path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/SLD.m4
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/SLD.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/SLD.m4
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index 96f04f72354..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/svg/SLD.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-# This section defines *DRAFT* SLD elements with or without attached
-# circuit breakers. Many other elements applicable to SLD drawings are
-# already in libcct.m4. The contributions and suggestions of Benjamin
-# Vilmann are acknowledged with thanks.
-# Notes for 1-terminal SLD elements:
-# Argument 1 is normally the linespec of the stem to set the element direction
-# and length. See also: PtoL defined in libgen.m4.
-# For a 0-length stem (which has undefined direction):
-# arg1 can also be U, D, L, R (for up, down, left, right),
-# or a number to set the direction in degrees, optionally followed by
-# `at position' to set the position (Here by default).
-# Zero-length stem examples: sl_box(U), sl_box(45 at Here+(1,0))
-# Argument 2 contains semicolon (;)-separated key-value attributes
-# of the element head as applicable: e.g., name=Carol; text="Stop"; lgth=expr
-# If argument 3 is blank then no breaker is drawn. A non-blank argument 3
-# is C for a default closed breaker in the stem, O for an open breaker,
-# or key-value pairs to specify breaker details.
-# The element body (head) can be named with name=. It is overlaid with
-# or contained in a [] block.
-# Notes for 2-terminal SLD elements:
-# These obey the normal Circuit_macro two-terminal conventions.
-# They can be labelled using rlabel() or llabel() as well as directly.
-# Argument 2 contains key-value pairs to customize the element body,
-# e.g., name=Name; text="text"; wdth=expr; ...
-# Nonblank arguments 3 and 4 put a breaker in the input and output respectively.
-# Notes for attached breakers:
-# Nonblank arguments 3 and 4 of the two-terminal elements and argument 3 of
-# the 1-terminal elements specify a breaker in the input, output, and stem
-# respectivlely. An O creates a default-size open breaker, and C a closed
-# breaker, otherwise the argument contains key-value pairs to specify the
-# details of the box; e.g., box=dotted 2bp__ shaded "green"
-# Notes for composite elements within a [ ] block:
-# The SLD current transformer macro sl_ct is composite.
-# Internal labels L (for inductor) and terminals Ts, Tc, and Te are defined.
-# Default size parameters. These can be redefined in a diagram.
-define(`brksiz_',`dimen_*3/16') # Default inline box breaker size
-define(`drosiz_',`dimen_/4') # Default sl_drawout (chevron) size
-# One-terminal elements ###################################################
- `sl_disk( stem linespec, keys, breaker )
- keys: name=Name;
- text="text";
- diam=expr;
- circle=circle attributes; eg diam expr'
- `default breaker name Bd'
- `sl_eleminit_(`$1')
- setkeys_(`$2',`name::N; circle::N; text::N; diam:dimen_*2/3')dnl
- ifelse(`$3',,
- `ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) circle diam m4diam \
