path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/source/makefakefdsymbol
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/source/makefakefdsymbol')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/source/makefakefdsymbol b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/source/makefakefdsymbol
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..6f5f6579762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/source/makefakefdsymbol
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+# Convert fdsymbol.sty to a faked version that does not require
+# the definition of any additional math alphabets
+# By Scott Pakin <>
+use POSIX;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+# Define a subroutine to construct text and display delimiters.
+sub output_delimiter ($$$$$$$)
+ my ($name, $smclass, $small, $top, $mid, $bot, $rep) = @_;
+ if ($smclass eq "fake") {
+ printf '\DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMt%s}{{\usefont{U}{FdSymbolF}{m}{n}\raisebox{0pt}{\CLSLfaketdelim{%d}{%d}{%d}}}}%s', $name, $top, $mid, $bot, "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ printf '\DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMt%s}{{\usefont{U}{FdSymbol%s}{m}{n}\char%d}}%s', $name, $smclass, $small, "\n";
+ }
+ printf '\DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMd%s}{{\usefont{U}{FdSymbolF}{m}{n}\raisebox{20pt}{\CLSLfakeddelim{%d}{%d}{%d}{%d}}}}%s', $name, $top, $mid, $bot, $rep, "\n";
+# Define a subroutine to construct an extensible accent.
+sub output_accent ($$$$$)
+ my ($name, $smraise, $smchar, $lgraise, $lgchar) = @_;
+ printf '\DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYM%s}[1]{\CLSLfakewidetopaccent{#1}{%dpt}{%d}{%dpt}{%d}{{U}{FdSymbolE}{m}{n}}}%s', $name, $smraise, $smchar, $lgraise, $lgchar, "\n";
+# Output some header boilerplate.
+print "\%" x 43, "\n";
+print "\% This is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT. \%\n";
+print "\%" x 43, "\n";
+print "\n";
+# Read and process fdsymbol.sty.
+my $seen_symfont = 0; # 1=we've seen a \DeclareSymbolFont; 1=we haven't
+my $slot = 0; # Current character slot
+my $lastsym; # Name of last symbol declared
+my $ignored_conditional = 0; # 1=on false branch of conditional; 0=true branch or not in conditional
+while (my $oneline = <>) {
+ chomp $oneline;
+ # Output some package header information.
+ if ($oneline =~ /NeedsTeXFormat/o) {
+ print $oneline, "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /ProvidesPackage/o) {
+ $oneline =~ s/fdsymbol/fakefdsymbol/;
+ $oneline =~ s/FdSymbol/faked FdSymbol/;
+ print $oneline, "\n\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # Handle conditionals.
+ if ($oneline =~ /^\\fi\s*$/) {
+ $ignored_conditional = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /^\\else\s*$/) {
+ $ignored_conditional = 1 - $ignored_conditional;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /^\\iffdsy\@sfop/o) {
+ $ignored_conditional = 1; # Ignore sans-serif operators.
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /^\\iffdsy\@largedelims/o) {
+ $ignored_conditional = 1; # Don't use large delimiters.
+ next;
+ }
+ next if $ignored_conditional;
+ # Declare fonts.
+ if ($oneline =~ /DeclareFontFamily\{U\}\{(FdSymbol\w+)\}\{\}/o) {
+ print $oneline, "\n";
+ print "\\DeclareFontShape{U}{$1}{m}{n}{<-> $1-Book}{}\n";
+ print "\\DeclareFontShape{U}{$1}{b}{n}{<-> $1-Medium}{}\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /DeclareSymbolFont\{(.*?)s\}\{U\}(\{FdSymbol\w+\}\{m\}\{n\})/o) {
+ if (!$seen_symfont) {
+ print "\n";
+ $seen_symfont = 1;
+ }
+ print "\\newcommand*{\\FDSYM$1char}[1]{{\\usefont{U}$2\\char#1}}\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # Define all basic symbol characters.
+ if ($oneline =~ /\\fdsy\@setslot\{(\d+)\}/o) {
+ $slot = $1;
+ print "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /\\fdsy\@DeclareSymbol\{\\([A-Za-z\@]+)\}\{(\w+)s\}/o) {
+ $lastsym = $1;
+ print "\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\FDSYM$lastsym}{\\FDSYM$2char{$slot}}\n";
+ $slot++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /\\fdsy\@DeclareAlias\{\\([A-Za-z\@]+)\}\{\w+s\}/o) {
+ print "\\let\\FDSYM$1=\\FDSYM$lastsym\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($oneline =~ /\\let\\([A-Za-z\@]+)=?\\([A-Za-z\@]+)/o && $2 ne "undefined") {
+ print "\\let\\FDSYM$1=\\FDSYM$2\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # Define most delimiters.
+ if ($oneline =~ /\\fdsy\@Declare(?:Open|Close|Delimiter)\{\\([A-Za-z\@]+)\}.*\{delimiters\}\{\"(.*?)\}/o) {
+ my $sym = $1;
+ my $smallchar = hex($2);
+ my $bigchar = $smallchar + 5;
+ # Include a special case for vertical-line delimiters.
