path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/cite/cite.ltx
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+% cite.ltx Manual for cite.sty
+% Copyright (c) 1989-2010 by Donald Arseneau
+% Version date (Sep 2010)
+\title{The cite package:\\ well formed numeric citations}
+\author{Donald Arseneau\\}
+ The cite package modifies \LaTeX's normal citation mechanism for
+improved handling of numeric citations. It provides compressed, sorted
+lists of numerical or partly-numerical citations, as regular text or
+superscripts. Generally, no changes to the usage of \cs{cite} commands
+is required.
+\noindent The cite package is Copyright \copyright\ 1989--2010 by
+Donald Arseneau (Vancouver, Canada).\\
+The package (cite.sty) and this documentation (cite.ltx,cite.pdf) may be
+freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified for any purpose provided that the
+copyright notice is left intact.
+(Small excerpts may of course be taken and used without any restriction.)
+\section*{Normal Use}
+Insert "\usepackage{cite}" in the document's preamble for improved handling
+of numeric citations, behaving as follows:
+\snugger\paragraph*{Spacing} Put a comma and a small space between
+ each citation number. The option [nospace] removes that space, and
+ the option [space] replaces it with an ordinary inter-word space.
+\snugger\paragraph*{Compress groups} Compress lists of three or more
+ consecutive numbers to one number range which can be split, with
+ difficulty, after the dash. All numbers should be greater than zero.
+ E.g., if you used to get the (nonsense) list
+ [7,5,6,?,4,9,8,Einstein,6], then this style will give [?,Einstein,4--6,6--9].
+ Compression of ranges is disabled by the [nocompress] package option.
+\snugger\paragraph*{Sorting} Sort citations into ascending order
+ (this is the default, but may also be declared with the package
+ option [sort]). The [nosort] package option turns off sorting.
+ Sortable citations must fit one of these forms:
+ \begin{enumerate}\itemsep=-\parsep
+ \item \meta{number}
+ \item \meta{optional-char}\meta{number}\meta{optional-char}
+ \item \meta{number}\meta{separator-char}\meta{number}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ Forms 1 and 2 are really the same, and they mix well, but form 3 is
+ different, so it can't be mixed with the other forms (not that you
+ would want to).
+ Non-sortable forms (those not listed) are printed before
+ all sortable forms. Here \meta{number} means a positive integer (natural
+ number) less than some limit (different for each form), \meta{optional-char}
+ is a single printable character (or nothing), and \meta{separator-char}
+ is also a single printable character.
+\snugger\paragraph*{Prefix/suffix letters} Sort citations with prefix
+ and/or suffix characters (form~2) such that
+ different prefixes are grouped separately, and suffixes form sub-lists
+ for the same number. Compression knows about suffixes, so you can get
+ lists like [18a--18c,19] or [A2,Q1,Q3--Q5].
+\snugger\paragraph*{Numbers alone} The command "\citen" is provided to give
+ just the citation numbers without the brackets or superscript
+ and other formatting. Aliases are "\citenum" and "\citeonline" for easy
+ conversion to other citation packages.
+\snugger\paragraph*{Breaks} Allow, but discourage, line breaks within
+ the group of citations (after dashes, and after punctuation).
+ Penalties are "\citepunctpenalty" and "\citemidpenalty".
+\snugger\paragraph*{Breaks and spaces before} Allow but strongly discourage
+ line-breaks before the entire citation, provided it is a regular text
+ cite (not superscript) and no different penalty was specified there
+ (thus, "~\cite{X}" will not permit a line break). Also, adjust the
+ spacing: if there is no space or if there is extra space due to some
+ punctuation, then change to one inter-word space; e.g.,
+ "A space will be inserted here\cite{Larry,Curly,Moe}".
+\snugger\paragraph*{Prohibiting breaks} All breaks can be forbidden
+ with the [nobreak] package option. Allowance of any type of line break can
+ be adjusted independently by setting the parameters "\citeprepenalty",
+ "\citemidpenalty", and "\citepunctpenalty" (see Customization below).
+\snugger\paragraph*{Superscript} With package option [superscript]
+ (or [super] for short), display citation numbers as superscripts.
+ But if the citation has an optional note, it is printed on-line
+ with brackets. Superscripted citations follow these additional rules:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \setlength\itemsep{0pt}
+\item Superscript citations use \emph{the same input format} as ordinary
+ citations to produce different output. Blank space before the |\cite|
+ command is discarded, and trailing punctuation is moved to come before
+ the superscript citation. For example, `"information \cite{source};"'
+ ignores the space before "\cite" and puts the semicolon before the number
+ to give `information;$^{12}$\,', just as if you typed `"information;$^{12}$"'.
+ You may disable movement with the [nomove] package option.
+\item The punctuation characters that will migrate before the superscript are
+ listed in the macro "\CiteMoveChars", which you can redefine (using
+ "\renewcommand"). The default set of characters is ".,;:"; Perhaps
+ "!"~and~"?" should be included too, but
+ they weren't listed in the APS style manual I looked at, and I agree with
+ that design choice because they put too much visual separation between the
+ cite and what it applies to. Feel free to redefine "\CiteMoveChars". Quotes
+ were listed as coming before the cite notation, but they should be typed
+ before the "\cite" command in any case because both on-line and superscript
+ cites come after what is quoted (when citing a quotation). This gives one
+ difficulty~-- punctuation following quotes won't migrate inside the
+ quotation: e.g., "``Transition State Theory''\cite{Eyring}." gives out
+ ``Transition State Theory''.$^8$, but you may want the period inside the
+ quotes, thus: ``Transition State Theory.''$^8$.