- at last line.end + vec_(m4diam/2,0) m4circle m4text
- [ box invis wid_ m4diam ht_ m4diam ] at last circle
- line from last line.end to last line.start',
- `m4br_one(`sl_disk',`$1',`$2',m4brk_(`$3',Bd))') ')
- `sl_box( stem linespec, keys, breaker )
- keys: name=Name; lgth=expr; wdth=expr;
- text="text";
- box= box attributes; (e.g. shade "red")'
- `default breaker name Bb'
- `sl_eleminit_(`$1')
- setkeys_(`$2',`name::N; wdth:dimen_*2/3; lgth:dimen_*2/3; box::N; text::N')dnl
- ifelse(`$3',,
- `line from last line.end to last line.start
- { ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) [S:Here; lbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,m4box)] \
- with .S at last line.start }
- ifelse(m4text,,,`{m4text at last []}')',
- `m4br_one(`sl_box',`$1',`$2',m4brk_(`$3',Bb))') ')
- `sl_grid( stem linespec, keys, breaker )
- keys: name=Name; lgth=expr; wdth=expr;'
- `default breaker name Bgr'
- `sl_eleminit_(`$1')
- setkeys_(`$2',`name::N; wdth:dimen_*4/5; lgth:dimen_*2/3; box::N; text::N')dnl
- ifelse(`$3',,
- `line from last line.end to last line.start
- { ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) [S:Here
- { ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) lbox(m4lgth,m4wdth) }
- { line to rvec_(m4lgth/2, m4wdth/2)
- line to rvec_(m4lgth/2,-m4wdth/2)
- line to rvec_(-m4lgth/2,-m4wdth/2)
- line to rvec_(-m4wdth/2, m4wdth/2) }
- { line from rvec_(0,m4wdth/2) to rvec_(m4lgth,-m4wdth/2) }
- line from rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) to rvec_(m4lgth,m4wdth/2)
- ] with .S at last line.start } ',
- `m4br_one(`sl_grid',`$1',`$2',m4brk_(`$3',Bgr))') ')
- `sl_load( stem linespec, keys, breaker )
- keys: name=Name; lgth=expr; wdth=expr;
- head= arrowhead attributes;'
- `default breaker name Bl'
- `sl_eleminit_(`$1')
- setkeys_(`$2',`name::N; wdth:dimen_*0.32; lgth:dimen_*0.45; head::N')dnl
- ifelse(`$3',,
- `line from last line.end to last line.start
- { ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) [S:Here; line to rvec_(0,m4wdth/2) \
- then to rvec_(m4lgth,0) then to rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) \
- then to Here m4head ] with .S at last line.start } ',
- `m4br_one(`sl_load',`$1',`$2',m4brk_(`$3',Bl))') ')
- `sl_meterbox( stem linespec, keys, breaker )
- keys: sl_box attributes'
- `default breaker name Bm'
- `sl_eleminit_(`$1')
- setkeys_(`$2',`name::N; wdth:dimen_*2/3; lgth:dimen_*2/3; box::N; text::N')dnl
- ifelse(`$3',,
- `line from last line.end to last line.start
- {ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) [S:Here;
- { B: rotbox( m4lgth, m4wdth, m4box ) with .W at S }
- a = rp_ang*rtod_
- if (abs(a-90) < 45) || (abs(a-180) < 45) || (abs(a+180) < 45) then {
- C: rvec_(m4lgth*2/5,0)
- line from rvec_(m4lgth*4/5,m4wdth/2) to rvec_(m4lgth*4/5,-m4wdth/2) } \
- else { C: rvec_(m4lgth*3/5,0)
- line from rvec_(m4lgth/5,m4wdth/2) to rvec_(m4lgth/5,-m4wdth/2) }
- ifelse(m4text,,,`m4text at C')
- ] with .S at last line.start}',
- `m4br_one(`sl_meterbox',`$1',`$2',m4brk_(`$3',Bm))') ')
- `sl_generator( stem linespec, keys, breaker )'