+ if ($sym =~ /^[rl]?(V?v?)ert$/) {
+ my $segchar = $1 eq "Vv" ? $smallchar + 2 : $smallchar - 1;
+ output_delimiter $sym, "F", $smallchar, $segchar, $segchar, $segchar, $segchar;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Include a special case for left and right groups.
+ if ($sym =~ /^[rl]group$/) {
+ output_delimiter $sym, "fake", -1, $smallchar, 132, $smallchar+2, 132;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Ignore moustaches for now (handled below).
+ next if $sym =~ /^[lr]moustache$/;
+ # Handle all of the normal delimiters.
+ print "\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\FDSYMt$sym}{{\\usefont{U}{FdSymbolF}{m}{n}\\char$smallchar}}\n";
+ print "\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\FDSYMd$sym}{{\\usefont{U}{FdSymbolF}{m}{n}\\char$bigchar}}\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # Define various math symbols.
+ if ($oneline =~ /\\DeclareMathSymbol\{\\([A-Za-z\@]+)\}.*\{(\w+)s\}\{\"(\w+)\}/o) {
+ my $sym = $1;
+ my $cat = $2;
+ my $char = hex $3;
+ print "\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\FDSYM$sym}{\\FDSYM${cat}char{$char}}\n";
+ }
+ # Define all of our accents.
+ if ($oneline =~ /\\DeclareMathAccent\{\\([A-Za-z\@]+)\}.*\{\"(\w+)\}/o) {
+ my $sym = $1;
+ my $smallacc = hex($2);
+ my $bigacc = $smallacc;
+ $bigacc += 2 if substr($sym, 0, 4) eq "wide";
+ output_accent $sym, 0, $smallacc, 2, $bigacc;
+ }
+# Output a few special-case delimiters.
+output_delimiter "uparrow", "C", 1, 198, 200, 200, 200;
+output_delimiter "downarrow", "C", 3, 200, 200, 199, 200;
+output_delimiter "Uparrow", "C", 9, 201, 203, 203, 203;
+output_delimiter "Downarrow", "C", 11, 203, 203, 202, 203;
+output_delimiter "updownarrow", "C", 17, 198, 200, 199, 200;
+output_delimiter "Updownarrow", "C", 21, 201, 203, 202, 203;
+output_delimiter "lmoustache", "fake", -1, 126, 132, 129, 132;
+output_delimiter "rmoustache", "fake", -1, 127, 132, 128, 132;
+# Output various other symbol definitions.
+ \def\FDSYMlinesegmentfill@{\arrowfill@{\text{\FDSYMleftfootline}}\FDSYMrelbar{\text{\FDSYMrightfootline}}}
+ \def\FDSYMleftharpoonfill@{\arrowfill@{\text{\FDSYMleftharpoondown}}\FDSYMrelbar\FDSYMrelbar}
+ \def\FDSYMrightharpoonfill@{\arrowfill@\FDSYMrelbar\FDSYMrelbar{\text{\FDSYMrightharpoonup}}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMoverlinesegment}{\mathpalette{\overarrow@\FDSYMlinesegmentfill@}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMoverleftharpoon}{\mathpalette{\overarrow@\FDSYMleftharpoonfill@}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMoverrightharpoon}{\mathpalette{\overarrow@\FDSYMrightharpoonfill@}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMunderlinesegment}{\mathpalette{\underarrow@\FDSYMlinesegmentfill@}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMovergroup}{\mathpalette{\overarrow@\FDSYMdowngroupfill@}}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMundergroup}{\mathpalette{\underarrow@\FDSYMupgroupfill@}}
+ \def\FDSYMbracefill@#1#2#3#4#5{%
+ $\m@th#5\hbox{#1}\leaders\hbox{#4}\hfill\hbox{#2}\leaders\hbox{#4}\hfill\hbox{#3}$%
+ }
+ \def\FDSYMdownbracefill@{\FDSYMbracefill@\FDSYMbraceld\FDSYMbracemd\FDSYMbracerd\FDSYMbracemid}
+ \def\FDSYMupbracefill@{\FDSYMbracefill@\FDSYMbracelu\FDSYMbracemu\FDSYMbraceru\FDSYMbracemid}
+ \def\FDSYMdowngroupfill@{\FDSYMbracefill@\FDSYMbraceld{}\FDSYMbracerd\FDSYMbracemid}
+ \def\FDSYMupgroupfill@{\FDSYMbracefill@\FDSYMbracelu{}\FDSYMbraceru\FDSYMbracemid}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMoverbrace}[1]{%
+ \mathop{\mathpalette{\overarrow@\FDSYMdownbracefill@}{#1}}\limits
+ }
+ \DeclareRobustCommand{\FDSYMunderbrace}[1]{%
+ \mathop{\mathpalette{\underarrow@\FDSYMupbracefill@}{#1}}\limits%
+ }
+ ;
+# Write some trailer boilerplate.
+print "\n";
+print "\\endinput\n";