path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/expSVG.m4
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1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/expSVG.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/expSVG.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..deff7bae074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/expSVG.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# expSVG.m4
+# Graduated shading is probably best done using the built-in functions
+# of PSTricks or the somewhat equivalent tikz capabilities. Other
+# postprocessors do not have the same functionality so the following
+# demonstrates how it can be done in the pic language with m4 macros.
+# `shadedpolygon(shadedpvertseq,line attributes,
+# sweep angle (degrees),colorseq)
+# arg1 is a colon (:) separated sequence of
+# positions or position names, the vertices in
+# order (cw or ccw) of the polygon. Colored
+# shade lines are drawn perpendicular to the
+# sweep angle. A colorseq is of the form
+# 0,r0,g0,b0,
+# frac1,r1,g1,b1,
+# frac2,r2,g2,b2,
+# ...
+# 1,rn,gn,bn'
+#`e.g. shadedpolygon((0,0):(0,1):(2,1):(2,0),,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0)'
+define(`shadedpolygon',`[ Origin: Here
+ shadedpverts(V,1,patsubst(patsubst(`$1',`,',|),:,`,'))
+ nverts = m4vx
+ T: (Rect_(1,`$3'))
+ p0 = 1; d[1] = T.x*V[1].x + T.y*V[1].y
+ pm = 1
+ for i=2 to nverts do { d[i] = T.x*V[i].x + T.y*V[i].y
+ if d[i] < d[p0] then { p0 = i }
+ if d[i] > d[pm] then { pm = i } }
+ d0 = d[p0]; dmx = d[pm]-d0
+ for i=1 to nverts do { d[i] = (d[i]-d0)/dmx }
+ qL = p0; pL = qL + 1; if pL > nverts then { pL = 1 }
+ qR = p0; pR = qR - 1; if pR < 1 then { pR = nverts }
+ nlines = int(1.5*dmx/lthick)
+ ShadeObject(ShadedPline,nlines,shift(shift(shift($@)))) \
+ with .Origin at Origin
+ Midpt: 0.5 between V[1] and V[nverts]
+ line `$2' \
+ from Midpt to for_(1,m4vx,1,`V[m4x] then to\') Midpt
+ Start: V[p0]; End: V[pm]
+ ]')
+ifelse($3,,,`$1[$2]: patsubst(`$3',|,`,') define(`m4vx',$2)
+define ShadedPline {
+ if $1 > d[pL] then { qL = pL; pL = qL + 1; if pL > nverts then {pL = 1} }
+ if $1 > d[pR] then { qR = pR; pR = qR - 1; if pR < 1 then {pR = nverts} }
+ M4L: ($1-d[qL])/(d[pL]-d[qL]) between V[qL] and V[pL]
+ M4R: ($1-d[qR])/(d[pR]-d[qR]) between V[qR] and V[pR]
+ line outlined rgbstring($2,$3,$4) \
+ from M4L to M4R }
+# Projected box object:
+g = 1.2
+# diagram viewing angle
+dazim = 54
+delev = 15
+# projection azimuth, elevation
+pazim = 20*dtor_
+pelev = 35*dtor_
+arad = 0.6*g
+# object displacement
+# fixed coordinate frame
+O: project(O3)
+X: project(X0)
+Y: project(Y0)
+ Fector(X0,Z0) with .Origin at O ; "svg_it(x`'svg_sub(0))" at X rjust
+ Fector(Y0,Z0) with .Origin at O ; "svg_it(y`'svg_sub(0))" at Y ljust below
+ Fector(Z0,Y0) with .Origin at O ; "svg_it(z`'svg_sub(0))" at project(Z0) above
+thinlines_ ; psset_(linecolor=gray)
+ line from O to project(rot3Dz(pazim,axlen,0,0))
+ arc -> ccw from project(arad,0,0) to project(rot3Dz(pazim,arad,0,0)) rad arad