- `default breaker name Bd'
- { ACsymbol(at last circle,,,R)
- m4lcd = last circle.diam
- [ box invis wid_ m4lcd ht_ m4lcd ] at last circle } ')
- `sl_syncmeter( stem linespec, keys, breaker )'
- `default breaker name Bd'
- { Syncsymb(at last circle)
- m4lcd = last circle.diam
- [ box invis wid_ m4lcd ht_ m4lcd ] at last circle } ')
- `sl_lamp( stem linespec, keys, breaker )'
- `default breaker name Bd'
- { line from last to last circle.sw
- line from last circle.nw to last
- m4lcd = last circle.diam
- [ box invis wid_ m4lcd ht_ m4lcd ] at last circle } ')
-# One-terminal utilities ##################################################
- `Syncsymb(at position, rad)
- Symbol for sync meter'
-define(`Syncsymb',`[ define(`m4ssrad',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_/4),`($2)')')dnl
- Origin: Here
- {arc <-> ht arrowht/2 wid arrowwid*2/3 \
- from Rect_(m4ssrad,30) to Rect_(m4ssrad,150) with .c at Here}
- line from (0,m4ssrad) to (0,-m4ssrad/2)
- `$3' ] with .Origin ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')')
- `m4br_one( `name', stem linespec, body keys,
- breaker keys )'
- `Draw the breaker in the stem then the element'
- `M4_S: last line.start
- setkey_(`$4',lgth,brksiz_)dnl
- line from M4_S to last line.end+vec_(-(m4lgth)*5/2,0)
- sl_breaker(to rvec_(m4lgth,0),`$4')
- $1(to rvec_((m4lgth)*3/2,0),`$3')
- move to M4_S ')
- `sl_eleminit_(linespec or (for zero length)
- U|D|L|R|number [at location])'
- `ifelse(regexp(`$1',^ *[UDLR0123456789]),-1,
- `eleminit_(`$1',dimen_)',
- `pushdef(`M4pos',`ifinstr(`$1',` at ',`patsubst(`$1',^.* at *)')')dnl
- ifelse(M4pos,,,`move to M4pos;') setdir_(patsubst(`$1',` at.*'))
- line invis from Here to Here popdef(`M4pos')')')
-# Two-terminal elements ###################################################
- `sl_transformer(linespec,keys,
- input breaker keys, output breaker keys)
- keys:
- type=I|S
- (type=I) scale=expr; (default 1.5)
- cycles=n; (default 4)
- (type=S) body=shaded "color";
- name=Body name;
- (breaker default names BrI, BrO)'
- `setkeys_(`$2',name::N; type:I:N; cycles:4:N; body::N; scale:1.5:; )dnl
- ifelse(`$3'`$4',,
- `ifinstr(m4type,S,
- `source(`$1',G,,,m4body)',
- `eleminit_(`$1'); m4atmp = rp_ang; m4slen = rp_len
- define(`m4swd',`dimen_*3/16*m4scale')dnl
- { line to rvec_((m4slen-m4swd)/2,0)
- {ifelse(m4name,,SL_box,m4name): [ linewid = linewid*m4scale
- {L1: inductor(to vec_(0,-m4cycles*dimen_/8),,m4cycles)}
- {point_(m4atmp)
- L2: inductor(from vec_(dimen_*3/16,-m4cycles*dimen_/8) \
- to vec_(dimen_*3/16,0),,m4cycles)}
- C2: last line.c; point_(m4atmp) ] with .L1.c at Here}
- line from rvec_(m4swd,0) to rvec_((m4slen+m4swd)/2,0) }
- line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0)') ',
- `m4br_two(`sl_transformer',`$1',`$2',m4brk_(`$3',BrI),m4brk_(`$4',BrO),
- ifelse(`$3',,,I)`'ifelse(`$4',,,O))') ')
- `Two-terminal box'
- `sl_ttbox(linespec,keys,breaker keys,breaker keys)
- keys= lgth=expr; wdth=expr; box=attributes;
- supp=additional rotbox commands; name=Body name;
- text="text";
- (breaker default names BrI, BrO)'
