{/csvsim/new sorting rule}, see above.
+A good place for setting up a new sorting rule would be inside the preamble:
+Now, we can use the new rule:
+\csvautotabular[sort by name]{grade.csv}
+\section{String and Number Tests}\label{sec:stringtests}%
+The following string tests are complementing the string tests
+from packages like |etoolbox|. They all do the same, i.e.,
+comparing expanded strings for equality. To some extent, they are
+provided for backward compatibility.
+\item\refCom{ifcsvstrcmp} may be the most efficient method, because it uses
+ the native compiler string comparison (if available).
+\item\refCom{ifcsvstrequal} does not rely on a compiler. It also is the
+ fallback implementation for \refCom{ifcsvstrcmp}, if there is no
+ native comparison method.
+\item\refCom{ifcsvprostrequal} is possibly more failsafe than the other two
+ string tests. It may be used, if strings contain dirty things like |\textbf{A}|.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new and updated={2016-07-01}{2021-06-28}]{ifcsvstrcmp}{\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}\marg{true}\marg{false}}
+ Compares two strings and executes \meta{true} if they are equal, and \meta{false} otherwise.
+ The comparison is done using |\str_compare:eNeTF|.
+ \refCom{ifcsvstrcmp} is expandable.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new and updated={2016-07-01}{2021-06-28}]{ifcsvnotstrcmp}{\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}\marg{true}\marg{false}}
+ Compares two strings and executes \meta{true} if they are \emph{not} equal, and \meta{false} otherwise.
+ The implementation uses \refCom{ifcsvstrcmp}.
+ \refCom{ifcsvstrcmp} is expandable.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new and updated={2016-07-01}{2021-06-28}]{ifcsvstrequal}{\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}\marg{true}\marg{false}}
+ Compares two strings and executes \meta{true} if they are equal, and \meta{false} otherwise.
+ The strings are expanded
+ and the comparison is done using |\tl_if_eq:NNTF|.
+ \refCom{ifcsvstrequal} is not expandable.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new and updated={2016-07-01}{2021-06-28}]{ifcsvprostrequal}{\marg{stringA}\marg{stringB}\marg{true}\marg{false}}
+ Compares two strings and executes \meta{true} if they are equal, and \meta{false} otherwise.
+ The strings are expanded with |\protected@edef|
+ in the test, i.e. parts of the
+ strings which are protected stay unexpanded.
+ The comparison is done using |\tl_if_eq:NNTF|.
+ \refCom{ifcsvprostrequal} is not expandable.
+The following number tests are wrappers for corresponding \LaTeX3 conditionals.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new={2021-06-28}]{ifcsvfpcmp}{\marg{floating point expression}\marg{true}\marg{false}}
+ Evaluates the given \meta{floating point expression}
+ and executes \meta{true} or \meta{false} appropriately.
+ The evaluation is done using |\fp_compare:nTF|.
+ \refCom{ifcsvfpcmp} is expandable.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new={2021-06-28}]{ifcsvintcmp}{\marg{integer expression}\marg{true}\marg{false}}
+ Evaluates the given \meta{integer expression}
+ and executes \meta{true} or \meta{false} appropriately.
+ The evaluation is done using |\int_compare:nTF|.
+ \refCom{ifcsvintcmp} is expandable.
+\subsection{A Serial Letter}%
+In this example, a serial letter is to be written to all persons with
+addresses from the following CSV file. Deliberately, the file content is
+not given in very pretty format.
+%-- file embedded for simplicity --
+Maier,Hans,m,,Am Bachweg 17,10010,Hopfingen,20
+ % next line with a comma in curly braces
+Huber,Erna,f,Dr.,{Moosstraße 32, Hinterschlag},10020,Örtingstetten,30
+Weißbäck,Werner,m,Prof. Dr.,Brauallee 10,10030,Klingenbach,40
+ % this line is ignored %
+ Siebener , Franz,m, , Blaumeisenweg 12 , 10040 , Pardauz , 50
+ % preceding and trailing spaces in entries are removed %
+Schmitt,Anton,m,,{\AE{}lfred-Esplanade, T\ae{}g 37}, 10050,\OE{}resung,60
+%-- end embedded file --
+Firstly, we survey the file content quickly using
+As can be seen, unfeasible lines are ignored automatically.