+ "svg_theta" below
+ up_
+ arc -> cw from project(rot3Dz(pazim,arad,0,0)) \
+ to project(R01(arad,0,0)) rad arad
+ "svg_phi" rjust at project(rot3Dz(pazim,rot3Dy(-pelev/2,arad,0,0)))
+ arc -> from project(0,arad,0) to project(R01(0,arad,0)) rad arad
+ "svg_theta" above
+ right_
+ arc -> cw from project(0,0,arad/2) to project(R01(0,0,arad/2)) rad arad/2
+ "svg_phi" ljust at Here+(-1pt__,-3pt__)
+ Fector(R01(X0),R01(Z0)) with .Origin at O ;
+ "svg_it(x`'svg_sub(1))" above rjust at project(R01(X0))
+ Fector(R01(Y0),R01(Z0)) with .Origin at O ;
+ "svg_it(y`'svg_sub(1))" ljust at project(R01(Y0))
+ Fector(R01(Z0),R01(Y0)) with .Origin at O ;
+ "svg_it(z`'svg_sub(1))" above at project(R01(Z0))
+# box object dimension
+b = 0.6*g
+d = 0.4*g
+h = 0.20*g
+# box object corners
+define(`B1',`sum3D(D3,d,0,0)') PB1: project(B1)
+define(`B2',`sum3D(D3,d,b,0)') PB2: project(B2)
+define(`B3',`sum3D(D3,0,b,0)') PB3: project(B3)
+define(`B4',`sum3D(D3,0,0,h)') PB4: project(B4)
+define(`B5',`sum3D(D3,d,0,h)') PB5: project(B5)
+define(`B6',`sum3D(D3,d,b,h)') PB6: project(B6)
+define(`B7',`sum3D(D3,0,b,h)') PB7: project(B7)
+# projected corners
+ line from PB1 to P1
+ line from PB2 to P2
+ line from PB7 to P7
+ line from PB4 to P4
+# draw the object
+ ifdpic(`line invis fill_(1) from PB4 to PB7 to PB6 to PB5
+ line from PB4 to PB7; line to PB6; line to PB5 ; line to PB4
+ line invis fill_(0.5) from PB5 to PB6 to PB2 to PB1
+ line from PB5 to PB6; line to PB2; line to PB1 ; line to PB5
+ line invis fill_(0.85) from PB6 to PB7 to PB3 to PB2
+ line from PB6 to PB7; line to PB3; line to PB2 ; line to PB6',
+ `gshade(1,PB4,PB7,PB6,PB5,PB4,PB7)
+ gshade(0.5,PB5,PB6,PB2,PB1,PB5,PB6)
+ gshade(0.85,PB6,PB7,PB3,PB2,PB6,PB7)')
+ line from PB4 to PB5 to PB1 to PB2 to PB3 to PB7 to PB4
+ line from PB5 to PB6 to PB7
+ line from PB6 to PB2
+ arrow from O to PB1 chop linethick pt__; "svg_it(X)" rjust
+ line from P4 to P5 to P1 to P2 to P3 to P7 to P4
+ line from P5 to P6 to P7
+ line from P6 to P2
+ line dashed from P4 to P0 to P3
+ line dashed from P0 to P1
+ ]
+# Globe:
+ # Set small text size
+ iflatex(`textoffset = 1bp__; ifpsfrag(`textht = 9.5bp__',
+ `latexcommand({\small)') ')
+ azimuth = 15 # View angles in degrees
+ elevation = 35
+ setview(azimuth,elevation)
+ rectwid = 3.5 # Basic dimensions
+ rectht = 2.4
+ alpha = rectht/3
+# # Rectangle
+ NW: project(-rectht/2,-rectwid*0.25,0)
+ SW: project( rectht/2,-rectwid*0.25,0)
+ SE: project( rectht/2, rectwid*0.75,0)
+ NE: project(-rectht/2, rectwid*0.75,0)
+ shadedpolygon(NW:NE:SE:SW,,-90,
+ 0,0.25,0.25,0.25,
+ 1,1,1,1) with .Start at NW
+ define(`C3D',`0,0,alpha') # Centre of the sphere
+ C: project(C3D)
+# # Shaded sphere using PSTricks or tikz:
+# # this is black magic but PSTricks
+# # seems to give more control
+# ifpstricks(
+# `Highlight: \
+# project(sum3D(C3D,rot3Dz(-15*dtor_,rot3Dy(-60*dtor_,alpha,0,0))))
+# command "\pscustom[fillstyle=gradient,gradmidpoint=0.0,%"