- `setkeys_(`$2',`lgth:dimen_*3/4; wdth:dimen_*3/4;
- name::N; box::N; text::N; supp::N')dnl
- ifelse(`$3'`$4',,
- `eleminit_(`$1')
- {line to rvec_((rp_len-m4lgth)/2,0)
- {ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:)rotbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,m4box,,m4supp) \
- with .W at Here }
- {ifelse(m4text,,,`{m4text at rvec_(m4lgth/2,0)}') }
- line from rvec_(m4lgth,0) to rvec_((rp_len+m4lgth)/2,0)}
- line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0) ',
- `m4br_two(`sl_ttbox',`$1',`$2',m4brk_(`$3',BrI),m4brk_(`$4',BrO),
- ifelse(`$3',,,I)`'ifelse(`$4',,,O))') ')
- `ifelse(`$1',C,,`$1',O,box=fill 0,`$1')`'ifelse(`$2',,,;name=`$2')')')
- `sl_rectifier(ttbox args)'
- `sl_ttbox(`$@')
- { line from last [] to last [].Line.sw
- AC: ACsymbol(at last [].C+(-m4lgth/6, m4wdth/4),,,R)
- DC: DCsymbol(at 2nd last [].C+( m4lgth/6,-m4wdth/4),,,R) } ')
- `sl_inverter(ttbox args)'
- `sl_ttbox(`$@')
- { line from last [] to last [].Line.sw
- DC: DCsymbol(at last [].C+(-m4lgth/6, m4wdth/4),,,R)
- AC: ACsymbol(at 2nd last [].C+( m4lgth/6,-m4wdth/4),,,R) } ')
- `sl_breaker(linespec, type=[A|C][D]; ttbox keys)
- C is for curved breaker
- D is for sl_drawout'
- `setkeys_(`$2',`lgth:brksiz_; wdth:brksiz_; name::N; type::N')dnl
- ifinstr(m4type,C,
- `ifinstr(m4type,D,
- `m4ch_two(`cbreaker',`$1')',
- `ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) cbreaker(`$1')')',
- `ifinstr(m4type,D,
- `m4ch_two(`sl_ttbox',`$1',lgth=m4lgth;wdth=m4wdth;`$2';name=Br)',
- `sl_ttbox(`$1',lgth=m4lgth;wdth=m4wdth;`$2')') ') ')
- `sl_reactor(linespec,keys,breaker keys,breaker keys)
- keys=
- diam=expr,
- (Default breaker names BrI and BrO)'
- `setkeys_(`$2',`diam:sourcerad_*4/3; type::N')dnl
- ifelse(`$3'`$4',,
- `eleminit_(`$1')
- { line to rvec_(rp_len/2,0) then to rvec_(rp_len/2,-m4diam/2); round
- arc rad m4diam/2 cw from Here to rvec_(m4diam/2,m4diam/2) \
- with .c at rvec_(0,m4diam/2); round
- line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4diam/2,0) }
- {[ box invis ht m4diam wid m4diam ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}
- line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0) ',
- `m4br_two(`sl_reactor', `$1', lgth=m4diam*2;`$2',
- m4brk_(`$3',BrI),m4brk_(`$4',BrO),ifelse(`$3',,,I)`'ifelse(`$4',,,O))')')
- `sl_busbar( linespec, nports, keys )
- Labels P1, P2 ... Pnports are defined on the line.
- keys: line=line attributes;
- port=D; (dotted ports)
- The bus extends beyond the first and last points
- by dimen_/5 which can be redefined as
- line=chop -(expr)'
- `define(`m4npoints',`ifelse(`$2',,2,`$2')')dnl
- setkeys_(`$3',`line:thick 1.6 chop -dimen_/5:N; port::N')dnl
- [ tmp_ang = rp_ang
- eleminit_(`$1',(m4npoints-1)*dimen_)
- Start: last line.start; End: last line.end
- for_(1,m4npoints,1,
- `P`'m4x: (m4x-1)/(m4npoints-1) between Start and End dnl
- ifinstr(m4port,D,` ;dot(at P`'m4x)')')
- Line: line from Start to End m4line
- Start: last line.start; End: last line.end
- point_(tmp_ang) ] ')
- `sl_drawout(linespec, keys, R)
- Drawout (i.e. plugin) chevron element;
- keys: type=T; (truncated leads)