+Now, we create the serial letter where every feasible data line produces
+an own page. Here, we simulate the page by a |tcolorbox| (from the package
+For the gender specific salutations, an auxiliary macro |\ifmale| is
+% this example requires the tcolorbox package
+\csvreader[head to column names]{address.csv}{}{%
+ equal height group=letter,before=,after=\hfill,fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ adjusted title={Letter to \name}]
+ \ifcsvstrcmp{\degree}{}{\ifmale{Mr.}{Ms.}}{\degree}~\givenname~\name\\
+ \street\\\zip~\location
+ \tcblower
+ {\itshape Dear \ifmale{Sir}{Madam},}\\
+ we are pleased to announce you a bonus value of \bonus\%{}
+ which will be delivered to \location\ soon.\\\ldots
+\subsection{A Graphical Presentation}%
+For this example, we use some artificial statistical data given by a CSV file.
+%-- file embedded for simplicity --
+%-- end embedded file --
+Firstly, we survey the file content using
+% needs the booktabs package
+The amount values are presented in the following diagram by bars where
+the group classification is given using different colors.
+% This example requires the package tikz
+\begin{tikzpicture}[Group/A/.style={left color=red!10,right color=red!20},
+ Group/B/.style={left color=blue!10,right color=blue!20}]
+\csvreader[head to column names]{data.csv}{}{%
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=-\thecsvrow cm]
+ \path [draw,Group/\group] (0,-0.45)
+ rectangle node[font=\bfseries] {\amount} (\amount/1000,0.45);
+ \node[left] at (0,0) {\land};
+ \end{scope} }
+It would be nice to sort the bars by length, i.\,e.\ to sort the CSV file
+by the |amount| column. If the \csvsorter\ program is properly installed,
+see Subsection~\ref{sec:Sorting} on page~\pageref{sec:Sorting},
+this can be done with the following configuration file for \csvsorter:
+Now, we just have to add an option |sort by=amountsort.xml|:
+% This example requires the package tikz
+% Also, the CSV-Sorter tool has to be installed
+\begin{tikzpicture}[Group/A/.style={left color=red!10,right color=red!20},
+ Group/B/.style={left color=blue!10,right color=blue!20}]
+\csvreader[head to column names,sort by=amountsort.xml]{data.csv}{}{%
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=-\thecsvrow cm]
+ \path [draw,Group/\group] (0,-0.45)
+ rectangle node[font=\bfseries] {\amount} (\amount/1000,0.45);
+ \node[left] at (0,0) {\land};
+ \end{scope} }
+Next, we create a pie chart by calling |\csvreader| twice.
+In the first step, the total sum of amounts is computed, and in the second
+step the slices are drawn.
+% Modified example from for pie charts
+% This example needs the packages tikz, xcolor, calc
+% a pie slice
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\midangle}{0.5*#1+0.5*#2}
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip (0,0) -- (#1:1) arc (#1:#2:1) -- cycle;
+ \colorlet{SliceColor}{myseries!!+}%
+ \fill[inner color=SliceColor!30,outer color=SliceColor!60] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \end{scope}
+ \draw[thick] (0,0) -- (#1:1) arc (#1:#2:1) -- cycle;
+ \node[label=\midangle:#4] at (\midangle:1) {};
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\temp}{min((#2-#1-10)/110*(-0.3),0)}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\innerpos}{max(\temp,-0.5) + 0.8}
+ \node at (\midangle:\innerpos) {#3};
+% sum of amounts
+\csvreader[before reading=\def\mysum{0}]{data.csv}{amount=\amount}{%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\mysum}{\mysum+\amount}%
+% drawing of the pie chart
+\csvreader[head to column names]{data.csv}{}{%
+ \let\mya\myb
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\myb}{\myb+\amount}
+ \slice{\mya/\mysum*360}{\myb/\mysum*360}{\amount}{\land}
+Finally, the filter option is demonstrated by separating the groups A and B.
+Every item is piled upon the appropriate stack.
+ \def\mya{0}\def\myb{0}
+ \node[below=3mm] at (2.5,0) {\bfseries Group #1};
+ \csvreader[head to column names,filter equal={\group}{#1}]{data.csv}{}{%
+ \let\mya\myb
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\myb}{\myb+\amount}
+ \path[draw,top color=#2!25,bottom color=#2!50]
+ (0,\mya/1000) rectangle node{\land\ (\amount)} (5,\myb/1000);
+ \fill[gray!75] (-1,0) rectangle (13,-0.1);
+ \drawGroup{A}{red}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=7cm]
+ \drawGroup{B}{blue}
+ \end{scope}
+\subsection{Macro code inside the data}\label{macrocodexample}%
+If needed, the data file may contain macro code.