+# command sprintf("gradbegin=gray,gradend=white,gradlines=%g,%%",alpha*200)
+# command "GradientCircle=true,GradientScale=1.5,%"
+# command sprintf("GradientPos={(%g,%g)}]{",Highlight.x,Highlight.y)
+# circle rad alpha at C
+# command "}%"',
+# `ifpgf( # A little too dark with tikz-pgf, maybe:
+# `command sprintf(\
+# "\dpicdraw[ball color=white](%g,%g) circle (%gin)\dpicstop",\
+# C.x,C.y,alpha/2.54)',
+# `circle rad alpha at C fill_(1) ')')
+ # Shaded sphere with pic shading:
+ shadedball(alpha) at C
+ S: 0,0 # The sphere bottom touch point
+ "svg_it(S)" at S+(0,-2pt__) rjust
+ "svg_alpha" at 0.5<S,C> ljust
+ define(`N3D',`0,0,2*alpha') # North pole
+ N: project(N3D)
+ "svg_it(N)" at N+(0,3pt__) ljust
+ phi = 65*dtor_
+ define(`Phat3D',`rot3Dz(phi,alpha*3,0,0)')
+ Phat: "svg_it(P)" at project(Phat3D) ljust
+ "svg_symbol(&`#'94;)" at last "".n ljust
+ X: project(rectht/2*0.8,0,0)
+ Y: project(0,rectwid/2*0.8,0)
+`define' linevis { # ratio # Visibility function for lines fom S to Tmp
+ Tlv: $1 between S and Tmp
+ $2 = distance(Tlv,C)-alpha }
+`define' invisline { # name # Draw dashed invisible part of line in
+ Tmp: $1 # the plane
+ findroot(linevis, 0, 1, 1e-8, x)
+ line dashed from S to x between S and Tmp chop 0 chop 0.05 }
+thinlines_ # axes
+ invisline(X)
+ arrow to X chop 0.05 chop 0; "svg_it(x)" below
+ invisline(Y)
+ arrow to Y chop 0.05 chop 0; "svg_it(y)" ljust
+ line dashed from S to N chop 0 chop 0.05
+ arrow up alpha*0.5 chop 0.05 chop 0 ; "svg_it(z)" above
+ invisline(Phat)
+ line to Phat chop 0.05 chop 0
+ arc ccw -> rad alpha from project(alpha/2,0,0) to \
+ project(rot3Dz(phi,alpha/2,0,0))
+ "svg_phi" below at 0.5 between last arc.start and last arc.end
+ # vector (ratio along (N to Phat))
+`define' rayvis { # ratio
+ $2 = length3D(diff3D(ray($1),C3D))-alpha }
+ findroot(rayvis, 1e-3, 1, 1e-8, p) # Find P
+ P: "svg_it(P)" at project(ray(p)) ljust above
+ line dashed from N to P chop 0 chop 0.05
+ line to Phat chop 0.05 chop 0
+`define' meridianvis { # angle # Visibility function on the meridian
+ $2 = dot3D(meridian($1),View3D) }
+thinlines_ # Draw the meridian
+ findroot(meridianvis, 0, pi_, 1e-8, y)
+ n = 0
+ for ang = y-pi_ to y by pi_/20 do {
+ Q[n]: project(sum3D(C3D,meridian(ang))); n+=1 }
+ fitcurve(Q,n-1)
+ n = 0
+ for ang = y to y+pi_ by pi_/20 do {
+ Q[n]: project(sum3D(C3D,meridian(ang))); n+=1 }
+ fitcurve(Q,n-1,dashed)
+`define' equatorvis { # angle # Visibility function on the equator
+ $2 = dot3D(View3D,equator($1)) }
+ findroot(equatorvis, 0, pi_, 1e-8, y)
+ n = 0
+ for ang = y-pi_ to y by pi_/20 do {
+ Q[n]: project(sum3D(C3D,equator(ang))); n+=1 }
+ fitcurve(Q,n-1)
+ n = 0
+ for ang = y to y+pi_ by pi_/20 do {
+ Q[n]: project(sum3D(C3D,equator(ang))); n+=1 }
+ fitcurve(Q,n-1,dashed)
+ line dashed from C to P # beta
+ line dashed from C to project(sum3D(C3D,equator(phi)))
+ arc ccw -> from 0.6 along_(last line) to 0.6 between C and P
+ "svg_beta" ljust at last arc.e+(0,2pt__)
+ iflatex(ifpsfrag(,`latexcommand(})'))
+ ] with .w at last [].e+(0.5,0)