+\item Doubling of periods (.., ?., !.) is checked for and suppressed.
+ The spacing after the citation is set according to the final punctuation
+ mark moved. There is a problem with double periods after a capitalized
+ abbreviation or directly after "\@" : Both of `"N.S.A. \cite{space}."' and
+ `"et al.\@ \cite{many}."' will give doubled periods. Type `"\ "' (backslash
+ space) after abbreviations like `et al.' ("et al.\ \cite{many}.")
+ to get the right spacing within a sentence whether or not a citation follows,
+ and prevent double periods with the superscript cite. You could use "\@" to
+ fix the N.S.A. example ("N.S.A\@. \cite{space}.") but that gives the wrong
+ spacing when there is no citation, so it should be inserted only where a
+ cite follows.
+\item Remember, these rules regarding punctuation only apply when the [super]
+ or [superscript] option was given (or overcite.sty used) and the [nomove]
+ option was \emph{not} given.
+There are several options for "\usepackage{cite}", some already mentioned.
+ [superscript]& use superscripts for cites without optional notes\\\relax
+ [super] & alias for [superscript] (like natbib)\\\relax
+ [ref] & uses the format "[Ref.~12, given note]" (useful with
+ the superscript option)\\\relax
+ [nospace] & eliminates the spaces after commas in the number list\\\relax
+ [space] & uses a full inter-word space after the commas\\\relax
+ [nobreak] & eliminate all line-breaks\\\relax
+ [nosort] & prevents sorting of the numbers (default is to sort, and the\dots\\\relax
+ [sort] & option is provided for completeness).\\\relax
+ [nomove] & prevents moving the superscript cite after punctuation\\\relax
+ [move] & is the default\\\relax
+ [noadjust] & disables `smart' handling of space before a cite\\\relax
+ [adjust] & is the default\\\relax
+ [nocompress] & inhibit compression of consecutive numbers into ranges\\\relax
+ [compress] & is the default\\\relax
+ [biblabel] & define the bibliography label as a superscript
+If your citations are not numeric, and not of any near-numeric sortable form,
+then you should probably not use cite.sty; but if you must, then at least
+use the [nosort,nocompress] options.
+There are several commands that you may redefine to change the
+formatting of citation lists:
+command & function & default\\
+\cs{citeform} & reformats each number & nothing\\
+\cs{citepunct} & printed between numbers & comma, penalty, thin space\\
+\cs{citeleft} & left delimiter of list & [\\
+\cs{citeright} & right delimeter of list & ]\\
+\cs{citemid} & printed before note & comma, penalty, space\\
+\cs{citedash} & used in compressed range & endash, penalty\\
+\cs{CiteMoveChars} & characters that move & \texttt{.,:;}\\
+\cs{OverciteFont} & font sel. for superscripts & \relax"\fontsize{\sf@size}"\dots\\
+The left/mid/right commands don't affect the formatting of superscript
+citations. You may use "\renewcommand" to change any of these. Remember,
+these commands are extensions made by this package; they are not regular
+LaTeX. Some examples of changes:
+"\renewcommand\citeform[1]{\romannumeral 0#1}}" $\to$ roman i,vi\\
+"\renewcommand\citeform[1]{(#1)}" $\to$ parentheses (1)--(5),(9)\\
+"\renewcommand\citeform{\thechapter.}" $\to$ by chapter: \textsuperscript{2.18--2.21}\\
+"\renewcommand\citepunct{,}" $\to$ no space and no breaks at commas\\
+"\renewcommand\citemid{; }" $\to$ semicolon before optional note\\
+"\renewcommand\citeleft{(}" $\to$ parentheses around whole\\
+"\renewcommand\citeright{)}" $\to$ parentheses around whole list\\
+The appearance of the whole citation list is governed by "\@cite", (for
+full-sized cites) and "\@citess" (for superscripts). For more extensive changes
+to the formatting, redefine these. For example, to get brackets around the
+list of superscript numbers you can do:\\[2pt]
+\indent "\renewcommand\@citess[1]{\textsuperscript{[#1]}}"\\[2pt]
+(after "\makeatletter").
+Related Note: The superscript option does not affect the numbering format
+of the bibliography; the "[12]" style is still the default. To get
+superscripts in the bibliography (at any time) you can define\\[2pt]
+ "\renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{\textsuperscript{#1}}"\\[2pt]
+Aw, OK, for your convenience, there is the [biblabel] package option that
+just performs this definition (sort of).
+Line breaking can be turned off using the [nobreak] option. It can be
+controlled more precisely by changing three numeric values for the
+line-break penalties:
+Command & Location & Default \\
+\cs{citeprepenalty} & before entire cite & "\@highpenalty"\\
+\cs{citemidpenalty} & used in "\citemid" & "\@medpenalty"\\
+\cs{citepunctpenalty}& used in "\citepunct" & 1000
+Use "\mathchardef" to change these penalty values! E.g., \\
+\indent "\mathchardef\citeprepenalty=9999"\\
+(Yes, that is obscure but I don't want to use up counters or to
+pretend they are counters.) Alternatively, the commands "\citemid",
+"\citedash", and "\citepunct" can be redefined to use different
+penalty parameters, or none at all.