+%-- file embedded for simplicity --
+M,A nice \textbf{formula}, $\displaystyle \int\frac{1}{x} = \ln|x|+c$
+G,A \textcolor{red}{colored} ball, {\tikz \shadedraw [shading=ball] (0,0) circle (.5cm);}
+M,\textbf{Another} formula, $\displaystyle \lim\limits_{n\to\infty} \frac{1}{n}=0$
+%-- end embedded file --
+Firstly, we survey the file content using
+\csvstyle{my enumerate}{head to column names,
+ before reading=\begin{enumerate},after reading=\end{enumerate}}
+\csvreader[my enumerate]{macrodata.csv}{}{%
+ \item \description:\par\content}
+Now, formulas only:
+\csvreader[my enumerate,filter strcmp={\type}{M}]{macrodata.csv}{}{%
+ \item \description:\qquad\content}
+\subsection{Tables with Number Formatting}\label{numberformatting}%
+We consider a file with numerical data which should be pretty-printed.
+%-- file embedded for simplicity --
+month, dogs, cats
+January, 12.50,12.3e5
+February, 3.32, 8.7e3
+March, 43, 3.1e6
+April, 0.33, 21.2e4
+May, 5.12, 3.45e6
+June, 6.44, 6.66e6
+July, 123.2,7.3e7
+August, 12.3, 5.3e4
+September,2.3, 4.4e4
+October, 6.5, 6.5e6
+November, 0.55, 5.5e5
+December, 2.2, 3.3e3
+The |siunitx| package provides a huge amount of formatting options for
+numbers. A good and robust way to apply formatting by |siunitx| inside
+tables generated by |csvsimple-l3| is the |\tablenum| macro from
+% \usepackage{siunitx,array,booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ before reading = \begin{center}\sisetup{table-number-alignment=center},
+ tabular = cc,
+ table head = \toprule \textbf{Cats} & \textbf{Dogs} \\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ after reading = \end{center}
+ ]{data_numbers.csv}{}{%
+ \tablenum[table-format=2.2e1]{\cats} & \tablenum{\dogs}
+ }
+It is also possible to create on-the-fly tables using calcations of
+the given data. The following example shows cat values bisected and
+dog values doubled.
+% \usepackage{siunitx,array,booktabs,xfp}
+ head to column names,
+ before reading = \begin{center}\sisetup{table-number-alignment=center},
+ tabular = cccc,
+ table head = \toprule \textbf{Cats} & \textbf{Dogs}
+ & \textbf{Halfcats} & \textbf{Doubledogs} \\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ after reading = \end{center}
+ ]{data_numbers.csv}{}{%
+ \tablenum[table-format=2.2e1]{\cats} & \tablenum{\dogs}
+ & \tablenum[exponent-mode=scientific, round-precision=3,
+ round-mode=places, table-format=1.3e1]{\fpeval{\cats/2}}
+ & \tablenum{\fpeval{\dogs*2}}
+ }
+The |siunitx| package also provides a new column type |S|
+which can align material using a number of different strategies.
+Special care is needed, if the \emph{first} or the \emph{last} column is to be formatted with
+the column type |S|. The number detection of |siunitx| is disturbed by
+the line reading code of |csvsimple-l3| which actually is present at the
+first and last column. To avoid this problem, the utilization of
+|\tablenum| is appropriate, see above.
+Alternatively, a very nifty workaround suggested by Enrico Gregorio is to
+add an invisible dummy column with |c@{}| as first column
+and |@{}c| as last column:
+% \usepackage{siunitx,array,booktabs}
+ head to column names,
+ before reading = \begin{center}\sisetup{table-number-alignment=center},
+ tabular = {c@{}S[table-format=2.2e1]S@{}c},
+ table head = \toprule & \textbf{Cats} & \textbf{Dogs} & \\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ after reading = \end{center}
+ ]{data_numbers.csv}{}{%
+ & \cats & \dogs &
+ }
+Now, the preceding table shall be sorted by the \emph{cats} values.
+If the \csvsorter\ program is properly installed,
+see Subsection~\ref{sec:Sorting} on page~\pageref{sec:Sorting},
+this can be done with the following configuration file for \csvsorter:
+Now, we just have to add an option |sort by=catsort.xml|:
+% \usepackage{siunitx,array,booktabs}
+% Also, the CSV-Sorter tool has to be installed
+ head to column names,
+ sort by = catsort.xml,
+ before reading = \begin{center}\sisetup{table-number-alignment=center},
+ tabular = lcc,
+ table head = \toprule \textbf{Month} & \textbf{Dogs} & \textbf{Cats} \\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule,
+ after reading = \end{center}
+ ]{data_numbers.csv}{}{%
+ \month & \tablenum{\dogs} & \tablenum[table-format=2.2e1]{\cats}
+ }
+\subsection{CSV data without header line}\label{noheader}%
+CSV files with a header line are more semantic than files without header,
+but it's no problem to work with headless files.