- lgth=expr; (body size)
- wdth=expr;
- name=Name; (body name)
- line= line attributes (e.g. thick 2)
- arg3=R reverse direction'
- `setkeys_(`$2',`lgth:drosiz_; wdth:drosiz_; type::N; name::N; line::N')dnl
- eleminit_(`$1',ifelse(m4type,T,m4lgth))
- ifelse(`$3',R,`{M4ds: Here; move to last line.end; rp_ang = rp_ang+pi_')
- {line to rvec_(rp_len/2,0)
- ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) [
- S: Here; {line from rvec_(-m4lgth/2,m4wdth/2) to Here then
- to rvec_(-m4lgth/2,-m4wdth/2) m4line }
- E: rvec_(m4lgth/2,0); line from rvec_(0,m4wdth/2) to E then
- to rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) m4line ] with .S at Here
- ifelse(m4type,T,,
- line from last [].E to last [].E+vec_((rp_len-m4lgth)/2,0))}
- ifelse(`$3',R,`rp_ang = rp_ang-pi_; move to M4ds}')
- line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0) ')
-# Two-terminal utilities ##################################################
- `Breakers in the input and output lines:'
- `m4br_two(`2-term element macroname in quotes',
- linespec, body keys,
- input breaker keys,
- output breaker keys,
- I|O|IO)'
- `(Default breaker names are BrI and BrO)'
- `define(`m4il',`ifinstr(`$6',I,`setkey_(`$4',lgth,brksiz_) m4lgth',0)')dnl
- define(`m4ol',`ifinstr(`$6',O,`setkey_(`$5',lgth,brksiz_) m4lgth',0)')dnl
- define(`m4bl',`setkey_(`$3',lgth,dimen_*4/3) m4lgth')dnl
- eleminit_(`$2',dimen_*3)
- M4start: Here; M4end: last line.end
- M4cc: last line.c+vec_(((m4il*3/2)-(m4ol*3/2)),0)
- M4ii: M4cc+vec_(-min((m4bl/2+m4il/2),distance(M4start,M4cc)-m4il),0)
- line from M4start to ifinstr(`$6',I,
- `M4ii+vec_(-m4il,0); sl_breaker(to M4ii,`$4';name=BrI)',M4ii)
- M4oi: M4cc+vec_(min((m4bl/2+m4ol/2),distance(M4end,M4cc)-m4ol),0)
- $1(from M4ii to M4oi,`$3')
- ifinstr(`$6',O,`sl_breaker(to M4oi+vec_(m4ol,0),`$5';name=BrO)')
- line to M4end
- line invis from M4start to M4end ')
- `Chevrons in the input and output lines:'
- `m4ch_two(`2-term element macroname in quotes',
- linespec, body keys,
- input breaker keys,
- output breaker keys,
- I|O|IO)'
- `define(`m4bl',`setkey_(`$3',lgth,dimen_*3/8) m4lgth')dnl
- eleminit_(`$2',dimen_*3)
- M4start: Here; M4end: last line.end
- M4elem: $1(to rvec_(m4bl+2*drosiz_,0) with .c at last line.c,`$3')
- sl_drawout(from last line.start-vec_(drosiz_,0) to last line.start,type=T,R)
- line from last line.start to M4start
- sl_drawout(from M4elem.end to M4elem.end+vec_(drosiz_,0),type=T)
- line to M4end
- line invis from M4start to M4end')
-# Composite elements ###################################################
- `sl_ct( at position, stem length, U|D|L|R|expr,
- scale=expr) (default scale is 1.5)'
- `[ setdir_(`$3'); setkey_(`$4',scale,1.5); linewid = linewid*m4scale
- L: inductor(to vec_(2*dimen_/8,0),,2)
- stemlen = ifelse(`$2',,dimen_/5,`$2')
- line from L.start to L.start+vec_(0,-stemlen)
- Ts: Here
- line from L.end to L.end+vec_(0,-stemlen)
- Te: Here
- line from L.c to L.c+vec_(0,-stemlen)
- Tc: Here
- resetdir_ ] with .L.c at ifelse(`$1',,Here,patsubst(`$1',^ *at *)) ')
-# #######################################################################