+For this example, we use again some artificial statistical data given by a CSV file
+but this time without header.
+%-- file embedded for simplicity --
+%-- end embedded file --
+Note that you cannot use the \refKey{/csvsim/no head} option for the auto tabular
+If no options are given, the first line is interpreted as header line
+which gives an unpleasant result:
+To get the expected result, the \emph{star} versions of the auto tabular
+commands can be used.
+This example can be extended to insert a table head for this headless data:
+ table head=\toprule\bfseries Land & \bfseries Group
+ & \bfseries Amount\\\midrule
+ ]{data_headless.csv}
+For the normal \refCom{csvreader} command, the \refKey{/csvsim/no head} option
+should be applied. Of course, we cannot use \refKey{/csvsim/head to column names}
+because there is no head, but the columns can be addressed by their numbers:
+ no head,
+ tabular = lr,
+ table head = \toprule\bfseries Land & \bfseries Amount\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule]
+ {data_headless.csv}
+ { 1=\land, 3=\amount }
+ {\land & \amount}
+\subsection{Imported CSV data}\label{sec:importeddata}%
+If data is imported from other applications, there is not always a choice
+to format in comma separated values with curly brackets.
+Consider the following example data file:
+%-- file embedded for simplicity --
+"Frank Smith";"Yellow Road 123, Brimblsby";""
+"Mary May";"Blue Alley 2a, London";""
+"Hans Meier";"Hauptstraße 32, Berlin";""
+%-- end embedded file --
+If the \csvsorter\ program is properly installed,
+see Subsection~\ref{sec:Sorting} on page~\pageref{sec:Sorting},
+this can be transformed on-the-fly
+with the following configuration file for \csvsorter:
+Now, we just have to add an option |sort by=transform.xml| to transform
+the input data. Here, we actually do not sort.
+% \usepackage{booktabs,array}
+% Also, the CSV-Sorter tool has to be installed
+\newcommand{\Header}[1]{\normalfont\bfseries #1}
+ sort by = transform.xml,
+ tabular = >{\itshape}ll>{\ttfamily}l,
+ table head = \toprule\Header{Name} & \Header{Address} & \Header{email}\\\midrule,
+ table foot = \bottomrule
+ ]
+ {imported.csv}{}
+ {\csvlinetotablerow}
+The file which is generated on-the-fly and which is actually read by
+|csvsimple-l3| is the following:
+\tcbinputlisting{docexample,listing style=tcbdocumentation,fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ listing only,listing file=\jobname_sorted._csv}
+If the CSV file has a different encoding than the \LaTeX\ source file,
+then special care is needed.
+\item The most obvious treatment is to change the encoding of the CSV file
+ or the \LaTeX\ source file to match the other one (every good editor
+ supports such a conversion). This is the easiest choice, if there a no
+ good reasons against such a step. E.g., unfortunately, several tools
+ under Windows need the CSV file to be |cp1252| encoded while
+ the \LaTeX\ source file may need to be |utf8| encoded.
+\item The |inputenc| package allows to switch the encoding inside the
+ document, say from |utf8| to |cp1252|. Just be aware that you should only
+ use pure ASCII for additional texts inside the switched region.
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% ....
+% ....
+% ....
+\inputencoding{latin1}% only use ASCII from here, e.g. "Uberschrift
+ ]{data_cp1252.csv}{%...
+ }{% ....
+ }
+% ....
+\item As a variant to the last method, the encoding switch can be done
+ using options from |csvsimple-l3|:
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% ....
+% ....
+% ....
+% only use ASCII from here, e.g. "Uberschrift
+ before reading=\inputencoding{latin1},
+ after reading=\inputencoding{utf8},
+ ]{data_cp1252.csv}{%...
+ }{% ....
+ }
+% ....
+If the \csvsorter\ program is properly installed,
+see Subsection~\ref{sec:Sorting} on page~\pageref{sec:Sorting},
+the CSV file can be re-encoded on-the-fly
+with the following configuration file for \csvsorter:
+% !TeX encoding=UTF-8
+% ....
+% ....
+% ....
+ sort by=encoding.xml,
+ ]{data_cp1252.csv}{%...
+ }{% ....
+ }
+% ....